Kiss the end-user goodbye

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Kiss the end-user goodbye

Kiss the end-user goodbye curbing design by enthusiasm

Ivanka [email protected] 2010

Kiss the end-user goodbyeThis session

Who am I and what have I got against the end-userExercising constraint
Who is this end-user? We need target users. We need to curb design by enthusiasm.Tools
Research, Personas, paper cuts, UX advocates, communication. Limits. Freedom and responsibilities.Skipping, bicycles and vitamin habits.



Who are you?


Who am I?
People. Design. Technology.

Where am I?

What do I do?Creative Strategy Lead, CanonicalDesign. Open-source. Ubuntu.

User-centred design



Making Linux Sexy: connecting with your end users

BackgroundMuch more recent

For Linux, and open source, to achieve "total world domination," open source needs to follow Apple's lead and focus on interface design as much as infrastructure architecture. This session will address ways that open-source communities can keep the end-user in mind, without sacrificing ideals like freedom.




Making Linux Irresistible: delighting your target users

How about?

For Linux, and open source, to achieve "total world domination," open source needs to create GREAT* apps. This session will address ways that open-source communities can think about and work with their users to create GREAT apps; without sacrificing ideals like freedom.

*Emphasis from comment by Matthew Spellman ( on Ginger Coons' ( presentation at LGM


BackgroundWhat I do

ObservationBit too much of this

ObservationAnd occasionally this

ObservationNot enough of this





Our own documentation

Exercise constraint

Exercise constraint

Exercising constraintDo one thing and do it well

Open-source and Unix

"Doug McIlroy, the inventor of Unix pipes and one of the founders of the Unix tradition, summarized the philosophy as follows:

This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.

This is usually abridged to "Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

Exercise constraint

Exercise constraint

Exercising constraintBe careful

Exercising constraintBe honest

Exercising constraintBe honest

Users are experts in their own needs.

Exercising constraintTarget users

Personas and scenarios

Be clear about who your target audience is. Get to know them. Really understand what they need.

Understand the context of use and scenario for the product.

Understand the context of use for the feature.

Restrictions are good.


Exercising constraint


If you are unsure of any Brand Guidelines
issues in your presentation
please ask a member of
the design team.

Exercising constraintGoals. Users. Technology.

Ivanka Majic
Creative Strategy Lead

Be clear about what the project aims to achieve. Users
Design for a specific target user. Know them. Understand the context of use and prioritise.Technology
Build it well.

Beautiful, fast, well-executed code can still create a show-stopper.

Beautiful, well-designed, compelling interfaces are meaningless on top of poor code.


Let's take a moment to remember end-users for what they were.

A very poor tool used to perpetuate discussion rather than make GREAT things.

Bon voyage.


What's a bug?


How do we make sure engineers and designers are on the same page?

Understand how we can create a bridge between designers and engineers in this context.

UX Advocates
Assign and support a mediator. A user-representative. An expert.Communicate
Language. Tools. Behaviour..More laughing.

With Freedom comes responsibility.

Target users.

Kiss the end-user goodbyeConclusions

Design in open-source
Open-source is more than technology. Design roles are being created and we going to have to work on new ways of collaborating.Design integrity
Clarify your project goals and stay true to those. Be honest. Be clear. Know and understand your target audience. Tools
Communicate. Work together.

Questions please
Thank you

Presentation by Ivanka Maji

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Presentation by Ivanka Maji

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Presentation by Ivanka Maji

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