TIIK GIJEVT KEMTCKY KACE HOUSE, RODOSjPII, a brilliant and succefLi racing AFTER (ulw lys victorious,) his been with-draw- n from the Turf, ami will stand the pie- - sent season at Weslbrook, the tork farm of Thomas Smith, one mile Weslol Lexington, on the old Frinltfort roail, and ne ir to the Versailles Turnpike (adjoining the firm of the Rev. Spencer Cooter ) he will be put to mires at ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS each, paa-bl- e at the expiration of the season, or when he mare is Taken away from the stand: the privilege of the next season will be extended to such mares as hare been paid for and rmv not prove to be in soil. FIF TY DOLLARS the single leap, with the privilege of continuing at the season price is the mire should not have been impregn ited. The arrangements for keeping mares and foals are ample, and the most careful and unremitted attention will be bestowed to prevent accidents. Pasturage gratis, and a reasonable charge for grain is or dered. Mires and soil? lest with the Horse to be at the risk of their owners. The season will expire the 10th of July. J. D. CAMPBELL, Agent for Thomas Smith. Westbrook Farm, March 31, 1838 14-- tf RODOLPH is a bnebt Bay, each of bis hind pasterns white hands three inches high,, handsomely formed and well proportioned for strength and action. Here on the theitre of his glory and in me miast o; his irienus, u is unnecessary to describe him minutely, but for the satisfaction of breeders nt n distance it rrrsv be stated, that he respmbles in compact ness and symmetry of muscle, clearness of limb and blood-lik- e appearance, the hich bred lace horse of "the olden tunt" when the Medleys, the Sharks, Fearnoughts, &c, (his ancestors,) were the fnontes of Turfmen. He is now sound and in vigorous health except a slight touch of splint which recently made its ap- pearance on his sore legs and which will soon disappear; he is free from blemish there are no puffs, swellings nor scars on his limbs or body. Running always upon his mettle, it is believed he never was marked with whip or spur, as he never met with a competitor that could test his speed or bottom. Alter triumph- ing over all that he could meet on the Turf in the West, John Bascombe, the victor of the North and South, was thought to be an antag onist worthy of his prouess anrl sirae: the Lexington Association accordingly determined to back their favorite in a large sum, but the owneTbf Bascombe declined the invitation and withdiew him from the Turf. RODOLPH was subsequently sold for 15,000 and carried to Mississippi. He ha been recently r- chaed and brought back to his native State, to render at his stand more useful service to his old friends and the public at large, than by his splendid racing. PEDIGREE OF KODOLPH. RODOLPH was bred by me, and is 7 years old on the 15th day of April, 1838, being foaled on the 15th day of April, 1831. He was got by Archie Monlorm, (or Archie of Transport;) his dun bv Haxalfs Moses; grand d ini by Black burn's Whip; his great grand dam by Craig's Alfred; his g greit grand dam by Taylor's Uellair. KUUULif U'& uam was urea oy me, but never trained; his gr ind dam was bred by my father, Col. A.Buford, and was among the best race nigs of her day; his great grand dam was bred by (Jol 1 homis tlart,ot Lexington was trained, and considered a good runner; lii g. great grand dam was brought to Ken- tucky by Simuel Pryor, Sen. and I have the statement of William Daily, (who trained her) showing conclusively, that she was by Taj lor's ifellair, and a successlul runner here in early times. CHARLES BUFORD. Scott county, Ky. February 20, 1838. Archie Movrowo was got by this famous Sir Archie by Dioined, out of Castianira, import ed. The nam oi A'ciiie iuontono was i rans-por- t, by Virgintus; dam Nancy Air, Virginius by Dionicd: Nancy Air by imported Bedford, dam by old Shark who was also the dam of the old Maid or the UaKs grand dam by Rockinghim; great grand dam by Gallant; g. great grand dam by True Whig, old Regulus, &c. &c. Haxall's Mosrs, the sire of Rodolph's dam, was got by imported Sir II irry, out of import- ed mire Mermaid, by Waxey. Mermaid's dam was got by Buzzird, out ol Gordison Precipi- tate Mare, out of Lidy Harriet, by .Mark Anthony. Sir Harry, the sire of Moses, was got by Sir Peter Teazle, by Highflyer, by Herod, &c &c. Waxey, the sire of Moses's dam, was got by Pot-8-o'- s, out of Maria, by Herod, Sic. ; Buzzard by Woodpecker; Precip- - itate Mare by Mercury, Dy tclipse, out or the old Tartar Mare. The dam of the Precipitate .11 a re by Mcrou. Blackburn's Wnir was got by imported Whip, and out of Speckleback, by Randolph Celar; his grand dam, old Specklebick, by Mead's Celar; his great grand dam by Beard's imported sober J ohn ; pis g. great grand uam a sine mare, purchased at Wade's sale, by Ed ward Aloseley. Randolph Celar was b Mead's Celar; his dam by Sloe son oi Partner, out of Blossom, imported Ins grand dam was im- ported by Captain Thomas Lilly. (For the above pedigree of Whip, see American Turf ite&ister, vol. bin , page hi ) Craiq's Alfred was by Hart's old Metier, dam by Col. Sim's Wildair; grand dam by Sloe, who was by old Partner, out of General Nelson's impo-te- d mare Blossom, (the dam of the famous horse Kockingnam ; great grand dam by imported Valiant: g. great grand dam by imported Fearnought, (See Turf Register, rol. 5, page 5G.) Tavloe's Bellair decended from the best imported slock in Virginia ; he was got by irn ported Medley, dam by Yorick, son of irn ported Triveller, out of imported mare Bla' zella, by Blaze, a famed son of Flying Childcrsj grand dam Black Selinja, by imported Fear- nought, out of Tasker's fumed imported Selima by the Godolphin Arabian. Bellair beat the best horses in Virginia and Maryland; when out of condition he wa beat twice. Sir Wil-ha- Muckle John, Henry, Bets Ransom, rr.fle, nnu other ot our bet horses are descend ad from Bellair. -- , THE COLTS OF RODOLPH. Mr. Sidney Durbridge, formerly one of the owners of Rodolph, and who tiained him for all his races, permitted him to serve a sew marcs in 183G. His foals are greatly admired. and their ownr6, as well as Mr. Burbridgenre willing to back them against the produce of a-- other stallion in America. On this subject Air. Burbriage writes as follows.- - "I intend to breed to RoDOLrn, for I really think him i qunl to any horse in the world, and as a breeder I can say (hit I have sour of hie get, (and only tour,) an ol them superior in ap- pearance to any I ever had before : day I will back his get ugainst this spring's yearling's of any horse in America Tor any moderate sum' I mean one, two, or three thousand dollars. But in any Sweepstakes for colts now yearlings I will name the get of Rodolph at any sum, ay one, two, three, sour, or five thousand dol Iara entrance three to make a race two, three, or sour mile heats the year they are three rears old. I know of no horse that 1 could say as much for as Rodolph with the sear or contradiction, and not one that 1 have more confidence in. 1 think Rodolph one of 's freaks, a none. such, for I do honestly be- lieve that be combines in himself more etiength, peed and bottom than any other horse now liv Us. SIDNEY BURBRIDGE. FarettHiII, Franklin so., 30th Feb, lc(38.'' THE 2ND QTTAKTER Commences on Tuesday, April 2nd 1838. FEMALE EDUCATION. Iff I?. HOXFLHUIt "listed by his XTJL Lady and other competent Teachers, will open January 3rd, 1838. An Academy lor the Education OF YOUNG LADIES, Under the name of the LEXINGTON FEMALE SEMINARY. He trusts to have it in his power so far to gain the confidence of he community, that his resi- dence as a teacher in Lexington may be per- manent. The many schools in which he has taught in the O. State', and the opportunities he has had of obserring the several methods of initruction m Knwland nnd Fance. render him rather san guine as to his capability of imparting a useful and accomplished education. Payable Quarterly in Advance. PnKPAKATOttY Department for Reading, Wil ting, Spelling, Geography, Grammar, Mental Arithmetic, ana vocai oacreo. iuu- - tfi llD nprnr Sivmi Deparment including the above; with Botany, Ancient and Modern History, Use of the Globes, Composition, Rhetoric, Logic, Natural History, Algebra, Geometrj , Physio- logy, Grammar of M usic, Chemistry, Natural fhilosopny, c. $iu,vu Piano Forte, 10,00 French, 5,00 Drawing ANDPAiNTisc-i- n allitsbranchs 10,00 Latin and Greek, 10,00 Lectures upon the Arts and Sciences occasion ally, which the parents of the pupils are invi' ted to attend. Classes for Adult pupils evert; Saturday Morning. 9 o'clock. French, II " Drawins and Painting Afternoon 3 " Drawing and Painting, with their application to Botany, Ormtholo gy. &c. It will be observed that the terms for the French language are much below the ordinary price. The objectof this is that it may be stu- died even by those in the Preparatory Depart ment, and thus become the general language oi the school two or three alternoons in each week. Lex. Dec. 7th, 1817 51-- tf. NASHVILLE AND MILLS' POINT. TRIWEEKLY LINE OF JiMI.IL POSE QdMJlHIISS. fUlfllS Line leaves Mills' Point every Tues JL day, Thurdiv and Saturday at 6o'clock A. M. Leaves Nashville Tuesday, Thursday and Siturd ly, at 6 o'clock, A. W. I hrough in 56 hours -- allowing pasengers eight. hours rest each night at Batson's and Pans. Mills' Point being designated as the landing place for the great Kiver Mail, one of the mail Boats will leave everyday for New Orleans. Travellers to and from Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri, will save much time and money by travelling this route. The pro- prietors pledge themselves to carry those who m ty p itronize their Line from Nashville to Mills' Point in half the time that is at present required on any other line from Nashville to the Mississippi river. The proprietors have been particular in pro curingcareful dnversand attentive agents, nnd h ive selected superior Troy coaches, and sine horses, &c. &c. The proprietors will make every exertion to accommodate the public, and flatter themselves tli it those who travel this loute will find the accommodations us good as any othei in the Union. All baggage nt the owner's iik. Office atthe City Hotel, Nashville; Hanna's Hotel, mills' l'oint. J. JANES, A. TOBEY, U. F. HANNA. March 22, 1838. NOTICE. DR. C. W. & It. T. S. CLOUD, AVING entered in pirtnerhip, tender there services to the public in the prac tice of Physic, Surgery and Midwifery, in the city and surrounding country and may be consulted: at any tune at their Uttice,on Alain street, the present residence of Dr. C. W . Cloud, who is desirous of closing all his old ac counts and therefore hopes that thoe indebted to him, will call and settle as soon as possible. March Jo, IBoU 11-l- f. Light House firm of POSTLETHWA1TE AND THE TONE, was this day disolved by mutu- al consent. The debts due to the lite concern have been placed in the hands of Mr. Spaold-in- g Wilson for collection, who is alnne aulno-nse- d to settle them. The debts due by the con- cern, will be settled hv me. The LIGHT HOUSE etablishment will hereafter be carried on by myself. G. L. POSTLETHWAITE. Lexington, March 15, 1838. 12-- tf REMOVAL. it. & arsHAw, MAVE removed their FASHIONABLE SHOP next dour to W F. Tod's Steam Hal Factory, where they will continue to keep on hand n first rate assortment of every description of HATS, which they will sell ns low as any other house in the City. Those pcr-- j sons having accounts of long standing, notili' ounge us Dy caning anu seining mem, N. Si II. SHAW, March 22, 1838. 12-3- m. NORTHERN BANK of KENTUC KY, Lexikotov, March 20.1838, THE annu il meeting of the Stockholders this Bank will be held nt their Bulk- ing House in Lexington, on the 1st Monday in May next, at which timeand place an election will be held for nine Directors, to serve the en suing year, meeting at 10 o'clock, a, m. By order of thd Boird of Directors. M. T. SCOTT, Cashier. March 28, 1838 13-ti- 'ra NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR 1838, AT BIGGINS, COCHRAN & GO'S. JfO 53, MA Iff STB.EET, WHERE Goods of the latest styles and prices can bo had in great va- riety. It. C. Ai Co. N. B. Their stock of CARPETS and WALL PAPER is unusually large and pat- terns entirely new. II. C. Si Co. Lexington, March 27, 1838. 13-6- 1- Mustard Seed. I WILL give the highest price a Bushel for good well cleaned Alustard Seed. I wish it delivered soon. N. BURROWES. Lex.MaroblS. U-- 4i. ROSIN T3 BOW; A Splendid Maltese Jack, 4 hand high, Stand the present season at WILL the Stock Farm of THOMAS SMITH, one mile west of the City of Lexing-.- . i.nn.fa Twpiii v. five Dollars. Mnres Eight Dollars, payable atthe expiration of the season, July, lo. PETERBKOOKS, AN ALDERNEY BULL, MILK BREED,, vrvatr.r. he let to Cows atthe same Farm at Ten Dollirs a Cow. The produce of Peter Biooks can be seen at the mrm. J. CHRISTOPHER, Agent for Tnos. Smith March 1,1838 tf. PEDIGREE OF THE BULL. "Pflir Drunks. I.ivernnd White Color, was calved the summer of 1834, andgot by Alder-ne- y Admiral, and he out of an imported Cow, and by Willis' Admiral, he by the imported Admiral. The dim of Peter Brooks was pur- chased from Mr. John Willis of Boton, and wit got by his llnll Admiral; ner nam n cros of Bukewell Ccelebs, Holderness Admiral, Sir Isaac, see. (Signed) HENRY SHEPHERD. August 20, 1837. NOTICE. HAVE taken the stand recently occcupied I by Messrs. Chinn Si Gaines, formerly (E. I. Winter's) and the greater put of the Stock of Goods, Where I shi.ll continue the business. My stock being well assorted, I invite a continuance ol the custom of the pld firm, as well as that of the public. T. N. GAINES Jan. 4,1837 . tf. WAS COMMITTED the Jail of rnyelte county Tc on the '7th January, 1838, a negro man who culls himsell CHARLEY HUNDLEY. As a runaway, and says he to be fipp nn thn 1 at of Autrtist next : tint he is bound to his undeJDCharles Freeman, man of color, to learn the Blacksmith trade. Ho states that his uncle lives with Freemin Briggs in Amherst county. Vireinia, in 7 miles of the Buffalo Springs. He also states that his fither is a slave and owned by Judge Daniel, in Lynchbnig, Virginia. Ha is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches, hizh. very black, has a large scar in his sore head, occasioned by the kick of ahorse, and had on blue mixed jeans coat, black cassinett pantaloons and white hat. The owner, (lfany) is requested to come lorward, prove property, pay charges and take him away .otherwise he will be discharged according to law on the 17th of June next. THOS. S. REDD, Deputy orUOBT. 8. TODD, Shff. Fayette co March 29, 1838. iiiiiiiiiiiillillilllllllllllliiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffi OtB iTill REMOVAL OF CABINET WABEROOM. nnHE Subscriber has removed his CABINET JL WARE-ROO- to Joxdan's Row, oppo site the Court-Hous- His stock is small at present, but he is enhrging it ns fast as it suits his convenience; nnd it would not De a disa greeable task to furnish the houses of a sew rood customers; and it might be to the advan tage of those that wint Furniture to call and see him, as he intends selling cheap. HORACE E. DIMICK. March 15, 1838. 11-- tf. DR. JOHN C, DABBY, AVING settled himself at Dr H HorKiNs' former residence, on the Mavsville and Lexington turn pike, about 7 miles from Lexington, . ". ... Tirivai .ii - i ; - - resnecuuiiv oners nis services us u imu- - CIAN AND SURGEON, to the citizens of Fajette and Bourbon Counties of his vicinity His time will he exclusively devoted to the du ties of his profession, and he will be sound at home except when necessarily absent. March 1, 1838. m. NOTICE nflHE Partnership heretofore existing be- JL tween the undersienec. under the name of John Carty, Jr. & Co. was this day dissolved by mutual consent; all persons indebted to us by note or account, are earnestly requested to call at tne oiu stand and liquidate mem imme diatelv as further indulgence cannoe be given Peisons having claims against us will please present them lor settlement. JUIll" L, A 11.1 i, jr. J. McCAULEY. THE Undersigned having this day of John Carty, Jr. &Co. their entire Stock of GBOCEBIES, Will continue the Grocery Busiues at the old stand, where I will be happy to furnish my friends as usual, with GOOD BARGAINS, should they be pleased to give me a call, and at the same time very thanklul tor past lavors. J. MCUAULibY . Nov. 18, 1836. 47-- tf. UPIIOLSTERJNG. Firniture and Chairs. i N addition to my large and splendid Stock ofFURNITUREandCHAlRS.I have en gaged the services of an Upholsterer from Lon- don, who is capable of doing every description "C7PHOLSTEHINC- - on the most modern and approved style. Such as Drapery, Curtains, Cutting and laying down Carpels. Paper Hanging, Trimming Pews, &.c. MATTRESSES of every description kept on hand and made to order at my Furniture Es- tablishment, Limestone street, second door the Jail, where any person wanting any description of Upholstering done, can see draw- ings aod design, from which they can select any style they wish, and it will be attended to prnmptlv,and done in a style inferior to none n the United States. JAMES MARCH. Lexington,NoV. 10, 1837. 48-- lf LAST NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to CHUfJf AJfD either by note or account, are required to pay the sime by the first of May, or. uoiu noies nnu uccuums win ue piaceu in me hands of sin officer for collection. CallonJnq. fl r'klnnnt nA.nr.. T1,inn,. n. C.n.l. Dl . u Yiiiiiii nv jv w iu.ii ui juitu a, ui &ifiui;i3 i Gaines nt the old stand. CHINN & GAINES. Marh23, 1833. TO RENT. GrpiIE smVcriber has for rent, the FARM, IL. containing about 50 ACRES, lately own ed by Jas. Rovle, at the lowerena oi lown. Terms made known on application. J. C. RICHAKUSUN, fll. U. March 15, 1838. Il-t- f. CANDY'S TAFERN. (LATE M'CKACKEVS) Cornt. of Church and Upper-Street- s. itia rTVIE subscriber respectfully informs tgiSU JL the public generally, that he has aken the above Stand, and hopes by attention to business, to receive a liberal share ot public patronaee. HIS BAR IS WELL FURNISHED, Bed Rooms Comfortable, HORSES, WELL ATT ENDED TO t Anrt hem? well known him'clf through the State, he will not here mike promises, but trusts that his endeavors to please will ue crown- ed with succe.s. TiAVANJl WREKI.Y BOARDERS well accomodated, on reasonable terms. JUI111 sA1XU1 . Lexington, Nov. 1, 1837 46-- tf KAIL ItOAD NOTICE. jrpHE Evening Car will here ifter leave Lex-- il .ngton at half past 1 o'clock P. M. the Morning Car as uual at 6 A. M., 11. uctuiuini. Rail Road Office, Nov. 13, 1836. 46-- tf EQSMESb WEE Efl AND LIQUORS. urdersigned hiving t iken for a term TMIE years, the Stores formerly occupied by PmiTrnriEi.D& Tilfoko. at the corner of Main and Mill Street, would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally,that in addition to his stock on hand amongst which are some choice WINES AND LIQUORS, He is daily expecting additional supplies, which will make his s ruuri as complete ana desirable as any in the city. He has made and i making arrangements to keep a constant supply of uoods in his L.ine, Which he will offer for sale ntthe lowest mai-k- et price, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, in lots to suit purchasers. He is prepared to do a General Commission & Forwarding BUSINESS. Goods consinned to his care will be disponed of in conformity to instructions, with as little delay as practicable. The usual facilities will be afforded on all goods consigned to him for sale, and his best efforts to effect sale of the same. To the former patrons of the house he tenders his since thanks, and hopes by astrictdilligence for their interest, to merit and receive a con tinuance of their patronage. BEN. F. CRUTCHFIELD. Lexington, Dec. 16, 1837 51-- tf. NORTHERN BANK OF KENTUCKY) Lexington, Jan 2, 1838. s 2p HE Stockholders in this Bank , are hereby ik notified that the ninth Instalment of Five Dollars on each Share, is required lobe paid on the 1st day of May next. And thoe Stockholders who are in default for Instalments due, are informed that is payment ofthesamenre not mnde before the Istdayof reb. next, that steps will then be taken to for- feit their Slock in the manner prescribed by law. By order of the Boird of Directors. M. T. SCOTT, Cashier. Jan. 4, 1838.-1- -tf. SUPERIOR CHEWING TOBACCO. THE Subsciibers continue to manufacture, have on hand Chewing Tobacco, of superior quality , from one to two years old. In all cases it may be retureu il not lound sat isfactory. It is kept lor sale in boxes and Kegs at the Drug & Paint Stole of Grant & Wilson, Cheap side. DEWEES &. GRANT. Lex. Feb. 1, 1838 m. 03-LA- and FLAXSEED taken in ex- change. TO THE AFFJL.ICTED. WM ADAIR S UNBlVAttED PATENT-niGH- T rTilHAT the undersigned has, and L can effectually cure the Hernia, Ruplures,or what is commonalty called Bussen, reference need only be made to the following gentlemen, who have given certificates of the lact that they have been entirely cured by the appli cation of my Truss. George Crow, 62 years Fleming tounty, Ky. Isaiah Plummer, do do. John Moore's Negro mm, Cythiana. Mr. Willis Lee, Bracken county, 23 years. Ju. Miller's black boy, Nicholas county. Caleb Redden, Mason county. John Jacob". 33 jears,Mysvil!e,Ky. Jas. Inlow 68 years, Fleming county. T. Daniel Clirk's two sons M.non county Willam Willoughby, do. do. Roll i Porter's black man, 40 ycars,FIeming county. Mr. Wm Strntton, Shelby county, 58 years. Jno. Story, G2 3 ears. Georgetown Ky. Moflilt's son , Washington county. Jas. Whaley's black manj Bourbon county. Widow De Bell's son, Fleming county. Cahill's on Mason, county . The above cases have all been cured, their age vary ing from 4 to 68. The original certi- ficates can at any time be seen in my posses non. been effected in from 19 to 90 days. Letters addressed to me nt Shawnee Run P O., Mercer countv. Kv .. post mid. will be at tended to as soon as the nature of the ease will admit. I will also sell rights to Counties or States ffc7-- Hc will ensace to cure Dsnensia. nnd i lies oi ooin Kinus. WM. ADAIR. June 17, 1837 25-l- y, C3"1VEW BEER At Candy's. JUST RECEIVED FROM METCALFE'S BREWERY, LOUISVILLE. Lexington, Sept. 39 1837. 39-- tf I UNITED STATES BANK NOTES ANO EASTERN CnECKS "WANTED: THE highest premium will be gien by NATH'L L. TURNER. March 15, 1838. 11 Is. C AB INSTJM AKI IT O. JOSEPH IVlILWiVRD, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and JLijV the public, that he continues lo carry on the above businc" in all its branches, at his Shop, on Main-Stree- t, opposite the site of the late Grand Lodge, where he will thankfully re- ceive and execute all orders in his line. Jan. 18, 1830. 3-- tf. Livery Stable and Wagon Yard, ON WATEK-STREE- T. rHIIIE siihcriber M. thinkful for p it fivor", respect- fully informs the cit izens ofthisi.it and Mcinity, that he ha recommenced the above business at his old stand, corner of Mill nnd Water street', oppo- site Hunt's new building, where he Hill Keep constantly for hire, HORSES and GIGS of the very best cisi. W M II. tSAKJNETT. Lexington, Feb. 15, 1838 MR. RICHARDSON, TEACHER OF DANCING, 4c, Ice. RESIDENCE Northwest side of Limestone M.m above Short street ACADEMY at Brennan's Hotel. Lexington, Oct. 26, 1837. 43-- tf VALUABLE AND TKIED PATENT MEDICINES. TRIPPE'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPAR1LLA: SUPERIOR to any other prepcration of the and recommended by the highest testimonials as a remedy in all Scroll Ious, Rheumatic and Syphilitic diseases, Cuta' neous Affections, &c. BLOODGOOD'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH: A specific in Dyspepsia nnd all disorders of the digestive organs, and a general restorative in weak nnd dibihtated halms, caused by previous disease oi me siomacn nnu Dowels. NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT: An invaluable remedy for Sprains, Bruises, fresli uut, ac. MONTAGUE'S BALM: A cure for the Tooth Ache, and a pretentative of decay in the teeth. A supply of the above mentioned Medicine kept always on hand and for sale by S. C. TROTTER. At his Drugstore, Che.in'ide, Lex.. Ky And at the Drug Store of Geo. W. Norton, Alain street. Augu't 3, 1837. 31-- tf. N. YORK SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, TURF REGISTER, PUBLISHED weeMytl57 Broadway, N per annum. Payable in ad lance. W. T. PORTER, Editor. J. 'V . TRUMBULL, Agent for Lexington, Fayete Co. ept. 15, 1836 55-t- f. KENTUCKYSTEAM HAT FACTORY ? Corner of Main 4 Main-cros- s streets, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. WILLIAM F. TOD, Successor to Bain & Top, TJfAS again put his B.JL MACHINERY in lo successful OPERA- - T ION, and is prepared to furnish his PUNCTU- AL CUSTOMERS with every variety of HATS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL at reduced pn- - ces. Having declined dealing in HATTERS' FURS & TRIMMINGS. He hones by de voting his sole ntfntion to the successful USE ol the many FACILITIES he has in MANU FAUTUKimi to produce an AIIT1ULE which in point of COLOUR, DURABILITY. anu all Lit., will compare with any. JUST RECEIVED, The Fall and Winter Fash ions, for 1837, of Gentlemens' Hats, which he thinks cannot sail lo please thos who exercise a discriminating taste in that ve- ry essential article of dies. As CASH is a very necessiry essential, his call upon those in arrears to him must be as imperious ns the nature of the times require, more especially to those indebted to the 1 1'e firm, as further indulgence cannot be given them. N. B. Hissupply of ROCKCASTLE MILL STONES is kept up as usual Lexington, Oct. 25, 1837. 43-- tf JAMES PENNY" WOULD return h's thanks for the liberal he hasrecened . and bavin? taken into partnership Mr. George Chamblin, the business will in suture be conducted by them jointly, under the firm of fEJSNY & CHAMBLIN; And they hope, by strict attention to bnsine. to give entire satisfaction. Si CHAMBLIN. Feb H, 1838-- 7-tf P. S. All thoe indebted to J. Penny, bv note or account, are requested to come forward and settle up, ns it is necessary tht old business should be closed. J. PENNY. STRAY HORSE. fi OT away from Dickey and JT West's Stabks in Lexing- ton, on Friday, the 8th of last month, a Rusty Black Horse. 4 years old last spring, is not well broke, but has been rode: inclines to poce or rack when rode fast; carries his tail a litile one-sid- holdshis head up well when mounted; is in thin order; no white mark recollected. He looks finite tall and slim, but I think is not over 15 hands nigh He IS most nrohnhlv fnton ., k- . between Lexington und my hmie, on the Rail- - iii iv mira irom lown. l wilt give est re- ward nnd IUV nil rivitnn .1.11. r . livery at the Stage Stables jn Lexington, or at "J"'" mii.ua V. UK KEY. uel. 1, IB37. 40-- tf OLD ESTABLISHED fllnthinsr Stove. MAIN 'ST, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. Pour Doors from Frazer's Corner. FRANCIS WEAVER HAS nlways on hnnd every article wanted Gentlemen for dress Part of thr stock consists of the following articles, viz: SUPERI'INE CLOTH DRESS & FROCK COATS; a large lot of TRAVELLING CLOAK&; GOATS' HAIR CAMLET BOS- TON WRAPPERS AND CLOAKS; BOX COATS; JEANS FROCKS, COATEES & DRESS COATS; tAsmoNABLE VESTS, &.C.;. Walker's Celebrated STOCKS, SHIRTS, SHIRT COLLARS; SUSPENDERS; UM BRELLAS, &c; Lexington Made BOOTS; Several Thousand Yards of KENTUCKY JEANS, either by the Piece or Pattern. Jan. 3, I83H. JVotice. I HAVE this day sold my entire STOCK OK GROCERIES to Messr. Cartv & Coair, and I take great pleasure in recommending my custoiiiers.mil fnend to continue their patron age lo my successors All those indebted, to, me by note or account, will please call ami nay t ns early a day as possible, at the old stand. J. J. FLEMING, Jan. 4, 1838. tf. U MiHE Underlined hive this ilnv nurrhneed --L of Mr. J. J. FttMiNo, his entire S lUVli. UF GROCERIES, Ard have entered into partnership under the mme of CARTY & COOK. They will con- tinue the GROCERY BUSINESS.it the itand lately occupied by J. J . Flcmin?, nnd intend seeping cuiiaiiiniiy on nanrt a first rate iND LIQUORS, which they offer at eitheir Wholesale or Retail. jumii vjaii. ri , jr. ISAAC COOK. Jan. 4, 1838. 1 tf. HUEY & JONES, Merchant Tailors, Cornlr of Main and Limestone streets, LEXINGTON, KY. HAVE just received from Philadelphia, A VERY SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF (g (D ) ID g Suitable for Gentlemens' wear SJUCHas Blue, Black, Brown, Green, ami K5 various other colored CLOTHS; also. Waterproof Cloths, (a new article) for Over- coating. Also, a very handsome itsortment of CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, BOSTON WRAPPERS, SILK and MERINO SHIRTS, LAMBS'-WOO- L AND MERINO HALF HOSE, GLOVES, COLLARS, SUSPEND-KR- S, AND BOSOMS. The above goods were selected with great rare by one of the firm, and they feel confident that they Hill be enabled to git e their friends and ccsicmer general satis- faction. Lexington, Sept. 23, 1837. 39-- tf CLOTHS, CASSIIYIERES AND CASSINEITS.' A LARGE and superior assortment, for sde at reduced prices, by J. CHEW & CO. Ao. 53, Marble Front. Dec. 21, 1837 51-t- f. DR. CROSS JnAVING permanently ettled himelfin Lexington, offers his professional Servi- ces to its citizens and thefarmeis in its virimty. Office on Short-Stree- t, opposite the Courthouse, next door to Gen. Combs' olhce. July 19, 1837, 22-- tf JABEZ BEACH. A T his Coach KepoMiorj , has row on hand a COACH equal to any in the Stale, and sour very sine COACIIEES, CHARIOTTEES, BAROUCHES and BUGGIES, all of the first quality, minufactuied at New-Arl- ., New-Jerse- which will be sold on the lowest terms. Any person wishing a Carnage of any descrip- tion, can by giving an order, have thp sime for- warded from the tnanufactuiers at New Ark. free of commission. Lexington , Sept. 15, 1836 55--- tf LEXINGTON FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE Insurance Company narureaby the Legislature of Kentucky ti March last. O API TA X. , 300,000 Dollars! T rv vM5!f5:e tfKSL-lS- i" -- SV5rv' THIS COMPANY win fnsure BlnM Merchandize. &c. ,!., r .. or Damage by Fire, in Toun or Country. Sieam, Keel and Flat Boats, and their Cargoes against the Damagesofmland or river Nawganou anrl nvvsiuiii i u, svery uescTipiion, against sea. his Company will also INbllKK LIVES, for one or more jears, or for life! Tin- - owners of Negro Men, Slaves employed m Fac- tories, or on Farms, will find h ro their advan tage to rail." The following are the ofiicerschosen bv the stockholders: JOHN W. HUNT, Presidear. WM. S. WALLER, JACOB ASHTO. i - .V. C. JOHNSOJi, l , JOEL HIGGINS. f Directors. THO. C. O'REAR, I LEOJD. WHEELER A. O. NEWTON. Rtr.hr-- - Alban Stcthens, Surveyor. Lex Sept 23, 1836 5S-- tf PLOUGH MAKING & BLACK-SMITHIN- G THE Subscribers respectfully inform thef and the nublic eenerallv. ihri, have pur'hased the wclr known establishment, formerly belonging to Mr. Wm. Roclthtl, and are now preDared to furnish all articles in llieir line, on th shortest notice. I he PLOUGH MAKING Business will be continued in allil- uranches, and a good assortment ol the latest un- proved Ploughs kept constant!) on hand. Old 1. loughs repaired with neatnes and despatch. WM. P. BROWNING; JOHN HEADLEY, UNDER THE FIRM OF BROWNING & HBADbEY N. 3. W wish to emnlor c fVutr.lte PloBch Stockei, or Wagon Maker, to whom constant em- ployment will be given. A4t5-.- 2 or owlprtMri"-ces- ui th; Smithshop, of resectable parulge, fnst XlftA 4n ... nTl M,Manfl( TI u.iiu siiiu van .unit wen jciuinuibiiuu Lx Sep 7. 53-- tf

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6vxc9r/data/3809.pdf · TIIKRODOSjPII,GIJEVT KEMTCKY KACE HOUSE, AFTER a brilliant and succefLi

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RODOSjPII,a brilliant and succefLi racingAFTER(ulw lys victorious,) his been with-draw- n

from the Turf, ami will stand the pie- -

sent season at Weslbrook, the tork farm ofThomas Smith, one mile Weslol Lexington,on the old Frinltfort roail, and ne ir to theVersailles Turnpike (adjoining the firm of theRev. Spencer Cooter ) he will be put to miresat ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS each, paa-bl- e

at the expiration of the season, or whenhe mare is Taken away from the stand: the

privilege of the next season will be extendedto such mares as hare been paid for and rmvnot prove to be in soil. FIF TY DOLLARSthe single leap, with the privilege of continuingat the season price is the mire should not havebeen impregn ited. The arrangements forkeeping mares and foals are ample, and themost careful and unremitted attention will bebestowed to prevent accidents. Pasturagegratis, and a reasonable charge for grain is ordered. Mires and soil? lest with the Horse tobe at the risk of their owners. The season willexpire the 10th of July.

J. D. CAMPBELL,Agent for Thomas Smith.

Westbrook Farm, March 31, 1838 14-- tf

RODOLPH is a bnebt Bay, each of bis hindpasterns white hands three inches high,,handsomely formed and well proportioned forstrength and action. Here on the theitre ofhis glory and in me miast o; his irienus, u isunnecessary to describe him minutely, but forthe satisfaction of breeders nt n distance itrrrsv be stated, that he respmbles in compactness and symmetry of muscle, clearness of limband blood-lik- e appearance, the hich bred lacehorse of "the olden tunt" when the Medleys,the Sharks, Fearnoughts, &c, (his ancestors,)were the fnontes of Turfmen. He is nowsound and in vigorous health except a slighttouch of splint which recently made its ap-

pearance on his sore legs and which will soondisappear; he is free from blemish there areno puffs, swellings nor scars on his limbs orbody. Running always upon his mettle, it isbelieved he never was marked with whip orspur, as he never met with a competitor thatcould test his speed or bottom. Alter triumph-ing over all that he could meet on the Turf inthe West, John Bascombe, the victor of theNorth and South, was thought to be an antagonist worthy of his prouess anrl sirae: theLexington Association accordingly determinedto back their favorite in a large sum, but theowneTbf Bascombe declined the invitation andwithdiew him from the Turf. RODOLPHwas subsequently sold for 15,000 and carriedto Mississippi. He ha been recently r-

chaed and brought back to his native State,to render at his stand more useful service tohis old friends and the public at large, than byhis splendid racing.

PEDIGREE OF KODOLPH.RODOLPH was bred by me, and is 7 years

old on the 15th day of April, 1838, being foaledon the 15th day of April, 1831. He was got byArchie Monlorm, (or Archie of Transport;) hisdun bv Haxalfs Moses; grand d ini by Blackburn's Whip; his great grand dam by Craig'sAlfred; his g greit grand dam by Taylor'sUellair. KUUULif U'& uam was urea oy me,but never trained; his gr ind dam was bred bymy father, Col. A.Buford, and was among thebest race nigs of her day; his great grand damwas bred by (Jol 1 homis tlart,ot Lexington

was trained, and considered a good runner;lii g. great grand dam was brought to Ken-

tucky by Simuel Pryor, Sen. and I have thestatement of William Daily, (who trained her)showing conclusively, that she was by Taj lor'sifellair, and a successlul runner here in earlytimes.

CHARLES BUFORD.Scott county, Ky. February 20, 1838.Archie Movrowo was got by this famous Sir

Archie by Dioined, out of Castianira, imported. The nam oi A'ciiie iuontono was i rans-por- t,

by Virgintus; dam Nancy Air, Virginiusby Dionicd: Nancy Air by imported Bedford,dam by old Shark who was also the dam ofthe old Maid or the UaKs grand dam byRockinghim; great grand dam by Gallant; g.great grand dam by True Whig, old Regulus,&c. &c.

Haxall's Mosrs, the sire of Rodolph's dam,was got by imported Sir II irry, out of import-ed mire Mermaid, by Waxey. Mermaid's damwas got by Buzzird, out ol Gordison Precipi-tate Mare, out of Lidy Harriet, by .MarkAnthony. Sir Harry, the sire of Moses, wasgot by Sir Peter Teazle, by Highflyer, byHerod, &c &c. Waxey, the sire of Moses'sdam, was got by Pot-8-o'- s, out of Maria, byHerod, Sic. ; Buzzard by Woodpecker; Precip- -itate Mare by Mercury, Dy tclipse, out or theold Tartar Mare. The dam of the Precipitate.11 a re by Mcrou.

Blackburn's Wnir was got by importedWhip, and out of Speckleback, by RandolphCelar; his grand dam, old Specklebick, byMead's Celar; his great grand dam by Beard'simported sober J ohn ; pis g. great grand uam asine mare, purchased at Wade's sale, by Edward Aloseley. Randolph Celar was b Mead'sCelar; his dam by Sloe son oi Partner, outof Blossom, imported Ins grand dam was im-

ported by Captain Thomas Lilly. (For theabove pedigree of Whip, see American Turfite&ister, vol. bin , page hi )

Craiq's Alfred was by Hart's old Metier,dam by Col. Sim's Wildair; grand dam bySloe, who was by old Partner, out of GeneralNelson's impo-te- d mare Blossom, (the dam ofthe famous horse Kockingnam ; great granddam by imported Valiant: g. great grand damby imported Fearnought, (See Turf Register,rol. 5, page 5G.)

Tavloe's Bellair decended from the bestimported slock in Virginia ; he was got by irnported Medley, dam by Yorick, son of irnported Triveller, out of imported mare Bla'zella, by Blaze, a famed son of Flying Childcrsjgrand dam Black Selinja, by imported Fear-nought, out of Tasker's fumed imported Selimaby the Godolphin Arabian. Bellair beat thebest horses in Virginia and Maryland; whenout of condition he wa beat twice. Sir Wil-ha-

Muckle John, Henry, Bets Ransom,rr.fle, nnu other ot our bet horses are descendad from Bellair.

-- ,

THE COLTS OF RODOLPH.Mr. Sidney Durbridge, formerly one of the

owners of Rodolph, and who tiained him forall his races, permitted him to serve a sew

marcs in 183G. His foals are greatly admired.and their ownr6, as well as Mr. Burbridgenrewilling to back them against the produce of a--

other stallion in America. On this subjectAir. Burbriage writes as follows.--

"I intend to breed to RoDOLrn, for I reallythink him i qunl to any horse in the world, andas a breeder I can say (hit I have sour of hieget, (and only tour,) an ol them superior in ap-pearance to any I ever had before : day I willback his get ugainst this spring's yearling's ofany horse in America Tor any moderate sum' Imean one, two, or three thousand dollars.But in any Sweepstakes for colts now yearlingsI will name the get of Rodolph at any sum,ay one, two, three, sour, or five thousand dol

Iara entrance three to make a race two,three, or sour mile heats the year they arethree rears old. I know of no horse that 1

could say as much for as Rodolph with the searor contradiction, and not one that 1 have moreconfidence in. 1 think Rodolph one of 's

freaks, a none. such, for I do honestly be-

lieve that be combines in himself more etiength,peed and bottom than any other horse now liv

Us. SIDNEY BURBRIDGE.FarettHiII, Franklin so., 30th Feb, lc(38.''

THE 2ND QTTAKTERCommences on Tuesday, April 2nd 1838.


Iff I?. HOXFLHUIt "listed by hisXTJL Lady and other competent Teachers,will open January 3rd, 1838.

An Academy lor the EducationOF YOUNG LADIES,

Under the name of theLEXINGTON FEMALE

SEMINARY.He trusts to have it in his power so far to gain

the confidence of he community, that his resi-

dence as a teacher in Lexington may be per-

manent.The many schools in which he has taught in

the O. State', and the opportunities he has hadof obserring the several methods of initructionm Knwland nnd Fance. render him rather sanguine as to his capability of imparting a useful

and accomplished education.

Payable Quarterly in Advance.PnKPAKATOttY Department for Reading, Wil

ting, Spelling, Geography, Grammar, MentalArithmetic, ana vocai oacreo. iuu- -

tfi llD nprnrSivmi Deparment including the above; with

Botany, Ancient and Modern History, Use

of the Globes, Composition, Rhetoric, Logic,Natural History, Algebra, Geometrj , Physio-logy, Grammar of M usic, Chemistry, Naturalfhilosopny, c. $iu,vu

Piano Forte, 10,00French, 5,00Drawing ANDPAiNTisc-i- n allitsbranchs 10,00Latin and Greek, 10,00Lectures upon the Arts and Sciences occasion

ally, which the parents of the pupils are invi'ted to attend.

Classes for Adult pupils evert; SaturdayMorning. 9 o'clock. French,

II " Drawins and PaintingAfternoon 3 " Drawing and Painting,

with their application to Botany, Ormthology. &c.It will be observed that the terms for the

French language are much below the ordinaryprice. The objectof this is that it may be stu-

died even by those in the Preparatory Department, and thus become the general language oithe school two or three alternoons in eachweek.

Lex. Dec. 7th, 1817 51-- tf.



JiMI.IL POSE QdMJlHIISS.fUlfllS Line leaves Mills' Point every TuesJL day, Thurdiv and Saturday at 6o'clock

A. M. Leaves Nashville Tuesday, Thursdayand Siturd ly, at 6 o'clock, A. W. I hroughin 56 hours -- allowing pasengers eight. hoursrest each night at Batson's and Pans.

Mills' Point being designated as the landingplace for the great Kiver Mail, one of the mailBoats will leave everyday for New Orleans.Travellers to and from Mississippi, Louisiana,Arkansas and Missouri, will save much timeand money by travelling this route. The pro-

prietors pledge themselves to carry those whom ty p itronize their Line from Nashville toMills' Point in half the time that is at presentrequired on any other line from Nashville tothe Mississippi river.

The proprietors have been particular in procuringcareful dnversand attentive agents, nndh ive selected superior Troy coaches, and sinehorses, &c. &c.

The proprietors will make every exertion toaccommodate the public, and flatter themselvestli it those who travel this loute will find theaccommodations us good as any othei in theUnion.

All baggage nt the owner's iik.Office atthe City Hotel, Nashville; Hanna's

Hotel, mills' l'oint.J. JANES,A. TOBEY,U. F. HANNA.

March 22, 1838.


DR. C. W. & It. T. S. CLOUD,AVING entered in pirtnerhip, tenderthere services to the public in the prac

tice of Physic, Surgery and Midwifery, inthe city and surrounding country and maybe consulted: at any tune at their Uttice,on Alainstreet, the present residence of Dr. C. W .Cloud, who is desirous of closing all his old accounts and therefore hopes that thoe indebtedto him, will call and settle as soon as possible.

March Jo, IBoU 11-l- f.

Light Housefirm of POSTLETHWA1TE ANDTHETONE, was this day disolved by mutu-

al consent. The debts due to the lite concernhave been placed in the hands of Mr. Spaold-in- g

Wilson for collection, who is alnne aulno-nse- d

to settle them. The debts due by the con-cern, will be settled hv me.

The LIGHT HOUSE etablishment willhereafter be carried on by myself.

G. L. POSTLETHWAITE.Lexington, March 15, 1838. 12-- tf


it. & arsHAw,MAVE removed their FASHIONABLE

SHOP next dour to W F. Tod'sSteam Hal Factory, where they will continue tokeep on hand n first rate assortment of everydescription of HATS, which they will sell nslow as any other house in the City. Those pcr-- jsons having accounts of long standing, notili'ounge us Dy caning anu seining mem,

N. Si II. SHAW,March 22, 1838. 12-3- m.


Lexikotov, March 20.1838,

THE annu il meeting of the Stockholdersthis Bank will be held nt their Bulk-

ing House in Lexington, on the 1st Monday inMay next, at which timeand place an electionwill be held for nine Directors, to serve the ensuing year, meeting at 10 o'clock, a, m.

By order of thd Boird of Directors.M. T. SCOTT, Cashier.

March 28, 1838 13-ti- 'ra



JfO 53, MA Iff STB.EET,WHERE Goods of the latest styles and

prices can bo had in great va-riety. It. C. Ai Co.

N. B. Their stock of CARPETS andWALL PAPER is unusually large and pat-terns entirely new. II. C. Si Co.

Lexington, March 27, 1838. 13-6- 1-

Mustard Seed.I WILL give the highest price a Bushel for

good well cleaned Alustard Seed. I wishit delivered soon. N. BURROWES.

Lex.MaroblS. U-- 4i.

ROSIN T3 BOW;A Splendid Maltese Jack, 4 hand high,

Stand the present season atWILL the Stock Farm of THOMASSMITH, one mile west of the City of Lexing-.- .

i.nn.fa Twpiii v. five Dollars. MnresEight Dollars, payable atthe expiration of theseason, July, lo.


vrvatr.r. he let to Cows atthe same Farmat Ten Dollirs a Cow. The produce of

Peter Biooks can be seen at the mrm.J. CHRISTOPHER,

Agent for Tnos. SmithMarch 1,1838 tf.

PEDIGREE OF THE BULL."Pflir Drunks. I.ivernnd White Color, was

calved the summer of 1834, andgot by Alder-ne- y

Admiral, and he out of an imported Cow,and by Willis' Admiral, he by the importedAdmiral. The dim of Peter Brooks was pur-

chased from Mr. John Willis of Boton, andwit got by his llnll Admiral; ner nam n crosof Bukewell Ccelebs, Holderness Admiral, SirIsaac, see.

(Signed) HENRY SHEPHERD.August 20, 1837.

NOTICE.HAVE taken the stand recently occcupiedI by Messrs. Chinn Si Gaines, formerly (E.

I. Winter's) and the greater put of the

Stock of Goods,Where I shi.ll continue the business. My stockbeing well assorted, I invite a continuance olthe custom of the pld firm, as well as that of thepublic.

T. N. GAINESJan. 4,1837 . tf.

WAS COMMITTEDthe Jail of rnyelte countyTc on the '7th January, 1838, a

negro man who culls himsellCHARLEY HUNDLEY.

As a runaway, and says he to befipp nn thn 1 at of Autrtist next : tint

he is bound to his undeJDCharles Freeman, manof color, to learn the Blacksmith trade. Hostates that his uncle lives with Freemin Briggsin Amherst county. Vireinia, in 7 miles of theBuffalo Springs. He also states that his fitheris a slave and owned by Judge Daniel, inLynchbnig, Virginia.

Ha is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches,hizh. very black, has a large scar in his sorehead, occasioned by the kick of ahorse, andhad on blue mixed jeans coat, black cassinettpantaloons and white hat. The owner, (lfany)is requested to come lorward, prove property,pay charges and take him away .otherwise hewill be discharged according to law on the 17thof June next.

THOS. S. REDD, DeputyorUOBT. 8. TODD, Shff. Fayette co

March 29, 1838.


OtB iTill


nnHE Subscriber has removed his CABINETJL WARE-ROO- to Joxdan's Row, oppo

site the Court-Hous- His stock is small atpresent, but he is enhrging it ns fast as it suitshis convenience; nnd it would not De a disagreeable task to furnish the houses of a sew

rood customers; and it might be to the advantage of those that wint Furniture to call andsee him, as he intends selling cheap.

HORACE E. DIMICK.March 15, 1838. 11-- tf.

DR. JOHN C, DABBY,AVING settled himself at DrH HorKiNs' former residence, on

the Mavsville and Lexington turnpike, about 7 miles from Lexington,

. ". ... Tirivai.ii - i ; - -resnecuuiiv oners nis services us u imu- -

CIAN AND SURGEON, to the citizens ofFajette and Bourbon Counties of his vicinityHis time will he exclusively devoted to the duties of his profession, and he will be sound athome except when necessarily absent.

March 1, 1838. m.

NOTICEnflHE Partnership heretofore existing be-

JL tween the undersienec. under the nameof John Carty, Jr. & Co. was this day dissolvedby mutual consent; all persons indebted to usby note or account, are earnestly requested tocall at tne oiu stand and liquidate mem immediatelv as further indulgence cannoe be givenPeisons having claims against us will pleasepresent them lor settlement.

JUIll" L, A 11.1 i, jr.J. McCAULEY.

THE Undersigned having this dayof John Carty, Jr. &Co. their entire


Will continue the Grocery Busiues at the oldstand, where I will be happy to furnish myfriends as usual, with GOOD BARGAINS,should they be pleased to give me a call, and atthe same time very thanklul tor past lavors.

J. MCUAULibY .Nov. 18, 1836. 47-- tf.

UPIIOLSTERJNG.Firniture and Chairs.

iN addition to my large and splendid StockofFURNITUREandCHAlRS.I have en

gaged the services of an Upholsterer from Lon-don, who is capable of doing every description


on the most modern and approved style. Suchas Drapery, Curtains, Cutting and laying downCarpels. Paper Hanging, Trimming Pews, &.c.MATTRESSES of every description kept onhand and made to order at my Furniture Es-tablishment, Limestone street, second door

the Jail, where any person wanting anydescription of Upholstering done, can see draw-ings aod design, from which they can selectany style they wish, and it will be attended toprnmptlv,and done in a style inferior to nonen the United States.

JAMES MARCH.Lexington,NoV. 10, 1837. 48-- lf


ALL persons indebted to CHUfJf AJfDeither by note or account, are

required to pay the sime by the first of May, or.uoiu noies nnu uccuums win ue piaceu in mehands of sin officer for collection. CallonJnq.fl r'klnnnt nA.nr.. T1,inn,. n. C.n.l. Dl.u Yiiiiiii nv jv w iu.ii ui juitu a, ui &ifiui;i3 iGaines nt the old stand.

CHINN & GAINES.Marh23, 1833.

TO RENT.GrpiIE smVcriber has for rent, the FARM,IL. containing about 50 ACRES, lately owned by Jas. Rovle, at the lowerena oi lown.Terms made known on application.

J. C. RICHAKUSUN, fll. U.March 15, 1838. Il-t- f.

CANDY'S TAFERN.(LATE M'CKACKEVS)Cornt. of Church and Upper-Street- s.

itia rTVIE subscriber respectfully informstgiSU JL the public generally, that he has

aken the above Stand, and hopes by attentionto business, to receive a liberal share ot publicpatronaee.HIS BAR IS WELL FURNISHED,

Bed Rooms Comfortable,HORSES,

WELL ATT ENDED TO tAnrt hem? well known him'clf through the

State, he will not here mike promises, buttrusts that his endeavors to please will ue crown-ed with succe.s.


accomodated, on reasonable terms.JUI111 sA1XU1 .

Lexington, Nov. 1, 1837 46-- tf


jrpHE Evening Car will here ifter leave Lex-- il

.ngton at half past 1 o'clock P. M.the Morning Car as uual at 6 A. M.,

11. uctuiuini.Rail Road Office, Nov. 13, 1836. 46-- tf


urdersigned hiving t iken for a termTMIE years, the Stores formerly occupied byPmiTrnriEi.D& Tilfoko. at the corner of Mainand Mill Street, would respectfully inform hisfriends and the public generally,that in additionto his stock on hand amongst which are some


He is daily expecting additional supplies,which will make his s ruuri as complete anadesirable as any in the city.

He has made and i making arrangements tokeep a constant supply of

uoods in his L.ine,Which he will offer for sale ntthe lowest mai-k- et

price, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,in lots to suit purchasers.

He is prepared to do a General

Commission & ForwardingBUSINESS.

Goods consinned to his care will be disponedof in conformity to instructions, with as littledelay as practicable. The usual facilities willbe afforded on all goods consigned to him forsale, and his best efforts to effect sale of thesame.

To the former patrons of the house he tendershis since thanks, and hopes by astrictdilligencefor their interest, to merit and receive a continuance of their patronage.

BEN. F. CRUTCHFIELD.Lexington, Dec. 16, 1837 51-- tf.

NORTHERN BANK OF KENTUCKY)Lexington, Jan 2, 1838. s

2p HE Stockholders in this Bank , are herebyik notified that the ninth Instalment of Five

Dollars on each Share, is required lobe paid onthe 1st day of May next.

And thoe Stockholders who are in default forInstalments due, are informed that is paymentofthesamenre not mnde before the Istdayofreb. next, that steps will then be taken to for-

feit their Slock in the manner prescribed bylaw.

By order of the Boird of Directors.M. T. SCOTT, Cashier.

Jan. 4, 1838.-1- -tf.


THE Subsciibers continue to manufacture,have on hand Chewing Tobacco,

of superior quality , from one to two years old.In all cases it may be retureu il not lound satisfactory.

It is kept lor sale in boxes and Kegs at theDrug & Paint Stole of Grant & Wilson, Cheapside. DEWEES &. GRANT.

Lex. Feb. 1, 1838 m.

03-LA- and FLAXSEED taken in ex-change.



rTilHAT the undersigned has, andL can effectually cure the Hernia,

Ruplures,or what is commonalty calledBussen, reference need only be madeto the following gentlemen, who havegiven certificates of the lact that theyhave been entirely cured by the appli

cation of my Truss.George Crow, 62 years Fleming tounty, Ky.Isaiah Plummer, do do.John Moore's Negro mm, Cythiana.Mr. Willis Lee, Bracken county, 23 years.Ju. Miller's black boy, Nicholas county.Caleb Redden, Mason county.John Jacob". 33 jears,Mysvil!e,Ky.Jas. Inlow 68 years, Fleming county.T. Daniel Clirk's two sons M.non countyWillam Willoughby, do. do.Roll i Porter's black man, 40 ycars,FIeming

county.Mr. Wm Strntton, Shelby county, 58 years.Jno. Story, G2 3 ears. Georgetown Ky.

Moflilt's son , Washington county.Jas. Whaley's black manj Bourbon county.Widow De Bell's son, Fleming county.

Cahill's on Mason, county .The above cases have all been cured, their

age vary ing from 4 to 68. The original certi-ficates can at any time be seen in my possesnon.

been effected in from19 to 90 days.

Letters addressed to me nt Shawnee Run PO., Mercer countv. Kv .. post mid. will be attended to as soon as the nature of the ease willadmit. I will also sell rights to Counties orStates

ffc7-- Hc will ensace to cure Dsnensia. nndi lies oi ooin Kinus.

WM. ADAIR.June 17, 1837 25-l- y,

C3"1VEW BEERAt Candy's.


Lexington, Sept. 39 1837. 39-- tf




THE highest premium will be gien byNATH'L L. TURNER.

March 15, 1838. 11 Is.


ESPECTFULLY informs his friends andJLijV the public, that he continues lo carry onthe above businc" in all its branches, at hisShop, on Main-Stree- t, opposite the site of thelate Grand Lodge, where he will thankfully re-

ceive and execute all orders in his line.Jan. 18, 1830. 3-- tf.

Livery Stable and WagonYard,


rHIIIE siihcriberM. thinkful for

p it fivor", respect-fully informs the citizens ofthisi.it andMcinity, that he ha

recommenced the above business at his oldstand, corner of Mill nnd Water street', oppo-site Hunt's new building, where he Hill Keepconstantly for hire, HORSES and GIGS ofthe very best cisi. W M II. tSAKJNETT.

Lexington, Feb. 15, 1838


RESIDENCE Northwest side of LimestoneM.m above Short street ACADEMY atBrennan's Hotel.

Lexington, Oct. 26, 1837. 43-- tf




SUPERIOR to any other prepcration of theand recommended by the

highest testimonials as a remedy in all ScrollIous, Rheumatic and Syphilitic diseases, Cuta'neous Affections, &c.BLOODGOOD'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH:

A specific in Dyspepsia nnd all disorders of thedigestive organs, and a general restorative inweak nnd dibihtated halms, caused by previousdisease oi me siomacn nnu Dowels.

NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT:An invaluable remedy for Sprains, Bruises,fresli uut, ac.

MONTAGUE'S BALM:A cure for the Tooth Ache, and a pretentativeof decay in the teeth.

A supply of the above mentioned Medicinekept always on hand and for sale by

S. C. TROTTER.At his Drugstore, Che.in'ide, Lex.. Ky

And at the Drug Store of Geo. W. Norton,Alain street.

Augu't 3, 1837. 31-- tf.



per annum. Payable in adlance. W. T. PORTER, Editor.

J. 'V . TRUMBULL,Agent for Lexington, Fayete Co.

ept. 15, 1836 55-t- f.


?Corner of Main 4 Main-cros- s streets,


WILLIAM F. TOD,Successor to Bain & Top,

TJfAS again put hisB.JL MACHINERY inlo successful OPERA- -

T ION, and is preparedto furnish his PUNCTU-AL CUSTOMERS withevery variety of HATS.

WHOLESALE & RETAIL at reduced pn- -ces.

Having declined dealing in HATTERS'FURS & TRIMMINGS. He hones by devoting his sole ntfntion to the successful USEol the many FACILITIES he has in MANUFAUTUKimi to produce an AIIT1ULEwhich in point of COLOUR, DURABILITY.anu all Lit., will compare with any.


The Fall and Winter Fashions, for 1837,

of Gentlemens' Hats,which he thinks cannot sail lo please thoswho exercise a discriminating taste in that ve-

ry essential article of dies.As CASH is a very necessiry essential, his

call upon those in arrears to him must be asimperious ns the nature of the times require,more especially to those indebted to the 1 1'efirm, as further indulgence cannot be giventhem.

N. B. Hissupply of ROCKCASTLE MILLSTONES is kept up as usual

Lexington, Oct. 25, 1837. 43-- tf

JAMES PENNY"WOULD return h's thanks for the liberal

he hasrecened . and bavin?taken into partnership Mr. George Chamblin,the business will in suture be conducted bythem jointly, under the firm of

fEJSNY & CHAMBLIN;And they hope, by strict attention to bnsine.to give entire satisfaction.

Si CHAMBLIN.Feb H, 1838-- 7-tf

P. S. All thoe indebted to J. Penny, bvnote or account, are requested to come forwardand settle up, ns it is necessary tht old businessshould be closed. J. PENNY.

STRAY HORSE.fi OT away from Dickey and

JT West's Stabks in Lexing-ton, on Friday, the 8th of lastmonth, a

Rusty Black Horse.4 years old last spring, is not well broke, but hasbeen rode: inclines to poce or rack when rodefast; carries his tail a litile one-sid- holdshishead up well when mounted; is in thin order;no white mark recollected. He looks finitetall and slim, but I think is not over 15 handsnigh

He IS most nrohnhlv fnton ., k- .between Lexington und my hmie, on the Rail- -

iii iv mira irom lown. l wilt give est re-ward nnd IUV nil rivitnn .1.11. r .livery at the Stage Stables jn Lexington, or at"J"'" mii.ua V. UK KEY.

uel. 1, IB37. 40-- tf



Pour Doors from Frazer's Corner.

FRANCIS WEAVERHAS nlways on hnnd every article wanted

Gentlemen for dress Part of thrstock consists of the following articles, viz:



Jan. 3, I83H.

JVotice.I HAVE this day sold my entire STOCK OK

GROCERIES to Messr. Cartv & Coair,and I take great pleasure in recommending mycustoiiiers.mil fnend to continue their patronage lo my successors All those indebted, to,me by note or account, will please call ami nayt ns early a day as possible, at the old stand.

J. J. FLEMING,Jan. 4, 1838. tf.

U MiHE Underlined hive this ilnv nurrhneed--L of Mr. J. J. FttMiNo, his entire

S lUVli. UF GROCERIES,Ard have entered into partnership under themme of CARTY & COOK. They will con-tinue the GROCERY BUSINESS.it the itandlately occupied by J. J . Flcmin?, nnd intendseeping cuiiaiiiniiy on nanrt a first rate

iND LIQUORS, whichthey offer at eitheir Wholesale or Retail.

jumii vjaii. ri , jr.ISAAC COOK.

Jan. 4, 1838. 1 tf.

HUEY & JONES,Merchant Tailors,

Cornlr of Main and Limestone streets,LEXINGTON, KY.

HAVE just received from Philadelphia,A VERY SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF

(g (D ) ID gSuitable for Gentlemens'

wearSJUCHas Blue, Black, Brown, Green, amiK5 various other colored CLOTHS; also.Waterproof Cloths, (a new article) for Over-coating. Also, a very handsome itsortment ofCASSIMERES and VESTINGS, BOSTONWRAPPERS, SILK and MERINO SHIRTS,LAMBS'-WOO- L AND MERINO HALFHOSE, GLOVES, COLLARS, SUSPEND-KR- S,

AND BOSOMS. The above goods wereselected with great rare by one of the firm, andthey feel confident that they Hill be enabled togit e their friends and ccsicmer general satis-faction. Lexington, Sept. 23, 1837. 39-- tf


A LARGE and superior assortment, forsde at reduced prices, by

J. CHEW & CO.Ao. 53, Marble Front.

Dec. 21, 1837 51-t- f.

DR. CROSSJnAVING permanently ettled himelfin

Lexington, offers his professional Servi-ces to its citizens and thefarmeis in its virimty.Office on Short-Stree- t, opposite the Courthouse,next door to Gen. Combs' olhce.

July 19, 1837, 22-- tf

JABEZ BEACH.AT his Coach KepoMiorj , has row on hand

a COACH equal to any in the Stale, andsour very sine COACIIEES, CHARIOTTEES,BAROUCHES and BUGGIES, all of the firstquality, minufactuied at New-Arl- ., New-Jerse-

which will be sold on the lowest terms.Any person wishing a Carnage of any descrip-

tion, can by giving an order, have thp sime for-warded from the tnanufactuiers at New Ark. freeof commission.

Lexington , Sept. 15, 1836 55--- tf


Insurance Companynarureaby the Legislature of Kentucky ti

March last.O API T A X. ,

300,000 Dollars!

TrvvM5!f5:etfKSL-lS- i" --SV5rv'

THIS COMPANY win fnsure BlnMMerchandize. &c. ,!., r ..

or Damage by Fire, in Toun or Country. Sieam,Keel and Flat Boats, and their Cargoes againstthe Damagesofmland or river Nawganou anrlnvvsiuiii i u, svery uescTipiion, against

sea.his Company will also INbllKK

LIVES, for one or more jears, or for life! Tin--

owners of Negro Men, Slaves employed m Fac-tories, or on Farms, will find h ro their advantage to rail."

The following are the ofiicerschosen bv thestockholders:

JOHN W. HUNT, Presidear.WM. S. WALLER,JACOB ASHTO. i -.V. C. JOHNSOJi, l ,JOEL HIGGINS. f Directors.



Alban Stcthens, Surveyor.Lex Sept 23, 1836 5S-- tf


THE Subscribers respectfully inform thefand the nublic eenerallv. ihri,

have pur'hased the wclr known establishment,formerly belonging to Mr. Wm. Roclthtl, andare now preDared to furnish all articles in llieirline, on th shortest notice. I he PLOUGHMAKING Business will be continued in allil-uranches, and a good assortment ol the latest un-proved Ploughs kept constant!) on hand. Old1. loughs repaired with neatnes and despatch.



BROWNING & HBADbEYN. 3. W wish to emnlor c fVutr.lte PloBch

Stockei, or Wagon Maker, to whom constant em-

ployment will be given. A4t5-.- 2 or owlprtMri"-ces- ui

th; Smithshop, of resectable parulge,fnst XlftA 4n ... nTl M,Manfl( TIu.iiu siiiu van .unit wen jciuinuibiiuu

Lx Sep 7. 53-- tf