Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

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Page 1: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

Kingdom Protista

Page 2: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and

colours Microscopic Classified together because

they do not fit into other kingdoms, rather than because they are similar or closely related to one another

Most diverse group of eukaryotes, but not as diverse as the bacteria or archaea

Some have cell walls, some are motile

3 main groups of protists, characterized by how they get their nutrients.

Page 3: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

ProtozoaMeans first animalsFeed by eating other

animals or dead material

Scavengers or predators

Some parasites.Vary in shape and size.Most live as single

cells but others form colonies

Page 4: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

ProtozoaProtozoa can move and are

classified into four phyla based on their methods of locomotion:

Flagellates: have one or more flagella which whip from side to side to move them about, have a hard protective covering over their outer membrane, some are parasites, some are symbiotic and some are free-living. Most symbiotes live in digestive systems and help break down cellulose. Trypanosomia causes African sleeping Sickness, as it is parasitic.

Page 5: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

ProtozoaSarcodines: these are the

amoebae, move and engulf their prey by producing pseudopodia, which are extensions of their cytoplasm.

Ciliates: move by cilia beating in a coordinated rhythm, they also help move food into the paramecium’s gullet, which leads to a food vacuole. A paramecium is a ciliate.

Sporozoans: these are parasites, they have spores at some point in their lifecycle, they contain a number of complex organelles at one end of their bodies to help them invade their victim. Plasmodium vivax causes one type of malaria in humans.

Page 6: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

AlgaeSimple, aquatic, plant-like

organisms that contain chlorophyll

Range in size (single cells to giant seaweeds 60m in length)

Lack the leaves, roots, stems and water-conducting materials of plants

Algae is not a proper taxonomic group

They have been on the earth for about 2 billion years and scientists are still discovering new species

Page 7: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

AlgaeAlgae are classified into six

different phyla based on the type of chloroplasts and pigments they contain. The chloroplasts in different types of algae have different types of chlorophylls and other pigments. This suggests that chloroplast-containing cells evolved three times.

Three phyla are unicellular and three are multi-cellular

Other differences include the chemistry of their cell walls, the number and position of flagella (if any) and the form that food reserves take in their cells.

Page 8: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

AlgaeGreen Algae

(Chlorophytes): The most plant-like of the algae as they have the same type of chlorophyll and the same colour as most land plants. And like plants, their cell walls contain cellulose and store food reserves in the form of starch. Found in freshwater, damp terrestrial places and even live in the fur of sloths!

Page 9: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

AlgaeBrown Algae (Phaeophytes):

nearly all multicellular, which are commonly called seaweeds. They have cell walls made of cellulose and alginic acid (similar to pectin, which is used to thicken jams and jellies). They have adaptations to live in rough environments such as holdfasts that anchor the algae to the rocky seashore. Their fronds are tough enough to withstand the pounding of the waves. They are what let Colombus know he was close to land! Found in cold water.

Page 10: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

AlgaeRed Algae

(Rhodophytes): multicellular seaweed found in warmer seawater. More delicate and smaller than brown algae. Why are they red? Because they contain pigments that absorb green, violet and blue light and since these wavelengths penetrate the furthest in water, they are able to live at deeper depths.

Page 11: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

AlgaeDiatoms (Chrysophyta): most

abundant unicellular algae in the oceans. They are one of the biggest components of plankton. As photosynthetic organisms they are also a major source of atmospheric oxygen. They have rigid cell walls that contain silica, a common ingredient in sand and glass. The remains of diatoms stick around for a long time and they are used in filters, sound proofers, insulation and as a gentle abrasive in metal polishes and toothpastes.

Page 12: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

AlgaeDinoflagellates (Pyrophytes):

unicellular, photosynthetic and mostly marine. They have protective coats made of stiff cellulose plates. They all have two distinct flagellae. One lies in a long groove on the covering plate with only its far end free. The second is flat and ribbon like and lies in a groove that encircles the dinoflagellate. They are extremely numerous and form an important base for marine food chains. Form red tides which cause toxins to built up in shellfish that eat them.

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(Euglenophytes): unicellular freshwater organisms with two flagellae, one usually much longer than the other. They contain chloroplasts but if there is no sunlight then they lose their chloroplasts and ingest and eat food.

Page 14: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

Slime and Water MouldsHave the

characteristics of fungi, protozoa and plants. They glide from place to place and ingest food like protozoa. They have cellulose in their cell walls like plants. They also absorb nutrients from their environment like fungi.

Page 15: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

Slime and Water MouldsWater Moulds

(Oomycotes): includes water moulds, white rusts and downy mildews. They are filamentous organisms that resemble fungi. Most live as saprotrophs on dead organic materials, but some are parasitic on plants, insects and fish. They extend fungus like threads into their host where they release digestive enzymes and absorb the nutrients. The cause of the Irish Potato Famine.

Page 16: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

Slime and Water MouldsPlasmodial Slime

Moulds (Myxomycotes): visible to the naked eye as tiny slug like organisms that creep over damp, decaying plant material in forests and fields. This blob, called a plasmodium, contains many nuclei. Feed in a similar manner to amoebae. Spores form in improper living conditions.

Page 17: Kingdom Protista. General Characteristics Most are single-celled All are eukaryotic Come in all shapes, sizes and colours Microscopic Classified together

Slime and Water MouldsCellular Slime Moulds

(Acrasiomycotes): exist as individual amoeboid like cells with one nucleus each. Feed by ingesting tiny bacteria or yeast cells. When food becomes scarce, the cells release a chemical that causes them to gather together to form a pseudoplasmodium. This is a jelly-like mass, which produces a sporangia that releases spores.

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