"JUST-Us SERVED, YOU ARE HUMAN CAPITAL AND THE CORPORATION IS LIENING ON YOU" March 16, 2015 at 1:13pm By: Rene' Powers; One Mom on A Borough investigative journalist The rights of the Sovereign State's are a topic of mass conversations across our nation. The people within these discussions are one of four kinds, "Mislead", "Uninformed", "Claiming Sovereignty", "Claiming Standing Correctly". Boundary's give states Sovereignty and it is the Sovereign People in that state that give the public servants serving them the ability to claim "Sovereign Immunity under the Eleventh Amendment". This article is for all four categories of the people while bringing an observation and my opinion of how the Sovereign states can hold the power of the people, while honoring the business as usual in place at this time. Don't let the CORPORATION LIEN on you. This weekend i took the time to attend 2 meetings. One of the meetings was in Anza, California and the other was in Victorville, California. Both meetings were brought together because of the concern for the people being protected and being served by the public servants in office. After gathering the experience from both meetings one thing stood out to me, the people are vastly uneducated on their true rights and standing to enforce their own desires of obtaining freedom. On Friday afternoon i received a text message asking me to attend a meeting in Anza California. i was 2 hours away from this meeting, but the invitee gave reason to feel it was important for me to attend. The meeting was a town hall gathering of the men and women who live in the Anza area. The Sheriffs were the guest speakers. My travel partner was Thomas Mick, the writer and founder of "A Plan of Action to Restore the American Republic". The Sheriff's gave information on the drop in crimes, arrests of culprits who were stealing cars and possessions of the local people. He spoke about the fact he is a public servant, there to serve. (this is where Thomas and i looked at each other with surprise and exchanged the thought we were very glad to be in that room listening as this was not how most Sheriffs or police officers present themselves. But we hope that the future finds

JUST-US served my article

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By: Rene' Powers; One Mom on A Borough

investigative journalist

The rights of the Sovereign State's are a topic of mass conversations across our nation. The

people within these discussions are one of four kinds, "Mislead", "Uninformed", "Claiming

Sovereignty", "Claiming Standing Correctly". Boundary's give states Sovereignty and it is the

Sovereign People in that state that give the public servants serving them the ability to claim

"Sovereign Immunity under the Eleventh Amendment". This article is for all four categories

of the people while bringing an observation and my opinion of how the Sovereign states can

hold the power of the people, while honoring the business as usual in place at this time.

Don't let the CORPORATION LIEN on you.

This weekend i took the time to attend 2 meetings. One of the meetings was in Anza, California and

the other was in Victorville, California. Both meetings were brought together because of the concern

for the people being protected and being served by the public servants in office. After gathering the

experience from both meetings one thing stood out to me, the people are vastly uneducated on their

true rights and standing to enforce their own desires of obtaining freedom. 

On Friday afternoon i received a text message asking me to attend a meeting in Anza California. i

was 2 hours away from this meeting, but the invitee gave reason to feel it was important for me to

attend. The meeting was a town hall gathering of the men and women who live in the Anza area.

The Sheriffs were the guest speakers. My travel partner was Thomas Mick, the writer and founder


                                                                     "A Plan of Action to Restore the American Republic". 

The Sheriff's gave information on the drop in crimes, arrests of culprits who were stealing cars and

possessions of the local people. He spoke about the fact he is a public servant, there to serve. (this

is where Thomas and i looked at each other with surprise and exchanged the thought we were very

glad to be in that room listening as this was not how most Sheriffs or police officers present

themselves. But we hope that the future finds this the norm) We continued to listen and hear a

Sheriff's team that the people know by first name, who show they care and are willing to listen. This

was a great meeting that gave me reason to address the Sheriff with a handshake before leaving.

As i shook the hand of the Sheriff Captain i thanked him for his service and respect shown the

people at that meeting. He told me that is his duty and he is a servant of the people. i told him

about my work with other Sheriffs across the nation and about my show with the intent to possibly

bring him on air in the future when other Constitutionally minded Deputies and leaders to share air

time, he was open to the invitation. This is truly how we must operate, by networking with the public

servants who want to serve the people. As Thomas and i left that meeting we both smiled and

decided that the tide is turning when we can experience this kind of meeting.

On Saturday an invitation to attend an OathKeeper meeting was accepted and again Thomas Mick

traveled with me. The meeting was very informative, relating to national security issues and how we

the people can work together to support the liberties we must claim and stand upon. The discussion

of Christians being slaughtered and persecuted in foreign countries led to discussions of how we

must protect the people right here in our nation. A man stood and shared a statement many across

the lands share, "Why are the terrorists being allowed to operate within our country, set up training

camps and not be arrested?". i stood to share my facts as shared by those who know the answer.

Why is corruption being allowed to operate in our nation? The fact is that when a man or woman

know how to do business with the current "Corporation" in charge, it is all aboutprocedure outside

of the court and that allows the corrupt, as well as the good guys to do business. The nations

being created within our nation are being created using the procedure set forth for we the people,

but most of the people of our nation have been taught to fear the procedure that is our right. 

What is the procedure? The nations of the people being deemed "foreigners, illegals, thieves of our

resources" are actually able to operate because they are claiming territory void of jurisdiction based

on the paperwork or business conducted and claimed. They know that they have rights within the

CORPORATION to form THEIR own business and do business inside of the jurisdiction under the

guise of "permission" not needed because they are not Corporate Entities of the CORPORATION,

but have Their own Identity claimed, status. 

The right to live without the interference of the "permissive state"  is yours and was yours first.

When the PEOPLE complain (seen as a whining child) about why others get more than they do, that

it is THEIRS, this is just as a CHILD crying someone got more chocolate than THEM. Why do you

have the right to say THEY have no rights? YOU don't, but You have the right to claim Yours.

The lies perpetuated about the Sovereign people were never more evident than at the meeting in

Victorville. As i spoke about the nations within a nation and about the rights of the American National

people i overheard a woman asking if that wasn't something to do with "Sovereign Citizens". I leaned

over to her and whispered, "there is no such thing as a Sovereign Citizen and that after the

meeting i'd explain further". After the meeting, as she approached me she said, "Sovereign Citizens

kill police officers!". At hearing this statement my head dropped and then rose with conviction

of facts.

i told the woman that there is no such thing as a "Sovereign Citizen", further shared that

theFederal Corporation hired over 40 thousand agents to infiltrate the Patriot community in

order to mislead and misinform the people. The woman actually stated "Sovereign Citizens kill

police officers!", i was then faced with the truth that the people, even those going to meetings about

how to save our country are feeding into the propaganda, not educating themselves or hearing the


Why Sovereignty matters to America: http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/12/why-


The facts shared with this woman included that public servants when sued claim their Sovereign

Immunity under the 11th Amendment, which they can only claim as servants of the Sovereign.

i further shared that she was a product of the propaganda machine and that i'd debate her all day

long about the facts vs. propaganda of her outlandish statement that slanders the facts and good

people of the nation. 

Upon hearing my facts, the woman scurried off. Why did she scurry off? Because i told her that now

that she had facts she was responsible for undoing any propaganda she shared previously due

to the lies she was fed. She was now responsible for the facts and that scares the hell out of people.

Why are people so willing to spread the propaganda and scared of the very thing that gives them

their true Freedoms? i believe it is their comfort zone.

Men and Women of our nation have been led to live a life of lies, but it has become the comfort

zone under which a fairy tale is read at bedtime, one that tells of a government that takes care of

YOU through "permissions", "Social Security", "Welfare", "Insurance" and more. This fairy tale is of a

nation that is under the control of a government that does not exist. If the government doesn't exist,

then what does? A CORPORATION. Though we do not have a real government we do have a

CORPORATION that has been "given permission" to take charge of YOU as your guardian of

your estate with a financial lien upon you.

Until we have a government for the people and of the people again we will not have what so

many are claiming, which is the rights of the people. As the PEOPLE you have no rights. The

Government has a lien on the living human beings in America that have arm and legs. You

had a lien placed on You at birth, a Human Capital UCC lien, until You claim Your foreign

status as an American National everything being done to You is being done as owned by the


(see document at: http://i-uv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Exe-Order-No.-13037-UCC-

that-humans-are-capital.pdf )

Thomas Mick and i drove away from this meeting with the head scratching that comes when it is

noticed that the very people attending these meetings about taking back control of our nation have

no clue how easy it really is. We do not have to fight so hard, it is all about recognizing that right now

we have a right to do business with the Corporation that our ancestors have allowed to control our

country. The fact shows we do not operate with a government for the people, but a CORPORATION

FOR PROFIT off of the people. The people are the only ones to bring a real government back to our

nation. What we currently have is a way of life based on stealing our lives and using them for the

profit of a few. The FEW do not want the truth to be shared, so i will refrain from the facts of how, but

i share that it exists and it is up to You to learn.

We have been turned into an ENTITY for the benefit of the CORPORATION in control of YOU. What

is fact is that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. operates, OPERATES, as the business of

our nation. Within the business are sub-corporations with the title "YOU". The court system operates

only in commerce, hence YOU again. The IRS operates in commerce regarding income, another tool

of propaganda perpetuated by the CORPORATION is that Sovereigns don't pay their taxes. As YOU

are a federal entity, YOU are misguided to believe you have rights if you do not claim them. A US

CITIZEN is an employee of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with no rights. 

Do you know what income is? Do you know that to pay taxes on your wages is not income? That is

fact. Those who recognize this fact are not crazy and are not operating improperly by not paying

taxes on wages exchanged for time. Do you know that an American National who claims their

standing will pay taxes when they have income based on their status? This is a question that will

answer to the facts of Income Tax. The Sovereign who has income will cooperate with the tax

corporation, it was set up to tax the income of the people, not wages. The problem is that if the IRS

allows clarity through facts then You will all claim that which is Yours and honorably pay the taxes on

the income that the CORPORATION must pay you. (this is advanced PUBLIC vs. Private and once

you comprehend the facts and have your ah-haaa moment it will be evident to You that YOU have

value for You to honorably claim. Those of YOU who choose to stay in your comfort zone will

continue to create national debt while enriching the CORPORATION).

The CORPORATION does not want You to make claims to your rights, your real rights to proceed in

honor and commerce without the jurisdiction of a system that gives Attorneys, judges and public

servants the ability to make a lot of $$$$ off of YOU. In the court YOU are worth a lot in bonds and

commerce, the court has no jurisdiction over the living man or woman, just the Corporate fiction that

was created to perpetuate the profits of the CORPORATION. Your rights begin when You learn who

You really are. The CORPORATION does not lose when you claim your rights, it just doesn't make

money in the same fashion, but it does get taxes based on your income which will support THEIR


I digressed from the outcome of my weekend findings in research. I found that even those

who have come to the higher education of facts vs. propaganda will stand in the propaganda

when their comfort zone is threatened. The propaganda machine has done an excellent job in

"marketing" their BUSINESS to the masses. Are you tired of the "COMMERCIALS"? If you

want to live a life free of COMMERCE owns you and stand in honor as the man or woman you

are, then think about what lies you are being fed by the MSM and the CORPORATION. For the

CORPORATION also tells you the truth and it is in your face, able to be found right at the tip

of your nose, google and learn. 

Do you really want Justice? If you want justice it is up to Us, "Just-Us", the men and women of

this nation to learn that we are Sovereign people, we can stand in honor, pay the taxes due, live

in our quiet enjoyment and be honorable to the CORPORATIONS doing business around us.

That does not mean we have to be abused and take it, that does not mean we must back down and

ask "permission" for all we do. Those who know the facts and stand in the truth recognize that the

CORPORATION knows the fact is that We the People hold the power, but the people have

coward to the BUSINESS. You cannot claim that which you have not ordered. The rights You have

without ordering are Your Inalienable rights that belong to you as a man or woman. 

When you do business with an entity they have the right to dictate how THEIR business is

done, just as you do in Your business. Since the fact is a business was created on us by a

lien at birth, we must recognize the facts and what We can do as the People to live in honor

and claim the profits of the business we have a right to when claimed at the age of majority.

When you go to a fast food restaurant, do you stand at the "pick-up" window before

ordering? The same goes for You, if you stand and want Your rights upheld by the

CORPORATION, You have to order them FIRST! Place your order at the right window and then

you can rejoice in picking up the rights You have. But, do not forget, You can always eat at

home too. At home is where your Inalienable rights live, inside You and they were always Yours.

Public Servants exist for the people, not for THE PEOPLE, yet the public servants have been able to

operate out of order, violating the very rights that are not YOURS but are Yours. Stand in honor as

it is "Just-Us" who may claim their order. 

Why would the Federal agencies put out false reports about Sovereign Citizens, when there is no

such thing? If you THINK about the "business as usual platform" of the CORPORATION, the

CORPORATION makes money by keeping people from claiming their sovereignty that they

have a right to claim.  Why? Many who have learned of the facts and now stand in honor as

American Nationals refer to claiming their private side as "Going Home".

If you are a contractor building homes and all of a sudden the people find out they don't have to build

a home, they have one already built and waiting for them to move in, wouldn't you want to stop that

message from getting out? Wouldn't you want to advertise a "better way of living in the house YOU

built"? The house YOU build for the people will give them more shelter and protection and the

"other" house, although theirs, isn't the right one for them? 

Well men and women, you have a home that is You and the business of YOU is called

your PUBLIC TRUST created by the CORPORATION that you should have been given

administrative power over when you were 18.  It is a trust that does create the income that the IRS

may collect off of, an income that is Yours off of that trust. Don't you want to claim that? Don't

you want to "go home"?  Now can you stop and think about why the CORPORATION doesn't want

you in on the fact that being Sovereign is what you have a right to?

i hope that this article makes you think. When the CORPORATION puts out propaganda

telling you what not to do, think, eat, read or act upon maybe it is the exact opposite that You

really need. You must honor yourself and your estate.   if you do not take ownership of your

rights they do not exist. Quit allowing the CORPORATION TO LIEN ON YOU!  The

Corporation does not need to treat You as the enemy, it can do business with you as

intended when the CORPORATION formed. Greed just got in the way of "JUST-Us".

        __         18 U.S.C. § 1918 : US Code - Section 1918: Disloyalty and asserting the right to

strike against the Government__________

When someone announces the thoughts of harming, or murdering a Sovereign, claims that

slander the men and women who are honorably claiming what is theirs to claim, this is seen

to me as an act of domestic terrorism, a hate crime. The Sovereign stand in honor of the

Constitution, as should the public servants who take their oath to the same.  When attacking

a Sovereign man or women it is my research that shows it is a violation of 18 US Code

Subsection 1918:

Whoever violates the provision of section 7311 of title 5 that an individual may not accept or

hold a position in the Government of the United States or the government of the District of

Columbia if he - (1) advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government; (2) is

a member of an organization that he knows advocates the overthrow of our constitutional

form of government; (3) participates in a strike, or asserts the right to strike, against the

Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia; or (4) is a

member of an organization of employees of the Government of the United States or of

individuals employed by the government of the District of Columbia that he knows asserts

the right to strike against the Government of the United States or the government of the

District of Columbia; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year and

a day, or both. - See more




Rod Class


Federal Trade Commission:

Federal Reserve System:

Office of Thrift Supervision

Comptroller of the Currency:

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:

National Credit Union Administration

Security and Exchange Commission:

Commodities Future Trading Commission:

Columbia Law Review


David Wynn Miller:


The people are the Sovereign

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Diana Howard WITHDRAW YOURSELVES FROM ALL SLAVERY!March 16 at 1:18pm · Unlike · 3

Gregory Hanford Wow!!! that IS AWESOME Rene!!! sharing...The NWO will LOSE!!!!..if don't get Nuked first.March 16 at 3:02pm · Unlike · 3

Rene Powers http://www.heritage.org/.../why-does-sovereignty-matter...

Why Does Sovereignty Matter to America?The Founding Fathers understood that, if America does not have sovereignty, it does not have independence. This volume in the Understanding America series...HERITAGE.ORG

March 18 at 8:01am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Adam Nolen AwesomeMarch 25 at 7:32am · Unlike · 1

Gregory Hanford Rene and others Sheriff Mack is going to be on Alex Jones show.Today....either this hour or next hour.March 25 at 10:01am · Like · 1

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Rene Powers

Radio Host  at One Mom on a Borough

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