Judicial Review Grounds

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  • 8/18/2019 Judicial Review Grounds


    Grounds Of Judicial Review

    Judicial Review is the power of the Supreme Court or High Court to examine an

    executive or legislative act and to invalidate that act if it is contrary to constitutional

    principles. This power has been incorporated in the Constitution itself and cannot be

    done away with since it is a basic feature. The researcher has analysed the ground of

     judicial review. Though there is no clarity regarding the same through an analysis of

    case law the researcher has attempted to arrive at certain accepted basis for such a

    review to take place. InCouncil of Civil Services Union v Minister of Civil Servicethe

    grounds of judicial review were stated to be jurisdictional error, irrationality, procedural

    impropriety, proportionality and legitimate expectation. Jurisdictional errors are subject

    to review in cases when there is a lack of jurisdiction, excess of jurisdiction or an abuse

    of jurisdiction. If an administrative action appears to be irrational and satisfies the

    Wednesbury Test that evolved after the case of Associated Provincial Picture House v.

    Wednesburythen it can be reviewed. An action that is not in compliance with procedures

    and which is not reasonable, goes beyond what is desirable can be reviewed. Lastly, if a

    certain law leads to the birth of a legitimate expectation in the mind of a person which is

    subsequently breached then the action leading to such a breach can be reviewed.

    Relevant case laws have been used to shed light on how this concept has evolved andmore specifically they also provide clarity regarding in what circumstances such

    discretion can be exercised. The research paper finally goes on to acknowledge that

    such a power can be dangerous as no checks can be imposed upon it other than self

    imposed discipline.


    In recent times, many administrative decisions taken by the Government are being

    struck down either on avoidable grounds of illegality or procedural irregularity or some

    other grounds which could have been validly averted. Judicial review is the basic feature

    of the Indian Constitution and therefore, cannot be abrogated even by an amendment of

    the Constitution. It is incorporated in Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution insofar as

    the High Courts are concerned. In regard to the Supreme Court Articles 32 and 136 of

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    ground that the authority exercised jurisdiction which did not belong to it. This review

    power may be exercised inter alia on following grounds:

    i) That the law under which administrative authority is constituted and exercising

     jurisdiction is itself unconstitutional.

    ii) That the authority is not properly constituted as required by law.

    iii) That the authority has wrongly decided a jurisdictional fact and thereby assumed

     jurisdiction which did not belong to it.

    InRafiq Khan vs. State of U.P[ii]., Panchayat Raj Act, 1947, did not empower the Sub-

    Divisional Magistrate to modify the order of conviction & sentence passed by a

    Panchayat Adalat. He could either quash the entire order or cancel the jurisdiction of the

    Panchayat Adalat. The magistrate maintained the conviction of the accused in respect of

    one of the offences only & quashed the conviction in respect of other offences. The

    Allahabad High Court quashed the conviction in respect of other offences by a writ of


    In R. vs. Minister of Transport[iii], the Minister had no power to revoke a license. The

    order of the minister revoking the license, was thus, held to be passed without

     jurisdiction & hence ultra vires.

    Excess of Jurisdiction:

    This covers a situation wherein though authority initially had the jurisdiction but

    exceeded it and hence its actions become illegal. This may happen under following


    i) Continue to exercise jurisdiction despite occurrence of an event ousting


    ii) Entertaining matters outside its jurisdiction.

    In R vs. Richmond upon Thames Council ex parte McCarthy & Stone Ltd[iv]., the local

    planning authority implemented a scheme of charging 25 pound for informal

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    consultation between corporation officers & property developers. The House of Lords

    held that imposition of the charge was unlawful. Such a charge was neither incidental to

    the planning function of the local authority, nor could a charge be levied on the public

    without statutory authority. The council had misconstrued its powers & accordingly,

    acted ultra vires.

    Abuse of Jurisdiction:

    All administrative powers must be exercised fairly, in good faith for the purpose it is

    given, therefore, if powers are abused it will be a ground of judicial review. In the

    following situations abuse of power may arise:

    • Improper purpose:

    Administrative power cannot be used for the purpose it was not given. In Attorney

    General vs. Fulham Corporation[v], the authority was empowered under the statute to

    establish washhouses for the non-commercial use of local residents. The Corporation

    decided to open a laundry on a commercial basis. The Corporation was held to have

    acted ultra vires the statute.

    • Error apparent on the face of the record :

    An error is said to be apparent on the face of the record if it can be ascertained merely

    by examining the record & without having to have recourse to other evidence. InSyed

    Yakoob vs. K.S. Radhakrishnan[vi], the Supreme Court explained, there would be a

    case of error of law apparent on the face of the record where the conclusion of law

    recorded by an inferior tribunal is:

    1.Based on an obvious misinterpretation of the relevant statutory provision,

    2.In ignorance of it,

    3.In disregard of it,

    4.Expressly founded on reasons which are wrong in law

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    • Non-consideration of relevant material:

    In exercising discretion, a decision-maker must have regard to relevant matters &

    disregard irrelevant matters. InR vs. Somerset County Council, ex p Fewings[vii] the

    local authority decided to ban stag hunting on land owned by the council & designated

    for recreational purposes. The Court of Appeal accepted that in some circumstances,

    stag hunting could legitimately be banned. Animal welfare & social considerations were

    relevant matters to take into account.

    • In bad faith:

    Where a decision –maker has acted dishonestly by claiming to have acted for a

    particular motive when in reality the decision was taken with another motive in mind, hemay be said to have acted in bad faith. InR vs. Derbyshire County Council, ex p Times

    Supplements[viii], the local education authorities were under a duty to advertise

    vacancies in a manner likely to bring it to the notice of persons who are qualified to fill

    the post. Articles published in that paper were critical of the education authority. The

    council decided to stop advertising vacancies in The Times despite the fact that these

    publications were read by the greatest number of potential applicants. The papers

    sought judicial review. DC held that the council’s decisions had been made in bad faith.

    They had not been taken on educational grounds but were motivated by vindictivenesstowards the paper.

    • Fettering discretion:

    An authority may act ultra vires if, in the exercise of its powers, it adopts a policy which

    effectively means that it is not truly exercising its discretion at all. InH Lavender & Sons

    Ltd vs. Minister of Housing & Local Government[ix], Lavender had applied for planning

    permission to extract sand & gravel from high grade agricultural land. The local planning

    authority refused permission & lavender applied to the Minister of Housing & Local

    Government. The appeal was dismissed; the Minister of Housing & Local Government

    being persuaded by the Minister of Agriculture that such land should be preserved for

    agricultural purposes. The decision was set aside. The minister was entitled to have a

    policy but, in reality the minister’s decision had been based solely on another minister’s

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    objection. The minister, therefore, did not open hi mind to Lavender’s application &

    thereby fettered his discretion.

    Irrationality (Wednesbury est!

    A general principle which has remained unchanged is that discretionary power

    conferred on an administrative authority is required to be exercised reasonably. A

    person in whom is vested a discretion must exercise his discretion upon reasonable

    grounds. A decision of the administrative authority shall be considered as irrational if it is

    so outrageous in its defiance to logic or accepted norms of moral standard that no

    sensible person, on the given facts and circumstances, could arrive at such a decision.

    Irrationality as a ground of judicial review was developed by the Court in Associated

    Provincial Picture House v. Wednesbury[x], later came to be known as “Wednesbury

    test” to determine ‘irrationality’ of an administrative action. The local authority had the

    power to grant licenses for the opening of cinemas subject to such conditions as the

    authority ‘thought fit’ to impose. The authority, when granting a Sunday licence, imposed

    a condition that no children under the age of 15 years should be admitted. The

    applicants argued that the imposition of the condition was unreasonable and ultra

    viresthe corporation’s powers. Stating that the Court should not substitute its view for

    that of the corporation the court observed: interference would not be permissible unless

    it is found that the decision was illegal or suffered from procedural improprieties or was

    one which no sensible decision maker could, on the material before him and within the

    framework of law, have arrived at it. The Court would consider whether relevant matters

    were not taken into account or whether the action was not bona fide or whether the

    decision was absurd.

    InRoberts vs. Hopwood[xi], the council, in adopting a policy of paying higher wages

    than the national average for its workers, was unreasonable, for the discretion of the

    council was limited by law. It was not free to pursue a socialist policy at the expense of

    its rate payers.

    InR v Broadmoor Special Hospital Authority ex parte S[xii], the Court of Appeal,

    dismissing an appeal from an application for judicial review, ruled that the hospital’s

    policy of conducting routine and random searches of patients without their consent was

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    lawful. The applicants had claimed that the power to search could not be implied into the

    Mental Health Act 1983, and that, if such power existed, it was irrational and its exercise

    unlawfully fettered the hospital’s discretion because it was not subject to any exception

    or medical grounds. The Court of Appeal upheld the finding of an implied power of

    search, ruling that it was consistent with a ‘self-evident and pressing need’ to enable the

    hospital to fulfill its primary function of treating patients and ensuring a safe and

    therapeutic environment for both patients and staff. Since the hospital’s policy was in the

    interests of all, it had to be permitted to override medical objections raised in individual


    A decision by an authority may also be unreasonable if conditions are attached to the

    decisions which are difficult or impossible to perform.Where an authority makes a

    decision which is in part good, but in part bad the court may either invalidate the entire

    decision or sever the bad part of the decision from the good.

    The decision in Agricultural Horticultural and Forestry Industry Training Board v

     Aylesbury Mushrooms Ltd[xiii] illustrates the principle. There, the Training Board was

    under a mandatory statutory duty to consult certain organizations and trades unions

    before reaching a decision. The Board failed to consult the Mushroom Growers

    Association. The court held that the decision was good, and could remain, in relation to

    those associations which had been consulted, but bad in relation to the Mushroom

    Growers Association, and that the Board had a duty to reconsider their decision after

    consultations with the Association. In applying this test court would not apply ‘strict

    scrutiny’ and would not judge adequacy or sufficiency of the material unless

    fundamental rights are violated, and would not substitute its judgment with the judgment

    of the administrator unless the decision is perverse. If the action of the administrative

    authority violates any of these principles court can quash such action as violative of

    Articles 14, 19 or 21 of the Constitution.

    The Delhi High Court inNeha Jain vs. University of Delhi[xiv], holding that that

    cancellation of examination & debarring the student for next exams as disproportionate

    punishment for adopting unfair means in the examination, substituted cancellation of

    only one paper as sufficient punishment Since the basic requirement of article 14 is

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    fairness in action of the State, and non-arbitrariness in essence and substance, being

    the heart of fair play, judicial interference with policy decision is permissible:

    • If the decision is shown to be patently arbitrary, discriminatory or mala fide[xv].

    • If it is found to be unreasonable or violative of any provision of the Constitution or

    any other Statute[xvi].

    • If it can be said to suffer from any legal infirmity in the sense of its being wholly

    beyond the scope of the regulation-making power[xvii].

    • If it is demonstrably capricious or arbitrary & not informed by any reason[xviii].

    Irrationality applied to a decision which is so outrageous in its defiance of logic that no

    sensible person who had applied his mind to the question to be decided would have

    arrived at it.

    "rocedural I#$ro$riety

    Failure to comply with procedures laid down by statute may invalidate a

    decision.Procedural Impropriety is to encompass two areas: failure to observe rules laid

    down in statute; and a failure to observe the basic common law rule of natural justice.InBradbury v Enfield London Borough Council [xix], the Education Act 1944 provided

    that, if a local education authority intends to establish new schools or cease to maintain

    existing schools, notice must be given to the minister, following which, public notice must

    be given in order to allow interested parties to comment. The Council breached the

    requirement of public notice and the plaintiffs sought an injunction. The Council claimed

    that educational chaos would occur if they were required to comply with the procedural

    requirements. That plea met with little sympathy in court.

    In the Aylesbury Mushroom case[xx], the court ruled that the statutory requirements of

    consultation with organizations or associations which represented substantial numbers

    of people could not be avoided by consultation with the largest representative body of all

    agricultural horticultural and forestry industry, workers – the Nation Farmers’ Union. The

    Board claimed that consultation with the Nation Farmers’ Union involved consultation

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    with all smaller representative bodies; a claim rejected by the court. For true

    consultation to take place in accordance with law there must be communication with the

    representative organizations and the opportunity given of responding thereto, without

    which ‘there can be no consultation’. In Aylesbury Mushroom, the Mushroom Growers

    Association was not bound by the order, although the order remained effective as

    against those who were consulted. It is a fundamental requirement of justice that, when

    a person’s interests are affected by a judicial or administrative decision, he or she has

    the opportunity both to know and to understand any allegations made, and to make

    representations to the decision maker to meet the allegations. The principles of natural

     justice which are imposed by the courts comprise two elements:

    • Audi alteram partem (hear both sides)

    • Nemo judex in causasua (there should be an absence of bias with no person

    being a judge in their own cause).

    The essence of justice lies in a fair hearing. The rule against bias is strict: it is not

    necessary to show that actual bias existed; the merest appearance or possibility of bias

    will suffice. The suspicion of bias must, however, be a reasonable one.

    InPinochet case[xxi], extradition proceedings against the former Chilean Head of Statewere challenged on the basis that one of the Law Lords, Lord Hoffmann, had links with

    Amnesty International, the charitable pressure group which works on behalf of political

    prisoners around the world, which had been allowed to present evidence to the court. It

    was accepted that there was no actual bias on the part of Lord Hoffmann, but there

    were concerns that the public perception might be that a senior judge was biased. As a

    result, the proceedings were abandoned and reheard by a new bench of seven judges.

    The courts have long been struggling with the distinction between ‘judicial’ and

    ‘administrative’ functions in an attempt to bring the ever- expanding administration of

    government departments under judicial control. Two lines of thought were apparent. The

    first emphasized the distinction between a body which was exercising powers under

    restrictive rules and a body which was conferred with a wide measure of administrative

    discretionary power. The second line of thought placed great weight on the absence of

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    any true distinction between judicial and administrative functions, regarding the former

    as but a specialized form of the latter.

    Ridge v Baldwin [xxii]represents a classic case which reveals judicial insistence on

    procedural fairness irrespective of the type of body determining a question. Ridge, the

    Chief Constable of Brighton, had been suspended from duty following charges of

    conspiracy to obstruct the course of justice. Despite Ridge having been cleared of any

    allegations against him, the Judge made comments which were critical of Ridge’s

    conduct. Subsequently, Ridge was dismissed from the force. Ridge was not invited to

    attend the meeting at which the decision to dismiss him was reached, although he was

    later give an opportunity to appear before the committee which confirmed its earlier

    decision. Ridge appealed to the Home Secretary, who dismissed his appeal. Ridge then

    sought a declaration that the dismissal was ultra vires, on the basis that the committee

    had violated the rules of natural justice. The decision inRidge v. Baldwin is also

    important because it emphasizes the link between the right of a person to be heard and

    the right to know the case brought against them.


    Proportionality means that the administrative action should not be more drastic than it

    ought to be for obtaining desired result. Proportionality is sometimes explained by the

    expression ‘taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut’. Thus this doctrine tries to balance

    means with ends. Proportionality shares space with ‘reasonableness’ and courts while

    exercising power of review sees, ‘is it a course of action that could have been

    reasonably followed’. Courts in India have been following this doctrine for a long time but

    English Courts have started using this doctrine in administrative law after the passing of

    the Human Rights Act, 1998. Thus if an action taken by the authority is grossly

    disproportionate, the said decision is not immune from judicial scrutiny. The sentence

    has to suit the offence & the offender. It should not be vindictive or unduly harsh.

    InHind Construction Co. vs. Workmen[xxiii], some workers remained absent from duty

    treating a particular day as holiday. They were dismissed from service. The industrial

    tribunal set aside the action. This court held that the absence could have been treated

    as leave without pay. The workmen might have been warned and fined. The Court said

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    that it was impossible to think that any reasonable employer would have imposed the

    extreme punishment of dismissal on its entire permanent staff in this manner. The court

    explained that the punishment imposed the workmen was not only severe but out of


    InSardar singh vs. Union of India[xxiv], a jawan, serving in the Indian Army was granted

    leave. While going to his home town, he purchased 11 bottles of rum from the Army

    canteen, though he was entitled to carry only 4 bottles. In the Court Martial proceedings

    instituted against him on that ground, he was sentenced to undergo R.I. for 3 months

    and was also dismissed from service. The Supreme Court set aside the punishment &

    held the action taken against the appellant as arbitrary & punishment as severe. The

    doctrine of Proportionality is an important principle. It enables the Courts to check the

    possible abuse of discretionary power by the Executive. Though there is much common

    substance in the principles of Irrationality & Proportionality, the latter however, requires

    the Court to judge whether the action taken was really needed as well as whether it was

    within the range of courses of action that could reasonably be followed.

    InManagement K. Tea Estates vs. Mazdoor Sangh[xxv], the workmen of the tea

    estates, alleged to have entered the estate armed with deadly weapons with a view to

    gherao the Manager & others in regard to their demand for bonus, caused damage to

    property of the estate & wrongfully confined the Manager & others. Punishment of

    dismissal of concerned workmen de hors the allegation of allegation of extortion was

    held to be not disproportionate to the misconduct proved against them.

    The Supreme Court has always maintained that it would employ the doctrine of

    Proportionality to test the validity of an administrative action only when the Fundamental

    Rights of the aggrieved person are disproportionately violated by the administrative


    Le%iti#ate Ex$ectations

    A legitimate expectation will arise in the mind of the complainant wherever he or she has

    been led to understand — by the words or actions of the decision maker – that certain

    procedures will be followed in reaching a decision. A Legitimate Expectation amounts to

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    an expectation of receiving some benefit or privilege to which the individual has no right.

    Legitimate Expectation means expectation having some reasonable basis. The doctrine

    of Legitimate Expectation has evolved to give relief to the people when they are not able

    to justify their claims on the basis of law in the strict sense of the term they had suffered

    civil consequences because their legitimate expectation has been violated. Two

    considerations apply to legitimate expectations. The first is where an individual or group

    has been led to believe that a certain procedure will apply. The second is where an

    individual or group relies upon a policy or guidelines which have previously governed an

    area of executive action.

    InR v Liverpool Corporation ex parte Liverpool Taxi Fleet Operators Association[xxvi],

    the corporation had given undertakings to the taxi drivers to the effect that their licenses

    would not be revoked without prior consultation. When the corporation acted in breach

    of this undertaking, the court ruled that it had a duty to comply with its commitment to

    consultation. A public body may act in a manner which creates an expectation in the

    mind of a person or body.

    InR v Secretary of State for Health ex parte U Tobacco International Inc.[xxvii], the

    company had opened a factory in 1985 with a govt. grant, for the production of oral

    snuff. The government made the grant available notwithstanding its awareness of the

    health risks of the product. In 1988, however, the government — having received further

    advice from a committee — announced its intention to ban snuff. The company sought

     judicial review, relying on a legitimate expectation based on the government’s action.

    The court ruled, however, that, even though the applicant had a legitimate expectation,

    that expectation could not override the public interest in banning a harmful substance.

    InR.P. Singh vs. State of Bihar[xxviii], the Supreme Court explained that the expression

    “established practice” referred to a regular, consistent, predictable & certain conduct,

    process or activity of the decision-making authority. The expectation should be

    legitimate i.e. logical, reasonable & valid. The doctrine of legitimate expectation would

    apply in cases where the decision taken by the authority is found to be arbitrary,

    unreasonable & not taken in public interest. Change in policy however, can defeat the

    legitimate expectation. In such a case, even by the way of change of old policy, the

    Courts would not intervene with the decision.

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    In Jatinder Kumar vs. State of Haryana[xxix], the Court held that the Government had a

    right to review the decisions taken by the previous establishments & hence it could

    suspend the process of recruitment started by previous Government, because of

    allegations of irregularities & this could not be challenged on the ground of violation of

    legitimate expectation.


    Judicial review is a powerful weapon to restrain unconstitutional exercise of power by

    the legislature and executive. The expanding horizon of judicial review has taken in its

    fold the concept of social and economic justice. While exercise of powers by the

    legislature and executive is subject to judicial restraint, the only check on our own

    exercise of power is the self-imposed discipline of judicial restraint. Mere possibility of

    another view cannot be a ground for interference. Therefore, courts will not interfere

    unless the decision suffers from illegality, irrationality, procedural impropriety and

    proportionality deficiency. Mere assertion of these ground is not sufficient, each ground

    must be proved by evidence on record. Asserting the power of judicial review, the court

    emphasized that the doctrine of immunity from judicial review is restricted to cases or

    class of cases which relate to deployment of troops and entering into international

    treaties etc. in policy matters and where subjective satisfaction of the authority is

    involved, court will not interfere unless the decision is totally perverse and violates any

    provisions of the Constitution. If proper care is taken at the level of making

    administrative decisions, there will be little scope for grievance and invoking courts’

     jurisdiction. This will not only reduce the burden on courts but will also create a sense of

    security and satisfaction in people which is the essence of good governance and

    foundation of a welfare State.