By Salma Hussain ssic World – Trailer anal

Jurassic world : trailer analysis

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By Salma Hussain

Jurassic World – Trailer analysis

Sound: Tension-rising music/build upPurpose of effect: The tension rising music and the mid shot of the boy racing to the front of this busy location suggests that what he is going to see is important and something he is looking forward to, as he is running towards the front. This suggests he is scared of missing what the next shot is about to show. His facial expression shows that he is fairly shocked and jaw-dropped, this shot raises enigma codes as to what he is looking at and why there are so many people surrounding him. This also raises adrenaline as the audience can put themselves in the place of the little boy as they are as excited as him to see what is going on.

Sound: Calm violins/non-diegetic

Purpose of effect: The purpose of this effect is that it shows the dinosaurs running around the park with people in the vehicle that look happy and pleased. This suggests the park is a very popular place and has animals which are now extinct and with the calm music this suggests that they are in a safe setting surrounded with all these animals. The dinosaurs in the trailer establishes the genre as they have used special CGI and the dinosaurs suggest chaos and they may be used in the trailer to compare with the other, new dinosaur which most of the story is based on.

Sound: This shot with the shark going the line, the calm violins stop playing and goes straight to silence, and the volume of high pitched/tension building music begins to play, with a loud gong sound.

Purpose of effect: This shot with this sound suggests danger and that something unlikely and different of the trailer is beginning to arise and in contrast to what has been happening at the beginning of the trailer which has been calm. As the mood immediately changes, from the silence onwards, this suggests that there will be further trouble onwards and that this is the start of the series of bad events. They may’ve started this off with silence in order to break from the previous shots of showing the generic, happy location, which suggests trouble is about to occur.

Sound: Sound of the tension rising music being faded out and until silent. Diegetic sound of the crocodile creature coming from the water and the sound of it eating the shark with people screaming and exclaiming.Purpose of effect: The purpose of going silent is to emphasise on the action and to build up the adrenaline to what is about to happen and to shock/excite the audience as from this violent clip onwards, everything goes downhill. This scene is very tension building/rising which makes the audience feel unsettled and tense and eager to watch onwards due to the action taking place. This high angle shot also focuses on the aggression and violence taking part which connotes what is to happen next.

Sound: ‘We have learned more in the past decade from genetics than a century of digging bombs, a whole front tier has opened up’ *tension rising echoing wailing sound* ‘here we have our first genetic hybrid’.

Purpose of effect: The purpose of this dialogue is to explain some of the storyline to the audience but not giving too much by showing this image of protected dinosaur looking eggs which is important as they raise enigmas. The wailing sound breaks up the dialogue as it is partly the answer to the audiences questions. This is effective as it shows that the people are going through a long, difficult looking procedure. This shot also focuses on the genetics side and the creation of this creature which is their problem, by expressing this in the trailer through dialogue, this makes the audience feel like they know what is going on and eager to want to know what happens next

Sound: Repetitive wailing sound when something tension rising is to happen.

Purpose of effect: This sound when he touches the marks signifies something bad is to arise and that these marks are important as they suggest that this unknown creature defiantly exists and creates an effect on the audience as the marks are very dangerous looking and steep suggesting a large animal. As they tell this is a 40 ft. wall that the dinosaur climbed up, this makes the audience feel unsettled as it shows that it will be almost impossible to battle against this creature and suggests more trouble. This also suggests that there will be later trouble with this man and the creature due to him being involved in exploring the mysterious creature. As him helping and being one of the main characters, this builds and establishes a relationship with the audience and the main character.

Sound: Distant screaming and animal wailing noise.

Purpose of effect: This gives the audience a sense of adrenaline as the shot shows a man being almost pulled down a lake/water which raises enigmas as to what is happening and if he survives through the journey. This screaming and shot also suggests danger and hazard. Also, as the shot is very blurry, filmed fast and there is little light, this suggests mystery and the sense of the unknown, which then drives the audience to participate and feel apart of the action. Also, the repetitive wailing sound makes the audience wonder what the animal/create is as it is very difficult to identify and sounds very different to most animals.

Sound: Dialogue – ‘RUN!’

Purpose of effect: The shot shows the woman sweating and seems like she’s being held back. This suggests that she is in danger and is protecting others by advising them to run. This connotes that they go on a dangerous journey due to this dinosaur/creature. This shot also shows the contrast on this character and how she looked before, which was well kept and smart. This shot of her suggests that there have been problems created and they are struggling to fix them, however this raises enigmas to whether she survives or not and who is on this journey with her.