MORA B THE BRIDGE Linking Practitioners of German Biological Medicine Volume 12, Issue #7, July 2016 Monday, 18 July 2016 Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters of OIRF, Â Welcome to Volume 12, Issue #7 of “The Bridge” newsletter! With this first summer Issue we are bringing you a few “treats” and some very interesting updates. First, here is another editorial from your esteemed Director Carolyn Winsor called “And the Future is Now . . .” that we hope will get you thinking. Then, here is a special article by Dr. Gottfried Cornelissen and Dr. Jens Tesmer talking about “Foci and Disturbance Fields in the Dental and Lower Jaw Areas “Victim” or “Perpetrator”: The Causal Analysis with System Diagnostics”. This article gives you detailed information on the assessment of the causal basis of dental foci with practical BioResonance applications. Next month we will again be featuring an article from OIRF Medical Advisor Ted Cole, DO who promises us something interesting on PEMF. Â Here’s a “Sneak Preview” of the UBS 315 device from Medical Electronics (Mr. Dieter Jossner of BioPhoton Therapy fame!). This small piece of innovative technology will revitalize regular water. It’s not a filter, but the change in the quality of the water is immediately apparent. We saw this device demonstrated during our 2015 tour program. Mr. Jossner did darkfield on two of our participants, got them to drink some of the revitalized water, and then about 20 minutes later did another darkfield. This was not just interesting – it was incredibly impressive. So, here’s a link to some recently published information, and we’ll be sending more information about the Ultra compact Bioenergetic Stimulator UBS 315 later this month. Â Note : At this time, OIRF has added one further conference to our busy 2016 fall and winter schedule. The ACIM Cancer Conference in Orlando, Florida, Sept. 22-25, 2016 will feature lectures from two of our OIRF Medical Advisors (Dr. Simon Yu and Dr. Dan Beilin) among many other respected physicians and researchers. OIRF will have an exhibit area at this conference and we look forward to seeing and meeting you there. See further details under the “Conferences and Conventions” segment of this newsletter.

July 18, 2016

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Page 1: July 18, 2016



Linking Practitioners of German Biological Medicine

Volume 12, Issue #7, July 2016 Monday, 18 July 2016 Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters of OIRF,

Welcome to Volume 12, Issue #7 of “The Bridge” newsletter! With this first summer Issue we are bringing you a few “treats” and some very interesting updates. First, here is another editorial from your esteemed Director Carolyn Winsor called “And the Future is Now . . .” that we hope will get you thinking. Then, here is a special article by Dr. Gottfried Cornelissen and Dr. Jens Tesmer talking about “Foci and Disturbance Fields in the Dental and Lower Jaw Areas “Victim” or “Perpetrator”: The Causal Analysis with System Diagnostics”. This article gives you detailed information on the assessment of the causal basis of dental foci with practical BioResonance applications. Next month we will again be featuring an article from OIRF Medical Advisor Ted Cole, DO who promises us something interesting on PEMF.

Here’s a “Sneak Preview” of the UBS 315 device from Medical Electronics (Mr. Dieter Jossner of BioPhoton Therapy fame!). This small piece of innovative technology will revitalize regular water. It’s not a filter, but the change in the quality of the water is immediately apparent. We saw this device demonstrated during our 2015 tour program. Mr. Jossner did darkfield on two of our participants, got them to drink some of the revitalized water, and then about 20 minutes later did another darkfield. This was not just interesting – it was incredibly impressive. So, here’s a link to some recently published information, and we’ll be sending more information about the Ultra compact Bioenergetic Stimulator UBS 315 later this month.

Note: At this time, OIRF has added one further conference to our busy 2016 fall and winter schedule. The ACIM Cancer Conference in Orlando, Florida, Sept. 22-25, 2016 will feature lectures from two of our OIRF Medical Advisors (Dr. Simon Yu and Dr. Dan Beilin) among many other respected physicians and researchers. OIRF will have an exhibit area at this conference and we look forward to seeing and meeting you there. See further details under the “Conferences and Conventions” segment of this newsletter.

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Page Two; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

Registrations for the Institute’s 43rd Biological Medicine Tour to Germany are being received on a regular basis and we have every indication this will be one of the best attended tour programs in years. We highly recommend early application to ensure your participation in this unique educational event. The major arrangements for the program have been finalized and the speakers confirmed. Based on our tour program theme of “Experience and Science: Diagnosis and Treatment Possibilities with High Practical Relevance”, we are looking forward to the latest information and research in our field especially as it affects application of our well known and recognized therapies including MORA BioResonance, BioPhoton Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and so many more. There is always ample time for questions and hands-on. Shall we do a “Top 10 List” of reasons to participate in this tour program à la David Letterman?

1) Our exceptional Keynote Speaker, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Treugut will

present the latest research and information taking us to new medical frontiers. Founder and President of the prestigious “German Society for Energy and Information Medicine”.

2) Hear from twelve(!) different lecturers, researchers and clinicians instead of focusing on one personality.

3) Hear about a broad range of Biological Medicine methods. 4) Lectures and demonstrations focused on education with emphasis on

practical application in your daily practice. 5) Focused and informed visits to the famous Medicine Week Congress in

Baden-Baden – celebrating their 50th Anniversary! 6) Presentations from two famous highly respected and long standing

German pharmaceutical firms. 7) Coordinated and hosted by OIRF Managing Director Carolyn Winsor

with 42 previous tours experience. 8) Benefit from the experience and expertise of accompanying OIRF

Medical Advisor and Director Marguerite Lane, ND (several other OIRF Advisors and Directors are also expected to join this annual pilgrimage).

9) Program involves moderate ground transportation on prearranged comfortable charter bus with lots of room for luggage.

10) OIRF tour program is reasonably priced and includes all educational events, single room hotel accommodations and most meals.

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Page Three; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 This 43rd Biological Medicine Tour to Germany will run from Wednesday, October 26 through Tuesday, November 1, 2016, and these important dates coordinate with the new format of the 50th Anniversary Medicine Week Congress. Our lecture schedule has been mostly finalized at this time and you can follow this Tour Itinerary link for an outline of all our planned activities. You can also see the short information on Page 22 in this Issue and I invite you to follow this link for full details and registration information on Germany Tour #43. As we embark into the summer vacation and holiday months, I urge you to take care of registration for this important tour program now. The deadline dates for this program start in early Sept. and by the time we get back into routine and fall schedules, time will be running short. I repeat that we anticipate this tour program will fill quickly (a record attendance in light of the Med-Week Anniversary and the exceptional exclusive tour program lectures). Although we are not restricting attendance to OIRF Members, we will be limiting attendance so that we can ensure you enjoy an individualized and highly educational experience. Contact OIRF offices at 1-800-663-8342 today to reserve your place in this program and don’t miss this opportunity!

Did you miss Dr. Simon Yu’s Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training workshop in St. Louis Missouri last March? This workshop was very well presented and all participants left being able to do basic EAV-type testing. All participants were given detailed information on application of Dr. Yu’s testing, diagnostic and therapy procedures as well as ample hands-on testing training. Other lectures and training were given by Dr. Doug Cook, Dr. Robert Cass (Physica and A-IBS), Gordon Johnston (Kindling) and Carolyn Winsor (OIRF and Med-Tronik). Although restricted to MD and DDS (requires prescribing privileges), a repeat boot-camp workshop will be held in St. Louis, Missouri on August 26-28, 2016. Plan now to attend this excellent workshop. Follow this link to Prevention and Healing for further details and registration information about Dr. Simon Yu’s Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training workshops.

I invite all of you to maintain your email or print subscription to “The Bridge” newsletter. All 2016 issues of “The Bridge” will be sent to you by email and then published on our website. Access is open to all. Follow this link to get your PDF print copy of “The Bridge” Volume 12, Issue #7. Further new and cutting edge articles from our prestigious Board of Advisors and Directors as well as more of Carolyn’s translations of articles from current German journals are underway for future Volume #12 issues of this newsletter.

Here are your newsletter items for this Issue #7 . . .

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Page Four; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 An exclusive article for OIRF Supporters, published July 2016 by Occidental Institute Research Foundation . . .

And the Future is Now . . .

By Carolyn L. Winsor, Managing Director, OIRF © Copyright 2016, CL Winsor, OIRF, British Columbia Canada There are times when we all sit back and wonder about the future and about what we will be doing in 5 or 10 or more years. It’s just a natural response when we think about family, or consider what’s happening in our practice today, or when we are making a business plan for next year, or . . . As many of us who have pioneered and worked in this amazing field of Biological Medicine start to – dare I say it – age gracefully, thoughts of the future and how this form of medicine will transform in the coming years become foremost as we move forward. At other times, it is a matter of looking back and pondering the innovation and sheer invention of the great ones from our past like Dr. Hahnemann, Dr. Voll, Dr. Schimmel, Dr. Morell and so many, many others. For example, homeopathy is more than 250 years old while Occidental Institute turned 44 early this month (OMG, how did that happen?!). Many of us have experienced and benefitted from their imaginative development of point and medication testing and BioResonance Therapy. But how will these methods take us into the future? By now we all know the story of Polaroid, and how with the implementation of digital cameras that largest supplier of photographic film went bankrupt in a matter of a few years. And yet, are we taking that purely business lesson into consideration in our modern Biological Medicine practice?

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

I read with interest the article by Dr. Ronald Klatz of A4M fame regarding “Predictions in Technology and Health” (http://www.worldhealth.net/news/ predictions-technology-health/) posted June 6, 2016. This is a nicely laid out article that is certainly thought provoking on many different levels.

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Page Five; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 But now it’s time to apply some of those predictions in our own practices if we are to remain modern, innovative and prepared for the future of information, energy and biological medicine. And for me these three terms tie the concept into a viable focus to move forward. Afterall, we are working with information – no matter whether we are talking about homeopathy, BioResonance, BioPhotons, PEMF or whatever, we are not only measuring the information of the body but are then utilizing energy and other biological methods to deliver that healing information back to the body. Think about it for a minute. This past week the Juno probe reached Jupiter after traveling for 5 years. If a human was to attempt such a journey (yeah, I know Star Trek fan that I am) how will they take care of their medical needs? There is no possible way to pack a whole pharmacy, doctor’s office and hospital into the long distance spacecraft. All such aspects would need to be self sufficient and self regenerating, wouldn’t they? Just like with Polaroid we have examples of their scenario of obsolescence playing out in Europe with the large homeopathic companies. I remember visiting the Staufen Pharma (Müller Göppingen) Company with our tour groups many years ago. It was a huge plant and I would estimate they had over 500 employees. Homeopathy was at a peak of acceptance and application throughout Europe and many other countries around the world. Well, Staufen closed its doors a little over a year ago. That’s right. It’s just gone. No more nosodes, no more specialty homeopathics, no more anything for which they were a leading well respected business and alternate pharmaceutical company. Just gone. I see two factors in the demise of Staufen: 1) All the controversy and regulation with CODEX in Europe and around the world.

There was just too much regulation, too much restriction and too many attempts to over-generalize the production of these remedies into an internationally acceptable format.

2) Electronic “recording” of remedy information. And there is that word again. All of those cabinets and shelves and cupboards of stored homeopathic ampules and test sets from the days of Dr. Voll, Dr. Kramer and Dr. Sturm* have simply become obsolete. With 21st Century technical “recording” capabilities they have all been replaced with a single DVD and your laptop. Homeopathic (and all) remedy information is now available in a digital format. Where will it take us next? I think this would fit on that future spacecraft on the way to Jupiter, don’t you? And now – without all the hassles of importation and government regulation – every practitioner worldwide can have access to 10’s of thousands of remedies not only for diagnostic purposes but also for therapeutic application. It is time for all of us to look at and think about the possibilities for our practices in terms of how information, technology and energy will affect them in the coming months and years. Please don’t misunderstand me on this however, as I go back to other rants (oh sorry – other editorials) that I have published. As important as the

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Page Six; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 future is to how we proceed in our current everyday practice we must remember that the future is built on and developed from the past.

“The future is an unknown, but a somewhat predictable unknown. To look to the future we must first look back upon the past. That is where the seeds of the future were planted. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” Albert Einstein.

It is a tribute to the genius of practitioners and researchers such as Dr. Voll, Dr. Morell, Dr. Popp, Prof Heine and Dr. Schimmel that we are already utilizing information and energy to assess and treat our patients. But it is the developments and changes that we are witnessing today in such companies as Med-Tronik that will bring these venerable “old” methods into this era of digital and information medicine. We need to pay attention to these changes. Going back to my premise of the spacecraft with humans aboard, it is easy, space saving and economical to incorporate the four major methods recommended by OIRF into that journey (the Russians did some of this in their space program long ago), or into your practice for that matter, to create a sustainable and renewable Biological Medicine practice. And it’s all energy and information under the umbrella that OIRF has called Biological Medicine since 1982. Here are the four recommendations outlined in one of my previous rants:

1) Inhaled Ionized Oxygen – Provides pure energy to the body without the need for processing. Gives the body the energy to heal.

2) BioPhoton Light Therapy – Information is transferred inter- and intra-cellularly by photons. This is your communication pathway for the information.

3) MORA® BioResonance Therapy – Assessing the body’s situation through point and medication testing (EAV, Vega, Cornelissen, etc.); while therapy measures the energy and information of the body, processes it (via amplification, filtration, inversion, etc.) and sends it back to the patient to promote self healing.

4) Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy – To reassert and stabilize the body’s response to the earth’s natural magnetic field.

In considering the efficacy of our practice and its viability into the future, it all comes back to what we are each prepared to invest in and to utilize. First must be knowledge through education which will always enrich us and can never be taken away from us. Then we have to look at the “tools of our trade”. Which methods or devices will work best for the most reasonable price for the majority of our patients? Times are changing as they always seem to do, but it is how we respond to that change that will predict our patient care and effectiveness into the future.

“The future is now. Roll up your sleeves and let your passion flow. The country we carry in our hearts is waiting.” Bruce Springsteen.

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Page Seven; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 In closing, I found a bunch of different sites when I Googled “future predictions”. To say the least, it was interesting and thought provoking reading. Here’s a couple that I found: FutureForAll.Org Long list of predictions under Biotech/Medicine (plus multiple other topics) included: Extended Life Organ replacement Designer bodies Personalized drugs Human cloning Virtual/Robot medicine Age reversal A capsule that can be swallowed which will cure most diseases And so on . . . FutureTimeline.net (very interesting site) Many predictions outlined within a yearly-based timeline. Some really cool stuff! Yours in health,

Carolyn Carolyn L. Winsor Managing Director Phone: (250) 490-3318 [email protected] * Note: Dr. Walter Sturm was a “collector” (a true sulfur personality as Dr. Sandy Wood once named him) and he was quite proud that he had well over 30,000 individual remedies in cabinets at his seated test position. All of those (very expensive) physical “one of everything” remedies, homeopathic samples and test sets are now safely stored and used in the offices of Dr. Karim Dhanani who is preserving that legacy for OIRF.]

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Page Eight; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 An exclusive article for OIRF Supporters, published July 2016 by Occidental Institute Research Foundation . . .

Inflammation and Disturbance Fields

Foci and Disturbance Fields In the Dental and Lower Jaw Areas

“Victim” and “Perpetrator”:

The Causal Analysis with System Diagnostics

By Gottfried Cornelissen, DMD and Jens Tesmer, DSc

From an article in CO’Med, Volume 21, October 2015 Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt

Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF © Copyright 2015, Cornelissen and Tesmer, Med-Tronik, Friesenheim, Germany In a holistic medicine individual organs (biophysical) are not isolated, but rather are considered embedded in the overall system of the organism. The main focus is on the connections and the whole, which is expressed for example in the Meridian System and in the teachings of the Ground System According to Pischinger. The Meridian System represents a neuro-vegetative connection system of the organs. However with the Ground System [1] it concerns a polymer-containing strongly aqueous matrix, passed through by vessels, nerves and connective tissue cells which border on the organ parenchymal cells. The decisive discovery of Prof. Alfred Pischinger was that generally no direct contact exists between the arteries, veins, lymph vessels and vegetative nerve endings on the one hand and the organ cells on the other hand. Thus a free space lies between the vessels and the organ cells which must be passed through, for every transfer to the cell it is now substantial and informational in nature. The state of this transit route determines all supply as well as all disposal processes of the cells.

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Page Nine; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 This border space in the Ground System decides on health or illness. In this space emerging blockages, solidifications or regulation disturbances must absolutely be considered for understanding of the pathogenetic processes.

The burdening of the Ground System is equally affected with the burdening of the organs because of their detoxification, supply and regularization.

Since the middle of the last century, we are able to record an increased burden [2] on the Ground System through increased storage of proteins and carbohydrates from food as well as from heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and environmental poisons. This not only has consequences for therapy, which must adjust for the broad tendencies of reduced detoxification ability and chronification of all illness processes, but also for the corresponding diagnosis procedures such as ElectroAcupuncture According to Voll [EAV]. However, if the connection of Voll’s measuring points with the organs is hindered by Ground System blockages, the diagnosis of organ pathologies over Voll’s meridian related measuring points is also inevitably error-afflicted.

The System Diagnostic of MORA® BioResonance represents a way out. This works independent of the state of the Ground System and is able to localize and to determine the extent of the problem while it places the burden in correlation with the relevant organ.

As a result, one proceeds according to a stereotypical system which considers all conceivable illness fields of medicine, from electrosmog to acidosis, vaccination and pathogen burdens to the wide range of environmental toxins, etc. finally up to the Psyche. In the Test Set the burdened fields are arranged so that originating from the universal they move out in a funnel-shape towards the specific burdening fields. Additionally, all important organs are in fact listed near the noxae in a logical sequence from the head, included among the cerebral areas, through the internal organs and to the vascular, nervous and skeletal systems. It is guaranteed by this procedure that the cause is found after going through the hierarchical sequence of possible complications. The unequivocal Yes/No answer is produced because basically only resonances are measured, in fact independent from environmental disturbance influences like for example unshielded electrosmog (WLAN, mobile radio), and thus a high reproducibility results. The first advantage of System Diagnostics lies in the fact that a focus is reliably diagnosable and this already in an early stage. For example, a focus is visible in an X-ray exposure only in the later stages. The focus, e.g. in a tooth, is functionally connected through the corresponding meridian with the affiliated organ, as is represented as an example in Fig. 1 for the Large Intestine meridian. Both partners are always affected, the tooth as well as also the organ.

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Page Ten; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

Figure 1: Lung / Large Intestine meridian and accompanying tooth areas. In the lower jaw Teeth 36/37 or 46/47 and in the upper jaw 14/15 or 24/25.

Focus Homolateral

Related meridian Clinical-morphological

Superordinate Disturbance field

Ubiquitous Vegetative-dystonia

Cranio-caudal = 30% Dental “granuloma”, tonsils, sinus

= 70% Caudo-cranial Appendicitis, adnexitis, cholecystitis


Amalgam Palladium Plastics Root [canal] fillings

Figure 2: The focus (for instance a dental root granuloma) has a local effect on the affiliated meridian-related organ; however only for about 30%. More often the corresponding organ causes the local focus (approx. 70%). In comparison the disturbance fields from the environment or the diffuse dental materials have an effect on the vegetative nervous system. [Note translation appears in lower colored box.]

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Page Eleven; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 This now further raises the question about the actual cause of the inflammation events. Is it originally about a damage of the organ and following in the tooth, thus about an organ-dental relationship, or vice versa about a dental-organ relationship? Who got ill first? Is the tooth with its focus a cause or is the organ the cause? As is often presumed the answer is not the dental focus as the cause, but rather in most cases it is the organ (Fig. 2). If one compares the surfaces of the intestine and of the focus relatively (Fig. 3) then these circumstances are illustrated. The second decisive advantage of System Diagnostics lies in the reliable finding of the cause of certain inflammation events.

White area = Intestinal surface [Red dot =] “Dental granuloma” [Yellow =] Skin surface

Figure 3: Relative importance of the dental granuloma, the skin surface and the whole of the intestinal surface. As a focus is the tooth the cause or the “victim”? In practice diagnosis occurs through a correlation test. At a summation point on the hand, which is not meridian related, it is checked whether the nosode allows an organ to return to its normal value again. The nosode would then be the cause and organ the “victim”. An Example: The nosode “Kieferostitis” brings the organ “Colon” into balance. The jaw ostitis is responsible for the intestinal illness. This case is rather rare. More frequently the nosode “Chronische Colitis” brings the organ “Mandibula” into balance. The chronic colitis is then responsible for the irritation in the lower jaw. (Fig. 4)

The effects: a) Does a tooth-jaw focus have an effect on an organ (e.g. the bowel or the knee joint), or b) Does the organ (e.g. the bowel) feedback and irritate the tooth/jaw area (e.g. localized

gum inflammation or necrosis of the tooth nerve). The correlation test of a nosode and an organ preparation brings basic clarification. The nosode is always the “perpetrator” and the organ preparation is always the “victim”. 1. Example: If the nosode “Kieferostitis” [jaw ostitis] brings “Colon” into balance jaw

ostitis is responsible for intestinal illness, e.g. chronic colitis (seldom!) 2. Example: However if the nosode “Chronische Colitis” brings the organ [preparation]

“Mandibula” into balance chronic colitis is responsible for the irritation in the lower jaw (often!)

Figure 4: Is the tooth the cause or is it the organ which has an effect on the tooth?

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Page Twelve; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 Which are the most important issues with dental foci now? Often you find a chronic ostitis in empty alveoli. Indeed the tooth does not exist anymore, but here an inflammation event still continues. The wisdom teeth of the lower jaw are of particular importance on the basis of their diverse relations with important organs and organ systems (Figure 5). They are the fulcra and pivot points of the whole dental system. One non-positioned wisdom tooth is always an indication of a weak adrenal gland, low stress tolerance, weak immune system and low blood pressure. Childhood ear infections subsequently change over into tonsillitis, further into nasal sinusitis and finally lead into problems with the wisdom teeth. This sequence runs out stereotypically.

1. Chronic Ostitis (mostly in empty alveola). 2. Wisdom tooth of the lower jaw

On the basis of the relation to the important organs (systems): a) Adrenal gland immune system b) Triple Warmer hormone system c) Small Intestine Peyer’s Patches immune system d) Heart/Circulation Heart attack, stroke

Figure 5: Dental foci – the really important areas Superordinate disturbance fields like environmental influences, for example in the form of electrosmog, but also geopathic and local disturbance fields of dental-medical materials and scars, behave differently than foci whose effects underlie clear clinical and morphological characteristics. Their non-meridian related effect is common to them (Fig. 2). Rather they have a diffused non-local effect on the whole vegetative nervous system and become apparent as faulty regulation in the form of various symptoms (heart/circulation, indigestion and headaches, among other things).

Their meaning is rather over estimated in the literature, because with a blocked Ground System the disturbance impulse hardly reaches the related organ, but rather fizzles out sooner since the remote action of chronic inflammation foci presupposes certain reaction and compensation capacities exactly in this Ground System.

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Page Thirteen; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 Summary The cause of a symptom is seldom found at the same place of appearance. Accordingly a diagnostic system which fulfills the following conditions should stand at the beginning of every medical examination: • It should incorporate an overview of all organs and their possible burdens and

deficits. The burdens and deficits can be associated with the relevant organ and can be correlated with them, i.e. where does the burden or the deficit have an effect?

• It should be able to arrange and quantify all diagnosed burdens and deficits hierarchically, and in the course of this to make a distinction between the top burdens from the minor burdens. The quantification would be a unique positional characteristic.

• Thus it should recognize the internal logic of an illness, speak of the location which states the entire illness course, expose and produce a therapy from it.

The System Diagnostics of MORA® BioResonance according to Dr. Cornelissen fulfills these standards. Authors:

Dr.med.dent. Gottfried Cornelissen is a dentist and expert in natural healing methods with his own natural healing practice in Rostock-Warnemünde. Since 1988 he has employed MORA®-Therapy. Since 1993 he is a lecturer for biophysical medicine and since 1997 also an international lecturer and speaker for MORA®-Therapy. He has published numerous books and articles in the technical literature. Additionally he developed the so called System Diagnostics as a holistic test program. At the present his noteworthy cancer diagnostics and therapy have found great resonance.

Jens Tesmer, DSc, Dipl. Biology, has worked as a freelance biologist since 2013 and does research within this scope among others as a guest scientist at the Technical University of Hamburg as well as for Med-Tronik GmbH in Friesenheim. Previously he was employed as a scientific coworker in various research facilities of the University of Greifswald and finally the Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg. The focus of his work lies in the meaning of water for health and the effect of electromagnetic fields on the organism.

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Page Fourteen; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 Translator’s Notes: [1] Ground Regulation System:

A special report with accurate English translation of a series of seven German language articles initially published by Prof. Dr. Heine in 2011.Total of 48 pages with information that is mandatory reading for all practitioners of orthodox and complementary medicine. Available from OIRF in electronic (PDF) or print formats for $30.

Also see the book: The Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation, Basis for a Holistic Biological Medicine; By Alfred Pischinger and Hartmut Heine (available in English on Amazon)

[2] In my ongoing efforts with the translation work I do for OIRF, it is my goal – my standard – to

give you the exact words and meaning of the German author. In other words I consider myself as a translator, and not as an interpreter who would insert their own opinion or “interpretation” to what was said in German. In this article Dr. Cornelissen made a very clear distinction between what he considers a “disturbance” as opposed to a “burden” or “stress” factor. In all cases I have translated his use of each word exactly. There is a very real difference here in that there can be a “disturbance (field)” in the body (even internally generated), whereas a “burden” or “stress” in this context is primarily an external influence that can or does create a disturbance. The usual translation in the literature tends to haphazardly interchange these terms, but for this article (even though it sometimes doesn’t “read” right in English) I have carefully preserved an exact translation so that you can see Dr. Cornelissen’s meaning. Here the word burden is primarily used in the sense of an external factor which is stressing, polluting or (over)burdening the body. CLW

WEBINARS FROM MED-TRONIK! Every two (2) weeks, Med-Tronik will be conducting a webinar on various subjects with application and function of the MORA® Nova. Each webinar will be approximately 30 minutes in length and will be in both German and English. Click here for the German webinars: http://www.med-tronik.de/academy/webinare.html And here for the English webinars: http://www.med-tronik.de/en/academy/webinars.html Simply press the Register button and sign up. You will be sent a confirmation email, as well as a reminder closer to the date. This is a terrific opportunity for you to receive ongoing education featuring some of the best and most famous instructors from Med-Tronik including Dr. Nuno Ruivo, Dr. Peter Mahr and even Dr. Gottfried Cornelissen. If the times don’t work for you, don’t worry, Med-Tronik will be archiving them so you can watch at your own convenience (or time zone). Depending on time available, there may even be time at the end for a brief Q & A. We look forward to you taking advantage of this terrific opportunity to get training on a regular basis. More topics will be available as time permits. Be sure to save this to your “favorites” and join in regularly.

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Page Fifteen; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 A New Report

The Ground Regulation System (GRS)

By o. Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.nat. med.habil. Hartmut Heine A few years after his serious illness in 2011 Prof. Dr. Hartmut Heine published a series of seven articles on the Ground Regulation System. I [Carolyn Winsor] was honored to be able to translate this incredible research into English for the first time and to publish it in our newsletter, “The Bridge”. As I worked my way through translation of the first article, the wealth of knowledge and understanding imparted in even that introductory article left me scrambling for dictionaries, research documents hidden away in the old OIRF library and way beyond “Google searches” to make sure that I was doing justice to the information Prof. Dr. Heine was imparting. Combined with the succeeding six further articles, his gift to us of knowledge and of understanding is truly priceless. In respect for Prof. Heine I have merged those seven articles into one single report and have republished it separate from that older newsletter. With a total of 48 (mind-blowing) pages, this work is not just “worthwhile” reading, but mandatory reading for all practitioners of orthodox and complementary medicine. Available in electronic or print format for $30, here is an outline of the contents:

Part 1 – The Ground Regulation [A History and Background] Part 2 – GRS as a non-linear system – Structure, function and determined chaos Part 3 – GRS as a non-linear system– Structural components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) Part 4 – Spatial structure of the ECM and material transport within the system Part 5 – Contact, limitation and clogging up: Cell adhesion, basal membrane and glycosylation Part 6 – Functional relations of the ground regulation with the central nervous system Part 7 – The Ground Regulation and the Circadian Rhythm – The Ground Regulation and Alzheimer Dementia And don’t forget to order your copy of: The OIRF Special Report On Medication Testing A translation of Dr. Kramer’s full medication testing guidelines from beginning to highly advanced aspects. Dr. Kramer has given us the most complete, step-by-step guidelines for learning medication testing on your own. Based on his seventeen years of practice and teaching, he also suggests the preparations you need to get started. Recommendations on how to order a set of those preparations for yourself are included within the report, and most are now included within the Electronic Remedy Test Sets Software. If you follow all of the report instructions, you will learn how to do medication testing by yourself, easily, quickly and correctly. If not, something is wrong with your Electro-Acupuncture instrument – not you! This SPECIAL REPORT available in electronic or printed format for $30.00 (Report is over fifty pages. Preparations are not included.)

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Page Sixteen; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

4 DVD SET NOW AVAILABLE! MORA BioResonance Therapeutic Possibilities

Getting the BEST out of your MORA Technology Date: Thursday, September 10, 2015 – COMPLETED! You missed it! Intended audience: For beginners and advanced MORA® BioResonance users. For whatever model you are using, learn the true BioResonance Therapy applications. You have the MORA, but how do you get the best out of it? This one-day lecture course guides you gently, starting with how to think about the way the MORA works, how to think about your patient’s health problems, and how to match the two for optimum treatments.

For beginners, or for those who need a refresher, the basic concepts of classical BioResonance are clarified. Learn how to immediately provide effective treatments even if you don’t know what you’re doing yet. As the day progresses, you receive expert guidance on how to tackle the most common underlying problems in health, including candidiasis, influenza, hay fever, food intolerances, “tummy bugs”, Lyme disease, dental support, and hormonal issues. You will also learn how to verify that the treatment you’ve given has already been effective. Cases are presented to provide additional concrete information and summarize the day’s information.

Lecture course features Marguerite Lane, ND from Australia. She has been in full time private practice since 2002 and has used the MORA Super since 2003. She is specialized in the BioResonance techniques of Dr. Gottfried Cornelissen of Germany.


This course was sponsored by Occidental Institute Research Foundation and presented in conjunction with the Gateway Fdn. for Biological & Integrative Medicine prior to the famous “Curing the Incurables” Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri September 2015.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to benefit from the therapy application and information presented by this well respected and experienced practitioner. Video was professionally filmed and edited.

Set of 4 DVDs US $150 plus shipping (available for immediate shipment).

Did you see the Issue #5 Supplement to “The Bridge” newsletter? We included an excellent article that told about the amazing results and effectiveness of this BioResonance device designed for cosmetic applications. Menus and programs are straightforward, and it is intended to be delegable! Follow this link to see the supplementary newsletter article and device details for the remarkable MORA® Beauty.

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Page Seventeen; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

Videotaped “DIAGNOSTICS” AND “THERAPEUTICS” Seminar/Workshops by Dr. Walter D. Sturm† of OIRF Staff

* 1944-2004 †

Part One on Diagnostics: • Electronic point measurement • Medication testing, and more

Part Two on Therapeutics: • MORA-Therapy • Electronic Homeopathy • Remedy Information Transfer, and more • Optional day on his other therapies!

Follow this link to see a full description of these videotaped “Diagnostics and Therapeutics” Seminar/Workshops by the late Dr. Walter D. Sturm† of the OIRF Staff. Available on five (5) DVD’s plus one (1) CD with all overheads and extensive handouts materials for CDN $200 (plus shipping).

Published in Canada by: Occidental Institute Research Foundation P. O. Box 100, Penticton, BC V2A 6J9 Canada Phone: 800-663-8342 or (250) 490-3318 Website: www.oirf.com Email: [email protected]


Special Reports: 1) Report on LM Potencies. Translated and prepared by Dr. Walter D. Sturm based on the work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. This is pivotal information for all homeopaths. In the last years of his life Dr. Hahnemann turned solely to the use of LM potencies for his patients instead of the “usual” C and X potencies still utilized today. This knowledge was suppressed for nearly 80 years and revolutionized the practice of homeopathy when that famous 6th edition of his Organon of Medicine was finally published. Read the story and see the meticulous research and translation left us by Dr. Sturm. See further information on this important report at this link. 51 Pages. $40 2) The Problem of A and Inverted A in Homeopathic Nosodes. Translated and prepared by Dr. Walter D. Sturm based on the research of Gottfried Cornelissen, DMD. Advanced BioResonance information. 4 Pages. $5 3) A Critical Examination of Current EAV-Diagnosis, the Mebe-Ampule and Filter Procedure. Translated and prepared by Dr. Walter D. Sturm based on the research of Gottfried Cornelissen, DMD. Digital single oint mwasurement according to Dr. Cornelissen. Advanced BioResonance and EAV-Diagnostic information. 14 Pages. $10 4) The Genital System. Translated by Carolyn L. Winsor; revised and edited by Sean Christian Marshall, DSc based on the work and research of Jean-Claude Darras, MD. Advanced traditional acupuncture information explaining the energetics of the genital system including disorders and treatment. 23 Pages. $25

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Page Eighteen; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 Practice Applications: MORA® Nova True BioResonance Therapy with the Patient’s own Frequency Spectrum From Med-Tronik – The Home of MORA® BioResonance

Design meets Technology

For Innovation

In Diagnostics and Therapy

MORA® Nova

State-of-the-Art MORA BioResonance Therapy MORA® Nova incorporates the original BioResonance Therapy research according to Dr. Franz Morell and Mr. Erich Rasche with the latest and most up-to-date technology, innovative software and perfection in every detail and design. MORA® Nova offers everything you need for easy and effective application in your practice with more than 35 years of experience in the proven MORA BioResonance method plus new design, ease of operation, enhanced therapy options and last but not least, State-of-the-Art technology.

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Page Nineteen; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

MORA® Nova Features: • Easy navigation via 15-inch touch screen

with full visual display even in sitting position

• Space saving integration of input and output cup electrodes (removable for cleaning)

• Space saving integration of foot electrodes

• MORA® Mouse function

• Indication of active electrodes • Display inclination adjustable • New stylus design with extended

functions • Integration into an existing network /

Central control by an administrative PC • Graphic images of measuring point as

well as the respective organ • Graphic menu navigation

Technical Data: • 2 channel technology • 2 Interfaces (Mode A + Abar – inverted A) • Scott-Morley for 2 channels and significant

technical improvement • Frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz • Filter adjustment range: 1Hz to approx. 900

kHz • Amplification 0.1 to 1 Million per channel and

mode • Modular design (channels, interface, etc.) • Integrated PC • Laser electrodes (Optional) • Electronic remedy software (Optional)

• Programs with up to 16 single steps • Selective automatic 4 or 6 segment

measurement • Automatic detection Hypo/Hyper • Extension of standard fixed programs • Therapy recommendation from the EAP-

measurement • Therapy cycles freely adjustable 1 – 65,000 • Pulse/Pause adjustable 0.1 – 100 sec. • Integrated MORA®-Mouse, cup electrodes • Graphic display of measuring points • Square-wave generator 1 Hz to 500 kHz • Sine-wave generator 1 Hz to approx. 250 kHz

Additional MORA® Nova Features: • Allergies – diagnosis and treatment • Cornelissen test- and therapy mask • Indication oriented standard programs

w/o EAP test • Global Scaling Basic therapies • Psychosomatic programs acc. to Nienhaus • Color therapy acc. to Gruba

• Color therapy (e.g. mirrored nature images during the therapy session)

• Music therapy (Psychophonia) via headphones • Addiction therapy, drugs, alcohol, etc. • Individual software for faculties • And much, much more . . .

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Page Twenty; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

List of Electronic Test Sets for Therapy with the Nova® MED Professional

Individual Test Sets – All test sets together comprise approximately 20,000 single substances

Test Set Group – Contains single test sets selected for the user at special pricing conditions

• 5-Elements NOVA-Elements Group • Allergy • 5-Elements • Alzheimers & Dementia (Cornelissen) • Allergy • Bach flowers • Bach flowers • Biological catalysts • Chemical elements • Chemical elements • Geopathy • Degeneration & Mitochondropathy (Cornelissen) • Mycosis • Dental • Nosodes • Geopathy • Schüssler Salts • Labo Life • Horvi • Meridian test set (Morell) • Meridian test set • Mycosis Individual Test Sets (Continued): • Nosodes • Horvi – snake serum and enzymes • Orthica – Orthomolecular substances • Pascoe – homeopathic substances • Sanum • Pekana • Schüssler Salts • Vitortho – Orthomolecular substances • System test set (Cornelissen) • Inus – Orthomolecular substances • Heel • MJS – Orthomolecular substances • Wala • Color test set Some European Practice Applications (Mora Therapy):

Exclusive modules for all of the applications according to Dr. Gottfried Cornelissen

Allergies and Food Intolerances Geopathic stresses Functional Circulatory disorders Acute and chronic pain and inflammatory conditions Metabolic disorders Building immune system. Delivery of medication information. MORA BioResonance Therapy will always increase speed and efficacy of

complementary therapies. Can also be complemented by:

o BioPhoton Therapy – especially for skin rashes and other skin disorders o Inhaled Ionized Oxygen – for increase of healing energy and regeneration

of cell respiration Follow this link for MORA BioResonance details.

For order, delivery & pricing information contact OIRF Office at 1-800-663-8342

Carolyn’s Comment: Recently we have watched some of our top rank Naturopaths going back to the books to prepare for the dreaded “prescribing exam”. Personally I wonder about why our NDs are being trained and examined to prescribe (allopathic) medications when as Naturopaths they would normally “prescribe” homeopathics, supplements, herbs, etc. On the other side of the coin we are seeing our homeopathics and natural remedies being taken off the market by Health Canada and the US FDA. Where can we now turn for remedies for our patients? Note that Sanum, Heel and other North American “discontinued” remedy companies are definitely licensed and included in the remedy software above . . .

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Page Twenty-One; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

OIRF Resource Materials: For more information and instruction about point and medication testing with EAV

see the OIRF: Medication Testing Report and the EAV Desk Reference Manuals (both available on disc).

For more information and instruction about Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques in Biological Medicine with emphasis on BioResonance Therapy be sure to order the recently re-released videos of Dr. Walter Sturm’s seminars.

For a complete listing of OIRF resource materials, including publications, reports, books and videos please follow this link to our website. There are full descriptions of all printed and recorded materials online.

For a complete listing of OIRF recommended instrumentation, including diagnostic, therapeutic and BioResonance devices please follow this link to our website. There are full descriptions of all instrumentation online.

Of the three full “home-study” or “extension training” programs developed by Occidental Institute, two have been fully updated and are available in PDF format on disc. Research and publication of each of those programs has been pivotal in the development and application of Acupuncture and Biological Medicine in North America and around the world. Be sure to obtain your copies of these famous and well respected volumes for your library and study purposes. • Modern & Traditional Acupuncture: $165 • Master of Acupuncture Program: Translations of the ancient acupuncture

classics (The Nei Ching consisting of the Su Wen and Ling Shu, as well as the “Difficult Classic” the Nan Ching) are still available in printed format – $125 Work on scanning and reformatting these materials will progress slowly as time allows during our busy summer and fall seasons.

• EAV Desk Reference Manuals, Parts 1 & 2 – $200 • Diagnostics and Therapeutics Seminars of Dr. Sturm – $200

Get more details at http://www.oirf.com/resources.html


Over twelve hundred pages of printed materials incorporating applicable materials from the supplementary textbook (An Outline of Chinese Acupuncture) and set of four charts (by China Cultural Corp.). Program starts off assuming you know nothing about acupuncture (a good place to start even if only as a thorough review of the basics) and takes you right through to the most heavy-duty advanced aspects of true, ‘energetical’ acupuncture. The finest and most comprehensive material in the English language, covers all seventy-one meridians of traditional acupuncture; that ‘missing sixty percent’ of acupuncture knowledge most “acupuncturists” have never even heard of; and, the modern electronic ‘needle-less’ treatment methods (Electro-Acupoint Therapy) now so popular.

Over 3,000 students were originally enrolled in this famous Extension Training Program, and the OICS graduate listings read like a “Who’s Who of Acupuncture” in the English speaking world. This program takes you as far as anyone possibly can in a ‘written’ format prior to the clinical finesse and practicum needed to round out your acupuncture study to professional levels.

FULL THIRTY-THREE LESSON PROGRAM NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD Price includes disc with all 33 Lessons, applicable supplementary textbook (An Outline of Chinese Acupuncture) passages and representation of set of acupuncture charts (China Cultural Corporation set of four). [Current editions of the textbook and charts can be easily obtained from suppliers of acupuncture books and supplies.] Price does not include printed materials, binders; or, any tutorial, examination, or certification privileges. Follow above link for full details. Full set on one disc available for CDN $165.

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Page Twenty-Two; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

Occidental Institute Research Foundation

43rd Biological Medicine Tour to Germany

Wednesday, Oct. 26 through Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016

Theme: Experience and Science: Diagnosis and Treatment Possibilities with High Practical Relevance

Coordinated and Hosted by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF Managing Director

Accompanied by OIRF Medical Advisor: Marguerite Lane, ND OIRF Board of Directors and Board of Advisors

Beautiful Baden-Baden in the Fall!

• Visit and participate in the famous Baden-Baden Medicine Week Congress

Here’s part of the group gathering outside

the Medicine Week Congress House

• Our private lectures present the latest information and research in our field, with ample time for questions and hands-on

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hendrik Treugut, Pres. DGEIM, Researcher

Plus exclusive English language lectures for OIRF group: Silvia Binder, ND PhD – ONDAMED Therapy Friedrich Douwes, MD – Integrative Cancer Therapy aProf. Ivan Engler, MD PhD – Inhaled Ionized Oxygen Therapy Dietrich Klinghardt, MD – Biological & Energy Medicine Nuno Ruivo, DO – MORA BioResonance Therapy

English Program at Med-Week coordinated by OIRF: Daniel Beilin, OMD LAc - AlfaThermodiagnostics Gudrun Mekle, MD – Practitioner and lecturer (Sanum) Ralf Oettmeier, MD - Practitioner and lecturer (Paracelsus) Thomas Rau, MD – Practitioner and lecturer (Paracelsus, Sanum) Uwe Reuter, MD – Practitioner and lecturer (Klinik im Leben) Georg Stommel, MD – Dyckerhof RNA Therapy

And as many others as we can manage to work in!!

• Presentations from a famous German Biological Medicine Clinics

• Presentations by several instrumentation companies on the practical application

• An opportunity to talk with like-minded colleagues and learn from the experience and expertise of attending OIRF Directors and Advisors.

• Be treated like family with good food, good friends and good conversation in friendly hotels • Travel in comfort with plenty of room for luggage, and stay in a family run hotel located in the vineyards

close to Baden-Baden. • Tour price of $3,795 includes full tour program, 7 nights single room and all but a few meals. • Register early! Limited available spaces are already filling.

For full information and registration details: Phone: (250) 490-3318 Toll Free: 1-800-663-8342 Website: www.oirf.com Germany Tour details at: www.oirf.com/germany2016.html

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Page Twenty-Three; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016

Conferences and Conventions: As an ongoing approach to bring this information and education to a broader range of practitioners, OIRF will sponsor speakers and lecturers in a number of conferences and events throughout the USA, Canada and Germany, and we are looking forward to an exciting and busy fall season. Plans and registrations for OIRF to be present at a number of important conferences throughout the US, Canada and Germany have been arranged, and we are looking forward to an exciting and busy year. It is our hope that you will join us in our efforts to expand the use and knowledge of Biological Medicine in Canada, the USA and around the English speaking world. Here are some of the events where our OIRF Board of Directors and Advisors are giving presentations and participating. Be sure to check out the announcements of events and conferences enclosed and on the Calendar of Events on our website. Make plans today for which events you will attend during 2016. Your support for the organizers is greatly appreciated, and gives you the return of fascinating, informative and educational programs that will enhance your practice – and CEU’s! OIRF directors, advisors and/or members are active in each of the recommended events. See Pages 16 & 17 and 22-24 for further details. Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training for MD, DO and DDS. Primary focus is teaching medical practitioners how to check a few essential acupuncture points to look for disturbances which might be an indication of parasites or dental problems. This training covers many clinical case histories that will amaze you with the healing results that occur where prior numerous doctors and specialists failed to succeed. Class consists of lectures and lots of hands on “boot camp” drills for 2½ days held in St. Louis, Missouri on August 26-28, 2016. Sponsored by Dr. Simon Yu and also featuring Dr. Robert Cass, Dr. Doug Cook, Gordon Johnston and Carolyn Winsor. To register contact Kate, Office Manager at 314-432-7802 or Prevention and Healing Conquering Cancer Conference, Sept. 22-25, 2016 Orlando, Florida. Coordinated by ACIM Connect in cooperation with Dr. Joe Mercola, this conference has a list of 25(!) well known and respected speakers including OIRF Medical Advisors Dr. Simon Yu and Dr. Dan Beilin. Follow this Cancer Conference link for full registration and speaker details. OIRF will be available for demonstrations of the new RM10 assessment device as well as the BioResonance Cancer, Mitochondropathy and Dementia programs of Dr. Gottfried Cornelissen available on the MORA® Nova. 50th Anniversary Medicine Week Congress, Oct. 28 through Nov. 1, 2016 in Baden-Baden, Germany with OIRF Advisors, Directors and Germany Tour participants attending. Usually more than 3,000 doctors participate with nearly 200 lectures, workshops and courses (German and English language). Main theme for 2016 not yet announced – but it will be a great celebration! Exhibit area with more than 220 exhibits provides you with an excellent insight into the big product offerings in natural healing and complementary medicine. There you can find out directly, and compare. Contact OIRF for attendance possibilities.

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Page Twenty-Four; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 Biological Medicine Tour #43 to Germany, October 26 through November 1, 2016. Join us for our 43rd group tour including the world famous “Medicine Week” Congress in Baden-Baden. Tour program also includes exclusive OIRF English language lectures from renowned German clinicians and researchers as well as pharmacy and clinic visits. Speaker, event and activity schedules have been posted on our website at: www.oirf.com/germany2016.html . Registration for this program is now open and attendance for the program will be strictly limited. We strongly recommend early registration. Meet us in Frankfurt to participate in this exciting and exclusive program. As US certifications for the MORA Beauty are finalized, OIRF and Med-Tronik will be sponsoring exhibit areas at a number of conferences throughout the USA and Canada during 2016. Watch for dates and locations to be announced in coming weeks for an opportunity to see this remarkably effective device that can rapidly generate income for your practice. • See the MORA Beauty at A4M Las Vegas, Nevada on Dec. 9-11, 2016,

Booth 5084 • More dates to follow . . . MORA BioResonance Therapeutic Possibilities, 1 day course on therapeutic applications with Marguerite Lane, ND, Australia. 4 DVD set of video recordings are now available through OIRF for US $150 plus shipping. [Note: All backorders will ship during the first week of March.]

Follow this link to our website to see Issue #7 in print/PDF format.

Updates, Reminders and Announcements:

Again! Register now for the 43rd OIRF Biological Medicine Group tour to Germany for 2016. This 43rd Germany Tour will take place in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary Medicine Week Congress in Baden-Baden in Oct/Nov of 2016! Confirmed tour dates are set for Oct. 26 to Nov. 1, 2016.

Watch for Volume 12, Issue #8 of the “The Bridge” newsletter to arrive in your Inbox around mid-August 2016. Additionally, there are a number of new and exceptionally well written articles by Med-Tronik researchers and instructors that have been published in the German CO’Med journal. Carolyn is busily translating as many of them as possible for the newsletter issues. The August issue will feature an article by OIRF Medical Advisor, Dr. Ted Cole. Visit our Facebook page – will you be our friend? 

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Page Twenty-Five; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #7; July 2016 I trust you have found much of interest in these pages. Many of our 2016 events and activities have been fully arranged and finalized, and we are looking forward to participating in numerous conferences while supporting the many speakers and complementary organizations. Additionally there are various informational articles being prepared for the next Issues of Volume 12 of “The Bridge”. Electronic publication with access open to all will continue throughout 2016 and we will continue bringing you that cutting edge information for which OIRF is famous. We look forward to meeting you during our forthcoming 2016 activities and programs. As always your comments are welcome. Remember that this is your newsletter – your suggestions, article contributions, critiques, FAQ’s and compliments – are gratefully accepted.

Yours in health,

Carolyn Carolyn L. Winsor Managing Director Phone: (250) 490-3318 [email protected] To Unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] with “unsubscribe” in the Subject Line.

Published by Occidental Institute Research Foundation P. O. Box 100, Penticton, BC V2A 6J9 Canada

Telephone: (250)490-3318 Fax: (250) 490-3348 Website: www.oirf.com Email: [email protected]

Published in Canada