March 2013 ISSUE 41 March 2013

Kilian Community College March 2013 newsletter

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The March 2013 school newsletter for Kilian Community College

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Page 1: Kilian Community College March 2013 newsletter

March 2013


March 2013

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Don’t Forget:

Make sure to attend the first TWO WEEKS of

classes so you are not automatically dropped

for non-attendance.

Merlin Kock This month the students and staff of Kilian would like to

honor our faithful sentry Merlin. Merlin, a security

guard with Sioux Merchant Patrol, has been assigned to

Kilian for most of his nearly three years with the com-

pany. Students, visitors and staff are all glad to have

Merlin on board here at Kilian. If he is not out and

about making his rounds, he is sure to greet you at the

door with a smile. Whichever it may be, we all have

peace of mind knowing that Merlin is standing watch

on campus. Before going to work for Sioux Merchant,

Merlin worked for WasteQuip Team for nearly thirty

years; a job he says he really enjoyed.

This past fall, we all had quite a scare when

Merlin suffered a heart attack at his home in Sioux Falls.

Prayers went out for Merlin and his family and words of

encouragement were sent. Everyone was relieved to see him walk back through the doors a few weeks

later. If you looked closely you could see he moved a little slower his first week back; soon, however, he

was back to himself. This mean back to talking politics with Taylor, back to talking shop with the fellas,

and back to watching over us all at Kilian, right where he belongs.

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St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Come downtown on Saturday, March 16, 2013 from 2 PM - 4PM for the annual St. Patrick’s Day

parade. Music and a festive atmosphere are sure to get you in the St. Paddy’s Day mood! The

parade starts at 6th Street & Main Avenue, and then travels to 11th Street then before heading

east to Phillips Avenue and then north to 6th Street. Bring your family out for free entertainment

and lots of community spirit! Or sign up to participate by calling 605.731.0404.

President’s List (3.75 – 4.0; at least 9 credits)

Carroll, Emily

Miller, Mona

Moreno, Katherine

Smith, Sarah

Wicks, Kenneth

Achievement List (3.5 – 3.74; at least 9 credits)

Adams, Derrick

Brinkman, Samantha

Curry, Tessa

Fideler, Steve

Francis, Suzanne

Spring Honor Roll

Congratulations, KCC students!

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ROOM 121.

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Did you know?

As the Daylight Savings Time switch happens (on the 10th) and Spring arrives (on the

20th), March is definitely a time of beginnings. But did you know about all these

“firsts” happening throughout history this month?

1. Oreo cookies were sold for the first time in 1912.

2. “Barbie” was born in 1959.

3. Harriet Tubman day is celebrated this month.

4. Working Woman’s day, Girl Scout Day and Johnny Appleseed day all take place in


5. The scientist Albert Einstein was born on the 14th in 1879, poet Robert Frost was

born on the 26th in 1874, and artist Vincent Van Gogh was born on the 30th in


6. Coca Cola was invented on the 29th in 1886, and the first space walk took place on

the 18th in 1965.

7. The rubber band and pencils with erasers were both invented in March.

8. Julius Caesar was assassinated on the 15th in 44 B.C.

9. National Goof Off day is the 22nd.

10. 10. Patrick Henry declared “give me liberty or give me death” on the 23rd in 1775.

Can you imagine where we’d be today with out some of these great leaders, thinkers

and products? As a new semester begins, think about your “new beginning” and all that

you can accomplish with your own thoughts. Have a great spring semester!

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Job Fair On Thursday, March 7th from 10 AM - 2PM the Goodwill

Connection Center at 3400 S Norton Ave. in Sioux Falls

will host a job fair. Employers like CitiBank, Esurance, TJ

Maxx and more will be on site to meet with applicants.

Bring a resume, and dress for success, as you’ll have the

Opportunity to be interviewed on the spot. For advice on

Interview preparation, see counselor Gene McDaniel or

Volunteering For Experience For Wayne Wosje, attending classes at Kilian has been about

building relationships, learning new skills and finding self-

confidence. So when the accounting major heard about the

opening for volunteer treasurer at his church, East Side Luther-

an, he took it.

“I pursue things now that maybe I wouldn’t have before,” he

said. “If I learn about an opportunity that could be beneficial to

me, I take it.”

Wosje hopes to apply the knowledge he’s learned in his clas-

ses, and learn more about how nonprofits mange their funds

and stay afloat. Because he’s learned about income statements,

balance sheets and other basic accounting principles in classes,

he’s eager to work on them in the real world now. Elected to the position in January, Wosje will be in

charge of reviewing and comparing expenses from one year to the next, monitoring the church’s

financial situation and keeping council members in the know about the parish’s financial situation.

Although he’s not had to do anything yet, he’s looking forward to the experience, as a resume build-

er and a life experience.

“It’ll be interesting to see how a nonprofit compares to a business that’s in it just to make money,

whereas a church is in it to make money to pay the bills, but also give back to the community,” he

said. Giving back is something Wosje knows all about.

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Scholarship funds available:

Kilian Community College Institutional Scholarship

The Kilian Scholarship Program was established to encourage academically successful students

to continue their studies at Kilian. The recipients are selected by

the Kilian Scholarship Committee. Available awards are:

Encouragement = $500.00 – Min. 3.00 CGPA, $250.00/

semester for 2 semesters (max 4)

Achievement = $1,000.00 – Min. 3.50 CGPA, $250.00/

semester for 4 semesters (max 8)

Presidential = $2,000.00 – Min. 3.80 CGPA, $500.00/semester

for 4 semesters (max 8)

The deadline for the scholarship is Friday March 1st, and

the applications are available on the Kilian website, at Linda’s desk upstairs, in the SSC or at the

front desk. Please make sure to apply for this scholarship. If you need to know your GPA, you

can visit with your advisor, Veronica or Janet.

KCC Book Club Do you like to read? Are you interested in hearing about great new (and old) books? Would you

like to discuss books, authors and other literary topics with fellow Kilian students? Visit the SSC

to sign up for a new book club on campus. There is a sign up sheet in the Success Center that

asks for a name and email address. When enough people sign up for

the book club information will be sent out regarding the first meet-

ing, the location and the book to be read. Use this as a great way

to connect with others and expand your mind. Studies have shown

that the more you read, the bigger your vocabulary, and the better

a writer you become.

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2014 GED Changes

The GED is under-

going some

changes. All those

who have not fin-

ished a current

GED by Dec. 31,

2013 will have to

start anew. The

test is going to

have several

short essay ques-

tions (currently it

is multiple

choice). The es-

say portion of the

writing test will

have to be typed. It is assumed that the material cov-

ered will be a little harder since it is supposed to re-

late to current high school practices. The national

testing service has been testing the new computerized

version in several states (we are not one of them), and

although this likely does not apply to current Kilian

students, it may affect Bridges students, or friends/

family members of KCC students.

Please share this information with anyone you think

needs to know. For more, see Rose Toering in the SSC

with questions, or visit the GED website at


Student email Kilian students are busy people, but so are the

campus staff and faculty. If instructors, classmates

or even the admissions

office need to get in touch

with a student the best

way to do this is often

through email. Although

many Kilian students come

to school with a personal

email account, each individual is issued a Kilian

email address as well. Information sheets about

setting up this account are provided in new stu-

dent folders during orientation.

The address configuration is the first four letters of

the student’s first name and the first four letters of

the student’s last name with

@students.kilian.edu following. An email address,

using IT Director Denver Davis’s name would look

like this: [email protected]. If

you’d like to receive emails at just one address it is

possible to forward these emails on to your per-

sonal email account. See Denver in room 119 for

any questions.

Keep in mind that unless you specifically ask your

instructor to email you at a different address, your

Kilian email address is the one that will be used.

Regardless of whether or not you’ve asked an in-

structor to use a different address, you should

check your Kilian email account regularly, for

things like job postings, scholarship offerings and

other Kilian news.

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Graduation paperwork

Spring is quickly approaching, and with it comes the deadline for grad-

uation. If you plan on graduating by the END of this summer term, you

are encouraged to participate in the graduation ceremonies this May.

To do so, you need to fill out an intent to graduate form. Veronica, Lin-

da or Janet can provide you with the form and answer any questions

about it. Reminder letters will be sent during the second week of

March to students who have filled out their intent forms, and they will

be able to order caps and gowns at that time. Without this form,

you’ll be missing a crucial piece of the graduation preparation process,

so please make sure to fill it out! If you have any questions, please see Veronica, Linda or

Janet, on the 2nd floor.

Former student news

Rebecca Herrmann of Royal Table Massage

For Rebecca Herrmann, owner of Royal table Massage in Sioux Falls, a Kilian degree helped

make business easier.

“I had started my business before I went to college, but wanted a base of understanding

for how to run a business, things like marketing. I have a passion for what I do, so I love it.

College just added to it,” she said.

Herrmann graduated in 2009, after studying business management and marketing. She says

her management capstone was one of the highlights of her experience in the program.

“It was a hands-on course so it was kind of an internship type thing. It was helpful to see

how things are done and apply what I’d learned. I also learned that no job is too small for

the owner; it all needs to be done regardless of who does it.”

As a single mom she was concerned about college, but found that Kilian made it easy to

stay motivated, which helped her earn her bachelor’s degree in business marketing and

management after leaving KCC.

“Since I graduated from Kilian I’ve doubled my facility size and staff. That’s not all from col-

lege, because you live and you learn, but I know it helped.” Her advice? Find a mentor,

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Gemini (5/21-6/20): Your career and relationship are your top priorities right now, so work on them.

Cancer (6/21-7/22): Meaningful experiences and genuine curiosity will envelope you this month.

Leo (7/23-8/22): Finances are linked to others this month, so spend, invest and share wisely.

Virgo (8/2323-9/22): Look out for group projects this month: March is all about collaboration for you.

Libra (9/23-10/22): Don’t skip workouts this month, even if you are stressed. They’ll help you cope.

Scorpio (10/ 23-11/21): With lowered defenses, be aware of the people you give your trust.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21): You need a lot of affection this month, but try not to be clingy.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19): You’re going to crave action and fight to make decisions. Be smart about it.

Aquarius (1/20–2/18): This is a good month to focus on money and payments or much needed items.

Pisces (2/19-3/20): You’re going to ooze charm and charisma this month: unintended issues may arise!

Aries (3/21-4/19): Toward the end of March you’ll feel like de-cluttering your life and work spaces.

Taurus(4/20-5/20): This is a month of reunions and happiness, good times overall. Enjoy them!

Kilian on YouTube

If you haven’t already, check out Kilian’s

new You Tube channel to watch videos

about the school, classes, staff and faculty

and other education-related items. Share

and comment! You can search for Chip

Kilian within YouTube, google “Chip Kilian

YouTube” or go to this address: http://



Make sure to let the student services office

know of class events or other ideas that

would make great videos!

Important Dates: March 8 Last day to add or drop a class

Marc. 28 Overage checks out for return borrowers

April 1-5 Midterm Week April

4 Overage checks out for first time borrowers

April 26 Last day for student withdrawals

May 17 Spring Semester Ends

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Associate Degrees Competitive “Nearly 30% of Americans with associate's degrees now make

more than those with bachelor's degrees, according to

Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Work-

force. In fact, other recent research in several states shows

that, on average, community college graduates right out of

school make more than graduates of four-year universities.”

This information comes from a recent CNNMoney article that

looks at the ways in which those with associate degrees out-

perform those with bachelor’s degrees. “

“The increase in wages for community college grads is being

driven by a high demand for people with so-called "middle-

skills" that often require no more than an associate's degree,

such as lab technicians, teachers in early childhood programs,

computer engineers, draftsmen, radiation therapists, parale-

gals, and machinists,” continues author Jon Marcus of the Hechinger Institute, a nonpartisan ed-

ucation journalism organization. This is good news for anyone with an associate’s degree, so keep

that in mind as you work toward completing your program here at Kilian, no matter what field

you’re studying.

Giving Back gives to you

Are you looking for a way to fill time between classes or on your days off? College students may

often find themselves with a little extra free time on days off, and volunteering can be a positive

way to give back to the community and enhance their resumes before getting out into the work-

ing world. Volunteer positions can prepare students for more rigorous work and are sure ways

to impress a potential employers. In Sioux Falls, we are lucky to have the 211 hotline, which

provides a wide range of services to our community. You can learn more about volunteer posi-

tions through the hotline by calling it, or visitinghttp://helplinecenter.org/

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