Cockatoo & District Pony Club JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM Sunday 21st January 2018 Wandin Park Full video coverage by “Rider Video” PRESENTATIONS WILL BE MADE THROUGHOUT THE DAY Ø Trophy Rug for 1 st and Sashes to 6 th place. Ø Please present in neat attire

JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:

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Page 1: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:







Ø TrophyRugfor1standSashesto6thplace.

Ø Pleasepresentinneatattire

Page 2: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:




[email protected]


Page 3: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:





7.50-8.10am Grade5(PC&Open)CourseWalk

8.00–8.25am Grade3(PC&Open)CourseWalk

8.20-9.10am PonyClubGrade5 8.30–9.50am PonyClubGrade3–Sections1&2


OpenGrade5 10.00-11.24am OpenGrade3Sections1&2

10.10-10.25am Grade4(PC&Open)CourseWalk

11.30-11.55am Grade2(PC&Open)CourseWalk



12.00-12.22pm PonyClubGrade2

12.02-1.42pm OpenGrade4-Sections1&2

12.24-1.12pm OpenGrade2


8.00am–8.22am PonyClubGrade4–Section1 ***CrossCountrycourseisopenforwalkingfrom



8.23am–8.45am PonyClubGrade4–Section2

8.46am–9.09am OpenGrade4–Section1

9.10am–9.36am OpenGrade4–Section2

10.10am–10.25am PonyClubGrade5

10.26am–10.50am OpenGrade5

11.40am–11.59am PonyClubGrade3–Section1

12.00pm–12.19pm PonyClubGrade3–Section2

12.20pm–12.38pm OpenGrade3–Section1

12.39pm–1.02pm OpenGrade3–Section2

1.40pm–1.51pm PonyClubGrade2

1.52pm–2.16pm OpenLevel2

Page 4: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:


CDPCPresident JodyPalmer

CDPCDistrictCommissioner LisaAlderson

CDPCTreasurer LindaLewis

JuryofAppeal LaurieCruise,LisaAlderson&LindaLewis

TechnicalDelegate LaurieCruise

ZoneRepresentative LaurieCruise

VolunteerCo-ordinator LisaAlderson

Scorers BSPScoring

CrossCountryPublicAddress SparksSoundSystems

CrossCountryCo-ordinator LisaAlderson

CrossCountryStartJudges TammyMorris&LisaStovold

CrossCountryFinishJudges LeeKane&NarelleBreakwell

CrossCountryCourseDesigner JarrydStanley

ShowJumpingCourseDesigner GarryBaxter

ShowJumpingJudges CaroleBaxterJacobs–Grades2&3LisaHocking–Grades4&5

ShowJumpCo-ordinator SallyMoser

FirstAid ColbrowMedics

Vetoncall EliteEquineVeterinarians,Emerald

GearCheckManager WendySavis

SponsorshipCo-ordinators LaurenDalton&LauraCartrucco

OfficialPhotographer TrotShots

OfficialVideographer RiderVideohttp://www.ridervideo.com.au

Page 5: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:

JUMPTRIALSRULESANDSCORINGRules for our Jump Trials is run under the Supercross Rules effective as of 1st Jan 2018. Except for thefollowingrules,allotherhorsetrialsrulesapplyasperthePCAVHorseTrialsRuleBook.CROSS-COUNTRY1.Eachgradehasfourtimesthatareofimportance:

a. AllowedTime:-asperhorsetrials,determinedbythedistanceofthecourseandthemetresperminuteforthegradeasdefinedintheHorseTrialsrules.

b. TargetTimeBand(TTB):-Isbetweentheallowedtimeandless30seconds

c. MinimumTime:-Istwominutesfasterthantheusualallowedtime.

d. MaximumTime:-Istwicetheusualallowedtime.


a. Arriveacrossthefinishlineasclosetotheallowedtimeaspossible,and

b. WithintheTTB;and

c. Clearofpenalties.


a. Ariderfinishingbelowtheminimumtimeorabovethemaximumtimewillbeeliminated.

b. Withinfivehundredmetresofthefinishline,aflagwillbeplacedonthecourseforeachgrade,withasignindicatingitasthefinal“500m”.

c. Within the final 500 metres, a rider who winds down time with unnecessary circling, walking,stoppingorengaging inotherobvioustimewastingtactics,willbepenalised25points.Legitimatecorrectionsoftimesuchasreducingspeedtoatrotwhilstmovingforward,willnotbepenalised.

d. A rider who is considered to be riding out of control or in a perilous manner, by an on-coursesteward, especially with a view to catching up time,will be deemed to be riding dangerously. Apenaltyof25pointswillapply inaccordancewiththeexistingDangerousRidingrule found in theHorseTrialsRulesbook.


NOWATCHESORTIMEKEEPINGDEVICESPERMITTEDFORGRADE4&5Exampleofcrosscountrytimesystem: TargetTime BandTTTGrade Course



From To(AllowedTime)


3 2024 360 3’38” 5’8” 5”38” 11”16”

Page 6: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:


Grade/Level 2 3 4 5

Max.Height 0.95 0.80 0.65 0.50

Max.Spread 1.00 0.80 0.65 0.50


CrossCountry:forevery3secondsorpartthereofovertheAllowedTime 1penalty

CrossCountry:forevery3secondsorpartthereofundertheTargetTime 1penalty

Showjumping:foreachsecondorpartthereofovertheAllowedTime 1penalty



CrossCountry Penalties Showjumping Penalties

1strefusalatobstacle 20 1stdisobedience 4

2ndrefusalatsameobstacle 40 2nddisobedienceoncourse 8

3rdrefusalatsameobstacle Elimination 3rddisobedienceoncourse Elimination

4threfusaloncourse Elimination Knockingdownanobstacle 4

Time wasting between 500mflagandfinishflag

25 Disobedienceplusknockingdownanobstacle

4, plus 4 secs.timecorrection

FallofriderwithinXCarea Elimination Fallofhorseand/orrider Elimination

SHOWJUMPINGShowjumpingroundwillbeconductedinaccordancewithusualgradingconditionsandpenaltiesforhorsetrialsshowjumpingrules.FINALPLACING1. Thecross-countryandshowjumpingresultsareaccumulatedasperusualhorsetrialsrules.

2. Lowestscorewins.

3. Intheeventofanequalplacing,thecountbacksystemwillapply.

Page 7: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:


a Crosscountryclearrounds ClosesttotheAllowedTimewithouttimepenalties

b Crosscountrywithfaults Theriderwiththeleastfaultsand/orwithouttwofaultsatafence

c Crosscountrywithequalfaultsbutunderallowedtime


d Showjumping Clear round and no time penalties or least timepenalties

e Showjumping Clearroundandclosesttoallowedtime

• Afterthecountback,ifscoresstillremaintied,theequalplacingwillremain.

• Theofficialtimekeeper’srecordedtimeistheonlytimethatwillbeconsidered.




Page 8: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No Surname FirstName HorseName SJ XC1 DAVIS Nicole JaponicumHit 12:00PM 1:40PM

2 PIKO Sarah LightTheCandles 12:02PM 1:41PM

3 DIXON Phoebe Glengower 12:04PM 1:42PM

4 NIEUWHOF Nadia Mojo 12:06PM 1:43PM

5 WIENEROIDER Tia-Rae DomPedro 12:08PM 1:44PM

6 O’SULLIVAN Ella Pancho 12:10PM 1:45PM

7 SHERAR Lara Montana 12:12PM 1:46PM

8 BOATWOOD Sarah EdenvaleJoshua 12:14PM 1:47PM

9 TREVORROW Lilly OceanCoast 12:16PM 1:48PM

10 KROEGER Kyle PlatinumFire 12:18PM 1:49PM

11 GRECO Mirella WildNRowdy 12:20PM 1:50PM

12 DAVIS Nicole EPWhiteGold 12:22PM 1:51PM

Page 9: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC13 KNOX Katelyn DalgangleRoulette 8:30AM 11:40AM

14 WALKER Abigail MagicPudding 8:32AM 11:41AM

15 LEWIS Sophia SmokeyJoe 8:34AM 11:42AM

16 STORER Samantha BellamyPark 8:36AM 11:43AM

17 SYKES Hannah JaneilGlory 8:38AM 11:44AM

18 LEAMEY Paige Chester 8:40AM 11:45AM

19 HEALEY Grace Nell 8:42AM 11:46AM

20 BARTON Eloise BPValykria 8:44AM 11:47AM

21 BEKKER Emily Rockin-to-Success 8:46AM 11:48AM

22 SCHEY Manon ColquhounPark 8:48AM 11:49AM

23 WRIGHT Mia RangeView 8:50AM 11:50AM

24 LESS Jordyn CourtRuler 8:52AM 11:51AM

25 HARRIS Eliza VPHLakeEerie 8:54AM 11:52AM

26 O’DONNELL Samantha MannaWalk 8:56AM 11:53AM

27 HILL Stacey VisionofThunder 8:58AM 11:54AM

28 STUTTON Jaclyn Wharton 9:00AM 11:55AM

29 THALLER Rebecca CJPLaStupenda 9:02AM 11:56AM

30 TIMMS India MrBrightRock 9:04AM 11:57AM

31 THORP Rebecca Navada 9:06AM 11:58AM

32 CALLAWAY Lily BellamyParkPee 9:08AM 11:59AM

Page 10: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC33 WILHELM Phoebe PrideofPrimo 9:10AM 12:00PM

34 BAYLISS Jasmine BaylissDaneQuest 9:12AM 12:01PM

35 AVGERINOS Christina Chime 9:14AM 12:02PM

36 TRUONG Maddy BonVoyage 9:16AM 12:03PM

37 HEALEY Emily HustlersCroftFinale 9:18AM 12:04PM

38 KAY Emily Elwood 9:20AM 12:05PM

39 BRAITHWAITE Brianna BelleJument 9:22AM 12:06PM

40 SCANLON Erin FinchFarm 9:24AM 12:07PM

41 PEELE Laura Ebonytari 9:26AM 12:08PM

42 LEPORE Candice ScootieTootie 9:28AM 12:09PM

43 GORICK Tracey MokoanCopper 9:30AM 12:10PM

44 WILHELM Grace DiamantHope 9:32AM 12:11PM

45 MAKINGS Hilary MissExquisite 9:34AM 12:12PM

46 THOMPSON Brooke PortlandBoy 9:36AM 12:13PM

47 TREVORROW Ella BilboBaggins 9:38AM 12:14PM

48 RACHUBINSKI Ingrid AshcroftPark 9:40AM 12:15PM

49 VEENENDAAL Amy WoodstockBeau 9:42AM 12:16PM

50 FRANKEN Courtney SargentRomeo 9:44AM 12:17PM

51 MILNE Jasmine PSLouella 9:46AM 12:18PM

52 WALKER Abigail RivatheDiva 9:48AM 12:19PM

Page 11: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC

53 GORICK Tracey* CallanishEmrys 10:30AM 8:00AM

54 VANDENBOS Astrid HiLadyHo 10:32AM 8:01AM

55 HOSKINS Sophie* WynaraDreamtime 10:34AM 8:02AM

56 WILHELM Grace* LakeFergus 10:36AM 8:03AM

57 AFIF Stephanie Dragon 10:38AM 8:04AM

58 GRINDROD Kiara ViewmontRock 10:40AM 8:05AM

59 KNIPE, Mackenzie MKArchibald 10:42AM 8:06AM

60 HYNNINEN, Anya YatalaDesertStar 10:44AM 8:07AM

61 DAWSON Xavier Spunky 10:46AM 8:08AM

62 BAILEY Brooke BeswickDestiny 10:48AM 8:09AM

63 CLARK Isabella HobieCat 10:50AM 8:10AM

64 TRATHAN Britney DeejayMilanRouge 10:52AM 8:11AM

65 RICHARDS Priya NobleGatsby 10:54AM 8:12AM

66 JARVIE Amelia FirbankPerfect 10:56AM 8:13AM

67 ADAMS Charli EllomeekTravellers 10:58AM 8:14AM

68 WALKER Abbey DKDeepYellow 11:00AM 8:15AM

69 HALL Lily HooleyDooley 11:02AM 8:16AM

70 LLOYD Bailey MatatojoTristan 11:04AM 8:17AM

71 SNODGRASS Tiffany InvicFlamboyant 11:06AM 8:18AM

72 VANBREMEN Jessica HighgroveFlying 11:08AM 8:19AM

73 O’SULLIVAN Holly MissZingara 11:10AM 8:20AM

74 HARGRAVE Brooke Bullecourt 11:12AM 8:21AM

75 CARTRUCCO Claudia TangoDancer 11:14AM 8:22AM

Page 12: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC

76 MCNALLY Kiera PrincessJasmine 11:16AM 8:23AM

77 LACSNI Montana Wilbur 11:18AM 8:24AM

78 CLAVARINO Ebony SplashofClass 11:20AM 8:25AM

79 STALEY Seth Brooke 11:22AM 8:26AM

80 GAGLIARDI Brookelyn BeyondBelief 11:24AM 8:27AM

81 YOUNG Samantha PatangaLodge 11:26AM 8:28AM

82 TRUONG Georgia Snitzel 11:28AM 8:29AM

83 COMMERFORD Ruby GlenkirraTyson 11:30AM 8:30AM

84 ATWELL Ashlee LifesaTreat 11:32AM 8:31AM

85 MCNALLY Lara Monty 11:34AM 8:32AM

86 HAMILTON Ruby RegalRockstar 11:36AM 8:33AM

87 SHORT Georgina Magpie 11:38AM 8:34AM

88 BOYD Emma WileyJasper 11:40AM 8:35AM

89 SCOTT Briony WarDancer 11:42AM 8:36AM

90 SCHLITTLER Georgia BannonPark 11:44AM 8:37AM

91 LYALL Meghan Maddie 11:46AM 8:38AM

92 STJOHN Jorja QuambyParkRed 11:48AM 8:39AM

93 MCLEOD Abbey ClydesLittleLady 11:50AM 8:40AM

94 CROFTS Ella Tilly 11:52AM 8:41AM

95 DEMPSTER Sierra Rusty 11:54AM 8:42AM

96 LEIST Brooke NattaiRiverLloyd 11:56AM 8:43AM

97 BROWN Chloe ManawaiArtiste 11:58AM 8:44AM

98 STOBIE Annabelle Monty 12:00PM 8:45AM

Page 13: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC99 CLARKE Jorja ShiftingSands 8:20AM 10:00AM

100 MCNALLY Conor LordMatte 8:22AM 10:01AM

101 MORRIS Louise Abbey 8:24AM 10:02AM

102 CLARKE Mia Takoda 8:26AM 10:03AM

103 GARNER Kate Biscuit 8:28AM 10:04AM

104 REYNOLDS Lily MallawaParkInya 8:30AM 10:05AM

105 YOUNG Hayley MallawaParkLilydale 8:32AM 10:06AM

106 BODEIT Sabina BelBel 8:34AM 10:07AM

107 GROUNDS Isobella Simba 8:36AM 10:08AM

108 WALKER Angus Macey 8:38AM 10:09AM

109 BERGIN Imogen Apollo 8:40AM 10:10AM

110 SANDERS Ruby Eddie 8:42AM 10:11AM

111 GULEN Melissa GlenbbraiPizzazz 8:44AM 10:12AM

112 ALBACH Shannyn BeltainPark 8:46AM 10:13AM

113 HARRISS Mia PrincessPoppy 8:48AM 10:14AM

114 GRIMES Ava Ruffles 8:50AM 10:15AM

115 SPRATLING Tahlei LynswaySenerade 8:52AM 10:16AM

116 LYONS Audrey WyunaFlirt 8:54AM 10:17AM

117 WOOKEY Olivia JamicaParkRoyal 8:56AM 10:18AM

118 SMILEY Ruby RainbowFlash 8:58AM 10:19AM

119 DILLON Sophie Hollywood 9:00AM 10:20AM

120 GAGLIARI Danielle DunelmLooking 9:02AM 10:21AM

121 SPRATLING Shenae Sparkles 9:04AM 10:22AM

122 DALTON Hayley PolarExpress 9:06AM 10:23AM

123 HARGRAVE Brooke SaddlersFlame 9:08AM 10:24AM

124 WOOD Mia PenmarchTouchof 9:10AM 10:25AM

Page 14: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:


Proudlysponsoredby:SJRing2SJCourseWalk11.30–11.55amNo Surname FirstName HorseName SJ XC

125 BARTOLO Rachel HeezOurWonder 12:24PM 1.52PM

126 HILL Jasper TheFlyingOrange 12:26PM 1:53PM

127 COLE Jenna PrinceAzkabanMandurang 12:28PM 1:54PM

128 PETTIGREW James VitalPoint 12:30PM 1:55PM

129 LAWSON Tarah JiveJay 12:32PM 1:56PM

130 CARROLL Sophie LittleDucoPop 12:34PM 1:57PM

131 HEIGHT Ethan DeLagoWarrior 12:36PM 1:58PM

132 CREBER Maddison RiverValleyCooper 12:38PM 1:59PM

133 BETTESS Amanda GalileoGold 12:40PM 2:00PM

134 WEST Jacinta Silverfern 12:42PM 2:01PM

135 QUINE Eddie CalligneeLad 12:44PM 2:02PM

136 CROFTS Ruby CPAstabelle 12:46PM 2:03PM

137 LECLAIRE Leanne Bewitched 12:48PM 2:04PM

138 THOMAS Demi KelecyneSierra 12:50PM 2:05PM

139 HERMANSEN Nina KarinyaParkHunter 12:52PM 2:06PM

140 LLOYD Isabella FairgazeSydeny 12:54PM 2:07PM

141 MAXWELL Christine CmetEngrave 12:56PM 2:08PM

142 MACTAGGART Amber DashofElegance 12:58PM 2:09PM

143 HARDY-SMITH Charlotte MrSalix 1.00PM 2:10PM

144 SAVIS Tori Rememberthe 1.02PM 2:11PM

145 KAYE Madyson Wondaree 1.04PM 2:12PM

146 LOGAN Natalie Short&Sweet 1.06PM 2:13PM

147 WHITE Vickey DesertMaster 1.08pm 2:14PM

148 GILLIES Alexandra Cooper 1.10PM 2:15PM

149 MCGREGOR Lily Beau 1.12PM 2:16PM

Page 15: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC

150 MCGREGOR Lily Banjo 10:00AM 12:20PM

151 HARRIS Jo Ludger 10:02AM 12:21PM

152 DAVIDSON Eliza PatangaLodge 10:04AM 12:22PM

153 JACKSON Madison MetalGuru 10:06AM 12:23PM

154 TAYLOR Kate WarrandaleFranklin 10:08AM 12:24PM

155 BARCLAY Megan Kentucky 10:10AM 12:25PM

156 BARNES Charmaine Scold 10:12AM 12:26PM

157 EARP Diana ArcticIceDancer 10:14AM 12:27PM

158 SIMETH Debbie Byrone 10:16AM 12:28PM

159 HENNEKEN Andrew GnotukDublin 10:18AM 12:29PM

160 STEWART Victoria SilverlineJasmine 10:20AM 12:30PM

161 HODGETTS Madison MrAttitude 10:22AM 12:31PM

162 HARPER Simon YouMustBeJoking 10:24AM 12:32PM

163 BLOM Femke ClubCommand 10:26AM 12:33PM

164 ELLIOTT Brooke CharlieBrown 10:28AM 12:34PM

165 FAIRCHILD Doone KarinyaParkRogan 10:30AM 12:35PM

166 WHEELER Kristal BPJoiDeVivre 10:32AM 12:36PM

167 KNOX Katelyn WaterfordTilly 10:34AM 12:37PM

168 CLARKE Jorja RiverfieldWatchMe 10:36AM 12:38PM

Page 16: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



Proudlysponsoredby:SJRing2SJCourseWalk8.00-8.25amNo RiderName

HorseName SJ XC

169 KING Paige HarnsbyPark 10:38AM 12:39PM

170 ROWLAND Heather NavatoeClaudette 10:40AM 12:40PM

171 RIENZNER Martina Phantom 10:42AM 12:41PM

172 RODGERS Kate FairyFlossMounted 10:44AM 12:42PM

173 CLARK Trish BelRegazzo 10:46AM 12:43PM

174 STILES Samantha BPHologram 10:48AM 12:44PM

175 EDGEWORTH Graycen AddtheCash 10:50AM 12:45PM

176+ BARTLEE Emily InvincibleGold 10:52AM 12:46PM

177 HILL Sally BJ 10:54AM 12:47PM

178 GRAY Celina Wombo 10:56AM 12:48PM

179 VANDENBROEK Caitlin BellsMountain 10:58AM 12:49PM

180 GEORGE Grace Cooper 11:00AM 12:50PM

181 EDNIE Nick SkyHighFlash 11:02AM 12:51PM

182 ROWE Jemma AvalonMist 11:04AM 12:52PM

183 CONNING Crystal GrandiewJoeStrummer 11:06AM 12:53PM

184 TEMBY Nathan Welburn 11:08AM 12:54PM

185 WILLIAMS Taryn Banjo 11:10AM 12:55PM

186 PAOLI Cheye EzekialRedRain 11:12AM 12:56PM

187 GRAY Rachelle Buddy 11:14AM 12:57PM

188 ANDREOY Juana Undies 11:16AM 12:58PM

189 VANDENBOS Astrid BeltainParkLilydale 11:18AM 12:59PM

190 MCCABE Brad HPSKaperrado 11:20AM 1:00PM

191 SCHELLEKENS Madilyn CintraGreat 11:22AM 1:01PM

192 CLARKE Jorja DixiesMissHolly 11:24AM 1:02PM

Page 17: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:


Proudlysponsoredby:SJRing1SJCourseWalk10.10-10.25amNo RiderName

HorseName SJ XC

193 LEWIS Linda TadhgMalone 12:02PM 8:46AM

194 NOBLE Rochelle Committed 12:04PM 8:47AM

195 WILLIAMS Brookley WaterfordKhloe 12:06PM 8:48AM

196 CURRY Ruth Milton 12:08PM 8:49AM

197 CURRY Sarah EquineAffairs 12:10PM 8:50AM

198 PHILLIPS Jenny RedSkyatNight 12:12PM 8:51AM

199 HARRIS Katie Thunder 12:14PM 8:52AM

200 HALL Olivia Pluto 12:16PM 8:53AM

201 STANNARD Lynden LansdowneSneak 12:18PM 8:54AM

202 ANDREWS Abigail Jetstar 12:20PM 8:55AM

203 SMITH Erin KingLeonard 12:22PM 8:56AM

204 HALL Emily Polly 12:24PM 8:57AM

205 MARTIN Larna Nya 12:26PM 8:58AM

206 LEWIS John MadamM 12:28PM 8:59AM

207 MEYLES Sheridan LuckyPhoenix 12:30PM 9:00AM

208 SCOBLE Alison DJ 12:32PM 9:01AM

209 ORMROD Alice OrmroseChoclatte 12:34PM 9:02AM

210 BOWTELL Madi Rocksteady 12:36PM 9:03AM

211 HARPER Melissa SeniorMoment 12:38PM 9:04AM

212 CLAUSING Leesa BelmakSplash 12:40PM 9:05AM

213 BILLON Jasmine DomKavalier 12:42PM 9:06AM

214 HENDRICKS Sophie HarlequinStorm 12:44PM 9:07AM

215 DURRANT Fleur HeavyContender 12:46PM 9:08AM

216 CARAYIANNIS Ashleigh StuntDouble 12:48PM 9:09AM

Page 18: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:




No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC217 MCNALLY Conor LordMatthew 12.50PM 9:10AM218 SWEETNAME Julie AmanraLalita 12.52PM 9:11AM219 WAINWRIGHT Melanie HollyfordPark 12.54PM 9:12AM220 WOOKEY Susan Zacropolis 12.56PM 9:13AM221 RODGERS Chloe Artsecrets 12.58PM 9:14AM222 KASICKIS Sienna KasickisPark 1.00PM 9:15AM223 CLOSE Jemima SaddleUpMrBond 1:02PM 9:16AM224 BARTOLO Rachel HesOurHero 1:04PM 9:17AM225 SMITH Tash Missy 1:06PM 9:18AM226 WHITWORTH Ashlee Odyssey 1:08PM 9:19AM227 STALEY Amelia Smarty 1:10PM 9:20AM228 SHARPE Alisha BellaTech 1:12PM 9:21AM229 ANDERSON Sarah GoldenImpression 1:14PM 9:22AM230 O’RIORDAN Michelle ClevedoneOboe 1:16PM 9:23AM231 RYGUSCHEK Lucy SharvelleyValdiva 1:18PM 9:24AM232 EASTON Tina Desdemona 1:20PM 9:25AM233 TILLEY Nicole QuietontheSet 1:22PM 9:26AM234 MICHALCZYK Anna LittleDude 1:24PM 9:27AM235 ROUND Bianca ArcticBlast 1:26PM 9:28AM236 BROWN Hayley MissIndiana 1:28PM 9:29AM237 WEICKHARDT Tricia LittleBlack 1:30PM 9:30AM238 MCDONNELL Darren MickelJagger 1:32PM 9:31AM239 SEPIASHVILI Sarah LittleWarHorse 1:34PM 9:32AM240 HOSKINS Sophie PrincessChloe 1:36PM 9:33AM241 ANDREOY Juana Valley 1:38PM 9:34AM242 CATRUCCO Claudia Emerald 1:40PM 9:35AM243 NOBLE Rochelle Maikoda 1:42PM 9:36AM

Page 19: JUMP TRIALS PROGRAM · following rules, all other horse trials rules apply as per the PCAV Horse Trials Rule Book. CROSS-COUNTRY 1. Each grade has four times that are of importance:



No RiderName

HorseName SJ XC

244 SCHELLEKENS Madilyn JessesBlackMagic 9:12AM 10:26AM

245 MCCABE Brad ColdstreamCity 9:14AM 10:27AM

246 STROSZYNSKI Bree ThereinaMinnie 9:16AM 10:28AM

247 MARSHALL Sarah Starscream 9:18AM 10:29AM

248 BIANCHI Ella Harry 9:20AM 10:30AM

249 DEBOER Chelsea WestCoastKaisers 9:22AM 10:31AM

250 WILSON Ashleigh BedastdonaGive 9:24AM 10:32AM

251 ZIEMER Natasha Albert 9:26AM 10:33AM

252 HARRISS Tahlia SnowballBlizzard 9:28AM 10:34AM

253 BRUNNING Neva Apollo 9:30AM 10:35AM

254 KENNEDY Ava FairlightAcres 9:32AM 10:36AM

255 TONKIN Rachel BeltainParkTopaz 9:34AM 10:37AM

256 FRY Cass Bodhi 9:36AM 10:38AM

257 HANIFY Marcus TessandSimbas 9:38AM 10:39AM

258 MURCUTT Shelley LicoriceTwist 9:40AM 10:40AM

259 GREENHILL Alexandra WGGoldilocks 9:42AM 10:41AM

260 WILLRATH Sharon Jedda 9:44AM 10:42AM

261 FELL Ben George 9:46AM 10:43AM

262 WESTERN Linda Diablo 9:48AM 10:44AM

263 MCLENNAN Lucy CruizingThrough 9:50AM 10:45AM

264 THORNEYCROFT Lauren AddictedtoKeno 9:52AM 10:46AM

265 MCNALLY Chantal Frogswell 9:54AM 10:47AM

266 CRANE Laura LeeHoFook 9:56AM 10:48AM

267 WILLIAMS Brookley Sammy 9:58AM 10:49AM

268 LEWIS Linda MyBoyScout 10:00AM 10:50AM