Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan questionnaire

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  • 8/7/2019 Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan questionnaire


    Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan (KPKK)

    Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture (KPKK)

    Public Perception on Public Service Department

    We are students from Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UniRazak) and with the

    acknowledgement of our lecturer for the subject Fundamentals of Public Services

    and NGO Management SMB3014, Ms. Rammilah Hansaram, as one of the

    requirements of our assignment is to conduct a research on the public perceptions

    of the Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture / Kementerian

    Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan (KPKK).


    The Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture or Kementerian

    Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan (KPKK) is previously known separately as

    the Ministry of Information, Ministry of Unity, Culture, Art and Heritage and the

    Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications. The merge is a result of the

    reshuffling of the Cabinet following the appointment of the Honorable Dato Seri

    Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak as the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia on 3rd April


    The Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture is divided into three

    sectors as per stated (information, communication and culture) and upon these

    three sectors, they are divided into many different departments and agencies

    namely Department of Broadcasting, Malaysian National Library, National Culture,

    Arts and Heritage Academy (ASWARA), Malaysian National Film Development

    Corporation (FINAS), Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Pos Malaysia Berhad and many


    Dear respondents,

    Please tick () your desired answers in the specific boxes. Allquestionnaires collected will be treated as private and confidential. After

    answering this questionnaire, please accept a little token of appreciation

    from us. Thank you very much for your cooperation.



  • 8/7/2019 Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan questionnaire


    Phoebe Debbie Ang (KJC1080540),Aainul Hayatie Hamdan (KJC1010033)Firzan Adnan (KJC1010212)

    1. Please fill in the required details for our demographic statistics.


    Male Female

    Age: Race/ethnicity:

    20 2626 3233 3940 and above

    Occupation: Last academic


    2. Which of the following are you familiar or have dealt with? (You can

    tick more than one)

    Department of BroadcastingDepartment of InformationMalaysian National Film DepartmentDepartment of Special AffairsTun Abdul Razak Institute of Information and Broadcasting (IPPTAR)National Archives DepartmentMalaysian National LibraryDepartment of Museums


    ChineseIndianMalayBumiputera SabahBumiputera SarawakOthers (please specify)______________

    StudentProfessionalManufacturing and IndustrialAdministrativeSelf employedOthers (please specify)______________

    PMRSPMSTPM / DiplomaDegreeMasters, PhD, Doctorate,Professor and higher

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    National Heritage DepartmentNational Culture and Arts DepartmentIstana BudayaMalaysian National News Agency (BERNAMA)Malaysian National Film Development Corporation (FINAS)Malaysian Handicraft Development CorporationNational Art Gallery (Balai Seni Lukis Negara)National Culture, Arts and Heritage Academy (Akademi Seni Budayadan Warisan Kebangsaan ASWARA)

    Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)Telekom Malaysia BerhadPos Malaysia Berhad


    3. Which of the following places to do you go to seek for more

    information? (You can tick more than one)

    National Archives DepartmentMalaysian National Library

    Web OPAC (search engine)University libraries (UPSI, UPM, UM, UMS, UNIMAS, UUM, etc.)Others (please specify):_____________________________________________________

    4. Have you ever made a complaint to any of the public services

    department in any of the following ways: online, through the phone

    or across the reception counter? Were you satisfied with their


    Yes.Please comment on your answer.________________________________________________________________________

    No.Please comment on your answer.________________________________________________________________________


    5. Where do you get your daily dosage of news from?

    Local newspapers (the Star, Kosmo, Berita Hairan, the Sun, etc.)Local television stations (RTM 1, RTM 2, TV3, Astro)

    Radio frequencies (SuriaFM, HotFM, HitzFM, AiiFM, MinnalFM, etc.)

    Online (Malaysiakini, Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc.)Social networks (Facebook, Twitter)

    Others (please specify):


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  • 8/7/2019 Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan questionnaire


    10. What are your personal views or suggestions to further improve the

    issues related to the Ministry of Information, Communications and


    - Thank you very much -
