Seneca Presbyterian Church June 17, 2018 THE CALL “The Church for All People, Serving God through Serving Others” 115 West South First St., Seneca, SC 29678 (864) 882-2505 www.sprez.org

June 17, 2018 · 17/06/2018  · Seneca Presbyterian Church June 17, 2018 THE CALL “The Church for All People, Serving God through Serving Others” 115 West South First St., Seneca,

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Page 1: June 17, 2018 · 17/06/2018  · Seneca Presbyterian Church June 17, 2018 THE CALL “The Church for All People, Serving God through Serving Others” 115 West South First St., Seneca,

Seneca Presbyterian Church

June 17, 2018 THE CALL

“The Church for All People, Serving God through Serving Others”

115 West South First St., Seneca, SC 29678 (864) 882-2505 www.sprez.org

Page 2: June 17, 2018 · 17/06/2018  · Seneca Presbyterian Church June 17, 2018 THE CALL “The Church for All People, Serving God through Serving Others” 115 West South First St., Seneca,

WEEKLY CELEBRATION OF THE RESURRECTION 4th Sunday after Pentecost June 17, 2018

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship A PRAYER OF PREPARATION

Oh God, we invite you into the center of ourselves. You who are closer than the breath in our bodies, assist us to think only of you and your loving kindness.


WELCOME AND TIME OF GREETING Pouring of the Water Congregational Response: Hymn 480 (vs. 1 and 4) Take Me to the Water

Take me to the water. Take me to the water. Take me to the water to be baptized. Glory hallelujah. Glory hallelujah. Glory hallelujah to be baptized

ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CHURCH LIFE (Please sign the Friendship Pad, but do not tear off or place in offering plate.)


*CALL TO WORSHIP One: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! All: Serve the Lord with Gladness! Come into his presence with singing! One: Know that the Lord is God! It is he that made us, and we are his. All: We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. One: Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name! All: For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

*HYMN No. 14 For the Beauty of the Earth

*INVOCATION AND LORD’S PRAYER (Page 35, front of Hymnal) (…forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.)

PRAYERS OF CONFESSION Call to Confession Prayers of Confession

O God, our father, remembering all your goodness to us in creation and redemption, we confess our sins. We have failed to trust you as we ought; we have found it hard to pray and to have compassion for others; we have been content in selfishness, and in hardship and loneliness have lost hope in you. O God forgive us our sins and restore us to trust in you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sung Response: (Hymn No. 604) Lamb of God Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; grant us peace; grant us peace.

Assurance of Pardon One: In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Spirit at work within us, we are forgiven. All: Thanks be to God.

*Congregational Response: (Hymn No. 581) Glory Be to the Father Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen

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ANTHEM O Rest in the Lord by Felix Mendelssohn Mike Bridgwood playing English Horn accompanied by Carla Padgett


OLD TESTAMENT Psalm 46 Page 450

NEW TESTAMENT Romans 8:31-39 Pages 919-920

SERMON If God is For Us Bill Lancaster


*HYMN No. 802 The King of Love My Shepherd Is

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS AND OURSELVES Musical Offering *Doxology (Hymn No. 606) Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication


*HYMN No. 435 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy


*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE: Hymn No. 546 (vs. 1) Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing Lord, dismiss us with your blessing; fill our hearts with joy and peace; let us each, your love possessing, triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us, O refresh us, traveling through this wilderness.



* Let those who are able stand

Page 4: June 17, 2018 · 17/06/2018  · Seneca Presbyterian Church June 17, 2018 THE CALL “The Church for All People, Serving God through Serving Others” 115 West South First St., Seneca,

Bill Lancaster is a retired PC (USA) minister living in Greenville, SC, with his wife, Marty, and their golden retriever, Caroline. During his 36 years of active ministry, he served 18 years as associate pastor or pastor of four churches across South Carolina--including five years in Pickens--and 18 years as associate executive of Foothills Presbytery. He has preached and taught at Seneca Presbyterian many times before. He and Marty built a “tiny house” (cabin) on Lake Keowee in 1983 and have enjoyed vacationing there over the years. In his spare time, he enjoys woodworking, especially turning bowls on a lathe, and maintaining old family land they own in Spartanburg County.

THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE 6/17/18-6/23/18)

Sunday 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship 10:00 a.m. Church School

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship

Monday 5:00 p.m. Finance 5:30 p.m. Band Practice

Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - noon Parish Nurse 2:30 p.m. Health & Wellness

Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Pot Luck 7:00 p.m. Great Decisions 7:00 p.m. Learn to Read Music

Thursday 12:00 noon BB&B

Saturday 2:30p.m. Ice Cream Social

Donation is made to OPSF by Pam Hagen in loving memory of Ed’s birthday and Father’s Day.

Liturgist: Becky Hetherington at 9:00a.m. and Louis Holleman at 11:00a.m.

Worship Attendance 6/10/18 9:00 AM: 36; 11:00 AM: 74; total 110

To those newly worshipping with us we warmly welcome you to our congregation. You are invited to join us for any and all of the activities and opportunities we provide. Please let us know if we can serve you in any way. We also extend an invitation to unite with this church. Periodically we offer a series of Inquirer's Classes that explore the meaning of church membership in our Presbyterian tradition. Those interested in membership are encouraged to participate in these classes. If you are interested in conversation about membership, do not

hesitate to call the church office at 882-2505 at any time.

Hearing amplification units and large print hymnals are available in the narthex or speak to an usher.

During both worship services, a nursery is provided for small children through age 5. The nursery is located in the lower level of the educational building. For directions, please see an usher.

CDs of the services, including sermon, are available. We ask $1.00 to cover the cost of CDs. You can also hear sermons on our website: www.sprez.org.

The church office often communicates with the congregational family via email, including a weekly email update each Friday afternoon. If you wish to receive those updates and currently are not, please send an email from your email address to [email protected] asking to be added to the email update list.

On Sunday mornings, the entire parking lot off of Oak St. is reserved for handicapped persons and those needing ease of access. Please leave these spaces for our friends who are counting on them being available.

Please remember the church in your will.

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Coming to you from the Worship Committee! New Name Badges! The Worship Committee is preparing to order new name tags for active members of Seneca Presbyterian Church. These will be magnetic tags of the same style as those worn by members of the Diaconate and Session. The graphic image of the sanctuary dome and “Seneca Presbyterian Church” will be

printed at the top of the tag with the member name below. This project is supported in part with a grant from the Session, but a suggested voluntary donation of $5.00 each may be made when the tag is collected. Once our order has been produced, the tags will be distributed in Knoll Hall. We will also prepare a new storage system which we hope will offer easier access, and eliminate the tangled necklaces of the current configuration.

SABBATH LUNCHES: July 1, 8 and 29th are our days to serve lunches at Our Daily Bread. We need desserts and volunteers to help. You can bring desserts any time to the kitchen at the church. Contact is Carolyn Maddox (944-2436)

Coming soon! A shelf in the library will be stocked by the Health and Wellness committee with newsletters and magazines that focus on healthy living. Some examples are Mayo Clinic Health Letters, Church Health Readers, Next Avenue Articles, Silver Sneakers and AARP helpful handouts and much more.

A request from the Little Green Thumb Gardeners! CANS OF SPRAY PAINT! We will be working on a couple of projects this summer...a sign for the garden and some pretty cool and fancy climbing trellises for our cucumbers and pole beans. Please, go find that half (or even more) empty spray paint can (any of the rainbow colors) and donate it to our garden kids for our work. A bin will be located in Knohl Hall. Thanks so ever much!

Rolling River Rampage VBS I would like to sincerely thank all of you who contributed to the craft part of our VBS program. Because of your generosity, we will be able to make crafts for more than the 36 campers we are planning on. Please pray for our campers and counselors, that they may feel the Lords’ presence in all we do during the week. Kathy Meyers

The “No Reason, Just Because” Ice Cream Social is coming soon. The Health and Wellness team and the Deacons hope to have you join us in Barron Hall for Cookies and Ice Cream on Saturday, June 23rd at 2:30. Rumor has it that some home-made ice cream and toppings will be served! Perhaps a root-beer float would be your choice! We are hopeful that everyone will come and bring family, neighbors and friends.

Please let us know if you can join us In Barron Hall on June 23rd at 2:30. Name___________________________________________ Number attending_________

Mmmmm...Potluck is upon us again. Mark your calendar for June 20th, and get out a favorite recipe for a dish to share—or maybe try out that new one that you’ve been itching to do. We’ll meet, as usual, at 5:30 for a great meal and conversation. Afterward, the program will be about Ripple of One. You will be able to have a tour of Ripple of One and see what they do.

June Fellowship Meal

Name: ___________________________________________Number attending ____________

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Christian Education Study Opportunities

The Christian Education Committee offers many opportunities for study throughout the week. These include the sessions listed below. Full descriptions of these opportunities can be found at www.sprez.org.

On Sunday Mornings

Children’s Sunday School is on hiatus for the summer. Meets downstairs in the Craft Room. For more information, contact Ann Smith 973-8967 [email protected] or Susan Caldwell 882-7916 [email protected].

The Sara Davis Stribling Class on hiatus for the summer. It is a women's Bible study group using The Present Word and meets in the Sara Davis Stribling Classroom (office hallway). Contact person: Jane Thomas, 882-1202.

The Men's Bible Study is on hiatus for the summer. Meets in the Youth Room downstairs in Archie Barron Hall and is using The Present Word curriculum as a guide for their study. Contact person: Louis Holleman, 885-0922 [email protected].

The Koinonia Class is studying the video series The History of Christian Theology. They meet in the Koinonia classroom (office hallway). Contact person: Dan Toole, 364-4846.

The Open Door Class is on hiatus for the summer. It is for men and women. Their study resource is The Wired Word. Topics change weekly. Email Bonnie Andruszka at [email protected] or call 973-8008 to receive information about upcoming plans. They meet in the library.

Through the Week

Brown Bag and Bible Study Group (BB&B) meets at noon each Thursday in the Sara Davis Stribling classroom. “The Misunderstood Jew, The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine will be their focus of study for the month of June. The class will meet the month of July. For more information, you may contact Becky Drew 888-3409 [email protected].

Gentle Tai Chi Class ($2.00 donation appreciated) Seneca Presbyterian Church Barron Hall downstairs (Forus Room) Classes are being planned for the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 1:30 until 2:00 p.m. Barron Hall has an elevator. For more information, you may contact Leslie LaRoche 719-0132 [email protected]

Want to learn to read music (30 minutes) followed by learn to play bells class (30 minutes) on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in June and July. Anybody interested needs to let Carla or the church office know. All are welcome.

Great Decisions 2018: This will be our third year to host a Great Decisions discussion group. Again we will welcome Jay Hetherington as our teacher/facilitator. We will gather weekly on Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. The dates remaining are June 20, and 27, July 11, 18, 25, and August 1. Briefing books are $30 each, plus a share of the shipping charges to be determined with the order. If you wish for more information about Great Decisions, check out www.greatdecisions .org. For more information about our group or to sign up, contact the church office (864-882-2505).

Each of these classes is open to new participants and welcomes visitors at any time. Please consider these opportunities, choose one that meets your needs or piques your interest, and then visit to find out more.


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Prayer Requests

Jack and Betty Arnold’s will be staying at The Residences at Park Place till the end of August for respite care.

Their temporary address is 115 Gillespie Road Room 309A Seneca, SC 29678.

Church Family: Barney Allgood, Betty and Jack Arnold, Reid Arnold, Lucy Ballenger, Rick Black, Michele Creel, Leroy

Drew, Larry Hansen, Harry Hendershot, Leon Hotz, Martha Holleman, Larry Kolze, Janet May, Mary Ann Nuttall,

Meg Shull, Bob Simpson, and Bill Thompson.

Extended Church Family: Corey Arnold (friend of the church), Dave Bullock (friend of Susan & Larry Goebel),

Conway Carter (Glenn McCants brother-in-law), James Carter (friend of James Gaines), Jim Coil (son-in-law of Jean

Reinking), Margie Creel (mother of Lewis Creel), Julie Doucet (Paul LaRoche’s sister), Gretchen Driscoll (sister of

Susan Goebel), Norman Faircloth (brother of Merilyn Moss), Cassie Fontana (good friend of The Brickett’s &

Carolyn Maddox), Phillip Gaines (son of James Gaines), Jonathan Gimber (cousin of Matthew Rannou), Evans Harris

(husband of Pat Harris), Joe Kahl (friend of Bob Norton), Linda Kelly (cousin of Elaine Williams), Dorothy Lee (cousin

of James Gaines), Ken Lehner (Noel Lehner’s brother), Sarah Lehner (Noel & Betty Lehner’s daughter), Peggy Lee

(friends of Jon & Nancy Young), Bill & Eileen Mansfield (dear friends of Joan Riley), Billy Jo Nichols (friend of James

Gaines), Ina Diehl-Pansegrau (German “adopted” daughter of Nancy & Don Clayton), Gregory Rigby (brother of

Cecil Rigby), Bryn Riley, eight-year-old daughter of McKenzie and Amy Riley (E/Flo Riley, grandparents), Megan

Rothwell (good friend of Rob and Maria Leitner), Miriam Saggus (Pat Huggins mom), Don Smathers (Donna Beebe’s

father), Bobbie Jean Robinson (friend of James Gaines), Fermon Robinson (friend of James Gaines), Mary Walker

(Carol Shively’s mother), Susan Watt (teacher of Walhalla High School & friend of Linda Hostetler) and Bob Willard

(Elaine Williams’ nephew).

Those Serving in the Military: CDR Patrick O’Mara (Don & Cindi Lesley’s son-in-law); Master Chief USN J. J. Johnson

(Bill and Carolyn Palmer’s son-in-law).

Special request for Prayer: Police Officer Lieutenant Mark Malueg (son-in-law of Margaret & Lynn Trainer)

Note: Please let the church office know of updates to the prayer list.

*name added this week

Note: Please let the church office know of updates to the prayer list.

*name added this week

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Our Brother’s Keeper Golf Tournament

September 28, 2018

TO: Oconee Presbyterian Service Fund


P.O. Box 1307

Lite Breakfast & Lunch

Seneca, SC 29679

Range Balls, Tee Gift Prizes, Cart,


Green Fees, Silent Auction


1. NAME: ___________________________ 2. NAME: __________________________

Team Captain Handicap ______ Phone _______________ Handicap ______ Phone _____________

E-Mail __________________________ E-Mail ____________________________

3. NAME: ___________________________ 4. NAME: __________________________

Handicap ______ Phone _____________ Handicap _____ Phone ______________

E-Mail _________________________ E-Mail _____________________________

Contribution Schedule

o Platinum Sponsor $1,000.00 - Will include complimentary entry for team of four (4)

o Gold Sponsor $750.00 – Will include complimentary entry for team of two (2)

o Silver Sponsor $500.00

o Bronze Sponsor $250.00

o Hole Sponsor $100.00

o Silent Auction Item(s) ____________________________________Value __________ NAME YOU WISH TO HAVE IT DISPLAYED ON SIGNAGE ____________________________

OWNER OR COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE Name__________________________________ Contact Phone Number ___________________ Email _____________________________

Please mail your contribution to: Oconee Presbyterian Service Fund P.O. Box 1307 Seneca, SC 29679

Please complete and return this form with your contribution. Make your check payable to Oconee Presbyterian Service Fund or (OPSF).

Be sure to designate “GOLF” on the “for” or “memo” line at the bottom of your check

Page 9: June 17, 2018 · 17/06/2018  · Seneca Presbyterian Church June 17, 2018 THE CALL “The Church for All People, Serving God through Serving Others” 115 West South First St., Seneca,

Join us for an AMAZING week at Rolling River Rampage, SPC's Vacation Bible School. We will have a great time learning exciting Bible stories, playing awesome games, eating, making neat stuff in crafts, dancing to the music, and meeting “Romper the River Otter.” All this happens the week of July 9 – 13, from 9:00 am 'til noon each day. You won't want to miss this Rolling River Rampage Adventure! Please invite your children and grandchildren and the neighborhood kids to discover their strength in God! You can sign up on our web site sprez.org. See you there!

Please complete the following registration form, and return it to the church

no later than Monday, July 1st to discover your strength God's amazing love!


Student’s Name _________________________________ Birthdate ____/____/___

Last Grade Completed (as of May, 2018) _________

Permission to photograph for church use only. _____Yes _____No

Address ___________________________________________Phone# ___________________

Parent’s Name ________________________Email address ___________________________

(We will be contacting you via email with special information about VBS)

Mom’s Cell ____________________________ Dad’s Cell ____________________________

Phone number in case of emergency: Name____________________________ # _________

Who will be picking your child up from VBS? _______________________________________

If members of a church, where? _________________________________________________

Does your child have any known allergies or health concerns that we need to be aware of? ___Yes ___No

If yes, please explain___________________________________________________________

Seneca Presbyterian Church has permission to treat this child in case of an emergency. ___Yes ___No