I Jfezc Ssriq$No. 43. Vol. II. OCTOBER 21,1816. fol.SQ. THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE 8 rCBUJHED S7XRT M03DAT MOBKIHQ, BT F. Jr. Hi Thso Ifollars pcrfannum, paid in advance, or I'hrteiDollars'at the end of the Year, ' . ' L onWffissk5n JEREMIAH AEAVE & SON, Of Cincinnati, Ohio, Have elected large and commodious Brick Warehouses & Cellars l'or tbe reception of all kinds of Merchandise, Mannlactures and Produce, for Storage, and Sale Cn Commission, for lorwardingty the nvcror to country merchants. Hills and debts collected and punctuallv remitted. Purchases roade-an- gene- rally all j'iKOKKJtAGE and CQMM1SSI0N. BU- SINESS, transacted. Stf Cincinnati, February 19 ' THE ALMANAC FOR THE YEAH OF OUR LORD M847, Is just published and for sale at this Office, by the gross, dozen, or single. Cj Orders from A distance will be strictly at tended to Medical Lectures. Course of Lectures will be delivered in A the town of Lexuigfuii", during- the season, upon the following sub-ject- to witt On the thenry and practice ef Medicine Ity Doctor .lames' Overton Oil. Anatomy and Surgery By Doctor B W Dudley. On. Obstetrics and the diseases of Worren and Children Uy Dr. XV. H. Richardson. On Chemistry By Dr. James Blythe. The Lectures will be; commenced on the foregoing branches, on tbe 2d .Monday of No vember next A. Just .Received, 7ol JVfew-Iorf- A TCD for sale next doir to the Lasmgton lnsu-raTf- Company, an elegant assortment ot val- uable BOOKS, comprising Classical, Historical atid Miscella- neous Works, which will be disposed of on. moderate and accom- modating terms. Libraiy companies and Book- sellers supplied at the usual deductions A sew setgl select BRII ISII CLASSICS, in. various elegant and plain binding, and in cases. Lexington, October 7 41 i 150 Barrels BROWN"Sttetfi, FOR SALE BY . WILhMM C. BELL, At his store on Cheapside opposite 1be 2llarket-Hous- 4'J-- 4t Dancing School. JO7AT DARIiAC, Professor of Dancing,) J) ESPEC I'JFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen. tlemen of Lexington aud its icinity, that his PANGING SCHOOL will be opened onFud-- the I itb of October, at Mr Coi nchus Coyle's bouse, comer ofyIordati's Row .and Mam-stree- t, where he proposes to teach the ait ot Dancing in all its aii 911s branches, with a auety of new aud fashionable C0T1J.U0X5. Personsdesirous of bqing instructed ai e requested to apply at Mr. Giron's Confectionary Store, Mill-stree- t, or to John Darrac at Mr Wickliff's taiem. An Evening School will be opened for a limited miniberof yoiinggentlenieii on an immediate appli cation 4us time would not permit bun otherwise to attend. Regular PR ACTISING B LLS will be estab- lish! (1 as soon as his pupils are sufficiently instructed. Ottobei 7 41 Partnership Dissolved. rpHE partnership of FRY & CARSON is tins. - day iliispli ed by mutual consent. Those in debted to the turn arc requestcu 10 come iorwaiu suul pay their respective, balances ; and those hiv- ing demands a.inst them, to bring forwaid thtir accounts for settlement. JOHN TRY, W. CARSON. August 1,1 81 C. w3- i- (j The business of the above concern will licre-tfi- er be carried on bythe subscriber r - JOHN TRY. Taylors. WANTED immediatel) five or 91K YLORS, to whom the following hb-e- wageswill beghen, iz- - , Tor making plain diess coat, 554 00 Flim pantaloons, 1 50 Waist-Coat- . 1 25 Extra At ot k paid? for ; propoi lion Journeymen Taylors tilov ment. will meet with Nashville, Sept 24, 1 81 Tobacco Wurtted. "Will advance Merchandise at the low est cash prices, to any of my acquaintance, on account'&f their presentcfopof Tobacco, to be and all other in the same wishing to meet with em - a steadv seat. DANIEL M'INTOSII. C. 4t-- 4t of & clUveacd in the leas at the Manufactory of Mr. Henry Uelly in Lexington, and I will allow the highest price at time of delneiv. AND. STAINTOX Julv 13, 1816. . 29-t- f , X Weaving. nHE subscriber informs his customers aud the puhlic, that hef has removed to one of widow Jlussell's bouses in Jefferson-Stree- t, where he con- tain 3 to carry on theweatingof Binad Damask -- Cv' Dnpcr figured Carpets, Counleipanes, Double Covrhds,,Burdyc, Huckaback, Satinets, fie kc. gOtf GEORGE THOMSON. A variety Tor sale Uiis oflics. Blanks, LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Lexington, October 1st, 1816, wAici is not taken out in three months, villi be sent to the general Post Ofjict as dead letter. , AslfbyHSnvtV-"-Andres'Stephc- n Avery Nathan 3 . Alvis Walter Adams Christopher 2 Anderson William Armstrong Francis W .Allen Rich'd. Adams Polly amis Henry Alexander Robt. Amiss William Aitkin Roberts. 3 Benning Perkins 2 Brainard John 3 Barker Johtt, Jr. Bruce Helva Butler Thomas L. Raker Joshua Brent Hugh P. 2 Bayly Robert Breckenridge Wm. Bell JM .ntgomery ' Berryman John H. Beck John H. " Ball John Baxter Sanrtiel A. Benton Jesse llreckenridge Wm. T. Beninger Mary Beauchamp Jnhn Bistos John B. Bradley James Ualdwin Benj. Beauchamp J W. Retehtle Henry liourne Sarah llianky Paul Bracken John Buckner Henry Baily Charles or Jog, Baird Joseph llrite Albertus Bowler Sally Brooking Thos. A. Bibb James Blackemore John Bradly's James & Wm Brown Edy (Butcher) Solomon Chinn Frankling Carr E'izabeth Cmbs Leslie Cairyl Reuben Coleman Linsey Caverdale Rich'd. Cosby Eliza Jonas 2 Cocke William A. Coyle Johp 2 Chambers Robert 2 Clay Abram Cavins John Chambers William Cleek Jacob Cartmell Elijah , Cellars Josiah CurrnjSU '- - Close Henry ' Cape Mjdnor T. Campbell Archibald Cromwell Benjamin Champrey Mr. Clements Joshua Cannon Willis Qauy John Cock John Claik Michael Charnberlainc George Clinton Isaac Craig Jpseph Davenport 'Peter Dawso Joseph Deal Le Marquis Downey Robert 2 Devour Samuel Downing Jordan Dunn Kbenezer S. Dunn Ebenezer Dodge David 3 Downton Richard Dickey John -- Duncan Samuel Dicson William Uukeminneer Juhn Casthem Richard 2 Enos-Joi-in Elder Matthew Epperson Chesley Eades James Ellis Littlebury Ellis Lewis C. Elder Andrew W. Fry Henry Farts.in William French Alfred 2 Frazer Mary Frazer Joseph Foster Archibald G. J Fauutleroy Vm. M.2 Faver John 2 Flornoy Mr, " Frazer Sarah Fulton Andrew Gray George Gurdon Trancis 15. Goddard Archehuis irey James z Girdncr'Michael Gardner Elizabeth ;eib William Gibbons Sarahann Grooms Elijah C Gray Thomas Grimes Charles Grimes John Gilbert Samuel H. Huston Robert Holmes Robert Hicky Thomas Hollyman Mary Huston Sarah Hall John Hawkins Martin 2 Hawkins Elizabeth H ig bee John Manly John H. Hamilton John 2 Hall Alexander Hallet Lewis Hai dy Jonathan Hampton Andrew Hawkins SmttU Atkins Ellis , Armstrong John' Anderson James Baldwin Pleasant Boggs Robert, Jr. Barklnw William Bogg Robert", Sen. Breedwill Sarah Brink Philip 2 Bledsoe'Richard Bnedwell Fielden Bullock Waller 2 Bruin Joseph Bowortli Nathaniel Bell Joseph H. Boone' William 2 Briscoe Ralph Hosworth William Brown James M. Bryan Samuel Ballengrr Francis Rennet Richard Burnley Marian Boggs George Bedford George A. Bryan Lewis Bibb George-AI- . Boyd John Barker Joseph Barker Ann Best Samuel Bullock Mary . 4 Dambridge Absalom 2 Baxter George A. Breckenridge Robert Bryan John 'Butler Richard P. 3 Breckenridge Jas. D. 2 Berryman Richard Audaule John B. 2 Clark.Jame3 Cownover Peter Clerk Tayette Circuit Court 3 Coleman John Coalman Horace Coleman Edward Clark John Coyl Patrick Coleman James Cooke Sally Clay George Crockett N. Clilldres Lindsey Coleman George Crim Fielding Telman Crismond-Jame- s Carter Morris Carlan Thomas Comstock Nancy Curd Trancis Chinn Sarah Claik William 2 Craig James Catlett Harriet Cail Robert Campbell Arthur Campbell John 2 J Davis David E. Cunnings Sarah Dawns Benjamin Donatio Golman Davenport William Dudley Amhiose Dougherty James Dunlap William Dawson & Harcourt Davis M. , Dillon D.John Dunn Samuel Donkrens Thomas" E Elliott Catharine Ellis Powhatain Elliott John Elder Edward Elliott James Re. ' Evans Francis Ellis William Ellis Thomas F Foster Hugh Fisher John 2 Fleming Wm- - Hon, Fears William Ford Nathaniel Farmer Samuel W. Fergeson John Fleming Ann Flournoy Lawrence Foster Thomas Grady Benjamin Giegory Peter Gatewood Thomas R. Garland Peter Gaebi John Gess John Goiham George Cpp William 1;. Gibson Hugh Gibbons John II. Graves Peggy Gray John 11 Hill Robert Halter Benjamin ' Heran James L. 2 Howard Sarah Harris Thomas H. Hendron Samuel Hamilton James Hamilton Eliza -- Hawkins Emily W. Hatding Elihuor John Harrison I hos. P. Hall Joseph JUrshfll Anthony Hamilton John C. Hale Vs. M. Hendley John or Wm. Hampton Eliza W. Hcndlyjohn Hawkins Eliza Hodgson Uaa HodgesFrancja5- - l HuHVj6b.it Air. Horrel John F. Harp Conrad or Georgellawkins Nicholas Henry Edward W, HarnsonJona. Harp George HuntEnocli Hanes Simeon Hendrix Edward Hicks William Helmes R Hickey Richard Johnson Jacob Jones Francis Johnsi-- Thomas Inskeep Joseph S. Johnson Isaac Inskeep Samuel J unison William" Kent Lesley Know Hon Abrara ICenney Robert Keiser Adam Kise Abraliam Lane Alfred Ladington II. Lowrie Isabella Leeky Andrew Longstreet Gilbert Lamo'ne Meriali ' Labayteaux Peter " Lftwman John Iewrs Hector Lowndes W. Lane h Doggs Lay well Peter Lung James Lakanal Monsier Land John W. Maddox Nancy Morgan Sarah Morgan William Morgan Daniel Matthew Chs 2 Maddicon George Moore II H. 2 Minter John T. Mas.on Stephen 2 Merrefee Benjamin Muddc-- William Morton Elijah Morrison David C. Mills Abigail Mason Peter 2 Myers Jacob Moor John T. Manifee Jouet Morris Thomas L. 2 Munday James Merideth William Madcap Elisha Mie Hoss . ' Maguire Douglas May Kitty Morris Benjamin M'Kcancy Jotm iM'Carty Jolin M'Callester John James M'Cotin John M'Murrv Prudence M'Coun'Neil M'tntire William -- M'Gowen Charles M'Coun J. & R. C. S. M Kenney John Nothern Jeremiah Nelson Robert L. . Nouval Michael J. Nepthalem Mr. Nicholson Peter C. F Overton Samuel Offutt Barnon Outen Levey 2 Outen Ann Olivet Mrs. Pretvett William C. Peterson Wm F. Price William Paul Peter 2 Pickett William' FildierJohn Parnsh' Dickinson Poiter William Pinkey Samuel Is. Plummet Robert Parry John Palmateer Williani Presley' John T. Peebles Robert Ptail George Pindell Mrs. Percilull DaVid M. Pardel Rrajs Poinsett J. R. 2 Preston James M. Patterson Samuel Parker John Read' Thos. J. Richardson Allen Robinson James F. Randsdell John Russell Mary Rogers Jeremiah' Rankin Adam 3 Russell Wm. Russell Stephen 2 Redman Francis Roose Leroy Richards Elizabeth' Ross George' 2 Rankin Samuel Rice Wm H. Rogers John Rimsey Thomas Russell Mary O, Rollins Samuel Stout David Stout Jonathan Shelby Janies Spark Mertius Smiley Jonathan Smith John Steele Samuel Snyder Philip 2 Sampson David JJTm-jM- j Jl Jm M.J',9 LEXINGTON,, MONDAY, BRADFORD Warehouse KENTUCKY Journeymen Hamilton George Henderson Dayid Hall William Halstead Alex'd.B. Hawiill James Hartshorn J'erejnrah Hawkins SajjiUel O. jimmuuuu taa Hull John Hardy Richard Hartman Peter Hough Polly Higgms William Hopkins 5. Gen,. " t Hunt Wilson 2" Henry Jesse - ' Helmes Thomas U Irvin Eliza F Irvin Mary D. Johnson Mary Jouston William James Hauy2 J JelTeres John Johnson Solomon K Kise William Keen John Kay Gabriel T. Keen Oliver ' LilleylJohn Larkin lionet James Inderman Jacob Leach Simeon Lung William Lumaj) Sarah Jonard Whitehead Lowry Allen Lee's Behjamin Lii)kmfelder Rarbary Lay Molly Lindsay James 2 Louyze J. Peter Lewis Granville Little John P. Jll Mashall James Marshall Francis Maiiett Lissey Moore Rebecca B. Mortin John II. Myers John Murphey J Mom e Francis Maxwell George Miller Adam Morriss Elizabeth Maddol Nolly Murtey Henderson May Jacob Manual Cath. Magee William MoproePage Martiu David Morris James Mount Samuel L. More Y Maxwell James D. Mohtcomerv AVm. Kliller Robert 5- - JIc 51'Clahd William M'Intire Frank M'Pheeters Jame3 M'Laughtm Rachael M'Pake Wm. M'Kay Mary M Dowell Catharine M'Kee James 2 M'Isac Isaac 2 M'Gowen Elisabeth" NetsoriJohn 3 Nelson Melissa , licsbett James J. Noel Edwin 0 - OflTutt Samuel R. 2 Odell Jackson 2 Oliver John H O'Bannon Margaret P P.ice Drladxile platt Thomas Payne Nathan Prentiss Thomas M. Pilcher Edward Poage Elijah Price Evans , Postel Samuel Payton Jacob Phillips William' Punchard Doct. Postel Philip S. Porter James Pougue AVitliam L. Perry Elijah Preston Walter Preston William Peaters John Fool Anthony PayneDanl. M'Carty Poage Linsey ri . Ruth Samuel' Rankins Reuben' Rankin Nancy Hansucll Augustus 5 Rogers Thomas H. Releston Robert Ritchison Martha Roddick George ., Richardson James II. Ralston Sandy Reed William Robinson James 6 Read Robert Russell Nathaniel Randall Brice Reid Elijah Raney John Hobinson Henry Rector Enoch S Stuart Robert Stuart James Stuart Alvait Stewart William 2 Shannon Nancy Severgine Surah Steele Joseph Seller Henry SCQU llanitajj ? Sharp Richard Silers James SinclaicTiioma9 Smith William 2 Slaughter Getfrge" Simpsom Wm- - 2 iteenson Thonus' Smith Elisha Simple Robert Say Benjamin Strong Charles - Shute' Philip 1 Sale Humnhrev Swatrcard John Scothorn Nullian - Scott John Sands Daniel Sawreys 3amuel Tomlinson William 2 Todd J hn Tandy Willis Tinsley Mary Talbert John Taylor James Trout Sarah Tompkins John Taytor Sylvia liiompson George Tyler Reniamin Twedy David Tayloi Robert Turner Edward Taylor Edward I mnesson Joseph Thomas Reuben 2 Tucker William TJtley William Vernon.il Skidmark Vawter Thomas L. Wilson & Anderson Weathend Wm 2 Wriley Benjamin Williams Zepheman Wilson Russell F. Wilson James 2 Witherspoon John R Winn Marv Woolfolk Waller Wlunly John Waimon John P 1 Walkei Edmund Welmon Cornelius Wright Samuel West Charles Watlftri. Itrhnrw Walls Frederick 2 Wallace Samuel M. D. Waller John Walls Geo. Wjalt Valter2 Wallace 1 nomas Wallace James II. Withrow William Wallace Mary A Williamson Garret Wyatt Lucy Wright Pettes,R. Wake Alexander 2 Wilson Jesse White Chapman 2 Webb EdwaidC. Whitehead John Yates John Young Ridge Young Leonard Zimmerman Daniel LtXiMGTON V II A M R Pmni'iilAI'o rl ment are liappy m i... .i.n, t ,...1.1 continues Serivoner John Smith Maiy M 2 Smith Belford D. Smith Nicholas Stefc Jusluia 'Scantlin James " Smith Mr. Seaborn James Spiers Greenbiiry Short J,,hn H. Sturgin Scott William Stephen Thomas " Stevens Reuben 2 , Stephen William P. Shaw John R. Mrs. Slivers John Saeray Elizabeth T , Thompson Mr. t Taylor Samuel 2 Tevel Joseph Templeman Henry Tilford Samuel ' Towler Joseph Taylor David James Tipton John Tompkins Jane M. Tapp Nelson A. Todd William Tuinay David 2 Thompson Kitty Thompson Clilton Tod William ThompsonSarah Todhunter Henry V J - UiiderwootLTJiomas Vanpelt Samuel W Warden Ethtni White Lucy Wagnoii Virginia D. Wilson Moses allace Alexander JOHN FOWLER, P 31. Lexington, Oct 1, 1816 4i l.n: j. mai uicji uuuuiugs are coinpieitaand tlieir Machinery in full operation. They are ready to receive orders for all kinds and qualities 01 BtOAD CLOTHS, CAbl-MERK- PLAINS, FL VNNELS, COAT 1NGS BLANKETS & NEGRO CLO I IIS; Iso FEL TINGS forpapermokers, MILLIARD Cl.Ol HS &c Also, every description of PRINTING; WR VPP1NG and WRITING PAPER, PASTE BOARDS, FULLERS BOARDS, SHETHING PAPER, ser. Aim. Unf'fltJTi PAit-- ....i Walker Hampton 2 3Vaible Elizabeth William n William Wollurd Jacob Walker Ezekiet WhiteJo'seph Nest John -- Wash James Wilkins JolinB.2 Wall Samuel Warning John wtDD ueorge Wastuman James Walker Wnollolk bow el Wallace Simon 3 Wattcis Bladen 2 Wilkinssii John 3 Wilcox Ductus P. Wilson David mchesler Benjamin1 3 Wa'ker Adam R Wilsi.n Thomas Williamson Johrf Wor'ley Caleb" " Wallace James'' v Wobbs Jacotf. Young John , YarnalljUaac Z MANlpAi, rt.iw. f)t,e Pti,b:.. ...1. i. announcing- to the pub- - ... . . !f!E3E5 the BUSINESS, . ..uv... ... uu, tiiu BLANK PAPER of superior quality of any description or to imitate any colour and quali-t- y at short notice. n Having spared no labour or expense in pro- curing he best Machinery and Workmen ,i) this country and tram Europe, the proprietors are confident that every article of their manu- facture shall be equal in quality to anvi mport-e- d from Europe or manufactured in tbe United States. In consequence of their having on hand a large stock of wool, the proprietors do not wish to receive more at present, but will uapt all they- - pan obtain in a sew months for vhich they will givt the highest prices paid in any part of America. They will heweter at all times exchange the goods of their Mauafactory for Wool or Rags Persons desirous of selling stock or purchasing, or ordering goods, ivifl please apply at said factorv, or to J C & M" D ' RICHARDSON, or J & T'. G, PRbNTftS August 27, 1816. 3g Stills for Sale. The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ-en- t sizes and of the best quality, which he will sell low for cash. He has Utely received from Philadelphia a quantity of Copper, which him to furnish Stills and Boilers Of any size, at the shortest notics. Hp ikn to carry on TINNING as usual Aaron 3 James 2 Two or three JOURJYEr.llEJV T1AWERS wouia De employed, to whom the highest wages will be given. M. FISHEL Zicxington, October 1 ISliJ, 7tr V- - Allen & Grant, , Commission Merchants, Pittsburgh, . TiifniTrr ir..ATV;r,.? ... l,., T r .. .1 . tllCV Iiii'e rpniflrpi tn rim viMsf.nir!:.. i,.i., . pied by G. it C. Anshutz Fi-q- the siiiien'or con- - auciiucniiiuieir w and its proimitt to the river. Ilm ifi-l,unf- ns It, r.fW .ul c.i .. .2. IhuiB advantage to cOnsigit to them. - I'lttsimrsh, ,May G. ' m ; Downing & Graiit, Have just receite"d from Philadtlpliia and Balti-mor- e, and are now opening at their store qu Sliortjstrcet, betweeu Mill and Main Cross-stree- ts) Lexington. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT! OP GROCERIES, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING s Suerar. Coli'ee, Teas Chocolate, Ginger, Muce, Cloves, Allspice", , Black PcpperJ Cay.epne, do Nutmegs, CinilainoiiJ Mustard, Allum, ' Madder, Copperaat Brimstone WtXE. - r rqshcs ot every' kind. SnaniSti WhitiiifTPiit Flovt;..,l sill. W,n.lftr- - ftc'.&c. All of which C'h , ? House and sign Painting, Papering andG lazing done as usual. f They "wish to sell or lent their Oil Afill in Nov. 25, IS' 5 48-- tf Did3olutidn of Partuei-Slup- . 0 , THE FIRM OF Pai'ker & Graves . is THIS DY dis'soheilty mutualconsent All debts due to or from the late concern, will be settled by William W JAMKS P. I'AKKKK, WILLUMW GRAVES, Lexington, April 11,' IK1G- - 1-7- . William W. Graves, In atldition totlie late stock, is just receiving a fresh supply oi tjr.uiitiAi iliac,, smiawc lor me pi i suit and appi caching seasons, consisting of Dry Goods, CfFocerie-t- . Ilrtiiluitre Que.ii5,-- ;)' Wines ' ' 'r YoUng Hyson-- . Glass & .a & J k J. ChihA, J , Uri-ul- i f.TmpcrisT J NEW $ CUfcAP GOUUjii j. b. nuiiL.ixn, ,t (Wo 47, Main, Street Lexington, J Has just received and opened an extensivo assortment ui , FRESH itftY GOODS,. Among which are the following articles i BROAD CLOTHS & CA3MMKRS, A great variety of CALICOES, - -- CAMBRICS, Satin, Stripe, Corded ahd Fiiriir?tlV(lo'. .. ,. ,. Raisii s. Prunes, . AlmondJ; rigs, '. ColdStiucfe.-- i Sweaf ' CaJtni. S, h'cotsflc 7 -- . Mocd'oba S "' Salt, Shad, , I let . Wsli JlalU; Shaving Soapi P'Jcs, A ooilen Cocks, Uteralls. fittffifip?; ;rC5 tty. r!!... 4PM.AI-fjrr,h- thet will selPterV low for Gritts "I! '""" """' v "l"rl sauu,e5' anu SUP- C- a Patent from the United- - . n.l j n, ui.ok ana wno MUSLIN, J ' Figured do. , do di' Elegant worked muslin ROBESii .Variety Ginghams - Do. HANDKERCHIEFS, Do. 4qrs. IRlH LIN'EfS, , 5 qrs. do. , SHEETINGS Plnift nrirl rh4f,ovaKlA tfll VI ' Go"d assortment UlBUONS, TESTINGS' jDlMHlES, Furniturt DIMITIES, Siik and 'Cotton HOSIERY, Silk and K.dd GLO 3. SATINNET JS, VIGONC 1 S, domcsHc (, rJL (hams and SHIRTINGS, a variety -- f FANY ARTICLE3, he. &c The abue c.ods were purchase.! in v, York at the lovest Cash pr.ces, and will be sold low purchasers are le.ectfully invited, to call and examine for themselves Lexwjjton, May, 18. 21 tf. . To the Public. fv t;i,m .. ..... ,i ,. Zl "cnuuui iuuk? jieiuuckv Uazette prmung-ofSc- where I tarry on my business in its! seier.il blanches of SADDLING & MILITARY-ACCOUTREMEN- graietulacknowleilgments to my cistomtis for Uie (.IStinlllllI II llitmnairn I l.t.. r I r b- iion mem. Jy fuendsand die public aie assurtdof prompt cominwlations. 1 teel confident that win the ,id ofc some orthe best ttoikmei. and fi connt supply of the mmr i lint, . ,n. l,l. T -- u.li i , j - w..iw, j anau oe anie to render ample satisfaction to those who may plejse to favoui' me with their applications by oitler or ,tb wise. i milr r,nr January 22 , i ' . C3 JMtent V Irtstic Sailtllel; 'A aiord to time who are fond ofeuty ridmtr The complaint agHn.slili.iicl and )ii uneasy sa which is fnrfh ninvt ,a, , n ..... ...t . ? i""j"..u general one, and is really a grievance tq those who Iiav. muclj ..u.u iu uj, iKia cjue.i me to turn my mind pa.ti-cular- ly to tfiit subject, with a view is possible to re- medy the eul I can with confidence assure tbe public that I lint accomplished it I have iiiqLtt: ed a plan wlilch is by means of stronirand well t. m- - n..l P(I St. 9Trlnn .n ................ .1 - '. . r "b-i - wui.au utiiu ua to support the saddle seat sc give mttch both ease to rid r k horse, than saddles made in the common way 01 a.,y other that I have ever seen, can possibly do Tbi' , v "..,.i. ii u.ii me jcncrusii elastic saddles with ...!. ri. J!. , kIso from those a. ill, wire springs, ,m I cone. ive inuchsupcuor so either, as the elasticity is g. eater and the tree not being put out or its original lorm' .ll not be subject to hurting hone. o which uicomplaine.1 of In thesaddles with ,S bais A number ol gentlemen in tins town an" S vicinity, bate those saddles butoie tenument I bel.cie exists among the,, inUvo.ro! sondesirous of puichalingZ' ,d liberty fimto make trial of o.ie and jWaS ease lor he.nselves In vs,U point ot dd,&l,ty I .. warrant them ennal m .i nor to molt. ' liP'I h,?Ye.obta!ped , rings, j ' .. a . t uowsiu ,.u .mi eeMjiv patent lights to Saddlers, for other counL, or sutes--lf reiiuned, I will furnish a tree with spriwnf ready fixed and strained, which may sene as a mL del to work by. aaJ Bill mve. ibe nm9, .... " TSUYAN."

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh707xh9z/data/1604.pdf · --Cv' Dnpcr figured Carpets, Counleipanes, Double Covrhds,,Burdyc, Huckaback,

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh707xh9z/data/1604.pdf · --Cv' Dnpcr figured Carpets, Counleipanes, Double Covrhds,,Burdyc, Huckaback,


Jfezc Ssriq$No. 43. Vol. II. OCTOBER 21,1816. fol.SQ.


F. Jr.Hi Thso Ifollars pcrfannum, paid in advance, or

I'hrteiDollars'at the end of the Year, '. ' L


JEREMIAH AEAVE & SON,Of Cincinnati, Ohio,

Have elected large and commodious

Brick Warehouses & Cellarsl'or tbe reception of all kinds of Merchandise,

Mannlactures and Produce, for Storage, and SaleCn Commission, for lorwardingty the nvcror tocountry merchants. Hills and debts collected andpunctuallv remitted. Purchases roade-an- gene-rally all j'iKOKKJtAGE and CQMM1SSI0N. BU-SINESS, transacted.

Stf Cincinnati, February 19



M847,Is just published and for sale at this Office,

by the gross, dozen, or single.Cj Orders from A distance will be strictly at

tended to

Medical Lectures.Course of Lectures will be delivered inA the town of Lexuigfuii", during- the

season, upon the following sub-ject-

to wittOn the thenry and practice ef Medicine

Ity Doctor .lames' OvertonOil. Anatomy and Surgery By Doctor B W

Dudley.On. Obstetrics and the diseases of Worren and

Children Uy Dr. XV. H. Richardson.On Chemistry By Dr. James Blythe.The Lectures will be; commenced on the

foregoing branches, on tbe 2d .Monday of November next A.

Just .Received,7ol JVfew-Iorf-

A TCD for sale next doir to the Lasmgton lnsu-raTf-

Company, an elegant assortment ot val-uable BOOKS, comprising

Classical, Historical atid Miscella-neous Works,

which will be disposed of on. moderate and accom-modating terms. Libraiy companies and Book-sellers supplied at the usual deductions

A sew setgl select BRII ISII CLASSICS,in. various elegant and plain binding, and in cases.

Lexington, October 7 41 i

150 BarrelsBROWN"Sttetfi,


WILhMM C. BELL,At his store on Cheapside opposite 1be2llarket-Hous- 4'J-- 4t

Dancing School.JO7AT DARIiAC, Professor of Dancing,)J) ESPEC I'JFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen.

tlemen of Lexington aud its icinity, that his

PANGING SCHOOL will be opened onFud--the I itb of October, at Mr Coi nchus Coyle's bouse,comer ofyIordati's Row .and Mam-stree- t, where heproposes to teach the ait ot Dancing in all its aii911s branches, with a auety of new aud fashionableC0T1J.U0X5.

Personsdesirous of bqing instructed ai e requestedto apply at Mr. Giron's Confectionary Store, Mill-stree- t,

or to John Darrac at Mr Wickliff's taiem.An Evening School will be opened for a limited

miniberof yoiinggentlenieii on an immediate application 4us time would not permit bun otherwiseto attend.

Regular PR ACTISING B LLS will be estab-

lish! (1 as soon as his pupils are sufficiently instructed.Ottobei 7 41

Partnership Dissolved.rpHE partnership of FRY & CARSON is tins.

- day iliispli ed by mutual consent. Those in

debted to the turn arc requestcu 10 come iorwaiusuul pay their respective, balances ; and those hiv-

ing demands a.inst them, to bring forwaid thtiraccounts for settlement.


August 1,1 81 C. w3- i-

(j The business of the above concern will licre-tfi- er

be carried on bythe subscriberr - JOHN TRY.

Taylors.WANTED immediatel) five or 91K

YLORS, to whom the following hb-e-

wageswill beghen, iz- - ,Tor making plain diess coat, 554 00Flim pantaloons, 1 50Waist-Coat- . 1 25Extra At ot k paid? for ;

propoi lionJourneymen Taylors

tilov ment. will meet with

Nashville, Sept 24, 1 81

Tobacco Wurtted."Will advance Merchandise at the low estcash prices, to any of my acquaintance, on

account'&f their presentcfopof Tobacco, to be

and all other in the same

wishing to meet with em -a steadv seat.




clUveacd in the leas at the Manufactory ofMr. Henry Uelly in Lexington, and I will allowthe highest price at time of delneiv.

AND. STAINTOXJulv 13, 1816. . 29-t- f

, X

Weaving.nHE subscriber informs his customers aud the

puhlic, that hef has removed to one of widowJlussell's bouses in Jefferson-Stree- t, where he con-

tain 3 to carry on theweatingof Binad Damask--Cv' Dnpcr figured Carpets, Counleipanes, DoubleCovrhds,,Burdyc, Huckaback, Satinets, fie kc.gOtf GEORGE THOMSON.

A varietyTor sale Uiis oflics.


LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Post Office at Lexington,

October 1st, 1816, wAici is not taken out inthree months, villi be sent to the general PostOfjict as dead letter. ,

AslfbyHSnvtV-"-Andres'Stephc- n

Avery Nathan 3 . Alvis WalterAdams Christopher 2 Anderson WilliamArmstrong Francis W .Allen Rich'd.Adams Pollyamis HenryAlexander Robt.Amiss WilliamAitkin Roberts. 3

Benning Perkins 2Brainard John 3Barker Johtt, Jr.Bruce HelvaButler Thomas L.Raker JoshuaBrent Hugh P. 2Bayly RobertBreckenridge Wm.Bell JM .ntgomery '

Berryman John H.Beck John H. "

Ball JohnBaxter Sanrtiel A.Benton Jessellreckenridge Wm. T.Beninger MaryBeauchamp JnhnBistos John B.Bradley JamesUaldwin Benj.Beauchamp J W.Retehtle Henryliourne Sarahllianky PaulBracken JohnBuckner HenryBaily Charles or Jog,Baird Josephllrite AlbertusBowler SallyBrooking Thos. A.Bibb JamesBlackemore JohnBradly's James & WmBrown Edy(Butcher) Solomon

Chinn FranklingCarr E'izabethCmbs LeslieCairyl ReubenColeman LinseyCaverdale Rich'd.Cosby Eliza Jonas 2Cocke William A.Coyle Johp 2Chambers Robert 2Clay AbramCavins JohnChambers WilliamCleek JacobCartmell Elijah ,

Cellars JosiahCurrnjSU '--Close Henry '

Cape Mjdnor T.Campbell ArchibaldCromwell BenjaminChamprey Mr.Clements JoshuaCannon WillisQauy JohnCock JohnClaik MichaelCharnberlainc GeorgeClinton IsaacCraig Jpseph

Davenport 'PeterDawso JosephDeal Le MarquisDowney Robert 2Devour SamuelDowning JordanDunn Kbenezer S.Dunn EbenezerDodge David 3Downton RichardDickey John --

Duncan SamuelDicson WilliamUukeminneer Juhn

Casthem Richard 2Enos-Joi-in

Elder MatthewEpperson ChesleyEades JamesEllis LittleburyEllis Lewis C.Elder Andrew W.

Fry HenryFarts.in WilliamFrench Alfred 2Frazer MaryFrazer JosephFoster Archibald G. J

Fauutleroy Vm. M.2Faver John 2Flornoy Mr, "

Frazer SarahFulton Andrew

Gray GeorgeGurdon Trancis 15.

Goddard Archehuisirey James zGirdncr'MichaelGardner Elizabeth;eib William

Gibbons SarahannGrooms Elijah CGray ThomasGrimes CharlesGrimes JohnGilbert Samuel H.

Huston RobertHolmes RobertHicky ThomasHollyman MaryHuston SarahHall JohnHawkins Martin 2Hawkins ElizabethH ig bee JohnManly John H.Hamilton John 2Hall AlexanderHallet LewisHai dy JonathanHampton AndrewHawkins SmttU

Atkins Ellis


Armstrong John'Anderson James

Baldwin PleasantBoggs Robert, Jr.Barklnw WilliamBogg Robert", Sen.Breedwill SarahBrink Philip 2Bledsoe'RichardBnedwell FieldenBullock Waller 2Bruin JosephBowortli NathanielBell Joseph H.Boone' William 2Briscoe RalphHosworth WilliamBrown James M.Bryan SamuelBallengrr FrancisRennet RichardBurnley MarianBoggs GeorgeBedford George A.Bryan LewisBibb George-AI-.

Boyd JohnBarker JosephBarker AnnBest SamuelBullock Mary . 4Dambridge Absalom 2Baxter George A.Breckenridge RobertBryan John

'Butler Richard P. 3Breckenridge Jas. D. 2Berryman RichardAudaule John B. 2

Clark.Jame3Cownover PeterClerk Tayette Circuit

Court 3Coleman JohnCoalman HoraceColeman EdwardClark JohnCoyl PatrickColeman JamesCooke SallyClay GeorgeCrockett N.Clilldres LindseyColeman GeorgeCrim Fielding

TelmanCrismond-Jame- s

Carter MorrisCarlan ThomasComstock NancyCurd TrancisChinn SarahClaik William 2Craig JamesCatlett HarrietCail RobertCampbell ArthurCampbell John 2JDavis David E.Cunnings SarahDawns BenjaminDonatio GolmanDavenport WilliamDudley AmhioseDougherty JamesDunlap WilliamDawson & HarcourtDavis M. ,

Dillon D.JohnDunn SamuelDonkrens Thomas"

EElliott CatharineEllis PowhatainElliott JohnElder EdwardElliott James Re. 'Evans FrancisEllis WilliamEllis ThomasF

Foster HughFisher John 2Fleming Wm- - Hon,Fears WilliamFord NathanielFarmer Samuel W.Fergeson JohnFleming AnnFlournoy LawrenceFoster Thomas

Grady BenjaminGiegory PeterGatewood Thomas R.Garland PeterGaebi JohnGess JohnGoiham GeorgeCpp William 1;.Gibson HughGibbons John II.Graves PeggyGray John


Hill RobertHalter Benjamin '

Heran James L. 2Howard SarahHarris Thomas H.Hendron SamuelHamilton JamesHamilton Eliza --

Hawkins Emily W.Hatding Elihuor JohnHarrison I hos. P.Hall JosephJUrshfll AnthonyHamilton John C.Hale Vs. M.Hendley John or Wm.

Hampton Eliza W.HcndlyjohnHawkins ElizaHodgson UaaHodgesFrancja5- - l


Horrel John F.Harp Conrad or Georgellawkins NicholasHenry Edward W,HarnsonJona.Harp GeorgeHuntEnocliHanes SimeonHendrix EdwardHicks WilliamHelmes RHickey Richard

Johnson JacobJones FrancisJohnsi-- ThomasInskeep Joseph S.Johnson IsaacInskeep SamuelJ unison William"

Kent LesleyKnow Hon AbraraICenney RobertKeiser AdamKise Abraliam

Lane AlfredLadington II.Lowrie IsabellaLeeky AndrewLongstreet GilbertLamo'ne Meriali '

Labayteaux Peter"

Lftwman JohnIewrs HectorLowndes W.Lane h DoggsLay well PeterLung JamesLakanal MonsierLand John W.

Maddox NancyMorgan SarahMorgan WilliamMorgan DanielMatthew Chs 2Maddicon GeorgeMoore II H. 2Minter John T.Mas.on Stephen 2Merrefee BenjaminMuddc-- WilliamMorton ElijahMorrison David C.Mills AbigailMason Peter 2Myers JacobMoor John T.Manifee JouetMorris Thomas L. 2Munday JamesMerideth WilliamMadcap ElishaMie Hoss . 'Maguire DouglasMay KittyMorris Benjamin

M'Kcancy JotmiM'Carty JolinM'Callester John

JamesM'Cotin JohnM'Murrv PrudenceM'Coun'NeilM'tntire William --

M'Gowen CharlesM'Coun J. & R. C. S.M Kenney John

Nothern JeremiahNelson Robert L. .

Nouval Michael J.Nepthalem Mr.Nicholson Peter C. F

Overton SamuelOffutt BarnonOuten Levey 2Outen AnnOlivet Mrs.

Pretvett William C.Peterson Wm F.Price WilliamPaul Peter 2Pickett William'FildierJohnParnsh' DickinsonPoiter WilliamPinkey Samuel Is.Plummet RobertParry JohnPalmateer WillianiPresley' John T.Peebles RobertPtail GeorgePindell Mrs.Percilull DaVid M.Pardel RrajsPoinsett J. R. 2Preston James M.Patterson SamuelParker John

Read' Thos. J.Richardson AllenRobinson James F.Randsdell JohnRussell MaryRogers Jeremiah'Rankin Adam 3Russell Wm.Russell Stephen 2Redman FrancisRoose LeroyRichards Elizabeth'Ross George' 2Rankin SamuelRice Wm H.Rogers JohnRimsey ThomasRussell Mary O,Rollins Samuel

Stout DavidStout JonathanShelby JaniesSpark MertiusSmiley JonathanSmith JohnSteele SamuelSnyder Philip 2Sampson David

JJTm-jM- j Jl Jm M.J',9






Hamilton GeorgeHenderson DayidHall WilliamHalstead Alex'd.B.Hawiill JamesHartshorn J'erejnrahHawkins SajjiUel O.jimmuuuu taa

Hull JohnHardy RichardHartman PeterHough PollyHiggms WilliamHopkins 5. Gen,. " tHunt Wilson 2"Henry Jesse - 'Helmes ThomasUIrvin Eliza FIrvin Mary D.Johnson MaryJouston WilliamJames Hauy2 J

JelTeres JohnJohnson SolomonKKise WilliamKeen JohnKay Gabriel T.Keen Oliver '

LilleylJohnLarkin lionet JamesInderman JacobLeach SimeonLung WilliamLumaj) SarahJonard WhiteheadLowry AllenLee's BehjaminLii)kmfelder RarbaryLay MollyLindsay James 2Louyze J. PeterLewis GranvilleLittle John P.JllMashall JamesMarshall FrancisMaiiett LisseyMoore Rebecca B.Mortin John II.Myers JohnMurphey JMom e FrancisMaxwell GeorgeMiller AdamMorriss ElizabethMaddol NollyMurtey HendersonMay JacobManual Cath.Magee WilliamMoproePageMartiu DavidMorris JamesMount Samuel L.More YMaxwell James D.

Mohtcomerv AVm.Kliller Robert 5- -

JIc51'Clahd WilliamM'Intire FrankM'Pheeters Jame3M'Laughtm RachaelM'Pake Wm.M'Kay MaryM Dowell CatharineM'Kee James 2M'Isac Isaac 2M'Gowen Elisabeth"

NetsoriJohn 3Nelson Melissa ,

licsbett James J.Noel Edwin

0 -OflTutt Samuel R. 2Odell Jackson 2Oliver John HO'Bannon Margaret

PP.ice Drladxileplatt ThomasPayne NathanPrentiss Thomas M.Pilcher EdwardPoage ElijahPrice Evans ,

Postel SamuelPayton JacobPhillips William'Punchard Doct.Postel Philip S.Porter JamesPougue AVitliam L.Perry ElijahPreston WalterPreston WilliamPeaters JohnFool AnthonyPayneDanl. M'CartyPoage Linsey

ri .

Ruth Samuel'Rankins Reuben'Rankin NancyHansucll Augustus 5Rogers Thomas H.Releston RobertRitchison MarthaRoddick George .,Richardson James II.Ralston SandyReed WilliamRobinson James 6Read RobertRussell NathanielRandall BriceReid ElijahRaney JohnHobinson HenryRector EnochSStuart RobertStuart JamesStuart AlvaitStewart William 2Shannon NancySevergine SurahSteele JosephSeller HenrySCQU llanitajj ?

Sharp RichardSilers JamesSinclaicTiioma9Smith William 2Slaughter Getfrge"Simpsom Wm- - 2iteenson Thonus'Smith ElishaSimple RobertSay BenjaminStrong Charles -

Shute' Philip 1

Sale HumnhrevSwatrcard JohnScothorn Nullian -

Scott JohnSands DanielSawreys 3amuel

Tomlinson William 2Todd J hnTandy WillisTinsley MaryTalbert JohnTaylor JamesTrout SarahTompkins JohnTaytor Sylvialiiompson GeorgeTyler ReniaminTwedy DavidTayloi RobertTurner EdwardTaylor EdwardI mnesson JosephThomas Reuben 2Tucker William

TJtley William

Vernon.il SkidmarkVawter Thomas L.

Wilson & AndersonWeathend Wm 2Wriley BenjaminWilliams ZephemanWilson Russell F.Wilson James 2Witherspoon John RWinn MarvWoolfolk WallerWlunly JohnWaimon John P 1Walkei EdmundWelmon CorneliusWright SamuelWest CharlesWatlftri. ItrhnrwWalls Frederick 2Wallace Samuel M. D.Waller JohnWalls Geo.Wjalt Valter2Wallace 1 nomasWallace James II.Withrow WilliamWallace Mary AWilliamson GarretWyatt LucyWright Pettes,R.Wake Alexander 2Wilson JesseWhite Chapman 2Webb EdwaidC.Whitehead John

Yates JohnYoung RidgeYoung Leonard

Zimmerman Daniel

LtXiMGTONV II A M R Pmni'iilAI'o rl

ment are liappy mi... .i.n, t ,...1.1


Serivoner JohnSmith Maiy M 2Smith Belford D.Smith NicholasStefc Jusluia

'Scantlin James "

Smith Mr.Seaborn JamesSpiers GreenbiiryShort J,,hn H.SturginScott WilliamStephen Thomas "

Stevens Reuben 2 ,

Stephen William P.Shaw John R. Mrs.Slivers JohnSaeray ElizabethT ,

Thompson Mr.t

Taylor Samuel 2Tevel JosephTempleman HenryTilford Samuel '

Towler JosephTaylor David

JamesTipton JohnTompkins Jane M.Tapp Nelson A.Todd WilliamTuinay David 2Thompson KittyThompson CliltonTod WilliamThompsonSarahTodhunter HenryV J -UiiderwootLTJiomas

Vanpelt Samuel

WWarden EthtniWhite LucyWagnoii Virginia D.Wilson Moses

allace Alexander

JOHN FOWLER, P 31.Lexington, Oct 1, 1816 4i

l.n:j. mai uicji uuuuiugs are coinpieitaand tlieirMachinery in full operation.

They are ready to receive orders for all kindsand qualities 01 BtOAD CLOTHS, CAbl-MERK-


Walker Hampton 23Vaible Elizabeth

William n WilliamWollurd JacobWalker EzekietWhiteJo'sephNest John --

Wash JamesWilkins JolinB.2Wall SamuelWarning JohnwtDD ueorgeWastuman JamesWalkerWnollolk bow elWallace Simon 3Wattcis Bladen 2Wilkinssii John 3Wilcox Ductus P.Wilson David

mchesler Benjamin1 3Wa'ker Adam RWilsi.n ThomasWilliamson JohrfWor'ley Caleb" "

Wallace James'' vWobbs Jacotf.

Young John ,YarnalljUaac


MANlpAi, rt.iw.f)t,e Pti,b:.. ...1. i.

announcing- to the pub- -... . .



. ..uv... ... uu, tiiuBLANK PAPER of superior quality of anydescription or to imitate any colour and quali-t- y

at short notice.n Having spared no labour or expense in pro-curing he best Machinery and Workmen ,i)this country and tram Europe, the proprietorsare confident that every article of their manu-facture shall be equal in quality to anvi mport-e- d

from Europe or manufactured in tbe UnitedStates.

In consequence of their having on hand alarge stock of wool, the proprietors do notwish to receive more at present, but will uaptall they-- pan obtain in a sew months for vhichthey will givt the highest prices paid in anypart of America. They will heweter at alltimes exchange the goods of their Mauafactoryfor Wool or Rags Persons desirous of sellingstock or purchasing, or ordering goods, iviflplease apply at said factorv, or to J C & M" D'RICHARDSON, or J & T'. G, PRbNTftS

August 27, 1816. 3g

Stills for Sale.The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ-en- t

sizes and of the best quality, which he willsell low for cash. He has Utely received fromPhiladelphia a quantity of Copper, which

him to furnish

Stills and BoilersOf any size, at the shortest notics. Hp ikn

to carry on

TINNINGas usual





Two or three JOURJYEr.llEJV T1AWERSwouia De employed, to whom the highestwages will be given. M. FISHELZicxington, October 1 ISliJ, 7tr


Allen & Grant, ,Commission Merchants, Pittsburgh,

. TiifniTrr ir..ATV;r,.? ... l,., T r .. .1 .

tllCV Iiii'e rpniflrpi tn rim viMsf.nir!:.. i,.i., .

pied by G. it C. Anshutz Fi-q- the siiiien'or con- -auciiucniiiuieir w and its proimitt to

the river. Ilm ifi-l,unf- ns It, r.fW .ul c.i .. .2.IhuiB advantage to cOnsigit to them.

- I'lttsimrsh, ,May G.' m;

Downing & Graiit,Have just receite"d from Philadtlpliia and Balti-mor- e,

and are now opening at their store quSliortjstrcet, betweeu Mill and Main Cross-stree- ts)




Coli'ee,TeasChocolate,Ginger,Muce,Cloves,Allspice", ,Black PcpperJCay.epne, doNutmegs,CinilainoiiJMustard,Allum, '


WtXE. -rrqshcs ot every' kind. SnaniSti WhitiiifTPiit

Flovt;..,l sill. W,n.lftr- -

ftc'.&c. All of whichC'h , ?

House and sign Painting, Papering andG lazingdone as usual. f

They "wish to sell or lent their Oil Afill inNov. 25, IS' 5 48-- tf

Did3olutidn of Partuei-Slup- .


Pai'ker & Graves .is THIS DY dis'soheilty mutualconsent

All debts due to or from the late concern, will besettled by William W


Lexington, April 11,' IK1G- - 1-7-

. William W. Graves,In atldition totlie late stock, is just receiving a fresh

supply oi tjr.uiitiAi iliac,, smiawc lor mepi i suit and appi caching seasons, consisting of

Dry Goods, CfFocerie-t- . IlrtiiluitreQue.ii5,-- ;)' Wines ' ' 'r YoUng Hyson-- .Glass & .a & J k J.ChihA, J ,

Uri-ul- i f.TmpcrisT JNEW $ CUfcAP GOUUjii

j. b. nuiiL.ixn,,t (Wo 47, Main, Street Lexington, JHas just received and opened an extensivo

assortment ui

, FRESH itftY GOODS,.Among which are the following articles i

BROAD CLOTHS & CA3MMKRS,A great variety of CALICOES, - --

CAMBRICS,Satin, Stripe, Corded ahd Fiiriir?tlV(lo'.

.. ,. ,.

Raisii s.Prunes, .

AlmondJ;rigs, '.ColdStiucfe.-- i

Sweaf' CaJtni. S,h'cotsflc 7 --.

Mocd'oba S "'Salt,Shad, ,I let .

Wsli JlalU;Shaving SoapiP'Jcs,A ooilen Cocks,Uteralls.

fittffifip?; ;rC5

tty.r!!... 4PM.AI-fjrr,h-

thet will selPterV low for



'""" """'

v "l"rl sauu,e5' anu SUP- C-

a Patent from the United- -.n.l j

n, ui.ok ana wno MUSLIN, J 'Figured do. , do di'Elegant worked muslin ROBESii

.Variety Ginghams -Do. HANDKERCHIEFS,Do. 4qrs. IRlH LIN'EfS,

, 5 qrs. do., SHEETINGS

Plnift nrirl rh4f,ovaKlA tfll VI 'Go"d assortment UlBUONS, TESTINGS'

jDlMHlES, Furniturt DIMITIES, Siik and'Cotton HOSIERY, Silk and K.dd GLO 3.SATINNET JS, VIGONC 1 S, domcsHc (, rJL

(hams and SHIRTINGS, a variety -- f FANYARTICLE3, he. &c

The abue c.ods were purchase.! in v,York at the lovest Cash pr.ces, and will besold low purchasers are le.ectfully invited,to call and examine for themselves

Lexwjjton, May, 18. 21 tf.

. To the Public.fv t;i,m .. ..... ,i ,.

Zl "cnuuui iuuk? jieiuuckv Uazetteprmung-ofSc- where I tarry on my business in its!seier.il blanches of SADDLING & MILITARY-ACCOUTREMEN-

graietulacknowleilgments to my cistomtis for Uie(.IStinlllllI II llitmnairn I l.t.. r I rb- iion mem.Jy fuendsand die public aie assurtdof promptcominwlations. 1 teel confident that win the ,id ofcsome orthe best ttoikmei. and fi connt supply ofthe mmr i lint, . ,n. l,l. T --u.li i , j- w..iw, j anau oe anie to renderample satisfaction to those who may plejse to favoui'me with their applications by oitler or ,tb wise.

i milr r,nrJanuary 22 ,




C3 JMtent V Irtstic Sailtllel;'A aiord to time who are fond ofeuty ridmtrThe complaint agHn.slili.iicl and )iiuneasy sa

which is fnrfh ninvt ,a, , n ..... ...t . ?i""j"..u general one, andis really a grievance tq those who Iiav. muclj..u.u iu uj, iKia cjue.i me to turn my mind pa.ti-cular- ly

to tfiit subject, with a view is possible to re-medy the eul I can with confidence assure tbepublic that I lint accomplished it I have iiiqLtt:ed a plan wlilch is by means ofstronirand well t. m- -n..l P(I St. 9Trlnn .n ................ .1 - '. .r "b-i - wui.au utiiu ua to support thesaddle seat sc give mttch bothease to rid r khorse, than saddles made in the common way 01 a.,yother that I have ever seen, can possibly do Tbi', v "..,.i. ii u.ii me jcncrusii elasticsaddles with ...!. ri.J!. ,

kIso from those a. ill, wire springs, ,m I cone. iveinuchsupcuor so either, as the elasticity is g. eaterand the tree not being put out or its original lorm'.ll not be subject to hurting hone. owhich uicomplaine.1 of In thesaddles with ,Sbais A number ol gentlemen in tins town an" Svicinity, bate those saddles butoietenument I bel.cie exists among the,, inUvo.ro!

sondesirous of puichalingZ' ,dliberty fimto make trial of o.ie and jWaSease lor he.nselves In vs,Upoint ot dd,&l,ty I..warrant them ennal m .inor to molt. '

liP'I h,?Ye.obta!ped








,.u .mi eeMjivpatent lights to Saddlers, for other counL, orsutes--lf reiiuned, I will furnish a tree with spriwnfready fixed and strained, which may sene as a mLdel to work by. aaJ Bill mve. ibe nm9, ...." TSUYAN."