Northern Sentinel K I T I M A T Volume 61 No. 39 www.northernsentinel.com Wednesday, September 30, 2015 $ 1.30 INCLUDES TAX Firefighters check out a building downtown. /page 2 District’s Ec Dev in new office space. /page 8 PM477761 LNG delays costing B.C. billions Cameron Orr A report from the Fraser Institute says delays getting B.C. liquefied natural gas projects to reality is costing the prov- ince billions of dollars. Among the information presented in the report, titled The Cost of Regulatory Delays, it says the International Energy Agency believes that no Canadian LNG project would start production by 2020, while 17 international projects are look- ing at starting by 2019 at the latest. “The magnitude of these lost export revenues should encourage policy mak- ers to streamline the regulatory process so that British Columbia is able to make use of its large natural gas resources,” said a summary of the report, which was authored by Benjamin Zycher and Ken- neth P. Green. The lost export revenue in 2020 could be $22.5 billion, according to the report. “The export revenues lost in 2020 would be equal to 9.5 per cent of British Columbia GDP in 2014,” the report says in its conclusion. Skeena MLA Robin Austin, who is also the Opposition Spokesperson for Northern Economic Development, told the Sentinel that delays in LNG are more a matter of political faults. “Delays do cost businesses money,” he said. “The trouble is the B.C. Liber- als have been pushing this LNG not so much at the speed at which the market would decide but pushing it for political reasons.” He said the government’s efforts to get a final investment decision have been causing conflict especially in Aboriginal communities. “The market will decide this thing because it has to make sense in terms of finding buyers at a price that is cost ef- fective for them, to build a terminal and to build a pipeline. And prices have dra- matically gone down since this whole thing started,” said Austin. As for these delays being something to think about for policy makers, as the report notes, Austin sees a different pic- ture. “When you think of what the federal government has done to rip apart the fed- eral environmental process to the point where people don’t have confidence in it you have to be careful. Streamlining, or as people in the government like to say ‘getting rid of red tape’ isn’t necessarily the right thing to do,” he said. “There is no economy without clean air, water and soil.” Dancing for peace Kildala Elementary School student dance for International Day of Peace during a school assembly. The Kitimat Rotary Club sponsors peace day in Kitimat, and the elementary school pitched in with their performance and a school photo on their field. See page 7 for more. Cameron Orr Court to hear Enbridge case Cameron Orr West Coast Environmental Law have pro- vided an overview of what court challenges await Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipelines project. Since the federal government approval of the Northern Gateway project in 2014, a number of First Nations and other groups have filed chal- lenges in the court. They are the Gitga’at First Na- tion, Gitxaala Nation, Haida Nation, Haisla Na- tion, Heiltsuk Nation, Kitasoo Xai’Xais Nation, Nadleh Whut’en; Nak’azdli, Whut’en, BC Na- ture, ForestEthics Advocacy Association, Living Oceans Society, Raincoast Conservation Founda- tion, and Unifor. The challenges cover a number of issues, such as wildlife: there are assertions at the Joint Review Panel contravened the Species at Risk Act in their decision. Other parts noted challenges to how the JRP assessed public interest. First Nation interests were also included. The report notes that the “Haisla argued that the JRP’s finding that construction and operation of the proj- ect would not have any significant adverse effects on the ability of First Nations to use lands, waters or resources for traditional purposes is unreason- able because it ignores the fact that construction of the marine terminal would permanently prevent Haisla members from using the lands and waters at and around that site.” West Coast Environmental Law says the en- tirety of the challenges to the JRP decision com- prises 350 pages of documents. The arguments will be heard effectively at once, by the Federal Court of Appeal in Vancou- ver, over six days from October 1 and 2 then Oc- tober 5 to 8.

Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

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September 30, 2015 edition of the Kitimat Northern Sentinel

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Page 1: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

NorthernSentinelK I T I M A T

Volume 61 No. 39 www.northernsentinel.com Wednesday, September 30, 2015 $1.30 INCLUDESTAX

Firefighters check out a building downtown.

/page 2

District’s Ec Dev in new office space.

/page 8


LNG delays costing B.C. billionsCameron Orr

A report from the Fraser Institute says delays getting B.C. lique� ed natural gas projects to reality is costing the prov-ince billions of dollars.

Among the information presented in the report, titled The Cost of Regulatory Delays, it says the International Energy Agency believes that no Canadian LNG project would start production by 2020, while 17 international projects are look-ing at starting by 2019 at the latest.

“The magnitude of these lost export revenues should encourage policy mak-ers to streamline the regulatory process so that British Columbia is able to make use of its large natural gas resources,” said a summary of the report, which was authored by Benjamin Zycher and Ken-neth P. Green.

The lost export revenue in 2020

could be $22.5 billion, according to the report.

“The export revenues lost in 2020 would be equal to 9.5 per cent of British Columbia GDP in 2014,” the report says in its conclusion.

Skeena MLA Robin Austin, who is also the Opposition Spokesperson for Northern Economic Development, told the Sentinel that delays in LNG are more a matter of political faults.

“Delays do cost businesses money,” he said. “The trouble is the B.C. Liber-als have been pushing this LNG not so much at the speed at which the market would decide but pushing it for political reasons.”

He said the government’s efforts to get a � nal investment decision have been causing con� ict especially in Aboriginal communities.

“The market will decide this thing because it has to make sense in terms of � nding buyers at a price that is cost ef-fective for them, to build a terminal and to build a pipeline. And prices have dra-matically gone down since this whole thing started,” said Austin.

As for these delays being something to think about for policy makers, as the report notes, Austin sees a different pic-ture.

“When you think of what the federal government has done to rip apart the fed-eral environmental process to the point where people don’t have con� dence in it you have to be careful. Streamlining, or as people in the government like to say ‘getting rid of red tape’ isn’t necessarily the right thing to do,” he said. “There is no economy without clean air, water and soil.”

Dancing for peaceKildala Elementary School student dance for International Day of Peace during a school assembly. The Kitimat Rotary Club sponsors peace day in Kitimat, and the elementary school pitched in with their performance and a school photo on their � eld. See page 7 for more. Cameron Orr

Court to hear Enbridge caseCameron Orr

West Coast Environmental Law have pro-vided an overview of what court challenges await Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipelines project.

Since the federal government approval of the Northern Gateway project in 2014, a number of First Nations and other groups have � led chal-lenges in the court. They are the Gitga’at First Na-tion, Gitxaala Nation, Haida Nation, Haisla Na-tion, Heiltsuk Nation, Kitasoo Xai’Xais Nation, Nadleh Whut’en; Nak’azdli, Whut’en, BC Na-ture, ForestEthics Advocacy Association, Living Oceans Society, Raincoast Conservation Founda-tion, and Unifor.

The challenges cover a number of issues, such as wildlife: there are assertions at the Joint Review Panel contravened the Species at Risk Act in their decision.

Other parts noted challenges to how the JRP assessed public interest.

First Nation interests were also included. The report notes that the “Haisla argued that the JRP’s � nding that construction and operation of the proj-ect would not have any signi� cant adverse effects on the ability of First Nations to use lands, waters or resources for traditional purposes is unreason-able because it ignores the fact that construction of the marine terminal would permanently prevent Haisla members from using the lands and waters at and around that site.”

West Coast Environmental Law says the en-tirety of the challenges to the JRP decision com-prises 350 pages of documents.

The arguments will be heard effectively at once, by the Federal Court of Appeal in Vancou-ver, over six days from October 1 and 2 then Oc-tober 5 to 8.

Page 2: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015


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SATURDAYHigh 10 Low 7

FRIDAYHigh 10 Low 7

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In our September 16 article on a presen-tation to council regarding Vista Village, we reported on the presence of both Paul Lagace and Marie Turner. While Turner was indeed there, she was there to discuss Residential Tenancy Board hearings, and not the issue of leaking oil as Lagace spoke to. We’re happy to clarify those details.

Checking it outThe Kitimat Fire Department was alerted to an odour of what might have been � re in the building that contains the Kitimat Community Services of� ce and other businesses on September 24. Crews were immediately dispatched and investigated the building with a thermal camera and determined it was the building’s furnace going on for the � rst time of the season which likely created the odour. The furnace will be inspected. Deputy Fire Chief Pete Bizarro did want to commend everyone in the building who evacuated and waited patiently outside and ultimately made their jobs easier. Cameron Orr

Police Beat

Vehicle files shift to high gearSeptember 14A complainant was unsure who would have

damaged their parked utility trailer. It was re-ported that a tire was cut and punctured. Police are investigating this case of mischief, and do not have a motive.

September 15An off-duty police of� cer still operating a

marked police cruiser pulled over a driver after seeing the vehicle spin its tires and drive aggres-sively away from a stop sign in a school zone. In-vestigation determined the vehicle was being op-erated by a prohibited driver with an outstanding warrant for another driving offence. The driver has a scheduled court date in November.

September 18A professional driver was reported to be us-

ing their cell phone while driving. In discussion police heard that the call was made in relation to a mechanical problem on the vehicle to the driver’s supervisor.

September 19Police pulled over a driver driving erratically

as it left a liquor store. The driver admitted to the of� cer to consuming alcohol and breath samples provided ultimately lead to a vehicle impound-ment and a three-day licence suspension.

On Dyke Road police responded to a call of an abandoned SUV. The vehicle had lost its pas-senger-side front wheel while off-roading, police say. The vehicle was also leaking a small amount of fuel. The vehicle was towed away and the own-er was noti� ed. The owner was also issued a vio-lation ticket.

September 20On request by the Terrace RCMP the Kitimat

detachment was on the lookout for a possibly im-paired driver on the highway heading towards Kit-imat. The suspect vehicle was spotted and pulled over. The driver smelled of liquor and admitted to drinking. The driver’s licence was revoked for three days and the vehicle was impounded.


NorthernSentinelK I T I M A T

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Page 3: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

Cameron OrrThe District of

Kitimat brought to-gether a number of industry stakeholders and training providers to offer the Skills In-formation Fair at Kiti-mat Valley Institute last Thursday.

Kitimat’s Busi-ness and Communi-cations Of� cer Tyler Noble said the idea of creating the event was the fact that the Kiti-mat Modernization Project was effectively wrapping up and Kiti-mat is in a quiet zone between that project and potential � nal in-vestment decisions from the lique� ed nat-

ural gas proponents.That left an op-

portunity to gather people under the roof of a skills information fair not to necessarily submit their resumes — even though the computer lab at KVI was offered up to pro-spective employees looking to punch up their application — but more for people to fully understand the skills they’ll need down the line for Kiti-mat’s possible indus-trial future.

Noble said it was a way for the commu-nity to be ahead of the game, which is some-thing employers want

to be as well.In all there were

13 organizations who set up a booth or table at the event, mostly made up of employers but there was also rep-

resentation of training organizations such as KVI itself and the Northwest Commu-nity College, and there was union representa-tion there as well.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015 3

Sat., Oct. 24:Tom Lavin and The Legendary Powder Blues

Sat., Oct. 24:Tom Lavin and The Legendary Powder Blues

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NorthernSentinelK I T I M A T

“Aluminum in� nitely recyclable”


Seasonal Clothing StorageStoring your seasonal clothing can be done using natural alternatives instead of using mothballs - which are comprised of chemical pesiticides and deodorants.Cedar wood balls, or cinnamon sticks, bay leaves or whole cloves wrapped in cheesecloth will keep clothing smelling fresh and help reduce any damage from mold or moths.

The Aluminum City Telethon will mark its 36th year on October 18 when the iconic, annual event once again broadcasts in Kiti-mat.

The event will run from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Fans of the event will see the return of old favou-rites performing on stage and a kids play area is also planned.

But what the event does need, says Telethon Chair Jean Nidd, is volun-teers for the day.

People wanting more information on how to get in-volved with helping out with the telethon can call the Child Development Cen-tre at 250-632-3144.

Last year’s tele-thon raised nearly $120,000, money which is used by the Kitimat Com-munity Foundation to provide grants to community groups in Kitimat. You can read about them at www.kitimatcom-munityfoundation.ca.

A Terrace RCMP of� cer seen in a video apparently hitting a youth who’s hand-cuffed and facedown on a downtown sidewalk is one step closer to pos-sibly facing charges.

The Independent Investigation Of� ce (IIO), a civilian body that investigates police-related incidents of death or serious harm to determine whether an of� cer may have com-mitted an offence, has � nished its investiga-tion and has forwarded its � ndings to the Crim-inal Justice Branch of the provincial govern-ment.

“We will be re-ferring the case to the Criminal Justice Branch, which is the protocol when the Chief Civilian Director of the IIO � nds that an of� cer may have committed an offence,” said IIO of-� cial Marten Youssef today.




French enrolment on riseThe Coast Mountains School District is see-

ing a continual rise in enrolment in French pro-grams.

A report from the Canadian Parents for French shows that French Immersion enrolment in B.C. has increased for 17 consecutive years, while for the Coast Mountains District itself it has increased by 82 students over the six past years, or a 24.19 per cent increase.

By this school year the report shows there are 421 French Immersion students in the Coast Mountains School District.

“We believe French programs are popular in the Coast Mountains School District because they are widely recognized by parents as providing young students with the tools and experience that

will enrich their lives and help them prepare for the future,” said President of Canadian Parents for French BC & Yukon Patti Holm, in a news release earlier this month.

But the rise in enrolment in French Immer-sion is causing another issue in the province: a shortage of teachers to deliver it.

According to CPF there is a shortage of quali-� ed French language teachers.

“We urge post-secondary institutions and im-migration authorities to address the serious short-age of French language teachers in B.C.,” Holm also said through the news release.

The Coast Mountains School District had not responded to an e-mailed request for comment on teacher levels by press deadline.

Election projection for local ridingCameron Orr

A website which has tasked itself with pro-jecting the results of the Canadian federal elec-tion shows the NDP taking the Skeena-Bulkley Valley riding with a substantial victory.

ThreeHundredEight.com has posted its pro-jections for the election nationally and by riding.

It estimates that the NDP may win with an average vote accumulation of 60 per cent locally.

The Conservative Party, it estimates for this riding, will take second place with 26.6 per cent of the votes, and the Liberals would � nish with 7.6 per cent of the vote.

The website uses an aggregation of available opinion polls and gives weight to � rms which have proven historical accuracy or have experi-ence within the speci� c riding. Results from past elections are also weighted to provide a result.

An estimation of an NDP win isn’t quite a stretch of the imagination. The NDP have been locked-in winners for the past several years.

From the 2011 election, the NDP took 55.3 per cent of the votes for their win. The Conser-vatives fared better than the website projection estimates for the 2015 election with 34.5 per cent of the vote.

The Liberals took third in 2011 with 3.5 per cent, followed by the Green Party with 3.1, the CHP with three, and � nally the Canadian Action Party with half a per cent of the vote.

[email protected]

Civeo had a long line at the District of Kitimat hosted Skills Information Fair, held at Kitimat Valley Institute on September 24.

Skills fair brings employers, workers together

Page 4: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015

As Mayor of Kitimat, I wish to clearly express the support that my Council and I have given toward Trans-Canada’s Coastal GasLink project, which would supply natural gas to the LNG Canada project should it reach a positive Final Investment Decision.

Throughout my time as an elected of� cial, I have consistently stated that my community is pro-industry. That doesn’t mean at any cost, but establish-ing new industries in Kitimat has been a top priority for the municipality ever since the closure of Methanex and Eu-rocan in 2006 and 2010, respectively. Kitimat has long been a desired loca-tion for global-scale industrial produc-tion, and we continue to welcome in-ternational opportunity.

The Coastal GasLink pipeline project is a key piece of infrastructure needed to achieve increased economic stability not only in Kitimat, but across northern British Columbia. If the LNG Canada project proceeds, the construc-tion and operation of both the export

terminal and pipeline will bring lasting bene� ts to the region through skills de-velopment, increased business capac-ity and ongoing property taxes to fund community services.

Coastal GasLink received its Envi-ronmental Assessment Certi� cate from provincial authorities last October. Lo-cally, Coastal GasLink has taken con-siderable care to � nd a route that will minimize disruption to businesses, residents and the natural environment. Council and District of Kitimat staff had several meetings with the project team to discuss the options, and Coast-al GasLink listened carefully to what we had to say.

The resulting route enters Kitimat from the east, avoiding residential ar-eas and the Pine Creek protected lands.

Northern B.C. communities have � agged some potential concerns around pipeline construction – related, for example, to camp management and traf� c.

With other local governments, we are part of a process that provides us access to project plans and ongoing dialogue with Coastal GasLink. The company has been responsive in the � rst three years of project develop-ment, and I am con� dent this will con-tinue.

Coastal GasLink has said it will be ready to start construction in 2016, as-suming a positive investment decision from LNG Canada. World energy mar-kets are volatile, and nothing is certain. However, Kitimat has already bene� t-ed from the preparations for LNG de-velopment, and we can be hopeful that B.C.’s LNG initiative will pay even bigger rewards in the years to come.

Mayor endorses natural gas pipeline

Open for businessThere’s some beliefs that I hold that not every-

one seems to share.A recent reminder to me was an opinion poll I

put on our wesbite at www.northernsentinel.com asking if people felt Kitimat was a good place to own a business.

For whatever reason I appear to be more opti-mistic about the prospect of small business owner-ship in Kitimat than others.

To recall the results, only 22 per cent of people who responded to the poll said it is a good place to own a business.

Granted, posting a web poll to a website isn’t a scienti� c way of gathering results. The questions and results are more designed to be things to ponder rather than used for real research.

So here I am pondering the results, and wonder-ing why the results are the way they are.

I can only guess — just based on anecdotal evi-dence more than anything — that people feel that customers in Kitimat will more readily rely on Ter-race for their shopping needs than in town. Certainly it is a case that people will frequently spy fellow Kitimatians in Walmart on the weekend.

Is that what turns people off from the idea of owning businesses in Kitimat?

I still think there’s a lot of potential to be tapped in business locally even if that informal poll found otherwise.

The Kitimat Economic Development Of� ce is already on the case through their work promoting the Small Town Love program, which aims to give local, non-franchised businesses better online exposure and access to resources to help market themselves.

From the sounds of it Kitimat has seen a good response to it and the Love Kitimat business fair will be held in the near future to mark the of� cial start of the ongoing program.

But what really got me thinking about this top-ic is what they’re doing in Smithers right now. The council there just initiated a Small Business Task Force. According to the town’s public notice in their weekly paper The Interior News, it’s “to review the [town’s] current processes and regulations affecting small business development and to recommend to Town Council changes that would improve the over-all business environment and support the objectives of the Town’s Of� cial Community Plan.”

Basically, get on the task force and tell the town’s leaders what works and what doesn’t.

Such a group, I can imagine, may lead to ideas being developed to grow small business not only just through local policy but through the collective brain-storming of the small business scene of Kitimat.

Through creativity and contemplation we can show that opinion poll what the town is really made of.

Cameron Orr

Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email [email protected] • www.northernsentinel.com

KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

Contents Copyrighted -Canadian Publications Mail Product, AgreementNo. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.

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Guest Column

MayorPhil Germuth

Page 5: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015 5

Weekly CrosswordSolution in the Classifieds

Clues Across1. Become listless.4. Capital of Azerbaijan.8. In the _ of the Night.12. Shiva’s wife.13. Wide-spouted pitcher.14. Moses’ brother.16. For men and women.17. Lead or conduce.18. Slant or slope.19 _ Darya river.20. Chap.21. John Dos Passos novel trilogy.23. Bathroom (British slang).24. Transitional place.26. Urban area.28. Ancient Greek goddess of recklessness.30. First man made by the Scandinavian gods.32. News.36. Ancient town in Israel.39. Fencing move to avoid a thrust.41. Festal pomp or dress.

Clues Down

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42. One-dollar bill.43. Convocation of witches.45. Encountered.46. Muslim religious leader title.48. Lubricate.49. Jacob’s first wife.50. Roman emperor.51. Mother.52. Before.54. _ of a kind.56. Actor Robert _.60. Distinctive period.63. Rhoda’s mom.65. 7th letter in Greek alphabet.67. Female goat.68. Sacred collection of writings.70. Wait.72. Alter gene arrangement.73. Ancient city in Shinar.74. Divisible by two.75. In any way different.76. Buried.77. Annual season of fasting before Easter.78. Wrath.

1. Ruth’s mother-in-law.2. Oil.3. Executed.4. 2nd letter in Greek alphabet.5. Filled with admiration.6. Actor _ Olin.7. One official language of Pakistan.8. Ishmael’s mother.9. Crossette.10. Inhabitant of Arabia.11. Fuss.12. Kilocalorie.15. Photographic negative.20. Abraham’s nephew.22. Arabic market.25. Sheep cry.27. 1988 Tom Hanks film.29. First woman created by God.30. Phonograph record.31. Make an attempt.33. My _ Is Earl.34. Pet pest.35. Solemn appeal.

36. Adam and Eve’s first-born son.37. Highest point.38. All but.40. Capital of Norway.44. 20th letter in English alphabet.47. Witty remark.49. 5th sign of the zodiac.51. Very up-to-date.53. Handwoven Scandinavian rug.55. Use effectively.57. Cow’s mammary gland.58. Clamor.59. Goes after.60. Decay.61. Monetary unit of Iran.62. Aramaic word for “father.”64. Adam and Eve’s second-born son.65. Adam and Eve’s home before the Fall.66. Portable shelter.69. Hawaiian wreath.71. I have.72. Hebrew judge and priest.Polls posted to www.northernsentinel.com



Online poll:

Is garbage along the highway into Kitimat a problem that bothers you?

Dear Sir,An open letter to

the opponents of En-bridge:

For some time we have been under the threat of Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway project with all its risks of oil pollu-tion and destruction of marine habitat on our coast.

We have good rea-son to fear the world’s largest tankers travel-ling through Douglas Channel almost daily.

The Joint Review Pan-el held interveners to a higher standard of proof than Northern Gateway.

Almost everyone who presented to the JRP was against this project. It was resound-ingly rejected in a pleb-iscite by the citizens of Kitimat.

It came as no sur-prise that Stephen Harper’s government gave its approval, but we can still stop En-bridge’s Northern

Gateway Project.There are 18 legal

challenges that have been made by eight First Nations (on the basis of Aboriginal Rights and Title), four environmental groups (on incomplete and er-roneous assessments affecting the environ-ment), and a labour union for, among other things, “failing to con-sider greenhouse gas emissions and other upstream environmen-tal impacts associated

with oil sands”.On October 1-2

and 5-8 the legal chal-lenges to the approval of Northern Gateway are scheduled to be heard at the Federal

Court of Appeal in Vancouver.

The challengers have worked hard to get ready to be heard in court, and they rep-resent those of us who

can’t be with them. They will soon be

facing Enbridge and our own government in an effort to overthrow the fool-hardy deci-sion.

Please encourage and support them.


Ouwehand,Douglas Channel


Enbridge challenges hit court this monthReaders Write

Future of LNG in BC may be going nuclearPicking up where we left

off last time, just how many of the 54 Japanese nuclear power plants that were in operation pre-Fukushima will be restarted?

We can quickly write off 11 since they are either past their operational lifetime or the cost of bringing them up to the new safety standards would be pro-hibitive.

Of the remainder, � ve have been approved for restart by the new regulatory authority, includ-ing the Sendai 1 reactor which � red up last month and Sendai 2 which is expected to follow suit this month.

Nineteen others are still go-ing through the exhaustive re-view process and the other 19 have yet to even apply.

In June of this year Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) unveiled its lat-est long term energy mix projec-tions for 2030.

That report pegged nuclear power’s share of the country’s energy mix at 20-22 per cent, a � gure that suggests they expect

pretty well all of the 43 to be op-erational by then.

Let’s assume for the moment that is what happens. Where does that leave LNG imports?

METI forecasts they will make up 27 per cent of the mix, down sharply from the 43.3 per cent number in 2013, the last year for which � gures were available when the report was prepared.

The interesting thing is that while the use of coal is also ex-pected to fall, it will not be by near as much - from 30.3 per cent to 26 percent.

And that, as mentioned last time, is simply because generat-ing electricity using LNG is 11 per cent more expensive than us-ing coal.

None of the above is good news for companies considering building new LNG export plants

such as the ones proposed in our backyard.

Piling on the agony are plans by Chuba Electric Power, Tokyo Electric and Kansai Electric to install super ef� cient turbines in their gas-� red plants which will in turn reduce their demand for LNG.

And if every Japanese utility was to convert to these turbines, by 2030 their LNG consump-tion would be cut by more than a third, more bad news.

However that dark cloud is substantially based on those 43 nukes being restarted and frankly I have my doubts that will hap-pen.

The reason I say that is that in Japan even if the Nuclear Reg-ulation Authority gives the green light, there is one more hurdle to clear and it is potentially a big one - the local government (pre-fecture) must also approve.

And with polls consistently showing that about two-thirds of Japanese are opposed to the re-sumption of nuclear power gen-eration it strikes me as highly un-

likely politicians will choose to ignore public sentiment and give their okay.

So that’s good news, right?In terms of Japan’s future

LNG demand, yes - or at least not as bad as it could be. But Japan is not the only market we need to be clamouring for our product to make BC LNG proj-ects take wing.

The predictions of a Golden Age of Gas just a couple of years ago were very heavily based on forecasts of ever increasing de-mand from China.

But that country is making a big move toward nukes, adding 11 new reactors in the last three years with another 24 under con-struction - and they don’t have to worry about pesky local govern-ments vetoing those plans.

Then there is the supply side of the equation and that is where the skies become even darker.

Over the next couple of years six LNG plants in Australia al-ready under construction are go-ing to come on line, adding tens of millions of tonnes of LNG to

the market.All those projects got the

green light because they had locked up buyers for almost all of their production in long term contracts.

But those deals had the LNG price tied to that of oil and the In-ternational Energy Agency says that at current oil prices most will likely not be pro� table.

Shell (LNG Canada) has a stake in two of those projects as does Chevron’s Kitimat LNG while its partner Woodside is in-volved in one.

You have to ask yourself how likely it is that companies which spent billions upon bil-lions of dollars on projects that will prove unpro� table for the forseeable future will be eager to repeat that.

Make no mistake, I want the LNG projects in Kitimat to go ahead. But even wearing my ros-iest glasses and given all of the above, I cannot see � nal invest-ment approval coming for either LNG Canada or Kitimat LNG for several years.

by Malcolm Baxter


[email protected]

Page 6: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

SubmittedDiamonds repre-

sent 60 years together and that is what the Kitimat Concert Asso-ciation is celebrating with a stellar line up.

The season starts with the incredible performance of Quar-tetto Gelato on Fri-day October 2 at the Mount Elizabeth The-atre.

You might want to come a little early as the concert associa-tion is going to start selling wine and beer before the concert and at intermission but you have to buy your drink tickets before the start of the con-cert.

Quartetto Gelato comprises of four mu-sicians Peter DeSotto, Alexander Sevastian, Colin Maier and Greg Gallagher.

Peter DeSotto is a remarkable violin-ist who will dazzle you with his incred-ible variety from clas-sical to gypsy and if that is not enough he will astound you with his tenor voice that ranges from SouthAmerican to authentic Irish folk.

Alexander Sev-astian has been with Quartetto Gelato since 2002. He has won many international competitions over the years.

Alexander is a sensitive and accom-plished performer adding lots of infec-tious humor to his world-class accordi-on-playing.

Canada’s Colin Maier is a theatrical performance obo-ist who sees his oboe and music as part of a larger performance. Colin is a multi-tal-ented musician who

plays oboe with a gor-geous tone and by us-ing circular breathing he never takes a break for breath.

He superimposes his sense of serious-ness and humour

into all his perfor-mances.

Greg Gallagher is an accomplished cel-list, he has performed with several orchestras and chamber groups throughout Ontario

before joining Quar-tetto Gelato.

You won’t want to miss this exceptional performance.

Tickets are available at Katii’s Knook or at

the door. For information

on other concerts check out our website www.kitimatconcerts.ca or Kitimat Concert Association on Face-book.

6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015


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Peace DayEvents for International Day of Peace continued with students at Kildala Elementary forming the phrase “Peace One Day” on their school � eld, while the Kitimat Public Library offered a “peace” of cake during the afternoon. At left is Mariève Lanthier and Teresa deLisser displaying the library’s treats. Photo at top, Robin Rowland

The Green Party of Canada has found their Skeena-Bulkely Valley candidate for the upcom-ing 2015 federal election in October and she's from Prince Rupert.

Jeannie Parnell will be hoping to unseat NDP incumbent Nathan Cullen as she begins her campaign across the riding.

"My vision for the North Coast – change is de� nitely on the rise and it's positive change," she said last weekend.

"I see lots of small business growth [in the area]."

Parnell knows the riding is one trying to maintain the balance between responsible indus-try and clean and sustainable environmental en-ergy solutions for the future and she believes her ideologies match up well with the Green Party's.

"We need to hold industry accountable for their proposals along the Skeena-Bulkley Valley route and we need to hold them accountable and responsible if they do come in and build. How are they going to clean up after themselves? That's 50 per cent of the conversation right there," she said.

The candidate has spoken with fellow Green Party staff Jackie Miller in Vancouver and even Green federal leader Elizabeth May.

"She was very encouraging. She said 'Speak your truth, be bold and be creative'. With Eliza-beth May being an optimist, I feel like I've been an optimist too my whole life ... and I agree with the Green Party platform," said Parnell.

This is her � rst election campaign seeking public of� ce and she accepted the Green Party nomination September 25.

Parnell joins the ranks of four other candi-dates looking to win the election in the riding. Donald Spratt is seeking the riding's seat for the Christian Heritage Party, Tyler Nesbitt is run-ning for the Conservative Party of Canada, Brad Layton will seek the seat for the Liberal Party of Canada and Cullen is seeking re-election with the NDP.

- The Northern View

Parnell for Greens

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Page 8: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

Cameron OrrKitimat’s Economic Develop-

ment Of� ce (EDO) has settled in well to their new digs, an arm’s reach from the main District of Kitimat of� ces on the City Centre Mall’s third � oor.

The new location, an annexa-tion of space that was once occu-pied by neighbour Carlyle Sheph-ard & Co, comes complete with two stand alone of� ces — one for Economic Development Of� cer Rose Klukas and the other for the District’s Business and Commu-nications Of� cer Tyler Noble — as well as a front of� ce desk for the department’s clerk Barb Haun (who Klukas refers to as the true glue that holds the department to-gether), and new meeting space in a bright, glass-enclosed room.

It’s the old real estate rule of thumb that location is everything. That is, before the EDO formally moved out of their original space early this year, there was a no-table challenge to this branch of the municipality dedicated to be-ing the town’s welcoming arms: they were shyly hiding away beyond the District of Kitimat’s

front desk, around the corner, just past the of� ce of the mayor and the Chief Administrative Of� cer.

It was perhaps a � ne location if you were one of those two peo-ple, but the EDO needed to be in a place the public could be free to walk into.

And now with their new of� c-es, the EDO also has more breath-ing room.

Klukas says now that they have their own of� ce space that can be accessed without travers-ing the halls of the municipality they’ve seen a spike in walk-ins from the community, the exact re-action they were hoping for.

It’s an opportune time to grow their accessibility. While on the surface Kitimat may appear to be in a cooling-off period from the economic engine that was the Rio Tinto Alcan modernization proj-ect and to an extent early works on the Kitimat LNG project, the time now gives the EDO a chance to build a foundation for further investment.

In fact the department has been steadily hosting delegations and � elding information reques-

tion, and also providing community tours to possible future economic stakehold-ers. It’s a part of the job that hasn’t seen any drastic slowdown, said Noble.

Noble points to the fact that economic development is very tied to relationship building and being available to investors is a key to build-ing the success of Kitimat.

With the EDO’s meet-ing space they can host some smaller-size groups, without having to � ght with other municipal departments for time in the District’s main board room.

Meanwhile some things don’t change. Klukas says they always encourage potential inves-tors to ensure a good relationship with the Haisla First Nation, es-pecially in that this is the Haisla’ traditional territory.

Noble said First Nations re-lationship building is something many companies are more aware of now than they were just a few years ago.

Kitimat’s EDO meanwhile

has recently been promoting more than just outside investment, but building the local economy too. They’ll be soon launching the localized version of a northern small business initiative called Small Town Love.

The program, part of the Northern Development Initiative Trust, is called Love Kitimat, and will formally begin with a busi-ness fair in October.

And just last week the depart-

ment also held a Skills Informa-tion Fair to connect job seekers with companies to develop an un-derstanding of what people will need to know if they want to work for one of the new companies in town.

Ultimately the EDO exists to tell people that Kitimat is open for business.

With their new of� ce space they can now show, more than ever, that they are too.

8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015

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Tyler Noble and Rose Klukas sit in the Economic Development Of� ce’s new meeting space. Cameron Orr

Ec Dev’s new digs

No carbon tax increaseJeff Nagel

Municipal leaders have decided against asking the province to resume regular increases in B.C.’s carbon tax in the name of � ghting climate change.

Delegates at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention narrowly de-feated the motion from New Westminster last week, with 52.4 per cent vot-ing no on Thursday.

The tax has been frozen at $30 per tonne of carbon dioxide emissions since 2012 – equivalent to about seven cents a litre on gasoline. The tax also applies to natural gas, coal and other fossil fuels.

The proposal called for increases of $5 per tonne each year for � ve years, followed by a review. It also urged the province to break from its policy of making the tax revenue-neutral and use the extra revenue to support emission-reduction projects.

“It’s a sure-� re way to create a balance between the cost of renewables and the cost of carbon,” said Vancouver Coun. Adriane Carr.

But Prince Rupert Coun. Barry Cunningham cautioned a major increase in carbon tax would unfairly drive up the cost of living in northern B.C.

Friendly benchJanet Hoover, at far right, with students who are part of the Out-of-School Care Program as they present a Be A Friend bench to Kildala Elementary. The purpose is if a person is sitting on the bench it’s a sign to other students that they may need company. The students painted the bench, which itself was donated by Emporium.

Government misplaces recordsTom Fletcher

Education ministry staff have searched in vain since this summer to locate a backup hard drive containing B.C. and Yukon student informa-tion from 1986 to 2009.

The computer memory disk contains 3.4 mil-lion public school education records, including names, postal codes, grades and personal educa-tion numbers.

Citizens' Services Minister Amrik Virk said Tuesday there is no evidence the information has

been taken or misused. After a lengthy physical search of a secure warehouse in Victoria turned up nothing, ministry electronic records continue to be searched to see if the hard drive was moved or destroyed.

Virk said there were two unencrypted backup hard drives created in 2011, contrary to ministry information and privacy rules. Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has been noti� ed and is investigating.

Page 9: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015 9

Fayre goes wellThe community Fall Fayre at the Christ the King church was a successful event with a variety of goods for sale, a barbecue and car wash, all to support Syrian refugee relief through the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. Among the headliners of the event was Flopsy the Bunny, shown here with Abby Vomacka

Infrastructure tops town list at UBCM

Piloting changes made after ship grounding last year

Most of Kitimat’s council, and its Chief Ad-ministrative Of� cer Warren Waycheshen, were in Vancouver last week for the Union of B.C. Mu-nicipalities conference.

Mayor Phil Germuth said that each councillor has a speci� c portfolio they were tasked with and were to be making presentations to key govern-ment ministers.

Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Peter Fassbender met with Claire Rattée to discuss job training plans. Mary Murphy took on environmental issues and initiatives with the Minister of Environment Mary Polak, and also met with the Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training Minister Shirley Bond.

Germuth held meetings with Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation John Rustad, and the Minister of Transportation Todd Stone.

Rob Gof� net tackled meetings with Northern Health.

“Our biggest thing...is going to be infra-structure. For example replacement of the Haisla Bridge,” said Germuth before the conference.

The two other major Kitimat topics were housing concerns and the provision of medical services in the community.

Shaun Thomas and Cameron Orr

A grounding of a ship near Prince Ru-pert last year has led to changes in both nau-tical charts and pilot training for B.C.

Unfamiliarity with the route to an anchor-age site outside of Prince Rupert led to the grounding the Amaku-sa Island last year.

That was the � nd-ing of the Transpor-tation Safety Board, which recently re-leased its investigation report on the July 14 ship grounding. The charterer of the ship directed the master to anchor to address cargo issues prior to sailing to Japan and the Prince Rupert Port Authority directed the ship to an-chorage 25. However, neither the ship's mas-ter or the pilot on board was familiar with the route to that anchorage, a route that went near a charted shoal that was too shallow for the ves-sel to pass.

The shoal was not detected by the bridge team while planning the route or monitor-ing the move and pi-lot's portable pilotage

unit was not con� gured with all of the route planning and monitor-ing features to aid in detecting hazards.

As a result of the grounding, the Ca-nadian Hydrographic Service has updated the chart used on the route. As well, the BC Coast Pilots Ltd reached an agreement with the Pa-ci� c Pilotage Author-ity to require pilots to undergo mandatory as-sessments at least every � ve years and provide improved programs to monitor pilots' famil-iarity with the areas they serve. The Amak-usa Island managers have installed an elec-tronic chart display and information system on board the vessel and have initiated addition-

al crew training.The 228-me-

tre bulk carrier ran aground on July 14 while shifting from berth at Ridley Ter-minals to its assigned anchorage. The ves-sel, which had 80,000 metric tonnes of coal in its hold, suffered damage to its hull and began taking on water. To prevent more from entering, the Amakusa Island's water-tight bulkheads were closed.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Ca-nadian Hydrographic Service Paci� c Re-gion David Prince says the waterways in the Douglas Channel and surround area have all

been modernized in a process that has run over the past decade.

“In the mid 2000s we determined that the nature of traf� c in the future may be different in the Kitimat area so we started a New Chart scheme in that area to bring all the charts to modern standards. By modern standards I mean the chart is based on the latest survey technologies,” he said in a statement through e-mail.

“Over that last decade we have re-surveyed all the routes and surrounding waters into Kitimat and re-leased 19 New Charts covering these routes.”

“Over that last decade we have re-surveyed all the routes and surrounding waters into Kitimat and

released 19 New Charts covering these routes.”

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housing concerns and the provision of medical

Page 10: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015A10 www.northernsentinel.com Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Northern Sentinel








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~ Stein, Morgan & Kingfi sher (65)~ Albatross (65)~ Raley (40)


Contact the Northern Sentinel at 250-632-6144. 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat

Call today!andNorthernSentinelWed. The NorthernConnector







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Merchandise for Sale


12-5 DAILY Garage Sale72 Bittern Street KitimatCollectibles, Furniture,

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too many items to list!Sat and Sun 8-3

Merchandise for Sale

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October 8THE KITIMAT ART CLUB meets in Room 113 at the Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School No supplies? We have some, and we share! For more information contact Katherine Johnsen 250-632-6888. ‘Pilfered or Plucked ’ – Still life of � owers, foliage, leaves, organic autumn ob-jects. Bring materials of your choice; charcoal, pastel, or paint, and something to contribute to the composition.OngoingCHRIST THE KING Parish Bereavement Min-istry Committee will be sponsoring “Connecting Each Other With Hope”, a six-week grief support group for adults. Sessions run 7 to 9 p.m. Open to all, regardless of religious af� liation. To register or � nd out more call Lidia at 250-632-6292 or Susana at 250-632-2215.PRAYER CANADA. We meet each week on Tuesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m. For location and fur-ther information please call 250-632-4554. Or e-mail [email protected] YOU OR SOMEONE you know have blad-der cancer? You’re not alone. It’s the 5th most common cancer in Canada. Bladder Cancer Can-ada is here to help... or just to talk. In Kitimat, call Glen Sevigny at 250-632-3486. Or [email protected]: Do you have a couple of hours a month to make phone calls, plant � owers, share memories, play cards, etc.? Hospice can provide you with excellent training. Call us now at 250-632-2278.KITIMAT LADIES AUXILIARY, Branch 250 hold regular meetings every second Thursday of the month. More information by calling Nancy at 250-632-4051, or Lyn at 250-632-2351.FRIENDS OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY To join contact Luce Gauthier at [email protected] or Virginia Charron @ [email protected] or call 250-632-8985.KITIMAT QUILTERS GUILD: If you are inter-ested in joining the Kitimat Quilters Guild please contact Aileen Ponter at 250-632-6225 or Janet Malnis at 250-632-7387 for further information.THE KITIMAT POTTERY GUILD meets every Thursday in the Riverlodge arts wing, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Interested in playing with clay? All experience levels welcome. For more infor-mation call Anne at 250-632-3318.THE KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY offers the highly engaging Mother Goose StoryTime for

pre-schoolers Monday mornings from 10:30 -11:15 .am. Please register for this free program.HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every Thurs-day from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome fami-lies throughout pregnancy and up to one year (older siblings welcome).Come meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more informa-tion call 250-632-3144.CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FunSpot drop-in for children aged birth to 5 years with caregivers. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 am- 12 pm. Fridays are now a combined drop-in/multicultural playgroup. All are welcome to at-tend. Contact 250-632-3144 for more informa-tion.KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other � bre? For more information phone Maureen 250-632-5444.KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group would like to be here for you. Total con� -dentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250-639-6016.AGLOW OF KITIMAT - All are welcome at our Care Group and Bible Study for men and wom-en, singles or married, Thursday at 7:00 p.m. For information phone Brenda at 250-632-1616. DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? Individual and group counseling. For more info call 250-632-8313 during operating hours - Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. to noon, Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - or leave message on our voice mail. We are lo-cated on the second � oor of the Kitimat Hospital in the Home Support of� ces.

Rental aid eyed as housing cost relief toolJeff Nagel

Some of the money raised through a po-tentially higher property transfer tax on luxury homes could be funneled into incentives to build more rental housing, Finance Minister Mike De Jong says.

De Jong said earlier this month he’s consid-ering a third increment of the property transfer tax to collect more when high-end homes change hands, and use the proceeds to help combat unaf-fordably high housing costs.

But he has been cautious about how to go about dispensing relief, noting that aid to entry-level home buyers could back� re and simply push prices even higher.

“If all you do is create more demand and sup-ply remains constant you’ll have the opposite ef-fect of what you want – you’ll drive the cost up,” de Jong said in an interview with Black Press.

He said rental construction incentives could be one piece of the puzzle.

“Is there a way to also encourage the con-struction of more and new rental housing – that’s very much a part of this conversation,”

de Jong said.He made the comments after a panel discus-

sion at the Union of B.C. Municipalities con-vention, where he asked mayors and councillors whether relief should be focused on � rst-time home buyers, and whether it should go towards the purchase of any housing, or be targeted to in-crease the supply of new housing.

He said most community leaders seem to sup-port the idea of reforming the property transfer tax in a way that helps young families get into the housing market.

De Jong reminded municipal politicians that they control zoning and therefore have the pow-er to increase density and the number of homes available, applying downward pressure on prices.

The property transfer tax charges one per cent on the � rst $200,000 of the price and two per cent after that. When a $600,000 home sells, $10,000 � ows to the government.

De Jong noted the $200,000 threshold where the tax rises to two per cent hasn’t been changed in 30 years. Increasing that would reduce the bite of the tax at the lower end of the market.

Coming Events




~ Stein, Morgan & Kingfi sher (65)~ Albatross (65)~ Raley (40)

Oct.14 to 23~ Wohler, White, Meldrum



Contact the Northern Sentinel at 250-632-6144. 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat

Call today!Call today!andNorthernSentinel

K I T I M A T Wed. The NorthernConnectorFri.





Sun Life Assurance Class ActionA Class Action has been commenced in

BC for Policy Holders of: • Flex Plus • Interest Plus • Universal Plus • Universal OptimetFor more information and to register visit:

www.sunlifeclassaction.comOr e-mail: [email protected]

319722Client: Charles Taylor Phone: (250) 632-4840


Ad # 847743 Requested By: Fax:

Sales Rep.: MISTY JOHNSEN Phone: (250) 632-6144

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Class.: 551 Garage Sales

Start Date: 09/25/2015 End Date: 10/14/2015 Nb. of Inserts: 6

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Publications: Kitimat, Northern Connector

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Total Price: $47.25 Taxes: $2.25 Page 1 of 1

EVERYTHING MUST GO12-5 DAILY Garage Sale72 Bittern Street KitimatCollectibles, Furniture,

wheel chair, arcade games, come take a look

too many items to list!Sat and Sun 8-3

Page 12: Kitimat Northern Sentinel, September 30, 2015

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sports & Leisure

And they’re off! The front-of-the-line marathoners take off for the annual Terry Fox Run from Riverlodge. The event took place on September 20. Cameron Orr

If the person in this photo is YOU, cut out this ad and bring it to the Northern Sentinel to receive your free tickets to the next Kitimat Ice Demon’s *Home Game!

*MUST PICK UP TICKETS BY GAME DAY TO WIN.Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat • 250-632-6144 • www.northernsentinel.com



to the next


home game!



McElhanney322 - 323 City Centre • tel 250.632.3200

[email protected]

CONGRATULATIONS!Come on down and

pick up your tickets byOct. 2 at 4:30pm

If the person in this photo is YOU, cut out this ad and bring it to the Northern Sentinel to receive your free tickets to the next Kitimat Ice Demon’s *Home Game!

*MUST PICK UP TICKETS BY GAME DAY TO WIN.Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat • 250-632-6144 • www.northernsentinel.com


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to the next


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Terry Fox Run is steps in the right directionCameron Orr

The annual Terry Fox Run was held in com-munities across B.C. on September 20, with Kiti-mat joining those ranks in the major cancer re-search fundraiser.

In our town 51 participants showed up on a damp afternoon which sent people on a route

through the Kildala neighbourhood on a loop back to Riverlodge.

Organizing volunteer Christine Doherty said that just shy of $900 was raised by those 51 peo-ple.

She said she’s already looking forward to the 2016 run, to take place September 18 next year.

Demon seasonThe Kitimat Ice Demons were warming up their skates with a series of pre-season games and practices. The Demons have one more pre-season skate tomorrow, October 1 at 7:45 p.m. Then October 3 is the first true home game, against the Quesnel Kangaroos, followed on October 4 with another home game versus the Williams Lake Stampeders.

Send sports results and submissions to:

newsroom@ northernsentinel.com