Prospectus 2012 -2013 Welcome to our school Park Street King’s Cliffe Peterborough PE8 6XN

KIng's Cliffe Endowed School

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An introduction to the life, ethos and values of our school

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Page 1: KIng's Cliffe Endowed School

Prospectus2012 -2013

Welcome to our school

Park StreetKing’s Cliffe

PeterboroughPE8 6XN

Page 2: KIng's Cliffe Endowed School

Park StreetKing’s CliffePeterboroughPE8 6XN

Telephone: 01780 470259Breakfast/Stay and Play Club: 01780 470780School website: www.kingscliffeschool.co.uk

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Welcome to King’s Cliffe Endowed School for children from the ages of four to nine years.

Children are admitted to school at the beginning of the academic year in which they are five.

The planned admission limit into the four plus age group is 22. Prior to the admission of your children, parents are invited to a meeting in the Summer Term, where arrangements for this will be explored.

We value the partnership that begins when your child enters King’s Cliffe Endowed School. Together we share a common aim, the development of your child.

School Ethos StatementRecognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Christian faith, which includes respecting other faiths and working in partnership with local churches and communities.

Our AimsTo provide a safe, caring stimulating environment in which children and all adults, including parents, families, friends and governors are welcomed as equal partners in education. To enable each child to achieve his/her maximum potential by providing a variety of teaching approaches. To provide a broad, rich, connected and relevant curriculum, in line with the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and National Curriculum guidelines, where children take a pride in the presentation and quality of their work. To provide each child with a firm foundation in the basic skills, to enable them to access other areas of the curriculum, and prepare them to take their place in a literate and numerate society. To develop in each child an awareness of the position of their school within the local community. To create a school ethos and environment which encourages children to make healthy life style choices. To provide equality of opportunity regardless of race gender or disability. To prepare children for living in an interdependent and diverse society through fostering an appreciation and respect for different cultures. To encourage children to become increasingly independent, but also to prepare them to become valuable members of society by encouraging good manners and mutual respect for each other and their environment.

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Staff and school organisation At present there are 98 children organised into 5 classes:

Foundation Stage 21 Year 1 18 Year 2 19 Year 3 15Year 4 25 The staffing consists of five full-time teachers and two part-time teacher. The Head teacher, Mrs Rachel Dempster, has responsibility for the day-to-day management of the school.

Miss J. Waud Foundation Class TeacherMrs R. York Forward Year 1Miss H. Woods Year 2Mr D. Gallen Year 3Mrs R. Dempster Year 4 Miss L. Davis Year 4 Part-timeMrs M. Freeman Year 4 Part-time Visiting Teachers: Ms E. Paterson Violin

Support Staff:Mrs J. Cunningham BursarMrs W. Kirby Teaching Assistant Yr 4 and Lunchtime Supervisor Mrs B Cannon Teaching Assistant Yr 3 Mrs S. Giddings Teaching Assistant Year 2 Mrs M. Jones Teaching Assistant Year 1 Lunchtime SupervisorMrs S. Owen Teaching Assistant FS Lunchtime Supervisor Mrs K. Smith Teaching Assistant Year FS Lunchtime SupervisorMrs K. Munford Cleaner in Charge

Governing Body The Local Authority, teachers, parents and community are represented on the governing body. Mr S. White Chair/H&S/ICT CommunityMrs T. Baillie Vice Chair LEAMrs R. Dempster Head teacherMr M. Fern FoundationMrs H. Bolton FoundationMrs H. Walton StaffMrs M. Jones SEN Governor StaffMrs A. Armitage Parent Mrs D. Asher ParentMrs S. Dresner Parent

The management of a school is carried out through a partnership between the Governing Body, the Head teacher and the Local Education Authority (LEA). The Head teacher and the staff manage the school on a day-to-day basis, within the policies made by the Governing Body and under its general supervision.

The Governors’ Annual Profile is available on line at http://schoolsfinder.direct.gov.uk/928/3201school-profile.

The full governing body meet once each term.

AdministrationThe school is maintained as a county school by The Northamptonshire Director of Education & LibrariesJohn Dryden House8-10 the LakesNorthamptonNN4 7DD Tel: 01604 236204

The Director of Education for Children and Young people is Rachel Singer.

About the SchoolThe school building is a stone property dating from 1873 standing in approximately five acres of grounds leading down to the Willow Brook. It is situated in the centre of the village of King’s Cliffe. The interior of the school has been modernised, providing spacious classrooms each with access to water. We have a well-appointed library/computer suite and central assembly hall. We also have one mobile classroom on site which is well appointed with discrete cloakroom and toilet facilities.The school is part of the Oundle and King’s Cliffe Cluster of schools. The purpose of the cluster is to promote good relationships between the schools by arranging staff development and events for the children and their parents.

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Starting School When children begin school we would hope that they will be able to undress and dress themselves for PE lessons, toilet themselves, sit quietly and listen to a story/simple instructions and play co-operatively. Our School Day The school day is: 8.55am – 12.15pm 1.15pm – 3.25pm

Children may come directly in to school from 8.45a.m. Children who use school transport may arrive earlier and also go direct to their classrooms.

The school welcomes parents who wish to bring their children into school. We feel that it is important that your child has a relaxed start to the day.

At playtime, the playground is supervised by both teachers and classroom assistants to ensure that all children feel safe and happy.

The school day ends at 3.25pm and we ask that your child is collected. In the event of an emergency no child will be released unsupervised.

Wrap Around CareA Breakfast Club and after school Stay and Play Club runs in the Horsa building in our school should you require additional child care. Further details are available from the school office.

Travel to SchoolIf at all possible, we ask that you bring the children to school on foot, or if you have to use transport, you park away from the school and then walk in with your child. This is because our school is situated on such a busy and narrow road, and things become so congested at exit and entry times. Our car-park is closed to parents during the school day. Your co-operation in this matter will be greatly appreciated, and will enhance the safety of all of our children.

Lunchtime Arrangements A selection of meat and vegetarian hot lunches are available every day and children can elect to have these meals whenever they wish. Payment is made weekly. Packed lunches are eaten in the classroom with a mid-day supervisor. Each child will need a lunch box and we ask, in keeping with our healthy eating policy, that lunches do not contain sweets or fizzy drinks in glass bottles or cans. Children eat their lunch at 12.15p.m. and then enjoy a further thirty minutes playtime.

Free school lunches are available for your child if you are in receipt of Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance. Please see the school bursar who will deal with your request in the strictest confidence.

Hot lunches will also be available from September 10th 2013.

Break Time RefreshmentsAll children receive a piece of fruit during the morning break time and children under the age of five years receive a carton of milk free of charge. Other children may have milk which can be ordered on line at a small cost. Details available from the office

School Uniform We recommend that all children wear a simple and inexpensive school uniform: l Red jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan.l White blouse, shirt or polo shirt.l Grey skirts, culottes or trousersl Black shoes.l A named apron or old shirt (for use in Art

& Craft lesson)l A white t-shirt, red shorts and plimsoles

for P.E. trainers may only be worn when working outside.

A selection of sweatshirts, cardigans jackets hats and polo shirts bearing the school logo are available in school and orders are taken frequently during the year.

We also have a well stocked selection of nearly new items at very low cost.

All items of school clothing should be clearly named and the P.E. kit should be in a named bag. Any lost items of clothing which are clearly marked with a name are easily and swiftly re-united with their rightful owner. Jewellery For safety reasons children are asked not to wear jewellery to school.

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Physical Education The children take part in indoor P.E lessons (gymnastics, dance and games) in bare feet/plimsoles wearing their shorts and t-shirts.

No jewellery may be worn during P.E..

If your child is unfit to take part in games, swimming or P.E. please inform the class teacher.

All items of school clothing should be clearly named and the PE kit should be in a named bag. Any lost items of clothing which are clearly marked with a name are easily and swiftly re-united with their rightful owner.

Health Illness If your child becomes ill at school we will contact you at home or work. For this reason it is important that the school always has up to date contact numbers.

Medicines We will, on request, administer antibiotics in order to complete a course. However, all such medicines must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and the correct dosage and handed in at the office. Children with asthma may keep a spare inhaler in the office which is named and labelled with clear instructions. It is our expectation that the children should be able to administer their inhalers independently.

Medicals Your child will receive regular health checks during their time in school. The school nurse can be contacted through the office and is prepared to discuss any queries or concerns you may have.

Head Lice This can still be a problem in schools today and we ask that you regularly check your child’s hair and notify the school should you find any signs of head lice.

Absences Please help us satisfy current government legislation by either writing or telephoning to explain any absences. Attendance over the last year averaged 94%. A small number of unauthorised absences were recorded. Holiday forms are available on request. Please note that your child can only be absent from school for a period of up to 10 school days for this type of absence but we recommend that every effort is made NOT to take long family holidays in term time.

Water Policy Children have access to water throughout the school day. In addition they may also bring their own small water bottles if they wish.

Supporting Your Child in School We actively encourage a close partnership between home and school.

Regular letters keep you informed of events and special activities within the school please check in your child’s book bag each week for correspondence.

We also use a Parent Mail system for those families who prefer to receive the information by email.

For those parents who have the time there are many opportunities to help in the school. We welcome and value this support and will be pleased to hear from you.

HomeworkOur homework policy is in line with national recommendations. Exact arrangements for each class are outlined in the Curriculum Newsletter each half term.

School Visits From time to time your child will be invited to take part in a visit especially arranged to provide first hand experiences as part of their curriculum studies.

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We sometimes ask parents to make a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of the school visits or items made by your child in school.

The Head teacher will be pleased to discuss individual problems with parents.

Children with Special NeedsIf your child is experiencing difficulty, the class teacher will seek the advice of the school Special Needs Co-ordinator and plan a programme of support following consultation with you, the parent.

In some cases it may be necessary to refer a child to a specialist support agency but, again, you the parent will be fully consulted and informed. If you have any concerns about your child do not hesitate to contact the class teacher.

Close links are maintained with both the speech therapy service and the CYPS Children and Young Peoples Service teams which are based in Wellingborough.

Records of Progress When your child is admitted to school a system of record keeping commences. This is constantly monitored and reviewed and is

passed on to the next school. There are regular open evenings when you will be invited to discuss your child’s progress.

In the summer term parents will receive a written report of their child’s progress and achievement.

At the end of Year Two your child will receive the results of the Standard Assessments for Key Stage One of the National Curriculum.This school’s statutory assessment results at Key Stage One are audited and verified by Northamptonshire LEA.

Your child’s records within Key Stages One and Two are available to you by appointment with the Head teacher.

Assessment ResultsIn June 2013 thirteen pupils from year 2 completed the end of Key Stage One assessment process. Nationally and locally, this was completed through teacher assessment of work completed by the children across the year and tasks and tests were used to support or confirm judgments. The results below show how our school compared to national results.

All figures below are calculated as percentages. Figures may not total 100% because of rounding. We aim for the majority of our pupils to achieve level 2 by the end of year 2.

Percentage of all Pupils achieving level 2 or above in the National Curriculum Key stage 1 Teacher Assessments in June 2012.

Number of eligible pupils 13 School results National results

Speaking and Listening 100% 86%

Reading 100% 84%

Writing 100% 81%

Mathematics 100% 90%

Science 100% 89%

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The achievement of our children at level 2 or above exceeded the national average in Mathematics, Science, Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing.

We have again set challenging targets for the year 2013, when we hope that 100% of children under going assessment will achieve at level 2, or above, in all five areas.

Religious Education Religious Education is based upon mainly Christian beliefs and morals. We also aim to develop an awareness of other faiths and to promote behaviour, which is acceptable within the wider community. There is a daily assembly in the school lead by a member of staff or the Head teacher. On Fridays we hold an assembly to celebrate and share achievements.

As a parent you have the right to withdraw your child from Religious Education and assemblies. Please inform us if this is your wish.

Behaviour Management Within our school we expect children to show consideration to others and to behave insuch a way that they do not jeopardise their own or other children’s safety.

Promoting Excellent BehaviourWe have high expectations in this area and build our approach around the principlethat there are three basic rights for all of the adults and children who are part of ourschool.

These are :n The right to feel and be safen The right to learnn The right to be treated with respect

We believe that everyone has a responsibility to protect these rights through their own behaviour and actions and we support the children and teach them how to do this in avariety of ways across the year.

Behaviour problems are dealt with sensitively and in line with our policy, further details of which are available on request.

Should your child consistently behave inappropriately your help and advice will be sought.

We operate an Anti Bullying policy details of which are also available on request. Wedo our utmost to ensure that everyone in our school feels a sense of security and wellbeing.

School and Eco CouncilsEach class has 2 representatives on the School and Eco council. They are elected by their classmates to represent pupils’ views and feed these into the decision making process. The councils have assisted with the school’s travel plan, organised the school’s policies for recycling reducing and reusing, initiated a Buddies system, developed the school garden and bird area and have helped with the interviewing of prospective members of staff.

Parental Concerns All staff in school are concerned for the well being of your child. They are always willing to discuss any concerns that you may have.

You are welcome to visit the school to discuss any concerns with either the relevant member of staff or the Head teacher.

Please ring the school to arrange an appointment if you should wish to do so.

“Pupils thoroughly enjoy school and take full advantage of the many opportunities offered to them by

attending many of the clubs and sporting activities that the school organises”

Ofsted 2010

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using a wide variety of materials and equipment. They try to create high quality products.

HistoryThe village of King’s Cliffe has a wealth of opportunities for historical and geographical studies. Through using a wide range of source material we try to help children develop a sense of chronology and to form an understanding of the lives and times of people who lived in the past.

GeographyIn Geography we study places and the people who live in them. From the earliest years children investigate their own and contrasting locations. They are also encouraged to appreciate and respect the environment in which they live and to understand the implications of today’s actions for the future.

Music We aim to teach children to develop a love of all types of music. They are given opportunities to sing, compose and perform on a range of tuned and untuned percussion instruments the emphasis being on enjoyment and involvement.Violin tuition is available from Year 3 from the Northamptonshire Music Service.

Toys in SchoolBecause of problems encountered during previous years we are now asking that children do not bring toys of their own to school. We have extended the range of equipment and activities available at playtimes and lunchtimes to compensate for this.

School Curriculum We aim to offer a broad and balanced range of subjects in line with the expectations within the National and Early Years curriculum. All of our educational provision is underpinned by the whole school approach to inclusion, equal opportunities and diversity. We strive to provide each child with a firm foundation in the basic skills, to enable them to access other areas of the curriculum, and prepare them to take their place in a literate and numerate society.

Every Child MattersWe support the Every Child Matters Agenda placing importance on the following:n Be healthyn Stay Safen Enjoy and achieven Make a positive contributionn Achieve economic well-being

Each term your child will bring home a

curriculum newsletter which will explain the specific areas of study for those weeks.

Foundation Stage The Early Years curriculum is split into seven areas of learning. These are:n Personal, social and emotional development.n Communication and languagen Literacyn Mathematicsn Understanding of the world.n Physical development.n Expressive arts and design.

During the Foundation stage your child will be involved in learning through well planned, practical activities and tasks, set both inside and out, providing enjoyment and challenge and preparing them for their learning journey though our school.

English We recognise that English is a combination of speaking and listening, reading and writing and our aim is to ensure that children develop to their full potential in all three elements. We follow the National Literacy Framework and deliver daily literacy lessons.Mathematics We recognise that Mathematics is a combination of knowledge of the number

system, having the ability to calculate, using calculations to solve problems, knowledge of shape, space, measures and data handling. We follow the National Numeracy Framework and deliver daily Numeracy lessons

Science Science enables the children to develop curiosity about the world around them through investigation, observation, problem solving and a practical approach. They will develop an awareness of the role and importance of Science in every day life. All Science teaching is carefully matched to the requirements of the National Curriculum.

Information Technology This subject refers to all electronic methods of storing and retrieving information whether by computer, tape recorder, digital camera or other means. The teaching of ICT ensures that all children have the necessary skills to operate the technology and use it in raising standards in other subjects. Children are taught how to access technology safely and follow our E safety policies.

Design technology The children are given many opportunities to design, make and evaluate in 2D and 3D form

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Art and Design This subject supports other areas of the curriculum in addition to being valued in its own right. Children have the opportunity to experiment with a range of techniques including drawing, painting, collage and sculpture. The children work with a variety of tools and materials to develop their own ideas and are encouraged to evaluate and modify their own work.

Personal Social Health Education and Citizenship We have developed a curriculum to address the whole development of the child where children are encouraged to make positive and healthy decisions about their life styles and related well being. Much of this work is achieved through drama, role play, hot seating and discussion. At this age there is no formal sex education. If questions are raised the subject is handled in an open and honest way. We are a Healthy school and we place great importance on helping pupils to learn more about themselves and to the essential skills of independence, co-operation and team working.

The school follows the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) units and Telling Tales materials which aim to help children to recognise how their own emotions and those of others affects their learning and social interactions. The purpose behind this is to break down any barriers to learning so pupils are able to manage their emotions more readily. This has a very positive impact on pupils’ personal, social and academic progression. Pupils are taught about healthy lifestyles: they learn about personal hygiene,

eating and exercise. They are encouraged to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Physical EducationAll children enjoy a minimum of two hours each week where they can develop their skills in dance, gymnastics, dance and athletics. In addition each class also enjoys daily sessions of Activate which is an exercise programme designed to prepare the body and mind for learning. Children from year 3 and 4 also enjoy swimming lessons at the Oundle Pool during the first part of the Autumn and throughout the Summer Term.

FrenchAll children in key stage 2 learn French for an hour each week which is delivered by a specialist teacher. Children in Key stage 1 enjoy French for half an hour each week.

Creative Curriculum Wherever possible we plan to make relevant links between subjects to make the learning more enjoyable and meaningful for the children. Our curriculum grid is constantly subject to review and development.

Global Links We are presently twinned with the Young Ambassadors school in Ghana with whom we share work and news across the year. We also have international schools status.

Community Links We place great importance on pupils taking an active role within the school and the wider community. Our pupils are active participants in village and cluster events;

Extra Curricular Activities We have a number of clubs, which run either at lunch time or after school. Details are available from the office or our school website.

Disability and Equality At King’s Cliffe Endowed School every person is considered to be valued irrespective of race, age, faith, culture, gender or disabilities. The school abides by the laws that govern equal opportunities and racial equality. We also constantly strive to ensure that our school is accessible in line with the legal requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and subsequent amendments/extensions in 2004 and 2005. The Equality Duty Act 2010 lists a number of characteristics which must not be used as a reason to treat some one less favourably than others in education. These are the ‘protected characteristics’. The protected characteristics in education are: n agen disability n racen sexn pregnancy, maternity and breastfeedingn gender reassignmentn religion or belief; andn sexual orientation.

Our school complies with these recommendations.

Safeguarding Statement At King’s Cliffe Endowed School we strongly recognise the need for vigilant awareness of safeguarding issues. All staff have appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are

confident about carrying them out. Staff, pupils, parents and governors should feel secure that they could raise any issues or concerns about the safety or welfare of children and know that they will be listened to and taken seriously. This will be achieved by maintaining an ethos of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and protecting staff. This is supported by clear behaviour, anti-bullying and child protection policies, appropriate induction and training, briefing and discussion of relevant issues and relevant learning in line with current legislature and guidelines. The school shares a purpose with parents to keep children safe from harm and to have their welfare promoted.

Further information about keeping children safe is available from: n www.lscbnorthamptonshire.org.uk, n NSPCC website www.nspcc.org.uk n www.ceop.gov.uk) through our website and

prospectus. Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding/Child Protection: Mrs R. A. Dempster.

“The cumulative effect of consistently good teaching and learning strongly supports the pupils’ enjoyments of school and their excellent progress”

Ofsted 2010

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Our School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school. All Northamptonshire schools, including King’s Cliffe Endowed School, follow the Northamptonshire Local Safeguarding Children Board Inter-Agency Procedures. The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures). The school will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. The school’s child protection policy is available on request.

Complaints Procedure Schools are required to inform parents of the procedure for dealing with complaints about the school curriculum.1. Informal stage, e.g. discussion between parents and teacher or Head teacher.2. Formal complaint to the Governing Body3. Formal complaint to the Local Education Authority (LEA)

We encourage anyone who has concerns to discuss the matter with appropriate teacher or Head teacher as early action may alleviate

concern. We share with you the commitment to your child’s health, safety, education and, above all, happiness.

Insurance – Personal Accident Parents should be aware that there is no universal personal accident cover for school children. Special arrangements are, however, made in this respect for school children involved in `work experience’ activities. Because it has no insurable interest, special insurance cover will be taken out to cover school pupils engaged on educational visits, school journeys etc., although the general liability policy protects the school against the consequences of actions brought against it on behalf of pupils. Schools normally take out insurance for visits in this country involving an overnight stay. Parents are advised to check with the Head teacher for more detailed information. Parents are, of course, at liberty to take out insurance on an individual basis should they wish to have additional cover for their children.

Health and Safety The Governors of King’s Cliffe Endowed School acknowledge their corporate responsibility as an employer to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the children, teaching and non-teaching staff and other people who come on the premises as visitors or contractors.

King’s Cliffe Endowed School term dates 2012 – 2013Term 1 2012 Teacher Training Day (1) Monday 3nd September 2012 Teacher Training Day (2) Tuesday 4th September Re-open to pupils at 8.55am Wednesday 5th September Close at 3.25pm Friday 26th October

Term 2 Re-open to pupils at 8.55am Monday 5th November Close at 3.25pm Wednesday 19th December

Term 3 2013 Teacher Training Day (3) Thursday 3rd January 2013 Teacher Training Day (4) Friday 4th January Re-open to pupils at 8.55am Monday 7th January Close at 3.25pm Friday 8th February

Term 4 Re-open to pupils at 8.55am Monday 18th February Close at 3.25pm Wednesday 27th March Teacher Training Day (5) Thursday 28th March

Term 5 Re-open to pupils at 8.55a.m Monday 15th April

May Day – School Closed Monday 6th May

Re-open to pupils at 8.55a.m Tuesday 7th May Close at 3.25p.m Friday 24th May

Term 6 Re-open to pupils at 8.55am Monday 3rd June Close at 3.25pm Friday 23th July 2012

Autumn 2013* Re-open to pupils at 8.55am Monday 2nd September

We share with you the commitment to your child’s health, safety, education and, above all, happiness

* This date may be subject to change

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Park StreetKing’s Cliffe

PeterboroughPE8 6XN

The information and particulars in this brochure are correct at date of publication.