l ts q e ts- r r f < It ITI1Jj94r7 t > i h > t < r1 k- ti > < p w t1ttrf yMI u hi < l TUESDAY i 1 and arllelr4r 1L 1 FR IDA Y i IF IIVENTYFIRST YEAR EARLINGTON HOPKINS COUNTY KY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25 1910 co No 68 lll I t PRIZE WINNERS AT GRADED SCHOOL Interesting and Profitable After ParentsF l EXHIBITION OF WORK SHOWS FINE PROGRESS OF PUPILS The winners in the maP draw OI ing contest at the Earlington l Graded School on the work that was exhibited fast Friday as par of the Parents Day program- S 1were awarded special recognition in the shape of prize books pre seuted by Prof Dudley princi ¬ pal of the school The first prize winner was Hey Sharp in Miss Murrolls room The contestants r included only the 5th Oth 7th and 8th grades The best work as decided by the committee by grades was as follows 5th grade Anna West and Dorothy Willis Ralph Dudley teacher Oth and 7th grades Hey Sharp and John- BrownMiss Murrell teacher 8th grade Wallace Clark and Owen ShaverMiss Weir teach or The committee on contest was composed of Mrs James II Rush Mrs Stella M Kemp and Mrs George Mothershead Visitors to the school on Fri ¬ day afternoon last noted a marked progress made by the pupils during the month elapsed since the last parents day In drawing and writing the progress he4JI seen genem ment was evident and some of the work displayed showed talent jf and great care in its execution The drawing was seen in every grade Written exercises in the various studies wore shown a 1fPvery complete display being made in each room of the work of the respective grades The attendance of visitors was large f composed chiefly ot the mothers as is to be expected in a com ¬ munity where every man is busy at his daily avocation Talks were made by Prof Dudley Mayor Rash Rev W 0 Bran > don and Paul M Moore trustee It was announced that there will rf be another parents day soon uLwith program entirely different from that of either occasion that has yet been celebrated It is t l worth a day oft to see the eager and interested children on these special days- Irregular bowel movements lead to chronic constipation and a con ¬ stipated habit fills the system with impurities HERBINE is a great bowel regulator It purifies the system vitalizes the blood and puts the digestive organs in flue vigor ous condition Price GOo Sold by drug department of the St Bernard Mining Go Incorporated New Rabbit Law 1 Much misapprehension as to- p the game law passedby the last t Legislature has arisen in this h county and probably in many I other counties especially as to i f setting traps and snares for rab < bits and other game The act isl That it shall be unlawful for anyone to set a trap deadfall orI to lobse or hunt with a ferret upon the premises or property orI to tinother without first securing the yrittenaouseut of the owner 11 of the premises or property and II anyone thus offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined i no6vles8 than 5 nor more than 25 Having in possession game ° caughtjias set out in Section 1 < r shall beritiiafacie evidence of guilt as heroin providedI o s WOTOY Formerly of this City Kills Rare Bird Species Now Almost Extinct While quail hunting near the city WO Toy a well known barber killed a longbeaked bird with beautiful plumage The bird was little larger thaiva par ¬ tridge Mr Toy broughtlit to town but none of the scores of persons ho showed it to seemed Mayorn recogt ¬ as one now almost extinct woodcocks com ¬ monly known as the jacksnipe Mr Toy gave the bird to Mayor Towusend who tact it prepared for nib supper Mayor Townsend said the incident carried him back thirty years ago when woodcocks were almost as plenti ¬ ful as sparrows in the vicinity and were considered the most de ¬ licious came bird a hunter could kill Bowling Green News Group Is most prevalent during the dry cold weather of the early winter months Parents of young children should be prepared for it All that IB needed is a bottle of Chamber ¬ lams Cough Remedy Many moth ors are never without it in their disappointedthorn Resolutions of Respect E W Turner Lodge No 584 F A M Burlington Ky Nov 11 1910 Whereas Amid the changing scenes of time Death has again visited our Lodge and taken from our midst Bro R D Smith who departed this life on Nov 10th I 1010 at the age of 03 years Bro Smith had been a Mason for years and had an abiding faith in Masonry and its principles Therefore be it Resolved That m the death o Bro Smith the Lodge has lost a useful member his family a kind father and loving husband Resolved That we tender his family our heartfelt sympathy in their sadness and bereavement and point them to Him wh doeth all things well that resolutions be spread on the min- utes of the Lodge a copy be sent to the family and that they b published in t1IOEarlingtonBeeFRANKD g H G BOURLAN- DR E WlPPLKR Committee Neuralgia of the face shoulder hands or feet requires a powerful remedy that will penetrate the flesh BALLARDS SNOW LINI ¬ MENT possesses that power Rub- bed in where the pain is felt IB all Is necessary to relieve suffering and restore normal conditions Price 250 BOo and 100 per bottle Sold by drug department of the St Ber ¬ nard Mining Co Incorporated Banks Will Waive Examining Trial Elktou Ky Nov 28S W Forgy who has been retained by the defense in the case of Mor ¬ ris Banks who shot and killed his aunt Mrs Fenuel A Sebree at Trenton Saturday morning stated this afternoon that his client will waive oxamiug trial and that no application will be made for bail No further steps will therefore be taken in the case until the grand jury of the December term of tho Todd Oir ¬ cuit Court which convenes on December 5 has reported its re suits of its investigation Saves an Iowa Mans Life The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Mad sen of Wost sevenweeks best physicians gave him up Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters For after months of frightful suf- fering ¬ from liver trouble and yellow Jaundice getting no help from other remedies or doctors five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him Its positively guaran ¬ teed for Stomach Llvdr or Kidney dhmppolntsI u v- r u r S r HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF A recent consular report Lives details of a new departure iu trades union methods which is of the highest importance enysu Now York exchanges It involves u principal capable of almost revolutionising present conditions The Brassmakers Association and the National Society of Bra8wprl < ers and Metal Mechanics two Br t1sh unions covering the K utire trade have unanimous endorsed the proposal to grade tlieir members according to capa ¬ city I The grading includes five clntasfrom the improver of twenty 0113 years of age to thecompleteli qualified workman expert iu all processes and also able to worc to scale drawings of blue print The union in fact guarantees fthe quality of the work Th agreement provides against arbitrary reductions in grades nor id it possible for the employer to keep the workman in a grade below his true capacity The best mtnr eta the best wages as he ought to do in every trade and calling Unquestionably labor umons have rights but the union lead I ers forget that they have also responsibilities If they can demand that a bricklayer in New York shallreceivethe highest wages in the world they are morally bound ther best work in the world A good bricklayer can lay 1600 brick a day easily and plenty can lay 2000 The union has in recent times reduced the output to seven hundred This is common ordinary swindling and tho plea that it pYovides work for so many more men in fallacious Itmeans just so much waste and it destroys exactly that amount of power to create employment- The curious part about the Brassworkers plan is that it is a old as trades unionism itelf It defines exacty the conditions en ¬ forced by the trades guilds of the Middle Ages The workman then was proud of his dexterity He stood up forthe rights of his fellows but he did not demand that the incompetent should re- ceive ¬ the same wages as a competent because in so doing he would preI ¬ cisely our are Olpg A first class work man restricted in quality and output to less than his capadity is demoralized thereby He deteriorates allthe time and if he has any conscience at all he knows that he is a shirker and a cheat L Madisonville Notes i High School Debate The Owensboro High School has challenged the Madisonville High School to a debate to be held in Oweusboro The M H S students at once Waf r Has Been a Greater Curse Than Blessing to Humanity and Elm date set for the debate is December 23The MadlBouvllle High School i allowed to select either side of th question 0Miss Metabath Sory of this city left Tuesday morning for Nashville where she will remain a few days visiting friends and will attend the footballe game Montgomery Holeman attended I the football game in Nashvillw WednesdayWilliam Ross Lysle Robinson and Roy Wilson all of this place and Neal SpiUman of Earlington attended the football game in Nash ¬ ville Wednesday Mrs Henry Head Clyde Ruby and Maude Morton of this place were in Etirllngtou Monday visiting friendsMiss Katherlne SpiUman and Margaret Victory ot Earlington wore here Monday Herschel Logan who has been In Evansvllle a few days has returned homeBailey RuSsell of the Sutherland Medicine Co of Paducah who has been visiting homefolks a few days has returned to Paducah A very enjoyable dance was given by some of the young men of time town at the Elks Hall Friday night It is said to have been the best dance of the season and a large crowd was present Miss Bessie Wallace of ifopkins ville who has been visiting Miss Metabeth Sory a few days has re ¬ turned home The Hustler has moved to its new homo in the Williams building op ¬ posite the Y M 0 A Building Jennings S Co have opened a new teed store in the Williams building and are now ready for bus ¬ inessMrs Taleferro Is spending her Thanksgiving in Nashville Little Miss lua Greys Sory left Tuesday morning for Springfield Tenn whore she will spendseveral weeks The banquet given by time Y M C Apopleat the Masdnio Temple Monday night wad a big success and m 3t A was well attended Several new embers have been dded to this days1ndjvork hts week Some one set the grass on fire in a vacant lot near the residence of Dubartls Smith Wednesday morn ¬ ing A fire alarm was turned in and quite an excitement was created before it was discovered what and where the fire was thia s WhiteI Mor groom is a son of thiss the e Millinery Com ¬ pany of St Louis Tonnie Mitchell of Cadiz Ky r 1and Miss Maggie Holcomb of Ce dartown Gn were married Wed ¬ ue day noon in Coxs dry goods store by Rev S M Bernard The NeliLitohfleld Trio will ap- pear ¬ in the West Broadway Audito ¬ clam Friday night This Is the second attraction of the High SchoolY M C A lecture course and comes highly reccommended Lee Oldham of Hopkinsville sold his residence on West Broad ¬ way in this city to Mr Dave Kinch loe Consideration unknown Dr J D Sory and charming dauhgter Miss Mothabeth were Un Nashville Wednesday and Thurs- day ¬ and saw the SewaneeVander bilfc football gamejwhile there Prof Collins of the high school 1 spent Thanksgiving day with rela ¬ tives in Louisville Charlie Owen of tins city ate his Thanksgiving dinner with relatives in Princeton Ky Miss Harp Eblin was In Robards Thursday spending the day with homefolks Wallace M Weir one of Hanson prosperous merchants was here Wednesday on business Everett Johnson has secured a position in San Antonio Texas and left for that place Wednesday Miss Main Eudaley of Nebo was here Wednesday visiting friends Ernest Williams has sold a half interest in his tailoring establish ¬ LouisMo Mrs WH Kline of Earlington was here Wednesday shopping Henry Jones and Jim Brown are working for the Hustler Publishing Company in the clrculatlsn and sol ¬ iciting departments- W G Wrl ht manager of the- Carboudale Coal Companv was here Wednesday on business Miss Allee of this city is visiting friends m Lexington and Frankfort visitingfriends visitingfriends I K u TUESDAY and FRIDAY E A GRAND POSSUM HUNT Enjoyed by the Young People of Aliens ville On last Wednesday night tlf stillness of the vicinity arouu ths merry shouts of a party of pos sum hunters chaperoned by Mr and Mrs Joe Prince Never va timers such excitment and antici- pation manifested as the job crowd assembled for the great hie Lassie wandered out through the woods at random falling over logs and whooping at the dogs fighting underbrush an yelling at the top of our voices as they slowly made their way to the famous C Possum resort known as Mosley pond We had scarcely reached the edge of this impenetrable morass wile n one of the doge announced by a prolonged howl that he ha treed Every oue of the part made a break for the dog and- s found he had put one of the night prowlers up an oak tree six feet in diameter at the butt and no one in the crowd climb a tree like this so they ha to leave his Possumship and depart for other game Afro tramping around in the woods for two hours and finding no game we came to the conclusion that the Possum knevrhat dan gerous hunters we were and aU- x of them crawled In their dens and stayed there so we built a big fire to throw more light on the subject To our great sur prose and delight the young men of the party produced various baskets and packages containing a beautiful supply of good things to eat and we ate with the same zeal and earnestness that we imagine Mr Roosevelt did on his famous hunting trip in the wilds of Africa after big game The time passed all too quickly and lour chaperones gently broke the news it was time to depart upos ¬ sum or no Possum We thanked the young men for the delightful hunt and more than delightful supper and re- gretfully took our leave feeling that our hunt had been a success even though we did not get any game Following am those who enjoyed the hunt Ed Gill Htirtense Follin Milton Gill Sarah Sadler Buford Oampbell Jessie May Prince Stewart Ri ley Mary Bradley FrAzier Penic Lade Prince Joe Riley Polly Dickersou Ohesley Adams Ethel Oats Bernard Robertson Birdie Gill Ernest Williams Fay Ohildress Charlie Gill Win ¬ nie Gill Eugene Gill Mallie Prince Joe Prince Jr Blanch Gill Lizzie Lee Prince Chaperones Mr and Mrs Joe Prince froms cause of seeming stupidity at les- sons ¬ Chamberlains Stomach and medlolneI gentle in their effect and will cure even chronic constipation Sold by Geo King Sons Union Thanksgiving Service Union Xhaukgiving service wis held on Wednesday evening at the M E Church South hy agreement of representatives ofI the various congregation S of Earhngton Talks were made by Rev Brandon of that church Rev Holtzclaw of the M E Church and Mr Jas R Rash ofI the Ohristian church The musi ¬ cal program included several fine thanksgiving hymns A collec lectiou was takeu for the relief of any needy ones in the team munity A tpeclfre of pain Dr Thomas Eletrlc Oil stronger cheapest liniment ever devised A household remedy in America for 2 years oJ rf r irf 1 p r t f 1 t NIGHT RIDER DAMAGE SUITS TO BE HEARD Soled Guarde a i WARD HEADLEY OF PRINCETON sDISMISSED AS DEFENDANTI 23TheY Court opened Tuesday morning oflLouisvllle night rider damage suits aggre f cond soldiers under command of Lieut CJooch are doing guard duty to prevent an outbreak of any kind About 200 witnesses and defendants are in attendance including Mrs Mary Lou Hollo well who with her husband re ¬ agonstY Court a year ago She is a wit ness for the plaintiffs On motion of Congressman i Ohio Jamee who represents the riderd sUl a ¬ i nent lawyer of Princeton was dismissed as a defendant in the i suit of Mrs Laura Tommey against Ir L Amos and other Q alleged ricjers for 50000 dam ¬ aRes Thefexpert witness in the 1 nightrider suits is Stanford i itis Hall is charged with flourishing his pistol ina localrestaurant but the case was continued in Police Oourt owing to the session of Federal Court FORMER SLAVE GIVES HOME FQR NEGRO SICK Colorado Springs Man Donates 489 Acres of Land For Tuberculo ¬ sis Sanitarium Colorado Springs Colo Nov 22James K Polk Taylor a y former slave 71 years old and his wife it was announced to day have given 480 acres of land at Oalhan forty miles east of Colo ¬ rado Springs to the Charles Sumner Tuberculosis Association < as a cite for a national tubercul ¬ osis sanitarium for negros It is will be on the sanitariumj Dyspepsia is our national ailment Burdock Dlood billets is the national cure for Ih It strengthens stomachs membranes promotes flow os digeslve juice purifys the blood buildst you up I Church Advertising A glance at the religious no ll tices in tho Saturday papers is sufficient to show to what extent the churches now avail them = selves of display type to set forth A their attractions says the New York World Almost as much tt prominence is given to the an nouncement of the Sunday ser vices as to theater advertising and the fact is significant of a new conception of the uses of publicity in promoting an inter- est ¬ in religion x Not only is the subject of the sermon printed in type selected to catch the eye but attteutiou is called to special features of a program designed to draw a largo l audience to the concert or mov ¬ in picture exhibition arranged ° for to the fact that the semvioES will be held on the pnrishi1ouse- roof during hot weather to ad ¬ dresses on civic questions or the discussion of political issues A cut of the church or a pictu o i of the pastor somotimehaccomq panes the notice This extension of publicity methods by the churches is not confined to the large cities It is a movement of national ex ¬ tent

Kills Rare Bird Aliens Now Soled Guarde K WARD HEADLEY … · 2017-12-14 · remedies or doctors five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him Its positively guaran

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Page 1: Kills Rare Bird Aliens Now Soled Guarde K WARD HEADLEY … · 2017-12-14 · remedies or doctors five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him Its positively guaran

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f < It ITI1Jj94r7 t > i h> t< r1 k-

ti > < p w t1ttrf yMI u




i 1 and arllelr4r1L




No 68 lllI



Interesting and Profitable After



The winners in the maP drawOI ing contest at the Earlington

l Graded School on the work thatwas exhibited fast Friday as parof the Parents Day program-

S 1were awarded special recognitionin the shape of prize books preseuted by Prof Dudley princi ¬

pal of the school The first prizewinner was Hey Sharp in MissMurrolls room The contestants

r included only the 5th Oth 7thand 8th grades The best workas decided by the committee bygrades was as follows 5th gradeAnna West and Dorothy WillisRalph Dudley teacher Oth and7th grades Hey Sharp and John-

BrownMiss Murrell teacher8th grade Wallace Clark andOwen ShaverMiss Weir teachor The committee on contestwas composed of Mrs James IIRush Mrs Stella M Kemp andMrs George Mothershead

Visitors to the school on Fri ¬

day afternoon last noted a

marked progress made by thepupils during the month elapsedsince the last parents day Indrawing and writing the progresshe4JIseen genemment was evident and some ofthe work displayed showed talentjf and great care in its executionThe drawing was seen in everygrade Written exercises in thevarious studies wore shown a

1fPvery complete display beingmade in each room of the workof the respective grades Theattendance of visitors was large

f composed chiefly ot the mothersas is to be expected in a com ¬

munity where every man is busyat his daily avocation Talkswere made by Prof DudleyMayor Rash Rev W 0 Bran

> don and Paul M Moore trusteeIt was announced that there will

rf be another parents day soon

uLwith program entirely differentfrom that of either occasion thathas yet been celebrated It istl worth a day oft to see the eagerand interested children on thesespecial days-

Irregular bowel movements leadto chronic constipation and a con ¬

stipated habit fills the system withimpurities HERBINE is a greatbowel regulator It purifies thesystem vitalizes the blood and putsthe digestive organs in flue vigorous condition Price GOo Sold bydrug department of the St BernardMining Go Incorporated

New Rabbit Law1

Much misapprehension as to-

p the game law passedby the lastt Legislature has arisen in thish

county and probably in manyI

other counties especially as toi f setting traps and snares for rab

< bits and other game The actislThat it shall be unlawful foranyone to set a trap deadfall orIto lobse or hunt with a ferretupon the premises or property orI

to tinother without first securingthe yrittenaouseut of the owner

11 of the premises or property and

II anyone thus offending shall beguilty of a misdemeanor andupon conviction shall be fined

i no6vles8 than 5 nor more than25Having in possession game

°caughtjias set out in Section 1

< r shall beritiiafacie evidence ofguilt as heroin providedI



Formerly of this City Kills Rare Bird

Species Now Almost Extinct

While quail hunting near thecity WO Toy a well knownbarber killed a longbeaked birdwith beautiful plumage Thebird was little larger thaiva par ¬

tridge Mr Toy broughtlit totown but none of the scores ofpersons ho showed it to seemedMayornrecogt ¬

as one nowalmost extinct woodcocks com ¬

monly known as the jacksnipeMr Toy gave the bird to MayorTowusend who tact it preparedfor nib supper Mayor Townsendsaid the incident carried himback thirty years ago whenwoodcocks were almost as plenti ¬

ful as sparrows in the vicinityand were considered the most de ¬

licious came bird a hunter couldkill Bowling Green News

Group Is most prevalent during thedry cold weather of the early wintermonths Parents of young childrenshould be prepared for it All thatIB needed is a bottle of Chamber ¬

lams Cough Remedy Many mothors are never without it in theirdisappointedthorn

Resolutions of Respect

E W Turner Lodge No 584 FA M

Burlington Ky Nov 11 1910Whereas Amid the changing

scenes of time Death has againvisited our Lodge and taken fromour midst Bro R D Smith whodeparted this life on Nov 10th I

1010 at the age of 03 yearsBro Smith had been a Mason foryears and had an abiding faithin Masonry and its principlesTherefore be it

Resolved That m the death o

Bro Smith the Lodge has lost auseful member his family a kindfather and loving husband

Resolved That we tender hisfamily our heartfelt sympathy intheir sadness and bereavementand point them to Him whdoeth all things well thatresolutions be spread on the min-utes of the Lodge a copy be sentto the family and that they bpublished in




Neuralgia of the face shoulderhands or feet requires a powerfulremedy that will penetrate theflesh BALLARDS SNOW LINI ¬

MENT possesses that power Rub-bed in where the pain is felt IB allIs necessary to relieve suffering andrestore normal conditions Price250 BOo and 100 per bottle Soldby drug department of the St Ber ¬

nard Mining Co Incorporated

Banks Will Waive Examining Trial

Elktou Ky Nov 28S W

Forgy who has been retained bythe defense in the case of Mor ¬

ris Banks who shot and killedhis aunt Mrs Fenuel A Sebreeat Trenton Saturday morningstated this afternoon that hisclient will waive oxamiug trialand that no application will bemade for bail No further stepswill therefore be taken in thecase until the grand jury of theDecember term of tho Todd Oir ¬

cuit Court which convenes onDecember 5 has reported its resuits of its investigation

Saves an Iowa Mans LifeThe very grave seemed to yawn

before Robert Mad sen of Wost

sevenweeksbest physicians gave him up Thenwas shown the marvelous curativepower of Electric Bitters Forafter months of frightful suf-fering


from liver trouble and yellowJaundice getting no help from otherremedies or doctors five bottles ofthis matchless medicine completelycured him Its positively guaran ¬

teed for Stomach Llvdr or KidneydhmppolntsIu


r S


A recent consular report Lives details of a new departure iutrades union methods which is of the highest importance enysuNow York exchanges It involves u principal capable of almostrevolutionising present conditions The Brassmakers Associationand the National Society of Bra8wprl < ers and Metal Mechanicstwo Br t1sh unions covering the K utire trade have unanimousendorsed the proposal to grade tlieir members according to capa ¬

city I

The grading includes five clntasfrom the improver of twenty0113 years of age to thecompleteli qualified workman expert iuall processes and also able to worc to scale drawings of blue printThe union in fact guarantees fthe quality of the work Thagreement provides against arbitrary reductions in grades nor idit possible for the employer to keep the workman in a grade belowhis true capacity The best mtnr eta the best wages as he oughtto do in every trade and calling

Unquestionably labor umons have rights but the union leadI ers forget that they have also responsibilities If they can demandthat a bricklayer in New York shallreceivethe highest wages inthe world they are morally boundther bestwork in the world A good bricklayer can lay 1600 brick a dayeasily and plenty can lay 2000 The union has in recent timesreduced the output to seven hundred This is common ordinaryswindling and tho plea that it pYovides work for so many moremen in fallacious Itmeans just so much waste and it destroysexactly that amount of power to create employment-

The curious part about the Brassworkers plan is that it is aold as trades unionism itelf It defines exacty the conditions en ¬

forced by the trades guilds of the Middle Ages The workmanthen was proud of his dexterity He stood up forthe rights of hisfellows but he did not demand that the incompetent should re-


the same wages as a competent because in so doing he wouldpreI ¬

cisely our are Olpg A first class workman restricted in quality and output to less than his capadity isdemoralized thereby He deteriorates allthe time and if he hasany conscience at all he knows that he is a shirker and a cheat

L Madisonville Notesi

High School Debate

The Owensboro High School haschallenged the Madisonville HighSchool to a debate to be held inOweusboro The M H S students

at onceWaf rHas Been a Greater Curse ThanBlessing to Humanity and Elm

date set for the debate is December

23The MadlBouvllle High School i

allowed to select either side of thquestion

0Miss Metabath Sory of this cityleft Tuesday morning for Nashvillewhere she will remain a few daysvisiting friends and will attend thefootballegame

Montgomery Holeman attended I

the football game in Nashvillw

WednesdayWilliamRoss Lysle Robinson

and Roy Wilson all of this placeand Neal SpiUman of Earlingtonattended the football game in Nash ¬

ville WednesdayMrs Henry Head Clyde Ruby

and Maude Morton of this placewere in Etirllngtou Monday visiting

friendsMissKatherlne SpiUman and

Margaret Victory ot Earlingtonwore here Monday

Herschel Logan who has been InEvansvllle a few days has returned

homeBaileyRuSsell of the Sutherland

Medicine Co of Paducah who hasbeen visiting homefolks a few dayshas returned to Paducah

A very enjoyable dance was givenby some of the young men of time

town at the Elks Hall Friday nightIt is said to have been the bestdance of the season and a largecrowd was present

Miss Bessie Wallace of ifopkinsville who has been visiting MissMetabeth Sory a few days has re ¬

turned homeThe Hustler has moved to its new

homo in the Williams building op ¬

posite the Y M 0 A BuildingJennings S Co have opened a

new teed store in the Williamsbuilding and are now ready for bus ¬

inessMrsTaleferro Is spending her

Thanksgiving in NashvilleLittle Miss lua Greys Sory left

Tuesday morning for SpringfieldTenn whore she will spendseveralweeks

The banquet given by time Y M

C Apopleat the Masdnio TempleMonday night wad a big success and



was well attended Several newembers have been dded to this

days1ndjvorkhts week

Some one set the grass on fire in avacant lot near the residence ofDubartls Smith Wednesday morn¬

ing A fire alarm was turned inand quite an excitement was createdbefore it was discovered what andwhere the fire wasthia sWhiteIMorgroom is a son ofthissthe e

Millinery Com ¬

pany of St LouisTonnie Mitchell of Cadiz Ky r

1and Miss Maggie Holcomb of Cedartown Gn were married Wed ¬

ue day noon in Coxs dry goodsstore by Rev S M Bernard

The NeliLitohfleld Trio will ap-pear


in the West Broadway Audito ¬

clam Friday night This Is thesecond attraction of the HighSchoolY M C A lecture courseand comes highly reccommended

Lee Oldham of Hopkinsvillesold his residence on West Broad ¬

way in this city to Mr Dave Kinchloe Consideration unknown

Dr J D Sory and charmingdauhgter Miss Mothabeth were UnNashville Wednesday and Thurs-day


and saw the SewaneeVanderbilfc football gamejwhile there

Prof Collins of the high school 1

spent Thanksgiving day with rela ¬

tives in LouisvilleCharlie Owen of tins city ate his

Thanksgiving dinner with relativesin Princeton Ky

Miss Harp Eblin was In RobardsThursday spending the day withhomefolks

Wallace M Weir one of Hansonprosperous merchants was hereWednesday on business

Everett Johnson has secured aposition in San Antonio Texas andleft for that place Wednesday

Miss Main Eudaley of Nebo washere Wednesday visiting friends

Ernest Williams has sold a halfinterest in his tailoring establish ¬

LouisMoMrs WH Kline of Earlingtonwas here Wednesday shopping

Henry Jones and Jim Brown areworking for the Hustler PublishingCompany in the clrculatlsn and sol ¬

iciting departments-W G Wrl ht manager of the-

Carboudale Coal Companv washere Wednesday on business

Miss Allee of this city isvisiting friends m Lexington andFrankfort



K u






Enjoyed by the Young People of Aliens


On last Wednesday night tlfstillness of the vicinity arouuthsmerry shouts of a party of possum hunters chaperoned by Mrand Mrs Joe Prince Never vatimers such excitment and antici-pation manifested as the jobcrowd assembled for the greathieLassie wandered out throughthe woods at random fallingover logs and whooping at thedogs fighting underbrush anyelling at the top of our voicesas they slowly made their way tothe famous C Possum resortknown as Mosley pond Wehad scarcely reached the edge ofthis impenetrable morass wile none of the doge announced by aprolonged howl that he ha

treed Every oue of the partmade a break for the dog and-

s found he had put one of thenight prowlers up an oak treesix feet in diameter at the buttand no one in the crowdclimb a tree like this so they hato leave his Possumship anddepart for other game Afrotramping around in the woodsfor two hours and finding no gamewe came to the conclusion thatthe Possum knevrhat dangerous hunters we were and aU-

xof them crawled In their densand stayed there so we built abig fire to throw more light onthe subject To our great surprose and delight the young menof the party produced variousbaskets and packages containinga beautiful supply of good thingsto eat and we ate with the samezeal and earnestness that weimagine Mr Roosevelt did on hisfamous hunting trip in the wildsof Africa after big game Thetime passed all too quickly and

lour chaperones gently broke thenews it was time to depart upos ¬

sum or no PossumWe thanked the young men

for the delightful hunt and morethan delightful supper and re-

gretfully took our leave feelingthat our hunt had been a successeven though we did not get anygame Following am those whoenjoyed the hunt Ed GillHtirtense Follin Milton GillSarah Sadler Buford OampbellJessie May Prince Stewart Riley Mary Bradley FrAzierPenic Lade Prince Joe RileyPolly Dickersou Ohesley AdamsEthel Oats Bernard RobertsonBirdie Gill Ernest WilliamsFay Ohildress Charlie Gill Win ¬

nie Gill Eugene Gill MalliePrince Joe Prince Jr BlanchGill Lizzie Lee Prince

Chaperones Mr and Mrs JoePrince

fromscause of seeming stupidity at les-sons


Chamberlains Stomach andmedlolneIgentle in their effect and will cureeven chronic constipation Sold byGeo King Sons

Union Thanksgiving Service

Union Xhaukgiving servicewis held on Wednesday eveningat the M E Church South hyagreement of representatives ofIthe various congregationS ofEarhngton Talks were madeby Rev Brandon of that churchRev Holtzclaw of the M EChurch and Mr Jas R Rash ofIthe Ohristian church The musi ¬

cal program included several finethanksgiving hymns A colleclectiou was takeu for the reliefof any needy ones in the teammunity

A tpeclfre of pain Dr Thomas Eletrlc Oilstronger cheapest liniment ever devised A

household remedy in America for 2 years

oJ rfr irf 1p

r t f 1t



SoledGuarde a




23TheYCourt opened Tuesday morning

oflLouisvlllenight rider damage suits aggre fcondsoldiers under command ofLieut CJooch are doing guardduty to prevent an outbreak ofany kind About 200 witnessesand defendants are in attendanceincluding Mrs Mary Lou Hollowell who with her husband re ¬agonstYCourt a year ago She is a witness for the plaintiffs

On motion of Congressman i

Ohio Jamee who represents theriderdsUl a ¬i

nent lawyer of Princeton wasdismissed as a defendant in the i

suit of Mrs Laura Tommeyagainst Ir L Amos and other Qalleged ricjers for 50000 dam ¬

aRes Thefexpert witness in the 1

nightrider suits is Stanford iitisHall is charged with flourishinghis pistol ina localrestaurantbut the case was continued inPolice Oourt owing to the sessionof Federal Court


Colorado Springs Man Donates 489Acres of Land For Tuberculo ¬

sis Sanitarium

Colorado Springs Colo Nov22James K Polk Taylor a y

former slave 71 years old andhis wife it was announced to dayhave given 480 acres of land atOalhan forty miles east of Colo ¬

rado Springs to the CharlesSumner Tuberculosis Association <

as a cite for a national tubercul ¬

osis sanitarium for negros It iswill be

on the sanitariumjDyspepsia is our national ailment Burdock

Dlood billets is the national cure for Ih Itstrengthens stomachs membranes promotesflow os digeslve juice purifys the blood buildstyou up


Church Advertising

A glance at the religious no ll

tices in tho Saturday papers issufficient to show to what extentthe churches now avail them =

selves of display type to set forth A

their attractions says the NewYork World Almost as much tt

prominence is given to the announcement of the Sunday services as to theater advertisingand the fact is significant of anew conception of the uses ofpublicity in promoting an inter-est


in religion x

Not only is the subject of thesermon printed in type selectedto catch the eye but attteutiouis called to special features of aprogram designed to draw a largo


audience to the concert or mov ¬

in picture exhibition arranged °

for to the fact that the semvioES

will be held on the pnrishi1ouse-roof during hot weather to ad ¬

dresses on civic questions or thediscussion of political issues A

cut of the church or a pictu o i

of the pastor somotimehaccomqpanes the notice

This extension of publicitymethods by the churches is notconfined to the large cities Itis a movement of national ex ¬
