c ttr- - SACRED TO THE MUSES. ORIGINAL. . THE MOURNER, In -- tio,i of tie stile of Sjmonide's. SAD o'er the part m wand'ring fancy flies, And flirouoVd dreams like midnight fpeclres rise; Vhen go leVfs youth that liv'd in other years, Knew i o tui roiling ill, no buding sears ; VdlUVl pti live on, indulging golden dreams, loi Lit iim gloomy lUougnt to dufh his schemes On Hope's Kiid eagle wnm it fuar'd sublime, !Noi ki.ew v ut ills aieboji n; hv cankr'ing time. Tone hn(c lunlias reacu'ii her highelt noon, Ah ! t "1 v'i ji" diearns have sled too soon ; Dirk il collet win bciismy loiil away, And . 1.1 ij, mutton liait.is the sway. When ilmni; plialure lainel'd ev'ry care, And V iiv w.nti'ring fl?p to court the fajr -- A'1 t .en, 'twas bills her golden myrtle wove, An I irun llud.s cntic'J my soul to love, 'J ot . lov'd tcene1., whtn kien ej'd iner.i'ry flies, Hope, compai ion, 1' uguifhes and dies. Now iik o noie the .enlive walk beguiles, T t k on tieautv'a charms, and count her smiles. For nie n moret woodland warblersfing, ' Nor 1 - mdd mrn her early cyphers bring. o moic? loi me the nutbrovtn fdrefisrile, S.10 itra-i- r tall 'leads and mingle with the (kits. The oo rile cinnot fpnngwbere e're I rov'd, LmbI..moi innocence and lierlloi'd. The fiafonsi.uie, and allthehoil of heaven Grow ciaiklingdim, by wildcontufions driven. ' Io Ip. ..ks t' e Mol'Kmr when his hope Tias flown, And uJl hsciiclin,J yeaisof Joy regoiie. ANECDOTE. At the time when there was an agreement among the lnlh people, not to import English ruantifatturea of any kind, in order to bring En land to a compliance with their demands 1'jr a fiee trade, the mate of a veff--1, laden with London porter, filled up a couple of canns with th- - Uruor,and in the most insulting man- ner!1 relied upthi wharf, crymg out, "Here's j; -- at, d"ink and clotb'np,1 you rascals." A cna! "ictivr coolly walking up, gave him a blow, v ' :c't bid him fprawltng in the gutter l A"d iiieif. "I'yahe, ' honey, you are now pro .'1 I J fj. there's wasbitg and lodging for Danville Distri to wit : May Term, 1803, Jofi ill Mon't, Complainant, jg 'slit Adam Ilankn and Johnpnnlap, 2. Defendants. ' heir of lames Dunldp, dec. S j In Chancery. THE defendant John Dunlap, having sailed to his appearance herein, agreeable to law and the rubs of th'S court, and it Appearing to the fatisf icVion of the court (hit he is not an inhabit ant of tills state ; on motion of the complainant, by Iiiscodifjl. it is oi'dered, that the said defendant do appear lure, on the third diy of tlie next Angull t term, and anlwer the complainant s bill, and that a copy of t'us order hi forthwith inserted in the Ken- tucky G ,zette, two months fuoteifively, another copy theieof ported up at thecourt house door, and a third copy pubhftied atthe Danvillemeeting house door,"some Sunday immediately aster dlvincferuce. A Copy, Telle Villis Green, c. d. d. c. WILLIAM WEST, Has Received and is Just Opening, In the Store lately occupied by Mr. George Tegar- - 'den, A Handsome4 Assortment of MEiiCHAN D I S E, Confiding of Dry Goods, V Groceries, Ilard Ware, Queens' Vare, tz Glass Ware, Which have been bought on good terms, and will be sold for CASH, as Cheap as airy in the state. No Credit can be (riven on any terms. Lexington, May 13, 1832. P. S. I have on hand and unopened, , an Invoice of MERCHANDISE, to a - considerable amount, tlfat I wifli to sell 4v whole sale ; payable principally in PRODUCE. The purchaser mull give good security for the true performance of his fconfSufi. W. W. tgLft, MOTTER & SCOTT, I r eizve juit ueceivea irom r maueipma, t d are now opening, for sale at their W Store, opposite the Market House, A Large, Elegant, and Well Chosen As-- ibrtment of MERCHANDIZE, Suitable for the prsfent and approaching season, Consisting of ' DRY GOODS, , ' 1 HARD WARE, CUTLERY,-GROCERIES- , GLASS, . QUEENS & -- CHINA WARE, BAR IRON & STEEL, NAILS of every description. Also a ennftant fupplv of the befl of SALT, from Mannas "Lick. All of which will be sold at the mo ft reduced prices for Cash only. tf Lexington, 7th May, 1S02. be TAKEN up byvthe fubferibep, living on the waters of Houston, one mile from colonel Wilmot's, A BAY HORSE, with some saddle spots on both f.des of his back,(hod before with ftej.1 toed hoes, ,ten yearsold, 14 hands one inch high, no brand perceivable ; praised to 151. ' Bernard Giltner. PETER PAUL & SON, STONE CUTTERS . From LONDON, Now living on the Woodford road, Lex- ington, RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public at large, that thev carry on the Si ONE CUTTING bufinel's in allits various brancnes, lucii as TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of all sorts, Polilhed MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, and FREESTONE ditto, SAFES, to preserve Papers, Mo- ney, he. from bein" destroyed in case ot File. f9tf NEW V CHEAP STORE. Lewis Sanders, &' Co.. HAVE "received from Philadelphia, arc now opening a choice and general aflbiiraent of MERCHANDIZE, 'Consisting of m DRY GO Supeifine Cloths? Velvets and iancy India Muflsn, which they would ftll low for caih, by the original package. Figured, plan Sc glazed cambric do. Tambored St plain Jacconet do. Ditto Book ditto, A choife aiTortment of Chintzes & Cali- cos of the newest and most falhionable patterns ; India sill-.- llomals It Bandanas, Iriih Linen, sold very low by the piece ; Luteftrings, Sarins Ec Sarfanets, Warfeilles Waiftcaat'n, A large affortmencof Umbiellas, Sec. A very general afiortment of Hardware, . German, Crawley & English Blister steel, Vices, A general afiortment of Saddlery UcJ China, Glass, Queen's t Tin ware. ' Groceries,- - Coffee, Teas, Spices, Dye Sttlffs, Best P.ed Bark for sale by the pound or larger quantity ; Port Wine, Bengali, Spahifii and French Indigo, Arnatto, Cotton and Wool Cards, Sec. Sec. Having Uid in the above affortment on such terms as will enable them to give grea- ter bargains than has heretofore been given in this place, they flatter themselves that thf purchaler wuiiinu ltnis. mtereu to give ciierr a call. pr-n- o treuis. oiaiiy icjiiii wiiat- - ever, tf Lesington, 2d April, 1802. S it has been reported ilwt Blaze could net do iuftice tomare. I thiitk it mv dutvto inlorm customers and the people, that I think him 11n icner Derfeclion than tverhewas in the ftnre. and able to cet colts as ever he was. Reninmin llr7rtnn. As we are-we- ll acquainted with the fituition of the horse, wejohi in the above. Matthew Anderson, tf James Dupuy. FOR SALE, Property lately occupied in this town, by THE Aithur Thompson, and at present by Mr. Dellum, confiding of Two New Two StorX FRAME HOUSES, Kcatly finifhcJ, large and convenient Cellars, a iargeframc Stable and Kitchen, good Smoke House, and Three Lots belonging to the above premises. Also two hundred acres of GOOD QJJAUTJED LAND, lying on the held of Salt River, about se ven miles from this town; the title clear of every kitid of dispute; the Land is uelluatered, but en- tirely unimproved. A libeial credit will be given for the payment, and the whole amount will be re- ceived in Produce The terms will be made known by application toMcSVrs Cochrane 3; Thiulbv, mer- chants, of Philadelphia, or the fubferiber, in Dan ville. J. BlrlNEY.-jtJ- f Danville, 9U1 February, 1801 diJJ , V iWAGNON's J a tK- - B RA D.L EY s K;PIiT.TFTTT.T.V nnnmi fVml 7he succeeds Major Wagnon, inthi :ommraious Brick House and Stables. which he lately occupied in this place, with a revision of alfiftants and servants, arranged to refpedYive departments f which tether with that peculiar refpedl (hewn himself while with Major Wag- non, emboldens him to anticipate a pa- tronage from Genteel Guests, only, as durable as his solicitude topleafe. Lexington, 15th Feb. 180,2. JAxMES MACCOUN, JliJ &, received from Philadelphia, a large and well chosen aifortment of y& MERCHANDISE, Wrffi latest imbortations from Enrobe, .. .' . ,: c.. ,,.-- . n.i. i inu now opening ac ins ocorc ou vian urcei, A. nearly opposite the Marlct house, which will foldkt the LOWEST PRICES for CASH. Also, from his Nail Manufactory,-- A conilant supply of Get and Hammered .NAILS, of the belt quality. Lexington, January 18, 1802. WINCHESTER'S DIALOGUES, For sale at this office. 1 ALEXANDER PARKER h Co. iHave just imported from Philadelphia, and opened atr their b I ORE, in Lex- ington, on Main street, opposite the Court house, A Very Large, and Well Assorted Cargo "J MERCHANDIZE, Consisting of ' DRY GdODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, QUEENS', GLASS, CHINA, WARES, &c. Which have been laid in on lower terms than usual, and which will be sold accordingly, for Cash, Hemp, and Coun try made Sugar. ; 10 avoid the great trouble and expence attending the col- lection of debts, no accounts will be open- ed. Lexington, April 1, 1802. M LAST NOTICE. L those indebted to the fubferiber, r 3- - by bond, note, or lTook account likewise those indebted; to the ellates of James & William Parker deceased, are requefled to make payment of the refpeftive sums due, before the first of June next. Those who sail to comply with this notice, may depend on suits be- ing commenced against them without ALEXANDER PARKER. Lexington, April 1, 1802. NAILS, MADE at the Manufactory of the and sold by him in MORGANTOWN, Virginia, at the fol- lowing prices, viz. d, d. at 10 per lb. 76 to thelb. Si 11 80 ditto. 12 106 ditto. 13 160 ditto. 4 18 joo ditto. The quality superior to any made ia this country. ALEX.HAWTHORN. February 20, 1802. Tk GAtp8w NOTICE 'I?G removed mv family fn n Yhm. t neifrhhorhnoil ns I.exlnairm. an.l Alll 1O do mv bullnefl in town, f rhinlr It npr.ir.ru ... inform my clients that except during the feifionsqj the Court ns Appeals, General Court, and Circuit Court of the United States for Kcntuckv and the Territories North-We- st of the Ohio, I mall attend at mv office, in Lexington, every dav, from nine o'clock in the morning, until one in the afternoon, at which timeand place, all who ha.ebiifineft with me mull attend. J. Hughes. Lexington, September nth, 1801. Fayette County, ' April Court of Quarter Sessions, 1802. JefiBeauchamp, Complainant, jfY Against Isaac Baker, Defendant, l IN CHANCERY. The defendant not having entered his appearance agreeable to law and the rulei of this court, and it appearing; to tiieir fatUfrcticn that he is 110 irhabitant of this commonwealth on the motion of the conplainant, bv his toun'el,it i or- dered, that the said defendant appear here on the fiift day of our next August Quarter Sefiion court, and answer the complainant's bill, or the same will be taken for confefled that a copy of this order be pubhfhed ill some Kentucky Gazette according to law ; another posted at the door of the Presbyterian meeting house, in the town of Lexington, fomeSun day immed.ately aster divine forvifc, and a third copy, at the door of the court house in this county. A copy 3. Telle I Levi Todd, c.F.c.rs. Fjuft received, and for sale at this Office : A quantity of WRITING PAPER. Also a number of BLANK BOOKS. " ? . RE MO VA L. HN JORDAN Jun. &? Co 'EG leave to inform their friends and iS the public in general, that thev riavrernoved their Store to that well known naufef renting the Public Square, and lately occupied by Mr. Inrris B. Brent, as'a Tavern Where they are now opening A Large and General Af- fortment of GOODS, Suitable for the present and approaching feafou, which they are determined to sell at the most reduced prices for Cash or Country Produce N. B. All those indebted to John Jordan Jun. or to John Jordan Jun. 8c Co. either by bond, note or book account, are requefled to come forward and make payment oil or before tae ift of July next. , Lexington, May 29. FOR SALE At this Office, THE KENTUCKY LAWS- - I Vol. Price 4 Dol. PUBLIC SALE. State of Kentucky, j Washington District Court, sEl. JM Cary L. Clarke, Compt. is Against W Joseph Conkling, William Lloyd, Tho- mas Lloyd, Abigail Lloyd, Bet fey Lloyd-an- d Thomas Llod, heirs 'arrair reprefenlalives of Samuel P. LloJv deceased, Defts. " tal - ' IN CHANCERT. "Purfu'ant to'Tt decree of the laid afli-ingt- diftriCi court, in the above c;(ufe, we (ball expose to public iale at the court house door in the town of Washington, in the county of Malon, on Monday the nineteenth day of July next, all the'right title and inteYell of the above defendants of in and to ra certain tradl of land, of twenty eight thouland three hundred and thirty Tour acres, formerly in the said county of Ma'fon, but now in the county of Fleming, on the waters of little' San- dy. Patented to Charles Fleming The terms to be made known at the time of sale. John Graham, Winsoiv Parker, Cms. Lewis Bullock, May 17, 1802. STATE OF KENTUCKY. Mason County, set. April term, 18c 3. John Edgar, Complainant, y 1 tlgvnjt Peter Labra, Defendant. In Chancery. ii appearing 10 tne latisiacuon ot tnc couit, that the defendant is not an in- habitant of this commonwealth, and lie having sailed to appear andfile his answer agreeable to law and the rules of this court: upon motion of the complainant, by his attorney, it is ordered, that tinlefs he appear here at the next Odlober couit, in person, or by.kfome attorney of laid court, and answer the said complain- ant's bill, the same fliall be taken as can-feff- ed, and it is furtner ordered, tiiat a co- py of this order be stlvertiled for two months fucceffively in some public autho-rife- d paper; another polled at the door of the court house in Washington, and a third at the door of the Baptist meeting house, in said town, some Sunday imme- diately aster divine service. . A copy. Tefle, THO. MARSHALL, Jun. c. m. c. GREAT BARGAINS To be had at the store of John A. Seitz, Who Ius received an elegant additi- onal affortment of MERCHANDIZE, Principally framt the Vendue Stores of Philadelphia, and will be sold much lower than is uliially sold in this place. May oe oaa- - Cloths, Dimities and Mcr- - Caffimers, falles, Velvets, Thickfets Ludrings&Sattins, and Fancy cords, Sarfnet & Persian, Striped, Clouded h Chocolate liandan- - Plain Nankeens, nas, Irish Linens, Blue do German do. Turkey Yarn, Coarse Multin, Blue Plush, Tambor'd do. Crimson do. Cambrick do. Scarlet do. Lappet do. Wool Laid', Jaconett do. Cotton do. Elegant Chintzes Hyfoh, Collicoes unufu- - Imperial, ' .t "5 . ally low, Souchong j j. " . Ladies extra Silk &Bohea, J SS Gloves, Coffee, Muilin Shawls. Mufcovado & Loaf Silk do. Sugar, Silk, Cotton and Madeira Wirfe? Worded Hose, French Brand, Sec. A L o u A general fupplv of SALT, COTJON &? CASTINGS. Lexington, May 26th, 1 80: "mm ri FRESH MEDICINE. Jufb arrived from Philadelphia, at our (hop, near the Stray-Pe- n, Lexington, and to be sold .for .CASH, Fins Linen, or Flax-See- d. Also RED CLOVER SEED, For Sale. ' Andw. M'Cat.la y Co. TAKEN up by the fublcriber, living near the Big Lick on Eagle creek, in Gallatin, county, one BAY MARE, sour years old, a blaze face, sour feet white, branded on the near shoulder thus fj joined together, sour-- . teen hands high. But since the mare lias shed her old coat, the brand appears to stand thus AH; apprftifed to 15l. ALSO a SORREL HORSE, five years old, blaze face, two hind feet white, U hands high, branded ontliencav shoulder thus O : appraised to 151. Jonas Jon2j. ..& 1

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rnp3d/data/3416.pdfNAILS of every description. Also a ennftant fupplv of the befl of SALT, from

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rnp3d/data/3416.pdfNAILS of every description. Also a ennftant fupplv of the befl of SALT, from




. THE MOURNER,In -- tio,i of tie stile of Sjmonide's.

SAD o'er the part m wand'ring fancy flies,And flirouoVd dreams like midnight fpeclres rise;

Vhen go leVfs youth that liv'd in other years,Knew i o tui roiling ill, no buding sears ;VdlUVl pti live on, indulging golden dreams,

loi Lit iim gloomy lUougnt to dufh his schemesOn Hope's Kiid eagle wnm it fuar'd sublime,!Noi ki.ew v ut ills aieboji n; hv cankr'ing time.Tone hn(c lunlias reacu'ii her highelt noon,Ah ! t "1 v'i ji" diearns have sled too soon ;

Dirk il collet win bciismy loiil away,And . 1.1 ij, mutton liait.is the sway.When ilmni; plialure lainel'd ev'ry care,And V iiv w.nti'ring fl?p to court the fajr --

A'1 t .en, 'twas bills her golden myrtle wove,An I irun llud.s cntic'J my soul to love,'J o t . lov'd tcene1., whtn kien ej'd iner.i'ry flies,Hope, compai ion, 1' uguifhes and dies.Now iik o noie the .enlive walk beguiles,T t k on tieautv'a charms, and count her smiles.For nie n moret woodland warblersfing,

' Nor 1 - mdd mrn her early cyphers bring.o moic? loi me the nutbrovtn fdrefisrile,

S.10 itra-i- r tall 'leads and mingle with the (kits.The oo rile cinnot fpnngwbere e're I rov'd,LmbI..moi innocence and lierlloi'd.The fiafonsi.uie, and allthehoil of heavenGrow ciaiklingdim, by wildcontufions driven. 'Io Ip. ..ks t' e Mol'Kmr when his hope Tias flown,And uJl hsciiclin,J yeaisof Joy regoiie.


At the time when there was an agreementamong the lnlh people, not to import Englishruantifatturea of any kind, in order to bringEn land to a compliance with their demands1'jr a fiee trade, the mate of a veff--1, ladenwith London porter, filled up a couple of cannswith th- - Uruor,and in the most insulting man-

ner!1 relied upthi wharf, crymg out, "Here'sj; -- at, d"ink and clotb'np,1 you rascals." Acna! "ictivr coolly walking up, gave him ablow, v ' :c't bid him fprawltng in the gutter

l A"d iiieif. "I'yahe, ' honey, you are nowpro .'1 I J fj. there's wasbitg and lodgingfor

Danville Distri to wit :

May Term, 1803,Jofi ill Mon't, Complainant,

jg 'slitAdam Ilankn and Johnpnnlap, 2. Defendants.' heir of lames Dunldp, dec. S

j In Chancery.

THE defendant John Dunlap, having sailed tohis appearance herein, agreeable to law

and the rubs of th'S court, and it Appearing to thefatisf icVion of the court (hit he is not an inhabitant of tills state ; on motion of the complainant, byIiiscodifjl. it is oi'dered, that the said defendant doappear lure, on the third diy of tlie next Angull t

term, and anlwer the complainant s bill, and that acopy of t'us order hi forthwith inserted in the Ken-tucky G ,zette, two months fuoteifively, anothercopy theieof ported up at thecourt house door, anda third copy pubhftied atthe Danvillemeeting housedoor,"some Sunday immediately aster dlvincferuce.

A Copy, TelleVillis Green, c. d. d. c.

WILLIAM WEST,Has Received and is Just Opening,

In the Store lately occupied by Mr. George Tegar- -'den,

A Handsome4 Assortment ofMEiiCHAN D I S E,

Confiding ofDry Goods,VGroceries,Ilard Ware,Queens' Vare, tz

Glass Ware,Which have been bought on good terms, and will besold for CASH, as Cheap as airy in the state.

No Credit can be (riven on any terms.Lexington, May 13, 1832.

P. S. I have on hand and unopened,, an Invoice of MERCHANDISE, to a

- considerable amount, tlfat I wifli to sell

4v whole sale ; payable principally inPRODUCE. The purchaser mull givegood security for the true performance ofhis fconfSufi. W. W.



eizve juit ueceivea irom r maueipma, t

d are now opening, for sale at their W

Store, opposite the Market House,A Large, Elegant, and Well Chosen As--

ibrtment of

MERCHANDIZE,Suitable for the prsfent and approaching season,

Consisting of 'DRY GOODS,




QUEENS & -- CHINA WARE,BAR IRON & STEEL,NAILS of every description.

Also a ennftant fupplv of the beflof SALT, from Mannas "Lick. All ofwhich will be sold at the mo ft reducedprices for Cash only.

tf Lexington, 7th May, 1S02.be

TAKEN up byvthe fubferibep, living onthe waters of Houston, one mile from colonelWilmot's, A BAY HORSE, with somesaddle spots on both f.des of his back,(hodbefore with ftej.1 toed hoes, ,ten yearsold,14 hands one inch high, no brand perceivable ;

praised to 151.' Bernard Giltner.


From LONDON,Now living on the Woodford road, Lex-

ington,RESPECTFULLY inform their friendsand the public at large, that thev carryon the Si ONE CUTTING bufinel's inallits various brancnes, lucii as


PIECES, andFREESTONE ditto,SAFES, to preserve Papers, Mo-

ney, he. from bein" destroyed in case otFile. f9tf


Lewis Sanders, &' Co..

HAVE "received from Philadelphia,arc now opening a choice and

general aflbiiraent of

MERCHANDIZE,'Consisting ofm DRY GO

Supeifine Cloths?Velvets and iancyIndia Muflsn, which they would ftll low

for caih, by the original package.Figured, plan Sc glazed cambric do.Tambored St plain Jacconet do.Ditto Book ditto,A choife aiTortment of Chintzes & Cali-

cos of the newest and most falhionablepatterns ;

India sill-.- llomals It Bandanas,Iriih Linen, sold very low by the piece ;

Luteftrings, Sarins Ec Sarfanets,Warfeilles Waiftcaat'n,A large affortmencof Umbiellas, Sec.

A very general afiortment of Hardware,. German, Crawley & English Blister steel,

Vices,A general afiortment of Saddlery UcJChina, Glass, Queen's t Tin ware.

' Groceries,- -Coffee, Teas,Spices, Dye Sttlffs,Best P.ed Bark for sale by the pound or

larger quantity ;

Port Wine,Bengali, Spahifii and French Indigo,Arnatto,Cotton and Wool Cards, Sec. Sec.

Having Uid in the above affortment onsuch terms as will enable them to give grea-

ter bargains than has heretofore been givenin this place, they flatter themselves that thfpurchaler wuiiinu ltnis. mtereu to give ciierra call. pr-n-

o treuis. oiaiiy icjiiii wiiat- -

ever,tf Lesington, 2d April, 1802.

S it has been reported ilwt Blaze could net doiuftice tomare. I thiitk it mv dutvto inlorm

customers and the people, that I think him11n icner Derfeclion than tverhewas in the ftnre. and

able to cet colts as ever he was.Reninmin llr7rtnn.

As we are-we- ll acquainted with the fituition ofthe horse, wejohi in the above.

Matthew Anderson,tf James Dupuy.

FOR SALE,Property lately occupied in this town, byTHE Aithur Thompson, and at present by

Mr. Dellum, confiding of Two New Two StorX

FRAME HOUSES,Kcatly finifhcJ, large and convenient Cellars, aiargeframc Stable and Kitchen, good Smoke House,and Three Lots belonging to the above premises.Also two hundred acres of GOOD QJJAUTJEDLAND, lying on the held of Salt River, about se

ven miles from this town; the title clear of everykitid of dispute; the Land is uelluatered, but en-

tirely unimproved. A libeial credit will be givenfor the payment, and the whole amount will be re-

ceived in Produce The terms will be made knownby application toMcSVrs Cochrane 3; Thiulbv, mer-

chants, of Philadelphia, or the fubferiber, in Danville.

J. BlrlNEY.-jtJ- f

Danville, 9U1 February, 1801 diJJ

, V iWAGNON'sJatK-- B R A D.L EYsK;PIiT.TFTTT.T.V nnnmi fVml

7he succeeds Major Wagnon, inthi:ommraious Brick House and Stables.which he lately occupied in this place,with a revision of alfiftants and servants,arranged to refpedYive departments fwhich tether with that peculiar refpedl(hewn himself while with Major Wag-non, emboldens him to anticipate a pa-

tronage from Genteel Guests, only,as durable as his solicitude topleafe.

Lexington, 15th Feb. 180,2.


JliJ &, received from Philadelphia, a large andwell chosen aifortment ofy& MERCHANDISE,

Wrffi latest imbortations from Enrobe,.. .' . ,: c.. ,,.-- . n.i.i inu now opening ac ins ocorc ou vian urcei,A. nearly opposite the Marlct house, which will

foldkt the LOWEST PRICES for CASH.Also, from his

Nail Manufactory,-- A

conilant supply of Get and Hammered.NAILS, of the belt quality.

Lexington, January 18, 1802.

WINCHESTER'S DIALOGUES,For sale at this office.


iHave just imported from Philadelphia,and opened atr their b I ORE, in Lex-

ington, on Main street, opposite theCourt house,

A Very Large, and Well Assorted Cargo


MERCHANDIZE,Consisting of '


WARES, &c.

Which have been laid in on lowerterms than usual, and which will be sold

accordingly, for Cash, Hemp, and Country made Sugar. ; 10 avoid the greattrouble and expence attending the col-

lection of debts, no accounts will be open-

ed.Lexington, April 1, 1802.

M LAST NOTICE.L those indebted to the fubferiber,r 3-- by bond, note, or lTook account

likewise those indebted; to the ellates ofJames & William Parker deceased,are requefled to make payment of therefpeftive sums due, before the first ofJune next. Those who sail to complywith this notice, may depend on suits be-

ing commenced against them without

ALEXANDER PARKER.Lexington, April 1, 1802.


MADE at the Manufactory of theand sold by him in

MORGANTOWN, Virginia, at the fol-

lowing prices, viz.d, d.

at 10 per lb. 76 to thelb.

Si 11 80 ditto.12 106 ditto.13 160 ditto.

4 18 joo ditto.The quality superior to any made ia

this country.ALEX.HAWTHORN.

February 20, 1802. Tk GAtp8w

NOTICE'I?G removed mv family fn n Yhm. t

neifrhhorhnoil ns I.exlnairm. an.l Alll1O do mv bullnefl in town, f rhinlr It npr.ir.ru ...inform my clients that except during the feifionsqjthe Court ns Appeals, General Court, and CircuitCourt of the United States for Kcntuckv and theTerritories North-We- st of the Ohio, I mall attendat mv office, in Lexington, every dav, from nineo'clock in the morning, until one in the afternoon,at which timeand place, all who ha.ebiifineft withme mull attend.

J. Hughes.Lexington, September nth, 1801.

Fayette County, '

April Court of Quarter Sessions, 1802.JefiBeauchamp, Complainant,jfY Against

Isaac Baker, Defendant,l IN CHANCERY.The defendant not having entered his

appearance agreeable to law and the rulei of thiscourt, and it appearing; to tiieir fatUfrcticn thathe is 110 irhabitant of this commonwealth on themotion of the conplainant, bv his toun'el,it i or-

dered, that the said defendant appear here on thefiift day of our next August Quarter Sefiion court,and answer the complainant's bill, or the same willbe taken for confefled that a copy of this order bepubhfhed ill some Kentucky Gazette according tolaw ; another posted at the door of the Presbyterianmeeting house, in the town of Lexington, fomeSunday immed.ately aster divine forvifc, and a thirdcopy, at the door of the court house in this county.

A copy 3. TelleI Levi Todd, c.F.c.rs.

Fjuft received, and for sale at this Office :

A quantity ofWRITING PAPER.

Also a number ofBLANK BOOKS.

" ?. R E MO V A L.

HN JORDAN Jun. &? Co

'EG leave to inform their friends andiS the public in general, that thevriavrernoved their Store to that wellknown naufef renting the Public Square,and lately occupied by Mr. Inrris B.Brent, as'a Tavern Where they arenow opening A Large and General Af-fortment of

GOODS,Suitable for the present and approachingfeafou, which they are determined tosell at the most reduced prices for Cashor Country Produce

N. B. All those indebted to JohnJordan Jun. or to John Jordan Jun. 8c Co.either by bond, note or book account,are requefled to come forward and makepayment oil or before tae ift of Julynext.

, Lexington, May 29.

FOR SALEAt this Office,


I Vol. Price 4 Dol.


State of Kentucky, jWashington District Court, sEl. JM

Cary L. Clarke, Compt. isAgainst WJoseph Conkling, William Lloyd, Tho-

mas Lloyd, Abigail Lloyd, Bet feyLloyd-an- d Thomas Llod, heirs 'arrairreprefenlalives of Samuel P. LloJvdeceased, Defts. " tal

- ' IN CHANCERT."Purfu'ant to'Tt decree of the laid afli-ingt-

diftriCi court, in the above c;(ufe,we (ball expose to public iale at the courthouse door in the town of Washington,in the county of Malon, on Monday thenineteenth day of July next, all the'righttitle and inteYell of the above defendantsof in and to ra certain tradl of land, oftwenty eight thouland three hundred andthirty Tour acres, formerly in the saidcounty of Ma'fon, but now in the countyof Fleming, on the waters of little' San-

dy. Patented to Charles Fleming Theterms to be made known at the time ofsale.

John Graham,Winsoiv Parker, Cms.Lewis Bullock,

May 17, 1802.

STATE OF KENTUCKY.Mason County, set. April term, 18c 3.

John Edgar, Complainant, y 1


Peter Labra, Defendant.In Chancery.

ii appearing 10 tne latisiacuon ot tnccouit, that the defendant is not an in-

habitant of this commonwealth, and liehaving sailed to appear andfile his answeragreeable to law and the rules of thiscourt: upon motion of the complainant,by his attorney, it is ordered, that tinlefshe appear here at the next Odlobercouit, in person, or by.kfome attorney oflaid court, and answer the said complain-ant's bill, the same fliall be taken as can-feff- ed,

and it is furtner ordered, tiiat a co-

py of this order be stlvertiled for twomonths fucceffively in some public autho-rife- d

paper; another polled at the door ofthe court house in Washington, and athird at the door of the Baptist meetinghouse, in said town, some Sunday imme-

diately aster divine service. .A copy. Tefle,

THO. MARSHALL, Jun. c. m. c.

GREAT BARGAINSTo be had at the store of John A. Seitz,

Who Ius received an elegant additi-onal affortment of

MERCHANDIZE,Principally framt the Vendue Storesof Philadelphia, and will be sold muchlower than is uliially sold in this place.

May oe oaa- -Cloths, Dimities and Mcr- -

Caffimers, falles,Velvets, Thickfets Ludrings&Sattins,

and Fancy cords, Sarfnet & Persian,Striped, Clouded h Chocolate liandan- -

Plain Nankeens, nas,Irish Linens, Blue do

German do. Turkey Yarn,Coarse Multin, Blue Plush,Tambor'd do. Crimson do.

Cambrick do. Scarlet do.

Lappet do. Wool Laid',Jaconett do. Cotton do.

Elegant Chintzes Hyfoh,Collicoes unufu- - Imperial, ' .t "5 .

ally low, Souchong j j."


Ladies extra Silk &Bohea, J SSGloves, Coffee,

Muilin Shawls. Mufcovado & LoafSilk do. Sugar,Silk, Cotton and Madeira Wirfe?

Worded Hose, French Brand, Sec.A L o u

A general fupplv ofSALT, COTJON &? CASTINGS.

Lexington, May 26th, 1 80:

"mm ri

FRESH MEDICINE.Jufb arrived from Philadelphia, at our

(hop, near the Stray-Pe- n, Lexington, andto be sold .for .CASH, Fins Linen, orFlax-See- d.


' Andw. M'Cat.la y Co.

TAKEN up by the fublcriber, living nearthe Big Lick on Eagle creek, in Gallatin,county, one BAY MARE, sour years old, ablaze face, sour feet white, branded on thenear shoulder thus fj joined together, sour-- .

teen hands high. But since the mare liasshed her old coat, the brand appears to standthus AH; apprftifed to 15l. ALSO aSORREL HORSE, five years old, blaze face,two hind feet white, U hands high, brandedontliencav shoulder thus O : appraised to 151.

Jonas Jon2j.
