July 2016 Grace Notes

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  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    July 2016

    Highlights of the past month

    Christopher Tweel was

    approved for Installaon

    and Ordinaon! See p. 3.

    Multiply the Smell of Grass by TwoMany of you have begun reading Gileadthe book chosen for our

    summer book club discussions* I look forward to discussing it withyou! In the meantime, let me share two quotes of particular interest.

    At one point the narrator, a minister, remarks, This is an interest-ing planet. It deserves all the attention you can give it.

    A bit later the narrators good friend, also a minister, has this to sayas he reflected on what heaven must be like: Mainly I just think aboutthe splendors of the world and multiply by two. Id multiply by ten ortwelve if I had the energy. But two is much more than sufficient for mypurposes. So hes just sitting there multiplying the feel of the wind bytwo, multiplying the smell of the grass by two

    Much of the book invites an attentiveness to the wonder, pain, andholiness of this life in all of its (extra) ordinariness. It is, after all, Gods handiwork and the (re)creation thaGod is fashioning that is unfolding in our midst!

    Amid all of our busyness, anxiety, and mundane taskswhat does it mean for us to be an attentive people? How might we see this world as God sees this world? How might we observe where and how God is

    work? How might we attend better to Gods call on our lives? How do we pay attention?

    One thing that has helped me (and I know a few others, too!) this summer is the Scripture memory chalenge. Each Sunday you are invited to memorize the Scripture that will be preached on the next Sunday. Tidea is not that our heads might be full of more information, but that our hearts might marinade in thepromises of God all week long.

    As you do the work of memorization, you inevitably work through the words slowly and carefullyan

    soon enough the words themselves (by the power of the Holy Spirit) begin to actually work on you! Youbecome attentive to the world in a way framed, shaped, and enlivened by the promises we have in Jesus.

    I invite you to join in the weekly challenge and discover the joy of being truly attentive to the work andcall of God in our midst. Multiply by two and perhaps enjoy something akin to the joy of heaven.

    * You can choose to attend one of two late July options; details are on page 6.

    In Christ,Bobby




    (pp. 5-7)


    (pp. 8-9)



    (p. 13)

    Volume 46, Issue

    race Notes

    Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church





    (July 16)



    (July 2)

    Fifth Sunday


    (July 31)

    For more dates to

    remember, see the


    The Soball season was

    extended due to a very wet

    May. See p. 2.

    The PEOPLE Group met up

    at Sid Yates home on June


    The children had a great ad-

    venture during VBS June 27

    through June 30. See p. 7.

  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Church News/Announcements

    Proverbs 21:3

    All deeds are right in the sight of the doer, but the Lord weighs the heart.

    Openers & Closers

    July 3: Cal GrayJuly 10: Kent CardwellJuly 17: Rick NochtaJuly 24: Brian BairdJuly 31: Pete Sizemore

    Fellowship Schedule

    July 3: Sudie WoodJuly 10: James and Cheryl AtchisonJuly 17: Brian and Katherine BairdJuly 24: Walter and RoseMarie BundyJuly 31: Kent and Lisa Cardwell


    Birthday Wishes to:6Lewis Rosebro6Coco Wayne

    6Whit Whitley7Hank Downing7Tom Miller7Ben Williams8Harry Warthen9Jean Massey10Georgeanne Pace12Itunu Adekoya16Cecilia Rubis18Jef Londrey19Sallie Leys22Rosie Turner23Nikki Hazlegrove24Andrew Waters26Will Campbell

    27Rebecca Scherer29Nelson Reveley30Franklin Stone

    Stewardship CornerAided by having an addition-

    al Sunday, Mays contributionsof $43,100 were up over 50%from Aprils, but were downabout 6% from May a year ago

    which also had five Sundays.For the year through May con-tributions of $195,500 are about3% higher than the prior year,due to payments on prior yearpledges. Total income is aboutthe same for the two years.

    Expenses of $58,900 in Maywere slightly higher than Aprils

    and included $3,000 in improve-ments to security equipmentand $4,400 to various missioncauses.

    Expenses through May are a

    little over 2% less than the sameperiod last year due to lowerpersonnel costs. Expenses ex-ceeded income in May by$2,200.

    Mays Five Cents per Mealoffering was $109, Loaves andFishes $3,310, and Mercy $147.

    Quarterly Statements Available SoonSecond quarter statements

    should be available for pickupin the Narthex on Sunday, July10. Any statements remaining

    will be mailed at the end of themonth. If you want themmailed before then, please callMartha at 359-2463, ext. 205,

    and leave a message. I am in

    the office Tuesdays and mostFridays. Should you have ques-tions regarding your pledge oranything related to your contri-butions, please call or [email protected]

    GCPC Softball Team in First PlaceThe Grace Covenant softballteam is having a successful2016 season! Despite havingbeen rained out for basically theentire month of May, the teamhas racked up a winning record,and is currently in first place inthe West End Church SoftballB League.

    Coached by Everett Reve-ley, the team consists of MattOatts, Andy Waters, EverettReveley, John Harris, James

    Atchison, Matt Gray, JohnGray, Gordon Gray, GeorgeGray, Nate McKinnon, Clem-ent Teden, Andrew Teden,Chris Pais, Bobby Hulme-Lippert, and Alex Graves.

    The next games, against CityChurch, are Tuesday, July 5 at 7p.m. and 7:50 p.m. at Hender-son Sports Complex, 804 For-est Lawn Drive.For pictures, see page 10.


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Colossians 4:2

    Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.

    Associate Pastor ApprovedChristopher Tweel will be ordained as a Teaching

    Elder in the PC(USA) and installed as Associate Pas-tor at Grace Covenant on Sunday, July 17, at 4 p.m.Christopher has gathered a host of teaching and rul-ing elders to lead this unique service (see below).Many thanks to those who will be participating inthe service! All are invited to join in this unique

    worship service of celebration and hope! A receptionwill follow in the Social Room.

    Teaching EldersRev. Bobby Hulme-Lippert- Moderator

    Rev. Aaron HoughtonRev. Shannon Waite

    Ruling EldersAshley MilamJamila White

    Ray Davis

    GuestsRev. Joanne Hull

    Rev. Dean K. Thompson

    Baroque Pearls from the Digital Vault

    he French National Libraryhas scanned and put online

    manuscript scores and early

    printed editions of nearly 7,300 piec-es composed between 1600 and1800. Richmond's early music en-sembleJefferson Baroquehas gathereda dozen of the most beautiful itemsfrom this amazing collection. You'llhear a haunting love duet, an imita-tion of bells, devotional songs inFrench and Latin, and a piece for

    violins inspired by Native Americanmelodies, all performed on period

    instruments. Although most of thismusic has not been heard for over250 years, it reaches across the cen-turies with an energy, tenderness,

    individuality and swing that feelscontemporary. An absolutely uniqueprogram performed in an intimate

    concert setting! This free concertwill be held on Saturday, July 2, at7:00 p.m.,in the Social Room (firstfloor) of Grace Covenant Presbyter-ian Church, 1627 Monument Ave-nue, and will feature Grace Cove-nant member, Christine Anderson,on Baroque violin.

    TThe Loveliest Music Youve Never Heard (July 2 at 7:00 p.m.)

    Marthas Upcoming Trip to UgandaDon't expect to find Martha, our

    bookkeeper, in the office the first twoweeks of August. She will be on a mis-sion and pleasure trip to Uganda withFather John Kazibwe, Pastor of herchurch, Church of the Epiphany, threeof her family members, and several ofher church family friends.

    While in Uganda, the group willspend a day exploring the beaches of

    Lake Victoria (the third largest freshwater lake in the world - followed bytwo in the US) and a tour to the sourceof the Nile, the longest river in the

    world. She will be visiting and takingschool supplies and other items donat-ed by Epiphany members to the chil-dren in Father John's home village.

    The group will also tour the UgandaMartyrs' Shrine in Namgongo. The bigevent will be the Ordination of tenyoung men to the Priesthood. This willoffer the group a close and personal

    experience of a real cultural celebration of the peo-ple in Uganda. Queen Elizabeth National Park isthe destination for the group's last three days, wherethey should see some REAL African animals(Martha hopes not too close and personal).

    Martha Rubin, her dog Wicket, an

    Father John pose for a picture at a


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Music News


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Ephesians 5:1Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ has loved us.

    Christian Education & Discipleship

    Back to Basics (Our Summer Worship)

    What would you tell someone about Christiani-ty if they had never heard of it? What wouldyou tell them about Jesus? If you gave them aBible, where would you have them start? WhatScriptures show forth some of the essentialaspects of what you believe and how you seek

    to live? John Leith said that every generation ofChristians should seek to know certain Scrip-tures by heart as they anchor what we believeand how we live. It is not that all of Scriptureisnt important, but rather that certain Scrip-tures so clearly state forth the essential heart of

    God for us and the world that we would suwant to know them! Join us in Sunday Worthis summer as we look at 12 of those essenScriptures and consider how we are shaped bylive from them.

    We walk, jog, and go to the gym to keep up ourphysical fitness recognizing that repetition has away of shaping us over time. And, being in

    shape ends up proving beneficial not only toour health but to others around us as we findwe have more energy and focus when our bodys healthy!How about a spiritual challenge this summer?Would not we and those around us benefitgreatly from a spiritually fit church!? This sum-

    mer we are inviting you to do a simple exerciseeach week: memorize a portion of Scripture.Each week in worship we will be looking at a

    passage from Scripture that articulates some-thing essential about the Christian faith. Youare then invited to memorize that Scriptureduring the following week.The hope is that by letting Gods word dwell inyour heart over and over during the week youbegin to see God alive and working in, through,

    and around your life.A spiritually fit person is not the one who

    knows the most Scripture but the one who

    shaped byand lives in lightof Gods voice throScripture. Want to join in the challenge? See

    below or online at www.gracecovenant.org

    under the Worship tab for each weeks scrip


    Back to the Basics: Hearing the Essential Word of God

    Back to the Basics: Summer Fitness Challenge!

    In 2001, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church inNew York City produced a bookmark with 50Scriptures listed. At the top of the bookmark itread, The 50 Passages That Every ChristianShould Have At Our Fingertips.

    The plan was to give those to congregants dur-ng a certain sermon series. However, 9/11happened and all the bookmarks were distribut-ed to the masses of people entering their sanc-

    tuary for refuge and prayer on that day. Thechurch ultimately shared over 15,000 of thesebookmarks with people hungry to read Godsword in the aftermath of the terrorist attack.With their permission, we have made our own

    version of that bookmark for we know thatGod had a timely word then and God has atimely word for us now.We hope these bookmarks prompt you to con-

    sider anew some of the essential passages frGods word and how God is speaking to usthrough them in our time.NOTE: 12 of the 50 Scriptures listed are in

    color bluethose are the 12 that will be

    preached on this summer in worship.

    Back to the Basics: 50 Scriptures on One Bookmark

    Presbyterians hold to certain essential tenants of

    the Christian faith. While we stand as sisters

    and brothers with all who believe in and follow

    Jesus Christ, we do have some distinctions!

    These distinctive tenants have anchored the

    way we understand and live out faith in this

    world. Join us this summer as we take a freshlook at those anchors and the ways that they

    intersect with our world today and inform how

    we are to live in these changing times. The class

    will meet weekly in the Fellowship Hall. Class

    begins at 9:45 a.m.

    Back to the Basics: Our Tradition Speaking in Our Time

    July 3 - Jesus (Bobby)July 10 - Salvation by Grace Through Faith (Tom)July 17 - Election for Salvation and Service (Tom)July 24 - Covenant and Covenant Life (Bobby)July 31 - Sacraments (Bobby)August 7 - Polity (Charles)August 14 - Polity (Charles)August 21Priesthood of All Believers (Christopher)August 28Stewardship (Christopher)

    July 3: Psalm 139:23-24July 10: Matthew 5:3-11July 17: Matthew 6:25-34July 24: John 3:16-17July 31: Luke 15:29-32August 7: Matthew 11:20-30

    August 14: 2 Corinthians 5:1August 21: 1 Corinthians 13August 28: Micah 6:6-8

    Summer Fitness

    Challenge Scriptures

  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Christian Education & Discipleship

    Ecclesiastes 12:1

    Remember your creator in the days of your youth.

    Massanetta Springs Middle School Conferencee are really excited to have Chris-

    topher Tweel, the Director of

    Christian Formation, deliver the

    keynote speech during the July sessions of

    the Massanetta Springs Middle School

    Conference! These will take place July 7-

    10 and July 12-15. In this conference

    packed with keynotes, music, recreation,

    workshops, and small groups, youth will

    be challenged to think about what it

    means to be a disciple of Christ. Led by

    high school, ministry-

    minded Enablers, middle

    schoolers will foster a

    deeper understanding of

    the broader church. For

    more information see


    under the Connect tab

    then Other Events or call

    the church office at 359-



    GCPC Summer of 2016 Book Discussion: GileadIf you are looking for a summer read,Pastor Bobby invites you to join him

    and read Gilead! It is a Pulitzer Prize

    winner novel written by Narrative Cal-

    vinist (as Christianity Todayhas called

    her) Marilynne Robinson. She tells a

    story spanning three generations, from

    the Civil War to the 20th century. The

    story is told from the perspective of an

    aging preacher who is writing a letter to

    his seven-year old son in which he ren-

    ders an account of his life. As Kirkus

    Reviews put it, the novel is "as big as a

    nation, as quiet as thought, and moving

    as prayer. Matchless and tower-

    ing. Publishers Weekly adds, "Robinson's

    prose is beautiful, shimmering and pre-

    cise; the revelations are subtle but never

    muted when they come, and the careful

    telling carries the breath of suspense.

    There is no simple redemption here;

    despite the meditations on faith, evenreaders with no religious inclinations

    be captivated. Many writers try to cap

    ture life's universals of strength, strug

    gle, joy and forgivenessbut Robins

    truly succeeds. Once you read the n

    el (or even if you dont make it all th

    way through!), you are invited to join

    for an evening of light snacks, drinks

    and hearty discussion and reflection o

    the novel.

    A discussion will take place on the

    following dates:

    July 21 (7:00-9:00 p.m.) at the Baird

    home (1704 Hanover Avenue, Rich-

    mond, VA 23220)

    July 28 (1:30-3:00 p.m.) at Will Mad

    dens home (Westminster Canterbury

    Glebe, 3 Glebe Close, Richmond, VA


    by Marilynne Robinson


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Hebrews 10:23

    Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is



    A great time was had by all at VBS June 27-30We've been having a great time at VBS! We've had 30 kids join us and a slew

    of amazing volunteers who have made this event happen for our children this

    year. We've seen the amazing journey that Joseph took from sitting in prison

    to advising the pharaoh in his palace. Thank you to all the parents, elders, dea-

    cons, members, and friends who made this year's VBS a great success for our



    SuppersJoin us for a

    Wednesday evening

    meal this summer!

    Wednesday, July 27 (6 p.m.)atthe Tweels house (7706 AnokaRd., Richmond, VA 23229).Meal TBD.Friday, August 26 (6:00 p.m.)

    at the Davids house (6000

    McClellan Rd., Mechanicsville,

    VA 23111)

    If you have any questions,

    contact Christopher Tweel at

    [email protected]

    or call the church office at 359-


    Letter from Nicole Flournoy, Director of GCCDCGrace Covenant Presbyterian,

    Thank you as always for yourcontinued support! This month wehave had so much fun learning allabout transportation. We have ob-served and discovered all things thatGO, like cars, trains, trucks, planes,and boats. We even demonstratedhow we can make ourselves go withbike day and games like Red Light,Green Light.

    In addition to enjoying our trans-portation theme, we have also begunour annual activities of water play!Every Tuesday and Thursday, our

    friends come to school dressed forsplashing! We fill buckets and watertables with water, hook up the hose,and explore the sensory enrichmentof the textures and experiences of

    outdoor water play.As we wrap up the transportation

    theme of June, we will diveinto JulysOcean theme. Well learn what ani-mals live in the ocean, and how theysurvive. We will break them downinto different categories like aquaticmammals, crustacean, fish, andmany more! While we will do amonth of habitats later this summer,the ocean holds so many mysteries

    we have no trouble filling up awhole month of learning and discov-ering new things.

    With summer fun also comes abittersweet event: Preschool Gradu-

    ation! We had a full class of 12 bigkids this year, who will make their

    way into the world of elementaryschool this fall. We never could haveaccommodated a full graduating

    class without the blessing of GCPCto use the old Forum room as aclassroom. We appreciate your sup-port in this so much, and hope thatour use has been mutually beneficialas a Sunday school room as well. Asalways, thank you for everything andGod bless!

    Nicole Flournoy

  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    July 2016 CalendarSunday Monday Tuesday W

    11 6:00 p.m. Finance Meeting

    6:30 p.m. Missions Meeting (Susan

    Farrells house)

    7:00 p.m. Worship Meeting

    109:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room)9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care9:45 a.m. Combined Sunday School10:55 a.m. Worship12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour

    12 7:00 p.m. Admin Meeting

    Softball Playoffs Begin

    13 1:00

    179:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room)9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care9:45 a.m. Combined Sunday School10:55 a.m. Worship12:15 p.m. Fellowship HourTIME: Ordination/Installation Service

    18 6:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting

    7:00 p.m. Session

    19 20 1:00

    5:00 p.m


    249:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room)

    9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care9:45 a.m. Combined Sunday School10:55 a.m. Worship12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour

    25 26 271:00

    6:00 p.m


    31 9:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room)9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care9:45 a.m. Combined Sunday School10:55 a.m. Worship12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour

    12:30 p.m. Fifth Sunday Luncheon

    5 7:00 p.m. Softball vs. City Church 6 1:00 p

    6:00 p.mMeeting


    4 Church closed

    Happy Independence Day!

    3 9:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room)9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care

    9:45 a.m. Combined Sunday School10:55 a.m. Worship12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour12:30 p.m. 1st Sunday Prayer Group


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Photos of the past month

    Isaiah 41:10

    Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will

    help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

    Due to a very wet May, the

    softball season was extended

    and is still ongoing withPlayoffs scheduled to start

    on Tuesday, July 12. photos:

    Bill Jacobs

    Vacation Bible School was a hit! See p. 7 for more det


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    2 Corinthians 12:9

    ...but he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for poweris made perfect in weakness. So, I

    will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

    The PEOPLE Group met at Sid Yates house on June 18and had a great time of food and fellowship. Photos: Dana


    Christopher Tweel was approved for Ordination and Installation.

    More pictures of Vacation Bible School

  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Mission & Justice

    Genesis 1:27

    So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he

    created them.

    he Missions Committee is soexcited to be supporting a newendeavor for the children of

    Gilpin Court through STEP! STEPhas been given the opportunity toprovide the children of Gilpin Courtinstruction in dance during the sum-mer and fall leading up to an oppor-tunity to perform in a production ofthe "Nutcracker Sweet" this Decem-ber. As we have been prayerfullyconsidering the needs of these chil-dren, we feel incredibly blessed to beable to partner with PDM PRO-DUCTIONS, INC. in this.

    Once a week, an instructor willvisit the children in Gilpin Court fora period of dance instruction. Chil-

    dren will have a chance to experiencedifferent dance styles such as Crea-tive Movement, Ballet, and TheatricalImprovisation. This will ultimatelylead up to a full length production ofThe Nutcracker Sweet. Their firststudio rehearsals with the rest of thecast will be in November, and thetheater rehearsals and performances

    will occur between November 30 andDecember 4.

    Please also mark your calendarsnow for the show times of the Nut-cracker Sweet and plan to come see afun Christmas ballet!

    Kids Chance to Be in Nutcracker Sweet


    Shalom Farms OutingsJoin us the third Saturday of the month at Shalom Farmsa local food access

    and community development ministry (shalomfarms.org). We will help ensure

    everyone in our city has access to Gods bountiful gifts of nutritious produce.

    Well be out on the farm from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please RSVP to Nelson

    Reveley at [email protected] or by calling 387-8094. This months visit will be

    on July 16. A group will be carpooling from the church parking lot at 8:00 a.m.

    and will be returning by noon. Otherwise, you can meet us out on the farm at

    9:00 a.m.Address: 1033 Rock Castle Rd., Goochland, VA

    Partners in Parenting is one of the

    Grace Covenant tenants in the East

    Building (1617 Monument Ave.). They

    are beginning a new teaching-and-

    discussion series to help parents! Every

    fourth Tuesday they are hosting a brown

    bag lunch in their office, Suite 202.

    Bring your own lunch; water and dessert

    will be provided.

    The next luncheon is July 26, 2016.

    Partners in

    Parenting Luncheons

    STEP partners with PDM PRODUCTIONS, INC. to provide dance instruction to children of Gilpin Ct.


  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes


    Philippians 4:19

    And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

    We received great news from

    KHISH, our partner in missionin Southern Honduras: 6.8 acresof land in Southern Honduras(Juan Orlando Village, specifical-ly) have been officially donatedby the local government toKHISH so that construction on anew hospital for eye care canbegin! In fact, enough land wasdonated that KHISH hopes otherproposals can also materialize,like building a church, a play-

    ground, and a water purificationsystem in the same area.

    KHISH Update

    ur first Jobs for Life program

    wrapped up June 7 with its

    graduation celebration. It was a

    heartfelt evening, filled with stories

    of God's transformative power.

    Enormous congratulations to the

    Jobs for Life graduates Melva

    Banks, Kiarra Beards, Lafonda

    Page, and Tomorrow Page, andinexpressible thanks to all those

    who have helped over the past 16

    weeks with prayers, meals, child-

    care, and relationship. It would

    have been impossible to carry the

    program to fruition without so many

    helping hands. We will likely have

    another Jobs for Life program winter

    2016/spring 2017, so stay tuned! The

    Spirit is moving!

    ST P Jobs for Life GraduationOn June 7, we celebrated the first four to graduate from the program


    Please be aware that we havefully transitioned to a different entrysystem. Instead of using the currentkey cards for entry, we have movedto a keypad system; with this newarrangement, you will enter a specif-ic code followed by the # key togain entry. We apologize for theshort notice but we had to movequickly due to the CDC City CouncilHearing on Monday, June 27, at

    which time this security measure

    needed to be in place.Going forward, we will also bestricter about buzzing people in. It isIMPORTANTthat no one buzzes

    people in from the Glass Office aswell so as to increase our security.Remember, no one should ever propthe door open either.

    Also, tenants should be awarethat they are responsible for openingthe door for their own meetings andevents; Grace Covenant Presbyteri-an Church is not responsible for and

    will not buzz people in who are herefor non-related GCPC or CDCevents.

    Finally, please note that if youhave a real key, it will still work togain entry to the building. If youneed a code, please visit the church

    office during regular hours. Thiscode will periodically be changed tomaintain security, and we will keepyou updated with this information.

    Thank you for your understand-ing as we work to ensure the securityof our building and the safety of thechildren. If you have any questions,please contact the church office dur-ing regular church hours at 359-2463.

    (IMPORTANT) Security Update: New Entry System

    Property Announcement

  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes



    Join Us in Worship on Sundays:Pray Together (Social Room) 9:15 a.m.

    Combined Sunday Schoolall ages (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 a.m.

    Worship Service (Sanctuary) 10:55 a.m.

    The best way to start a Sun-day morning, or any morn-ing, is with prayer. EachSunday morning at 9:15-9:30in the Social Room, we havea time of prayer, and all are

    welcome to participate. It isa prayerful time when heartsare quieted and focused onGod, joys and concerns areshared, and prayers are

    raised in word and in spirit.It is a special time of caring,friendship, and blessing;please come and pray withus.

    Sunday Morning

    Prayer Time

    We know all kids can be

    wiggly and noisy. Its okay!

    Were glad that you and they

    are here. Please feel free tosit anywhere: up front where

    they can see; in the balcony

    where there is room to move

    around; or wherever is most

    convenient for you. Worship

    Bags and Binders are availa-

    ble in the narthex. Ask an

    usher or greeter! Children

    under 6 are welcome at any

    time for childcare in room

    102. Our excellent nursery is

    in room 103 across from the

    Social Room.


    and Worship

    Summer Schedule of SermonsAre you eagerly anticipating this Summers Worship Schedule?Check out some of the scheduled sermon titles as they are now

    for a glance ahead.


    July 3:

    July 10:

    July 17:

    July 24:

    July 31:

    August 7:

    August 14:

    August 21:

    August 28:


    Its about a God Who Is Near

    Its Upside Down

    Its Peace

    Its Love for Everybody

    Its a Celebration for Everybody

    Its Woe for Everybody

    Its a Whole New Thing

    Its Love or Its Nothing

    Its a Life of Justice, Mercy,and a Humble Posture

    For more information on the summer schedule and the Summer Series: Back to the Basics, see p.

    First Sunday Prayer Group

    Join the prayer team from 12:30-1:00 p.m. after worship on the first Sunday of

    each month. The group meets in the chapel and prays over the church, our city,

    our nation, and the world. The next meeting will be July 3.


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    Galatians 6:9

    So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give


    Session Report

    June 2016Information

    For May, 2016, income came to $56,773.66, which represents 5 Sundays in the month. Expenses came to$58,927.05. There were no extraordinary expenses for the month.

    Recent Actions

    The Session voted to:

    1. Approve the minutes for the Session meeting of May 16, 2016.

    2. Approve the Reverend Nelson Reveley to preach Sunday, August 28, 2016.

    3. Remove John W. Roberts from the active roll following his recent passing.

    4. Move to proceed with Back Door replacement, using revised quote (of $27,121) that does not include transom replacement.

    5. Move to proceed with floor repair: sanding/refurbishing 2ndfloor classroom, Re-carpeting glass office, Repairing elevator floor.

    6. Move to pay Appich Architects for work done in the Nursery out of undesignated funds, $2,276.00.

    7. Revise the current building use fee schedule as per the schedule presented to the Session to better reflect the current costs and the

    going rate for such usage in Richmond

    8. Allow RVA Rapid Transit/Clergy Committee to share Nelson Reveleys 2ndfloor office at no charge.

    9. Request the Nominating Committee to fill the vacancy on the Session resulting from the resignation of Virginia Hudson and the

    opening on the Board of Trustees occasioned by the death of John Roberts.

    10. Move $2000 under the Evangelism funds from the previously designated use of theological libraries in the Fan to use in developing

    a new church website.

    In addition, on June 8, 2016, the Session approved the replacement of the toilets and sink hardware in the 3 rdfloorladies restroom, and to proceed with painting the church exterior.The Session provides this summary to help ensure that the congregation remains informed of its

    decisions and actions. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact DanaMcKnight (Clerk of Session) or any of your active ruling Elders.

  • 7/25/2019 July 2016 Grace Notes
