Bethany United Methodist Church The Church with Open Hearts, Minds, and Doors 1860 Hayes Road • PO Box 527 • Gloucester Point VA 23062 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 8:00 a.m.‒4:00 p.m. Phone: 804.642.2110 Fax: 804.642.2114 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bethanyumc-gp.org Intrada The Stars and Stripes Forever John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) Welcome and Announcements, Sharing Joys, Concerns, and Updates Pastor Paul Song *Call to Worship Judy Burner Leader: May those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord.” Congregation: Yea, our heart is glad in God, because we trust in God’s holy name. Leader: Let us make a joyful noise to God with songs of praise! Congregation: We praise you, O G od; we acknowledge you to be the Lord. Leader: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. Congregation: From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind. All: Let us worship God in spirit and truth. *Opening Hymn God Of Ages, all verses UMH 698 *Affirmation of Faith The Apostles Creed UMH 881 Opening Prayer Almighty God, you rule all the peoples of the earth. Inspire the minds of all women and men to whom you have committed the responsibility of government and leadership in the nations of the world. Give to them the vision of truth and justice, that by their counsel all nations and peoples may work together. Give to the people of our country zeal for justice and strength of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will. Forgive our shortcomings as a nation; purify our hearts to see and love the truth. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, worthily magnify your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen. Anthem God Bless America Music by Irving Berlin Steve Wike, soloist STEWARDSHIP 6/27 General Fund Total 2240.00 Pastor’s Discretionary Fund 35.00 ATTENDANCE Total in Worship 68 YouTube Viewers 44 Total in Worship 112 BUMC STAFF DIRECTORY Rev. Moonsup “Paul” Song, Pastor call/text 703.625.8025, email: [email protected] Adel Trevino, Church Office Administrator office 804.642-2110 email: [email protected] M-TH 8-4 closed for lunch, 30 min. Sandra Fox, Director of Music call/text 757.329.6128, email: [email protected] Works from home, by appt. Dr. Rudy Shackelford, Organist home 804.642.5938, cell 804.413.0211 By appt. VOLUNTEERS SERVING TODAY Acolyte: Baum Hogge Media: Jeremy Nardozzi, Beth Cook, Susannah Hogge Altar Guild this month: Nina Whitmore, Sharon Cheek, Mary Linda Brooks Liturgist: Judy Burner Trustee Contact this week: Milton Hudgins Ushers: Milton Hudgins, Jon Kent, Dave Ayers, Al Burner Counting Team: Charlotte Cecil, Betty Durrette, Clair Hillard WELCOME, GUESTS! We’ve been expecting you! CELL PHONES: Please remember to silence your cell phone before the service begins. Thank you. *Please stand as you are able. And it’s okay to sit. UPCOMING COUNTING TEAMS 7/11 Team 1: Mary Kaylor, Ann Byrd, Pat Hasty 7/18 Team 2: Bernard Robins, Fred Niethamer, Sandra Harvey 7/25 Team 3: Al Burner, Judy Burner, Donna Andersen SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST COMMUNION SUNDAY INDEPENDENCE DAY July 4, 2021 10:00am UPCOMING ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 7/11 Ella & Emily Ward 7/18 Shelby & Samantha Jacobs 7/25 Baum & Decatur Hogge

July 4, 2021 10:00am The Church with Open Hearts, Minds

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Page 1: July 4, 2021 10:00am The Church with Open Hearts, Minds

Bethany United Methodist Church The Church with Open Hearts, Minds, and Doors 1860 Hayes Road • PO Box 527 • Gloucester Point VA 23062 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 8:00 a.m.‒4:00 p.m. Phone: 804.642.2110 Fax: 804.642.2114 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bethanyumc-gp.org

Intrada The Stars and Stripes Forever John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)

Welcome and Announcements, Sharing Joys, Concerns, and Updates Pastor Paul Song

*Call to Worship Judy Burner Leader: May those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord.” Congregation: Yea, our heart is glad in God, because we trust in God’s holy name. Leader: Let us make a joyful noise to God with songs of praise! Congregation: We praise you, O G od; we acknowledge you to be the Lord. Leader: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. Congregation: From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind. All: Let us worship God in spirit and truth.

*Opening Hymn God Of Ages, all verses UMH 698

*Affirmation of Faith The Apostles Creed UMH 881

Opening Prayer Almighty God, you rule all the peoples of the earth. Inspire the minds of all women and men to whom you have committed the responsibility of government and leadership in the nations of the world. Give to them the vision of truth and justice, that by their counsel all nations and peoples may work together. Give to the people of our country zeal for justice and strength of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will. Forgive our shortcomings as a nation; purify our hearts to see and love the truth. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, worthily magnify your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen.

Anthem God Bless America Music by Irving Berlin Steve Wike, soloist


General Fund Total 2240.00

Pastor’s Discretionary Fund 35.00


Total in Worship 68

YouTube Viewers 44

Total in Worship 112


Rev. Moonsup “Paul” Song, Pastor

call/text 703.625.8025, email: [email protected]

Adel Trevino, Church Office Administrator

office 804.642-2110 email: [email protected]

M-TH 8-4 closed for lunch, 30 min.

Sandra Fox, Director of Music

call/text 757.329.6128, email: [email protected]

Works from home, by appt.

Dr. Rudy Shackelford, Organist

home 804.642.5938, cell 804.413.0211 By appt.


Acolyte: Baum Hogge Media: Jeremy Nardozzi, Beth Cook, Susannah Hogge Altar Guild this month: Nina Whitmore, Sharon Cheek, Mary Linda Brooks

Liturgist: Judy Burner

Trustee Contact this week: Milton Hudgins Ushers: Milton Hudgins, Jon Kent, Dave Ayers, Al Burner Counting Team: Charlotte Cecil, Betty Durrette, Clair Hillard

WELCOME, GUESTS! We’ve been expecting you! CELL PHONES: Please remember to silence your cell phone before the service begins. Thank you.

*Please stand as you are able. And it’s okay to sit.



Team 1: Mary Kaylor, Ann Byrd, Pat Hasty


Team 2: Bernard Robins, Fred Niethamer, Sandra Harvey

7/25 Team 3: Al Burner, Judy Burner, Donna Andersen



July 4, 2021 10:00am


7/11 Ella & Emily Ward

7/18 Shelby & Samantha Jacobs

7/25 Baum & Decatur Hogge

Page 2: July 4, 2021 10:00am The Church with Open Hearts, Minds

Prayer of Illumination Judy Burner Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are read and your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen.

Scripture Reading John 12:1-8 Judy Burner

Sermon Bethany Story Pastor Paul Song

Invitation Prayer of Confession and Pardon Merciful God, we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart. We have failed to be an obedient church. We have not done your will, we have broken your law, we have rebelled against your love, we have not loved our neighbors, and we have not heard the cry of the needy. Forgive us, we pray. Free us for joyful obedience, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (In Silence) Leader: Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners; that proves God’s love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiving. Congregation: In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. All: Glory to God. Amen.

Concerns and Prayer of Intercession, petition “Lord, hear our prayer.” Voluntary Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above (Amsterdam) UMH 96

Concerto on “Amsterdam,” from Charles Wesley Organbook Rudy Shackelford

Composed in 2007 to celebrate Charles Wesley’s 300th birthday and Bethany’s 120th anniversary

Offering and Offertory Prayer

Offertory Summertime, from “Porgy and Bess” George Gershwin (1898-1937)

*Doxology UMH 95 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

The Great Thanksgiving The Lord’s Prayer

The Prayer of Thanksgiving after Communion Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us.

Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, to give ourselves for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Communion is served at each door as you leave)

*Closing Hymn American the Beautiful UMH 696 *Benediction

Exodus The Star Spangled Banner Our National Anthem

God Bless America Irving Berlin (1888-1989)

Our Usher will escort you out pew by pew. ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God.


Thank You: Kim and I express our thanks to Bethany families for kindness and love during this time of transition. A special thanks for the food, flowers, and personalized sign that was provided for us at the parsonage. I look forward to getting to know each other. You can contact me at the church office, 804-642-2110, [email protected], or 703-625-8025 (cell and text). –Pastor Paul Song

The Choir will resume weekly rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Please contact Sandy Fox if you have any questions, 757.329.6128.

Altar Flowers: The 2021 Flower calendar has been posted in the main hallway. For more information on how you can donate flowers for Sunday worship, read the information slip located in the pocket on the bulletin board or call the church office. Please note: The standard cost for the florist’s choice arrangements has increased from to $50.

Rocky Railway VBS!! August 15-19, 2021 / 5:30pm-8:00pm: Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway VBS! On this faith-filled adventure, kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life's ups and downs. Please visit https://vbspro.events/p/events/bethanyumc-gp for online registration and more information! Please contact Susannah Hogge ([email protected] or 703-629-8539) if you are able to volunteer.

THIS WEEK AT BETHANY Monday, July 5 Church Office will be closed in observance of Independence Day

Wednesday, July 7 7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, July 8 6:30pm SPPRC Meeting, WBFH

Page 3: July 4, 2021 10:00am The Church with Open Hearts, Minds

Gordon Binkerd – A Remembrance The eminent American composer Gordon Ware Binkerd was born 22 May 1916 on the Ponca Indian Reservation in Lynch, Nebraska. His parents lived in various small towns in the state before moving to South Dakota, settling on the Rose Bud Sioux Indian Reservation at Gregory. Here Gordon finished high school and left home to attend college at South Dakota Wesleyan, already having won distinction at a national competition as one of the five best young pianists in America.

While precocious as a performer, Binkerd matured late as a composer. Though advanced studies began at the Eastman School of Music in 1940, it was not until he entered Harvard College in 1946,

following naval service in World War II, that his talent began to ripen. There, as a student of Walter Piston and a classmate of Leonard Bernstein, he refined his compositional technique and gained a solid foundation in music history. Binkerd left Harvard in 194 9 to accept an appointment as professor of composition and theory at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Academic duties gave him uninterrupted time for creative work only during the summers, which he spent as artist-in-residence at the MacDowell Colony (Peterborough, NH) and Yaddo (Saratoga Springs, NY). There, throughout the 1950s and 1960s, he composed prolifically for symphony orchestras, chamber ensembles, vocal and instrumental soloists, and above all choirs.

In 1971 Binkerd retired from teaching to devote himself exclusively to writing music. During the next quarter century he composed prodigiously, until the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in 1996 brought his creative activity to an end. He died on 5 September 2003 at his home in Urbana, IL at age 87. His wife, Patricia Walker of St. Louis, MO, whom he married there in 1942, passed away last year at 103.

Our Voluntary for Pentecost Sunday is Listen Sweet Dove unto my Song. Never published, it was discovered after Gordon Binkerd’s death and first performed at Bethany on 5 December 2004.

Its title is the first line of the poem Whitsunday (or Pentecost) by George Herbert, one of that 17th-century school of English “metaphysical” poets whose best known member was John Donne. The music of Binkerd’s enchanting tone-poem is based on a call-and-response motif that evokes the echoing song of doves in the forest. It breathes a purity and devotional fervor that recalls the a cappella choral music of Renaissance masters such as Josquin des Pres, Palestrina, and William Byrd, which also profoundly influenced the many works Binkerd composed for voices.

— Rudy Shackelford, student and friend

Post Covid Re-entry Group (PRG) Updates The PRG met on Monday, June 21 and the following updates to the Covid restrictions were agreed upon:

1. All entrances will be open. Hand sanitizer will be available.

2. One service will continue at 10 a.m. until guidelines revisited in August.

3. No outside groups will meet until guidelines revisited in August.

4. Attendance will be noted in registration pads placed at the end of the pews.

5. Bulletins will be distributed by greeters.

6. Liturgists and acolytes will participate in the service.

7. Offering plates will be passed by ushers.

8. Flowers can be placed in the sanctuary beginning July 4. Sign up on flower chart

in hallway or call Adel in the Church Office.

9. Choir will resume July 4.

10. Adult Sunday School classes can resume now, but Children and Youth Classes will start

in the Fall. This will give us time to advertise and hire a new director.

11. Communion will be celebrated July 4. A different format will be used.

12. Cooking and eating at church can resume in July.

13. Hand holding at the end of the service will be discouraged as well as handshakes and hugging.

14. Masks are still required for those not fully vaccinated. If you are vaccinated and you would

like to wear your masks please do so.

Bethany UMC Prayer List BETHANY FAMILY 07.04.21

CANCER/CHEMO: Krista Chase, Carol Johnson, Ted Peterman (NC), Linwood Rowe, Matt Shackelford, Rick Wilson GRIEVING: Family of Paige Mitchell HEALTH ISSUES: Cliff Beach, Irene Brown, Woody Brown, Judy Burner, Bessie Conner, Jimmy Greene, Sandra Hollins, Mary Kaylor, Bonnie Lewis , Marshall Lewis, Peggy Peterman (NC), Debbie Robins, Nancy Smith, Rosemarie Tong HOMEBOUND: Linda Booth, Sid Dixon, Katherine Jordan, Alice McGee, Jack Wallace PARKINSON’S: Mike Andersen, Chuck Ashe, Doris Courtney, Kathleen Greene, Fred Townsend, Yvonne White RECOVERING FROM SURGERY: Duane Cecil (PA), Dylan Chapin, Joy Long, Sue Morecock RECUPERATING AT HOME: Charlotte Cecil (at Duane’s in PA), Isabella Wheat HOSPITALIZED: Judy Vaughan, Hampton Roads Specialty Hosp., Rm. 4108


CANCER/CHEMO: Susan Burnett, Wanda Dowell, Roger Ferguson, Traci Greene, Carissa (Cari) Harrington, Martin Kulik (NY), Doug Mattox, Jeanette Nichols, Angie Williams (NY), Susan Williams, Sabrina Wikle GRIEVING: Family of Marvin Crane, Joan Martin and Allen Eugene "Mike" Callis. Mike Hearon’s father passed. HEALTH/OTHER ISSUES: Soren Andrews, Les Breen, Lynne Freeman, Carol Johnson, Peggy Kearney, Teresa Kelley, Mathew Reviere, Tim Sullivan, Charlie West

RECOVERING FROM SURGERY: Boone Kohen, Diane Owens, Dottie Myers (PA), Dawn Phillips, Mason Staley, Larry Wilkinson, Matt Quillen RECUPERATING AT HOME: Bernice Greene COVID-19: Kurt Gardner, Billy Swain, Brooke Young PRAYERS: Randy Wilson, Kwame & Juliet Annorbah-Sarpei


Edward Bailey, Michael Brown, Peter Demetriades, Meagan Demetriades, Kevin Jacobs, Cory Long (Okinawa), Jim Minor, all members of the military.

ASSISTED LIVING (italics-Bethany friends)

Gloucester House, 7657 Meredith Dr., Gloucester 23061 Lorraine Brown, Rm 107 Doris Courtney, Rm 105 Jean Heywood, Rm 110

Gloucester House, Memory Care Unit, 7657 Meredith Dr, Gloucester

Archie Leigh, Rm 313

Sanders Assisted Living, 7407 Walker Ave., Gloucester 23061 Ellis Hall, Rm 106 Sunrise Senior Living, 2015 Cranbeck Rd., Richmond 23235 Pauline Harris, Apt. 130 Riverside Rehab, 672 Gloucester Rd., Saluda, VA, 23149 Jennie Lipscomb

OUR MISSIONARY – Clara Biswas, Cambodia.

Pictured left: Snapshot of a virtual prayer meeting with key leaders of Bethany led by Pastor Paul on June 24.

Bethany UMC Prayer List BETHANY FAMILY 07.04.21

CANCER/CHEMO: Krista Chase, Carol Johnson, Ted Peterman (NC), Linwood Rowe, Matt Shackelford, Rick Wilson

Bethany UMC Prayer List BETHANY FAMILY 07.04.21

CANCER/CHEMO: Krista Chase, Carol Johnson, Ted Peterman (NC), Linwood Rowe, Matt Shackelford, Rick Wilson GRIEVING: Family of Paige Mitchell HEALTH ISSUES: Cliff Beach, Irene Brown, Woody Brown, Judy Burner, Bessie Conner, Jimmy Greene, Sandra Hollins, Carol Johnson, Mary Kaylor, Bonnie Lewis , Marshall Lewis, Peggy Peterman (NC), Debbie Robins, Nancy Smith, Rosemarie Tong HOMEBOUND: Linda Booth, Sid Dixon, Katherine Jordan, Alice McGee, Jack Wallace PARKINSON’S: Mike Andersen, Chuck Ashe, Doris Courtney, Kathleen Greene, Fred Townsend, Yvonne White RECOVERING FROM SURGERY: Duane Cecil (PA), Dylan Chapin, Joy Long, Sue Morecock RECUPERATING AT HOME: Charlotte Cecil (at Duane’s in PA), Isabella Wheat HOSPITALIZED: Judy Vaughan, Hampton Roads Specialty Hosp., Rm. 4108


CANCER/CHEMO: Susan Burnett, Wanda Dowell, Roger Ferguson, Traci Greene, Carissa (Cari) Harrington, Martin Kulik (NY), Doug Mattox, Jeanette Nichols, Angie Williams (NY), Susan Williams, Sabrina Wikle GRIEVING: Family of Marvin Crane, Joan Martin and Allen Eugene "Mike" Callis. Mike Hearon’s father passed. HEALTH/OTHER ISSUES: Soren Andrews, Les Breen, Lynne Freeman, Peggy Kearney, Teresa Kelley, Mathew Reviere, Tim Sullivan, Charlie West

RECOVERING FROM SURGERY: Boone Kohen, Diane Owens, Dottie Myers (PA), Dawn Phillips, Mason Staley, Larry Wilkinson, Matt Quillen RECUPERATING AT HOME: Bernice Greene COVID-19: Kurt Gardner, Billy Swain, Brooke Young PRAYERS: Randy Wilson, Kwame & Juliet Annorbah-Sarpei


Edward Bailey, Michael Brown, Peter Demetriades, Meagan Demetriades, Kevin Jacobs, Cory Long (Okinawa), Jim Minor, all members of the military.

ASSISTED LIVING (italics-Bethany friends)

Gloucester House, 7657 Meredith Dr., Gloucester 23061 Lorraine Brown, Rm 107 Doris Courtney, Rm 105 Jean Heywood, Rm 110

Gloucester House, Memory Care Unit, 7657 Meredith Dr, Gloucester

Archie Leigh, Rm 313

Sanders Assisted Living, 7407 Walker Ave., Gloucester 23061 Ellis Hall, Rm 106 Sunrise Senior Living, 2015 Cranbeck Rd., Richmond 23235 Pauline Harris, Apt. 130 Riverside Rehab, 672 Gloucester Rd., Saluda, VA, 23149 Jennie Lipscomb

OUR MISSIONARY – Clara Biswas, Cambodia.