AKIBAT diseases like typhoid, cholera, worm infestation etc. from spreading. The risk of diarrhoeal infection that causes one child death every 30 seconds globally , can be reduced by 47 per cent by the simple process of washing hands with soap. Developing good habits related to sleep cycle, nutrition and cleanliness are also likely to positively impact their academic performance. State that diarrhoea causes the death of one child every 30 seconds globally. However the risk of diarrhoeal infection can be reduced by 47 per cent by the simple process of washing hands with soap . Some of the simple habits like good dental hygiene and changing underclothes daily help us remain clean and healthy in the long run too. Mention that good grooming is also an indicator of the personality. Also bring up the topic of cleaning of “private parts”. State that they too are the parts of our body and deserve to be kept clean. Share the information in the Fact Sheet with them. “How can these behaviours be converted into habits? Do these habits to promote hygiene cost a lot?” Expected Responses: By repeating the behaviours they tur n into habits, By knowing how these behaviours help us ,No, infact most of the habits cost nothing, some may cost us such as buying tooth paste, soap etc. Children with poor hygiene may suffer physical and emotional consequences. Poor hygiene habits may increase children's risk of rashes and certain infections, such as urinary tract infections and fungal infections, such as athlete's foot.


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diseases like typhoid, cholera, worminfestation etc. from spreading. The risk of diarrhoeal infection that causes one childdeath every 30 seconds globally , can be reduced by 47 per cent by the simple process ofwashing hands with soap. Developing good habits related to sleep cycle, nutrition and

cleanliness are also likely to positively impact their academic performance.

State that diarrhoea causes the death of one child every 30 secondsglobally. However the risk of diarrhoeal infection can be reduced by 47 per cent bythe simple process of washing hands with soap . Some of the simple habits like gooddental hygiene and changing underclothes daily help us remain clean and healthy in thelong run too. Mention that good grooming is also an indicator of the personality.Also bring up the topic of cleaning of “private parts”. State that they too are the parts of

our body and deserve to be kept clean. Share the information in the Fact Sheet with them.

“How can these behaviours be converted into habits? Do thesehabits to promote hygiene cost a lot?”Expected Responses:By repeating the behaviours they tur n into habits, By knowing how thesebehaviours help us ,No, infact most of the habits cost nothing, some may cost us

such as buying tooth paste, soap etc.

Children with poor hygiene may suffer physical and emotional consequences. Poor hygiene habits may increase children's risk of rashes and certain infections, such as urinary tract infections and fungal infections, such as athlete's foot. Children with poor hygiene habits also may experience teasing, avoidance or bullying from their peers, which may damage self-esteem. (Kelly Smith, 2012, what kids need to know about personal hygiene. www.ehow.com)

Anak dengan personal hygiene yang buruk akan mengalami masalah fisik dan emosional. Hygiene yang buruk dapat meningkatkan risiko anak terkena ruam dan infeksi lainnya seperti infeksi jamur (panu, kurap). Anak dengan hygiene yang buruk juga akan mendapatkan ejekan dari teman-teman sebayanya yang mana akan menurunkan rasa percaya diri mereka (Kelly Smith, 2012, what kids need to know about personal hygiene. www.ehow.com).


Personal hygiene may be described as the principle of maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body. People have been aware of the importance of hygiene for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks spent many hours Bathing, using fragrances and make up in an effort to beautify themselves and be presentable to others.


Maintaining a high level of personal hygiene will help to increase self-esteem and confidence, while minimising the chances of developing imperfections.

Poor Personal Hygiene

Failure to keep up a standard of hygiene can have many implications. Not only is there an increased risk of getting an infection or illness, but there are many social and psychological aspects that can be affected.

Poor Personal Hygiene, in relation to preventing the spread of disease is paramount in preventing epidemic or even pandemic outbreaks. To engage in some very basic measures could help prevent many coughs and colds from being passed from person to person

Children should be taught the importance of hygiene as early as possible, with Oral Care, washing, toilet hygiene and hair care being taught as part of everyday routines. Singing songs or making a game out of the activities will help to ensure that they enjoy looking after themselves. Bath time can provide an ideal opportunity for spending quality time together, and for teaching about the importance of cleanliness. Toys such as dolls can be used to educate children in correct bathing techniques. (Author: Jo Johnson - Updated: 19 April 2012, what is personal hygiene www.hygieneexpert.com)

Personal hygiene bisa didigambarkan sebagai dasar dalam memelihara kebersihan dan merawat bagian luar tubuh. Masyarakat sudah menyadari pentingnya personal hygiene sejak ribuan tahun lalu. Bangsa Yunani kuno menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk mandi, menggunakan wewangian dan make up dalam upaya untuk mempercantik diri dan tampak rapi.

Memelihara personal hygiene dengan baik akan membantu meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan akan meminimalisir terjadinya penyakit. Gagal dalam memelihara personal hygiene akan menimbulkan berbagai dampak buruk. Tidak hanya meningkatkan risiko terjadinya infeksi/penyakit, tetapi juga akan mempengaruhi aspek sosial dan psikologis.

Personal hygiene yang buruk, dalam hubungannya dengan pencegahan penyebaran penyakit merupakan aspek terpenting dalam mencegah epidemi atau bahkan pandemi penjangkitan penyakit.

Anak-anak seharusnya diajarkan mengenai pentingnya personal hygiene, seperti perawatan gigi, mandi, perawatan rambut, diajarkan sebagai bagien dari kegiatan rutin sehari-hari. Untuk anak usia sekolah, pentingnya personal hygiene bisa diajarkan dengan cara sambil menyanyikan lagu atau sambil bermain game yang akan membuat anak merasa senang dalam memelihara kebersihan dan kesehatan diri. Bagi anak yang masih dimandikan oleh orang tuanya, orang tua dapat memberikan pengajaran mengenai pentingnya personal hygiene saat memendikan anaknya. Misalnya dapat menggunakan boneka menjadi alat peraga untuk menjelaskan cara mandi yang baik dan benar agar anak merasa tertarik (Author: Jo Johnson - Updated: 19 April 2012, what is personal hygiene www.hygieneexpert.com)



Methods of Education for Young Children

Encourage an enjoyable bath time by making it an integral part of every day family life. Singing songs and playing with bath toys will make this duty something to look forward to for the child and will make cleansing a ritual that will become part of life.Teach children about bacteria and fungi using picture books and express that by allowing objects and themselves to become dirty and not getting cleaned will cause bacteria to multiply and cause mould.

Allow children to play outside regularly, but explain why it is important to clean soiled clothes and bodies afterwards.Recent guidelines suggest that the most effective way of preventing and treating head lice is by using everyday conditioner and a fine toothed comb (nit comb) weekly to prevent lice or daily to treat them. This can be achieved more easily than the traditional application of pesticide treatments and children can actually help to apply the conditioner and comb it through themselves. (Author: Jo Johnson - Updated: 21 November 2010, teaching children about hygiene. www.hygieneexpert.com)

Mengajarkan anak tentang bakteri dan jamur menggunakan buku bergambar dan menjelaskan bahwa apabila kita membiarakan diri sendiri kotor dan tidak memelihara kebersihan dan kesehatan diri akan menyebabkan bakteri berkembang biak di tubuh kita dan akan menyebabkan tumbuhnya jamur pada tubuh.

Allow youngsters to attempt to clean their own teeth even if they need cleaning afterwards, they will enjoy the responsibility.Give children encouragement to maintain their own hygiene; allow them to help with the laundry and the housework, this way they will learn the correct way of doing it and will carry this knowledge with them through life.


Parents, caregivers and peers can influence the way in which children approach personal hygiene, which will stay with them for life. Educating children on good hygiene is the best way to avoid the spread of infection and disorders and not just for childhood complaints; teaching the principles of correct hygiene at an early age can help keep individuals healthy in later life, and be taught to future generations. Principles of hygiene should be made part of everyday life and the best way for parents to teach their children about good hygiene is to lead by example.

The incidence of illness relating to areas of personal hygiene is more apparent in children as they are learning to take care of themselves and are exposed to many germs whilst in the school environment or in a play area.

Orang tua, berperan sebagai caregiver dan teman sebaya dapat memberikan pengaruh dalam penerapan praktik personal hygiene anak, yang mana akan mereka terapkan seumur hidup mereka. Mendidik anak mengenai hygiene yang baik adala h cara terbaik untuk mencegah penyebaran infeksi dan ketidakmampuan dan tidak hanya untuk tidak hanya untuk


perkembangan masa kanak-kanak; mengajarkan prinsip-prinsip personal hygiene yang benar terutama pada anak usia sekolah dapat membantu individu untuk mempertahankan kesehatannya sampai masa tua, dan mengajarkannya lagi untuk generasi masa depan. Prinsip-prinsip personal hygiene seharusnya sudah menjadi bagian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan memberikan contoh mengenai praktik personal hygiene yang baik merupakan cara terbaik orang tua dalam mengajarkan anaknya.

Insiden kesakitan yang berkaitan dengan personal hygiene lebih tampak pada anak-anak karena mereka banyak terpapar oleh lingkungan seperti oleh lingkungan sekolah dan lingkungan bermain. (Jo Johnson - Updated: 17 December 2010)

Important Considerations

Oral Hygiene

It goes without saying that the teaching of good oral hygiene is essential for the young. Their milk teeth are likely to fall out and they must know how to prevent this happening to their adult teeth. Along with brushing technique, the importance of dietary influences should be explained and alternatives to sweets, biscuits and fizzy drinks should be made available.

Hand Washing

Hand-washing is the single most important factor relating to the spread of infection, not just for children but for adults of all ages.

Children should be encouraged to wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, after handling animals, if they are ill or if they are spending time with a newborn.

Washing is essential to avoid developing threadworms which cause itching around the anus and genitals, and are contracted from poor toilet hygiene or from animals. When a child is ready to go to school or nursery, they are expected to be able to use the toilet themselves and wash their own hands; parents and carers must make sure this is happening or infections and diseases can spread.

Fungal Infections

Athlete’s foot and ringworms are also less likely to spread if correct hand washing is achieved. Children should be taught how to effectively wash their hands, including between the fingers and under the nails; employ the use of a nail brush if needed. Drying properly is also important to prevent fungal infections from becoming worse. Children should understand the importance of these actions also, as well as using an individual towel if they have an infectious complaint.



Nail biting should be discouraged, particularly if the nails are being swallowed. The nails and nail beds offer a perfect environment for germs to live and breed. Nail biting permits the transfer of these bugs to the mouth which can then lead to the digestive tract causing many problems. An incidence of diarrhoea can badly affect a child and they can become quite ill from electrolyte imbalance and dehydration; this can happen very quickly in the young. Even if correct hand washing takes place, there will continue to be some germs under and around the nail, if left they will not normally cause any harm, but transfer to the mouth can induce problems. Keeping nails short will help to reduce the amount of germs under the nail.

Menggigiti kuku tidak boleh dilakukan karena bisa menyebabkan kuku menjadi rusak dan bengkak. Kuku dan bagian bawah kuku serta kutikula bisa menjadi tempat bersarangnya kuman dan tempat kuman berkembang biak. Menggigigit kuku dapat menyebabkan kuman tersebut berpindah ke dalam mulut dan masuk ke saluran pencernaan yang akan menyebabkan berbagai masalah pencernaan seperti diare. Diare dapat mengakibatkan anak mengalami ketidakseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit. Walaupun anak sudah cuci tangan dengan baik, tetapi apabila masih terdapat kotoran pada bagian bawah kuku, maka kuman tersebut dapat berpindah dari tangan ke dalam mulut dan menyebabkan berbagai masalah. Menjaga kuku tetap pendek dapat memboantu mengurangi kuman yang terdapat pada bagian bawah kuku.

Hair Care

A suitable hair length and style such as a bun, is a very easy way of minimising the risk of nits. These creatures are spread by contact so by reducing the amount of hair available to have contact with others will decrease the chance of transmission.Hair does not have to be washed daily as this can induce flaking of the scalp, itching and removal of the natural oils.There is no harm in bathing every day, but it is more sensible to wash the hair every other day, using a frequent use shampoo. ebabkan Panjang rambut yang sesuai dan gaya rambut seperti mengikat rambut, merupakan cara yang mudah dalam meminimalisir risiko terjadinya masalah rambut. Masalah rambut dapat menyebar melalui kontak fisik sehingga dengan mengurangi kontak rambut dengan orang lain akan mengurangi kesempatan kuman untuk bertransmisi. Rambut tidak harus dicuci setiap hari karena akan menyebabkan ketombe, gatal, dan akan menghilangkan minyak alami rambut sehingga rambut menjadi kering. Tidak ada kerugian apabila mandi setiap hari, tetapi akan lebih baik jika mencuci rambut selama dua hari sekali dengan menggunakan sampo yang cocok.

Food Hygiene

Children should be encouraged to wash their hands before meals and snacks, and should be discouraged from eating off the floor; this is especially important if there are pets in the house.

Using cutlery allows the child to learn table manners and will lessen the chance of the transfer of germs from the hands to the mouth.

Teaching the correct principles of hygiene should begin at as early an age as possible. It will help to prevent the spread of infections and diseases that can damage the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and the external features of the body.


Children will follow the example set to them by their carers, so adults should lead by example. Less incidence of illness means fewer absences from school and less time needed to be taken off work.

Maintaining correct hygiene will allow the child to be independent and will lessen the likelihood of bullying if they are kept clean and tidy and do not suffer from associated complaints.

Teaching correct and acceptable hygiene principles is vital to achieve life long habits in the prevention and spread of illnesses and infections, but also to maintain a suitable appearance and avoid offending others.

Methods of Education for Young Children

Encourage an enjoyable bath time by making it an integral part of every day family life. Singing songs and playing with bath toys will make this duty something to look forward to for the child and will make cleansing a ritual that will become part of life.Teach children about bacteria and fungi using picture books and express that by allowing objects and themselves to become dirty and not getting cleaned will cause bacteria to multiply and cause mould.

Allow children to play outside regularly, but explain why it is important to clean soiled clothes and bodies afterwards.Recent guidelines suggest that the most effective way of preventing and treating head lice is by using everyday conditioner and a fine toothed comb (nit comb) weekly to prevent lice or daily to treat them. This can be achieved more easily than the traditional application of pesticide treatments and children can actually help to apply the conditioner and comb it through themselves.

Allow youngsters to attempt to clean their own teeth even if they need cleaning afterwards, they will enjoy the responsibility.Give children encouragement to maintain their own hygiene; allow them to help with the laundry and the housework, this way they will learn the correct way of doing it and will carry this knowledge with them through life.

Personal hygiene requires the cleaning of all parts of the body (face, hair,body, legs and hands). The face and hair have to be cleaned because theyaccumulate grime, emit bad odours and make oneself dull (?) [reflect one’s selfworth (?)]. Skin diseases such as ringworm, scabies, sweat fungi, etc., can alsooccur. The hands and finger nails have to be cleaned because the germs inbetween the fingers and finger nails cause contagious diseases such asdiarrhea, worms, etc., and epidermophytosis. The teeth and mouth have to becleaned because they emit bad odours, cause mouth and dental diseases such ascavities, gingivitis, etc., and stomach disorders due to indigestion.Thus, one’s face hair, body, legs and hands should be cleaned thoroughly, andthe teeth brushed properly.


Personal hygiene mencakup merawat seluruh bagian tubuh. Penyakit kulit seperti skabies, kurap, biang keringat, bisa juga terjadi. Kuman pada bawah kuku bisa menyebabkan diare, kecacingan, dan epidermatosis. Mulut dan gigi harus dibersihkan karena dapat menyebabkan lubang gigi, radang gusi, dll. Ears, an important part of the human body, should be kept clean and carefully

protected from injury.

Ear HygieneThe ear which provides the sense of hearing, is an important anatomical part.Children who have lost the faculty of hearing from infancy would be unable tospeak properly, and could become unable to speak. It is, therefore, necessary tokeep the external organs of the ear clean and to protect the internal ear organs

from injury.

As the ear is a delicate organ, care should be taken to avoid injuries. Forexample, you should not hit the region of the ear; pick it with a pencil, hairpin,or a piece of iron wire, clumsily pull out an animate or inanimate objectwhich has accidentally entered the ear; or let water get into the ear.In addition, the external organs of the ear should be washed to keep out grime,

dust and sand.

Personal Hygiene Telinga

Telinga merupakan alat pendengar pada manusia sehingga telinga merupakan salah satu bagian penting tubuh manusia. Anak yang kehilangan fungsi pendengaran meraka sejak bayi akan menyebabkan anak tidak bisa bertibicara dengan baik, bahkan bisa menjadi bisu. Itulah mengapa sangat penting untuk menjaga dan membersihkan telinga dengan baik untuk mencegah kuman penyakit serta melindungi bagian dalam telinga.

Melakukan perawatan telinga harus dengan hati-hati karena telinga merupakan organ yang rawan terluka. Contohnya, tidak boleh membersihkan telinga dengan menggunakan pensil, penjepit rambut, kawat, dan benda tajam lainnya karena akan merusak gendang telinga. Selain itu, bagian luar telinga juga harus dibersihkan agar terhindar dari kotoran, debu, dan pasir.


Juma Teguh Kecamatan Siempat Nempu Kabupaten Dairi diketahui bahwa pada umumnya terinfeksi cacing (74,3 %) dengan jenis cacing yang menginfeksi adalah Ascaris lumbricoides


(61,8 %). Selanjutnya pengetahuan responden terhadap infeksi kecacingan berada pada kategori baik (66,2%), sikap responden berada pada kategori buruk (63,5%), sedangkan tindakan responden terhadap infeksi kecacingan berada pada kategori buruk (70,3%). Untuk kebersihan kuku responden pada umumnya kotor (64,9%), kebersihan diri responden berada pada kategori kotor (51,4%) sedangkan frekuensi mandi responden pada umumnya tidak melaksanakan mandi minimal 2 kali sehari (68,9%) Analisis statistik dengan uji Chi Square terhadap hubungan Perilaku responden (pengetahuan, sikap, tindakan) dengan infeksi kecacingan menunjukkan p<0,05 ini berarti ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku responden dengan infeksi kecacingan. Hubungan Higiene perorangan responden (kebersihan kuku, kebersihan diri dan frekuensi mandi) dengan infeksi kecacingan melalui analisis statistik uji Chi Square menunjukkan p<0,05 ini berarti ada hubungan yang signifikan antara higiene perorangan dengan infeksi kecacingan. Meningkatkan praktek kebersihan diri (personal hygiene) merupakan upaya strategis untuk mencegah terinfeksi oleh parasit cacing. Pemberian obat cacing kepada siswa 6 (enam) bulan sekali diperlukan karena mengingat sanitasi lingkungan yang jelek. Diharapkan kerjasama antara pihak sekolah dengan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Dairi perlu diintensifkan dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit kecacingan.

Personal Hygiene Telinga

Akibat dari personal hygiene gigi yang buruk yaitu dapat menyebabkan gigi menjadi rapuh, penyakit pada gusi dan bau mulut. Selain itu bau mulut juda bisa mengakibatkan seseorang tidak disenangi oleh orang lain.

Gigi Busuk

Ketika plak bercampur dengan air liur atau makanan, sejumlah bakteri dapat berkembang di dalamnya. Bakteri ini menyerang gigi menyebabkan erosi pada enamel gigi (bagian gigi terluar), dan menyebabkan lubang gigi yang merupakan tempat berkembangnya bakteri. Gigi berlubang tersebut dapat menyebabkan nyeri pada gigi dan rasa tidak nyaman.

Penyakit Gusi

Penyakit gusi adalah penyebab yang paling sering yang menyebabkan tanggalnya gigi dan merupakan penyebab utama dari halitosis (bau mulut). Penyakit gusi terjadi akibat dari teknik hygiene gigi yang buruk pada gusi sehingga gusi menjadi terinfeksi dan bengkak. Gusi dapat berdarah, membuka akar gigi dan menyebabkan gigi menjadi rusak.

Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan Berdasarkanhasil penelitian diketahui bahwa orang tua yang mempunyai pola asuh otoriter sebagian besarmenyebabkan kemandirian anak berkaitan dengan personal hygiene menjadi tidak mandiri yaitu74,4%. Sementara pada pola asuh orang tua yang demokratis, menyebabkan kemandirian anakberkaitan dengan personal hygiene menjadi mandiri yaitu 67,7%. Berdasarkan pengujian Chi


Square diketahui nilai continuity correction sebesar 10,760 dengan nilai probabilitas sebesar0,001 (< 0,05) maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pola asuhorang tua dengan kemandirian personal hygiene pada anak usia Pra Sekolah Di TK NegeriBertaraf Internasional kecamatan Tembalang Kabupaten Semarang berdasarkan hasil tersebutdiharapkan kepada orangtua untuk menerapkan pola asuh demokratis sehingga dapat membentukanak menjadi berkepribadian mandiri khususnya dalam bidang personal hygiene. (Skripsi, Juli 2010Faradisa Yuanita FahmiHubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kemandirian personal hygiene pada anak usia prasekolah di TK Negeri Bertaraf Internasional Kec. Tembalang Kab. Semarang)


Tungau Sarcoptes scabieiakan lebih mudah menginfestasi individu dengan higiene peroranganjelek, dan sebaliknya lebih sukar menginfestasi individu denganhigiene perorangan baik karena tungau dapat dihilangkan denganmandi dan keramas teratur, pakaian dan handuk sering dicuci dankebersihan alas tidur.( JOHAN KADHAFI NUR, 2005, FAKTOR SANITASI LINGKUNGAN YANG BERPERANTERHADAP PREVALENSI PENYAKIT SCABIESStudi pada Santri di Pondok Pesantren Kabupaten Lamongan, JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN, VOL.2, NO.1, 12 JULI 2005 : 11 – 18)Isa Ma’rufi1), Soedjajadi Keman2), Hari Basuki Notobroto3)1) Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat PusDeHAM, Surabaya2) Bagian Kesehatan Lingkungan FKM Universitas Airlangga3) Bagian Biostatistik dan Kependudukan FKM Universitas Airlangga


Dead skin on the scalp comes off in tiny flakes.

This is associated with some disturbance in the tiny glands of the skin called the sebaceous glands. They excrete oil, or sebum. When there is too little oil the skin becomes flaky and dry. When there is too much oil also dandruff is possible. It may have a slight yellow colour.

Hair wash twice or thrice a week might be necessary. Combs and brushes must be washed as well. Hair should be brushed regularly. A wholesome diet and overall cleanliness will help. Massage the scalp everyday to improve circulation.

A shampoo with selenium sulfide or salicylic acid helps.


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Kulit mati pada kulit kepala dapat akan menjadi ketombe. Hal ini berhubungan dengan beberapa gangguan pada kelenjar didalam kulit yaitu kelenjar sebasea. Kelenjar tersebut mengeluarkan minyak. Ketika terdapat sedikit sekali minyak, kulit kepala akan menjadi kering dan rapuh. Ketika terdapat minyak berlebih maka akan menimbulkan ketombe. Oleh karena itu, cuci rambut dua atau tiga hari sekali. Sisir rambut juga harus dicuci dengan baik. Rmbut harus disisir secar rutin. Ketika karamas, pijat kulit kepala untuk memperlancar sirkulasi darah.

Ear wax

Cerumen or ear wax accumulates in the ear canal that leads from the outer ear to the ear drum. As the secretion comes out of the ear it collects dust particles which might have got in from outside. Daily wash with soap and water is enough to keep the outer ear clean. Do not reach farther than you can with your little finger into your ear. Nature has not provided for it. Putting in hairpins, safety pins or blunt edged things for cleaning purposes might harm the ear. If you feel wax has accumulated and is plugging your ears and interfering with hearing, consult your doctor.

(Copyright © 2012 WebHealthCentre. All rights reserved Anna Martin - Updated: 28 September 2010


Serumen atau lilin telinga terakumulasi di dalam saluran telinga dari bagian luar lubang telinga sampai gendang telinga. (Copyright © 2012 WebHealthCentre. All rights reserved

Eliminating Odors

Showering or bathing daily eliminates many unpleasant bodily odors. One cause of these is a build-up of secretions, such as sweat, which harbor bacteria and smell bad. When bathing, always clean the genital and anal areas, as well as underarms and feet. If you shower every day, but still experience underarm odor, this could be caused by stale sweat on infrequently laundered clothing. As the bacteria in this builds, the clothing smells bad and re-wearing the garment exacerbates the problem. Changing clothing daily not only keeps you odor-free, but also helps the fabric of your clothes last longer. Body odor is socially inhibiting, so smelling clean and fresh gives a real boost and helps in building confidence. To encourage developing a simple bathing routine, use a gentle but pleasant-smelling shower gel and light body lotion afterwards. This provides a relaxing, pampered feeling as well as helping to eliminate unwanted smells.

Clearer Skin

While spots are usually caused by skin-type, skin condition or hormones, keeping skin clean still helps it to stay glowing. Washing your face morning and night is the best way to clean away excess grease, the dirt of the day and makeup. This helps prevent clogged pores and blackheads. Washing your face with a cleansing oil or balm in the evening is soothing. So this is a good way to end your day and encourage bedtime

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relaxation. It also means that bed linen does not get stained by makeup. Most people find that cleaning away makeup before bed keeps skin looking brighter and fresher than before, which gives a boost in confidence.

Staying Well

Practicing basic personal hygiene for health does not involve bombarding the body with strong anti-bacterial preparations. Easy ways to rid the skin of dirt include daily showering, cleaning under nails, and washing hands before eating and after using the lavatory. Maintaining these habits cuts your risk of stomach bugs, skin infections, colds and the flu. This makes most people feel healthier all year round, and is essential for anyone with a compromised immune system. Washing hands and body with a gentle soap literally washes bacteria and viruses down the drain, which otherwise ends up in your system. (The Advantages of Personal HygieneBy Shefali Choudhury, eHow Contributor ,2012)


Home > Hygiene Basics > The Importance of Good Personal Hygiene

The Importance of Good Personal Hygiene

Author: Jo Johnson - Updated: 7 May 2012 | Comment

Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary for many reasons; these can be personal, social, for health reasons, psychological or simply as a way of life. Essentially keeping a good standard of hygiene helps to prevent the development and spread of infections, illnesses and bad odours.

Personal Reasons

Many people, women in particular, are very conscious of their hygiene needs and practices. This can be a result of being taught of the importance from an early age, from being picked-on at school for head lice or similar, or as a way of making themselves more attractive to the opposite sex.

Self-esteem, confidence and motivation can all be altered by our body image, often reflected on our ability to care for ourselves and keep good hygiene practices.

A bright white smile with clean and healthy teeth can endear people to us, whereas brown, unhealthy teeth can cause embarrassment and can alter our sense of well-being.

Healthy hair, skin and nails are signs of a good well-balanced diet and can give us confidence in everyday life.

Social Reasons

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Most people hate to be talked about, especially in a negative manner. By ensuring that our body is clean and well presented, we are more assured of projecting a positive body image that reflects our personalities.

Children should be taught the importance of hygiene and how to achieve good hygiene very early to keep themselves and others healthy and to reduce the risk of being bullied at school.

Health Reasons

If a person is due to go into hospital, sometimes that person becomes very aware of their hygiene. The thought of being vulnerable and exposed to strangers can cause the person to become very strict on their hygiene needs.

If you have cut yourself, the wound should be cleaned and dressed suitably, this can help reduced the risk of infection and pain.

Conditions such as head lice, athlete’s foot etc. should be treated immediately to prevent further infections and spread to others.

Hand washing cannot be emphasised enough as this simple action can prevent a plethora of illnesses and disorders developing. Many people ‘forget’ to wash their hands after using the toilet or before handling foods; this deed can cause a great deal of illness and even death.

Psychological Issues

By being well presented, clean and tidy, people can feel more confident, especially in social situations. Many job interviews and such like are highly dependent of hygiene as many decisions are made by first impressions within the first few minutes of meeting; these decisions are often made in the sub-conscious. Our chances of succeeding either in work or social settings, or even with the opposite sex can be altered by our maintenance of hygiene.

Maintaining hygiene practices helps to reduce the risks of ill health, but equally important affects how we and others perceive ourselves and can influence our levels of confidence and self-esteem which can affect many aspects of our lives


Author: Jo Johnson - Updated: 28 September 2010 | Comment

Treating and preventing dry skin, hygiene expert

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the organ that takes the roughest treatment. It is comprised of layers, with the outer layer being dead skin cells that are cast-off and replaced all the time and the inner (the working layer), containing blood supply, nerves, hairs follicles and glands that produce oil called sebum, which exists to prevent the skin from drying out.

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Signs and Symptoms

Dry skin is most commonly found on the face, hands, arms, legs and sides of the torso. It can start by feeling rough and itchy, leading to flaking of the skin, feeling scaly and may even develop into cracks and sores that bleed and are very painful.

Why Does Skin Become Dry?

There are many reasons why the skin may become dry, most of the time it is due to environmental factors. Exposure to the sun can cause the deeper layers of the skin to become damaged and the layers to the top to become dehydrated.However, it is more common to experience dry skin in the winter months when humidity is low and there is increased use of heating devices that dry the cells.

Bathing, although good for removing grime, dead cells and dirty oil secretions, can be harmful to skin if excessive or if the water is too hot. Bathing too frequently can remove the necessary oils from the skin, and overly heated water can disturb the biological make up of the skin, causing disruptions in its normal balance.

Soaps and skin products that are heavily coloured, fragranced or contain alcohol should be avoided as these can dry the skin and cause irritation and inflammation due to the chemical content.

Occasionally dry skin can be the result of an allergy, a side-effect of medications, especially diuretics (water tablets), an inherited condition such as ichthyosis (a rare genetic skin disease), or because of other skin complaints such as eczema and psoriasis.

Age is another factor that can cause dry skin as the cells lose moisture over the years and sebum production is slowed.

Treating Dry Skin

Try changing the washing powder or detergent used along with your cleansing agents used when bathing as these may be the cause of the dry skin.

The use of a moisturiser should help the cells of the skin become re-hydrated, if this is not sufficient, ask the advice of a pharmacist who will have knowledge on the products they stock and can help select an appropriate lotion or emollient.If these methods do not help to eliminate the problem, see your GP who will assess your complaint and may offer a medication that is only available on prescription such as a steroidal preparation; these can only offer temporary relief. Your GP may refer you to a skin specialist called a dermatologist who is an expert in skin care and can perform several tests to determine the reason for the problem.

Preventing Dry Skin

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After bathing it is important to pat skin dry, not rub it as this can irritate the skin and cause flaking.The use of a good, thick, unscented moisturiser should be encouraged after bathing or even daily in the winter months or in hot climates.

Drinking plenty of water will help the cells of your body remain hydrated, lessening the risk of drying-out.

The use of a sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor of at least 15 is recommended when in the summer months, as harmful rays from the sun can damage the layers of the skin altering its function, and the heat from the sun can cause the cells to dehydrate.

Dry skin is a very common condition that affects many people. By understanding the issues surrounding the causes of dry skin, people become more aware of the need to prevent it or stop it from deteriorating


Author: Jo Johnson - Updated: 9 October 2010 | Comment


There are many factors that can affect the health of the eye including infections, other medical conditions, injury and trauma and age-related problems. By taking some precautions steps, many of these problems can be minimised, delayed or avoided.

Infection Control

There are many infections that relate to the eye, the most common being conjunctivitis. They are all very contagious and strict hygiene is needed to prevent the spread of infection.

If you are a wearer of contact lenses, it is very important to wash and rinse hands thoroughly before handling the lenses. Eyes should be free of make-up when inserting the lens to avoid particles of mascara etc from being trapped underneath the lens and causing irritation or even infection.

Always use cleaning solutions as directed and do not allow them to expire. These solutions are vital for removing the build-up of protein from the lens.

Eye-make-up should be removed daily to allow the skin to breathe. Use a gentle removal solution and dab the eye, do not rub it. Never share make-up or the brushes/sponges with others as this significantly increases the risk of cross infection.Regular eye examinations (every two years) are important for keeping prescription lenses correct and for early diagnosis of any developing eye disorders.

Preventative Measures

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A good night of undisturbed sleep can be extremely beneficial to eyes. Soreness, puffiness and fatigue will all be avoided. Tired eyes can be rejuvenated by placing slices of cucumber or cold tea bags over the eye area for 10minutes, providing a refreshing pick-me up.

Some dietary considerations may help delay the onset of age-related conditions and encourage good overall eye health. Spinach, leeks blueberries and fish all contain properties known to keep eyes healthy.

By stopping smoking the eyes have less chance of becoming sore and dehydrated. More seriously, smoking can cause irritation to the delicate vessels behind the eyes leading to premature development of macular degeneration which can lead to loss of vision.

Eye protection is essential whether in an occupational context or in bright sunshine.During the summer or when skiing, it is vital to protect eyes from UV rays from the sun and from glare. Always wear suitable sunglasses or goggles that have a recognised UV filter.

If your occupation involves working with chemicals, small particles/dust or body fluids, your employer is obliged to provide protective equipment; it is the responsibility of the employee to use this equipment.

When driving at night or operating equipment, wear glasses or contact lenses that are of an up-to-date prescription. Keep the windscreen clean both inside and out and use a solution that contains an anti-glaring agent; regularly check the integrity of windscreen wiper blades to avoid blurred images.

First Aid

Occasional accidents do happen and it is important to know how to treat them before professional advice is sought. If a foreign body, even a tiny woodchip particle, enters the eye it is vital to make sure that you do not rub it even if this feels like the natural reaction. Try to stimulate tear production by pulling the upper lid out and downwards, to encourage the foreign body to be flushed away. If this does not work after several attempts, cover the eye with a loose, damp cotton cover (gauze is ideal) and seek advice from either your optician or your doctor.

In the event of an item becoming embedded in the eye, do not try to remove it yourself, again, cover it and seek professional help. Due to the complexity of structures and functions of the eye, treatment of injuries can be very difficult and must be done by a specialist.

Eye care is a very important part of everyday life. The eye is an extremely delicate organ and any damage sustained may result in permanent loss of sight. Regular hand washing and make-up removal are the two most effective ways of preventing irritation or infection to the eye