August 25, 2012 Dear Praying Partners and Friends, It was a day I thought would never arrive anymore. (God, please forgive me for my unbelief. I am only human.) With all the hindrances that arose, I seriously doubted whether it was still God’s plan for us to build and operate a Christian school using a Bible-believing curriculum for the Batak (plural for Batak is still Batak) of this place. My own health was seriously in jeopardy my cancer was threatening to come back, personal financial burdens overwhelmed me, relationships soured, ministry funds trickled down so low, communication between the tribes and I became very difficult with signal very low, the weather wouldn’t cooperate, a government project wanted to duplicate our program and was making our presence in the place redundant and then rumors that the tribes doesn’t want our group to spearhead the program of education in their place anymore. I was slowly losing my strength. I was considering giving up. I didn’t think I would still be able to go through with it anymore. Never mind the promise I made to this tribe in February of 2011 that we will open a school in their place in God’s time. Through it all God’s words in Isaiah 40:28-31 comforted me, 28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”. NIV He really gave me strength when I was terribly weary. As I lay in bed at night, I couldn’t imagine how things that looked bleak could turn bright. I just hoped and trusted in Him that He will be faithful to accomplish what He promised. I knew He was Sovereign. He completely allowed me to fall flat on my face so that I would have nothing in me that I could trust on but just rely on Him for everything even my very life. I remember some inspiring words by A. W. Tozer, If God has singled you out to be a special object of His grace you may expect Him to honor you with stricter discipline and greater suffering than less favored ones are called upon to endure....To do His supreme work of grace within you He will take from your heart everything you love most. Everything you trust in will go from you. Piles of ashes will lie where your most precious treasures used to be.I knew He was preparing us for something great. Though I was becoming weary, I couldn’t get mad at God. Not even when situations turned for the worse as they already were. I know He makes no mistakes. Everything that was happening was for a purpose. And though I could not see His plan, I just had to trust His heart. I made the song “Blessings” by Laura Story my ringtone and as a text message for me arrives, the words, “What if my blessing comes through raindrops? What if my healing comes through tears? What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re real? What if trials of this life, are Your mercies in disguise?” ring loudly roundabout each time.

Kalakwasan Travel 12

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Page 1: Kalakwasan Travel 12

August 25, 2012

Dear Praying Partners and Friends,

It was a day I thought would never arrive anymore. (God, please forgive me for my unbelief. I am only

human.) With all the hindrances that arose, I seriously doubted whether it was still God’s plan for us to

build and operate a Christian school using a Bible-believing curriculum for the Batak (plural for Batak is

still Batak) of this place. My own health was seriously in jeopardy – my cancer was threatening to come

back, personal financial burdens overwhelmed me, relationships soured, ministry funds trickled down so

low, communication between the tribes and I became very difficult with signal very low, the weather

wouldn’t cooperate, a government project wanted to duplicate our program and was making our

presence in the place redundant and then rumors that the tribes doesn’t want our group to spearhead

the program of education in their place anymore. I was slowly losing my strength. I was considering

giving up. I didn’t think I would still be able to go through with it anymore. Never mind the promise I

made to this tribe in February of 2011 that we will open a school in their place in God’s time.

Through it all God’s words in Isaiah 40:28-31 comforted me, “28 Do you not know? Have you not heard?

The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,

and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of

the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope

in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow

weary, they will walk and not be faint”. NIV

He really gave me strength when I was terribly weary. As I lay in bed at night, I couldn’t imagine how

things that looked bleak could turn bright. I just hoped and trusted in Him that He will be faithful to

accomplish what He promised. I knew He was Sovereign. He completely allowed me to fall flat on my

face so that I would have nothing in me that I could trust on but just rely on Him for everything – even

my very life.

I remember some inspiring words by A. W. Tozer, “If God has singled you out to be a special object of His grace you may expect Him to honor you with stricter discipline and greater suffering than less favored ones are called upon to endure....To do His supreme work of grace within you He will take from your heart everything you love most. Everything you trust in will go from you. Piles of ashes will lie where your most precious treasures used to be.” I knew He was preparing us for something great.

Though I was becoming weary, I couldn’t get mad at God. Not even when situations turned for the

worse as they already were. I know He makes no mistakes. Everything that was happening was for a

purpose. And though I could not see His plan, I just had to trust His heart. I made the song “Blessings”

by Laura Story my ringtone and as a text message for me arrives, the words, “What if my blessing comes

through raindrops? What if my healing comes through tears? What if a thousand sleepless nights are

what it takes to know You’re real? What if trials of this life, are Your mercies in disguise?” ring loudly

roundabout each time.

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Then slowly, things turned around. God gave me new partners and strengthened the old ones. We all

had the same vision to bring Christian education to this tribe. Sister Shirley Cruz of Living Word Christian

Fellowship continued to encourage me that our labor was not in vain. Pastor Young Yoon of Sweet Rain

Mission Philippines encouraged me to keep on and never to give up. Pastor Val Murillo Jr. of Covenant

Baptist Church told me to leave everything to God. Pastor Delbert Hooge and Mam Weng Kakilala said

they were praying for me and that God will give me wisdom as He leads me to the right path. Pastor

Ralph LaRosa of Global Mission Fellowship said they will be partnering with us in this endeavor. My

sending church in Iligan City – Icthus Iligan continued to give their prayers & support for the tribal

ministry and more and more partners were with us in prayer.

Finally, I met with the tribes & politely asked them if the rumors that they didn’t want us to bring the

education that they needed for their children to them were true. I have readied my heart that if it were

true, I would back out and open myself to be led by God to some other place where He would use me

again for His service. But they denied the rumors and told us openly that they still wanted what they

have begged God for since 2008 – a school for their children in their own village.

God is the Author of the storybook that our lives are telling of. He is the Molder of the clay that we are.

He is the Master Weaver of the masterpiece that we are about to become. He is our Shaper and


And so, after four years of the tribes’ asking God for a school, God led five of us - His precious children to

trudge on a trail towards the fulfillment of a dream. On August 18, 2012, we went to the village of

Kalakwasan, Tanabag, Puerto Princesa City. Since I could not walk for long distances due to the hip

replacement surgeries I have had, we contacted a man from Kalakwasan who owned a carabao and a

cart to bring me to the community carried by the cart that is pulled by the carabao so that I would not

have to go to the community on foot – walking. I call it my “carabao taxi”.

The trail started out fine. We were laughing at how ridiculous I looked on the carabao cart. As we

crossed the first river, I didn’t get wet yet as the water was still low. It felt funny riding on the cart. You

could feel the bumps of the trail. I put on some cushion on my buttocks as the bumpy trail was jarring

my artificial hips so much but it was not yet painful. The tribal guide whose name was Gadong had to

steer the carabao often to go back to the trail as it was frequently straying away to munch on some

delicious looking grass off the trail. Then you also have to avoid being hit when the carabao pees while

walking. It was an amusing ride but I had no choice as it was the only available way for me to be able to

reach the community.

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Riding on my carabao taxi

As we passed through the next rivers, I asked the guide to just let me cross the river on foot as the water

was getting deeper and half of my body was already getting wet. Add to that was that the carabao was

now choosing to pee in the river so that I will be bathe in carabao urine if I continue to ride the cart as

we crossed.

The carabao taxi crossing the second river

As we passed the third river, a man who was coming down informed us that the river was already

flooded up to the navel. Gadong looked concerned but we continued along the trail. Upon arrival on

the fourth river, it was already swelling with flood. What used to be just knee deep waters was already

chest deep. We were wondering how the river got flooded when there weren’t any drop of rain as we

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trekked along. Gadong explained that the rains must have poured so hard high up the mountain causing

the river downhill to be flooded.

The river now with raging flooded waters

Our rescuers repacking our cargoes to be carried on their shoulders

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Chieftain Doring on the rescue now repacking our cargoes to be carried on their shoulders

More rescuers repacking our cargoes to be carried on their shoulders

Before crossing, we already removed the cargoes on the cart to avoid getting wet. It now had to be

carried. To get me across, Gadong had to ride the cart with me to put on some added weight on the

cart. I was already soaking wet. We tried to cross the first crossing and the river water reached our

chest. On the second crossing, the Gadong judged the waters to be carabao deep. We had to turn back.

The carabao continued as it just swam across.

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Posing for posterity sake

Posing for Posterity Sake with Gadong (on black t-shirt) and team mates

We waited for the water to recede for a little bit as we revised our trail. The Chieftain said we had to

walk higher up the trail over a small hill where there was a crossing that wasn’t as flooded. As we

repacked our cargoes, more rescuers arrived. The water receded only by a half foot but it was better.

The rescuers could also now guide all of us as we cross the river. They tribesmen crossed first to bring

our cargoes on the other side. Then they returned to help us get across.

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My tribal guide turned to me as we were about to cross and warned me never to let go of his hand no

matter what happened. I placed in cellphone inside my bra so I could use both of my hands to hold on

to my guide. As we were crossing, we realized the current was too strong. But we were already in the

middle of the river and we couldn’t turn back. Pushing with everything we had, we proceeded to cross.

My legs were now starting to cramp but I knew if I gave up, we will be washed away. My guide kept on

treading on. But along the way, he hit his leg on a large rock causing him to lose his balance thus pulling

me along with him. I was now praying hard as the waters hit my chin. I was now soaking wet. I was

thinking that my cellphone has now gotten wet. I thought we were going to be swept away to the sea.

But then Gadong grabbed onto some vines and pulled as out of the water. I was drenched. As we

reached the other side of the river, I couldn’t let go of Gadong’s hands as my legs were about to give

way. Finally, he led me on to a rock where I could stand while he went to help the others cross..

As he went to get Bing Pedolin, Christian Light Foundation’s sponsorship director who came along to

visit the tribal community, Gadong now picked a large rock to carry while Bing held on to his other hand.

He had to carry the rock to put on weight on him so they would not be carried away by the current. On

the other side, I checked on my cellphone to see if it was now broken. To my surprise, it was still on. I

then took a video and photos of the others crossing for them to see how they looked.

All the while, my heart was singing with gratitude to the Lord for sending His angels to rescue us. I really

felt their presence. Meanwhile, I could hear inside my head my friends and family asking me if what I

was doing was worth it. It seemed foolish for us to proceed with the current situation. But then I

reevaluated that what happened was not something we could have predicted. The weather was very

fine and we didn’t know the current was that strong. And we could no longer turn back as it was getting

dark already and we didn’t have many flashlights with us. And yes. Everything was worth it all for the

sake of the CALL.

On the fifth river, the same thing happened to us. As Gadong and I was riding on the carabao cart, we

didn’t realize that the fifth river’s current was also as strong. The cart was carried away by the current.

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Gadong had to jump on the river bringing me along. I was again almost swept away by the current.

Teacher Becky’s, Gadong’s and Chieftain Doring’s slippers were carried away by the current when they

also fell as they were crossing the river. This time, I was just laughing about it already. We couldn’t go

back the trail anymore. We have already crossed the point of no return. It was either proceed or sleep

in the middle of the forest. The sun has set and the skies were darkening already. We only had one

flashlight. We still had six more rivers to cross.

On the sixth river, more rescuers with flashlights came. They brought along a rope where we can hold

on to as we crossed the deepest river crossing. We had to hold on the rope tightly so we would not be

carried again by the current. Praise God no more untoward event happened.

Preparing for dinner

We finally arrived at the tribal village at past 8:30PM. We were so cold, dead tired and terribly hungry.

We rushed to prepare our dinner. The women of the village hurried to fetch kettles and pans and

started a fire so we could boil water and cook our dinner (the food was with us so they couldn’t prepare

it in advance).

After a sumptuous meal that got us all refreshed, we prepared to rest. We thanked all those who

helped rescue us along the trail and we shared our dinner with them. After washing up and before

going to bed, our team had a group devotion where we spent the time thanking the Lord for His divine

protection that He poured upon us as we travelled. Though we were very tired, no one got seriously

hurt. His grace was sufficient for all of us.

As I lay in bed, my tired body was creaking and groaning. I was happy to be there because it would be

another opportunity to minister to these people but my body wasn’t cooperating as it was in pain from

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all the jarring while in the carabao taxi and from being almost being swept away by the river. I begged

God to give me rest and after a while, I was sleeping soundly like a baby.

Morning came and with the sweet sounds of praise music surrounding us, we thanked the Lord for a

fresh new day. We hurried to prepare the pancit we were to serve to the tribes during our Launching

Program at lunch time. We finished just before church started.

Our sleeping area

The Tribunal / Guest House

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Teacher Lina starting the fire

Cooking the Pancit

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We prepared ourselves for worship and joined the people in praise to God. It was such a wonderful time

of praise and worship. Being with tribal believers, you could see in their faces their joy as they clapped

and lifted up their hands in adoration to our Creator. Despite their plight in life, the simple joys they

have in life are very much appreciated. Different people went to the front to share their testimonies of

thanksgiving. Then the tribal pastor, Pastor Eliseo delos Angeles delivered the Word of God.

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After the church service, together we ate the pancit we cooked and everyone was filled. It was such a

happy time of fellowship for all. The children came back again and again asking for more refill. There

were plenty of food for all. What a joyous time we had.

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After that wonderful feast, we started our program. The Chieftain led the program. The Barangay

Captain and two of the Barangay Kagawads gave some inspiring words. During the program, different

parents spoke to thank the Lord for finally bringing to pass that which He has promised – a school will

finally be opened in Kalakwasan. Different issues came up and we allayed their apprehensions. We

recapped to them our vision of seeing their children trained in Biblical foundations and they affirmed

their desire for the same. We organized among them a School Board which will be partners of the

school in implementing the rules and regulations of the system. They wisely chose elders from among

them. We had a total enrollment of 35 students: 22 in pre-school and 13 in Level I.

Bing Pedolin of CLF talked to the parents and told them the importance of the Progress Report of the

children for the sponsors to see. We introduced the teachers: Teacher Becka (Rebecca Tamosa) and

Teacher Lina ( LIna Melancolico) and the people gave them their warm welcome. Bro. Rex Dagoan also

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reiterated his commitment to see the building completed. Finally, we set the opening of the school on

August 30, 2012.

Brgy Captain Dancel

Kagawad Venus Restar

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Sister Bing Pedolin

Teacher Lina Melancolico

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Teacher Rebecca Tamosa

Brother Rex Dagoan

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Dr. Wingky

Right now, we are busy completing the materials we will initially need for the school to operate. In the

meantime, we will hold classes in the church while the school building is being completed. The teachers

will be temporarily housed in their community meeting place or the tribunal. A lot of things are still

lacking. But we are trusting the Lord to meet these needs. We know that God’s work done in God’s way

will never lack provision.

Thank you for continually partnering with us in tribal ministry. The task is still great ahead. But I know

that we have a Great God and serving Him is the greatest privilege a Christian could ever have. Let me

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share to you the needs we are still praying for provision from the Great Provider so you could pray for us

as well.



One-time Need

Building Construction P60,000

Footwear P 2,975

Uniforms P18,725

Monoblock Chairs P10,000

Offices P 9,600

Scoring Station P 1,500

Filing Cabinet P 3,000

Teacher’s Table & Testing Table P 1,500

Storage Cabinet P 3,000

Solar Panel with Battery P25,000

Planer P 6,000

Carabao Cart P 5,000

TOTAL P146,300

Monthly Operational Needs

Teacher’s Allowance (for 3 teachers) P 6,000

Staff Food Allowance (P15/meal/staff) P 4,050

Transportation Allowance P 1,440

Kid’s School Supplies (for 35 kids) P 1,820

Papers P12/child

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Pencils P11/child

Ballpens P5.50/child

Erasers P8.50/child

Miscellaneous P15/child

Health Needs (P35/child) P 1,225

Miscellaneous P 1,000

Generator Diesoline P 1,710

TOTAL P17,245


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Recklessly abandoned for Christ,


Welthy E. Villanueva, O.D.,M.D.,DPAFP

Sinner Saved By Grace/Family Physician/Tribal Missionary

Missions Director

Heaven’s Eyes Tribal Missions

"It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not

be building on someone else's foundation. Rom 15:20 NIV