Magazine analysis By Kerry Garnham

Kerri dps analysis

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Magazine analysis

By Kerry Garnham

Page 2: Kerri dps analysis

Pros: there’s quiet a lot of text so there’s a lot of information. Their masthead looks a lot like a professional/ well known magazine title. They’re all looking at the camera when they’ve taken the picture so it’s more inviting.

Cons: They look like they're messing around in the picture they don’t look like they are taking it very seriously. The colours are very boring they’ve gone for simple with just black and white I think they should include a third colour to make it stand out more and make it look like there is less to read form.

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Pros: There’s a lot of information. The way she is standing looks like a model in a professional magazine would look. The writing is a nice style. Cons: they have too much colour in this, the colours they’ve used make it look very childish, the paint splats reminds me of a programme called Art attack which is for young children. Its not very professional. They should have stuck to a limit of three colour in this type of layout, the multi-coloured letters are very unprofessional and is something you’d use on a poster in primary school. This type of writing might be nice

Page 4: Kerri dps analysis

Cons: I think that they should have used another colour it would just make it look more fun to read and look at. Not everyone is looking at the camera in the pictures they look a little bit distant. Pros: Their band looks professional the picture makes it look as if they were already a well known band this magazine. There’s an appropriate amount of pictures to text. The single pictures are interesting. The layout is great it’s friendly, there’s rhetorical questions and quotes. This is my favourite magazine that I’ve come across so far, I would read this on a weekly basis.