Justice & Charity

Justice a Charity

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Brief background on Justice as a charity

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  • Justice &Charity

  • LOVE / CHARITYFor he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. (1 Jn 4:20)

    Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.

  • Love of Neighbor in the S.S.Paradigm A

    Old TestamentNew TestamentParadigm BLoveofGodf



    Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.

  • Love / CharityLove, not fear, must dominate the relationships between individuals and between nations. It is principally a characteristic of love that it draws men together in all sorts of ways, sincerely united in te bonds of mind and matter; and this is a union from which countless blessings can flow. (PT #29)

    Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.

  • A Key to Catholic IdentityThe central message is simple: our faith is profoundly social. We cannot be called truly Catholic unless we hear and heed the Church's call to serve those in need and work for justice and peace.

    Communities of Salt and Light, U.S. Bishops, 1993

  • Justice in the World, 1971 SynodAction on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel, or, in other words, of the Church's mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation.

  • Forms of Justice Justice is rendering to each person or group of people their own and due by right.attributive justiceproportional justiceThe right to ones identity as a person including ones honor and reputation, ones property and ones capabilities & qualifications.It emphasis what a person may not own yet but is entitled to receive by virtue of his/her rights.CommulativeDistributive Legal or Legislative Social

    CreationCreation is good. The goods of the earth are meant for all.

    Special sacredness, human dignity of the personWhatever does violence to humans, does violence to God not just individuals, but institutions, laws, systems, policies.Humans are given dominion (not domination, but stewardship)This is the basis of idea of co-creation.We are not owners but caretakers, stewards.

    No dimension of human life lies beyond Gods care - engagement with Gods handiwork is itself reverence for God.

    CovenantExodus story - I will be your God and you will be my people.God intervenes in history to maintain their freedom and establish justice

    The people were to be part of the covenant by directing their lives toward God - eg. in their treatment of the poor

    Community-- God dwelled in the community. This is a far cry from the me and Jesus spirituality of today.

    Our Biblical heritage is communalCf. Zulu saying, A person is a person because of other people.Interdependence - We are not only sacred; we are social.

    The PoorWidows, orphans, aliens

    Isaiah 58

    Economic Justice for All: #38Central to the biblical presentation of justice is that the justice of a community is measured by its treatment of the powerless in society.

    the least, the left out, the lonely

    New Testament

    Mt. 25

    Lk 4:16

    Lk 15:1-3Jesus associated with the outcasts of society.

    Jn 10:1-18Jesus is the Good Shephard

    Lk 6:20-26Beatitudes

    1 Cor. 12:24-26If one member suffers, all suffer as one.

  • IndividualIndividualCommutative (Contractual)DistributiveContributiveSociety

    Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.

    Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.

    CreationCreation is good. The goods of the earth are meant for all.

    Special sacredness, human dignity of the personWhatever does violence to humans, does violence to God not just individuals, but institutions, laws, systems, policies.Humans are given dominion (not domination, but stewardship)This is the basis of idea of co-creation.We are not owners but caretakers, stewards.

    No dimension of human life lies beyond Gods care - engagement with Gods handiwork is itself reverence for God.

    CovenantExodus story - I will be your God and you will be my people.God intervenes in history to maintain their freedom and establish justice

    The people were to be part of the covenant by directing their lives toward God - eg. in their treatment of the poor

    Community-- God dwelled in the community. This is a far cry from the me and Jesus spirituality of today.

    Our Biblical heritage is communalCf. Zulu saying, A person is a person because of other people.Interdependence - We are not only sacred; we are social.

    The PoorWidows, orphans, aliens

    Isaiah 58

    Economic Justice for All: #38Central to the biblical presentation of justice is that the justice of a community is measured by its treatment of the powerless in society.

    the least, the left out, the lonely

    New Testament

    Mt. 25

    Lk 4:16

    Lk 15:1-3Jesus associated with the outcasts of society.

    Jn 10:1-18Jesus is the Good Shephard

    Lk 6:20-26Beatitudes

    1 Cor. 12:24-26If one member suffers, all suffer as one.Begin by explaining Commutative Justice between individuals as in a one-to-one contract.

    Then introduce the concept of society Distributive and Contributive Justice. Each involves the more complex and less obvious set of relationships and structures that make up society.

    Distributive justice how the benefits and burdens of society are distributed.Examples tax burdens, social security benefits, FHA loans

    Contributive justice our duty to contribute to the common good.Examples voting, paying taxes, etc.