Just One Yesterday (draft)

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  • 7/21/2019 Just One Yesterday (draft)


    Just One Yesterday


    Carmilla watched as her father's name was carved onto one of the walls of the Karnstein familymausoleum. Her mother, Adelaide Karnstein, had her hand on the three-year-old's shoulders. Beside her

    fathers name, two more names were eing carved in! his silings, Carmillas aunt and uncle. "heir ashes

    were scattered outside earlier that day along with those of their s#ouses $with the e%ce#tion of Adelaide

    who survived the encounter$a&a malao (aye the #arenthesis could e worded etter)).

    *he heard someone sniffling to her left followed y someone shushing hima shush.

    + want my mommy+

    +illiam, e /uiet 0ou're ma&ing me loo& ad1

    23o care here mommy1

    20our mommy and daddy aren't coming ac& And neither are mine+

    Carmilla stared curiously as her three-year-old cousin, illiam 4isen continued to ma&e a fuss. "heir

    other cousin, Alessandra vers who was only a year older than them, held him down and sto##ed him

    from running out of the mausoleum.

    Adelaide moved to &neel in front of the other two children. Alessandra, or 5e% as her cousins called her,

    immediately loo&ed emarrassed. *he shot an annoyed loo& at illiam efore loo&ing ac& at Adelaide.

    +Aunt Adelaide 'm so sorry ill's 6ust eing difficult and-+

    +7h hush, dear. t's all right. understand. 'm sure Carmilla does too. sn't that right, love+

    Carmilla nodded. f she were honest, she didn't want to e here. t was raining outside, ma&ing the whole

    mausoleum colder than it normally was. t was also strange eing surrounded y the names of different

    generations of +core Karnsteins+ as everyone else li&ed to #ut it. 8nfortunately for the young

    girlCarmilla, her mother e%#ected her the young girlto act indifferent!to show all the other #urelood

    families that the Karnsteins are still strong even after losing three of its most influential memers9 that she

    and her cousins will e ale to #ic& u# the slac& when they grew older.

    Conrad Karnstein, Carmilla's father, was the (inister for$of Haha not sure)(agic. He married Adelaide

    (organ, a #urelood witch and a fellow *lytherin, at the age of :;. Adelaide is wasthe *enior

    8ndersecretary to the (inister for (agic, and is currently the acting (inister.

    Conrads sister Cassandra, was the Head of the Auror 7ffice and 5e%s mother. *he married

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    +(y dear Conrad wouldn't want me to leave the children of his eloved silings alone. hy don't the two

    of you come live with us "he home will e /uiet after1 Adelaide #aused for a moment, , ah, 2what

    ha##ened to Conrad.+

    Carmilla #er&ed u#. Her cousins $well, s#ecifically Alessandra5e%. illiam was- no isa rat), were the

    only ones she loo&ed forward to in their family gatherings. f they came to live with her and her mother,

    then maye she wouldn't e so lonely.

    5e% loo&ed uncomfortale. +Aunt Adelaide, it's really too much-+

    +3o 3onsense, child1 Adelaide said, #utting hands on 5e%s shoulders. 2And it's (other, now.+

    +"han& you, Au- erm, (other.+ By now, ill had sto##ed crying and was now loo&ing at Adelaide with

    wide eyes.

    Adelaide smiled. +4%cellent. hen all this is over, there is much have to teach the three of you.+

    Carmilla and 5e% e%changed a loo&. *uddenly, the idea of living with her cousins didn't sound as

    a##ealing as it initially did

    2Alessandra, darling,1 Adelaide said while getting u#. 2Please watch your cousins. "here's someone

    need to s#ea& to.1


    Adelaide #ulled her trench coat around her and tied it tighter. A man wearing ain along coat was standing

    a few feet away from the outside of the mausoleum. "he man was smo&ing a cigarette ,which he#rom#tly

    stam#ed stam#ing it out as soon as he saw Adelaide a##roaching.

    2>e#ort,1 Adelaide commanded.

    "he man stood u# straighterefore s#ea&ing. 2*o far, noody sus#ects a thing. "he #a#ers all say that itwas an accident. "hough, there isone re#orter whos digging a little too much.1

    He showed Adelaide a #icture. Her li# curled in distaste when she recogni=ed the woman.

    2Barton.1 Adelaide scowled. f it was still #ossile, the air grew even colder.

    "he man shivered and shoved his hands into his #oc&ets. 20ou &now her1

    Adelaide stood u# straighter. 2*he was a former classmate of mine.1 *he loo&ed #ointedly at the man.

    2?et rid of her.1

    "he man raised an eyerowat Adelaide. 2Peo#le might not elieve the words of one re#orter ut 'm sure

    they'll elieve the words of a dead one.1

    Adelaide narrowed her eyes. 2Has she a##roached anyone aout her sus#icions1

    23o,ut she couldve written her research down somewhere.1

    2"hen destroy everything. (a&e sure it loo&s li&e an accident, . you're 0ou're good at that anyway.1

    "he man nodded. 20es (a'am.,understood8nderstood.1

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    24verything must go as #lanned. "he 5ight is hungry and it wantswaitingto e fed.1

    Adelaide wal&ed ac& into the mausoleum. "he man nodded and slowly slun& into the shadows.

    Cha#ter @! Heal

    Take mypast and take mysins like an emptysail takes the wind.

    Thirteen years later...

    Carmilla s/uirmed under the covers of her ed. 4verything was so soft and warm and #erfect and-

    +7w hat the fuc&+ Carmilla sat u# and glared at the #erson who threw a ig heavy trun& at her.

    +?et u#,+ 5e% said sim#ly. + already #ac&ed all your shit.+ *he was almost dressed, only lac&ing her

    *lytherin roes and Head ?irl adge.

    Carmilla said nothing and 6ust threw herself ac& on the ed, urying her head into the #illow.

    5e% sighed and as she wal&ed over to one of the curtains and threw them o#en. "he sunlight hit Carmilla's

    face. *he yel#ed and tumled off the ed. 5e% moved to the ne%t set of curtains, did the same then

    #roceeded to the ne%t and so on until Carmilla's room was right and sunny. "he said girl, on the other

    hand wasn't so sunny.

    +uc&ing hell, 5e%,+ she groaned and #ushed herself u#. +'m u#, o&ay. 3ow get out.+

    5e% smir&ed and threw her hands u# in a gesture of +surrender+.

    +7&ay, o&ay. Calm down, cran&y #ants,+ she said. +0ou etter dress u# /uic&ly unless you want illiam

    to eat all the food.+

    Carmilla groaned and threw a random shoe at her cousin who dodged the #ro6ectile with ease.

    5e% shoo& her head and wal&ed out of the room, shutting it /uietly ehind her. Her cousin's slee# was

    distured enough. *he'll get u#.


    5e% and illiam went ahead to find a #rivate com#artment on the Hogwarts 4%#ress. Carmilla hung ac&

    to doule-chec& her things $at 5e%s insistence ecause +Carmilla Ale%is (. Karnstein, 'm graduating at

    the end of this school year and won't e around to ma&e sure your things are com#lete so you etter get

    used to doule-chec&ing and tri#le-chec&ing your things+)

    Carmilla sighed and stood u#. *he #ushed her trolley and left her stuff luggage with the #orter. *he

    entered the train ringing only a oo& and egan to loo& for her cousins. *he scowled at the other studentswho made a lot of fuss u#on seeing each other.

    (Boo-hoo. You see your friends again. No need to act so excited you lackwit.!

    "hey 6ostled her around, much to her dis#leasure. Carmilla finally sna##ed when some girl in ?ryffindor

    roes um#ed her, causing her to dro# her oo&. Her Carmillas#refect adge was also &noc&ed off her


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    +Bloody hell+ *he ent down to get her oo&, while the other girl #ic&ed u# her adge $she didn't even

    want to e a #refect and she's sure 5e% andor her mother #ulled some strings. H77 maye theres a

    way to turn this #arenthesis into a sentence to follow u# since it sounds forced)

    +7h cra# 'm so sorry+

    Carmilla fro=e at the sound of hervoice. *he stood u#, holding her oo& while the ?ryffindor girlaw&wardly held out her adge.




    Five years ago...

    +atch where you're going+ Carmilla sna##ed. *he dro##ed her oo& and she hastily ent down to #ic&

    it u#. *he ins#ected the oo& to ma&e sure its s#ine didn't wrin&le and that its #ages weren't wrec&ed.

    +- 'm sorry,+ the other girl said a little timidly. *he loo&ed u# at Carmilla who said nothing to

    ac&nowledge the a#ology. *he Carmilla6ust continued glaring at her.

    +8m... my name is 5aura 5aura Hollis+ 5aura stretched out her right hand ut Carmilla didn't ta&e it.

    ("eriously this girl is so chipper. "he#d pro$a$ly get sorted into %ufflepuff. Those hippies.!

    + don't have time for #leasantries,+ Carmilla mumled, loo&ing away.

    5aura frowned at her. +hy are you so rude to me+ *he crossed her arms and #outed.

    Carmilla's li# /uir&ed.

    ("o may$e she#s cute when she pouts. "he#s still annoying.!

    *he waved a hand dismissively. +

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    5e% sighed. 2hat you did was too much. wanted you to #lay smart, not violently. n case you forgot,

    youre sus#ended from the >avenclaw and ?ryffindor games this season.1

    2ait. hy >avenclaw too1 he demanded.

    20ou &noc&ed Clara it=roy off her room after you hit a ludger towards her head.1

    2And rememer you nearly aandoning your #ost to save her, cus. 0ou yelled at everyone to save her.

    Almost cost us the game.1

    2 did it so >avenclaw wouldnt haror any ill-feelings towards the entire team, hell, the entire house. Fust


    ill frowned. 2And now that chaser has a *tarswee#er EE signed y ?inny easley-Potter of the

    Holyhead Har#ies. Care to e%#lain that1

    5e% raised an eyerow. 2A gesture of good faith, ill. eally, illiam. thought you #aid attention to everything she taught us.1

    ill glared at his older cousin whose face remained e%#ressionless. inally, ills shoulders slum#ed. He

    nodded and said, 2ine.1

    23ow that that&ssettled,1 5e% turned to face the other three. 2"heres a #refect meeting at the usual #lace

    in ten minutes. hat on earth #ossessed the Headmaster to a##oint Adam (artin as the Head Boy is

    eyond me.1

    2 thought (athias Avery was the Head Boy1

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    20es, as Adam oh so elo'uently said, this meetingD1

    28m, 6ust a clarification,1 said 5ola Perry, the G th0ear Huffle#uff #refect. 2uidditch ca#tains who arent

    #refects are still going to e allowed in our athrooms.1

    5e% nodded and leaned forward. 20es, ut theyre no longer allowed to ta&e #oints away from other

    houses even in uidditch-related matters. Brady (ichaelson was already sanctioned for ausing his rightsas Huffle#uff uidditch ca#tain.1 *he glanced at Perry. 23o offense to your house.1

    23one ta&en1 Perry said $a little too cheerfully, Carmilla noted.) 2He deserved it.1

    2>ight. "his meeting is ad6ourned.1

    Carmilla stretched and stifled a yawn. *he may not have wanted to e #refect ut either 5e%s or her

    mothers re#utation would e frowned u#on should she choose to act terrily $she couldnt care any less

    aout her mothers ut 5e%'s definitely mattered. *he couldnt ris& it. *hed never admit it out loud ut

    she actually cared aout her cousin.)

    Carmilla noticed the loody Ama=on, waitsorry, anny#ut an arm around 5aura. "hey were 6oined y


    *he Carmilla regretted what ha##ened etween her and 5aura the #revious year. Fust when things were

    starting to get etter, her mother 6ust had toD

    2Carm, you o&ay1 5e% as&ed.

    Carmilla loo&ed u# at her cousins forest green eyes. *he closed her eyes and sighed. 2m asolutely

    golden, 5e%,1 she drawled.

    5e% frowned and straightened her tie which had ecome croo&ed ecause as she &e#t fiddling with it

    every time Adam said or did something that irritated ir&ed her. *he o#ened her mouth to say something

    ut ill #i#ed u#.

    2*he was #roaly daydreaming aout that #int-si=ed ?ryffindor nerd.1

    ()h that little*!

    He smir&ed at Carmilla who gave him the finger.

    2"hat shi# sun& last year, (amas Boy.1 *he crossed her arms and #ut her feet u# on the lac& tale.

    ill leaned forward and restedhis chee& on his right hand. 20et you still go all Iheart-eyes when you see

    her, Kitty.1

    27h yeah ellD1

    2ill the two of you sto# ic&ering1 5e% cut in. 2m getting a migraine.1 *he rued her forehead. 2Butills right, Carm. 0ou still give her heart-eyes.1

    Carmilla crum#led u# a #age from the noteoo& she was doodling on during the meeting and chuc&ed it

    at 5e%,who#rom#tlycaught it.

    23o littering. And really, you should &now etter than to throw things at a keeper.1 *he smir&ed.

    Carm rolled her eyes at her cousin. 2hatever. Can we go ac& to the other com#artment now "his one

    ree&s of u#tight #refects.1

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    ill laughed and 5e% shoo& her head.

    28nelievale. 5ets go.1


    2*o hotties, how was the meeting1 ilson Kirsch, G th0ear ?ryffindor and the eater of their uidditch

    team, as&ed.

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    All eyes turned to 5aura who shifted uncomfortaly. Her row furrowed in confusion and she scratched

    the ac& of her head. 28m. 'm a little confused with the terms ut, uh, my mother was a witch and my

    dads,1 5aura fumled with her words. 2well, not. never really got to &now my mother since she died

    when was three. (y dad told me she went to Hogwarts so when got my acce#tance letter 6um#ed at

    the chance to get to &now her somehow.1

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    And they the two &e#t ic&ering for the rest of the ride. Perry shoo& her head and 5a #o&ed her Perrys

    side. 5aura sim#ly smiled. *he felt li&e she was around #eo#le she could de#end on. *uddenly, Hogwarts

    didn't seem so scary.

    Cha#ter :! "he *tory of 8s%ow#d we end up this way, "ee me nerously pulling at my clothes and trying to look $usy and you#redoing your $est to aoid me.


    2irst years #lease follow me1 avenclaw sighed in relief when 5e%

    sus#ended him from their games. Huffle#uff wasn't so luc&y.

    5ast among the Karnstein cousins was none other than Carmilla. *he's the daughter of the current

    (inister for (agic, Adelaide Karnstein. According to #eo#le, Adelaide regarded her as her 2glittering

    girl1 and raised her to e charming which Carmilla admittedly was if she wanted to e. However,

    Carmilla oviously didn't li&e the attention her mother gave her ma&ing her the most reellious among

    her cousins. t sur#rised everyone when she was named as a *lytherin #refect ac& when she was in her

    fifth year. Peo#le thought that her mother was the one who #ulled strings so Carmilla would get the

    #osition ut 5aontaine had their money on 5e%. 5e% oviously cared a lot for her cousin and wasn't

    #leased with her reellious nature so she #roaly thought that ma&ing her #refect would teach her a

    lesson, somehow.

    "he >avenclaws had a small grudge against Carmilla ecause des#ite her slac&ing, she continued to get

    outstanding mar&s in her su6ects. "hey accused 5e% of cheating for her cousin ut 5aontaine could tell

    that such an act was eneath the girl. hich left only one other e%#lanation! Carmilla was 6ust

    infuriatingly good. *he was one of the est see&ers in uidditch and to this day, hasn't een ested y any

    of the other see&ers.

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    5aontaines attention was diverted away from the Karnstein cousins to Perry when the latter a##roached

    a shy loo&ing first year. Perry &nelt in front of her, smiled, then and as&ed her a few /uestions. "he girl

    answered shyly at first then she,graduallyecame ecoming more enthusiastic with her answers. 5a

    couldn't hel# ut smile at the scene. "he girl reminded them of a young Perry during her first few years at


    Perry and they were friends since childhood. Perry, eing a year older, went to Hogwarts first. "he older

    girl was so terrified efore leaving on the Hogwarts 4%#ress. "he fear was even more am#lified ecause

    her est friend wouldn't e with her. "hat was #retty much the reason why 5a was a hat stall during their

    sorting ceremony.

    7nce all the first years were safely inside "he ?reat Hall, the #refects and *tudent Heads sat with their

    res#ective houses. 5aontaine and Perry sat ne%t to each other at the Huffle#uff tale. 5aura ended u#

    right etween

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    5a sim#ly smiled and re#lied with, 2 guess was a Huffle#uff at heart.1 Perry loo&ed at them and

    smiled so warmly they felt their heart melt. "hey would give anythingto ma&e sure Perry always smiled

    li&e that.


    Five Years Ago

    25aontaine, *usan1

    5a scowled at the name. Her #arents thought they were a girl until they rought them home and found

    out they were that&ind of (etamor#hmagus. t was too late to change their name on their irth certificate

    to a more gender neutral one which was why they called them y their surname instead.

    "hey sat on the stool and the *orting Hat was #laced on their head.

    h a metamorphmagus the Hat s#o&e in their head. Your kind is ery rare. %mmm let#s see. You#re

    fiercely loyal and courageous. /#d say-


    0ait1 5a shouted in their head. f it was #ossile, the hat scowled. "hey could feel its irritation.

    0hat#s this, You think /#m wrong, /#e $een used for generations. /#m neer wrong.

    5a sighed. 4veryone was loo&ing at her curiously. / know / know. /t#s 2ust that my friend 3erry."hey

    felt the *orting Hat shift to loo& at the said girl. "he#d $e alone in %ufflepuff and / don#t want her to $e


    That#s not how sorting works.

    5aontaine scowled. Yeah $ut can#t you make an exception 2ust this once,

    "hey felt the hat thin&ing. 0ell you can $e as loyal and as nice as a %ufflepuff added to the fact that

    your mother was one. 4ery well. / shall sort you in-

    2Huffle#uff1 t announced.

    5aontaine reathed a sigh of relief. "he Huffle#uff tale cheered. "hey sat down ne%t to Perry who gave

    them a hug.

    2hat too& you so long1 Perry as&ed them.

    "hey grinned at her and said, 2 guess it fell aslee# trying to loo& for my #ersonality.1

    Perry laughed. "he ha##iness on their friends face was definitely worth that nerve-wrac&ing



    *everal more #eo#le were called after 5aontaine. 5aura an%iously waited for her turn. Her father didn't

    say anything aout her mothers house and even though

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    as she &ind enough to e a Huffle#uff as she cunning enough to e a *lytherin as she smart

    enough to e a >avenclaw 7r was she rave enough to e ?ryffindor

    +Hollis, 5aura+ Professor 5ongottom called out.

    ()h god oh god oh god. No. Not yet. /#m not ready how does this work, /#m confused. %elp. "omeone

    help1 o / 2ust sit, m / supposed to say something or-!

    3lease stop the hat said.

    )h it#s on my head.5aura shifted in her seat. "o how does this work.

    "he hat laughed. You really are 5mma#s daughter.

    5aura felt something stir inside her. You knew my mother, 6ight of course you do.

    f it was #ossile, the *orting Hat #roaly would've laughed. You#re curious and intuitie enough to $e a

    6aenclaw $ut your $raery 2ust like your mother#s is definitely...

    +?ryffindor+ "he hat announced.

    "he ?ryffindor tale cheered and welcomed her to the tale. *he sat down ne%t to

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    "hat didn't really other (ats&a. >eally, she was content with eing left alone. However, after Adelaide

    married Conrad Karnstein and had Carmilla, (ats&a was drawn to the little girl whichwhorought her a

    teensy it closer to Adelaide.

    After Conrad's death, (ats&a moved in with Adelaide and the children. *he left (organ M avenclaw and not *lytherin li&e (other+

    5e% shrugged ut Carmilla answered. +ell, (attie told me that she as&ed the *orting Hat to #ut her in>avenclaw instead of *lytherin ecause she didn't want to e with (other.+

    +And (attie tells you everything+ ill said s&e#tically.

    +ell, (attie definitely treats me etter than you or (other do.+

    ill frowned ut efore he could re#ly, 5e% s#o&e u#. +?uys, if we want to tal& aout our family issues,

    we shouldpro$a$lydo it where noody else is around.+ Her voice was /uieter than normal ut ill and

    Carmilla heard her 6ust fine. +e really don't need anyone finding out aout our family issues.+

    Carmilla huffed. +ine.+ ill 6ust grumled his consent.

    5e% tilted her head slightly. +?reat. "he sorting's almost done. (attie's going to e announcing stuff soon.0ou two etter #ay attention.+

    +hen has illiam ever #aid attention to anything+

    Carmilla and 5e% laughed at that ut ill scowled and threw his raisins at them.



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    *he glanced at the *lytherin tale ehind her. Carmillas eyes riefly met hers efore she turned her

    attention to ill, graing a croissant from his #late much to the oys chagrin. 5aura turned her attention

    ac& to her em#ty dinner #late.

    as she ha##y with Carmilla 3o. as she hurt y what Carmilla did 0es. But did she hate Carmilla

    *he glanced at the dar&-haired girl again. *he was tal&ing to 5e% with her mouth full of croissant.3ormally, 5e% would tell Carmilla off ut this time she 6ust sighed and answered with one or two words.

    Carmilla loo&ed down, seeming slightly u#set with her cousins sudden change of demeanor.

    3o. "he answer was no. *he couldn't ring herself to hate Carmilla. *omething was going on. 5aura 6ust

    couldn't figure out what.

    *he was so lost in her musings that she didn't notice Headmistress Belmonde announcing something until

    everyone started getting u#. 5aura hastily stood u# and followed

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    5e% muttered, 2"y#ical.1 Before loo&ing at her cousin and answering louder. 2 6ust dout her methods,

    li&e always. mean, had my sus#icions aout what she did at the side and now that found out was

    right, well1 *he shrugged. 2 don't &now what to thin& of it.1

    2*o what are you going to do1 Carmilla as&ed.

    Her cousin crossed her arms and loo&ed ac& out the window. 2ollow my head, li&e always.1

    Carmilla #ushed herself u# to sit on her ed. 2And what's your head telling you now1

    5e% #ursed her li#s. 2 don't &now yet.1

    Carmilla rolled her eyes. 2ell that's definitely hel#ful, ce ueen,1 she said, voice dri##ing with


    5e% graed the nearest #illow and threw it at Carmilla who dodged it efore #ic&ing it u# and throwing

    it ac&. 5e% caught it with ease.

    2?o to slee#. e'll e wa&ing u# early tomorrow.1

    Cha#ter "hree! "he "ension and the "error look a laugh a smile a second passes $y and / regret it.


    5e% wo&e u# earlier than her cousin, no sur#rise there. *he rolled her eyes when she loo&ed at Carmilla

    who was s#rawled on her ed, her lan&et arely covering her. 5e% immediately got u# and egan to

    change into her uidditch uniform ut without her Kee#er gear. *he'll 6ust e flying around and at most,

    #assing and catching a /uaffle with her cousin. *he loo&ed at her cousin again.

    ("o much for getting up on time.!

    *he 5e% shoo& her head and #ut her hair u# in its usual rench raid. 5e% *he loo&ed under her ed. "he

    #ac&age was there, as instructed. *he retrieved it efore graing Carmillas uidditch sweater from the

    latters trun&. 5e% a##roached her cousin and #o&ed her with one end of the #ac&age. Carmilla didn't

    udge. 5e% #o&ed her a few more times and when she still didn't show any signs of wa&ing u#, the older

    girl #ulled out her wand. *he couldn't e%actly throw the curtains o#en the way she usually did at their

    mansion $they valued their #rivacy9 that and ecause the *lytherin dorms are located under the la&e) so a

    s#ell will have to do.

    27umos "olem.1 A right light urst from the ti# of her wand and hit Carmilla's face.

    Carmillas eyes sna##ed o#en and she fell off her ed. *he groaned and covered her face. 5e% /uelled theurge to smile.

    +hat do you want+ Carmilla grumled.

    5e% couldn't hel# ut chuc&le at that. +e need to warm-u#, cus. 0ou're my vice-ca#tain this year. Can't

    afford to loo& wea& in front of the fresh meat.+ *he threw Carmilla her uidditch sweater. +?et dressed.

    0our #ants are still in your trun&.1

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    5e% #atiently waited for Carmilla to finish changing efore tossing the #ac&age to her. Carmilla caught it

    with ease and loo&ed at her cousin curiously.

    2"he fuc& is this1 *he as&ed.

    5e% rolled her eyes. 2t's a chair,1 she dead#anned. Her cousin glared at her sarcastic comment. 2'm

    #retty sure the sha#e ma&es it ovious.1

    Carmilla said nothing and ri##ed it o#en. Her 6aw dro##ed. 2A ireolt 5e%, how much did you s#end on


    2>ela%, Carm. e're loaded, in case you forgot.1 5e%s tone was dismissive ut she &new what Carmilla

    was really trying to say. *he didn't have to get her a new room ut after (other forced her to ma&e a

    really shitty decision which forced Carmilla to ma&e an even shittier one, she felt li&e she had to ma&e u#

    for her ro&en heart *omehow.

    5e% could see her cousin struggling to s#ea&. 2

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    4isen res#onded with 2 wish him the est of luc&.1 *tra&a sim#ly said that +tQhin&ing aout those two is

    6ust a waste of my time.+ 4isen and Kirsch are friendly rivals on and off the ring and are memers of the

    Jeta 7mega (u fraternity which is headed y *tra&a.

    4veryone's ma&ing ets on how fast Carmilla Karnstein can catch the snitch this year.

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    2Hollis, you're a little intense all of rage right now so you pro$a$lyshouldn't confront "homas at this

    state. 0ou &now how dramatic that oy can get,1 they said.

    5aura huffed. 2'm not intense.1 avenclaw oy ne%t to her, "heo *tra&a, cleared his throat.

    +0ou're 5aura, right+ he said.

    5aura 6um#ed u# in her seat and turned to face "heo. +0e# "hat's me 5aura Hollis. '*u#+

    *he winced internally. (That was so $ad.!

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    +0ou're as 6um#y as ilson says you are,+ "heo said. +"oo ad that oy can't hit a ludger #ro#erly for

    the life of him. onder why "he Roice of Hogwarts thin&s he's u# to #ar with my s&ills.+

    +7h and you're such a great eater, *tra&a,+ ill #i#ed u#. Carmilla rolled her eyes and rought out a


    +Please, 4isen. 0ou got sus#ended from your team.+ "heo smir&ed as ill's face reddened.

    +'m sure 5e% is going to lift the sus#ension.+ ill glared at "heo who 6ust threw his head ac& as he


    +s that what hel#s you slee# at night+

    5aura noticed ill clench his 6aw. He started reaching for his wand and "heo did the same. 5aura's eyes

    widened in #anic. *he loo&ed at Carmilla ho#ing that the other girl would do something aout it.

    8nfortunately, her head remained uried in her oo&.

    Before the two oys could start dueling in the middle of the classroom, the door slammed o#en and

    Professor Blac&wood marched in.

    Professor Rlad Blac&wood is a tall lan&y man with dar& hair and large rectangular glasses. He's the

    current ?ryffindor Head of House. 5aura was actually /uite fond of him ecause he didn't #lay favorites.

    He somehow made Potions $a su6ect she does terrily in) very interesting.

    +7&ay class+ He slammed his oo&s onto the tale causing everyone to 6um# u# in their seats. "heo and

    ill immediately stowed their wands away. +3ormally, don't ma&e the whole class rew a #otion on the

    first day ut seeing as to how you're all in Sth year now, eh. hy not+

    He lifted the oo& at the very to# of his #ile. + assume you all have u#dated editions of Advanced Potion

    (a&ing.+ Peo#le mumled their consent. +4%cellent. Please turn to #age GT.+

    5aura fli##ed her oo& to the said #age and gul#ed when she saw the #otion name.


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    5aura loo&ed at Carmilla's direction. "he dar&-haired girl sur#risingly had her te%too& o#en to the

    #otion's #age and was studying the te%t.

    +7&ay, as soon as you're ready, you may egin+


    Five years ago...

    +*te# forward as call your name,+ Professor Blac&wood announced. He loo&ed down at the #a#er in his


    +Hollis.+ 5aura ste##ed forward. Professor Blac&wood was #airing ?ryffindor and *lytherin students with

    each other ecause he wasn't fond of the house rivalry and he was trying to change it. 5aura loo&ed

    around and noticed Carmilla standing right ne%t to a dar&-haired oy who

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    Carmilla loo&ed over at the #otion and scoffed. +"hat's easily fi%ale.+

    5aura watched in ama=ement as Carmilla started cutting u# a few ingredients and stic&ing them in their

    cauldron. Carmilla waved her wand and slowly, the color started to turn green.

    +"ime's u# Hands in the air+ 4veryone dutifully #ut their hands u#. Professor Blac&wood a##roached

    the cauldron's one y one. hen he got to ill and his #artner's, the #otion lew u#. 5aura glanced atCarmilla who was holding ac& a smile. 4ventually, Blac&wood reached their cauldron. After ins#ecting

    it, he loo&ed u# and gave the two girls a wide grin.

    +7&ay 4veryone come closer. Thisis a #erfect #otion...+ He rattled on aout techni/ues and ti#s ut

    5aura was no longer #aying attention. Carmilla had a smug smile #lastered on her face and she egan

    fi%ing her tie. *he caught 5aura staring at turned to loo& at her.

    +hat's wrong, cutie+ *he as&ed, still smir&ing.

    5aura's eyes widened and she loo&ed away, her face heating u#. Carmilla let out an amused chuc&le and

    5aura frowned.

    +"en #oints to ?ryffindor and *lytherin 4%cellent 6o, you two. Class dismissed+ Blac&wood said,

    waving his hands dismissively.

    4veryone scramled to gra their things and started wal&ing out the classroom.

    +*ee you around, Hollis,+ Carmilla said efore catching u# to ill who was waiting y the door.

    5aura sighed and shoo& her head efore wal&ing out the room herself.



    5aura did all the manual laor y herself. *ur#rise, sur#rise. 7r maye it should e considering how

    hel#ful Carmilla was the #revious year. *he'd sometimes do the whole #otion y herself, #ausing once in

    a while to e%#lain to 5aura why she changed some of the instructions which the latter dutifully scriled

    into her oo&.

    "hen again, given how things ended etween them...

    5aura sighed. At least Carmilla wasn't as ad as she was ac& in their first year. "his time, she at least had

    the decency to tell her what to do, aleit while inserting a few insults here and there.

    n the tale ne%t to them, ill and "heo &e#t arguing aout what to do to their #otion. Both of them

    wanted to add a few modifications ut neither of them trusted what the other had in mind. After trying to

    force so many different ingredients over each other's shoulder, the #otion started to ule violently.

    +Aw, shit+ ill said.

    +or fuc&'s sa&e, 4isen.

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    "heo glared at him ut efore he could answer ac&, the cauldron started turning red-hot. "hen it

    #rom#tly e%#loded. *hards flew around the room and one started hurtling straight towards 5aura. *he

    fro=e in terror, eyes widening as it drew nearer.

    +resto momentum1+ Carmilla shouted. Her wand was out and #ointing at the shard. t slowed down and

    sto##ed a few inches in front of 5aura's face efore dro##ing to the floor.

    Professor Blac&wood rued his forehead. +ive #oints from >avenclaw and *lytherin for that, (r. 4isen

    and (r. *tra&a. But ten #oints to *lytherin for (iss Karnstein's /uic& actions. 3ow everyone, ac& to

    wor& 0ou have ten minutes left+

    Carmilla &e#t her wand in her s&irt #oc&et. 5aura tuc&ed a few stray strands of hair ehind her ear.

    +8m... "han&s, Carmilla.+


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    ill frowned. +hat's not to trust 5e%, she too& the oth of us in after our #arents died *he saedus+

    "he older girl grimaced ut said nothing. +And Kitty, she'sactuallyyour mother+

    +avenclaw &id made his feather e%#lode,+ Carmilla said.

    5e% laughed and stood right ne%t to her cousin efore sitting down. +here's illiam+ she as&ed.

    +"al&ing to the >avenclaw oy.+ Carmilla levitated another roc& and flic&ed it towards the la&e again.

    +"hey got into an argument aout which uidditch team was etter! the (ontrose (ag#ies or the

    Ballycastle Bats.+

    5e% chuc&led. +ell we oth &now who illiam's rooting for.+ *he rest her hands ehind her ac&.

    +8ncle Christo#her was #art of the (ontrose (ag#ies, right+

    Carmilla nodded and sat down eside her cousin, &ee#ing her wand. +0eah. *hame we never got to see

    any of his games live.+

    *ilence fell over them. 3either of them wanted to say it ut they oth wished that they got to &new&now

    their uncle and the #arents that they lost more. "hey didn't &now much aout them aside from the storiesAdelaide would occasionally tell them.

    *omeone suddenly hoo&ed his arms around their nec&s.

    +Ho#e the two of you didn't have that much fun without me+ ill said, laughing as he let go of his

    cousins' nec&s and sat down cross-legged in etween them.

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    +e were great until you arrived, illy-oy,+ Carmilla mumled, shoving his leg. 5e% smiled and shoo&

    her head.

    ill grinned. +*ure. 0ou were. Anyway, definitely owned *tra&a in that argument.+ He #uffed his chest

    u#, loo&ing very #roud of himself.

    +'m sure you did,+ Carmilla dead-#anned.

    ill was aout to answer ac& when 5e% interru#ted him. +*#ea&ing of uidditch.+ 5e% scooted around

    to face her cousins. +0ou had flying class already, right "hat was your first #eriod, if 'm not mista&en.+

    Carmilla nodded. +0eah. t was great. was one of the first to get my room u#.+

    ill scoffed. + was too+

    +"hat's why said one of, you lac&wit.+ Carmilla rolled her eyes.

    5e% laughed. +0ou two should 6oin the uidditch team ne%t year 6ust had my try-outs last night. t's

    either me or this fifth year girl ut ragging aside, 'm #retty sure had etter catches than her.+

    +hoa. *ince when did you say stuff li&e that+ ill as&ed her.

    +'ve always said those &inds of things, illiam. 0ou 6ust never #ay attention,+ 5e% re#lied, stic&ing her

    tongue out at her cousin.

    +"hat is so not true+ ill said. +"a&e that ac&+

    5e% had a smug smile on her face. +(a&e me.+

    ill tac&led her and Carmilla laughed at them as they went rolling away. 5e% was oviously going to

    win. ill may have the height and weight advantage ut 5e% definitely &new how to use those against

    him. *he'd never say this out loud ut she loved her cousins. *he never wanted anything change.

    Cha#ter ;! Fet#ac& Bluesid you eer loe her, o you know, )r did you neer want to $e alone,

    Cha#ter O! *ea of 5oversYou&re the only way out of this sea of loers losing time and loers losing hope.

    Cha#ter S! 7nce 8#on Another "ime)nce upon another time $efore / knew which life was mine $efore / left the child $ehind me / saw

    myself in summer nights and stars lit up like candle light. / make my wish $ut mostly / $elieed;

    Cha#ter G!

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    +All right guys, a source told me that (artin's feeling es#ecially coc&y today and he might even show-off

    a it,+

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    Carmilla was so lost in her thoughts that she collided with (athias and they oth rolled onto the muddy

    ground. 5e% was standing at her side within a few seconds.

    +Carmilla, what the hell was that+ she yelled. +?et your head ac& in the drills efore you cause more


    (athias stood u#. +Hey, vers. 'm o&ay. >ela%. (aye Karnstein was 6ust tired,+ he said.

    5e% said nothing and Carmilla found herself growling.


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    +'m sorry suddenly shut you out. 'm sorry let mother do that to you. 'm sorry for not eing there for

    you. 'm 6ust- can't- t-+ Her voice finally crac&ed and Carmilla felt tears running down her own face.

    + &now what it's li&e,+ 5e% forced herself to continue. + &now how much you want to tell her everything,

    let her &now you still love her.+

    +3o one said anything aout...+ Carmilla trailed off when she felt 5e% scoff. 5e% released her and sheturned around to face her cousin. +But you &now what