THE ANALYSIS OF WRITING GENDER IN STUDENTS WRITING SKILL AT SMA TUNAS BARU BATAM IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015: SOCIOLINGUISTIC APPROACH Risniati Situmorang English Department Student of Universitas Putera Batam Frangky Silitonga English Department Lecturer of Universitas Putera Batam ABSTRAK Skripsi ini meneliti tentang perbedaan wanita dan pria menuangkan gagasan dalam bentuk paragraph singkat dimana peneliti memberikan dua gambar yang berbeda. Dari gambar tersebut dihasilkan data yang dianalisis melalui pendekatan sosiolinguistik dimana semua data tersebut diklasifikasikan berdasarkan kelas kata seperti kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan. Kemudian peneliti juga menganalisa karakteristik perbedaan kedua jenis kelamin tersebut dalam menuangkan gagasan, diantaranya tidak percaya diri atau ragu-ragu dan merasa mampu atau masuk akal. Dari data tersebut maka signifikan kata yang dihasilkan oleh pelajar SMA TUNAS BARU BATAM berdasarkan jenis kelaminnya adalah wanita. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan melakukan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, setelah menganalisa kedua gambar yang berbeda dari gambar yang pertama dan kedua dapat disimpulkan bahwa wanita cenderung menghasilkan kata benda ketika menuangkan gagasan kedalam paragraph daripada laki laki. Kata kunci: Perempuan, laki laki, Kelas kata, Deskriptif,Gambar INTRODUCTION Language is a tool in a communication, language also defines as the way for human being to communicate something. Whatever humans do every day, she or he cannot be separated from using language. According to the philosophy expressed in the myths and religions of many people, language is the source of human life and power (Fromkin et. al, 2011:284). 1


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Risniati SitumorangEnglish Department Student of Universitas Putera Batam

Frangky Silitonga English Department Lecturer of Universitas Putera Batam

ABSTRAK Skripsi ini meneliti tentang perbedaan wanita dan pria menuangkan gagasan dalam bentuk paragraph singkat dimana peneliti memberikan dua gambar yang berbeda. Dari gambar tersebut dihasilkan data yang dianalisis melalui pendekatan sosiolinguistik dimana semua data tersebut diklasifikasikan berdasarkan kelas kata seperti kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan. Kemudian peneliti juga menganalisa karakteristik perbedaan kedua jenis kelamin tersebut dalam menuangkan gagasan, diantaranya tidak percaya diri atau ragu-ragu dan merasa mampu atau masuk akal. Dari data tersebut maka signifikan kata yang dihasilkan oleh pelajar SMA TUNAS BARU BATAM berdasarkan jenis kelaminnya adalah wanita. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan melakukan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, setelah menganalisa kedua gambar yang berbeda dari gambar yang pertama dan kedua dapat disimpulkan bahwa wanita cenderung menghasilkan kata benda ketika menuangkan gagasan kedalam paragraph daripada laki laki.

Kata kunci: Perempuan, laki laki, Kelas kata, Deskriptif,Gambar


Language is a tool in a communication, language also defines as the way for

human being to communicate something. Whatever humans do every day, she or he

cannot be separated from using language. According to the philosophy expressed in the

myths and religions of many people, language is the source of human life and power

(Fromkin et. al, 2011:284). To understand our humanity, one must understand the

language that makes us human.

Linguistic is scientific study about language. Linguistic is the field of the study

that guides the people to learn about language including the pattern or form of the

language itself and also the meaning of the language. Learning language means that

people concerns with not only the forms and the meaning but also the relation of the

language with the social life. Talking about language in social life, sociolinguistic is a 1


term that concerns within the language that has relation with the social life. It means that

language cannot be separated with the social life. People are not being able to build their

relationship with the others without language.

Furthermore, language is the bridge for human being in the world, where by

language people are able to communicate each other. In other words, language is the

important thing and most influenced in the human life to face the world. People have their

own language to express their idea, feeling, experience, thought and so on. People can

continue their life because of the language, so the language must be melted within the

human being. The researcher concludes that the language itself is not only a term that

human being should be learned but also language is the part of human life where the

human cannot be run or hidden from it.

Additionally, in the sociolinguistic, language seems so clearly that language is

influenced in the process of the growth of the human being and also the development of

the world including technology. Language has variety of function; it can be seen based on

the social groups or community. Beside it, language also defines not only for spoken,

according to Pardede and Kisno (2012:1), in the way of language communicated, it can be

divided into three ways for instance spoken language, written language and gesture. The

term spoken language refers to the speaker and hearer where language is spoken in

communicating. The term written language refers to the writers and the readers where the

language is written in communicating. The term gesture refers to the person that uses

body movement in communicating.

Furthermore, in sociolinguistic, language also can be identified based on the

writing gender. Where gender writing concerns with the ways to express their language

based on their gender (male and female). Here, the difference gender will show how many

words they used in speaking or written based on what they see. This research is

conducting to see the quantity of the words that used by male and female regarding to the

place like in the school and at home. Sometimes, people are most criticized in their school

with their second language.

In language using, the society has different ways to express their ideas, feeling,

emotions, and experience and so on. In the society, parents, teenagers and children have

different way to express the language for example the stress, intonation and so on. Here,

the researcher is interesting to the way of the children to express their language. What the 2


children are saying in delivered the message; it can be delivered in spoken and written to

the receiver. Discussing about writing, it can be defines as the symbolic representation of

language through the use of graphic sign (Yule 2010:212). The author highlights that

writing is the representation of the language based on what people see or thinking about

something. Here, the researcher wants to see the ability of the children at the school to

write sentences through a picture.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interesting to conduct a research

within title the analysis of writing gender in students writing skill at SMA Tunas Baru

Batam in academic year 2014/2015 by using sociolinguistics approach.

Every research has the identification of the problem that focus on the problem that

found regarding to the topic and here in this thesis, the researcher also has the

identification of the problem that coming from the ability of the students to writes

something through a picture. . Some authors also have ideas regarding to the writing

gender. Yule is one of the authors that giving idea about writing gender and he said that

there can be differences the words used by men and women in variety of language (Yule

2010:275). It means that in the way of men and women in word choice to write something


Furthermore, a natural first step in a scientific approach to words is to seek to

establish the different types of words which appear in language (Radford and Adkinson

2009:129). It means that by creating a sentence in English language, he or she is required

to recognize the word classes in order to have a good sentence. The author also mentions

that there are four types of words are needed to recognize like Noun, Verb, Adjective, and

Adverb. On the other hand, characteristic of the sentence toward to the participants also

part of this research that the researcher uses to identify the problem that will be shown

through the sentence that written by the participants. According to Stockwell (2006:85),

there are some characteristics that can be used to recognize the sentence to describe the

participants’ characters. Here, the researcher takes two characters; they are being weak,

vulnerable or scared and being strong, capable and logical. Additionally, the researcher

would like to show some examples of the writing gender which are done by the researcher

in a few day ago, they are; 1) the first in this photo I can see a man and a baby they are at

home, probably in the living room; 2) on the left we can see the man holding the baby

with his right hand and vacuuming the carpet with his left hand; 3) the man is probably in 3


his thirties. I am not sure because I can’t see his face. And the baby is very young, a few

months only; 4) The man is wearing a pair of white socks, jeans, a white T shirt and a

dark red shirt. The baby is wearing white nappies and rompers; 5) The man seems

stressed and the baby seems shocked; 6) The Living room is Untidy. There are a lot of

things on the sofa and on the floor: toys, a teddy bear, cushions, a striped blanket. There is

a picture on the wall; 7) In my opinion, it is a very funny photo.

From those examples mentioned above and based on the explanation above, here

the researcher identify the problem through three steps for instance quantity of words,

word classes and characteristics that used by the students in the ability to analyze a picture

by writing on a paper at SMA Tunas Baru Batam.

Limitation of the research is the problem that happens in the place of the research

that comes from the researcher related to the paper. Due to the time, and ability, the writer

makes the limitation of the problem in this paper. The research has limitation in analyzing

writing gender by using sociolinguistic approach that formulated as follow; 1) The

quantity of words; 2) The word classes; 3) The characteristic of the gender in the analysis

of writing gender in students writing skill at SMA Tunas Baru Batagm in academic year

20014/2015. Researcher is interested to make research in 10th grade, 11th because if all

10th class not enough for population in sample.

According to Wardhaugh (2006:316), gender is something that people cannot avoid.

It is part of the way in which societies are ordered around the people. The author also

defined that gender is a key component of identity. The author highlights that gender is a

terms that very important in the societies and help people to recognize the identity of a

person belongs to man or woman

Writing is a skill of a person in writing something that requires constant practical.

Writing is also a way in communication by producing words through ink on the paper. A

good writing is a skill that must be understood and mastered. Belmont, W and Sharkey, M

(2011:1). It means that a good writing is not only good in writing but he or she must

understand and know well what he or she writing is. Writing is the symbolic

representation of language through the use of graphic or sign. It means that people are

able to represent language by using graphic or sign. So, writing gender is the

representation of visualization by written in a paper. 4


Writing gender also defines as the ability of men or women to write down what

they see. so, writing gender is the study of exploring the different discursive strategies

used by men and women (Stokwell 2006 :159). It means that writing gender is the way to

see the differences of men’s and women’s strategy in writing (word choice and structure).

There are some characters that could help people to find out men and women characters in

a text, dialogues, recordings as follow below; (Stockwell 2006 : 85).

From those characters that mentioned above, because of the limitation of time and

the researcher will apply two of them. They are being weak, vulnerable or scared and

being strong, capable and logical. As with stereotypes, language which excludes women

can be dealt with two types, for instance by avoiding its use and by dealing sensitively

with exclusive language that comes up in, for example, authentic recordings. In the

second case, it is often enough to suggest that a teacher point out that a particular usage

may offend many women and to ensure that other authentic recordings demonstrate

inclusive language.

Grammar is a study about the structure of a sentence. Grammar is traditionally

subdivided into two different but inter-related areas of study, they are morphology and

syntax, Radford, A (2004:1). It means that grammar is the field where the words are

combined in order to build a sentence. Furthermore, one of the components of the

grammar is lexicon which is dictionary or list of all the lexical item or words in the

language and their linguistic properties Radford, A (2004:3). It means that grammar has

some component where lexicon is one of them which is defined as the list of words or

known as lexical categories where lexical category is a syntatic category for elements that



are part of the lexicon of a language.

These elements are at the word level. A syntactic category is a set of words and/or

phrases in a language which share a significant number of common characteristics. The

classification is based on similar structure and sameness of distribution (the structural

relationships between these elements and other items in a larger grammatical structure),

and not on meaning. In generative grammar, a syntactic category is symbolized by a node

label in a constituent structure tree. Lexical categories may be defined in terms of core

notions or prototypes. Given forms may or may not fit neatly in one of the categories. The

prototype of any category is the member or set of members of a category that best

represents the category as a whole. There are major and minor lexical categories.

There are major and minor lexical categories. Major lexical categories consist of; 1)

Noun; 2) Verb; 3) Adverb; and 4) Adjective. While minor lexical categories consist of; 1)

Conjunction; 2) Particles; 3) Ad positions.

In this part the writer makes a framework of theory triangulation which the diagram

shows from where the theories of this research are taken or whose theory that used by the

writer. The triangulation theory framework which are quoted by Stockwell (2006:58 ) of

this research is shown as follows :

Figure 1 . Theoretical Framework








The main framework above consists of Fourth theories which support this

research. The first theory is about Sociolinguistic adopted from Stockwell (2006). The

second theory is about language adopted from Fromkin (2011). The third theory is about

gender adopted by Wardhaugh (2006). which is detail as the characteristic of writing

gender adopted from Stockwell (2006). Then the last theory is about writing gender

adopted from Stockwell P, (2006).

For the theoretical significances, this research is expected to enrich the literature

about the application of sociolinguistic approach in analyzing writing gender and this

research can be used as a reference. Practically, this research is expected to give much

help for both student and teacher. This research gives some information about how to

analyze writing gender in descriptive text written by the students through the pictures, so

teachers may teach more knowledge for the students about the writing gender.


Object of the Research

Object of the research in this paper was the students of SMA Tunas Baru

Batam. It is located in Kavling Batu Aji Baru Blok C2 No. 3 Batam Riau Island. Ms.

D r a . N u r l i M a n u r u n g is a headmaster of the school. The number of students

of SMA Negeri 1 Batam in 2015 is 220 people, the numbers of boy are 90 students and

the numbers of girl are 130 students. It has 6 rooms of class: grade X consist of 2

rooms ( X A grade and X B grade ), grade XI consist of 2 rooms ( XI A grade and XI B

grade ), grade XII consist of 2 rooms ( XII A grade and XII B grade ). It has 15 teachers.

SMA Tunas Baru Batam has some facilities such as class, library, and laboratories

of physics, biology, chemistry, language, and computer.

Population and Sample

Population is the population of the data where the research is done and where the

data samples are taken. Additionally, the term population is defined as the total of items

about which information is desired (Kothari, 2004:153). The population of interest can

vary widely depending on the research question and the purpose of the research. The

population in this research is the members of students at SMA Tunas Baru Batam. 7


Researchers have 128 populations. Totally in 2 class total students 128 students. The

data of SMA Tunas Baru Batam for Ten grade in 1 class and Eleven grade in I class also

in 2015 as the following :

Table 1. Total of respondents Students of SMA Tunas Baru Batam

Class Male Female TotalX (tenth grade) 25 34 59

XI (eleventh grade) 27 42 69Total 52 76 128

The researchers had taken students at SMA T u n a s B a r u Batam as the population

in this research due to find out the using Writing gender in writing skill in English

study at class. Consider that the importance of writing genderr in students writing skill,

especially in school.

Sample is part of from the whole and characteristic from the population. If the

sample too big and the researcher cannot do research because of the limitation of time,

energy, and fund then the researcher can use the sample from population.

Sample is the amount of the data which are taken from the data population and data

sample will be used as the data to be analyzed. According to Milroy, L and Gordon, M

(2003:25), the sample is drawn by some mechanical procedure such as assigning random

numbers to the names on a list or selecting every individual from the frame. There are

two types in sampling data; they are probability sampling and non-probability sampling

(Kothari, 2004: 59-60). Non-probability sampling is that sampling procedure which does

not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population has of

being included in the sample, while probability sampling is also known as random

sampling or chance sampling. In this research, non-probability sampling will be applied

as the way in sampling day where it divided into three ways like deliberate sampling,

purposive sampling and judgment sampling (Kothari, 2006:59). From those ways, the

researcher selects judgment sampling to be applied because judgment sampling is a

judgment of the respondents which arise based on the information at the research place.



Method of Collecting Data

In this part, the writer used stages in technique of collecting data in the

researches. Some method of collecting data are described on below:

1. First of all, the researcher will do pre- research. The researcher will come to the

school and waiting the students out from the school then the researcher asks to write

their opinion and shares the blank paper to them and the researcher collect the data in

the next day, because the students write their opinion in at home. The researcher will

take 20 students that consist of 10 male students and 10 female students.

2. The Researcher will ask the X grade students to write their opinion through picture for

10 minutes. After that the researcher will collect the paper.

As mentioned above, for the first point shows that the researcher has been done a

pre-research to measure that this research is deserved to be researched. For the second

point, the researcher will come back again to the school and conduct the research. In

conducting the research, the researcher will collect the data by the documents collection

by using questionnaire. In this research, the researcher will be divided the questionnaire

into two parts. First, the research will ask the respondents to fill the questionnaire that

given where it concerns to the respondents in activity.

The questionnaire is multiple-choice. Second, the researcher also will ask the

respondents to fill the blank paper by describing a picture where the picture will show by

the researcher. The questionnaire is essay. Furthermore, concerning to the second part of

questionnaire about describing a picture, the picture that will be shown tells about the bad

behavior of the teenagers whether they are at home and school. The researcher chooses

the theme of the picture because it closes to the teenagers’ daily life.

Method of Analyzing Data

According to Cohen Louis, Manion Lawrence, and Morrison Keith (2007:470),

there are several stages in analyzing data, they are; 1) generating natural units of meaning;

2) classifying, categorizing and ordering these units of meaning; 3) structuring narratives

to describe the contents; 4) interpreting the data. The researcher will use the stages above

in analyzing the data as the guidance and the major steps in analyzing the data. In this

thesis, the researcher will analyze the data through some steps such as; 1) first of all, after

collecting the data from the students, the researcher will scan each of the paper that 9


already filled the students; 2) separate sentence by sentence and put them into the table, if

the word has more than one of class of word the researcher ignore it; 3) Classifying each

of words that used by the students into lexical categories; 4) classifying each of the

sentence that written by the students into characteristics of writing gender; 5) counting

words by words that written by the students; 6) giving some interpretations for each of the

students’ opinion through the picture; 7) making conclusion from the data analysis. The

picture is seen below :

The respondents will describe the picture in a piece of paper that given by the

researcher. They write the descriptive text as long as the researcher asks to write which is

finished in 10 minutes. After finishing the test, all of the texts are collected and will be

analyzed by the researcher. For example can be shown as detail below:

Descriptions of the sample dataSentences First picture Second picture

1. from the picture, the students ride a motorcycle very fast

the picture talk about a boy

2. Especially they race their motorcycle fast Scout have their best result for their hard work

From the first sentence of the first picture, “the students ride a motorcycle very

vast”. The sentence can be identified that consists of 1 preposition “from”, 3 articles “the

and a”, 2 nouns “picture and students”, 1 verb “ride” and 1 adverb manner “very fast”.

The sentence consists of 8 words. From the second sentence of the first picture,

“especially they race their motorcycle fast”. The sentence can be identified that consists

of 3 nouns “they, their, motorcycle”, 1 verb “race” and 1 adjective “especially”. The

sentence consists of 5 words.

From the first sentence of the second picture “the picture talk about a boy”. The

sentence can be identified that consists of 2 articles “the and a”, 2 nouns “picture and

boy”, 1 preposition “about” and 1 verb “talk”. The sentence consists of 6 words. From the



second sentence of the second picture “scout have their best result for their hard work”.

The sentence can be identified that consists of 4 nouns “scout, their, result,”, 2 verb “have

work”, 2 adjectives “best and hard”, 1 preposition “for”. The sentence consists of 9


The characteristic of this sentence can be identified that this sentence is “being

weak, vulnerable or scared” because based on the view of the respondent’s description of

the picture; it showed that the respondent was not confident to the respondent’s skill or to

what the respondent has. Form the description above, there is a useless of ink in the


Data Analysis

Data analysis in this research is in the form of analysis, frequency and percentage

The researcher should report the reason from the used of quantitative data in qualitative

research. In many cases, qualitative research also contains the quantitative component and

it will be shown numeral in data analysis (discussion) in chapter IV. The form of data in

this research is the text forms which consist of the descriptive text written by the

respondent. The data analysis in the qualitative research is inductive. This data analysis

consists of some steps, as follows:

1. Preparing steps

In this part, the researcher does some activities, such as:

a. Checking the completeness the respondent’s data,

b. Checking the descriptive text written by the respondents.

2. Coding

In this part, the researcher gives codes for the samples. The codes should be Sample

01 – 10, Sample 01 - 05 are for texts written by female students, sample 06 – 10 are

for texts written by male students

3. Analyzing the respondents description

Due the researcher uses questionnaire to get the information about the respondents,

then the writer also analyzes it. It will be describe on chapter IV. The points for the

questions of the questionnaire are: 1) Gender; 2) The last of score of English lesson;

3) The last score of Indonesian lesson; 4) The most preferred English skill; 5) The

most dislike English skill.11


4. Analyzing Writing gender produce word classes.

In this part, the researcher analyzes the writing gender produce word classes. In this

part, the writer also counts the word total, then the writer analyzes word classes

total (for noun, verb, adjective, adverb ) that produced by the respondents.

5. Anayzing Characteristic of Writing gender

In this part, the researcher analyzes the sample of data based on the writing skill of

the students through the descriptive text of those pictures.


Description of the Respondent

The researcher took respondents from SMA Tunas Baru Batam in 10th grade and

11th grade, their age around 17 years old. Some questions are asked by the writer to the

respondents who put in the questionnaires. Then the descriptions of the respondents

questionnaires are as follows:


In this research, the respondents are chosen from tenth and eleventh grade. The

total respondents are 10, which consists of 05 females and 05 male:

The Last Score of Indonesian Lesson

For the last score of Indonesian Lesson, from totally respondents which is 10

respondents, There is 8 respondents have score about 80-89 % and 2 respondents have

score about 100. It means most of respondents are having score under 100%

The Last Score of English Lesson

For the last score of English Lesson, from totally respondents which is 10

respondents, there is four respondents have score about 90-100 % and four respondents

have score about 70-79% and two of respondents have enough score it’s about 60-69 %. It

means all of the respondents which the total is 10 respondents, 4 respondents have score


The Most Preferred English Skill

For the preferred English Skills chosen by the respondents, the first most preferred

English skill are speaking and reading, which the percentage is 50% and the number of

respondent is 6 respondents. Then the second English skill is listening, the percentage is



25% and the number of respondent is 2 respondents. The third English skill is writing, the

percentage is 25 % and the number of respondent is 2 respondents.

The Most Dislike English Skill

For the most dislike English skills chosen by the respondents, the first most dislike

English skill is Writing, which the percentage is 50% and the number of respondent is 5

respondents. Then the second is English skill is reading, the percentage is 30% and the

number of respondent is 3 respondents. The third is English skill is speaking, the

percentage is 20 % and the number of respondent is 2 respondents.


After getting the result of the data analysis and analyzing the generic structure of

descriptive text written by student of SMA Tunas Baru Batam in the academic year of

2014/2015, then the writer analyzed the descriptive text based on the research

formulation, as follows:

The Quantity of Words Writing Gender

After analyzing the sentence and classifying each of words that the respondents

used in writing gender through 2 pictures, the table below would show the quantity of the

words that the researcher found on the respondents’ writing gender through the pictures.

Table 2. The amount of words that used by respondents

NoSentence Quantity of the words

First picture Second picture First picture Second picture

1. from the picture, the students ride a motorcycle very fast

the picture talk about a boy 8 6

2. Especially they race their motorcycle fast

Scout have their best result for their hard work 5 9

3. one of the students are driving as fast as possible with her friends

the mans are the win in the socially service in scout 9 11

4.the students, we are woman go to school ride using motorcycle and then

this is socially from scout three man get awards from school 11 10

5. there is three students this is socially from school 4 5

6. They are all woman Three man get awards from school 3 6

7. They are ride motorcycle maybe 38. They are will go to school 39. the students go to school by fast the man to get champion by 5 5




10.They are go to school by motorcycle I look in the picture, they get

champion and I think they feel happy

4 13

12.I look in the picture, there are three students on one motorcycle especially women

We are socially 10 3

13. the students drive the motorcycle with fast, in the road in that city

the man in some school get achievement 13 5

14.Especially they are women Because they are always try

hard and never give up to be a success man

4 11

15. They are use the uniform when they drive the motorcycle 9

16. students go to school by motorcycle very fast

service students I think make them to be spirit to study 6 10

17.But I think it is no good Study hard I think it is important

to get champion and then if we have knowledge better

5 15


Because I look in picture there are 3 students on one motorcycle especially for woman, they didn’t used helm

I think we share out to anothers and making socially in our school and else 15 11

19. Maybe if they run on the road I think police will ungry to them

Socially man, a man have to able to be a leader so 12 9

20. there are three girls there are a scout students 3 4

21. They are students and they just go from their school by motorcycle

They are a winner when they do champion 11 8

22. They have a bad attitude because they don’t obey the rule on road

They are very happy because they do their best 12 8

23. They drive their motorcycle with faster and they don’t use a helm 10

24. a students ride the fast motorcycle from the picture the boys have do best result for they hard work 6 13

25. They go to school 3

26. But they are good ride motorcycle because they the race 9

27.the students we are woman go to school ride using motorcycle and they

the man got awards from scout 12 6

28. Three man got awards from school 5

Total of words used 195 173

Based on the table above, it showed that the first picture and the second picture has

differences about the amount of the words that used by the respondents in describing

pictures. From the differences of the amount of the using of words, the theme of the

picture itself influenced the respondents to create a sentence. It can be seen from the first

picture that has bad behavior especially in riding a motorcycle. Additionally, even this

country has the law or rule in riding motorcycle but the teenager in the picture ignored the

rule and riding the motorcycle without helm and riding motorcycle within three persons

on one motorcycle. Otherwise, the second picture was not enough to push the participants

to create a sentence. Eventually, the researcher concluded that in describing a picture he 14


or she has to concern within the theme of the picture itself in order to get a better

description and helped the people in creating a sentence when they a picture.

The Characteristic Writing Gender

The characteristic of the writing gender that has been found by the researcher in the

description by seeing two parts hiding in the description they are being weak, vulnerable

or scared and being strong, capable and logical. By showing the real of the data through

scanning the questionnaires which has been filled by the respondents, it helped the

researcher in classifying the two of parts of the characteristic of the writing gender. To

avoid misunderstanding of this thesis, the researcher would show the being weak,

vulnerable or scared and being strong, capable and logical.

Picture 1

The picture above, a description of the picture of being strong, capable and logical

After showing the picture where those pictures can be classified as being weak,

vulnerable and scare that is known as the characteristic of writing gender because

representing the unconfidence of the respondents within what they have or their skill.

Picture 2

The picture above is a description of the picture of being strong, capable and

logical After showing the picture where those pictures can be classified as being strong,

capable and logical that is known as the characteristic of writing gender. representing the

confidence of the respondents in describing a picture. It’s clear and logical



The Class of Words Writing Gender

After analyzing the data, the researcher found the result and classified the words

that used by the respondents in describing the picture that the researcher gave to them.

This table below would show the class of the words that the respondents used.

Table 3. The class of the words in first picture

No First picture Nouns Adjectives Adverb Verbs

1.from the picture, the students ride a motorcycle very fast

Picture, students,

motorcycleFast - Ride

2. Especially they race their motorcycle fast

They, motorcycle Fast especially Race

3. one of the students are driving as fast as possible with her friends

One, Students, friends Fast, possible - driving

4.the students, we are woman go to school ride using motorcycle and they

Students, we, woman, school,

motorcycle,- - Are, ride, use

5. there is three students Three, students - there Is6. They are all woman They, woman - - Are

7. They are ride motorcycle maybe They, motorcycle - - Are, ride

8. They are will go to school They, school - - Are, will, go

9. the students go to school by fast Students, school Fast - Go

10. They are go to school by motorcycle

They, school, motorcycle - - Are, go


I look in the picture, there are three students on one motorcycle especially women

I, picture, three, students,

motorcycle, women, one

- Especially, there Look, are

13.the students drive the motorcycle with fast, in the road in that city

Students, motorcycle, road, city

Fast - Drive

14. Especially they are women They, women - Especially Are

15. They are use the uniform when they drive the motorcycle

They, motorcycle - When Are, use,


16.students go to school by motorcycle very fast

Students, school,

motorcycleFast - Go

17. But I think it is no good I, it Good - Think, is


Because I look in picture there are 3 students on one motorcycle especially for woman, they didn’t used helm

I, picture, 3, students, one, motorcycle,


- Especially Look, are, use

19. Maybe if they run on the road I think police will angry to them

They, road, police Angry - Run, think

20. there are three girls Three, girls - There Are

21.They are students and they just go from their school by motorcycle

They, students, school,

motorcycle- - Are, go

22. They have a bad attitude because they don’t obey the rule on road

They, rule, road, attitude Bad - Have, obey

23. They drive their motorcycle with faster and they don’t use a helm

They, motorcycle,

Faster - Drive, use




24. a students ride the fast motorcycle Students, motorcycle Fast - Ride

25. They go to school They, school - - Go

26.But they are no good ride motorcycle because they the race because they are race

They, motorcycle, Good - Are, ride,



the students we are woman go to school ride using motorcycle and they

Students, we, woman, school,

motorcycle, they

- - Are, go, ride

Based on the table above, it was clearly result that showing the difference of the

words classes in describing a picture by respondents. so, by seeing the table above, the

researcher concluded that the respondents mostly used nouns in describing a picture

preceding verbs, adverbs, and adjectives.

Table 4 . The class of the words in the second picture

No Second picture Nouns Adjectives Adverb Verbs1. the picture talk about a boy Picture, boy - - Talk

2. Scout have their best result for their hard work

Scout, their, result, Best, hard - Have, work

3. the mans are the win in the socially service in scout

Man, service, scout - Socially Are, win

4.this is socially from scout three man get awards from school

Scout, three, man, awards,

school- Socially Is, get

5. this is socially from scout School - Socially, this Is

6. Three man got awards from school Three, man, awards, school - - Get

7. the man to get champion by hardly Man, champion Hard - Get

8.I look in the picture, they get champion and I think they feel happy

I, picture, champion, they Happy - Look, get,

think, feel

9. We are socially We - Socially Are

10. the man in some school got achievement

Man, school, achievement - - Get

12.Because they are always try hard and never give up to be a success man

They, man Hard Never, always Are, try, give

13. service students I think make them to be spirit to study

Service, students, I, spirit - - Think, make,


14.Study hard I think it is important to get champion and then if we have knowledge better

I, it, champion, we, knowledge

Important, hard, better - Study, think,

is, get, have

15.I think we share out to anothers and making socially in our school and else

I, we, school - Socially Think, share

16. Socially man, a man have to able to be a leader so Man, leader - Socially -

17. there are a scout students Scout, students - there Are

18. They are a winner when they do champion

They, winner, champion - - Are, do



19. They are very happy because they do their best They Happy, best - Are, do

20. from the picture the boys have do best result for they hard work

Picture, boys, result, they Best, hard - Have, do,


21. the man got awards from school Man, awards, scout, school - - Get

Based on the table above, it was clearly result that showing the difference of the

words classes in describing a picture by respondents. So, by seeing the table above, the

researcher concluded that the respondents mostly used nouns in describing a picture

preceding verbs, adverbs and adjectives.

For both of table that discussing about class of word, the researcher don’t put some

of words from each sentence especially “ very, fast, uniform” into the table because those

words can be include to adjective and adverb and researcher only identify word by word

not adjective phrase , verb phrase, adverb phrase, and noun phrase.

The Percentage of Word produce (%)

Based on the table of the percentage of word produce above , here, the researcher

can identify in the first picture female mostly using noun describing a picture is about

57.1 % while male just about 53.3 % . And using verb also can identify that mostly in the

first picture, female about 28.6 % while male just 35. 6 %, and then the researcher also

can find that in first picture mostly female using adjective than male it is about 10.0 %

while male about 3.4 % .

For using adverb the researcher also can identify that mostly female is using adverb

than male, it is about female 7.8 % while male about 6.8 % in describing a picture. For

the second picture the researcher also identify that mostly female is use noun in

describing a picture than male, it is about female 53.5% while male about 46.7%. The

researcher also can identify in the second picture mostly male use verb when describing

picture than female, it is about male 37.7% while female just about 32.5%. For using

adjective , the researcher also can identify that mostly female use adjective in describing 18


a picture than male , it can be seen about female 10.0 % while male 9.1 %. And for the

last of the class of word adverb, in the second picture the researcher can identify that

mostly male use adverb in describing a picture than female it is about male 10.4% while

female just about 7.5%.

So, by seeing all the explanation above, the researcher can identify the significant of

word class that the respondents use from the first picture and the second picture mostly

female use noun, verb , adjective and adverb in describing a picture than male.

For additional information the researcher also put the graphic of the percentage of

word produce from all explanations above that researcher have done clearly. Below is the


Chart 4.2 Graphic percentage of word produce


Having analyzed the data the writer concludes and answers the formulation of

the problem in the chapter one, here the researcher get conclusion of the research can be

seen Based on the result of the analysis from the previous chapter. as previous research .

(Yule 2010:275) mentioned in his book as quoted “The differences is most noticeable

among middle-class speaker. in one study of double negative (e.g. I don’t want none) in

lower-middle-class speech, substantially more men (32%) than women (1%) used the

structure”. Based on that explanation above the researcher conclude that the amount of the



words in writing gender at SMA TUNAS BARU Batam, the first picture has 195 words

and the second picture 173 words. A natural first step in a scientific approach to words is

to seek to establish the different types of words which appear in language (Radford and

Adkinson 2009:129). It means that by creating a sentence in English language, he or she

is required to recognize the word classes in order to have a good sentence.

The author also mentions that there are four types of words are needed to

recognize like Noun, Verb, Adjective, and Adverb ( Radford and Adkinson 2009:129)

From the explanation above the researcher here conclude that the word classes in writing

gender at SMA TUNAS BARU Batam, the first picture and the second picture, female

show that nouns mostly used by respondents preceding verbs, adverbs and adjectives than


According to Stockwell (2006:85), there are some characteristics that can be used

to recognize the sentence to describe the participants’, Here, the researcher takes two

characters; they are being weak, vulnerable or scared and being strong, capable and

logical, after doing the analysis based on the quote above can conclude that the

characteristic of the writing gender at SMA TUNAS BARU Batam mostly being weak,

vulnerable or scared found 7 descriptions and being strong, capable and logical found 3


The researcher has some suggestions such as the researcher hopes that the teacher

of the SMA TUNAS BARU Batam pay attention to the students and teach them in how to

create a sentence through a picture and students have to study hard and never give up or

stop to learn English language because language is the important thing in order to have a

better future and the last, here, the researcher hopes this research is useful to the

development of the sociolinguistic especially in writing gender.




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