“Educating students in Christian leadership for tomorrow’s generation” KING’S CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Thursday, August 25, 2011 Year 7 Canberra Report Last week, our Year 7 students undertook an educa- tional tour of Canberra. While on this trip they participated in a variety of educational programmes that focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the impor- tance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist the parents and school to meet the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government contributes funding under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred. This contribution will be paid directly to the school now that we have completed the excursion. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program. The activities undertaken as part of the educational tour included visiting Parliament House, the Australian War Memorial, Museum of Australian Democracy – Old Parlia- ment House, Australian Electoral Education Commission and Questacon. We also had the awesome experience of snow skiing for two days. We hope that the excursion was a rewarding experi- ence for all of the Year 7 students and we would like to thank all of the fantastic staff involved whose contributions made this trip a success. ~ Kim Bohlsen, Deputy Head of Primary (Administration) See insert for reflections from our students and some more photos.

King's Newsletter - Week 6, Term 3

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The Weekly Newsletter of King's Christian College

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“Educating students in Christian leadership for tomorrow’s generation”


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Year 7 Canberra Report Last week, our Year 7 students undertook an educa- tional tour of Canberra. While on this trip they participated in

a variety of educational programmes that focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.The Australian Government recognises the impor- tance of all young Australians being able to visit the national

capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist the parents and school to meet the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government contributes funding under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred. This contribution will be paid directly to the school now that we have completed the excursion.

We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program.The activities undertaken as part of the educational tour included visiting Parliament House, the Australian War

Memorial, Museum of Australian Democracy – Old Parlia- ment House, Australian Electoral Education Commission and Questacon. We also had the awesome experience of snow skiing for two days.

We hope that the excursion was a rewarding experi- ence for all of the Year 7 students and we would like to thank all of the fantastic staff involved whose contributions made this trip a success.

~ Kim Bohlsen, Deputy Head of Primary (Administration)

See insert for reflections from our students and some more photos.

Page 2 - Thursday, August 25, 2011

Early Learning ProgramsParenting with Power

Scripture of the week: But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Your works. Psalm 73:27

Moments of ClosenessHave you ever experienced ‘moments of closeness’ with

your family? Maybe you had the whole family together in your bed chatting and laughing on a Saturday morning, or your family travelled together and you all felt really close and unified. It is those times when parents ‘soak’ up the in-tense feeling of closeness. Even God wants us to draw near to Him and be close to His heart. All parents, including our heavenly Father, want to experience closeness with their children and many work hard to provide opportunities for that sense of connection to develop. Several challenges, however, compete with the move toward this special time of closeness. Different personality types within a family, the busyness of family life and the constant need for cor-rection and boundary setting make closeness difficult at times. Some parents are so disconnected from their own family life, they never experience a moment of closeness and belonging.

That’s why fun times, when parents and children take part in and enjoy their relationship together, are so impor-tant. For those brief moments the heart connection over-shadows the challenges of being in a family. It is in those times that parents are again reminded that all the work of parenting is worth it.

Heart moments are important for parents and children. They provide a sense of belonging, security and love. When children have these basic but incredibly important needs met, they seem to be able to take on many of the chal-lenges of life much more smoothly and develop remarkable resilience.

Strategy for the week: Look for ways to value family re-lationships and make family activities a requirement. Plan meal times together, attend sporting events as a family, do spiritual training in the home and look for ways to enjoy relationships with each other. When parents and children work together and play together, heart moments are bound to be the pleasant result.

~ In His service, Klaus Knobloch and Rosemary Whincop

Encouraging the Spirit of Kindness in Prep

Every Friday, Prep enjoy meeting in the library for assembly. The highlights of assembly are singing and receiving awards. Five children from each class are honoured with an award. The most prestigious award is the kindness award. Last week, we were honoured to have Mrs Shunker sharing at our assembly.



Thursday, August 25, 2011 - Page 3


As parents we all know the importance of giving our chil-dren sound guidance to live by throughout their lives. We tend to become a little upset when they do not accept that well-meant guidance easily. How do we adults fare as God’s children when it comes to accepting guidance? I read this the other day, it prompted me to have a good think.

When I meditated on the word GUIDANCE, I kept seeing “dance” at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn’t flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.

When one person realises and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It’s as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word GUIDANCE. When I saw “G”, I thought of God, followed by “u” and “i”. “God”, “u” and “i” dance.” God, you, and I dance. This statement is what guidance means to me.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God’s blessings and mer-cies be upon you and your family on this day and everyday. May you abide in Him as He abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting Him to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.

Glory to the Lord of life.

Happy parenting. And so it is. Maintain good relation-ships. Bring heaven to earth. Fear prevents, faith prevails. God bless. True meaning of Easter. Celebrate the risen Christ. Happy Mother’s Day to all our mums. Find the joy. Defend the Australian way of life. Encourage goal setting. Be thankful. Bloom where you are. Develop resilience. Too blessed to be stressed. Take time. Encourage a positive at-titude. Never quit. Guidance.

~ Rhonda Bevan, Head of Secondary

LP Library Extended Hours! The lower primary library is proud to announce that they

are now open every day from 8am - 4pm. This library ca-ters for students from Prep- Year 4 and ONLY those students are to use this library.

The wonderful news for families is that parents/ grand-parents/ guardians can now come and visit the library with their children from these grades, relax and read a book to-gether, do arts and crafts or simply wait for older grades to finish after-school curriculum activities.

Mrs O’Brien and Mrs Hawkins supervise the library how-ever there will be a strict policy that all parents must ac-company children in the library after school. Please note that we would love for everyone to come and make use of the beautiful library, but it is not a child minding facility.

The main library is still open Monday 8.30am-5pm; Tues-day to Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 8.30am-4.30pm for the older grades.

Happy reading and learning.


Secondary SportDates for Your Diary• Friday 26th August

APS Rd 1 v Somerset College• Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th September

Regional Athletics @ Griffith

Regional Cricket TrialsKing’s sent along three of our talented cricket players to

the U/19 South Coast trials last week. Matthew Shepherd, Jaden McNamara-Muir and Mackenzie Barclay all trialled for the team last Thursday. Mackenzie Barclay gained selection in the team to represent South Coast at the Queensland Championships later this year. We congratulate Mackenzie on a great achievement. Well done!

...secondary sport continued on page 8

Mackenzie BarclayJaden McNamara-MuirMatthew Shepherd

“Educating students in Christian leadership for tomorrow’s generation”


Page 4 - Thursday, August 25, 2011

GeneralAccounts News

• Term 4 fees will be charged 1st September. Please ensure all fees are paid in full by the end of Novem-ber. Check that your payment plan will cover the balance of account eg divide by 7 pf or 14 weeks. Yr 12 fees need to be paid in full by last day of Term 3.

• Statements will be sent to your email address. For credit card payments, address changes or queries please email [email protected]

• A term’s notice is necessary in writing now if you choose to remove your child from the school. If this is not given, it is school policy to charge the subse-quent term’s fees. Please note that all outstanding fees must be paid before ceasing enrolment and all library and textbooks must be returned.

King’s Christian College uses and recommends Toshiba Photocopiers

Bible Study - Thursday mornings 9.00am, Barista LoungeSpecial Dessert Night Thursday 1 September 7pmFor more information please contact Shirley Sykes at

the church office on 5593 4233.“Key Women”… A ministry of King’s Christian Centre

You don’t have to be good to go to God!Quote from Power New Testament

Have you ever felt like you were too messed up to meet with God? Have you ever felt some strange resistance keep-ing you from praying or reading your Bible? Did you ever feel you had to somehow get your life straight before you could live the Christian life? Don’t worry about it! Jesus came to help you in your trouble. He is the great doctor. Go to Him with your problems. Not going to Him is like trying to wait until you are cured of a deadly disease before you go to a doctor. Jesus came to help! “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do. I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I came to invite sinners.” (Mark 2:17)

If you wish to contact Guy Ormerod, College Chaplain, you can write to - [email protected] or pastoral care: Kerrilee Walsingham - [email protected]

LOST PROPERTYWe have quite a lot of lost property at present. If you have

lost something, please come and check the lost property at Student Services ASAP.

Dates for your diaryAugust 26 P-3 Athletics CarnivalAugust 29 Noah’s Ark Father’s NightAugust 29-31 Yr 5 CampAugust 31 Primary Father’s AfternoonAugust 30&31 QCSSeptember 1 Primary Missions FestSeptember 2 Pulbic Holiday Gold Coast ShowSeptember 4 Father’s DaySeptember 6 Instrumental ConcertSeptember 6&7 HS Regional AthleticsSeptember 9&10 Year 3 Camp

For more details and updates visit the website -www.kingscollege.qld.edu.au click on calendar.

Coles Sports for SchoolsColes Sports for Schools is back on and vouchers are

already starting to come to school. Last year we collected nearly 40,000 vouchers and were blessed with heaps of sporting equipment that was spread throughout the pri-mary and secondary school.

This year we want to fill each class with more equipment to use during break times!

A collection box will be placed inside Mrs Fairburn’s office for everyone who is able to collect vouchers! We really appreciate your support and look forward to hopefully reaching 50,000 this year!!!!!



Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Isaiah 58:8

Sign up for RunNat 2011 & be ignited for transformation!We have the power to touch lives!Are you ready to make a difference?Then join the RunNat team and offer HELP & encourage-

ment to families in your region.Log on to www.runforthenation.com/australia to see

how you can be a part of RunNat Australia.RunNat Day: 8th October 2011, 5am - 2pm.


TERMS FIRST DAY LAST DAYONE Monday 23 January Friday 30 March

TWO Monday 16 April Friday 22 June

THREE Monday 16 July Friday 21 September

FOUR Monday 8 October Friday 30 November or

23 November

Thursday, August 25, 2011 - Page 5

Primary Canberra Trip

Some reflections from our students:On the 2011 Canberra trip, the Year 7s participated in quite emotional devotions. Many people were in tears. During wor-

ship, everyone really felt the presence of God. That was the highlight of Canberra for me. ~ Maddie Fife 7GThe 2011 Canberra trip was a massive highlight for the year because of the fantastic devotions. On the last night when

everyone was praising and worshipping, I felt the presence of God in the room. Skiing was another favourite for everyone on the trip. Overall, it was the best camp ever. ~ Jack Ochsner 7G

The highlight of Canberra for me was the devotions because it touched so many people’s hearts. I personally felt a sense of prayer and encouragement come over me. I doubt that any other Christian experience will beat this one. ~ Kevin Pieterse 7S

On the Canberra trip, the highlight for me was devotions. It really touched me and brought me closer to God. It was very emotional but everyone got so much out of it. Also another highlight was definitely skiing. It was so much fun and the whole grade really got into it by the end of it. We all enjoyed the Canberra trip and it will be remembered forever. ~ Lilly Moyes 7B

Page 6 - Thursday, August 25, 2011

Supporting:  King’s Kids Uganda, Mana Ministries India, Samaritan’s Purseand the King’s Community Support Agency 


Bring along your money to support our charities Starts @ 10.30am 

Ice-cream Sausage Sizzle

Obstacle Course Face Painting Tackling comp Bike-a-thon

Penalty Shootout Dip and Win


The Toy Shop Sweets Popcorn

Spider Drink Coloured Hairspray

Lollies Cupcake

Thursday, August 25, 2011 - Page 7

SecondaryYear 8 Camp

Expectations were high as the Year 8 cohort headed north for Currimundi Camp. Our daily program was full as we faced a variety of different challenges, including: high-ropes, kayaking, canoe-ing, fencing, circus training and many other motivating activities.

Each morning began on a high note with Matt leading our devotions. He in-spired us to step up in our lives and to be strong and courageous. As Christians we were encouraged to be honest and trans-parent and to “face the music” in the event of wrongdoing. These words were refreshing and a challenge to all of us.

There were laughs all round watching the teachers taking on the students in a game of rugby, the teachers were clearly outmatched. The humour continued on the dance floor as we observed teach-ers pulling out old dance moves at the Wednesday night disco, that were plainly better left at home!

Thursday night sports activities were memorable. I don’t think anyone expect-ed to see people crawling around on the ground with their friends socks in their mouths, or Mr Lonsdale being tackled to the ground by a large group of spirited boys. Everyone enjoyed the competitive team activities and entertainment.

All in all, we were very fortunate to enjoy an amazing camp, with great teachers, friendly staff members, com-fortable cabins, good food and enjoyable activities. It was definitely a camp worth remembering.

~ Grace Payne 8Y

Page 8 - Thursday, August 25, 2011

SecondarySecondary Sport continued from page 3...

APS Athletics CarnivalFollowing a day of close competition King’s finished 5th at

the recent APS athletics carnival. A number of our students performed exceptionally. Jade Brandt was the Open Girls Age champion. Hayden Nagy finished 2nd in the U/14s and Michael Bogatie finished 3rd in the U/13s. The Open Girls relay team of Jasmyn O’Donnell, Jade Brandt, Demii Maher-Smith and Kristee Wentworth won their 4 X 100m. Peter Ed-dowes was another stand out performer for King’s winning the U/16 shotput, discus and javelin.

Regional AthleticsFollowing on from the APS Athletics Carnival King’s have

25 students qualifying for the regional finals. This is an awe-some performance and we congratulate all these athletes on a fantastic effort. Successful athletes were:

Wade PapenfusMichael BogatieMichelle BristowTaylah HouchenKailah KnudsenHayden NagyMilan EgicJaebin LeeJace IseSamantha OwenAlan LehnerJake MyorsKristall WalcottBradleigh StevensPeter EddowesEvangeline Baker-NussGeorgia HowardBernard LierseMikayla SoperDemii Maher-SmithXavier GengeJade BrandtMichael EastwoodNathaniel Wilson

GolfDee-Dee Russell has recently travelled to America to

play in the U/14 Callaway World Championships. This was a remarkable achievement just to qualify. Dee-Dee then continued her travels and flew to Townsville to play in the Queensland Scholastic Championships. Dee-Dee finished in a tie for 6th place in Queensland, which is a great result. Consequently, she is now 2nd reserve to represent Queens-land in the national championships in Adelaide. Great work Dee-Dee!

We congratulate Ricky Ro who has recently placed 2nd in the Colonial Club championships. The event held over four days was open to all club members. We congratulate Ricky on a fantastic performance.

RugbyOur high school rugby teams are training four mornings a

week in preparation for the 2012 APS season. Year 8 and 9 boys are training Tuesday and Thursday mornings and sen-iors are training Mondays and Wednesdays at 7.00am. We wish them all the very best in this pre-season phase. Well done boys, keep up the great work!

~ Peter Gillett, Secondary Sport Coordinator

Jake Myors

Kailah Knudsen

Jace Ise

Michelle Bristow

Samantha Owen

Milan Egic

Alan Lehner

Taylah HouchenMichael BogatieWade Papenfus

Hayden Nagy Jaebin Lee

Kristall Walcott Bradleigh Stevens Peter Eddowes Evangeline Baker-Nuss

Georgia Howard Bernard Lierse Mikayla Soper Demii Maher-Smith

Xavier Genge Jade Brandt Michael Eastwood Nathaniel Wilson

Dee-Dee Russell Ricky RoJasmyn O’Donnell Kristee Wentworth