KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec- tion with Kelvinator 9 s Prof. Quiz program was d i 5 con tin u e d July 31. Prof. Quiz' Hquestion-and- answer" game has become so popular, however, that Kelvinator will continue to broadcast this fascinating radio program each Satur- day evening, and Kelvi~ natar dealers will continue to give away FREE thIs equally-popular Prof. Quiz Book. Tell your friends and relatives to ~et their copies while the supply lasts. THE ORIGINAL IIPROFESSOR au ZI.I .. QUIZZICAL QUESTIONS

KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

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Page 1: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31


The awarding of the 107weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator9sProf. Quiz program wasd i 5 con tin u e d July 31.Prof. Quiz' Hquestion-and-answer" game has becomeso popular, however, thatKelvinator will continue tobroadcast this fascinatingradio program each Satur-day evening, and Kelvi~natar dealers will continueto give away FREE thIsequally-popular Prof. QuizBook. Tell your friendsand relatives to ~et theircopies while the supplylasts.



Page 2: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

"Why should you choose a WHY I RECOMMEND

~~PRODUCTSKELVINATORElectricRefrigerator 1"

'~ - It has TWICE the coolingcapacity and only HALF the running time!"..:..'~~"The new Kelvinator refrigerators weredesigned and built to give their userseverything. And by everything we meanbeauty of line and finish, absolute de-pendability as a cold-producer regardlessof hot weather, every convenience andreal economy.

And all this at a cost no greater than thatof an ordinary refrigerator.

See the new Kelvinators and find out howeasily you can own one; how quicklyyours will pay for itself.


To me, it is no wonder at allthat this summer thousandsand thousands moremen and womenthan ever beforeare taking thetimetogotoKel-vinator show-rooms. I'vefound that peo-ple are quick todiscover wherethey can get themost for their money,and in my opinion Kelvin-ator is today an outstandingleader in that respect.

I'm not an appliance expert;but mywork has made it nec-essary for me to do a greatdeal of investigating into al-most every subject underthe sun - and so I believeI'm qualified to judge realquality and real value whenI see it. Letters from a greatmany listeners have con-vinced me that the Kelvina-tor refrigerator, for example,

is the best on the market.People have sent me their

household bills cov-ering a period ofseveral yearsbe-fore and afterbuying a Kel-vinator asproof of thegreat savingsin electricityand food costs.

Real quality andreal value 'certainly

are· present in all the 1937Kelvinator products. I feelthat that is the importantreason forour program's hav-ing been so successful. Weare all proud and happyto represent Kelvinator, andwe all fairly outdo ourselvesin our efforts to give thefriends of Kelvinator goodentertainment and lots of fun.'

Page 3: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

THE PROFESSOR PROGRAMWHERE IT STARTED, HOW IT WORKS IIMONKEYON A ROPE II AND OTHER AMUSING PROGRAM HAPPENINGSThe rise to popularity of this Saturday night radio feature has been littleshort of phenomenal. Begun only a little more than a year ago as a test on aWashington D. C., station, its success was established almost overnight.

THE QUIZZING PRO·FESSOR-They call him"Professor Quiz:' butnone but himself knowshis real name or hisother occupations.Rumor has him a law-yer, an instructor inpsychology, apractic· (ing psychiatrist. While he neither denies noraffirms these reports, their accuracy gains acertain credence by the ease with which hehandles nervous contenders, readily meetsunusual situations of personality and uner·ringly brings the best efforts from those whoface his microphone.

THE FLYING ASSISTANT - Then there'sArthur Godfrey. flying assistant to the Pro·fessor. Arthur commutes by plane fromWashington, which keeps the Professor "inthe air" part of the time. Arthur frequentlyturns some of the Professor's medicine backby himself asking questions of the Professor.

QUESTIONS FROM LISTENERS-The ingenu·ous questions propounded by the Professorare all suggested by his radio listeners. Hisfan-mail headquarters actually looks like abusy branch of the post office, with everyassistant following an accurate system for thereading and grading of all entries.

THE PROGRAM CONTENDERS-The follow·ing procedure is used to pick contestants toappear on the program: Application is madeby letter to Professor Quiz. The letters arefiled. and applicants are picked in the order inwhich their letters are received. ProfessorQuiz himself has no part in choosing the con-testants-this is done by his staff.

ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN-Most of the con·tenders have never before faced a micro.phone.Many of them get "mike fright:' and stand

speechless and awed before the Professor.Gently and sympathetically, however, hemakes them "feel at home:' at the same timeskillfully keeping the conversation moving ata merry pace.And the audience loves to "coach"-just

can't resist offering hints, some helpful andsome not so helpful to the contender. But theProfessor's genial "Let's have no coaching.please" always gets results.

EVEN A MONKEY- To arbitrate one of theProfessor's decisions. a monkey, the RinglingBrothers and Barnum andBailey Circus and leadingscien lists were calledupon. The amazing dem-onstration took place inMadison Square Gardenon April 22.Prof. Quiz, on one of

his previous programs,had asked this question:"A rope is hanging overa pulley: on one end ofthe rope hangs a certain weight. and on theother end is a monkey of exactly the sameweight. The monkey starts to climb the rope.What happens to the weight on the otherend?" When the contender answered that theweight went up, the Professor ruled himwrong, saying that the weight would moveneither up nor down. Within a few days. let.ters came pouring in from people in all walksof life and in every part of the country. somedefending the contender, others the Professor.So the demonstration was staged, and. after

much difficulty in getting the monkey to climbthe rope at aIL the weight went up. One ofthe judges said that in reality it was themonkey that won, but a duplicate prize wasawarded the contender.


In the following pages you will find some of the questions and answersactually used by Prof. Quiz on his Kelvinator Radio Hour. Use these as yourguide in submitting your questions and answers for the 107big prizes everyweek. Then, too, as explained previously, they're a perfect basis for a "Prof.Quiz Listening Party."Note that the questions are of two types - "Regular Questions" and

"Double-Credit Questions." They are listed under these headings, and arenumbered to correspond with the correct answers at the end of this booklet.Correctly answering the "Regular Questions" requires accurate knowl-

edge; every correct answer to a "Regular Question" counts 100 points. 50points for a half-right answer, 25 points for quarter-right, etc. The "Double-Credit Questions" require rapid, logical reasoning; each correct answer toa "Double-Credit Question" counts 200 points, 100 for half-right, 50 forquarter-right, etc, .

REGULAR QUESTIONSI-In the picture of Lincoln engraved on apenny. is he wearing a lie? What kind?

2-Name four kinds of horses that neither eathay nor race,

3-Name the twin cities of the following: St.Paul. Minn.: San Francisco. Cali!.: Kansas City.Kan.: Duluth, Minn,

4-Name four animals whose names end with"xu.

S-Give four meanlnqs of the word "bay",

6-If you turn the gas flame up under a potof boiling potatoes. would you hasten thecooking of the potatoes? If not. why?

7-How often should one wind a barometer?

8-Why is the Dead Sea dead?

9-0f the three coffee-imporling ports of theUnited States-New York City. New Orleansand Boston-which is the shortest distance by

water from the coffee-exporting city of Santos.Brazil?

IO-Which of the following are colors: taupe.beige, mauve. roue. black?

ll-How many persons compose the follow-ing group: Andrew Jackson, Mark Twain, OldIronsides. Samuel Clemens. Old Hickory?

12-What in common have the following per·sons: Geerge Eliot. Sarah Bernhardt, Eliza·beth Barrett Browning. Madam Curie. GeorgeSand?

13-Why do we not inhale the air we havejust exhaled?

14-The people commonly referred to asdisciples of Izaak Walton are of what religioussect?

16-Is an a cappella choir usually accompaniedby an organ or by stringed instruments?

Page 4: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

IJWhy are thrifty womenbuying KELVINATORElectric Ranges?"

17-What relation to you is your lather'sfather's dauqhter?

18-What happens when an irresistible forcemeets an immovable obiect?

I9-Who said: "AIl the books needed for areal education could be set on a shell fiveleet lonq"?

20-How many pockets are there in a man'ssuit?

"~n. ~D, n n...LL __.•...."-~\b.~~ _

22-11 the speedometer reqisters correctlywhen your tires are new, will it read fasterthan, slower than, or the same as the exactspeed of the car when your tires are wornsmooth?

22-What is wronq with this statement: "Be·fore any white man ever saw our country,countless bronze·skinned Indians rode theirswift·footed horses across the plains."?

23-How would you write "eleven thousandeleven hundred and eleven"?

24-What is the name of the larqest uniformedorqanization in America?

"t:LJU~ ....With a Kelvinator,

electric cookery has been made economical r'25-To playa harmonica one uses the handsand mouth. To play an harmonium one useswhat?

26-What descriptive words usuaIly followthe name 01 the poet Omar?

27-What State leqislature always containstwo Indians and why?

28-What is the meaninq of the word "pekoe"in "oranqe pekoe tea"?

Electric cookery has alwaysbeen clean and cool-now Kel·vinator has made it trulyeconomical. Not only is a Kel-vinator faster-but it cutscurrent consumption to a newlow level through its manyimprovements and automaticcontrols, Get the facts aboutthe greater economy and bet-ter cookery that you'll havewith a Kelvinator.

29-Given two barrels of the same size: onebarrel is filled with steel balls three inches indiameter, the other with steel balls one·eiqhthinch in diameter. Do the barrels weiqh thesame and if not which is heavier and why?

3D-II C had voted lor A as he promised, theelection would have been a tie, C chanqed hismind and voted for B.What was B's majority?

3I-What is 115 times 16 ounces?

32-11 you qo hall the way from here to there,then come back half the way fromthat point to here, then qo hall theway from where you are then tothere, how far will you be fromhere?

much money did he have to beqin with?

34--(For women contestants) What relation toyou is your brother's mother's only dauqhter?

35-1 have in my riqht hand two cookies ofeach of three kinds and in my left hand threecookies 01 two kinds. Which hand has themost cookies? How many are there altoqether?

36-A woman wishes to buy enouqh $1.000bonds bearinq 4% interest to yield $400 an·nually. What will the bonds cost at $960 each?

37-Why does a sailor have 13 buttons on histrousers?

38-Why are unmarried women called spin·sters?

39-What is the siqnificance 01 the new hatlor Easter?

40-Why is there a small hole in the top of aqasoline tank?

4I-Why does a bad eqq weiqh less than afresh eqq?

42-What animal has no ribs, breathes air,lives equally well on land or under water, isserved as a delicacy in restaurants, and sleepsall winter?

43-Give in simple Enqlish: "By successfulmovements of your feet, won't you propelyoursell into the room I reserve for the recep-tion of quests and conversation?" said theanimal 01 the order arachida to the dipterousinsect of the family muscidae:'

44-Give in simple Enqlish: "This diminutiveyounq stout-bodied, short·leqqed artidactylanimal with the omnivorous habits and thelonq, mobile snout proceeded to the placewhere traffic in various commodities is car·ried on by private purchase and sale:'

45-What kind 01 drink makes one "punch·drunk"?

46-Live animals are known as cattle, sheepand hoqs. The meat Is known as beef. mutton

and pork, Why?

33-A man had a certain amountof money. He found two dollars.Now he has live times as muchmoney as he would have hadhad he lost two doIlars. How

47-5peakinq 01 "points:' withwhat do you associate the 10Ilow·•Inq: Needlepoint, pencil point,counterpoint, West Point?

48-ln what tasks do the follow-inq operations occur: purl, harrow,reef. bow?

Page 5: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

49 - From where orhow are the follow-ing articles obtained:coke, charcoal, asbes-tos, cork?

50-Toward whichend of the apple dothe seeds point?

51-Does a clock with a pendulum tend to runfaster in cold weather than in warm?

52-What is: A whetstone? A grindstone? Alodestone? A rhinestone?

53-Give two reasons why spices were con-sidered necessities of life in the 14th. 15th and16th centuries, while today they are luxuries?

54-Which is correct: A hen sits on the nest,or a hen sets on the nest when she lays· anegg?

55-From what animals do these things come:Tallow, suet. lard, bristles?

56-If a man eats one and one-half times asfast as his wife and twice as much as she eatsin 30 minutes. how long will it take him to eat?

57-Give four definitions of the word "lap."

58-What kind of store would be indicated by:striped pole. Indian. three balls. mortar andpestle?

59-With what cities and countries are thefollowing connected: Tai Mahal, the LatinQuar-ter, the Kremlin, the Blarney Stone?

60-What are four important uses for salt?

61-What causes the holes in cheese?

62-Which is warmer. black cloth or whitecloth of a given texture and material? Why?

63-When a man milks a cow. on which sideof the cow does he sit?

64-Where is the normal resting place of thetongue?

65-Why does a cook punch little holes inthe dough for a pie crust that is to be cookedseparately from the filling?

66-Is a tabby cat male or female?

67-A man's face was livid. How did it look?

68-Why can women wear less clothing thanmen?

69-If you throw a ball into the air. does ittake more time going uP. than coming down?

70-Who were the diet faddists of MotherGoose?

19-~ CREDIT QUESTIONS71-Two boy scouts were hiding behind abush looking for a patrol that they were trying

to capture. "A" lookedup the road while "B"looked down the road.Presently "A" remarkedto "B": "What are yousmiling at?" How could"A" know that "B" wassmiling when he did

, not turn his head?

72-A cub reporter as-signed to cover a fashionable wedding said hewas unable to get a story because the bride-groom did not appear. Why was his bo.ssfurious?

73-How can you keep an oil lamp burningwhen the wick is too short to reach the kero-sene and you have no more oil in the houseto fill the lamp?

74-A man had a wire hoop ten inches in cir-cumference. He needed nine pieces of wireeach one inch long. How many cuts must hemake in the wire.

75-A fence divides a field from a road. In themorning the shadow of the fence is in thefield. On which side of the fence is the road,and in which direction does the fence run?

76-An elm tree has 20 branches. Each branchhas two twigs. with two acorns on each twig.How many acorns on the tree? .

autu QUESTIONS77-Why does frost killa plant?

78-What is the funny bone?

79-Who in our land were the first users oflipstick, eyebrow pencils and rouge, andwhich sex used th",m in the greater quantity?

80-Why is a fly hard to swat?

81-What two famous Americans owe P1Utoftheir fame to their skill in wielding a hatChet?

82-Name four foods mentioned in nurseryrhymes?

83-What does the expression "anchorsaweigh" mean?

84 - Name four familynames that suggest oc-cupations.

85-What are the firstfive books of the NewTestament?

86-What plant. raisedin nearly every civilizedcountry, is not used for

food. shelter or clothing but is seen on nearly ~every street every day in the year.

87-What is the difference between (al a manwho sells short (b) a man who sells a pair ofshorts (c) a man who sells a ton of shorts?

88-What is the origin of the expression "Heescaped by the skin of his teeth?"

89-Why will a lighted match go out whenheld over a gas flame?

90-When are birds known as poultry?

91-When a hot cup of coffee and a cold glassof lemonade are placed on a table, why doesthe coffee become cold and the lemonadewarm?

f 92-How many kittens can sleep comfortablyin a eat's cradle?

93-Why is it that when you stand on yourhead the blood rushes to your head, but whenyou stand on your feet the blood does notrush to your feet?

94-What is the difference between wool andworsted?

95-If you are planning to be an artist andcould not afford much paint, what three colorswould be the only ones absolutely necessaryfor your work?

96-Through what national capitals do theserivers flow: Thames, Potomac, Tiber, Seine?

97-Why do World War veterans sell pop-pies when they wish to raise money for vet-erans' relief?

98-In the song "Sweet and Low," what is itthat is "sweet .and.low?"

99-Given three cans of the same size filledwith whole milk. skim;milk and cream, respec-tively, which is theheaviest and which thelightest?

100-'--Name two formsin which carbon isfound·'inc·'nature in arelatively pure state.

»~CREDIT QUESTIONS101-A man gave his son half his fortune. Theson lost half of what he received; but latertripled what he had left. He then had $9,000.What was the father's fortune originally?

102-There were two men standing back toback. They each took one pace forward andone turned left and the other right. Then eachtook another pace forward and the one thathad turned right turned left and the one thathad turned left turned right. and then theyeach took another pace forward. How manypaces were they apart?

103-There are two traffic lights and onechanges color every IS seconds: the otherchanges every 20 seconds. They start to-gether on red. How many times will theyregister together in 10 hours?

104-You buy three new tires for your motor-cycle and at the end of 12.000 miles each ofthose three tires has gone the same distance.What mileage did you put on each tire?

lOS-There was a family In whi~h John wasthe oldest, then Edward, Dorothy, Ge.Qrge.Salina. Sybil. Gloria, Charles, Henry and Roh-ert. The sixth oldest died. How many girlsand how many boys were there left? ..cc

- :~;

I06-Finish the following quotations: "Hitchyour wagon. , .", "A new broom •.. ", "Faintheart never won ••• ".

107-Find out a word that does silence pro-claim. that backwards and forwards is alwaysthe same

I08-What is the title due a fair married dame.that backwaras and forwards is always thesame? '

I09-A carpenter's tool, can you call it byname, which backwards and forwards is al-ways the same?

1IO-Name fourbirds whose namesbegin with the let-ter "0",

Ill-Is a spouse afresh-water fish or asalt-water fish?

112-1f two trees areof equal age and

Page 6: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

size. which will make the better lumber. theone that grows in the lorest or one that growsby itsell in an open field?

113-I1 the lollowing adjectives were appliedto you. which might you consider a compli-ment: irascible, ostentatious, sedulous, vora·cious?

114-I1 you were to buy the ingredients lor astandard cake, what would you buy?

115-Name lour flowers which are also girls'names

116-What are the lour musical parts usuallysung in a mixed quartette?

117-Which 01 the lollowing are citizens 01the United States: A Chinaman born in Alaska.a Japanese born in Hawaii, a Filipino born inSan Francisco?

119-Which quacks louder, the duck or thedrake?

120-What is a shadow?

121-What is the difler-ence between a marceland a finger wave?

122-What is the diller·ence between calicoand gingham?

132-Why doesn't it Irost on cloudy or windynights?

133-Where on an automobile would youlook for the bivalve?

»~CREDIT QUESTIONS134-A man is given a rope one hundredyards long and told he may have as much 01a valuable piece 01 land as he can enclosewith the rope, What shaped plot does he en·close?

135-"A" is five inches taller than "B". "C"is live inches shorter than "A". What is "C's"height in relation to "B's"?

136-What is the diflerence between hallagain as much and much again as hall?

137-ln a box are 20 nickels and 11 dimes.A person reaches in with the left hand andremoves 10 cents: then alternately with theright and lelt hand draws out 10 cents eachtime. Which hand will remove the last coin?

138-Your mother has 10 lingers: your moth-er's mother has 10 fingers: your grandmotherhas 10 lingers. How many fingers are therein all?

123- Whe n you are 139-How many nouns and verbs are there inlrightened. do you real- / this sentence: "01 all the saws 1ever saw saw,Iy get cold leet? ) never saw a saw saw as this saw saws."?

124-Does the name "neon" reler to the manwho invented the signs?

125-In which States are the lollowing moun-tains: Sierra Nevada, White. Catskill, GreatSmoky?

126-What is the diflerence between an avia-tor and a sky pilot?

127-What is the nationality 01 a child born01 a Norwegian mother and an English latheron a German vessel in French waters?

128-With what special events do you con-nect the lollowing names: Richard E. Byrd,Richmond P. Hobson. Robert Peary?

129-What causes the "fizz" in soda bev·erages?

1/ 13O-Is palfrey best when used to garnish atf; dish or as an entree?

131-ls the head 01 the Sphinx that 01 a manor a woman?

140-How many days are there Irom thetomorrow 01day before yesterday to the yes·terday of day alter tomorrow?

a~QUESTIONS141-What is a perennial plant?

142-Which Mother Goose character wastemperamental?

143-Which is the mother of the chick-thehen that lays the egg or the one that hatches it?

144-Which Mother Goose character solvedthe marriage question?

145-I1 I have a large box with five smallboxes in it and two very small boxes in each01the small boxes, how many boxes are therein all?

IIWhy are so manyWomen Buying

KELVINATORWashers and Ironers 1"

"t:L)15&et:ltt4e -They'll get a better washing""and Ironing iob done faster-and for less money!JJ-:..'~~"

The Kelvinator Washers are absolutelyNEW-with the kind of new features andimprovements that mean better, faster,easier washing at lower costs,Amo,ngthe exclusive new features are:I-The PRESSURE-ATORWringer whichassures scientifically correct pressure forevery type of fabric.2-The FIN-FLEX Agitator that quickly,gently and thoroughly loosens dirt byflexing the fabrics.3-New mechanism that generates its ownoil flow and has lifetime lubrication.See the new Kelvinator Washers andIroners at your dealer's store.

New Beauty, New Wringer Design,New Agitator, New Mechanism

Page 7: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

"Why are smart womenbuying


"tLJlY&eatf4e .- They are more beautiful andbecause they are years ahead in convenience features!"


I-He is wearing a bow tie.

2-Sea horse. saw horse. clothes horse. rock-ing horse.

3-Minneapolis. Minn.: Oakland. Cali!.: Kan-sas City. Mo.; Superior. Wis.

4-Lynx. fox. ox. ibex (also: addax. oryx.hyrax).

5-A body of water: a deep bark. as of a doghunting; a color. as of a horse; a tree (thelaurel).

6-No. because water gets no hotter than 212degrees Fahrenheit (unless under pressure).Gleaming white enamel-

and sparkling new metal-what a difference one ofthese beautiful new Kelvin-ators will make in yourkitchen! And in additionevery modern improvementto insure better cooking andto save you time, labor andmoney. Big oven, with up-to-date controls. Waist highdrawer type broiler. In fact,everything, but high price.Easy to buy, too.

7-Never; a barometer does nor requirewinding.

S-Because it contains 25% salt. and no ani-mal or fish can live in it.

II-Two (Andrew Jackson and Samuel Clem-ens).

13-Because the air we exhale is warmerthan the air outside the body; it therefore risesimmediately and the cooler. fresher air goesto our nostrils.

14-None necessarily. They are people whomake a hobby of fishing.

IS-To wash the eyeball and rid it "f any dustor other irritating particles.

16-Neither. A cappella singing is unaccom-panied.

IS-The terms are contradictory. An irrisisti-ble force cannot be resisted. It will overcomeevery ellort to do so. An immovable objectcannot be moved. It will successfully resistany attempt to do so. Irrisistibility and immov-

ability are mutually exclusive and cannot beincluded in the same problem.

19-Or. Eliot of Harvard. in a burst of impa-tience against the idea of education beingcomplicated by endless mechanical aids. Some-one "took him up" on his statement and askedhim to select the books. He did. and the saleof the "Shell" has run into millions.

20-In the average man's suit there are 13pockets.

2I-The speedometer will read faster. becausethe circumference of the tires will have de-creased. requiring more revolutions per mile.

22-The Indians did not have horses beforethe white men came. The' first horses werebrought by early settlers.

24-The Boy Scouts, of America. numberingover 1.000.000 uniformed members and olli·cials.

27-The Lower House of the Legislature ofMaine always includes one representativeeach from the Penobscot and PassamaquoddyIndian tribes in order to safeguard their tribalrights.

2S-"Pekoe" means "hair" or "down." There-fore "tea of the young leaves with the downon them."

(200 POINTS)

29-The barrel with the one-eighth-inch-diam-eter balls is heavier. owing to the fact thatthere is less space around each ball.

3D-Two. not one.

31-115 pounds. (I6 ounces equal one pound.and so 115 times one pound equals liSpounds).

Page 8: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

32-Five-eighths of the distance from here tothere."How can you make your

house into a 33-Three dollars.


35-The right hand (6). The left hand hasthree, making a total of nine cookies.

REGULAR ANSWERS(100 POINTS)"THAT'S EASY-Just get a copy of the

Kelvin Home Book-and read it!" 37-They represent the 13 original colonies.

38-In olden days a woman did not marryuntil she had spun a full set of householdlinen. Thus, until they were married, theywere known as spinsters.

39-A survival from the old Easter custom ofwearing a new article of dress on Easter Sun-day to insure good fortune in love affairs allthrough the year.

40-To let air in as the gasoline is drawn out.II no air could get in, the use of the gasolinewould form a partial vacuum and no moregasoline would flow.

41-Because bacteria which enter throughthe shell decompose the substance of the eqg,converting it into gases which are lighter.

Get your CopyFREE

at any store where

Kelvinator Products42-Bull frog.

43-"Come into my parlor:' said the spiderto the fly.

45-None. This is a term applied to a pugilistwho has become groggy from many punchesby opponents.

46-The name of the live animal comes fromthe Anglo-Saxon branch of the origin of ourlanguage, while we have retained the Nor-man-French words for their meat.

47-Embroidery, type of drawing (or writing),music, cadets.

48-Knilling, farming, sailing, playing a vio-lin (or similar instrument).

49-Coke fro~ roasting coal. charcoal fromroasting wood, asbestos from a mine, corkfrom bark of a species of oak tree.

51-Yes, it tends to run faster in cold weather,as the cold shortens the pendulum.

52-A stone for sharpening edged tools: a flat,circular stone, mounted so that it may be ro-tated for sharpening edged tools: a naturalmagnet: a paste gem, usually made to imitatediamonds.

53-First, there were then no Kelvinators orother means of refrigeration to keep food fresh,and so spices were used to preserve it: sec-ond, much of the food eaten was spoiled-itwas spiced heavily to improve the taste.

54-Neither. Scientists have proved that a henalways stands up just before laying or drop.ping the egg.

55-Sheep, beef cattle, pig, pig.

56-Twenty-two and one-half minutes.

57-To layover a fold: to lick up, as a liquidwith the tongue: that part of a substance whichextends over another: the upper part of thethighs or knees of a person in a silling posture.

58-Barber shop, cigar store, pawn shop, drugstore.

59-Agra, India: Paris, France: Moscow, Rus-sia: Cork, Ireland.

60-Seasoning food, preserving meats, manu-facturing glass, glazing cheaper grades ofpollery (also for extracling gold from ore).

61-They result from gas formed by certainbacteria present in the cheese.

62-Black is warmer because it absorbs light,whereas white reflects it.

63-The right side.

64-The tongue rests against the roof of themouth.

65-To let the air and steam escape so that itwon't push the dough away from the pan,forming blisters.

66-Either. "Tabby" refers to the fur.

67-Black and blue, lead-colored or the ashenhue of death.

68-Because under their skin they have onelayer of fat that men do not have. ,

69-No. It takes the same time.

70-Jack Sprat and his wife.

(200 POINTS)

7l-The boys were standing face to face, sothat "A", looking up the road could see "B",looking down the road.

Page 9: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

72-Because being "Iell at the church" was amuch bigger story than the wedding wouldhave been.

73-Fillthe lamp with water. The oil will stayat the top of the water and will supply thewick until the fuel is all gone.


7s-The road is on the east side of the fenceand the fence runs north and south.

76-None. There are no acorns on elm trees.


77-The water inside the living cells freezesand this bursts the cells. killing them.

78-The funny bone is not a bone; the nameis given to the ulnar nerve. which is onlyslightly protected at the elbow.

79-The American Indian (malel. He usedthem for war paint and general decorativepurposes. The male was the greater user.

80-Because it has thousands of eyes all overits head. enabling it to see in every directionat the same time.

81-George Washington and Carrie Nation.

82-Bread. honey. Christmas pie. tarfs (alsocurds. whey. blackbird piel.

83-The anchor is said to be "aweigh" whenits flures just clear the bottom as it is beingraised.

84-Miller. Mason. Weaver. Cook (also Taylor.Carpenter. Smith).

8s-Matthew. Mark. Luke. John. The Acts.


87--{a) A trader in the stock or grain market(b) a clothing manufacturer or retailer (c) amiller or feed dealer who sells bran mixedwith coarse flour or meal.

88-In the 19th Chapter of Job. 20th verse. isto be found the sentence: "I am escaped withthe skin of my teeth"-which gives the ex-pression a probable Biblical origin.

89-Because the gas flame consumes most ofthe oxygen in the vicinity and there is notenough lell to support the flame of the match.

90-When they are domesticated.

91-The liquid in each container will ap-proach the temperature of the room.

92-None. A cat's cradle is a game playedespecially by children. using a string loopedover the fingers in a way to resemble a smallcradle.

93-Because the veins have valves whichprevent the flow of blood downward in them.

94-Wool is the soft. curly hair of sheep orother animals; worsted is twisted thread oryarn spun out of combed wool.

1I7-All of them.

1I8-Tap. toe. ballroom. aesthetic (also acro-batic. eccentric).

1l9-The duck; the drake cannot quack.

120-A deficiency of light within an illumi-nated area. caused by the interception of thelight by an opaque body.

121-A marcel is done with an iron while thehair is dry; a finger wave is done by the fin-gers when the hair is wet.

122-Calico is a cotton cloth with designprinted on after weaving; gingham is made ofcollon threads dyed before weaving.

123-Yes. Fright causes a contracting of thearteries leading to the feet. thus causing alowering of their temperature.

124-No. It refers to the gas used therein.

12s-California; New Hampshire; New York;Tennessee and North Carolina.

126-An aviator is the pilot of an airplane; skypilot is a slang term for a minister or chaplain.


128-Exploring the South Polar wastes; sink-ing of the collier "Merrimac" in Santiago Har-bor; discovery of the North Poie.

129-Escaping carbon dioxide.

130-A palfrey is a saddle horse.

131-A woman.

96-London. Washington. Rome. Paris.

97-In Roman !"ythoiogy the red poPPy wasthe symbol of death. For hundreds of years ithas been associated with the battlefields ofwestern Europe. particularly Flanders.

98-"Wind of the Western Sea:'

99-The skim milk is the heaviest; the creamis the lightest.

100-Diamond. graphite or anthracite coal.

102-Four paces.

103-600 times. They are together every sixtyseconds.


106-" ... to a star" (Emerson); " ... sweep-eth clean" (Heywood); " ... fair lady" (Cer-vantes).




110-Oriole. owl. ostrich. osprey.

Ill-Neither. It is either of a married couple.

1I2-The tree that grows in the forest wouldmake beller lumber. because it would havefewer branches and hence fewer knots inthe lumber.

1I4-Buller. sugar. eggs. flavoring. milk. flour.baking powder.

liS-Daisy. Lily. Iris. Pansy (also Rose.Violet).

116-Soprano. alto. tenor. bass.

132-The clouds form a protective blanket. re-ducing radiation from the ground; and windkeeps the air circulating. thus preventing themoisture in it from condensing.

133-Nowhere. A bivalve is a double-shelledshellfish. such as an oyster.

(200 POINTS)

134-A circular-shaped plot.

13s-The same.


137-The left hand.

138-Twenty fingers.

139-Three nouns. five verbs.

140-Two days.

141-A perennial lives several years. whilean annual must be planted anew each season.

142-Mary. Mary Quite Contrary.

143-The hen that lays the egg.

144-Peter. Peter. Pumpkin Eater.


Page 10: KELVINATOR - VintageRadio.com · 2015-05-10 · KELVINATOR The awarding of the 107 weekly prizes in connec-tion with Kelvinator 9s Prof. Quiz program was d i5 con tin u e d July 31

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