June 2017 Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B. Vol. No.12, Issue No · 2017-08-14 · June 2017 Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B. Vol. No.12, Issue No.6 IN MEMORY OF JALAL-UD-DIN AKBAR IBN-I

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Page 1: June 2017 Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B. Vol. No.12, Issue No · 2017-08-14 · June 2017 Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B. Vol. No.12, Issue No.6 IN MEMORY OF JALAL-UD-DIN AKBAR IBN-I

Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B. Vol. No.12, Issue No.6June 2017



FORTHCOMING EVENTS AT THE BERLIN MOSQUE• Monument Day: Saturday: Sunday 9-10 September 2017.

• Ist European Jalsa Salana: Fri.- Sunday 15-17 September 2017


THE PATH TO SUCCESS 2Bro Ebrahim Mohammed

FORGIVENESS AND RESTRAINT - AN INSIGHT INTO ISLAM’S TRUE TEACHINGS 5by Lord Shahid Aziz, president UK (Lahore) Ahmadiyya Community


BOOK REVIEW: 12BEDTIME STORIES by Iqubal Hydal, Trinidad.


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(Text of Eid-ul-Fitr sermon delivered by the president of Lahore Ahmadiyya Community, Cape Town, South Africa)


“As you (Muslims) performed service and acts of goodwill and charity for the poor and needy members of our communities, you reminded us that Islam is a faith founded on compassion,

justice and universal brotherhood. It is about giving, not taking. It is about generosity, not greed. It is about love, peace, truth, and tolerance. Not hatred, violence, dishonesty and bigotry. And

these are universal human values upon which we need to anchor our new society.” – Deputy-president of Johannesburg, South Africa.

A day of ever-recurring joyAlmighty God be praised and thanked abundantly for granting us this day of Eid-ul-Fitr (a day of ever-recurring joy) to celebrate that inner joy that culminates after a month of fasting for the sake of God; a month of intense prayers and supplications, and generous charity for the poor and indigent out of love for Him. Despite all the grimness in the world, Ramadan has shown that the Muslim fraternity can rise above their own selfish and self-centred tendencies to improve themselves whilst at the same time reaching out for the less fortunate with love and compassion.

The joys and exhilaration that we experience this day are like the joy and gratification that a farmer feels when harvesting a luxuriant crop after long periods of cultivation of the land, followed by planting of the seeds with careful precision, watering it, and guarding it with the utmost vigilance and care against harmful elements until the crops grow to maturity and bear fruit.

The allegory of a farmerThis allegory of the farmer and his lush crops illustrates what we undergo during the month of fasting to reap the spiritual fruits that bring joy and contentment of the heart. We are thus reminded that our whole life should be about ensuring the proper growth to perfection of those latent seeds of morality and spirituality that Almighty God had placed inside us so that we may enjoy the bliss and well-being when those seeds reach fruition. This happens when we reach a state of complete God-Consciousness, that state of being that brings us closer to God and complete surrender to His Will. This state is what the Holy Quran repeatedly refers to as our falah or success and therefore the Holy Quran says:

“He indeed is successful who causes it (the soul) to grow” (91:9).

The word ‘successful’ in the Holy Quran comes from the root word falah which also means ‘self-im-provement’, or the ‘unfoldment’ of hidden qualities. In Arabic it is interesting to note that ‘a farmer’ is often referred to as falah because a farmer is the one who works hard to till the land in order to grow successful crops of food including delicious fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers etc. Such crops that give recurring delight to the beholder and the harvester. This is the meaning of Eid- an ever-re-curring happiness and joy, accompanied by well-deserved festivities.

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The Holy Qur’an is the Spiritual Rain for moral rejuvenationThe same principle on which the harvesting of a successful crop by a farmer is based, applies to our relationship with the Holy Quran which often stands for the spiritual rain that enlivens our souls and causes it to grow into super God-Consciousness that knows no end. The Holy Quran alludes to this, metaphorically, when it says:

“And He it is Who sends down water from the clouds, then We bring forth with it buds of all (plants), then We bring forth from it green (foliage), from which We produce clustered grain; and of the date-palm, of the sheaths of it, come forth clusters (of dates) within reach; and gardens of grapes and the olive and the pomegranate, alike and unlike. Look at the fruit of it when it bears fruit and the ripening of it - Surely there are signs in this for a people who believe!” (6:99).

So what are the signs or lessons for us in this beautiful picture of a luxuriant garden, the soil of which was given life to by salubrious rain from the heavens? The month of Ramadan has highlighted this principle in a spiritual sense. We watered the garden of our souls through reading, reciting and studying the Holy Quran more intensely; we engaged in additional prayers sometimes in the middle of the night; we fasted to gain the pleasure of Almighty Allah; we gave charity out of compassion and concern for the poor and less fortunate. In this manner we worked hard to transform the raw seeds of ‘lust, anger and greed’ in us into useful moral qualities. We were afforded the opportunity to collectively put a check on our lusts and turned it into ‘love and compassion’ that extended beyond our own families to the less fortunate in particular. We worked on our ‘anger and egotistic natures’ by turning it into ‘well-placed bravery and patience’ that developed further into the moral qualities of being ‘firm and principled’ in the face of injustice and cruelty. The seeds of greed in us were trans-formed into moral qualities of being ‘up and doing’ against all forms of injustice, forbidding what is wrong and enjoining what is good.

These are but some basic examples of how the Ramadan taught us to cultivate our own souls for it to grow into moral and spiritual fruits. In the Holy month of Ramadan, we did all this like a farmer, so that we could reap the fruits - ‘the success of this world and the next.’

Perfect divine guidance – The Qur’anIn the next life this crop, built up from our good deeds here, will, by the Mercy of Almighty God, manifest itself as the most beautiful Garden of bliss as promised in the Holy Quran.

But like anything else in life, we need expert guidance as to the best methods to adopt to enhance the growth of our souls. We need to know what is useful and what should be avoided. This guidance comes from the Holy Quran and the precepts of the Holy Prophet Muhammad:

“So He reveals to it its way of evil and its way of good” (91:8).

The Holy Quran is perfect and authentic guide for humankind. Thus we are told at the very beginning:

“I Allah am the Best Knower. This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty” (2:1-2)

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Therefore, in order to develop from a state of ‘low, uncontrolled animal passions’ to a ‘highly civilized, moral status’ - we must turn to the Holy Quran for guidance. If our approach to the Holy Book is just to recite it on special occasions such as weddings and funerals etc; or to use it for debates ‘to show academic prowess’, then all our efforts will be futile like the ‘chaff’ as mentioned in the Holy Quran:

“Know that this world’s life is only sport and play and gaiety and boasting among your-selves and a vying in the multiplication of wealth and children. It is as rain, whose causing the vegetation to grow pleases the farmer, then it withers away so that you see it turning yellow, then it becomes chaff” (57:20).

Thus it tells us that success according to Islam is not measured in terms of material possessions. Our duty is to bring ourselves to the point of true morality that builds a civilization based on ‘righteous-ness, compassion and justice’ for all.

Need to generate bonds of brotherhoodThere appears to be no empathy along the lines of a common brotherhood; religious scholars can-not agree even on simple issues such as when is the day of Eid or when does the fast begin. When a leading nation in the Muslim world can spend billions of dollars on arms to use it with impunity on a virtually defenceless, ill-equipped Muslim neighbour, killing thousands and rendering their women and children destitute. This is certainly is not the peace Islam envisaged. Even the holy month of Ramadan was not spared for such barbaric behaviour.

Whilst it is encouraging these days to see many video clips circulating on social media condemning such behaviour as well as clips extolling the beauty of the Holy Quran – it seems these postings have failed in creating any positive results. This sorry state prevails despite the fact that now-a-days religious clerics are churned out like produce of a conveyor belt in a factory.

Nowadays, we also find people flocking to Mecca in droves yet with all these well-intentioned efforts there is still no visible transformation of note. Instead of noble moral qualities of ‘love, compassion, empathy and justice etc., becoming a dominant feature in our communities, we still see too much of ‘lust, anger and greed’ prevail.

Literary services to the cause of IslamThe Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, 19th Century Muslim Reformer diagnosed this disease correctly 100 years ago and actively set about in treating its root causes. He made it very clear that the only solution was to provide quality literature that gives the correct, unadulterated teachings of Islam as a cure for the disease. The Woking Muslim Mission in England and the establishment of the Berlin Mission in Germany at the turn of the 20th century were the first of its kind that dispelled the doubts and misconceptions about Islam and its Holy Prophet.

The Lahore based Ahmadiyya Movement, despite opposition from mainstream Muslims has over a century successfully produced widely acclaimed literature presenting true image of the teachings of Islam and the precept of its Holy Prophet.

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In Pakistan, members of the Ahmadiyya Movement, by law, are not allowed to practice Islam and propagate its peaceful message. This ‘noval’ piece of legislation should be condemned by all fair-minded persons. This grossly inhumane Pakistani legislation is negation of a basic human right - the freedom of worship guaranteed by the Qur’an itself: “There is no compulsion in religion.” (2:256).

Humane service in reply to persecutionNevertheless, under these most oppressive circumstances, the Central Body in Pakistan has not given up serving suffering humanity. These days the organization is focussed on providing free hu-manitarian support to the poor and needy.

Last year they provided free medical treatment and medicines to more than fifty thousand people from the Maulana Muhammad Ali dispensary Seventeen hundred patients were provided with free ultra-sounds, and more than five hundred with free x-rays. Fifty six widows receive financial support and more than seventy students receive free education.

The Berlin Mosque has been designated monumental status by the German Government and is seen as a favourite tourist attraction with a constant flow of visitors from all parts of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim. In this way peaceful propaganda efforts for Islam is effectively being carried on countering anti-Islamic propaganda.

Our organization in the United States is making tremendous strides in the translation and publica-tion of our literature into Arabic. This is a phenomenal achievement, considering the smouldering situation in the Middle East where extremist ideologies are rife.

In South Africa under the National Outreach Program Lahore community has presented hundreds of libraries across the country with sets of valuable books on Islam and the English translation of the Qur’an.

Islam is a faith of compassion, Justice and universal brotherhoodAt the Eid-ul-Fitr celebration in Johannesburg, South Africa, as a guest of honour, the deputy President of South Africa, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, remarked:

‘As you (Muslims) performed service and acts of goodwill and charity for the poor and needy mem-bers of our communities, you reminded us that Islam is a faith founded on compassion, justice and universal brotherhood. It is about giving, not taking. It is about generosity, not greed. It is about love, peace, truth, and tolerance. Not hatred, violence, dishonesty and bigotry. And these are universal human values upon which we need to anchor our new society.’

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Muslims have just finished a month of fasting. The Holy Quran tells us that the pur-pose of fasting is to enable us to guard against evil. One great evil prevailing at this time is the desire to take revenge for perceived or real injustice by hurting others.

Ramadan teaches us to control such evil desires. Hazrat Abu Bakr (r), a close com-panion of the Holy Prophet (s), used to help a certain poor man regularly. This man,

however, spread false rumours about the character of Hazrat Abu Bakr’s daughter. In his anger, Hazrat Abu Bakr stopped giving this man any money for food. Upon this, Allah sent a revelation through the Prophet Muhammad (s) asking how many humans would survive if Allah withdrew His benefits from every human being who wronged Him. This is the lesson we should have learnt from fasting.

And this is not restricted to dealings between Muslims. The Holy Quran tells us that the whole of mankind is a single nation and that the Holy Prophet Muhammad was sent to the whole of humanity with this message of forgiveness and mercy. Let us open our hearts and not just forgive those who wrong us but extend love towards them and do whatever is required to help them.

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(Text of Eid-ul-Fitr sermon delivered at the Lahore Ahmadiyya Centre, Wembley, UK on Sunday, 25th June 2017)

“By the fig and the olive! And mount Sinai! And this city (of Makkah) made secure. Certainly We created man in the best make. Then We made him the lowest of the low, except those who believe and do good; (for them) is a reward never to be cut off. So who can belie You (O Lord) about this Judgement. Is not Allah the Best of the judges.” ( Chapter 95).

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Universal Divine TruthThis chapter refers to the three great religions of the world and draws our attention to a universal Divine truth that God created human beings with the finest qualities to act as His vicegerent or Deputy on Earth. The task allocated is to utilise enormous capabilities endowed by Allah in exploiting vast and un-limited resources for making this world a place of peace, justice and prosper-ity. But if humankind fails to discharge its responsibilities, and even refuses to listen to the messengers of God and resort to persecution and transgression,

then divine chastisement comes down on them. And this is what the Qur’an reiterates:

“Have they not travelled in the earth and seen what was the end of those before them? They were stronger than these in prowess, and dug up the earth and built on it more than these have built. And their messengers came to them with clear arguments. So it was not Allah, Who wronged them, but they wronged themselves.” (30:9).

Responsibilities of human beingsHow heavy is the responsibility of human beings as His Deputy can be assessed by what God Himself mentioned elsewhere in the Qur’an:

“Surely We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to be unfaithful to it and feared from it.” (33:72).

But the last part of this verse should make us realise gravity of the responsibility:

“And man has turned unfaithful to it. Surely he is ever unjust and ignorant.”

This is the style adopted in the Qur’an to make us realise how great is the responsibility entrusted to us. That is why a little earlier in the Qur’an Allah says:

“And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he indeed achieves a mighty success.”(v. 71)

God’s entrusting the responsibility does not mean that He is, God forbid, unable to govern the earth and what He created in it. God makes this clear in the well-known verse, Ayatul Kursi, in the follow-ing words:

“His knowledge extends over the Heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not. And He is the Most High and Great.” (2:256).

But today nobody can deny that of all the creatures on earth, human beings are the most honoured ones and enjoy the ability of subjugating all that is between the heavens and the earth. This is what God has stated in the Qur’an:

“ And certainly We have honoured the children of Adam, and We carry them in the land and the sea, and We provide them with good things, and We have made them to excel highly most of those whom We have created.” (17:70).

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The honour bestowed on human beings is because “Allah taught Adam all the names”. The great commentator of the Qur’an, Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Razi, explains the word, asma’ meaning names in these words :

“He taught him the attributes of things and their descriptions and their characteristics, for the attri-butes of a thing are indicative of its nature. So teaching Adam the names therefore signifies the vast capability of man and superiority of his knowledge.”

Taqwa – to achieve salvation and love of AllahBut in chapter 49, The Apartments, verse 13 Allah cautions man: that you will enjoy all this honour and superiority when you shall prove yourself “the most dutiful servant” – at-qaa-kum.

As you all know, the word taqwa has various meanings. In fact this word and its various forma-tions, occur frequently in the Qur’an. It has been repeatedly used as the very object of belief and good deeds.

In the very first verse of the Qur’an it has been mentioned that it “is a guide to those who are muttaqi”. To understand true significance of the word taqwa or muttaqi and how comprehensive meaning it carries and why Maulana Muhammad Ali has made a departure in translating the word, let us read what he writes:

“I make a departure here from the rendering of the word muttaqi, which English translators general-ly render into God-fearing or pious. The root is waqaa, and conveys the sense of saving, guarding, or preserving (Lane’s Lexicon). According to Imam Raghib, it signifies the guarding of a thing from that which harms or injures it. … Hence the word muttaqi may properly be translated only as one who guards himself against evil, or one who is careful of, or has regard for, or keeps his duty. The Qur’an, in the very first verse tells us that it affords guidance to those who keep their duty, because the sense of keeping his duty is innate in man, and everyone who has regard for duty is true to nature and true to himself.

No guidance would benefit a man who has no regard for his duty. Adopting the alternative meaning, those who guard against evil, the significance is that guarding against evil or being saved from sin, is the first stage in man’s spiritual advancement, and the Qur’an lays down the principles, by following them the higher stages of that advancement are achieved.”

Muhammad Asad has translated it as “God-Conscious”. Ubayy bin Ka‘b, a distinguished Companion of the Holy Prophet says, Muttaqi is a person who walks through thorny bushes, taking every care that his clothes are not caught in bushes and be torn by their branches and thorns. The root word waqaya in its different forms has been used 258 times in the Qur’an.

A believer is fully conscious of his responsibilitiesThe Holy Prophet, (saw) was the most eloquent and concise in his talks. Here is a beautiful saying of the Holy Prophet emphasising how everyone is to perform his duties and is accountable to God.

The saying is:

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“Every one of you is a ruler and every one of you shall be questioned about those un-der his rule; the king is a ruler and he shall be questioned about his subjects; and the man is a ruler in his family and he shall be questioned about those under his care; and the woman is a ruler in the house of her husband and she shall be questioned about those under her care; and the servant is a ruler so far as the property of his master is concerned, and he shall be questioned about that which is entrusted to him. “ (Bukhari: Book 11, Chapter 11).

It gives us a broad idea that ultimate objective of all principles and practices of Islam is to create in the believer a very high sense of responsibility to act and serve the creatures – human or otherwise. That is why a true believer needs to nurture sense of thankfulness to Allah for all the bounties bestowed upon him and to seek His guidance through Salah not only by purifying himself but also by serving his fellow human beings. Similarly, a believer through Zakaat purifies himself of greed and selfishness and contributes a fixed percentage of his income for the needy and deprived section of the society. This is besides what he gives in charity.

Then comes the Fasting. It is a comprehensive physical as well as spiritual exercise. It is like a refresher course of nurturing and doing all sorts of virtues which a true believer is supposed to demonstrate in his daily life. He should resist evil and temptation. He should guard against all sorts of evil intentions, thoughts, inclinations and acts.

In a way we are here talking about Change Management. Allah wishes us to change and change for the better. It is a vast subject and I will only talk about its two aspects. One aspect of bringing change is - The Habit Loop.

Habit – Routine and RewardFor instance, take the example of brushing your teeth. Take low fat diet and result will be normal cholesterol level.

The question is: How can we change or develop a habit individually or in a group?

For example. Brushing your teeth in the morning will give you healthy teeth and gums and as a result you smell nice. Result of brushing teeth will lead to fresh and clean teeth and guarding against many ailments of stomach. And this is reward of brushing teeth regularly.

We all know that the Holy Prophet (saw) used to brush his teeth regularly not only in the morning and before going to sleep but even before offering five daily prayers. You will be amazed that while the Holy Prophet (saw) was in his las days and Hazrat Ayesha was very restless seeing him in that state of distress.

During one these days Hazrat Abdur Rahman, brother of Hazrat A’yesha came to enquire about the health of the Prophet. He was then holding a fresh and green piece of branch in his hand. Hazrat A’yesha understood from the looks of the Holy Prophet (saw) that he wished to brush his teeth with that branch. She, therefore, took the branch from her brother, chewed it and gave it to the Holy Prophet, who brushed his teeth with it.

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This is a simple example Habit loop which Allah wishes us to develop and promote. The Habit loop is the path of taqwah and the most effect way to develop it to follow what Allah has prescribed in the Qur’an.

Ramadaan – A Refresher CourseRamadan provides a Refresher Course into all those virtues and habits which make one to exercise Adl or justice and ihsaan or voluntary good and the result will be pleasant joys of Paradise (16:90).

And the formula to pass that Crash Course is : uswatun hasanah, to follow the Best Example of the Holy Prophet (saw).

It can be expressed in two ways:

“Don’t tell me what to do it. But tell me how to do it.”

Or in other words:

“ Don’t tell me what you do, but tell me how you got there.”

Evidently the month of Ramadan provides us an additional opportunity to earn special reward for making special effort to do and shun all things which have been otherwise prescribed and prohibited by Allah. When God Says that “I shall reward it myself”, it means that in normal course every good deed is rewarded by Allah accordingly. But when God says that He will bestow reward for it, it means that it will be a special reward over and above what is usually awarded. In a way this month gives us an opportunity to earn a bonus reward for obeying His special orders. We can also say that it is a special gesture of thankfulness shown to Allah for the special grace of revealing to us His Last and Final Guidance.

What I have told you is not something which is implied or inferred. This what Allah has guaranteed in the Qur’an:

Chapter 23 Al-Mu’minoon, The Believers, starts with these glad tidings for the believers:

“Successful indeed are the believers,Who are humble in their prayers,Who shun what is vain,Who spend and act for the sake of purity,Who restrain their sexual passions,Who are keepers of their trusts and covenants,And who keep a guard on their prayers.These indeed are the heirs and will inherit Paradise and therein they will abide.(23 The Believers 1-11).

Month of Ramadan is the special month when we decide to take on a Refresher Course to exercise and implement Code of Life prescribed by our Creator. It is not a day or a week long, but it is a month long course – to educate human beings to act as His deputy. This is a demonstration shown

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on individual and collective basis how Islam would like us to be, and that it is very much possible – provided one decides to do with faith and conviction.

Why evil and transgression in spite of Prophets and Reformers?A question is generally raised: It is said that more than 12 million and 4 thousand Prophets and numerous Reformers and sages were raised in different parts of the world. Of these few have been mentioned in the Bible and the Qur’an. All these messengers of God led exemplary lives and bore years of persecution and even migrated to other countries to continue the work of regeneration and reformation. They were instrumental in evolving ideals of mutual love, peace, harmony and sacrifice. Prophet Buddha taught nonviolence and self-purification. Prophet Moses bore hardship to liberate Israelites from the worst slavery of the Pharaoh. Prophet Jesus taught to exercise love and humility as against oligarchy of Jewish clergy and persecution of the Romans. They all faced untold misery, persecution and even fought battles to reform and educate people of their times. And then came the Promised and Final Messenger, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) with the Perfect Example and Final Code. All these God-sent men did establish purity, morality and peace in their given societies. So why is it that we see history tattered with brutal and dreadful battles and wars. Why misery, injustice, persecution and evil needs to be eradicated?

Example of Traffic Control SystemA simple example of traffic control system, I hope, provides an answer to this difficult question. With the progress of civilization and means of communication, various rules and regulations have been evolved to control traffic and provide safety to human lives. In its wake better roads, mile stones, traf-fic signs and signals, traffic lights, speed-cameras and then cat eyes and reflective directions on the roads were introduced. In order to provide safety to the pedestrians, speed-breakers, zebra cross-ings are constructed. Further, to provide safety to the drivers, seat-belts, air-bags and sensor-lights have been provided by the car manufacturers. But the fact remains that violations and accidents still occur and human beings are injured and killed.

The question is: Is the Traffic control system a useless exercise? Has it failed to avoid accidents or is it the failure on the part of human beings to make themselves conscious of traffic rules and to realise that the traffic rules are for their safety and smooth flow of traffic?

We cannot deny that traffic safety system is becoming more and more sophisticated. Car manufac-turers are trying to provide more and more safety measures in the cars to protect human lives and minimise damage to the vehicles. The main problem is how to control the urge in man to cross the limit or to compel him to abide by the rules? The creative power endowed in him to exploit forces of nature for the betterment of human life needs to be disciplined to remain within limits. It is good for him as well as for others. But if man misuses it or does not abide by the rules or does not take the precautions then the accidents are bound to occur. So the fault lies with the human being and not the traffic rules or efforts to make man conscious of the benefits of the traffic rules.

Example of Annual Spiritual Exercise of HajjTake another example of the most amazing spiritual exercise of Hajj. Every year millions of Muslims perform Hajj. The number of Pilgrims and visitors is increasing day by day. Haram Sharif and Prophet’s Mosque are undergoing extension after extension but still further extension is needed to accommo-date the ever-increasing number of pilgrims. But do we see that much change among the Muslims?

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On the other hand, countries in the West are getting alarmed at the spread of Islam. New scholars and writers in the West are highlighting intrinsic beauties of the Quran as a universal message of spirituality, inter-faith harmony and social purity. One is surprised to find that a Christian lady author by the name of Karen Armstrong of UK has written many books on Islam and comparative study of Islam and Christianity. Out of these, not one but more than 10 books, have been translated into Urdu and published in Pakistan alone. So far no other Christian author has gained so much popularity in Pakistan in recent times. But the irony is that Muslim world itself has failed to uphold Islam as their way of life. Growing terrorism supported by oil-rich Muslim states is proving the biggest hurdle in the way of Islam.

Fasting – a spiritual and physical package of DisciplineFasting and all other devotional and charitable acts prescribed or recommended during the month of Ramadan provide a package of discipline almost in all facets of human life.

The meticulous exercise of Taqwa during the month of Ramadaan is meant to strengthen a believer’s spirituality and humanity to enable him to perform his responsibilities more consciously as Allah’s deputy on earth.

And I conclude with the beautiful verses of the Qur’an in which Allah is pleased with those who are foremost in submitting to the will of Allah:

“And the foremost, the first of the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them in goodness – Allah is well pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Him. And he has prepared for them Gardens wherein flow rivers, abiding therein for ever” (9:100).“Say: O My servants who believe, keep your duty to your Lord. For those who do good there is good (reward) in this world…Truly the steadfast will be paid reward without measure. Say (O Muhammad) I am commanded to serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience. And I am commanded to be the first of those who submit.” (39:10-12)

May Allah enable us to be the doers of Good and may Allah grant us the vision and patience to be the foremost in living such a noble life. Amen.

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(Launching of the book was held at the Gasparillo Mosque, Trinidad. For the interest of our readers we are giving below a brief history of this Mosque which has always been hub of regular activities – on ritual and special religious occasions. The details have been sent by our energetic sister MRS ZAKEYA HOSEIN. We may mention here that she along with her learned SISTER SOHAILA OMAR DEEN and BRO WAHID OMARDEEN, have been playing active role in keeping this mosque a vibrant centre. During the month of Ramadan this Mosque organizes Iftar talks and dinners wherein various learned speakers from all over Trinidad take part. -Ed.)

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HISTORY OF THE GASPARILLO MOSQUE, TRINIDAD The first Mosque in GasparilloThe first Mosque in Gasparillo was built around 1898 on the lands of Baboo Munradeen. The wooden structure was on lands north-west of the Marie Douleh Bridge of Bonne Aventure Road – opposite King’s café. The Jama‘at was made up of members from Gasparillo and environs. Among the Imams to serve were Fatelle Syne, Badloo Meah, Tayrhee Meah, Baboo Munradeen, Kadir Meah, Mauraji Meah and Sakhawat Meah.

During the term of office of Sakhawat Meah the membership realized that the Mosque was too small and was in a state of disrepair. A few prominent members – Rahaman Ali, Karmally, Rasool Baksh, Ali Hosein, Bakreedan, Aziz Ali, Toon Ali and Norman Mohammed to name a few decided to seek a new site for a Mosque. Mr Rahaman Ali donated a parcel of land and on November 21, 1943, a foundation stone was laid by Moulvi Ameer Ali, Mufti of the Trinidad Muslim League. In April 1944, the Mosque was formally opened at this site with Sakhawat Meah as the Imam. He was followed by Isahak Meah who served as Imam for a short period.

1947 saw the appointment of Joom Alloudeen as Imam. He taught Maktab classes every day after school hours. He was also well-known for his moulood singing and visited homes with the young people singing Islamic songs.

In 1950 Gasparillo Moulood Group under the presidency of Asgar Ali was started. This youth arm of the Jama‘at was eventually renamed The Gasparillo Islamic Group. During the mid 1950’s the Gasparillo Muslim Women’s Association was founded. Mrs Baseeran Ali was the first President.

The Sunday Class for the children was started in 1955. Three young men - Shanee Ali, Aashiq Ali and Nazru Deen were responsible for this.

Three Day Qur’anic ReadingsThe 1950’s also saw the inception of our Three Day Quranic Readings. This became an annual event on the last weekend in October and attracted participation from many prominent speakers from around the country. A regular feature of these readings was that the late Justice Noor Hassanali would chair the function every year on the last day. Justice Noor Hassanali later became President of our country Trinidad and Tobago.

Other activities included visits to members’ homes to read the Holy Quran and sing Islamic Songs. Religious events – Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Meelad-un-Nabi and Meeraj were always grandly cele-brated. The Eid days saw the feeding of the poor by the Women’s Association.

Fund-raising activities included bazaars, tea-parties and parcel evenings.

Thirty-seven years’ service of Imam Zool DeanIn May 1956, Imam Joom Allaudeen passed away. He was succeeded as Imam by his son, Imam Zool Deen. Whilst most of the members of the Jama‘at today may not know the previous Imams mentioned before, many have fond memories of Imam Zool Deen. He was the Imam of our Jama‘at for 37 years during which time he endeared himself to all members of the Jama‘at – male and female, young and old. Although his formal education was just up to Standard 5, he was

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a well-read person, who was admired for the quality of his sermons, and everyone – Muslims and non-Muslims alike - looked forward to hearing him speak.

During his tenure as Imam, the Jama‘at continued to make great strides. Activities among the children, youths, ladies and the Mosque Board continued apace. Br. Yacoob Ali (Barbay) served as Muezzin while Imam Joom Allaudeen served and for a part of the time when Imam Zool Deen served. He had a very melodious voice. Br. Rahman Ali also served the Jama‘at with distinction in his position as ‘lecturer’. He held classes first on Monday nights and then on Thursday nights for many years – reading and teaching the virtues propounded in the Holy Quran. He also served as adult leader for The Gasparillo Islamic Group. During the month of Ramadan he read and explained the Holy Quran every night and also encouraged the young men to do so. His death in 1978 was a sad blow to all. May Allah reward him richly for his many kind and noble deeds.

Eventful period of Maulana S. M. Tufail’s visit to TrinidadBetween 1964 and 1984 we were fortunate to have in our midst Maulana S. M. Tufail, visiting mis-sionary from Pakistan and England. He conducted several classes at our Mosque. He and his family spent some years among us and considered themselves part of our Jama‘at. Two of his works have remained a part of us to this day. – “The Songs of Islam” and “The Quran Reader”.

In 1976 another important milestone in our mosque was achieved when we acquired a parcel of land on the eastern side of the Mosque. We were able to complete an extension to the upstairs and also add a new kitchen and washroom facilities downstairs. In addition, we also constructed a parking lot and a fence. The formal opening of these facilities was done by Maulana S. M. Tufail in November 1979.

Around this time too, the regular breaking of the fast in our Mosque began. This activity continues to this day whereby families and groups of families sponsor Iftaar and dinner. During the month of Ramadan there are very few days when our members breakfast at home – most days they do so in the Mosque.

In the very early 1980’s, to fill the void left by the passing of Br. Rahaman Ali, our lecturer, Br. Wahid Omardeen initiated our Ramadan program – a lecture series during the month. A theme and 29 or 30 related topics are selected and a different speaker presents a topic each night. Speakers would come from our Jama‘at as well as guest speakers from other Jama‘ats. This program still con-tinues and many of our members have benefitted immensely – both by receiving the messages and by researching and delivering them. It is particularly pleasing that many of our young members, male and female, participate in this programme.

The 1980’s also saw a resurgence of the fortnightly readings, either at the homes of members or at the Mosque. During this time also we adopted our Jama‘at’s motto : ONE GOD, ONE PEOPLE.

An annual weekend retreat to Mayaro was also very successfully held during the 1980’s. This proved to be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. Another significant program which started in the 1980’s and continued into the 1990’s was our Inter-faith meetings. A common topic was discussed by representatives of major religious groups in our community. These meetings were initiated by Br.

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Wahid Omardeen and to a greater extent by the late Br. Subrattee Khan who was very passionate about inter-faith relations.

Fiftieth Anniversary of the MosqueMany significant developments in our Jama‘at’s history took place during the 1990’s. In 1993 we cel-ebrated the 50th Anniversary of our Mosque. This was truly a very grand affair which attracted guests from all over the country as well as from abroad. It was a lovely day which was marred only by the ex-tremely inclement weather which prevented our chief guests President and Mrs. Noor Hassanali from attending since Solomon Hochoy Highway was virtually impassable. However, that may have been a blessing in disguise since the idea of constructing our annexe was born out of those circumstances.

In 1994, Imam Zool, due to old age and failing health retired after serving the Jama‘at for 37 years. 1995 saw the appointment of our former Muezzin Amrul Ali as our new Imam. Imam Amrul was fortunate to have learnt Arabic from Arabic scholars and so he was noted for his melodious Arabic recitation with correct pronunciation. He was well-versed in all aspects of Islam having done the Imaamat Course conducted by Maulana M. K. Hydal.

Like his predecessors, Imam Amrul endeared himself to the members of the Jama‘at. He conducted the Sunday Class for many years, even after his retirement a few years ago. He also conduted other classes for adult members. In all his classes he taught among other things, the reading of Arabic, the performance of Salaah and the correct pronunciation of surahs.

Bro Amrul Ali as ImamWith the elevation of Imam Amrul from Muezzin to Imam, Br. Fyzool Hosein was appointed as Muezzin. He continues to serve in this position and offers yeoman services to our Jama‘at.

In 1996 construction on our annexe began under the astute directorship of Br. Jonas Hanif Mohammed. This annexe was formally opened by the then Minister of Works the Hon. Sadiq Baksh on October 26th, 1997. Br. Jonas was the most senior member of our Jama‘at for many years. Sadly he passed away in December 2016. May Allah grant him Jannah. The construction of our annexe allowed us to do some outreach work. Some community groups like the Scout Group, the Diabetes Association and the Kiwanis Club were allowed to use our facilities for their programs. Currently The Gasparillo Senior Centre which is a project of the Ministry of Social Development is run at The Jamaat’s premises. A program providing a cooked meal on a monthly basis for needy people in the community was run for a number of years following the construction of the annexe. This program was spearheaded by Br. Jonas and his daughter Nazra. They were greatly assisted by Imam Amrul, the late Br. Rakeeb Baksh, Br. Fyzool – the Muezzin and Sis. Jenifa Shah – who assisted by cooking the meals. A free medical clinic was also run for a short period.

The year 2000 started as a new millennium. For members of our Jama‘at it started with thanks to Allah for favours of the past and a fervent prayer for His guidance for the future.

In October 2000, we were saddened by the passing of our former Imam Zool Deen. May his soul rest in peace and may Allah be pleased with him for his efforts while he was with us.

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Activities in our Jama‘at continued to progress well. Our classes, meetings, readings and other activ-ities went ahead with the usual fervour.

Our fund-raising activities during this time included tea parties, Eid dinners and bazaars - the types for which we were famous in earlier years. During this time two special funds were established. The first was an Education Fund which was started during the late 1990`s but grew in the 2000`s. This fund was initiated with donations given by Br. Asgar Ali on behalf of his late wife. Following the passing of Br. Asgar – the fund became known as the Asgar and Hanipha Ali Education Trust Fund. From this fund Qurans were bought and distributed to every home in the Jama‘at in 2010. The second fund to be established was the Medical Fund. This fund enables us to assist our members and others who may be in need of medical assistance. Recently this was renamed the Medical and Emergency Fund.

We have also been assisting countries that have been hit by disasters over the years – countries such as Haiti, Pakistan, Palestine, Indonesia and the Philippines.

There has been one matter that has been a cause for concern. The Gasparillo Islamic Group – the youth arm of our Jama‘at – had become non-functioning. We do have the presence of the youths around, some in a very active way, but with the attractions or distractions of today and commitments with extra lessons and classes in the quest for a higher education, it has been proving somewhat a challenge to get them together. However, because of great efforts made by Imam Andy and others there has been a positive response from the youths. Our Sunday class continues to attract children of the Jama‘at. Imam Andy Shah, his wife Nadia and Sis. Zakeya Hosein are the tutors.

In early 2010 Imam Amrul Ali signaled his intention to retire as Imam effective 31st May 2010. Four of our members were given the opportunity to conduct Jumu‘ah Salaah periodically during those months. They were Br. Nickos Ogeerally, Br. Andy Shah, Br. Neezam Mohammed and Br. Aziz Hosein. Many thanks go out to those brothers who all did an excellent job. However, Br. Neezam Mohammed was selected as our Imam and was inaugurated into office in June 2010. Many thanks go out to Imam Amrul for his services. He will always be in our prayers.

Imam Neezam, since his youthful days has been a student of Islam.

Some improvements to the MosqueThe years 2011 -2013 have seen great improvements to our physical structure. We have installed new washroom facilities and Wudu‘ areas and refurbished our kitchen. Br. Imran Hosein and Br. Mohamed Hyatali were in charge of these projects.

In January 2015 Imam Neezam Mohammed resigned as Imam. Following his resignation, Br. Aziz Hosein and Br. Andy Shah carried out duties as Imams of the Jama‘at.

In April 2016 both brothers were officially appointed as Imams of our Jamaat. Both Imam Aziz and Imam Andy are executive members of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i Islam of Trinidad and Tobago and are students of Maulana Kemal Hydal. We wish them both success in their efforts.

May our Jamaat continue to progress and may we continue to follow the teachings of the Holy Quran and the examples of our Holy Prophet Muhammad. (upon whom be peace).

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We pray for Allah`s help and guidance in all our efforts.

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BEDTIME STORIES - CONVERSATION ABOUT:1. Belief in Allah. 2. Belief in Angels. 3. Belief in Revealed Books. 4. Belief in Prophets. 5. Belief in the measurement of Good and Evil. 6. The Day of Judgement. 7. Life After Death.

The book entitled Bedtime Stories for children is in the form of questions and answers. Imam Iqubal Hydal has selected basic beliefs of Islam and has explained their concepts and related subjects in simple questions and an-swers. In his conversation, he has briefly explained Islamic views about the founders and teaching of other religions. It is time that Muslim scholars and teachers should explain this aspect of Islam to Muslim children in the West. It is a fact that holy Book of Islam – the Qur’an – highlights true teachings of

some of the well-known prophets of God and that Islam is the final version of the Divine Guidance. Unfortunately, this important aspect of the message of Islam has so far went unnoticed by the Muslims themselves. Imam Hydal has tried to educate Muslim children in the West about this aspect of the teachings of Islam which explains the significance of ‘ believing in all the previous prophets’ in Islam.

Here we may quote just two questions: one about Christianity and the other about Hinduism.

“What is Trinity?The Christians believe that God has three manifestations. God the father, God the son and God the Holy Ghost. They believe that these three parts of God came in the person of Jesus Christ (peace be on him).

Do Hindus worship idols?No. They say that they do not worship idols. What you call idols which you see in their temples, are called murtis. They believe that these murtis serve to focus their attention on the different powers of God.

Is their God also Allah?No. They call God by the name Bhagwan.”We feel that instead of questions and answers about the subjects enlisted in the Contents, these should have been explained in the form of stories. It would have been more receptive and interest-ing for children. From the title and the contents of the book, it is obvious that it is meant to be read out to children. Reading out these questions and answers will not attract attention of a child as it would if narrated in the form of a story.

For instance, to tell children that idols can neither speak nor defend themselves, the story of Prophet Abraham breaking the idols in the temple and putting the axe on the shoulder of the biggest one can very well illustrate the point (Holy Qur’an 19:4,43. 21:51-65).

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Similarly, Jesus has explained that people in the world always rejected God’s messengers who are raised to correct them and to forbid them from committing injustice and transgression. They have always been opposed, persecuted and even banished from their native towns. This phenomenon has beautifully been explained in the form of a parable of ‘keepers of the vineyard’ (Luke 20: 8-16).

We hope next project of Imam Hydal will be “Stories of the Prophets” somewhat on the lines sug-gested by us. In a coming issue we will try to publish some of the questions and answers from the book.

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Children presenting a song from the “Songs of Islam” by Maulana S Muhammad Tufail. Mr. Endy Shah, Imam of the Gasparillo

Mosque, standing on extreme left

Ms. Aliyya Cassie also presenting a song from The Songs of Islam.

A view of the audience attending the launching of The Bedtime Stories.

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Ms Caitlin Brooker making her contribution on this occasion.Imam Iqubal Hydal before launching his book sitting at the stage with his daughter, Dr. Rabia Hydal Muhammad.

Students from the Sunday Class presenting Opening du’a at the start of the launching. Sister Zakey Hosein is sitting on extreme left at the stage.

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Imam Iqubal Hydal signing copies of his new book “Bedtime Stories” for the buyers after launching the book

Religious head Imam Kemal Hydal at the launching of the book “Bedtime Stories”.

Dr. Rabia Hydal Mohammed, paedriatric physician, presenting her feature talk about the book “Bedtime Stories”.

Display of Imam Iqubal Hydal’s two books, “Khutbahs on the Qur’an” and the “Bedtime Stories” at the Gasparillo Mosque.

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blessings of Allah be on him). LOVE also generates peace and happiness in the society. Follow the commandments of ALLAH and His Messenger, the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD and earn an ever-lasting life here in this world and in the Hereafter. May Allah bless you all.

Ahmad Nawaz, Hayward, California I have just finished reading the February 2013 issue of the HOPE Bulletin dedicated to the memory of the late Br. Akbar Abdullah. I must say that your team has worked very hard to collect facts about the life and contributions made by our late Br. Akbar. The formatting of the Bulletin and photographs have made it very impressive and visual. Br. Akbar deserved such a beautiful dedication. I wish to congratulate you for making the Bulletin more than just a news bulletin. The brief life history of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sas) by our new sister in the fold of Islam, Christiane Backer, is very impressive and shows how his Perfect Example has inspired her thoughts and behaviour. I am sure her book “From MTV to Mecca” must be worth reading. Thanks for introducing the autobiography of a highly popular figure in the Western media, who, by her own study, has adopted Islam, and is facing challenges with firm faith and conviction.


The HOPE Bulletin E-mail address: [email protected]


Photographs : Sohaila Omar Deen & Shayama Lee Trinidad.Design & Formatting : Erwan Hamdani, Jakarta, Indonesia


For Books on Islam and the Ahmadiyya Movement: Translations of the Holy Quran in Urdu, English, German, French, Russian, Indonesian, Dutch, Spanish and Turkish. Visit our websites.