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  • 7/31/2019 Kc t Bro Draft Final Print 2


    Mind, Body, and Soul

    Kehillat Chovevei Tzion 5772/2011-12

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    And you shall love Hashem, your God with all of your heart,

    with all of your soul and with all of your might (body)Devarim 6:5

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    Sunday/Legal Holidays 8:30 amMonday-Friday 6:45 am

    Rosh Chodesh 6:30 am

    Shabbat/Yom Tov9:00 am

    Mincha/Maariv10 minutes before Shkia (Sunset).

    Please see full zmanim on ourwebsite www.skokieshul.org.

    f eat ur esWeek at a Glance 1Summary of KCTs weekly programming

    Scholars in Residence 5-8Visiting Jewish Scholars and Rabbinic Personalities

    Resident Scholars 9New Program featuring congregational memberspresenting on their eld as it relates to Judaism

    Getting Physical KCT Style 11

    NShei Tzion 13

    Torah from the Twilight Zone 14Back by popular demand, if youve missed the rsttime, dont miss it now.

    Youth Programming 15-16



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    Man was brought into th is wor ld with a unique chal lenge, to coexist as a physical and spir i -

    tual being at the same t ime. I t is not a s imple task, for when we emphasize our spir i tual

    nature, we tend to underemphasize the physical , and when we expand upon our physical

    stature, the spir i tual and rel ig ious muscle often atrophies. And yet, contradict ion and al l ,

    our task is to become a complete in both departments. As the author of the Ki tzur Shulchan

    Aruch (Chapter 32) wrote to l ive a healthy physical l i fe is also one of the ways of God. Fori t is impossible to fu l ly develop a knowledge or relat ionship with God i f one is unhealthy.

    As such, th is year at KCT we celebrate the Mind , the Body and the Soul. We recognize that

    as committed Jews we must dedicate ourselves to nour ishing each of these facul t ies.

    In th is brochure you wi l l f ind programming and c lasses for everyone; women, men and chi l -

    dren. You wi l l note the formal and informal education opportuni t ies, from Daf Yomi and par-

    sha study to Onegs and Zumba c lasses. Our educational program represents the total i ty of

    the Jewish exper ience, with a goal of foster ing a community of sound intel lectual , spir i tual

    and physical wel l -being.

    We are exci ted to br ing back for a second year our highly successful Twi l ight Zone c lass,

    and to introduce a var iety of new programs inc luding: Our Resident Scholars program,

    Basketbal l for men, Zumba for Women, and a new c lass for Bat Mitzvah age gir ls on Shab-


    I thank our co-chairs of education, Kenny Ripst ien and Jeremy Goltz , our new head of Youth,

    Sigal le Shpayher and our Nshei for their hard work and dedicat ion. I am happy to welcome

    to the professional staff of KCT, our new Youth Director, Mrs. Tamar Eherenfeld.

    I tru ly look forward to a fru i t fu l and productive year with each and every one of you.


    R a bbi Sh a a n a n Ge l ma n

    Rabbi Shaanan Gelman


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    eek @a g l a nc eW

    All classes at KCT unless stated otherwise. 1 See page 11. 2 See page 10. 3 See page 14. 4See page 9.3

    Su nday7:45 am-8:30 amDaf Yomi

    9:15 amLox N LearnNow Studying Samuel IIRabbi Shaanan Gelman

    7:30 pmYoga for WomenMrs. Ellyn Robbins1

    Tuesday6:00 am-6:45 amDaf Yomi

    9:00 am- 9:45 amExplorationsinPrayerfor WomenRabbi Shaanan Gelman

    8:30 pmBasketball for Men@ Wilmette CommunityRecreation Center

    3000 Glenview Rd, Willmette

    8:30 pmFrumba for WomenTziporah Gelman

    Shabbat8:15 am-9:00 amDaf Yomi

    10:30 am (approximately)Rabbis Sermon

    45 minutes prior to MinchaBar Mitzvah ClassRabbi Shaanan Gelman

    Bat Mitzvah ClassMrs. Tamar Eherenfeld

    Shabbat (contd)Gemara Chavurawith Mr. Elisha Atkin

    Between Mincha & MaarivSeudat ShlishitInspiration fromthe Hassidic Masters

    Oneg ShabbatResident Scholars Series4

    1 Hour After ShabbatFrumba for WomenTziporah Gelman

    Wednesday6:00 am-6:45 amDaf Yomi

    9:15 am 10:00 amCoffee Talk for Women@ Dunkin Donuts3900 W. Dempster

    12:00 pm-1:00 pmLunch and Learn @Great Chicago Food and

    Beverage Co.

    Thursday6:00 am-6:45 amDaf Yomi

    12:00 pm-1:00 pm

    Lunch and Learn@ Mizrahi Grill2

    8:00 pmTorah from T he Twilight Zone3

    Friday6:00 am-6:45 amDaf Yomi

    Kabalat ShabbatTorah for Your Shabbat TableRabbi Shaanan Gelman

    Monday6:00 am-6:45 amDaf Yomi

    12:00 pm- 1:00 pmLunch and Learn @ MetroKlub2

    Rabbi Shaanan Gelman

    8:30 pmMystical Insights in the Torah@ The Skokie Community KollelMr. Chaim Kohanchi

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    mind /mnd/Noun: The element of a person

    that enables them to be aware ofthe world and their experiences, tothink, and to feel; the faculty of con-sciousness and thought.

    body /bd/Noun: The physical structure of aperson or an animal, including the

    bones, flesh, and organs.

    soul /sl/Noun: 1. The spiritual or immaterial

    part of a human being or animal,

    regarded as immortal.2. A persons moral or emotionalnature or sense of identity.

    Mind , Bod y , a nd Sou l

    Throughout this brochure you willfind classes with these symbols

    below. These symbols representthe three dimensions of a humanbeing. Challenge yourself to trysomething from each categoryeven if it is outside of your comfortzone. You may just learn some-

    thing new.


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    The Chie f Rabbi of Great Brita in,Lord Jon athan Sacks, ShlitaWednesday, October 26, 2011 Divrei Chizuk

    Shacharit at 6:45 am, Rav Sacks will speak at 7:15 amLight refreshments to be served.

    Jonathan Sacks has been Chief Rabbi of the UnitedHebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth sinceSeptember 1991, the sixth incumbent since the role wasformalized in 1845.

    Prior to taking up his current post, Rabbi Sacks wasPrincipal of Jews College, as well as rabbi of the GoldersGreen and Marble Arch synagogues.

    Educated at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge,where he obtained rst class honours in Philosophy,Jonathan Sacks pursued postgraduate studies at NewCollege, Oxford, and Kings College London, gaining hisPH. D in 1981 and rabbinic ordination from Jews Collegeand Yeshiva Etz Chaim. The Chief Rabbi has been avisiting professor at several universities in Britain, theUnited States and Israel, and is currently Visiting Professorof Theology at Kings College London. He holds manyhonorary degrees, including a Doctor of Divinity conferred

    to mark his rst ten years in ofce, by the Archbishop ofCanterbury.

    At the time of his installation, the Chief Rabbi launcheda Decade of Jewish Renewal. This led to a series ofinnovative communal projects including Jewish Continuity,

    a national foundation for Jewish educational programmesand outreach; the Association of Jewish Business Ethics;the Chief Rabbinate Awards for Excellence; the ChiefRabbinate Bursaries, and Community Development, anational scheme to enhance Jewish community life. TheChief Rabbi began his second decade of ofce with a callto Jewish Responsibility and a renewed commitment to

    the ethical dimension of Judaism.

    The Chief Rabbi received the Jerusalem Prize 1995 forhis contribution to diaspora Jewish life, and was knightedby Her Majesty The Queen in 2005. He was made a LifePeer and took his seat in the House of Lords on 27thOctober 2009, where he sits on the cross benches asBaron Sacks of Aldgate in the City of London.

    The Chief Rabbi is a frequent contributor to radio,television and the national press. He regularly delivers

    BBC RADIO 4s Thought for the Day, writes a monthlyCREDO column for THE TIMES and broadcasts anannual Rosh Hashanah message on BBC 2. In 1990 hewas invited by the BBC Board of Governors to deliverthe annual Reith Lectures which were then published asThe Persistence of Faith. The Dignity of Difference wasawarded the 2004 Grawemeyer Prize for Religion, and ALetter in the Scroll a National Jewish Book Award 2000.

    Born in 1948 in London, he has been married to Elainesince 1970. They have three children, Joshua, Dina and

    Gila and four grandchildren.

    Many of his books have been translated into French,Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Korean and Hebrew.

    The Chief Rabbi of Great Britain,Lord Jonathan Sacks, Shlita


    chol ar s in Residence

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    Dr. Ron nie PerelisShabbat, November 4-5, 2011

    Ronnie Perelis is the Chief Rabbi Dr. Isaac Abraham andJelena (Rachel) Alcalay Assistant Professor of SephardicStudies at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of JewishStudies of Yeshiva University. His research explores theconnections between Iberian and Jewish culture duringthe medieval and early modern periods.

    He recently completed his doctoral thesis, MarranoAutobiography in its Transatlantic Context: Exile,Exploration and Spiritual Discovery, in the Department ofSpanish and Portuguese at NYU.

    His essays on Sephardic history investigate the dynamicsof religious transformation within the context of the crypto-

    Jewish experience. Marranism, Masking and the Trafcin Enlightenment thought (2001) analyzes the rockyreturn to Judaism of a prominent Portuguese doctor whoembraced his ancestral Judaism later in life. His essayThese Indians are Jews, published in Atlantic Diasporas(Johns Hopkins 2008), unravels the psychological andethical complexities of one crypto-Jews experiencewith a mysterious group of Indians in the Andes. Inthe forthcoming, Daniel Israel Lpez Lagunas EspejoFiel de Vidas and the Ghost of Marrano AutobiographyPerelis reads the traces of the autobiographical in Lpez

    Lagunas poetic masterpiece.

    He is currently writing a study of family and identity in theSephardic Atlantic world.

    David MakovskyAIPAC/OU ShabbatonShabbat, December 16-17, 2011

    David Makovsky is the Ziegler distinguished fellow anddirector of the Project on the Middle East Peace Process

    at The Washington Institute. He is also an adjunct lecturer

    in Middle Eastern studies at Johns Hopkins Universitys

    Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies


    Mr. Makovsky is the coauthor with Dennis Ross of the

    2009 book Myths, Illusions, and Peace: Finding a New

    Direction for America in the Middle East (Viking/Penguin).

    He is also the author or coauthor of a variety of Washing-

    ton Institute monographs on issues related to the Middle

    East Peace Process and the Arab-Israeli conict.

    Mr. Makovsky is a member of the Council on Foreign Re-

    lations and the London-based International Institute for

    Strategic Studies. His commentary on the peace process

    and the Arab-Israeli conict has appeared in the New York

    Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the

    Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the InternationalHerald Tribune, the Chicago Tribune, Foreign Affairs, For-

    eign Policy, and National Interest. He appears frequently

    in the media to comment on Arab-Israeli affairs, including

    PBSs Newshour. He has testied before the U.S. Senate

    David Makovsky


    Dr. Ronnie Perelis

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    Committee on Foreign Relations and the U.S. House of

    Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs.

    In July 1994, with the personal intervention of then Secre-

    tary of State Warren Christopher, Mr. Makovsky became

    the rst journalist writing for an Israeli publication to visit

    Damascus. In total, he has made ve trips to Syria, the

    latest in December 1999 as he accompanied then Sec-

    retary of State Madeleine Albright. In March 1995, with

    assistance from U.S. ofcials, Mr. Makovsky was given

    unprecedented permission to le reports from Jeddah,

    Saudi Arabia, for an Israeli publication.

    A native of St. Louis, Missouri, Mr. Makovsky received a

    bachelors degree from Columbia University and a mas-

    ters degree in Middle East studies from Harvard Univer-sity.

    Rabbi Barry Freunde lShabbat, January 6-7, 2012

    Rabbi Dr. Barry Freundel is the Rabb of Kesher Israel: TheGeorgetown Synagogue. He received his smicha fromYeshiva University and his Phd from Baltimore Hebrew

    University where he serves as an Assistant Professor ofRabbinics. He has also served as an Adjunct Instructor atthe University of Maryland, an Adjunct Professor of Lawat Georgetown University, and a Consultant to the EthicsReview Board of the National Institute of Aging of theNational Institutes of Health. Rabbi Freundel is also head

    of the conversion committee of the Rabbinical Council ofAmerica.

    Rabbi Freundel is Vice-President of the Vaad ofWashington and is very involved in community issuesin the Greater Washington area. He is regarded as aresource and authority on eruvim, and has assisted in their

    construction in a number of cities, including Washington.He is the author of Contemporary Orthodox JudaismsResponse to Modernity published by KTAV in 2003 aswell as numerous scholarly articles.

    Rabbi Wes KalmarSunday, April 22, 2012

    Rabbi Wes (Wesley) Kalmar is the principal rabbi at AnsheSfard Kehillat Torah in Glendale, WI. Kalmar is a nativeof Baltimore, where he studied at Orthodox day schools.He did undergraduate and graduate study at YeshivaUniversity and was ordained there in 2000. In addition,he studied for several years at Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayimin Israel.

    He has previously served congregations in Jersey City,N.J., and New Haven, Conn. He is married to Jessica,nee Himelstein, who has a doctorate in neuropsychology.They have three children, ages 7, 4, and 3.

    Rabbi Wes Kalmar


    Rabbi Dr. Barry Freundel

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    Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Krug

    Rabbi Jonathan Gross

    Rabbi Jon athan GrossRabbinic ExchangeShabbat, May 11-12, 2012(February 25-26, 2012: Rabbi Gelman to speak in Omaha)

    Rabbi Jonathan Gross serves as Rabbi of Beth IsraelSynagogue in Omaha, Nebraska. He grew up in Teaneck,New Jersey and after graduating high school from theFrisch School in Paramus, he studied Torah for two yearsat Yeshivat Beit Miedrash LTorah (BMT) in Jerusalem.Upon his return to the U.S., Rabbi Gross earned a BAin mathematics in 2001 from Yeshiva University. Whilecompleting his undergraduate degree and while workingfor his Semicha in REITS, he was a participant in YUsSephardic Studies Program and studied under RabbiEliyahu Ben-Haim from 1999 - 2003. From 1998 -2003, Rabbi Gross also held his rst pulpit, serving asassistant Rabbi to his grandfather, Rabbi Joseph Maza,in Manalapan, New Jersey. After his grandfathers deathin 2001, Rabbi Gross took over as head Rabbi until 2003.For his fourth year rabbinic internship, Rabbi Grossassisted Rabbi Steven Weil at Beth Jacob Congregationin Beverly Hills, California. Upon earning his Semicha in2004, Rabbi Gross took his current pulpit in Omaha. RabbiGross enjoys learning Torah, performing the trumpet andplaying basketball.

    Rabbi Dr. Jon athan K rugShabbat, May 18-19, 2012

    Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Krug is currently the Dean of Student

    Life and Welfare at the Frisch School in New Jersey. Hisabilities, knowledge and keen sense of todays youth haveendeared Rabbi Krug to Frisch students and their familiesfor twenty-ve years. Rabbi Krug received his B.A. inPsychology and Speech and Drama, masters degrees inboth Secondary Jewish Education and Psychology, and adoctorate in Clinical Psychology, as well as his Semikha

    from Yeshiva University. He has also completed aPostgraduate Fellowship in the Senior Jewish EducatorsProgram at Bar Ilan University. In addition, Rabbi Krughas a background in professional theater, dating back to1974, Dr. Krug was the was the assistant producer forThe Fantasticks at the Sullivan Street Playhouse for manyyears. He also spent time as personal assistant to RavJoseph B. Soloveitchik ztl.


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    ResidentSchol ar s

    D r. Da v id Shyo v it zThe Lion, the Witch, and the

    Werewolf: Medieval JewishMonsters and their Meanings

    Friday Night, October 28, 2011

    D r. Ga i l Be rg e r (Da rlow)Changing Ones Culture,at Work and at Home

    Friday Night, November 25, 2011

    D r. Da v id Shyo v it zA Temple or a P rison? Views of Human Em-

    bodiment in Medieval Jewish TheologyFriday Night, December 9, 2011

    Je remy Go lt zThe Traveling Jew: Finding KosherResources in Unusual Places

    Friday Night, January 20, 2012

    Ra bbi Men a ch e m Li n ze rJewish Education Today: Challengesand Opportunities

    Friday Night, February 17, 2012

    D r. Joe l Bra schFertility and Halacha: A Conversationwith a Doctor and a Rabbi

    Shabbat Afternoon, March 17, 2012

    D r. Ju st i n GordonHOLOCAUST JOURNEY:The Story of the Holocaust as Toldthrough the Letters of the VictimsSunday, April 29, 2012

    Mr. L a wren ce I. R ich ma n, Es q.Contemporary Estate Planningand Seder Yerusha

    Shabbat Afternoon, May 5, 2012

    D r. Ash e r Ge l ma nDentistry and its Interface with HalachaShabbat Afternoon, June 15, 2012



    This series celebrates KCT as a Torah community, with the goal of nding the spirituality in every profession and discipline. Come and learn

    from the many talented professionals in our synagogue.

    In all of your ways you shallknowHim, and He willdirect your paths.Mishlei 3:6

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    Lunch a nd Lea rn @ Metro Klu b733 W. Madison, Chicago ILThis class focuses on different topics in Contemporary Jewish

    Law, enjoy a lunch with your friends and colleagues while en-gaging in relevant discussions about business ethics, kashrutand other common issues confronting us in modern times.

    Mondays@12:00 pmOctober 10 - October 31 - November 21 - December 12January 9 - February 6 - February 27 - March 19April 16 - May 7 - June 4

    Photo courtesy ofwww.metroklub.com

    Lunch a nd Lea rn @ Great Chicago3149 W Devon Ave, Chicago, IL 60659

    This new weekly class will

    deal with the PhilosophicalTeachings of the greatrabbinic scholar of this pastgeneration, Rabbi JosephB. Soloveitchik zl


    Wednesdays@12:00 pm

    Lunch a nd Lea rn @ Mizrahi215 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park, ILThis class focuses on different topics in ContemporaryJewish Law, enjoy a lunch with your friends and

    colleagues while engaging in relevant discussionsabout business ethics, kashrut and other common

    issues confronting us in modern times.

    Thursdays@12:00 pmOctober 13 - November 3November 24 - December 15January 12 - February 9

    March 1 - March 22April 19 (Yom Hashoah)

    May 10 (lag Baomer) - June 7

    unch&Lear n

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    Y oga for WomenMrs. Ellyn Robbins, Certifed Yoga Instructor

    7:30 pm Sunday Evenings:Oct. 30, 2011, Nov. 20, 2011, Dec.11, 2011, Jan. 15, 2012, Feb. 12, 2012, Mar. 18, 2012, Apr. 22 ,

    2012, May 6, 2012, June 10, 2012

    Contact: Ellyn Robbins [email protected]

    Basketball for MenTuesday Nights

    8:30 pm-10:00 pmCommunity Recreation Center3000 Glenview Road, Wilmette, IL

    Contact: Josh Goldman, [email protected]

    FrumbaA Zumba Style ClassRebetzin Tziporah GelmanTuesdays 8:30 pm & Saturdays 1 Hour After Shabbat

    Contact [email protected]

    KCT Annual Golf OutingMonday, August 27, 2012Contact: Levi Carl, [email protected]

    And you shall surely guard your physical well being...Devarim 6:5


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    And I have filled him with the spirit of the Lord...Shemot 31:3

    Carle bach Minya nFriday Night on Shabbat Mevarchim

    Israel Advoca cy AIPAC:OU/AIPAC Shabbaton: December 16-17, 2011National Policy Conference: March 4-6, 2012Please register online, at www.Aipac.org and contact

    [email protected] to join Rabbi Gelman and theKCT delegation!

    Teen Oneg ShabbatFriday, November 18, 2011

    Friday, February 17, 2012

    Yarzh eit Con certMotzaei Shabbat, November 12, 2011Featuring The Carlebach Combo in conjunction withThe YI of West Rogers Park & The YI of Skokie

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    NShei Events

    Movie NightWednesday, September 14, 2011

    Couples Game NightSaturday, December 3, 2011

    K CT Annual Jou rnal Di nnerSunday, January 29, 2012

    Pre-Pesa ch Cooki ng DemoTuesday, March 20, 2012

    Ravi niaJune, 2012


    KCT pa pa r a zz i!

    Bar Mitzvah Program AIPAC

    Shul Picnic Gemara Study

    NShei KCT at Prayer

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    Torah from the Twilight Zone

    10.27 11.24 12.22 01.19

    02.23 03.22 04.19 05.17

    06.07 06.28

    Two A Penny For Your Thoughts The Masks Kick the Can

    To Serve Man The Changing of the Guard The Dummy The Silence

    The Gift The Monsters are Due on Maple Street 14

    Calling all couch potatoes why sit at home and watch TV, if you can do the same thing at shul and turn it into a fun and meaningful learning experience?Back by popular demand from last year, this innovative Torah opportunity will explore important philosophical ideas in Judaism and challenge you to thinkcritically about difcult questions which arise in each episode.

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    Y outh CalendarVisit to Nursing HomeSunday, Sept 25, 2011

    Kaparot with Live Chickens

    Tzom Gedalya

    Tuesday, October 2, 2011

    Pizza in the Hut

    Chol Hamoed SuccotWednesday, October 19, 2011

    Childrens Hakafot, Candy,Flags, & Lots of Fun!Sunday, October 21, 2011

    Sukkah Hop

    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    Parshat Vayera Camp-Out

    Saturday, November 12, 2011

    Chanukah Ice Skating

    & Toy DriveTuesday, December 27, 2011

    Meet OurYouth Director

    Tamar Ehrenfeld & Family

    Tamar Ehrenfeld is very excited to be taking on the

    role of Youth Director at Kehilat Chovevei Tzion thisfall. Tamar is a graduate of Stern College,Yeshiva

    University and is currently pursuing a masters inJewish Education at Azrieli Graduate School in addi-

    tion to her MSW at Loyola University. Tamar movedto Skokie this past August with her husband Etanand their son Netanel from Yerushalayim where they

    were living last year. Etan is a member of the YUTorah Mitzion kollel. Tamar looks forward to getting

    to know the KCT community.

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    Kehillat Chovevei Tzion4000 Church Street | Skokie, IL 60076 | 847.763.6583 | www.SkokieShul.org