wssiraHB q i ute-- i v) ' 'i t rf T '' . Th ar"i of me 1"" in .s p niliU dttittiut, t ' i ) li i j i i t ' .1 "' ( - ' i ii -- t .. fi 3 'nieci cor, - rj i uiuf us ( ii j ..i i ) oi li iy arid ti ji'i-- . o Foitiii o oio. Moieau o go s to ( o rnmd o the Rhine, but is to t 1 ei'ai .b hi his wpv, to receiv e fresh 1'Iicre s ri i the army f It i c a new counei rrom r l jilrius the news that at th ' u co' oi. dens, reng-- n on and ( n.n'i", pi iced v ith Wounds, hu c faTle i .to the rai.dsof the enemy, ard that their di ikons have greitly INSURRECTION. 10 o'cl n k at night, August 30th. A violent inAirrcctiori has broken out at Cbjirti-es- and the Directory has mar- ched 8oo it. 1, uKn cannon, towaids that nt. It is 1?id the confronted author!" tits have all been mafTacred, but we are ignorant of ta details. (Cbarties is an ancient and cclebi zied town, 4? ntJes S H . is Pans. J For the ih" thrufandtb time. wev are aTirrtd that the Empefor of Ru.fia has d dared w ir aganft the King of Piuifu, on his . eft-Ti- l to join the coalition. What se"ns to be a confirmation of the above, is, that the King of Prua has dif nifTed the Ruffian anHaffidor, and recalled his own fVom peter..'burgh. However the truth vull appC&r in a sew da s. Courier de Par. Gtv n my. FRANKraRT, August ia There wts printing at iiLIan an nu zi ler of copies of tie fo41o,jiw proclamation, which are to I e di libuted Wien the inlpeiial annes enter tho Fiench tei 'tory. MANIFESTO. "Suwarrow conifr)a.nder in chif of ihf impsiial ro) zi armisfl, Kt.Kc taly is conquered : ma to you 1 rt t 1 aen, r.oth ,j but the rcmembrancT: ol" j 2 - att-o- c ti is a.id robberies. As loog as toe worid evils-- the r in "a ny ofvanT iuLts will ; eiiiim and fut"'e gne"ati-o- t s wLii cji e rOiev?r those nt;il;fa ir.sh. T '. aithc-o- f those rjfia.T5 is cornel r!Ui1Ia 13. ch-- have plunged you into l.i deepsft nvftiy ! and .vho are den-rou- s of lni t the woild by a total over. tn-J- of tin ' f I'jlr'lied re'igion and go -- r.neritOi viy c 1UZ- C- lt. Five ti i. d th lufind brave Warno's are ei- - eady u ion vour frontiers, or mar- - ct j tnrn.r , they come to tii, not as j a .era Arjnt to come to otur coun-t.i- -j 'to de olate and lay waste 'no, the co ne ?i v ) ir friiiid and faviours ot" dei.e-"-- ! 9 rom tyranny and oppref-i- i n , not as our rulers would Willi you to bjheve, to enuave.ccmqusr, partition & d iTicmDer France. Fhey come only to re ti f ,'oiii roal government, to renew the ..r' "d rites ot leligion, to save you fron tne ab)ib, and make you a happy peopl. agin. Ten ytars bitter experi- ence mu thave taught you to be wile, guod hon-jf- l Fi ench nei ! I co ne as your fi.nd "iblivnn to the del'.'d, the sword of ju ticc liall only fall on him who oppreffas what is good. Rv. nam, ye ci- tizens in peie! Ye peasants remain am itlv .vit iui heidsandfl )cks tous pi -- "l is 4 10 cant" loution, no 'jeqa; ition, Ii II roo )0U of it." COTSrTcE, fulv t8. Part o fC 1. W 'lums's fl , Ha is crui-fir- g 11 1 'i oa ' ,topro"e it'k Irian TeiLls whc 1 '1 i p o i'i 1 is tne ar ibv, aid to vatii Fhurgovia, where th,' F ench Till 'eraiiypa tif'"s. Acoi fpira' v is fa ti 'live oe3 1 ulcovered ai W-- i iff lasn, 1 wh c!) 3000 peso is vvjrc c icoi ae 1, h ivi lg for lfs object to attack tr litnahsi the rear, while th French Hi ild attic vtn n in front. One of th co 1 pi ato""s lei uncedto the conspiracy at ihe iPipjrul Ik id quarters, dp n wine th u ig leadcis ; re arreftad. Th..yarc' P ii ilemhard, a i nthecatv, 1 id It n fjunerl prendent of tne v.h un ro" A a ir.t.atioi. There are likewise coaunotions in f i''iLjrgi Italy. ROVF 1I)o, August 3 At the he id qnirtis of the Auft'r'o-Ktii- f in g-- i- 1 ai ly bib been publilhed the i od )vmg MANIFESTO; "T" .c aimy ,3 3i. the eve of entering tl tirritofy of .the r'epublic' of Ganoa it d -- j not come as an eueiiy, but to free that republic fi om tne yoke of hr op p- - . jmjrthjli4 fattel'tes. It comes t oldgovsiiliasntand holy reh- - gior, pitted v ith impiety. It grants n is of importance ta the tommtial in- -' flntflv consist nt with ppidcrce and ptfo. a gt ici ai iiuAiv icii ui nit jjanj lu u'c inu- - lci en. oi uic cj iulcu. oi ices. XT prices lc olcjt, is they wi'l leturn to virtue, r (in1 ', and l'bfir Ian fil guvvrnment. American Intelligence. Majj'aclufetts. BOSTON, Oflober 28. Ti om Cape Francois. Capt. Harvey, who ai i:ed yefterdav from the Gape mfoiroes us, that Touil-fa'nt'- s tioops continue victorious ovei ligaud'j , that they h-- amed before Jeiemie and commenced the siege , that Rigaud bad'.ouan am (rot h s lite) consequence cf a wound a lat. aclion 1 and that the Aneiicans rtr treated in the most rtfpetltul inannei. The day before cart. Hir ey sailed. veffill arncd Vvhich ba "alkn in wiv t"e U'litc J States fug jte, Bofto . '1 l e ' captain 11 ;a, l!,e had Cujjtuicd t 1 rtnch p ." ateers fom Foito U.oO. Oiic a bi g of 1 H gun-- , the other a schooner t 12. And !nd recaptured a slap fron Bombay for Baltimore. AVrr-- 2 o' k. NEW-VO- " Otl Saturd- - " ; intelligence i,-- d delphia via V . battle hivir.p 1 k the aflion at !s j l, 1 . Ruinas and uc 1 n-r- t ted sn savor or th had lest 22,oo 1" n, 4000 Ruiliai r, . vere put to t i J di1 the authe '"! Yesterday a- - - a roai,d, the t-- v. ne L7 llteS il pis uilp us,- - ' .ia'nbuTgT bb.j ihe w is captui.. ' i C- -r icr to. Hi v, z th' 11 re Is v 1 it i hi nt nu ll t j tri 1 ml. todv i'tr it 1 IT it '1 O ,11 1 n C. TI 11 1, b n iotou "1M" 1 md had beeu iti ik 4 om te i d efore the Ccnui ijtn" icll jii m'"v. der rargo i3 v dt---- !, t Amelia wi t in i'i.s 01 1 by Mil livening ana 1 n m, ion. ier . rc ci ' ' L ': t S - bi A vn u:e arri.i' ot 1. Hup i'ciciopi? TO"i (jrbttonbiii' v p i cit not able t see thecapaifi. Y.dprda, hovVever had the pleasure of an ir.terviev-- , were informed y raptalivFekv that th ing ofSvvecle.i .v.s maiEJtl5Da-!riJLi""- ' to join tSe coaition Tfiat aioit xopr trofps were rta 1- -, to marrh ?rd th fevenfailof the hoe and I Mir fi ifc.u. were getting ready to L 1 frn Got' en 1C Capt. Felt farthei informs, tbarij Ru Part fieethadjoi ,ed t..at oi the ffla The abbve news cpt. Felt, h"J fro" the Aircican uiil En-j'.i- i cons' !", u beroie he..failei, wh t. s on the iurj September. ' . C?ptam Felt b'-ii- ht out some hti, GoLtenburg, papeis bcli, flu can niu.' taen, ne haiT) r'"tfD t-- . ii far the; contain t", pj"t LuLis ol these in. porta nt events All kinds of oe".nefs .t Gottenburgh very dull ; the mrr n'nt-- . aid u' ' cd so nucl, by French C pi.dit nib, tnat tnc had li J. up thiir n.r.1 1, i,r hips t li bet- ter times in hopes thai- - nent woul 1 cont'butv. (by a pi "tin ii'itb c alefeed powers) 1 1 d.ei g'h tiwarls Ji ivmg tneir enemies to a feafc of Mania I GEORGETOVT, November 5. V OFFICIAL. TV mm Ipr of the Batavian reii'blir, nea"- rb" United States, has received offi ulh , tne following resolve of the fti- - e le ovc-no- r a"iJ council of the Datch cilinitsin the East Indies, residing at S i.avia : to wit : " In oler more effectually to encou rage the commerce between the Umteo itateS of America, and these colonies, it is resolved, " That from the tfl day of May 179 j until six months aster a general peace br 'ween the maratime po-ver- the rate o the produce of these colonies fliall be e . tabliflied as they refpe6t the citizens oi the fui I United States trading here as follows : Coffee, lit 11 dollars per picol Pe,:pet 11 do. db. Sugar, po.vdercd, ift quality, 5 2-- 3 d . do. " Free of all charges ; and with per-niffio- n to pay one third of the purchaf no "ey in the paper medium of the col iv, at the agio of 15 per cent." Ths above information is official, anu o h..,, ro aHKIillixl h, ..... n .. ... W , i i auv.LuauwuituuullulllSnep ttlOle 1 lITl UCCll who cnc iu un. c un toltavia, need not be under p eheii iuns qtto tl e Kate of the markets , ai d as the lioncrof the Punce otOra 1 in liatkvia, has unqueitioiu the relolution, it is not pro; re olution, in (.lie mother eitect itk (Boston GlOi gta. ExtraSl of a Icin r o a tun St. A 10H.1 9 l vii-i- td to Stole tl4l vl Vnriti,) SAVANNAH, Oftobei" iitv, re.nvtd frm Lis Jntn ton, dated Stptt mler am'. Icu-- i lyJvdl I t i 1 li 1 .( i "On lalt, the luffertrs ntifli fpli4tipns chole cunH wan on tie prtfiderrt, to k.nvi in this iiosi the1 iiV., trf riev to eDec'. and what citi t touldbe proper th-j- to tak.e; 11 con icii.cnceof the coranuii1 iiier- - rAtm, jn. ' London. he prelitk;it declared aA 'I ' credit dehnqueacjdBjof t r' not received oHtcilliitorniation,f?cnMnt ickcrtne;, of tbat evintj (letters. ?Vsn Mr. Gore, the A'mericsn comtoili.onef Jo is friend f, luve been in th" tuMia.! irec necW to thit effeel,) but Uuld go to 1 h.ladelphu a liionth foon.r Jifrquence of it. It is dihciili to whether the Li gluh orl'icuh e most etecrated. 1 lie envois to r incA ii d on.l j t ii ii.11 1 j'iurti ts couiiucri.'U j uc iijuu '.an prolsLl indeed it is cxpeded.1 September 30. " The prefulent lest town thic day j he fcutnv, ard, in eonlequence of 'what I vrbte jou ye.teid iy. Pen iflvania. PHIL AD FL? IU November r ct J a htir fi en ct pz- -t tan tf d'pe rr- - .co to another it. b..t.m:rc iLt,d Sj tt.lfi 6. " I he gotimnent here bve iffued ncrt, piohibiting pa)mtnts ol all O t co itraJ-ed- iteripr to the 7ti r.ai ' the French republic. fheic-fore- , un rr this ei ting cucumft nice, those v o 1J debts on the adininiUration al out it time, rot .1 opii ion, die h molt- - dikant idea of rccoveriiig "lauient. vour ted 1OU1 j.c mbi tB: sit y V had for for A, the the " I have seen thv. 01 ic of gen D5- - .fpmater3 : 'sht: are to takd all A-- 1 cuca is cm ing f.o'n r Lci,nJ tu any ort hteei. In coiife.jUcfce i .1 atfv.n have ,:(rttdv lulled, a iKa& i) more com millions, bace beet) fsi tiv'ed a ft. 'ay3 hnte : So that the r.'K TH w vtr ,ieat to Aineucai.s 111 t-- al , 'iu paiucuLrly, as U'.n at .10 eiLij 1. 1 wjr, belonging to tre Ui'ittd itatts, to be ft en in these seas." November 5. LxtraSl of a letter from Mtdritf, dated Siptcwber ctb, 179. I am ins i. i,.cd th-.i- an extraordinary coanei fi oil' Jtah has brought the nes, hit Gin. a, havi g been evacuated by the French ftci the battle in which was k.iLa,is in tre poffeliion of the ilhed ai"i details of that battle are come m hind, directly Genoa oy 'v ivcf Bart"Io' a, and give us to d, that the battle was long and : tTit Pension formerly arrbaf--i idor here 1 tne begi-,r:- ng gamed confderable advantage, havingCtaien nearly 2000 p.iloners, but in the end was wounded and taken prifoiier"; that the bavonet deeded the ; that geneal Melas was killed , that the refnainsof. the F.ench v.eie attempting to retreat-tow- ? ids Nice, but thst a corps of the allied array had been wifK'a tie- - J tign to intercept their ' November 6. The new envoys to the French repub he were poutivelv to sail fioiu. Newport on the 5th 111ft. wind permitting. Lexington, November 2. Tie Senate's Answer to tie Governor's Address. Sir., WE thank you for faithful exp-- cj ure of the 'late of our pifbhc funds, afVoS ther circtlinitances of our coantry. We with peculiar pleasure, that urt of otu communication inwhich ou ltimate, that no event of a political na- - ' ne has lately occurred to interrupt oui 'anquihty. We highly approve of what you have lone in pursuance of an aft pafled at th" ift feflion, refpefting weights and mea 'ires. We consider your fufpenion o iy further compliance therewith than that of which you have informed us, piiety, l'laimuch as it eidcntiy appiis cum" nts V H ll M IL ti 11 , thdt she u irns, and other do- - ru U to tftcl v,o '1 r. ' c iv t i..f? 0 the h wlnt as tonti- - -- , a , ; t tmi tlifrUvv and e p: ct1 co. nv'cl ith In opinion t'j"vt the l"b ct merits the ,t.- - 'i'' -- i'or of the Icp.fl3ti1.re sun 'led yo" We -- "- " io b- - i .t ma, tr--t tba d r,.vc v ''at forfo .e ti- -e c i d' beteen ti ard the fntc or vV ni-- , re'ati Je ti 01. coi .iiion bounds. ;, 1 ct M ami(ublr letth iii w'i - '1 he ftricl a id z- c " te enquir- - ' ra ba 6 nido uKOLhe co iu"lcf the ofour revcrue, the fc.icitude ou diicove. tov.itft from them, the 1 qe sums of money which ta. y na- - e recc. d from the peoolc, ir.d now c Tioneillv re- - j,at tafn,juftly merits our approbation -- rj that of the Vfclt of your iellow citie is, iuL while w ith vou we apprehend, witi them,clUfcidirs concern, a derhrn-o-f ot W' 'l h b from 111 need in from your i.i.. nn :i i- - ,puDiic ooneciurs, an cvn vciy j.'nJtNt, 1 USTJiwratlon, and alarn vyr in ltarfjonie- - I'nuences, we fiiall atrthe fume tifn.cvyitv.r- - ftiUy with you in the adontlofl 'ot such raealarcs a irtay b; to hirmikan adeouate aid fpteav uielv. think-K'tti- i yoii,)that Jitus is a 1 obiecT: tf the tart importance aj'o&p couiuu, nd one that demands bur eailint atttption. 1 he herein i b'ecls pfyovr ccninu 1 -- cition, will 'efp-c'ue- jy iptet, vv.tli tie ii entici that a due to their impo.ta' ce. h'le- - wr fiiiecrely laii'ent t,he p'e'eiit Jfcarci'y of enr (wrcilltint- lneduim. ilip of tUcn geneLooi .pla' it, and the irJ!ic.Ftf ! caud- - ct thy .dnt-- t. of n am of KHiffHuw i,t"3ns,ft)e an; far 11 om be- - jii mg iilr iwuatK.n-lfcgethe- r uik ivia-M- v ; a. d when we leSetl ort the nary -- fubldtHMl advai.tages we poffefs, we tl.. ik wfcnass realon f) hope tint we ll.all foot'uve better times. We cciJi-dl- y ,n.te with you m returning oui most ratei'il tJ.n.ks to th grat iuIct of the univerfu, foi biMnsnifoidblefTings. ALEXANDER S. BULLITT, Speaker f tie Senate. Ar river of the House of Hepresentntne. IN addition to the many poofs winch you La c rcpeatedh iven toyour fellow citizens of rd 1 to theii mte-re- t, a.dof o fMemiitsd efforts tff ' xtraSiof a letter from Porto Rico, da h r"- -. , 1MpHuW. Ma- - national ,J. Ppiolnent: coCni.iimirtftirtriB in t thereof I Jou-e- tt . Oilier 1 affair detached retreat. notice ' therefore collcc-loi- s, 1 nereary ld"cuice l prtient i aff-r-- 1 ! sully evince, tfiat j.ii'1- - tip', -- iand certipns are yet faithfully directed to tne ft,aie impo.tant otject. , , 'I he of attending tp those lora' ard in,.err (' regJaiions-waic- h your j.idiuo-i- s obfer at ens has difccered, ai.d hi'-- oii lu e iCoVi"-ciidfedt- ourcon- - hder.ilmn q obvious. lho.JeTs ihidoi- - tinlin il-.,- J ...... mi. nac .ic, jet not navinge. tap- ed eccutivc orftr at.on, wetruli they will not be ove. looked by the rep'refenta tn es of the- - people. It muxt afford p'esfure, to every mind poffef ed of the ftebngs of, human! t) , to near tlut thep.mtertur,?-hoaf- is In a state of or.va-drf- fs - U'.dous efforts will be united with 'h to carry into complete effeel that human, ir.ftitution. It is evident that tbe revertue lew on and amendment; and the i icre ibng .c-c.t- v of monev Is an auuiiiu'iai rea,0.i, which re jji-e- s oui de'ncste to bf directed to in is rubjel, n order that a timelv ,'tm. i rnav be provided for those impend. ng c lis vh.ch appear CO threaten a deftruetic-- i cf o :r national credit. Fhoic other impoitant fubjecls ofage-rer- ai " fented to our vis.ir, (hll also meet with our early attentior, and me trust that all our deliberations will finally. ,co-op- ate f with your fditdjTful exrtioos to promote tiie'welt'arean'Hpfolperityqir country. Notwithftandjng roe difpnrsging notuitWbanding the blai ce of trade is 3gai.nl us, which occasions a neral complaint of tile scarcity ,of ino-e- v , yet w congratulate you that our Population and agriculture continue to louriflt and Improve ; th4;e"ace"& plen- ty nervadeour land ; that nature, na blest us with he- - richest stores , tofctwe e,njoy n my inestimable p, , ilegea ; ,.iiwl, we heerfully unite with you in. i WRM6 icno.-.ledgme- it of the unmeritejTlavors ifafupenntejidin'-proidence- i L , The following resolution fats&kt&e houre :f 1 ept ese actives on tbe Juxfl? i$sa it, without a dissv "iiug voica find the se-- s nate, tbr id. Tbe reprefentaMves of thcWulpsople Nthis cpmmonwealth jnge-ncri- affembly ibivened, hiving maturely consider i J. the answers of sundry flatSc jri the Uni-- n, to tluMi resolutions p 'Fed tic'the List 'effion,rtffpscTn g certain unconstitutional laws of corgrefs commonly called the a- - &

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7fn29p3955/data/2552.pdf · For the ih" thrufandtb time. wev are aTirrtd that the Empefor of Ru.fia

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7fn29p3955/data/2552.pdf · For the ih" thrufandtb time. wev are aTirrtd that the Empefor of Ru.fia



i ute-- i v) ' 'i t rf T '' . Th ar"i of me1"" in .s p niliU dttittiut,t ' i ) li i

j i i t ' .1 "' ( -

' i ii -- t .. fi 3 'nieci cor, -

rj i uiuf us ( ii j ..i i ) oi li iy aridti ji'i-- . o Foitiii o oio. Moieauogo s to ( o rnmd o the Rhine, but is tot 1 ei'ai .b hi his wpv, to receiv e fresh

1'Iicre s ri i

the army f Itic a new counei rromr l jilrius the news

that at th ' u co' oi. dens, reng-- n

on and ( n.n'i", pi iced v ith Wounds,hu c faTle i .to the rai.dsof the enemy,ard that their di ikons have greitly

INSURRECTION.10 o'cl n k at night, August 30th.

A violent inAirrcctiori has broken outat Cbjirti-es- and the Directory has mar-ched 8oo it. 1, uKn cannon, towaids thatnt. It is 1?id the confronted author!"tits have all been mafTacred, but we areignorant of ta details.

(Cbarties is an ancient and cclebi ziedtown, 4? ntJes S H . is Pans. J

For the ih" thrufandtb time. wev areaTirrtd that the Empefor of Ru.fia hasd dared w ir aganft the King of Piuifu,on his . eft-Ti- l to join the coalition. Whatse"ns to be a confirmation of the above,is, that the King of Prua has dif nifTed

the Ruffian anHaffidor, and recalled hisown fVom peter..'burgh. However thetruth vull appC&r in a sew da s.

Courier de Par.

Gtv n my.

FRANKraRT, August iaThere wts printing at iiLIan an

nu zi ler of copies of tie fo41o,jiwproclamation, which are to I e di libutedWien the inlpeiial annes enter thoFiench tei 'tory.

MANIFESTO."Suwarrow conifr)a.nder in chif of ihf

impsiial ro) zi armisfl, Kt.Kc taly isconquered : ma to you 1 rt t 1 aen,

r.oth ,j but the rcmembrancT: ol"

j 2 - att-o- c ti is a.id robberies. As loogas toe worid evils-- the r in "a ny ofvanTiuLts will ; eiiiim and fut"'e gne"ati-o- t

s wLii cji e rOiev?r those nt;il;fa ir.sh.T '. aithc-o- f those rjfia.T5 is cornel

r!Ui1Ia 13. ch-- have plunged you intol.i deepsft nvftiy ! and .vho are den-rou- s

of lni t the woild by a total over.tn-J- of tin ' f I'jlr'lied re'igion and go

-- r.neritOi viy c 1UZ- C- lt. Five

tii. d th lufind brave Warno's are ei- -

eady u ion vour frontiers, or mar- -

ct j tnrn.r , they come to tii, not asj a .era Arjnt to come to otur coun-t.i- -j

'to de olate and lay waste 'no,the co ne ?i v ) ir friiiid and faviours

ot" dei.e-"-- ! 9 rom tyranny and oppref-i- i

n , not as our rulers would Willi youto bjheve, to enuave.ccmqusr, partition &d iTicmDer France. Fhey come only tore ti f ,'oiii roal government, to renewthe ..r' "d rites ot leligion, to save youfron tne ab)ib, and make you a happypeopl. agin. Ten ytars bitter experi-ence mu thave taught you to be wile,guod hon-jf- l Fi ench nei ! I co ne as yourfi.nd "iblivnn to the del'.'d, thesword of ju ticc liall only fall on him whooppreffas what is good. Rv. nam, ye ci-

tizens in peie! Ye peasants remainam itlv .vit iui heidsandfl )cks touspi -- "l is 4 10 cant" loution, no'jeqa; ition, Ii II roo )0U of it."

COTSrTcE, fulv t8.Part o fC 1. W 'lums's fl , Ha is crui-fir- g

11 1 'i oa ' ,topro"e it'k IrianTeiLls whc 1 '1 i p o i'i 1 is tne aribv, aid to vatii Fhurgovia, where th,'F ench Till 'eraiiypa tif'"s. Acoifpira' v is fa ti 'live oe3 1 ulcovered aiW-- i iff lasn, 1 wh c!) 3000 peso is vvjrcc icoi ae 1, h ivi lg for lfs object to attacktr litnahsi the rear, while th FrenchHi ild attic vtn n in front. One of thco 1 pi ato""s lei uncedto the conspiracyat ihe iPipjrul Ik id quarters, dp n wineth u ig leadcis ; re arreftad. Th..yarc'P ii ilemhard, a i nthecatv, 1 id It n

fjunerl prendent of tne v.h un ro"A a ir.t.atioi. There are likewisecoaunotions in f i''iLjrgi


ROVF 1I)o, August 3At the he id qnirtis of the Auft'r'o-Ktii- f

in g--i- 1 ai ly bib been publilhed

the i od )vmgMANIFESTO;

"T" .c aimy ,3 3i.the eve of enteringtl tirritofy of .the r'epublic' of Ganoait d -- j not come as an eueiiy, but to freethat republic fi om tne yoke of hr opp- - . jmjrthjli4 fattel'tes. It comes t

oldgovsiiliasntand holy reh- -

gior, pitted v ith impiety. It grants n is of importance ta the tommtial in- -' flntflv consist nt with ppidcrce and ptfo.

a gt ici ai iiuAiv icii ui nit jjanj lu u'c inu- - lci en. oi uic cj iulcu. oi ices. XT priceslc olcjt, is they wi'l leturn to virtue,

r (in1 ', and l'bfir Ian fil guvvrnment.

American Intelligence.


BOSTON, Oflober 28.

Ti om Cape Francois.Capt. Harvey, who ai i:ed yefterdav

from the Gape mfoiroes us, that Touil-fa'nt'- s

tioops continue victorious oveiligaud'j , that they h-- amed beforeJeiemie and commenced the siege , thatRigaud bad'.ouan am (rot h s lite)consequence cf a wound a lat.aclion 1 and that the Aneiicans rtrtreated in the most rtfpetltul inannei.

The day before cart. Hir ey sailed.veffill arncd Vvhich ba "alkn in wivt"e U'litc J States fug jte, Bofto . '1 l e 'captain 11 ;a, l!,e had Cujjtuicd t1 rtnch p ." ateers fom Foito U.oO. Oiica bi g of 1 H gun-- , the other a schooner t12. And !nd recaptured a slap fronBombay for Baltimore.

AVrr-- 2 o' k.


Otl Saturd- - " ;

intelligence i,-- d

delphia via V .

battle hivir.p 1 kthe aflion at !s j l, 1 .Ruinas and uc 1 n-r-t

ted sn savor or thhad lest 22,oo 1" n,

4000 Ruiliai r, .

vere put to t i Jdi1 the authe '"!

Yesterday a- - - aroai,d, the t-- v.ne L7 llteS ilpis uilp us,- - '

.ia'nbuTgT bb.jihe w is captui.. ' i


icr to.Hi v, z th'

11 re Is v 1 it i hi

nt nu ll tj tri




it 1 IT

it '1

O ,11 1

n C.TI 11 1,

b n



md had beeu iti ik 4 om te i d

efore the Ccnui ijtn" icll jii m'"v.der rargo i3 v dt----

!, t

Amelia wi t in i'i.s 01 1 by Millivening ana 1 n m, ion.

ier .


'' L







vn u:e arri.i' ot 1. Hup i'ciciopi?TO"i (jrbttonbiii' v p i cit not able tsee thecapaifi. Y.dprda, hovVeverhad the pleasure of an ir.terviev-- ,

were informed y raptalivFekv that thing ofSvvecle.i .v.s maiEJtl5Da-!riJLi""- '

to join tSe coaition Tfiat aioit xoprtrofps were rta 1-

-, to marrh ?rd thfevenfailof the hoe and I Mir fi ifc.u.were getting ready to L 1 frn Got' en


Capt. Felt farthei informs, tbarijRu Part fieethadjoi ,ed t..at oi the ffla

The abbve news cpt. Felt, h"J fro"the Aircican uiil En-j'.i- i cons' !", uberoie he..failei, wh t. s on the iurjSeptember. ' .

C?ptam Felt b'-ii- ht out some hti,GoLtenburg, papeis bcli, flu can niu.'taen, ne haiT) r'"tfD t-- . ii farthe; contain t", pj"t LuLis ol these in.porta nt events

All kinds of oe".nefs .t Gottenburghvery dull ; the mrr n'nt-- . aid u' ' cd so

nucl, by French C pi.dit nib, tnat tnchad li J. up thiir n.r.1 1, i,r hips t li bet-

ter times in hopes thai- - nentwoul 1 cont'butv. (by a pi "tin ii'itbc alefeed powers) 1 1 d.ei g'h tiwarlsJi ivmg tneir enemies to a feafc of

Mania IGEORGETOVT, November 5.


OFFICIAL.TV mm Ipr of the Batavian reii'blir,

nea"- rb" United States, has received offi

ulh , tne following resolve of the fti- -

e le ovc-no-r a"iJ council of the Datchcilinitsin the East Indies, residing atS i.avia : to wit :

" In oler more effectually to encourage the commerce between the UmteoitateS of America, and these colonies, itis resolved,

" That from the tfl day of May 179 juntil six months aster a general peace br'ween the maratime po-ver- the rate othe produce of these colonies fliall be e

. tabliflied as they refpe6t the citizens oithe fui I United States trading here asfollows :

Coffee, lit 11 dollars per picolPe,:pet 11 do. db.Sugar, po.vdercd, ift quality, 5 2-- 3 d .

do." Free of all charges ; and with per-niffio- n

to pay one third of the purchafno "ey in the paper medium of the coliv, at the agio of 15 per cent."

Ths above information is official, anu

o h..,, ro aHKIillixl h, ..... n .. ... W , i iauv.LuauwuituuullulllSnep ttlOle 1 lITl UCCllwho cnc iu un. c un toltavia,need not be under p eheii iuns qtto tl eKate of the markets , ai d as thelioncrof the Punce otOra 1

in liatkvia, has unqueitioiuthe relolution, it is not pro;re olution, in (.lie mothereitect itk


GlOi gta.

ExtraSl of a Icin r o a tun

St. A 10H.1 9

l vii-i- td toStole tl4l vl


SAVANNAH, Oftobei"

iitv, re.nvtd frm Lis Jntnton, dated Stptt mler am'.

Icu-- i lyJvdlI t i

1 li

1 .( i

"On lalt, the luffertrsntifli fpli4tipns chole cunH

wan on tie prtfiderrt, to k.nvi

in thisiiosi


iiV., trf

riev to eDec'. and what citi ttouldbe proper th-j- to tak.e; 11 conicii.cnceof the coranuii1 iiier- - rAtm, jn. '

London. he prelitk;it declared aA 'I ' credit dehnqueacjdBjof t r'

not received oHtcilliitorniation,f?cnMntickcrtne;, of tbat evintj (letters. ?Vsn

Mr. Gore, the A'mericsn comtoili.onef Jois friend f, luve been in th" tuMia.!irec necW to thit effeel,) but Uuld go

to 1 h.ladelphu a liionth foon.rJifrquence of it. It is dihciili to

whether the Li gluh orl'icuhe most etecrated. 1 lie envois tor incA ii d on.l j t ii

ii.11 1 j'iurti ts couiiucri.'U j uc iijuu'.an prolsLl indeed it is cxpeded.1

September 30." The prefulent lest town thic day j

he fcutnv, ard, in eonlequence of 'what Ivrbte jou ye.teid iy.

Pen iflvania.

PHIL AD FL? IU November rct J a htir fi en ct pz- -t tan tf

d'pe rr- - .co to another it. b..t.m:rciLt,d Sj tt.lfi 6." I he gotimnent here bve iffued

ncrt, piohibiting pa)mtnts ol allO t co itraJ-ed- iteripr to the 7ti r.ai' the French republic. fheic-fore-, unrr this ei ting cucumft nice, those v o

1J debts on the adininiUration al outit time, rot .1 opii ion, dieh molt- - dikant idea of rccoveriiig


vourted 1OU1 j.c mbi







" I have seen thv. 01 ic of gen D5- -

.fpmater3 : 'sht: are to takd all A--1

cuca is cm ing f.o'n r Lci,nJ tu anyort hteei. In coiife.jUcfcei .1 atfv.n have ,:(rttdv lulled, a iKa&

i) more com millions, bace beet) fsitiv'ed a ft. 'ay3 hnte : So that the r.'K

TH w vtr ,ieat to Aineucai.s 111 t-- al

, 'iu paiucuLrly, as U'.n at .10eiLij 1. 1 wjr, belonging to tre Ui'ittditatts, to be ft en in these seas."

November 5.LxtraSl of a letter from Mtdritf, dated

Siptcwber ctb, 179.I am ins i. i,.cd th-.i- an extraordinary

coanei fi oil' Jtah has brought the nes,hit Gin. a, havi g been evacuated by

the French ftci the battle in whichwas k.iLa,is in tre poffeliion of the

ilhed ai"i details of that battleare come m hind, directly Genoaoy 'v ivcf Bart"Io' a, and give us to d,

that the battle was long and: tTit Pension formerly arrbaf--i

idor here 1 tne begi-,r:-ng gamed

confderable advantage, havingCtaiennearly 2000 p.iloners, but in the end waswounded and taken prifoiier"; that thebavonet deeded the ; that genealMelas was killed , that the refnainsof.the F.ench v.eie attempting to retreat-tow- ?

ids Nice, but thst a corps of theallied array had been wifK'a tie- -Jtign to intercept their '

November 6.The new envoys to the French repub

he were poutivelv to sail fioiu. Newporton the 5th 111ft. wind permitting.

Lexington, November 2.Tie Senate's Answer to tie Governor's


WE thank you for faithful exp-- cj

ure of the 'late of our pifbhc funds, afVoS

ther circtlinitances of our coantry.We with peculiar pleasure, that

urt of otu communication inwhich oultimate, that no event of a political na- -

' ne has lately occurred to interrupt oui'anquihty.

We highly approve of what you havelone in pursuance of an aft pafled at th"ift feflion, refpefting weights and mea'ires. We consider your fufpenion o

iy further compliance therewith thanthat of which you have informed us,

piiety, l'laimuch as it eidcntiy appiis

cum" nts V H ll M IL ti

11 , thdt she

u irns, and other do- -


U to tftcl v,o '1 r. ' c

iv t

i..f?0 the hwlnt as

tonti-- -- , a , ; t tmi tlifrUvvand e p: ct1 co. nv'cl ith

In opinion t'j"vt the l"b ct merits the,t.- - 'i'' -- i'or of the Icp.fl3ti1.re

sun 'led


We -- "- " io b- - i .t ma, tr--t tbad r,.vc v ''at forfo .e ti- -e c i d'

beteen ti ard the fntc or vVni--

, re'ati Je ti 01. coi .iiion bounds. ;, 1

ct M ami(ublr letth



- '1 he ftricl a id z- c " te enquir- - ' raba 6 nido uKOLhe co iu"lcf the

ofour revcrue, the fc.icitude oudiicove. tov.itft from them, the 1 qesums of money which ta. y na- - e recc. dfrom the peoolc, ir.d now c Tioneillv re- -

j,at tafn,juftly merits our approbation -- rjthat of the Vfclt of your iellow citie is,

iuL while w ith vou we apprehend, witithem,clUfcidirs concern, a derhrn-o-f ot W'

'l h b from


need in



i.i.. nn :i i- -

,puDiic ooneciurs, an cvn vciy j.'nJtNt, 1

USTJiwratlon, and alarn vyr in ltarfjonie- -

I'nuences, we fiiall atrthe fume tifn.cvyitv.r- -

ftiUy with you in the adontlofl'ot such raealarcs a irtay b; tohirmikan adeouate aid fpteav uielv.

think-K'tti- i yoii,)that Jitus is a 1 obiecT:tf the tart importance aj'o&p couiuu, ndone that demands bur eailint atttption.

1 he herein i b'ecls pfyovr ccninu 1 --

cition, will 'efp-c'ue- jy iptet, vv.tli tieii entici that a due to their impo.ta' ce.

h'le- - wr fiiiecrely laii'ent t,he p'e'eiitJfcarci'y of enr (wrcilltint- lneduim. ilip

of tUcn geneLooi .pla' it, and theirJ!ic.Ftf ! caud- - ct thy .dnt-- t. of n am ofKHiffHuw i,t"3ns,ft)e an; far 11 om be- -

jii mg iilr iwuatK.n-lfcgethe- r uik ivia-M- v

; a.d when we leSetl ort the nary-- fubldtHMl advai.tages we poffefs, wetl.. ik wfcnass realon f) hope tint well.all foot'uve better times. We cciJi-dl- y

,n.te with you m returning oui mostratei'il tJ.n.ks to th grat iuIct of the

univerfu, foi biMnsnifoidblefTings.ALEXANDER S. BULLITT,

Speaker f tie Senate.

Ar river of the House of Hepresentntne.IN addition to the many poofs winch

you La c rcpeatedh iven toyour fellowcitizens of rd 1 to theii mte-re- t,

a.dof o fMemiitsd efforts tff' xtraSiof a letter from Porto Rico, da h r"- -. , 1MpHuW. Ma- - national

,J. Ppiolnent: coCni.iimirtftirtriB in t


Jou-e- tt

. Oilier







collcc-loi- s,




l prtient i aff-r--1 ! sully evince,tfiat j.ii'1-- tip', -- iand certipns are yetfaithfully directed to tne ft,aie impo.tantotject. , ,

'I he of attending tp thoselora' ard in,.err (' regJaiions-waic- h yourj.idiuo-i- s obfer at ens has difccered, ai.d

hi'-- oii lu e iCoVi"-ciidfedt- ourcon- -hder.ilmn q obvious. lho.JeTs ihidoi- -tinlin il-.,- J...... mi. nac .ic, jet not navinge. tap-ed eccutivc orftr at.on, wetruli theywill not be ove. looked by the rep'refentatn es of the--

people.It muxt afford p'esfure, to every mind

poffef ed of the ftebngs of, human! t) , tonear tlut thep.mtertur,?-hoaf- is In astate of or.va-drf- fs - U'.dous efforts willbe united with 'h to carry intocomplete effeel that human, ir.ftitution.

It is evident that tbe revertue lewon and amendment;

and the i icre ibng .c-c.t- v of monev Is anauuiiiu'iai rea,0.i, which re jji-e-

s ouide'ncste to bf

directed to in is rubjel, n order that atimelv ,'tm. i rnav be provided for thoseimpend. ng c lis vh.ch appear CO threatena deftruetic-- i cf o :r national credit.

Fhoic other impoitant fubjecls ofage-rer- ai


fented to our vis.ir, (hll also meet withour early attentior, and me trust that allour deliberations will finally. ,co-op- atefwith your fditdjTful exrtioos to promotetiie'welt'arean'Hpfolperityqir country.Notwithftandjng roe difpnrsging

notuitWbanding the blai ceof trade is 3gai.nl us, which occasions a

neral complaint of tile scarcity ,of ino-e- v

, yet w congratulate you that ourPopulation and agriculture continue tolouriflt and Improve ; th4;e"ace"& plen-

ty nervadeour land ; that nature, na blestus with he- - richest stores , tofctwe e,njoyn my inestimable p, , ilegea ; ,.iiwl, weheerfully unite with you in. i WRM6

icno.-.ledgme- it of the unmeritejTlavorsifafupenntejidin'-proidence- i

L ,

The following resolution fats&kt&e houre

:f 1 ept ese actives on tbe Juxfl? i$sa it,without a dissv "iiug voica find the se-- s

nate, tbr id.Tbe reprefentaMves of thcWulpsople

Nthis cpmmonwealth jnge-ncri- affemblyibivened, hiving maturely consider i J.

the answers of sundry flatSc jri the Uni-- n,

to tluMi resolutions p 'Fed tic'the List'effion,rtffpscTn g certain unconstitutionallaws of corgrefs commonly called the a- -
