Julius Caesar to Christianity

Julius Caesar to Christianity. Julius Caesar 60 BCE: Becomes military leader -His team: Crassus (wealthy) and Pompey (general) 59 BCE: Elected Consul:

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Julius Caesar to Christianity

Julius Caesar

60 BCE: Becomes military leader-His team: Crassus (wealthy) and Pompey


59 BCE: Elected Consul: for next 10 years these 3 men DOMINATED Rome as a

TRIUMVIRATE (group of 3 rulers)

Julius CaesarServed as Consul 1 year (term), to remain in power:

50BCE: appoints himself governor of GAUL (France)

-A military genius, conquered all of Gaul, won support of his


Julius CaesarCaesar gains popularity, Pompey gets jealous, becomes his rival!

Pompey gets senate to orders Caesar to disband and come home in 50 BCE.

Jan. 10, 49 BCE: Caesar defies Senate and crosses Rubicon River into Italy and marches army towards Rome. Pompey flees!

Caesar’s troops crushed Pompey’s troops in Greece, Asia, Spain & Egypt (while there, had a little affair with Cleopatra)!

Julius Caesar

46 BCE: Caesar returns to Rome with support of army and people.

Senate appoints him DICTATOR!

44 BCE: named dictator for life

Julius CaesarCAESAR’S REFORMS1. absolute ruler2. granted citizenship to many in provinces3. expanded Senate4. Created jobs for poor (Construction)5. Created colonies for the landless6. increases soldier’s pay7. improved calendar (July named after him)8. pressed for “honest” government9. planned founding of public libraries10. gave free grain to extreme poor

Julius CaesarASSASSINATION-Senators feared a loss of their influence, considered him a tyrant-group of Senators led by Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius plotted

assassination-IDES OF MARCH: March, 15, 44 BCE: stabbed to death in Senate


RESULTS-Civil War-2nd Triumvirate: OCTAVIAN and MARC ANTONY + Lepidus


ALLIANCE ENDS: Lepidus forced to retireOctavian & Antony become rivalsSplit empire: Octavian: West….Antony (w/ Cleopatra): East

TENSION LEADS TO another CIVIL WAR:Octavian and Antony fight:

Battle of Actium 31 BCEOctavian winsAntony and Cleopatra commit suicide



1st emperor of Rome

Pax RomanaPAX ROMANA: “Roman Peace”Rome was at the peak of its power from the beginning of Augustus’ rule in 27 BCE until AD 180.

For 207 years: peace existed in Rome.As a result:1. Population grew2. Advanced road system created

Augustus, Rome’s most capable emperor, created a system of government that kept its stability long after his death

ChristianityAnno Domini (AD): “in the year of our lord”

Roman Empire spreads to Jerusalem in 63 BC

ChristianityJESUS- a Jew

born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth His story can be found in the first four books of the New Testament. These books are called the GOSPELS

Written by his students Matthew Mark Luke and John

The New Testament is the final third of the Christians holy text called the Bible.


The Bible includes the Old Testament and the New Testament

Old Testament – many of the holy texts of the Jews

New Testament – unique to Christianity

First four books of NT are the Gospels (stories of Jesus)

Acts is the story of the early Christian believers

Rest of the NT is letters to churches from Paul


JESUS’ LIFE-as a young man he was a carpenter-at 30 he began public ministry-for 3 years he preached and reportedly performed miracles



-monotheism- one god!-Ten Commandments-God has a personal relationship with everyone-Treat your neighbor like you want to be treated-That all who followed God’s wishes would be rewarded after death


-Jesus’ popularity threatens Roman and Jewish leaders-Jesus is betrayed by Judas, one of his followers-Roman governor, Pontius Pilate accused Jesus of defying the power of

Rome-Jesus sentenced to death by crucifixion-After death, his body was placed in a tomb and according to the Gospels, three days later it was gone, and a living Jesus began appearing and finally ascended to heaven


Because of this….Jesus’ followers were more convinced he was the messiah (savior)…..They began to call him JESUS CHRIST.

CHRIST comes from the Greek word Christos meaning savior, the word Christianity came from this as well.


Two key concepts:

Mercy – not receiving a punishment that you deserve

Grace – Someone else taking the punishment that you deserve



Christmas: December 25: celebrate birth of Christ

Good Friday: Jesus’ death

Easter: Jesus’ Resurrection

Christianity SpreadsChristianity initially accepted, but as it grew, Roman gov’t

saw it as a threat!

Pax Romana: time of peace allowed for easy travel and a common language

These combined to let the Christian message to spread easily across a vast area

Christianity SpreadsPAUL

an apostle (follower of Jesus) has a huge influence on the spread of Christianity. taught that Jesus was son of God who died for our sins, and that Christianity welcomed all converts

He says that Christianity welcomes everybody –rich or poorPatrician or Plebeian good or badJew or gentile (person who isn’t Jewish)

SIGNIFICANCE: Christianity not a local religion

Christianity Spreads

PERSECUTION-Christian did not view emperor as gods!-Roman Emperors persecuted Christians, blamed for everythingEX: AD 64- terrible fire in Rome, Emperor Nero blamed Christians

many Christians executed, Paul one of them