KIZUNA PROJECT VANUATU - University of the South Pacific · - DVC (ARC), Dr. Williams - USP Kizuna Project Coordinator, ... One big room was used for multipurpose by having partition

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Page 1: KIZUNA PROJECT VANUATU - University of the South Pacific · - DVC (ARC), Dr. Williams - USP Kizuna Project Coordinator, ... One big room was used for multipurpose by having partition


Page 2: KIZUNA PROJECT VANUATU - University of the South Pacific · - DVC (ARC), Dr. Williams - USP Kizuna Project Coordinator, ... One big room was used for multipurpose by having partition


The KIZUNA project was only possible through the funding available by the Government of

Japan. I would like to thank the following organization and people for contributing to the success

of the Project:

- The Government of Japan

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

- The Japan Embassy in Fiji


- The Staff of JOCA

- The USP Kizuna Project Team

- The Coordinator of the Vanuatu team, Mr. Teppei Nonaka

- JOCA, English Translators,

- USP Emalus Campus

- DVC (ARC), Dr. Williams

- USP Kizuna Project Coordinator, Ms. Sera &

- The Vanuatu Students.

Page 3: KIZUNA PROJECT VANUATU - University of the South Pacific · - DVC (ARC), Dr. Williams - USP Kizuna Project Coordinator, ... One big room was used for multipurpose by having partition


The University of the South Pacific (USP) proudly partnered with the Government of Japan, for

the Kizuna (Bonds of Friendship) Project which involves a fully funded two-week study tours

to Japan for high school and university students from 14 Pacific Island Countries

Further, On May 26, 2012, the Pacific Leaders at the Sixth Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting

(PALM6) adopted the Okinawa “Kizuna” Declaration, which refers to the announcement by the

Government of Japan on the “Kizuna Project”.

This Project is to build closer relations amongst the youth of Pacific Island Countries and Japan

and to foster an ongoing interest in one another by providing first-hand experiences. The Project

also promotes the understanding about the recovery efforts after the earthquake and tsunami that

occurred on March 11, 2011, and current situations in Japan.

The Vanuatu group was the 6th

group to visit Japan on for the two weeks study tour. The youth

exchange project, KIZUNA has been excellent learning opportunity for the students of the

Pacific to visit Japan, visit the disaster areas and learn more about the natural disasters and

prevention. It provided us an opportunity to witness the reconstruction progress.

I accompanied the 22 students from Vanuatu to Japan as the Supervisor. This was an excellent

learning opportunity for the Vanuatu group. Though the funding and Kizuna initiative the

students were able to learn more about the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

The following pages provide details of the study tour.

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Day 1: Travel to Japan. We boarded a plane to Seoul, Korea from Nadi Airport in Fiji. This took

12 hours. All the students were excited prepared for the trip to Japan.

Day 2:

Orientation by JOCA :

The orientation provided by JOCA had set the right track for the visit. The update from Professor

of the Meji University on the statistics on the disaster was also helpful.

Students were advised of the purpose of the trip:

1. Witness the reconstruction of the Great East Japan earthquake

2. Tell people of Vanuatu and friends, families and other people across the world the Japan

is recovering well and the reconstruction is progressing well.

3. The Great East Japan earthquake occurred in the northern part of Japan which was a

tourist attraction and due to negative reporting by Media tourism has been affected, thus

the KIZUNA project aims to clear this misunderstanding.

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4. Many people may not have the same level of assurance of Japanese electronic products

due to nuclear power station in Fukoshima hence this will reassure countries that Japan

electronic products are as good as it was before the great East Japan earthquake.

Basically what we gathered was that we will witness the situation and progress made 1& ½ years

after the earthquake, share this experience with everyone in our country and strength bond

between Vanuatu & Japan.

Workshop by JOCA

Students were informed about the organization – JOCA which was founded in 1983. The

JOCA staff shared their experience on how they have helped the victims, such as:

- Retrieving photos and repaired them, digitalized and gave it back to people. The

search of photos was made more easier as JOCA staff created database for people to

look at their photos.

- Another staff shared experience that they made video from messages they received

from around the world, where they had worked as volunteers and shared with people

affected by the disaster.

Students were then divided into small group for workshop awareness of the disaster – how they

knew about the disaster and what was their reaction.

We attended a lecture by Professor from Meiji University on the Great East Japan earthquake

and Tsunami Disaster. The students have now learnt the following:

1. The damage caused was YEN 17 Trillion, excluding Fukoshima Nuclear power station

2. 65% affected were over the age of 60.

3. Earthquake was not the main course of death, Tsunami caused 92.4% of the fatality

In Japan building needs to have Taishin structure as required by Japanese law, this actually

prevents house from being damaged severely by earthquake.

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Students attending orientation.

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Visit to EDO Tokyo Museum:

EDO Tokyo museum was established in 1983 and is significant to the history of Japan.

There the students learnt about the 1923 Great Tokyo earthquake, the revolving stage, model of

the Bridge, and other portrays.

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DAY 3:

Visit to Tsuru University

We watched a DVD on the Tsuru university and toured the Campus premises. The Tsuru

University was founded in 1953. IT has exchange program with foreign universities. Tsuru

University has a very active campus life program. It has a University Festival in Sept.

Then we watched a cultural program by the pre-school students from Tsuru University

kindergarten. After which the Vanuatu students performed.

Vanuatu students and Tsuru university students engaged in group discussion on what they can do

as students to prevent disaster.

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Day 4:

Spation Ozawabuchi – Disaster Prevention Centre

The earthquake prevention park has variety of equipment to monitor earthquakes and all

abnormalities are announced for people to prepare for earthquake.

Students learnt that more than 20% of the earthquake of the magnitude between 4 – 5, this is

influenced by the plate and the history of earthquake that occurred in Japan, for instance:

869: Big earthquake, in the same area (Great East)

1707: Mt. Fuji erupted

1923: Earthquake near Kanto area around Tokyo, this recorded the highest number of casualties

(over 140,000 people died)

Big earthquake is expected in Japan every 100 – 150 years. The last one was in 1854, hence

more than 158 yrs and one can occur anytime.

We watched a DVD on an earthquake that occurred in 1850’s ,where quick and wise decision by

the Village merchant saved the whole village from Tsunami. While the whole village was

preparing for the festival to celebrate the harvest a major earthquake occurred and no one felt it,

except the village merchant. He went out and looked at the sea and noticed water drying rapidly

and he realized that a Tsunami was about to hit hence he went to the higher ground and lit the

rice just harvested to gauge the villagers attention. When the villagers saw the fire they ran up to

save the harvest, hence all the villagers were saved.

We also experienced earthquake of 6 & 7 magnitude on the stimulator. Students practice the

mock drill of hiding underneath the table to save themselves.

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Suntory Hakush Distillery

The water distillery started in 2010 and maintains a the forest around its surrounding.

We learnt that:

Suntory Hakush Distillery factory uses electricity bus which is run on solar. The uniform the

staff wear are made from recycle PET bottles. The water is distilled naturally by Granite. The

granite covers the area and purifies the water. The bottle used is PET bottle which is small in size

and pumped up to make it big and fill water. This is easy to shrink and recycle. The factory is

fully run by machines and staff only enter after wearing proper mask and coat.

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The solar panel in the factory can produce 15 – 20% of the total electricity needed.

Museum – Chateraise Shirasu Factory

We observed making of soba noodles. Then we went to see the 3 rivers divided 400 years ago as

a symbol of peace. The river was split so that the 3 villages have water for their rice fields.

The museum was also run mostly on solar or hydro electricity generated by water.

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Day 5:

Ancient House visit

We learnt about the traditional method of living. The house was more than a 100 years old but

was maintained so well that it looked almost new. The owner of the house explained how he and

his family had adopted traditional method of living. They chopped their own firewood and used

it for cooking, heating water for bath etc. This shows that they are well prepared in case there is

no electricity, or gas. This also portrays an environmental friendly way to live.

One big room was used for multipurpose by having partition that could open into 1 big room or

closed into smaller rooms.

Tsuru city is famous for silk, the 2nd

floor of the house was used to grow silk warm.

Then we attended a presentation by Mr. Kato. Kato san had been one of the volunteers who went

to the disaster area straight after the 11th

March disaster last year. Kato san told us he was able to

gather food and other items and people were happy to help.

The Tsuru University students also helped as volunteers. Kato san was able to received letter of

support from people which he delivered to victims.

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Visit to Soya bean farm.

Then we together with locals and some students from Tsuru University went to the Soya bean

farm. On the way to the soya bean farm we saw rice fields. Rice is grown locally in Japan and is

the staple diet, hence an important agricultural produce. Everyone helped the harvesting the soya

bean. After which we boiled the soya bean and ate. This was a good learning experience and we

learnt to grow our own food, which is healthy and also being self dependent.

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Day 6:

We travelled to Kuji city by train and bus. This took most of the day but in the evening we had

orientation of the program and watched DVD on the disaster.

Kuji city has a population of almost 38,000. The local products are beef, spinach, seafood and

amber. Kuji city is famous for amber mining, white forest, diving and bull fighting event. Most

students felt like they were home. The natural beauty of Kuji really stuck us all.

Day 7:

Boat ride experience and Amber mining

Some students went to the boat ride experience and some went for amber mining.The wharf was

destroyed by was rebuilt. The fishermen were happy to take us for an hour’s tour. They shared

their story of the disaster. All the boats were destroyed but they were able to start fishing again

after 3 months when they received boats from other people or fishermen bought boats again. This

shows how people had united and assisted in the recovery process. Amber mining can only be

done in Kuji City. The students also visited the Amber museum.

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Kuji Yamase Dofukan

We saw the Kuji Yamase Dofukan float. The colorful float reflects Japan’s beauty. Students

played drums, which is played in the festival.

We visited the new Aquarium which was totally destroyed by the tsunami. This was now being

rebuilt with help from people. This reflects unity and support. People were so much touched that

they wanted it rebuilt.

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Sanriku Railway Company – disaster study train program

We took a guided train tour, looking at the coastline which had been destroyed by the disaster.

We witnessed the work in progress. The coast line was been reconstructed, the debris were

collected and taken to one area for separation and recycling. We witnessed that sufficient work

has been done so far in the reconstruction process by Japan. The train driver showed us pictures

of places before disaster and after disaster. We compared to what we saw. This revealed that

there has been work going on continuously on the reconstruction and we believe that in the next

few years the whole area will be reconstructed. We witnessed the temp houses built, the coastal

area built and debris were cleared and taken to a factory for processing.

We noticed the new Watergate built in the Tanhata village with a train on top. We passed another

village which had Watergate of 15.5m. This was built long time ago but this saved the village

during the Tsunami.

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The train driver shared his experience during the Tsunami. When he heard the warning he

headed home to collect some food before going to the evacuation centre. He could not escape but

ran to the next house and held on to a board and rope. Fortunately he was pulled by other people

in that house to the next floor. Next morning he went to the evacuation centre. He saw a lot of

debris, houses, cars, etc destroyed. A lot of dead bodies were also lying around. We were happy

to learn that his family was safe and alive and they reunited at the evacuation centre.

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Day 8:

Making Mamebu Dumplings

We went to a village to learn how to make Mamebu dumplings. The mothers shared the recipes

with us and guided us how to make Mamebu dumplings. All students enjoyed the cooking lesson

after which we tasted the delicious mamebu dumplings. We also learnt that Mamebu dumplings

is usually made on special occasion like new year party or weddings.

Forest Board Painting

In the afternoon we painted or drew messages on the forest board. Students drew maps of

Vanuatu, mountains, Kizuna symbol and USP logo. They also wrote love and peace messages on

the board. This will be nailed to the forest walkway making it easy for cyclers, bikers, and

people on wheelchair etc to enjoy forest walking.

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Farewell at Hiraniwa Cottege

This was attended by the Chief of Kuji city. Students performed cultural items and sang song.

The Chief of Kuji city also assured that reconstruction was in progress and will be completed in

a couple of years.

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Day 9:

Travel back to Tokyo, which took most of the morning. We visited the Ariake Water

Reclamation Centre in the afternoon.

Ariake Water Reclamation Centre

The facility was designed to contain bad odor. The facility has advance waste water treatment.

Water is filtered and treated before it is discharged in to the sea and recycled for flushing toilets

in Tokyo waterfront subcentre. By-products is also created from sludge such as bricks.

Day 10:

Workshop by JOCA

JOCA coordinated a workshop focusing on:

- Image of Disaster (before and after visiting the disaster area),

- What students learnt and felt, &

- How they will share information.

The Vanuatu students all concurred that reconstruction was well in progress. They have seen the

disaster area and the rebuilding going on. They were deeply saddened by the loss of lives in


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Students discussed various means of how they will share information such as social media

(facebook), Newspaper, radio, presentation in high school, sharing information and photos with

friends and families in Vanuatu and elsewhere.

Reporting Session at Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA)

We attended the reporting session with MOFA. This was attended by representative of MOFA.

Two students presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on their educational visit to Japan.

The reporting session provided feedback to MOFA on the objective of the KIZUNA project.

Farewell reception by JOCA

We attended the farewell dinner by JOCA. Students performed cultural dances.

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Day 11:

Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park

The Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park was built on reclaim land, occupying 13.2 hectares.

It has space to land up to 7 Helicopters to deliver relief stuff. The park acts as a central base of

operations for disaster prevention in the Tokyo. The park is also a disaster prevention facility.

We experienced a visual effect of disaster and survival tips.

Metrological Museum

The Japan Metrological Agency provides various services for mitigation against natural

disasters, such as

- Climate change

- Earthquake and Tsunami

- Study atmosphere

- Airport Doppler weather radar

- EL Nino phenomenon and its impact on climate

- Monitoring ozone layer

- Typhoon movement

- Heavy snow

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Visit to Senso-ji

Students visited the senso-ji.

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Day 12

Depart Japan for Fiji.

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The KIZUNA project provided the students of Vanuatu a education and memorable tour to

Japan. The highlight of the trip was 4 days and 3 nights spent in the Kuji City. Students were

happy to do the board painting , learnt to play drums, and enjoyed the cooking lesson on making

Mamebu dumplings.

Students had an adventurous experience of either Amber mining or boat ride. It was very

encouraging to know that all fishermen returned to fishing after Tsunami. We were fortunate to

see the Kuji Yamase Dofukan float. Some students also tried playing drums. We also visited the

rebuilt Aquarium. We learnt about the strength of the Japanese people who had kindly

contributed to the rebuilding of the Aquarium, which was destroyed in the disaster last year.

Furthermore, we witnessed the reconstruction progress through Sanriku Rail train. We were all

deeply saddened to visit areas where many people have lost their love ones. The train driver, Iida

san explained to us how the disaster occurred. He showed us lots of photos of before and after

Tsunami and earthquake.

We looked at pictures of places after the disaster and compared it with reconstruction efforts. We

have witnessed the reconstruction. We compared the actual reconstruction process happening

with the image we had and all students noted that the reconstruction was progressing well. Kuji

city, Iwate Prefecture is safe and a very beautiful place to visit.

Students had started to share through social media that there is nothing to fear when visiting the

disaster area as all rebuilding was progressing well.

Japan is strong and all efforts in rebuilding the disaster area are progressing well. The amber

mining and boat ride experience was very adventurous. This is something we will share will all.

Moreover, the visit to Tsuru University was also very helpful. The Professor and students of the

Tsuru University shared their efforts towards the reconstruction process. The workshop among

Tsuru University students, Vanuatu and Palau students focused on what they can do as students

for disaster prevention.

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In addition, the visit to the old traditional house reflected on how we can survive without utilities

and traditional method of living was better for the environment. The soya bean harvesting was

also something the students will cherish. After we harvested the soya beans, we cooked and ate

the freshly harvested soya bean.

Additionally the trip to the EDO Tokyo Museum, Disaster Prevention Centre, Water Distillery,

The Water Reclamation Centre , Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park and the Metrological Museum

provided us an in-sight to the history, prevention and preparedness of Japan towards disaster and

the seriousness of Japan in caring for the environment.

Moreover the students were thrilled with the Bullet train rides and have continuously appreciated

the accommodation provided and enjoyed the delicious Japanese food.

In essence, the trip achieved its purpose. The students have learnt about the disaster, have

witnessed the reconstruction process and this has changed their image of last year’s disaster.

Japan is a safe and beautiful place to visit and surely students will share their experience by all

means to rest of the world.

Prepared by:

Renuka Singh

Supervisor Vanuatu group, KIZUNA Project

Executive Office to Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Regional Campuses)

The University of the South Pacific