mmww9 !? "?T ?tTraW--- ' '?r" $,"W!?3 ,tf ?r. . .sy-;rHrm)fii- i T P" -- e?ff'swrsi?ra t,,,- - 'thrill trnncjtij;! lnLJ"S,''j"S?' "Sjjgiimy " "" rtb!r?'w l .yjg &yil'2??S'??S!? yy!fftfW5'-S"- . ijyf ?f 3yfrj.1tegyjffjy--J:a;j;yj't - i tM-- . j' . 2h r7 '35 -- s53as v VagaE & ,4 IS fl'H'Y I I 8 T "1 Hi :r- - W II I I fill Jsiailii w VP J . V J ff WkJIWl J 3wwnn3BKMnrrwiapMiXiiMivf Vot,. XIY. Wo '2IG1. HONOLULU, II. L, Fill DAY EVENING. .JANUARY JSflO. 60 0ENT8 SUDSORIPTION PEH MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN is printed an I published at tlio office, . Queen Street, Honolulu, 1L I., overy afternoon (Sundays oxitptcd), Subierlpllon, SO ccntt pot Month. Ali!ro" all O.uumunlratlons Daily ItUM.ft.TIMi Advertisements, lo ensure imeillon, should lie In bufiire one o'clock l u. WALTEIl Hit L. Sdltor anil Proprietor Bulletin Sleatn Printing Office. Newspaper, Book uml .lob Printing of i.ll klinU done 011 the most fnvouiblo telMB. Hell Telephone No.SSil Mutimrrli;iliouc No. SOU THE DAILY BULLETIN eckly Summary. An interesting ami comprehensive publication, lontuliia euliimns of lending matter on local topics, ami a ompletc resume of Honolulu ami Island Now. U ib the best paper uubllshcd lu tlio Kingdom to send to friends Hhr.mil. MiiltHorliitlou : Inland : : : I 00 year Foieiun : : : 0 00 ' CorumiaBion Merchants. HACKbLD &. Co., H General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MACFAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Houolulu. U. I. Queen street, 1048 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wlno Merchant Beaver Block, Honolulu. BBEWKB & COMPANY, J, (Limited) tjKNICIUI. MkUOAMllLK AND COMMISSION AuHNTS. LIST OP officehb: P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Muatger I. o. L'AKrKH. .. ..Treasurer A-- Btci clary DIKUCl'OUS: Uon. U. R. Bibuoi'. S. C. Ali.km, H. WXTBUIIOUaK. 3J8 1y T. WATHBHOUaE, JOUN Importor uud Dealer in General Mcrchaudise, Queea t., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Ca8llo.-- J. B. Atkerton-- G. l. Castle St OOOKBJ, C1A3TLB SUippiuK uud Cominualoii MeroliantJ. Importers and Dealers in General MexiUaudiae, Ko. ao Kluy St., Honolulu. 1 Ulaue bprcckcu. Wra. U. Irwin. Ibwin & Company, WQ. Sugar Factors and C.umlsalou ontu, Honolulu. 1 a OO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, I'aluU, Jlls, Kails, Suh and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort ami Queen Bts., Honolulu. I . lowers, F. J. Ijwrey O. M. Cooke. & OOOKB, (aucceators to Lowers a Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all alnds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 FortSL, Upstairs. Tho undersigned liogs to Inform the publics of these Islands that he Is making Hliti'tM ly Monwircmont I Directions forsclf-measurcmc- will ' be given 011 application. White Shirts, Oversnlrts & Hlght Gowns A tit guarantee by maklug a sftmp! Shirt to every order. Hland order sollcltod Bell Telophono 410 Wily A. M. MKIiMN. H. G. CRA.BBE, DEALER IN MY aud GRAIN, Bl King Street, opposite the Old Station House. Mutual 'A'olepUoue No. '1. b7lf A. II. RASBMANN, Bjolc-llndo- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant Btrest. Upstairs. y :! Professionals. JM. MONSABRAT, ut Law & Notary l'uldtc 140 Moroliaut Street, Honolulu. tf ALFRED MAUOON, J Attorney at Law A Notary rulillr 17!J i'l Meinliunt Hreet. Ilounlulii. ly David Dayton Will prarlice in the lower courts ol the Kingdom as attorney, nilcml to colket lug in nil Ha brunches, renting of houses mid nny other Ijusiueneiiliusiril lo him OOlce 01 King Street Upstair Feb lMONIOlSK ANU Jt.VItliltV. F. HOKN, l'liK.tieal Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- Ht2r Telephone 74. HOILISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconist WHOLESALE AND HK'I'AIL, 10D Fo.--t Street, : William's Block, 210 Honolulu, 11. I. ir. M. I! EN HON. u. W. BMN'ir. BENSON.-SMIT- & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, lia & 1 10 Fort Street, - Ilonnluju Depot for Uoericlie & Secehlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Hickecker's Perfumes and Toilet HcquUites, liiy WENNER & GO. Jlanurnrtnrlne Jewellers. 3VO. OU JbXllrX'' STUIiliT. Constantly on hand s large asortmen of oTery description of Jewelry, Wutehes Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 953 ly Thomas Lindsay, & Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specialty. King Htrcet, Honolulu, 11. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Oftlco. CSF Particular attention paiil to all kinds of repairs. j $2i The Best Lunoh in Town, Toa and Coffeo at ill Hours Tho Finest Brand of Ciears, M A.lwuy oix lliuid. II. J. XOI.TK, lropriettr. Husiace& Robertson, ME8mv DBAYMliJJV. orders. for Cartage promptly at- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods lu transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllce, next dooi lo Jaa. P. Morgan's auction room. 932 ly ilutual Telephone No. ID. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Engineer & Contractor, Is prepared to design and contrnct for all classes of Sugar Extraction Much I. nery, Irrigating .Machinery, Evaporat. lug Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engines ol ull kinds nnd for all purposes, Water Wheels, Water Conduits, I both pipes and lluiiU'Sj, Steam Boilers of various kinds, Hailrnad Material and Boiling Stock, Etu , Etc. 1IFFUN10 M AClllNF.lt V, In all its branches n specialty. Plantations supplied with Chemical and Analytical Apparatus of the veiy best description to order. Bay ('lose attention paid to all oiilcts and satisfaction to tho purchnsci gua. ranteed. P. O. Box J130. Fort street, Honolulu. fcepi.0 80ly LADIES' NURSE. KS. MONHOE. ladles' nurse, hai M removed to No. it, Kukul lane. Fcb.1 1 80 i'ri in L). h2rr ui-m- .- "SfoXlfl iiiuiiupuiiiau Meat Company HI KtNU 5TKET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale ft Rotnil Bttlchora AND NAVY CONTRA CTOliS. ' 1717 ly JOS. TBftKER, iiiit:iii:i(. City Market, Nuunuii Street. Beef, Veal, Lrtmb, Mutton, & Pork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. (SPIIis unteil Sausages arc made by the eveiy lust machlut'iy, nnd ull orders entrusted to his care will be delivcud with promptness and dispatch, uud his prices are a low as unyv. licic In the city. taTTry his Bologna Sausagea.&a oct.f, 88 WANTEl) AN Eneijjclii', Trustworthy Man as cnlleMor mid to make lumsidl generally useful in the olllce. Addicts, stating Inst place and terms desired to "P. O. Box Id!)." 42.1(1 Collector Wanted. WANTED an Active, Trustworthy Collector who will len der nn equivalent tor salary received. Addi ess Post Olllce Lock Itox No. !Wl. Giving full particulars, references and salary required. None other notlrcd. Furnished Cottage To Let. A NEAT Cottage, ile.iinbly loe.ited, containing 4 ioom, nicely I urnlshed. Kitchen, bath 100111, Ptable, henery, etc. Lot 120x1100, l.iwu, shade Dees and ttowcis. Hem $40 per mouth, including wnter rate mid telephone. HAWAIIAN' BUSfXESS AGP.N'CY. Fmnislied House To Let. T Waikiki, a two story House, containitm si rooms nicely furnished, with kiicheu, lanai bath and servant's rooms, st'tble, eto , lo let for a few months at a reasonable rate. Or rooms will be let singly with uood table bonrd. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Valuable Property For Sale O1 N Nuusnu Avenue, a newly furnished listorv House containing 8 100ms. ktteheu, o.itlnoom, closets, carriage house, stable, henery, etc. Grounds contain 2 2.10 acres, well laid out in lawns, slmdo nml fruit trees, (lowers, etc. Will bo sold low, with or without furniture, borsej, cauiages, livestock, and all tho appointments needed in a first-clas- s resilience, ns the owner in. lends lrnvlug thee. Island)). HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Island Views. ALAHGEnssoitmentof Pholoiaphs of the most atti.ictUo eccnciy, buildings, eto , in thosu Islands, for wile ut re.1son.1blo prices. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Coiner Foil and Merchant .siicel. '2308 tf Prof. . SAUVLET, PIANO, VIOLIN & SINGING LESSONS. Hi'siilenpi" No. 1115 Numiiiu Avenue. Mutual Telephone No. SHI), nov-'-il- l :im O. MULIiEIt & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & L0CK8MITH3 lb Ihel Street, "Damon's Block," Coiner stoic. Surgical & Musical Inptriiments neatly ri'piui.il nt loasonable tales Sewing Miichims and repairing ot all kinds a spuciullv. All kinds of Sufis & Scales lepulicd. lloiihchold Sewing Muehiues forsn'e. (Ilc.14 8!) " VETERINARY. AB. KOW AT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy nl Hawaiian Hotel Stables, coniei Hotel and Hichard sircchL Scientific tieatmeul in all dis- eases of demesne animals. Orders for plantation uud ranch Mock promptly attended lo. Mutual Telephone U54, P. O. Box 1120. mu.18.su PUR L1C NOTICE. rpiIE undersigned having been np JL pointed agent for H. Al. Queen Kaplolnnl, notice Is hereby given that nil tenants, by lease or other.wlse, me ordered to make all pavments to me, no other iccelpt being alld. Olllce at the Palace Bungalow. Hours from II . m. to 4 i'. M. II. O. UI.UKOU, 4'Jli if Agent for H. M. the'iueen. This Space -- FOB is Reserved POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, HOLLISTER & CO;, 101) FOKT NTKKKT. IKrNOIiUMI. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Collin Co's CekMI Perte & Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods of All Kinds. -- EEEB UHAC H-- - WARRANTED GENUINE & IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines Oigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos. Holl M'eloiliom, "0 'XU lx& HAWAIIAN AND IMPORT-H- Our IS HIM PLY will be so!.! AT a 170 THE Mil Hull 'JVIphoiu, :i?'l CO. TIMS KINGDOM. SUBLIME. LOWEST RAT KB Ly FRANK BROWN, Manager, No. 24 Merchant Street, Near fort Street. HAVE THE BEST EACH EVEItY KIND OF INTO "PEDRO &?T Wl.ioli WINE JIMENEZ" QUALITY CALIFORNIA-WIN- ES E NTERPBIS PLANING MILL, Alnkcn, lifiiir 4uccii Hi. Tclci)iiiue o. r.fS, WALKER dj REDWAHD, Cimti'iiotoist .V; liillldoiM. 15t ick. Mono and Wooden Biil'dings; es tiinatei eieu. Jobbing pioinptlv at- tended to. ' Kims strict. Bell Tele- phone N . 2 P. O 15'"-- , 12J. apr ly fKOHUK LUUAS, ..' At. - l outraetor j(i deriSf and Builder,- - S-- i Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, mute, Honolulu. Mamifiu'turcs all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, nnd nil kinds of Wood-woikUms- Turning, Seioll and Hand Sawing. All kinds ot Sawing and PHn-in- .Morticing nnd Tenanting. Oidersproinpllynttkiided to and work guaranteed. Ordei.s from the other ls solicited Honolulu iron Wokkh. IStcum eneines, sucar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-lug- machinery ot ccry description made to order. Pni I icular attention paid 10 ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice 1 I". . It .l.? I. - Hell Tele. '.7. Hawaiian Business Agency Comer Fort & Merchant Stieets, Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. AccuiintiintN A Collector KOU 11IK Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising- - Department KOlt WI- B- "Nupepa Kuokoa." DEPAHTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will iccelvc special atten- tion and elm 113 promptly made. Real Estate bought, soli! nnd leased. Taxes Paid nnd propcily safely insured Houses, Cottages, Hooms and Officer. Ieaed and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Lite Insurance effected in Hist, class Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty Records snatched nnd coirect Abstmcts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carelully drawn and hand, somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general 116C in this Kingdom. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and ditpnlch. Leans negotiated ut favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and .soli). Advertisements and Subscriptions soli citisl for publishers. Any Article puichascd or sold on favor able terms Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti- cular attention. To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot- tages iu desirable localities :it reasonable rentals. Several Valuable Properties in and around tho city now foi and lease on onsy teuus. tssJTAU business entrusted to our'rare will leteivu prompt and faithful atten- tion at moderate charges Keb-4.tfl- l WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, r Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmithing, Drays, Carls & Wagon Building as specially. Eery desniption. of work in the above lines performed in a llrst-clns- s manner and executed nl bhoit notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 1ST Orders from the other islands solicited. Will be rleased to see all our old customers us well ns new ones. Mutual Telephone No 575. apr-19-8- 0 W.W. Wright & Son ) 79 & 81 Bell Tele. King St. No. 381. (Thu Rose Premises ) All for wheel vehicles of (veiy doMiipllou filled with piomptncss. Fust chus meehauics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specially THA.1I (!AUS, OMMItllNNKN, Flantiition Wagons, Mulo & Ox Carts, .Mnilo to order, nllcicd or repaired. Cnrriago Painting, Trimming, 1. 10., Kit'., K1C, LTC. Our HORSE SHOEING Department Is under the maingcmont of It. Cny. toil, who will collect nml receipts all bills due Hist In. inch of our hiisltuvs, (Slgmil): oet.VVIm W. W. WRIOIIT A SON. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $96,000,000,00 "Facts arc Stubborn Things." At pery age, on every piominm table, and in eu'iy year, tlio AC- TUAL RESULT. .if Tniiliiie Policies of the New Yoik Life Insiiraiicc On. Iiuve been LAROER tluiii tlioro OP ANY OTHER COMPANY t'nnil.ir policieri. gjSf For purtieiilnrs apply to ;. O. IIKKUHIt, tjen'l Agent Hawaiian IMhiuK 2S:i tf FIRE," LIFE, ani, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartfoid Tire Insurance Co. AsoU. $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire nud Marine) Assets, $460,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Kirc and Murine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $05,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly Prussian National Insurance Comay EBTAUM8UKU 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Iteichjmarki rpHK undersigned, having been ap. X pointed agem of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is preparedto accept risks, against File, on Buildlugi,, Furniture, Merchandise, Produic, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payabla Honolulu. U. RIEMENSOHNEIDEH, J)y-fi- 7 ly at Wilder ACos. FILTER JPRESSES! Paatjhau Plantation, ) Hawaii, Mnnh !), 1383. J ItiNiloii iron A I.oeoiuutivo H'orbM Nan KrnnciM'o. (5hNTi.KMi:s: Wc have, used twoo your Filter Presses They me convenient, e.isllv h.iudled nnd aie woikingentin'lv to I em leeoinnieml no In-- : piou'inent on them. Yeiy respectfully yours, (Signed) A. MOORU, Munngei P.inifbau l,luniniloi, Hkkia, Sept. 28. 18SS. Mm John Dvkii, Auent Blslon lion Works, Honolulu. DkahHih: Please shipus one of jour !i0 Compartment Filter Presses, !!40 sipiaie feet surface, hantu as the one suppliul us lust season, which 1 mil pleubid lo say has given us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, Gi.o. R. KWART, Manager Heeu Agiiouliurul to. The(.e Pieses me made extra heavy for high pressnies, oeeupv a iloei spieis H fisjt by t loet. unifpieseiit u tlltfi bur sin face of 240 squaro leel. A limited number In stock lu Hono. lulu uud uic .siild at, very low prices. Risdon Iron & Loco. Works. ban Fianel-eo,,- , Wr Forpaitieulnrseiinulronf .JOHN DYKR, Hoiiolitru. . Room No. bpieekels' Bloek. !.'.0lf W. 0. Irwin & Co.. AcaaV Anderson &Lundy, Artiilcial Teeth from one to an entire set Inserted on gold, silver, iillumh.um and rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work n specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which nre a cou-sla- souiee of hiitaiioH lo the mouth unit tin oat, wo would recommend our Pic phylaelle. Metal Plate. All operations pet formed in aecordimee with the Intwt Improvements lu dental hcicure. Teeth Extracted without pain b ihu use ot Nitrous Oxldul)a. MTOMleo at Old Tregloau Hesldeneo Hotel street. Feb-SWH- ' V "' s ,, ikj6j5.?'!ci,Wi ... J. i ;". '''ivLti-- ' J 'iifaiJ.&i!' ImKW- w . . "H ii. 4Ui k.'.J--i JL J u. 1

Jsiailii V ff - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · WENNER & GO. Jlanurnrtnrlne Jewellers. 3VO. OU JbXllrX'' STUIiliT. Constantly on hand s large asortmen of oTery description

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Page 1: Jsiailii V ff - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · WENNER & GO. Jlanurnrtnrlne Jewellers. 3VO. OU JbXllrX'' STUIiliT. Constantly on hand s large asortmen of oTery description

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is printed an I published at tlio office,

. Queen Street, Honolulu, 1L I., overy

afternoon (Sundays oxitptcd),

Subierlpllon, SO ccntt pot Month.

Ali!ro" all O.uumunlratlons DailyItUM.ft.TIMi

Advertisements, lo ensure imeillon,should lie In bufiire one o'clockl u.

WALTEIl Hit L. Sdltor anil Proprietor

Bulletin Sleatn Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book uml .lob Printing of

i.ll klinU done 011 the most fnvouiblo

telMB.Hell Telephone No.SSil

Mutimrrli;iliouc No. SOU


eckly Summary.

An interesting ami comprehensivepublication, lontuliia euliimns of

lending matter on local topics, ami a

ompletc resume of Honolulu ami Island

Now. U ib the best paper uubllshcdlu tlio Kingdom to send to friendsHhr.mil.

MiiltHorliitlou :

Inland : : : I 00 yearFoieiun : : : 0 00 '

CorumiaBion Merchants.

HACKbLD &. Co.,HGeneral Commission Agents.




Houolulu. U. I.Queen street,1048


Wholesale Grocers & Wlno Merchant

Beaver Block, Honolulu.




LIST OP officehb:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & MuatgerI. o. L'AKrKH. . . ..Treasurer A-- Btci clary


Uon. U. R. Bibuoi'. S. C. Ali.km,H. WXTBUIIOUaK.

3J8 1y

T. WATHBHOUaE,JOUN Importor uud Dealer in GeneralMcrchaudise, Queea t., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Ca8llo.-- J. B. Atkerton-- G. l. CastleSt OOOKBJ,

C1A3TLB SUippiuK uud CominualoiiMeroliantJ. Importers and Dealers inGeneral MexiUaudiae, Ko. ao Kluy St.,

Honolulu. 1

Ulaue bprcckcu. Wra. U. Irwin.

Ibwin & Company,WQ.Sugar Factors and C.umlsalouontu, Honolulu. 1

a OO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, I'aluU,Jlls, Kails, Suh and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort ami Queen Bts.,Honolulu. I

. lowers, F. J. Ijwrey O. M. Cooke.& OOOKB,

(aucceators to Lowers a Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allalnds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 FortSL, Upstairs.

Tho undersigned liogs to Inform thepublics of these Islands that he Is making

Hliti'tM ly Monwircmont I

Directions forsclf-measurcmc- will' be given 011 application.

White Shirts, Oversnlrts & Hlght Gowns

A tit guarantee by maklug a sftmp!Shirt to every order.

Hland order sollcltod Bell Telophono 410

Wily A. M. MKIiMN.



Bl King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Mutual 'A'olepUoue No. '1.b7lf


Bjolc-llndo- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant Btrest. Upstairs.y



JM. MONSABRAT,ut Law & Notary l'uldtc

140 Moroliaut Street, Honolulu. tf

ALFRED MAUOON,J Attorney at Law A Notary rulillr17!J i'l Meinliunt Hreet. Ilounlulii. ly

David DaytonWill prarlice in the lower courts ol theKingdom as attorney, nilcml to colketlug in nil Ha brunches, renting of housesmid nny other Ijusiueneiiliusiril lo him

OOlce 01 King Street UpstairFeb


ANU Jt.VItliltV.F. HOKN, l'liK.tieal Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- Ht2r Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistWHOLESALE AND HK'I'AIL,

10D Fo.--t Street, : William's Block,210 Honolulu, 11. I.

ir. M. I! EN HON. u. W. BMN'ir.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,lia & 1 10 Fort Street, - Ilonnluju

Depot for Uoericlie & Secehlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Hickecker's Perfumes and Toilet

HcquUites, liiy

WENNER & GO.Jlanurnrtnrlne Jewellers.

3VO. OU JbXllrX'' STUIiliT.Constantly on hand s large asortmen

of oTery description of Jewelry, WutehesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

953 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

&Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specialty.

King Htrcet, Honolulu, 11. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Oftlco.

CSF Particular attention paiil to allkinds of repairs. j

$2iThe Best Lunoh in Town,

Toa and Coffeo at ill Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

Ciears, MA.lwuy oix lliuid.

II. J. XOI.TK, lropriettr.

Husiace& Robertson,ME8mv

DBAYMliJJV.orders. for Cartage promptly at-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods lu transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllce, next dooi lo Jaa. P. Morgan'sauction room.

932 ly ilutual Telephone No. ID.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contractor,

Is prepared to design and contrnct forall classes of Sugar Extraction Much I.

nery, Irrigating .Machinery, Evaporat.lug Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Enginesol ull kinds nnd for all purposes, WaterWheels, Water Conduits, I both pipesand lluiiU'Sj, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, Hailrnad Material and BoilingStock, Etu , Etc.

1IFFUN10 M AClllNF.lt V,In all its branches n specialty.

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the veiy bestdescription to order.

Bay ('lose attention paid to all oiilctsand satisfaction to tho purchnsci gua.ranteed. P. O. Box J130. Fort street,Honolulu. fcepi.0 80ly

LADIES' NURSE.KS. MONHOE. ladles' nurse, haiM removed to No. it, Kukul lane.

Fcb.1 1 80

i'ri in L).h2rrui-m- .- "SfoXlfliiiuiiupuiiiau

Meat CompanyHI KtNU 5TKET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

Wholesale ft Rotnil Bttlchora



JOS. TBftKER,iiiit:iii:i(.

City Market,Nuunuii Street.

Beef, Veal,Lrtmb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

(SPIIis unteil Sausages arc made bythe eveiy lust machlut'iy, nnd ull ordersentrusted to his care will be delivcudwith promptness and dispatch, uud hisprices are a low as unyv. licic In thecity.

taTTry his Bologna Sausagea.&aoct.f, 88


AN Eneijjclii', Trustworthy Man ascnlleMor mid to make lumsidl

generally useful in the olllce. Addicts,stating Inst place and terms desired to"P. O. Box Id!)." 42.1(1

Collector Wanted.

WANTED an Active, TrustworthyCollector who will len

der nn equivalent tor salary received.Addi ess Post Olllce Lock Itox No. !Wl.Giving full particulars, references andsalary required. None other notlrcd.

Furnished Cottage To Let.A NEAT Cottage, ile.iinblyloe.ited, containing 4 ioom,nicely I urnlshed. Kitchen, bath

100111, Ptable, henery, etc. Lot 120x1100,l.iwu, shade Dees and ttowcis. Hem$40 per mouth, including wnter rate midtelephone.


Fmnislied House To Let.T Waikiki, a two story

House, containitm sirooms nicely furnished, with

kiicheu, lanai bath and servant's rooms,st'tble, eto , lo let for a few months at areasonable rate. Or rooms will be letsingly with uood table bonrd.


Valuable Property For Sale

O1N Nuusnu Avenue, anewly furnished listorv

House containing 8 100ms.ktteheu, o.itlnoom, closets, carriagehouse, stable, henery, etc. Groundscontain 2 2.10 acres, well laid out inlawns, slmdo nml fruit trees, (lowers,etc. Will bo sold low, with or withoutfurniture, borsej, cauiages, livestock,and all tho appointments needed in afirst-clas- s resilience, ns the owner in.lends lrnvlug thee. Island)).


Island Views.

ALAHGEnssoitmentof Pholoiaphsof the

most atti.ictUo eccnciy, buildings, eto ,

in thosu Islands, for wile ut re.1son.1bloprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Coiner Foil and Merchant .siicel.

'2308 tf


Hi'siilenpi" No. 1115 Numiiiu Avenue.Mutual Telephone No. SHI), nov-'-il- l :im


lb Ihel Street, "Damon's Block,"Coiner stoic.

Surgical & Musical Inptriiments neatlyri'piui.il nt loasonable tales SewingMiichims and repairing ot all kinds aspuciullv. All kinds of Sufis & Scaleslepulicd. lloiihchold Sewing Muehiuesforsn'e. (Ilc.14 8!)



AB. KOW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy nl Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, coniei Hotel and HichardsircchL Scientific tieatmeul in all dis-eases of demesne animals. Orders forplantation uud ranch Mock promptlyattended lo. Mutual Telephone U54,P. O. Box 1120. mu.18.su


rpiIE undersigned having been npJL pointed agent for H. Al. QueenKaplolnnl, notice Is hereby given thatnil tenants, by lease or other.wlse, meordered to make all pavments to me, noother iccelpt being alld. Olllce at thePalace Bungalow. Hours from II . m.

to 4 i'. M. II. O. UI.UKOU,4'Jli if Agent for H. M. the'iueen.

This Space-- FOB

is Reserved




Collin Co's CekMI Perte & Toilet Soaps,

Photographic Goods of All Kinds.--EEEB UHAC H--



Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesOigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos.

Holl M'eloiliom, "0 'XU lx&






will be so!.! AT

a 170


Mil Hull 'JVIphoiu, :i?'l






No. 24 Merchant Street, Near fort Street.





&?T Wl.ioli







Alnkcn, lifiiir 4uccii Hi.Tclci)iiiue o. r.fS,


Cimti'iiotoist .V; liillldoiM.15t ick. Mono and Wooden Biil'dings; estiinatei eieu. Jobbing pioinptlv at-

tended to. ' Kims strict. Bell Tele-phone N . 2 P. O 15'"-- , 12J. apr ly

fKOHUK LUUAS, ..' At.- l outraetor j(ideriSfand Builder,- - S-- i

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills,mute, Honolulu.

Mamifiu'turcs all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, nnd nil kinds of Wood-woikUms-

Turning, Seioll and HandSawing. All kinds ot Sawing and PHn-in-

.Morticing nnd Tenanting.Oidersproinpllynttkiided to and work

guaranteed. Ordei.s from the other ls


Honolulu iron Wokkh.IStcum eneines, sucar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-lug-

machinery ot ccry descriptionmade to order. Pni I icular attention paid10 ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice 1

I". . It .l.? I. - Hell Tele. '.7.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Comer Fort & Merchant Stieets,Honolulu, II. I.


GENERAL AGENTS.AccuiintiintN A Collector


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising-- DepartmentKOlt WI-B-


Collections will iccelvc special atten-tion and elm 113 promptly made.

Real Estate bought, soli! nnd leased.Taxes Paid nnd propcily safely insuredHouses, Cottages, Hooms and Officer.

Ieaed and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Lite Insurance effected in Hist,

class Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Records

snatched nnd coirect Abstmcts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carelully drawn and hand,somely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all languagesin general 116C in this Kingdom.

Custom House Business transacted withaccuracy and ditpnlch.

Leans negotiated ut favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

.soli).Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

citisl for publishers.Any Article puichascd or sold on favor

able termsInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti-

cular attention.To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages iu desirable localities :it reasonablerentals.

Several Valuable Properties in andaround tho city now foi and leaseon onsy teuus.

tssJTAU business entrusted to our'rarewill leteivu prompt and faithful atten-tion at moderate charges Keb-4.tfl- l

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmithing, Drays, Carls &

Wagon Building as specially.

Eery desniption. of work in theabove lines performed in a llrst-clns- s

manner and executed nl bhoit notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.1ST Orders from the other islands

solicited. Will be rleased to see allour old customers us well ns new ones.Mutual Telephone No 575.

apr-19-8- 0

W.W. Wright & Son)

79 & 81 Bell Tele.King St. No. 381.

(Thu Rose Premises )

All for wheel vehicles of (veiydoMiipllou filled with piomptncss.

Fust chus meehauics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specially

THA.1I (!AUS, OMMItllNNKN,Flantiition Wagons, Mulo & Ox Carts,

.Mnilo to order, nllcicd or repaired.

Cnrriago Painting, Trimming,1. 10., Kit'., K1C, LTC.

Our HORSE SHOEING DepartmentIs under the maingcmont of It. Cny.toil, who will collect nml receipts allbills due Hist In. inch of our hiisltuvs,

(Slgmil):oet.VVIm W. W. WRIOIIT A SON.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $96,000,000,00

"Facts arc Stubborn Things."

At pery age, on every piominmtable, and in eu'iy year, tlio AC-

TUAL RESULT. .if Tniiliiie Policiesof the New Yoik Life Insiiraiicc On.Iiuve been LAROER tluiii tlioro OPANY OTHER COMPANYt'nnil.ir policieri.

gjSf For purtieiilnrs apply to

;. O. IIKKUHIt,tjen'l Agent Hawaiian IMhiuK

2S:i tf

FIRE,"LIFE, ani,

MARINEINSURANCE.Hartfoid Tire Insurance Co.

AsoU. $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire nud Marine)Assets, $460,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Kirc and Murine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000Now York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $05,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comay


Capital 9,000,000 Iteichjmarki

rpHK undersigned, having been ap.X pointed agem of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is preparedtoaccept risks, against File, on Buildlugi,,Furniture, Merchandise, Produic, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayablaHonolulu.

U. RIEMENSOHNEIDEH,J)y-fi-7 ly at Wilder ACos.

FILTER JPRESSES!Paatjhau Plantation, )

Hawaii, Mnnh !), 1383. J

ItiNiloii iron A I.oeoiuutivo H'orbMNan KrnnciM'o.(5hNTi.KMi:s: Wc have, used twoo

your Filter PressesThey me convenient, e.isllv

h.iudled nnd aie woikingentin'lv toI em leeoinnieml no In-- :

piou'inent on them.Yeiy respectfully yours,

(Signed) A. MOORU,Munngei P.inifbau l,luniniloi,

Hkkia, Sept. 28. 18SS.Mm John Dvkii, Auent Blslon lion

Works, Honolulu.DkahHih: Please shipus one of jour

!i0 Compartment Filter Presses, !!40 sipiaiefeet surface, hantu as the one suppliulus lust season, which 1 mil pleubid losay has given us entire satisfaction.

Yours truly,Gi.o. R. KWART,

Manager Heeu Agiiouliurul to.The(.e Pieses me made extra heavy

for high pressnies, oeeupv a iloeispieis H fisjt by t loet. unifpieseiit utlltfi bur sin face of 240 squaro leel.

A limited number In stock lu Hono.lulu uud uic .siild at,very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Loco. Works.ban Fianel-eo,,- ,

Wr Forpaitieulnrseiinulronf.JOHN DYKR, Hoiiolitru. .

Room No. bpieekels' Bloek.

!.'.0lf W. 0. Irwin & Co.. AcaaV

Anderson &Lundy,

Artiilcial Teeth from one to an entireset Inserted on gold, silver, iillumh.umand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork n specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which nre a cou-sla-

souiee of hiitaiioH lo the mouth unittin oat, wo would recommend our Picphylaelle. Metal Plate. All operationspet formed in aecordimee with the IntwtImprovements lu dental hcicure. TeethExtracted without pain b ihu use otNitrous Oxldul)a.

MTOMleo at Old Tregloau HesldeneoHotel street. Feb-SWH-

' V "' s ,,

ikj6j5.?'!ci,Wi ... J. i ;". '''ivLti-- ' J'iifaiJ.&i!'ImKW- w . . "H ii. 4Ui k.'.J--i JL J u.


Page 2: Jsiailii V ff - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · WENNER & GO. Jlanurnrtnrlne Jewellers. 3VO. OU JbXllrX'' STUIiliT. Constantly on hand s large asortmen of oTery description


WT j,Kri&rtW ?' 9 '. ap i' ;ftr-- T "- - T wjr IT" ;C

DAILY BULLETIN: HONOLULU, II. L, JANUAHV J8L0.wwiiiimuLifMwmiiiiirtMritfttMiwiginBUimuiitrjw wta

ist District, 2nd Precinct

I lonolulu.Registration of Vottra !

Notice is hereby given Hint n meet-

ing will bo held in the SJiul 1'ieeiiiet,

let Dintik't, Honolulu, lit the Tubl'ic

School House on Herctania "trout,between l'ensncola and l'iikoi Micetn,on WKDXESIUY, 22ml inst., andon FRIDAY, 21th inst., fioni w to7:30 p. M for the put pose of

Itegisleiing Volet anil ooiicitingIhu HegiMer.

For the accommodation of oteiH

meetings will aUo be belli foi the.same purpobc on TUESDAY, 21&1

mul., anil THUHSDAY, 2t1id inst.,at the ofttec of liardnor K. Wildet,Ebq., on Meiehant Hticct, fiom 12:11(1

to 1 r. m.All voters when icgistoring mo

tVNpoolfully iciiteitcil to have thoiiTax KeceipK


InapeetoiB of Elcetion 2nd 1'ie-uinc- t.

l'l td

2nd District, 2nd Precinct !

Honolulu.Reciitration of Vote s !

The Uoaid of Innpoetoii- - nl e

2nd lVcinct, 2nd Dii-tiie- t,

Honolulu, will meet for Itegis-tciin- g

Voteih and coriocting theRegister, at the Polling l'lacc foi--.aid Pieeiuct (Hon. V. II. HieeV

Darn, School street), on FRIDAY,Jan. 17th, fiom 7 to J) v. m., on SAT-

URDAY, Jan. 18th, frotn 3 tot;l'. it.; at Engine Co. N'o. I, on MON-

DAY and TUESDAY, Jan. 20th and2lst, from 7 to II each evening.

Meeting will be held at aboveplaces on came dayp of the woekhand at bourn until luitheiuotice.

0" Voters will please biing theiiTax Receiptu with them.

JONATHAN SHAW,J", I tf Chaiimaii.



RtgLtration of Voters !

The lnspcctois of Election for the2nd Piecinctof Distiict .", Honolulu,Oahu, will meet in said 1'iccinet atthe Reformatoiy School for the pur-

pose of Registering Voters for Nobles

and Repicsentalive, and coirectingthe Register, on SATURDAY, Jan.25th, from I to 7 i M., on WEDNES-DAY, Jan. 20th, from 1 to 7 i i.,

ami on FRIDAY, Jan. 3Ut, fiom 2

lo 8 i m. Notice of furtliei meet-

ings will lie given at the abovemeetings.

fl'leasu luing your Ta. s.

T"The 2nd l'leciiicl of tho "itli

Distiict, coniiuircs all that poitionof the Disliict niakai of King stn'etand west of the load up KalilnValley. W. L.WILCOX,"'haiimaii of lnspcctois of Election

2nd IVcinct, .'ith Dintiict,Oahu. li8tf

6th District, 1st Precinct!

Honolulu, Oiiliu.

Registration cf Voteu J

The Inspector of Election mi the

Fiist 1'iccinet of District J'ivo will

meet in said Fiecinet at the Rcfonn-atoi- y

School for Nobles and Rcpiu-M'lUative- h

and coirecting the Regis-

ter, on MONDAY, Jan. 27th, from7 to !) e. m., FRIDAY, Jan. HIM.,

nom 7 to U v. .

Notice of any fiuther meetings will

In' given at tho above meetings.The Filht l'leeinot of the Fifth

Dintiict cMiipiises all that portion of

taiil Dibtiict lying East of the mainload up Kalihi Valley and inauka ofKing street.

All voters when icgisteiing aicicspcctfully ietiesled to biing theirTu. receipts.

F. WUNDENHERO,152 If . Cliaitman.

3rfl District, 1st Precinct!1IONOI..IJJL.U.

Registration of Voters.

Notice is heieby given that a meet-

ing will bo held in the 1st Piccinct,:iid District, Honolulu, at tho Hono-

lulu ltilles Armory, Ueretania sticet,on MONDAY, .fan. lath, between theliour of 7 and ! v. M., on WEDNES-DAY, Jan, lfith, biuno hours, and onFRIDAY, Jan. 17th, and SATUR-

DAY AFTERNOON, fiom i to 0, foi

i he purpose of Registei ing Voters and

col reeling tho Register. Theso meet-

ings will be continued fiom week toweek at the same place on the siimudiiVH and houis as above.

F. TURRILL,J47 tf Cliiiiimnn.

M District, 1st Precinct !

I lonolxilu.Rogiitrntlon of Voters I

The luspectoi.i of Election foi the2nd District, let Piecinct, Honolulu,will meet at Stoic, coiner of Nutiantiand I'mioii hticelH, for the purpose of

Registeiing Voters and collectingllio Registei, on SATURDAY, Jan.2.rth, fiom 2 to (1 r. m., MONDAY,Jan. 27th, fiom 'i to l v. i WED-

NESDAY, Jan. 2!)lh, from 7 to it

I'. l., and on FRIDAY, Jan. ISlst,

fiom 2 to i'. m.

ALFRED W. CARTFJ!,Chniiiuan of Inspectoisof Election

1st riecinct,'2nil Distiiet.101 td

Notice to Electors1 OU llll.

1st District, ist preciuct !

A List of Votcf for Aolilen anilRepietentatici has been posted atthe Foiling place of this Fieeincl,the (.ioveinment Nui-ery, on King

stiect. Voters can Milify them-elve- s

by insiiccting said lift that theirnames me ptopeily enlcicd. Forthe puipoxe of making any collec-

tions and for any additional namesto lie added, meeting'- - will be held nl

the (!oeinnient Nuisery, Kingstreet, on WEDNESDAY, Jan. 2!lh,fiom I to S f. m., THURSDAY, Jan.:10th, fiom I I" S

Jan. JJlst, fiom 1 to - r. m.

E (J .xCHI'MAN,C'haiiinan ! lii)eetoi"s Nt l'io- -

tinct, 1st Disliiel. 101 Id.

tii a-- j

ail ullitfiHFltdsrt to tuttier Sict nor Party,Out efttiblistcit for the lent fit of nil.

FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1890.

The Uui.i.KiiN' is not disposed to

"temporarily withdraw it1 motto,"on the suggestion of the Advertiser,on account of one of its editors be-

ing "a candidate for election lo

the Houie of Reprcsentaties.""Pledged to neither sect nor party,"etc., is nur motto. The fact that an

editor of a paper is a candidate forthe Legislatuie does not pkdff thatpaper to sect or party, nor does theabsence of plctlije debar a paperfrom supporting what it believes tobe right in any party.

Some small-minde- d men in thiscommunity and probably men of

the same stamp may be found in anycommunity regulate their friend-

ship by their politics ; that is, theyregard others as friends when those

others "accord" w.'th them in politi-

cal .sentiment, but when the "politi-cal accoid" is wanting they are re-

garded and treated as encmio. At

the present time illustrations of this

fact arc abundant. It is a pity thatall men cannot "differ and agree to

differ" on meie matters of opinion,and still be friends.

Our "respectable" morning iy

has been floundering

through Ameiica, France, and Ger-

many, and has Ins mind seriouslyexercised about Lincoln, Houlangcr,and Hismarck. Oreat countries and

gicat men all. Rut Lincoln is deadand I'ismaicL and Houlangcr are in

Europe. They aie not here, any ofthem, nor anybody like them. Wehave neither a Lincoln nor a His-

marck, either in or out of olllcc, atthe helm or to place there to steerthe ship, nor a Houlangcr to fear.Wc .imply have two par-

ties, putting up two tickets for tho

Legislature, the majority of those oneach' ticket holding similar views,and being honestly desirous of pro-

moting the public welfare. This is

about the situation.

Yes, the Advertiser Is about rightwhen it says that "the Hru.hi in

cannot contain its mingled emotions

of pity and contempt for the men

who arc so narrow-winde- d and pre-

judiced as to suppose that their poli-

tical opponents arc deluded;" butwo did not suppose that our

was to be classed with

thaf particular description of peo-

ple. As ils cditQr is a gentlemanwho has seen a bit of the world be-

yond the Hawaiian Islands and the

United States, it was natural to sup-

pose that his mind would not berestricted by the narrow prejudicesof less favored individuals, Hutthe mistaken impicssion has beenremoved by the Advertiser's dcclai-atio- n

Ihat it "happcnB to share thisvery prejudice." Our "mingledemotions of pity and contempt" arenow active towards our respectablecontemporary.

"Publlus" givca u little "cam-

paign advice" in the Advertiser.Yc consider it good advice, and

therefore invite attention thereto."Saying hard things of one an-

other," says the writer, ."will nevermake men popular in this commun-

ity, and will never add to llieirpoli-Ilea- l


The property qualification for a

voter for Noble is the possession of"taxable property in this country ofthe value of not less than three thou-

sand dollars over and above all en-

cumbrances, or shall have actuallyreceived an income of not less than'six hundred dollars during the yearnext picceding his rcgistinlion forsuch election." The question hasbeen akcd: Does a man who iegu-latl- y

recehes in cash Sl. per monthwith board and residence till III theincome tcqiiiremcntV We shouldsay he does. II is board and i ev-

idence aic furnished him in lieu andas an equivalent of cash, and it1 va-

lue lias to be added to the S !,which would ccitainly bring thatsum up to more than n'iO per month.A man o circumstanced repoitshaving been refused icgistration, asnut meeting the requirement of law.


Ennoi: Hi i.i.i n: A eoiiimuiii-calio- n

in your issue of Jan. 0, sign-

ed "Non Nobis Solum," rclaiing lotaxes, lrom tables, doubtless pub-lished in the Hawaiian Annual lorlfi'.ii), was such an evident en orfrom unlamiliaritv with the subject,that 1 Ihotight the wiiler would secand acknowledge his mistake on asecond glance at the tables used.Instead of this, however, I lind po-

litical capital is made out of hi- -

alleged discovery of "a delieit to beaccounted tor in some way of ? I :!.".-00-

by one who a few days pre-

vious published the boast that "theWorkinginun's paity proposed towin bv honorable tactics." It therefore becomes nccesiaiy to uniavelNon Nobis Soluui'.s figures for theenlightenment of those whom he hasunintentionally, 1 trust, led astiay.

If N. N. S. has been a resident olthese islands during the period hehas taken the tax figures for, (lS8(i-88- )

he has forgotten the generalbusiness depression cxpeiicnccdthroughout the islsnds, which fullyaccounts for the shrinkage of valuesof real ami personal property, asshown in the assesment table (page.10) of $:5,027,l7 in 1887, and 8.1,-87- 2,

SIS in 1SS8, from those of 1880.The figures taken by your discov- -'

erer as the taxes for lh80, viz.SI 17, 10.1, (from Annual InternalTaxes, page iil), are the sum totalof all taxes ; including real and per-

sonal property, poll, school, road,etc. Its proportion for real and per-

sonal piopcrty at the :,' of 1 per centrate that year would have been8202, Kill if collections bad beenall made as per values assessed, butthis does not appear to be the case.

These eiror, then, of X. N. S.cxplodoshis basis of a l.l."i,000 de-

lieit in the taxes of 1888. Hut whatarc the facts?

The assessed value of red andpersonal property in 1888, through-out the islands was 801,082, l'JO.The 1 per cent tax thereon, if allcollected, would have been S010,-62- 2,

but, as in other years', appealsfrom, and eirors in, acbsing sameproperties to two and sometimestluce pailies, wc find a shrinkageagain here: still, in the result, aperceptible gain. If the biennialteim llguies are taken they show asfollow i, more clearly:ISS.'t, AssmnK leal and

per. propei ly . .. .1:5,871,5721880, Assmntt. ical and

pir. piopeily . 1 1,0.") ,017

Total allied y h .ti;8.82,lllAgainst thi value them

vvac collected 18!.."t2Other la.Cp, vi. poll,

M'hool, load, dog, cai- -

li.ige, etc. !2,!ili

Total tiiM'h foi biennialteim, 13S; 812, K.S

1857, AsmntH. icul andpeifonnl piopcrty . $1)1,9:27 ,."l!0

1858, Asquint.", icul andpeihounl piopettv . :il,((fl'J,l0'.l

Tot I aiucsi-e- value, 2yin. !tli:!,0(ll),7."i!)A hhiiulMgo of ,817,100 lioni (he

pmvious biunnial term.Against the assessed jno-pert- v

value theie waseoliccted .. ;i."i2,:!:;(i(A gain of $02,8:1 J oei

the foimer peiiod).Other taxoh, . : poll,

school, load, do;, cni- -

liage, etc :i:i:t,2::(i

Total tAev for biennialteim, 188S $ 88r.,.")(i0

Or a total gain over the founei ) e- -

liodof 1.7.'f,:iJ)8.

If Mr. "not merely for ourselves"desires clearer facts, the FinanceOlllcc will doubtless aid him In anyhonest search.

Tuo,. (i. Tiiisim,j'tjl), Hawaiian Annual.


A NICK (.'ottn;e in f?o,nIJucillly, furiiMieii in

imliiruislieil. Addles ' W,"tilts olllcc I'll II

WASTEDor Yoiiiik Woinim lo do

lioiiBowoilt and tuko cure ol twovoting cliildien, UennHii nrefiuitd.Apply "IHU Fort Bltvct." Pi I lit


I'rmliM'rU liy Heny HuIiih.-Mmc- Ii

Properly limmilot"lmnof MIV.

The steamer Kaala, Capt. llaglan,anived fiom Kauai this morning,bringing news of disastrous Hoodson that Island. Rain, falling insuch tortenla as lo make the moun-

tain sidesappear enveloped in sheetsof water, caused streams lo overflowvvilh very damaging effects.

At Nawiliwili (.'. W. Spil.'i car-

riage house and pait of his dwellingwere carried away, while the piovis-ion- s

and dry goods in his stoi e sutt'or-e- d

heavy damage. AVhat leinalnsof his lioiise is guyed up witli ropes.A native's house occupied by a mannamed McLean was cairicd away,and the bridge at Nawiliwili des-tiove- d.



The dam at Lihue, built by Hon.II. A. Widemanii a seoie or two ofyears ago, was swept away, andwater rose several feet in the mill,damaging 700 or 800 bags of sugar.

Hridges were destroyed at Koloaand llanamaulu, also several Chinesestores carried off. At Kapaia fourChinamen were earned lo sea in l

store. Two of them escaped, butthe other two were drowned, l'arlof Hie house, a trunk, and othereffects were jiickcd up bv the steam-er James Makcc.

The -- tcninei Miknlula attemptedto land a load of lumber at Nawili-wili, but four of her boats towingthe lumber drifted lo sen. Tl.csteamei going after them succiedulin recovering the boats and some i f

the lumber.Taio and lice p.ilche-- . weie de-

vastated in many places, and thegroun 1 is beapid with debris. Tele-phones as well is lindttes being-dow-

nev- - ol i lit liC'luts fiomother parts of h" -l md cinnol be

obi ib

Specie! Cash SeloJan. ullt,

AT III O'CLOCK A. .1!..A' no Salesroom, Qurcn strei't, I will

sill at Public Am. lion,

Dry Goods, Clo tiling,Croekeiy it Gkmwuc,

Anil a full line of Mls-e- & Uliiliboi.'slioola ' Sli.MiH, &.TiEWrS LEV12A',

llll 1 Auctinncei


TINS3IITI1 suul LTiUSIIiElt,Corner ot Kin ami Al'ikca slrcc'i,

Honolulu, II 1

Tm-isi'iioi- v iz:Worhshrp.-Mu- t 26- !- resMcncc-M- ul 236

Kstlmiiei furiii-'.iH- l on nil c'usses ofvv.iur mul 4 pipe vmi U nial tbipnUllii'lir F ist tJ,is win Km iii-li- ip uril ni itoli il Kii'ir.'iiiti c i tr i.ll tin nlwve l.rnuclit'snl my lillsilicf al km m.iitile i.iltt".

Kit 'liii


SITlJAl'lON ii.. ci,., , ,,,A Niiiiit V, iiicliiii i.i nl ii mill, or rliliuc us I un.s on i oml p an I iit iotiHiii expeili'iu it nml in furnish jnnttit'fi'ienrii. ('ill or .ulilres K. P.,"llut.i.nn.v oiliie 47 it

A NZK !!..Mi ii'iil; tiui, '27 .Ituiiini AlitmU 8A' I'ln ihuliii ur 1'i'it r ile. Uclmit

.liiKCd ti inei .Mi.ji-.i- ni i(t, DfiitrclicuKalcei.--, MbUi:i.t'.t II im Ul;nleilci Uiiiii.i In Aiim. cln Umirt'it tlnit,wwu f ntnm 1 ii he DihiIu'.Iic liicidiin hfiiMiinllleliil ciiii'i'luil.'ii weulcii. ImAiiflciije DAH I.'OMITM.

Hit tf


'VUM friuiiipin Kill? tl itioiiNL Ibini'e, King (.trt'cl, elosi d lioni

this dale All pi'ttons luc ln'rchy for.liiihlfii to iiimllee ovi'l above Hiingciimil tiirtlii-- i notice. Hv oidur.

.I'll. fJOPKU,PieeiileiU IJ. It. A.

llono'iile, .Itn 24,1810. llll Ivv

fiornmii Siuistiu Titrk(t

t'fl 1' oj cM In "Arinstioiis'i Hlneli,"ft iiinr Kint; Sticol Iliidc. For f ulofrcsli dnlh lluul CiiccM', ) mul, fuller,I1o1o,jii,i, Fi.vbiif, Liver, hmokt'd andoilier Si'iiniLis.

.lACou I'Hii.ii'i.1C0 tf Propiinor.

ri:i:Kiiii;i: iiocs.tarvvr-yKi-g, Ci Ai'iW - 7 inotithh o'.il;7. Z, r. Yoiiup. IMl'h. 1

AsEidJp inontll old. I'rlie $C0&scswyn '.'nch for Hie llr-- t lot, tl

for t-- 'S .it a month i old Apply hi once.W II at'AL,

IMlw P O ll.ix No :i7fl.


lrM1 'iilltioi fit K'iiwi- -iR H"W,. VWtlM Mr- -,f Iiiiiui,

.iif.ir Mhli.i slicct

. . ti .. i .KSACfiaX Mi" ion oi iiaiuvviijM.o' v in- -

Iliac iceeiill.v paliiiuii aim papeiedllnoiiL'lioiii. Item moderate. Applylo A..I.OAUTVIM(illT.Or to. I FHiown, (invenimeiit Mirvey

oiiicc i::i 2w

Kcul Italnto Foi- - Siilo.

1 rrO llouscf and Lots ontP-iX-

k$- Itolifllo btine, Pidiiiim

feSSiiVi Convoiilint to htinm nml tinmcum. Veiy heallhy localltv. hot om

Kim: blrecl.tu'iir lliiinniil.ii'h Ime. ForimrtleuluiH apply In

JOHN F. HOWLLH.Or C'hns. 'F. "nlicH. WSffl


oij1 tviswIt issuing a new form of insurance which provides, in the event of death, for a return of all premiums paid in ad-

dition lo tho amount of the policy, or, should the insuied survive a given number of ycais, the Company-- ' will

rutin ti nil the premiums paid with Intel est ; or, insiead of accepting the policy and profits in cash the hual holdermay, WITHOUT JIEDICALKNAMINATIONand WITHOUT FURTHER PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS, lake in

lieu thereof the amount of policy and piollts in FULLY PAID UP insurance, paiticlpatiiig annually in dividends.

Remember, this rontiact is issued by the oldest Life Insurance Company in the United Stales, and the Lar-

gest Financial Institution in the Woild, Its assets exceeding One Hundred and Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dollars.

Dcc-21-8- 0

, fc IIU tlllllM.JillllWMlJM.IllHWVlllMIMt)'HtMI lMI J M



.'E3MRgiulfMi.-BT- y . ", . .

JCiv For full particulars call on or

tffyfUJI .1 HI II

jt,l.0 tllv,,

Jmf Imzu4r wKL



r. rj?.



Alo, Hoi Alt, Etc,

297.: 0 fws-- All nnl orders sliould lie addressed o


Anct'on Sales by Jamos F. Morgan.

o:-- -


(In SATUKDAY, .lan.a.lHi,AT 1! O'l'MieiL ro(.

Aim) Hi1eiio.ini, Queen tiin'i, 1 willtell at Pulilic Auction, a

111 IE Lol!Sllimtut on IliO in uU:i Mile of Hiretitiii.i htiri't, t.t.t wctii il.o leHiilcnciM ntMi. (.'iiiKivurni nnd .Mr 0. V.. Uo'iulimiii.

The Lot has n good olevi.tlim uliovethe street and is well plumed w .la tlimleirets Watri lulil on.

SI( ol Lot: HI loi-- Ir iiiliigii liy HJ0

fietdiep, mul hi' n 0 fnul Imu on theWaikiki fide

TKUMS: ). c.sh, huliir.co In 1, '.'

and i!ycni.-i- , In ertst nl T per centKiiitlier piitli'iil.ti'i i.pp'y to

,1AS. l MOIKAN,I'H It Auctioneer.



On .Inn. 351 Ii,AT Vt O'CLOCK OO.V

Al i v t'lilisroom, Qmen R'ic(.t, I willboll .it Public Am thin.

GO Shares Haw. Agilcul. Co.'s Slock,

Par Vain.; !imo.

10 Shares Ookala Plantation Stock,I'ar Viiluu 00.

8 Shares Reciprocity Stock,

Tin Valitu $ll.9 Shares ilononm stock,

I'ar Valuo i?IO(.

$10,000 Government 0 Percoat Bonds,

10 Shares Olowalu Plantation.

23 " Pooplo's Ice & Refriu. Co.

48 Mutual Telephone Co.

Oahu Railroad "Stock.

ly'lhlHl an c.xcullunt opportunitylo ou'iui! (jootl pnylnu invcslniciiH.

,IAS. F. MOUGAN,Wi td Aiiullontcr,






ja.ii-i12Y- ,


I : L

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.





of Honolulu !



Binpr Grenafline, RasDfierryaQe, Sarsaparilla, 'Mineral Waters,





tocks BondsSATURDAY,





jri: auction.in the Business

The altonlion of CaiiilaliHtu, Ttustccs and Ileal Kxlalo Iiiventoia, is called toone of ihu moat important wiled of Heal Kfttate, for bupiucnH

IdocliH, over held in Honolulu; the propei ty lici.ij;hiluatcd in the lioail ot the city

ami boiimlcd by

Nimanu, Hotel and Bethol Siiuots.o

Tho iinileitiLiiieil has leccivcd iiifrliuctiona to ofl'ur for mlo byauelion.at liin Hnlesioom, (Juccii hlicct,

On Saturday, Jan. 25, 1 890,..VI' Itt 0'OJL.OCIC NOON,

The whole of thai VAMJAHLK OITY IMIOI'KIITY, htiowii ai the

"BOOTH ESTATE',"(Kxcepliiif; only Hie coiner lot on Nuuaiiu and llotol hticclb, owned by

Mr. .lames Old )

Containing in all 16,000 Square Feet,o

Thin Htlio moil compact and deniiablu piece of propcily in Honolulu,and being tiitinitcd in the hcait of tho ictail liiiHincf-- quai'tcr of tho citv,between the two main aiteiich of liallic, (Knit and Nuiianu hticoth), leadingto and fiom the wlintvcn and lmibor, it will have a value for all time, andthi'icfore IioIiIb out uniiHual indiiccmontH to c.ipitaliMH, ah a lemuneiativcand peimancnt invct-tmen-

The main frontagch of Dm, piopeily aic 10 feot on Xuiianii sticet, D.'l

feet on Hotel stieet and I'2.ri feet on liethel utieet, whioli tluce Hlicctdhave been leconlly vyidenod by tlut ("iovernmenl to 10 feet each, and finelyiiiac.idamiHcd and gi.idcd throtiphnut, icmleiint,' them the finest thotougli-faie- u

in the city. A iiew hlicol of 12 feot widll, which iuiih thioii;h theconterof the piopcrty from Nuiianu to Ilelliel sticctH, has been donated bytho owner of the block, and thin will give additional Hticct fiontaRO oflW) feet on one hide of tho new Hlicct and !)1 feet on the other, to all theloth to bo hold, leaving no lot without a valuable utiirel fionliiRe and to homeof them veiy dosiiablu and valuable htieet coincih.

Anotber advantage of thin line piopoity ab an investment, ilh excel-lent eanitaiy conditioiiH, and being on thv highest pint of tho city, nialiai ofHolol htieet, it will li.ivo excellent drainage for luiildingH elected tbcicon,and being of mifiicinnL elevation, peimith tho conli notion of deep eella)ison aeeount of being beyond tho leaeli of lido water.

The block has been d into building lotn, nunibciing 1 to 12an can bo keen on a huge new muvey map, now on view at my Snlf-mpnii-

Tho title to the propei ty in peifeet. Terms of irnlo are pun thud ciub,one thud one year and one thiul two yeaiH, with inlcie.it at (J pct eenl peranuiim.

An examination of this piojicily is mlieiled, aiid h conlidenlly tecum-mende- d

a a peininiieully leinunoiativo inveilmeiit,

W Ii

I'Vir fuller paiticiilarM and infoi (nation apply p,

JAS. F. MORGAN,Aucrio.Nj::i,



Page 3: Jsiailii V ff - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · WENNER & GO. Jlanurnrtnrlne Jewellers. 3VO. OU JbXllrX'' STUIiliT. Constantly on hand s large asortmen of oTery description




rv it'.m

gjailu ii.,l;thiFKIDAY, JAN. !M, 1800.

ARRIVALS..Inn 'X I ' '

Htinr.l A CuiiiuiIib fioni KikiIiiiiStint' Kn;il:i (linn KiiuulMint- Kllmicii linn fioin llmiml.tiiiSohr Kulniiiaiiu finm WulineuAim tern Queen, ThouiiKcl, :ii;d:iy-- i from



.uUl.spur V G ilall fur Lahulna, Mitutuca,

ICrma, Kaa ami the Volcano at Ido'clock a in

S:mr Lehiia for Xttit, Muni, at ." i m.SinirO H ItHhop for Wuliinue, N'alaliia

anil Kouluii at ! a mKuwallaul for Koolan


Am hkt K X CitMlc. Hiililianl, for .SanFuilieNoo at !l a m

Oerbk .1 O Pliner, Kuisc, for SanFrancisco

Am tcin Fred K Sunder, Itnon, forl'oit Town'cnd

Am tern Queen. Thnn;ie,el, for l'oit'IVlH ll'l'llll

t tmr Kuala for l.ali' at :t m


liiininktia, per stun- - Kiliiitc.iion, .imii -- i - ,mi v. uaiiucr.

hoi Muni nml Hawaii, r W 0Hull,. lan'-- M -- For Volcano: K 11 I'ail.er,Mrsslallor, Mr l'onil, 1'iof V T I!iIk-Iiiiii- i,

A Wmisev,. For wav port: IllsMajesty the Mux, Ills i.oiiMi.p theltlMiiip of lloiiolmii, Mr ami .Mis V t'I'eirv. Miss I. I. l.vman.Kev S U DaxN,U.'V W I) Wott-mil- t ami wife, lion XV

Smith. J .U Vlvii", U Meiuoeke. MoilsL'o;;uet, I' Pulton, T Lee, K JtoWuil,MrSlieinian anil wife, Mr Kel.ua nailwife, T l.ee, Mi V V I lasting.-- MissItcyc, MIm Mlehailo, XV II .loliu.son.Mis i: Xonle, .lullaii MonsnriMt, Miss I.I'.n'ker, anil til deck.


The Meamer Ktlauea Hon sirriveil thismorning from UainuUiia with ;i,On(iliiis.sugar lor hark. Allien Uummi.

The luuk.l 0 "linger ami the barken-tin- e

S X Uastle will notli sail to-ni- oi lowwlih sugar for San FraiiclM-o- .

The Hleamer Klanii will sirilvo, to-morrow inomiug from winilwanl poits.

The ntcainer Kniila brought 700 haysciwrilf''rs-- - .v...frntu l'ilml......... tlitc...... ......mniiiltur...i..The Aiucilcau tern Queen, i uptdn XV

Thona;;el, urilve.il this morning. 30 dnvsfrom Apia, Sanio.i. Slit; will sail againt for Tort Townseml.

Tho Mourner J A Cummins brought1,082 bags sugar for the hark .1 C L'ilu- -


UltKN'IIAM-DOU'SKTr-- St. Au-di ow's Cathedral, Honolulu, .Ian.23rd, by thu Hev. Alex. Mackintosh,Hubert 15. Urenham to Annie Kahti-wa- lu

Dowsctt.Honolulu, Jan.

Slid, by the Hev. II. H. Paiker,Unary A. Jiieu to JIarv A. Hawson.

TNHKY-KKAMKK-- ln Honolulu, .Inn.'.Mid, at the ruiiilenco of .Mr. b XV.

DainnnJiy the Hev.W.D.WcMervdt,assisted by thu Hev. 0. 1'. Kiiicrson,W. S. Terry to MNs rattle A.Keaiucr.


niMOXD In San I'r.inelco, Cal., Jan.15, 1839, Nellie Only, beloved wfcof V. II. Dlnioml, aged 1.1 yeai-i-



Kim op 5ti.i.r.TiN: Allow inn topropound, for the benefit of thosewhom they couccrn, the followingquestions::

Who spirited uway the Spuniaid?Did anybody pay a witness in a

certain criminal case tu leave thocountry? Wlio failed to put thatname witness under bonds that homight be produced when needed?

Was the .witness wanted by thellcforni Government, or was hewunted to be away?

What became of the case even-tually?

Was there a bobbery In Court,and wa9 there an Attorney-Gener- al

in it?Was there any threats arising out

o? the case? What was threatened,and .vho was threatened?

Was the much-vaunte- d lleformGovernment implicated in the case,or was it not?

Want to Know.


Auctioneer Morgan holds, on Sat-

urday, one of the largest sales ofcity real estate, plantation slocksand government bonds ever held inHonolulu, the real estate comprisingnearly an entire block, known as theUootli estate property, situated inthe very heart of tho city. An unu-

sual opportunity is presented tosmall as well as large investors bythe offering of this valuable proper-ty, for the erection of retail, jobbinguml wholesale stores nro certain tocommand high rentals, and mustlinvo a large future value.

There is no better investment atpresent to recommend to investorsof trust funds tuul to capitalists andspeculators. A largo map ofthe property can be seen at Mr.Moigau's auction rooms, at whichplaco all further particulars con behad concerning this important 9alo.

Immediately after the sale of thoHeal Estate Mr. Morgan will sellsome valuable plantation shares, alsoJce Stock ami a lot of Government15'juds. A largo attendanco is ex


and full prices mp looked

?()It SAL12


riADnLKIIorf.wellO broken aud soundIn all respect!"'.

. W. U. FKACOCK.JW !ll


So.MIIIIOIlV w.uils u cotlne,e.

Firrv head of fat Moots uiofor miIo

on lCnlniku Itiini'li.

A mill, to do lions-'!- ' oik and lakecaie of I'liildipn is mlvoiliinMl for,

A MKinisu of the I'lhy Cmnicil is

ciilltd for II o'clock iiimn-hit- ;

at the (lou'i iiliient Koiim'.. . .

Tin: dcpaitiiro of the King for Kui-lu- a

thin uioiniiig v.'.is wijliout theusual ceremony on such occasion.

Ilm.i. t'eiilnil u( I ::'.( thiri afternoon: Wbalingo.uk lf niih'.s norlli-ca- (

; fic.sli uoilheiiMl wind; laining.

Tin: fiucigu inuil to be foiwaidedby the baikentine H. X. (.'astle willciosc moiiiiiig at 8:110o'clock.

Mlt. Jiiiiics Xoll, jr., Iiiir openedbiiNiii(sM n.s tiiistnitli and plumber utthe corner of King and Al.ikeaHticeis.

Mlt. I... I. Levey ha a special Mile

of dry goods nml gioeeiien, at I Ih

salcHioom, at 1(1 o'clock a. in.

Ji'imii: Heady of San Kiaucincooccupied a on the SiipicnicCoiirt bench tlii.s ni.M-nii- while theCoin I was .sitting in liniicn.

Don't foigct the yicat mle ofstocks-- , teal estate and (ioveiiiniculllonds, at auctioneer MoigunV Mileslooiu.s at 12 o'clock ihmiii lO'iimriow.

Tin: extension oi the O.iliu i.iil-io.-

ft oin .M.iiiiina to lioiioiilitili ba&

commenced. A Kitiad of men )uitbeen at VtOik on the io.nl this weak.

Mil. How's hoiku O.scuiioiiijwnssltippid by the ctcunicr XV. .

Hull tliiri morning. I'oiiaidcuiblcdilliclllty wan experienced ill gettingtin.1 animal on iionid.

Mil. 15. V. Pilliiighniii, l'lesideiil ofHie Oahu Hailway and L.uul Co., hasgenciotibly given ficc pnnse to (beschool children in the Kwa district,to tukc them to and fioin school.

Lntknoino bidders, are heicbythat the time M't for receiv-

ing lenders for new fculioolhoiises atHonotnu, llilo, Wainiea, S. Kohaln,and Kaauhiiliu, ITauiakua, all on theisland of Hawaii, will cxpiic. at 12o'clock noon on Tuesday, the 2Stli ofJanuaiy inst.

Ot'it icadeis will take notice thatin addition to the shares of stocksalready advertised to be told at thogreat ical estate salesauctioneer Moigan will also offer thefollowing shares : 2! hhares People'sIce and Refrigerating Co., 10 slimesOlownlu Plantation Slock.andii shinesOahu Hailroad Stock.

Ykstkiidav afternoon Mr W. S.Terry and Miss Cassie A. Heaineiwere married at the residence of Mr.l' W. Damon. The bridal coupledeparted by the steamer W. (1. Hallthisninrning. When they were boaid-in- g

thu steamer a number of ladyand gentleman friends threw haiid-ful- s

of rice and old shoes after them.

Wiikn the tiain was coming (otown Iron Maiiaua, hist evening, andwhen near Aki's rieo mill, a liistelas-.-s

car jumped the Hack. The train wastravelling very slowly at the time.The car did not upset nor icceivc anyinjury. Several passengers weio init at the lime, but were uiiliuit. Thepasscngors in the next car behind,which keot on the truck, wcie :iltmu- -

cd and jumped out. Some of themgot stuck in mud up to. their

was their only miaou tunc.

. Tin: exhibition of fne-woi- on theEsplanade last evening, was not veiylutcicstlug. llctwecn two and Ihtechundred pei&ons, chielly natives andChinese, had assembled within theenclosure. The fire-wor- hail be-co-

damp from previous exposureand consequently did not work satis-factorily. The Hawaiian band beingengaged elsewhere, the Portugueseband was employed to furnish music.Another exhibition, probably undermore favorable ciicunistanccs, will liegiven, at t lie same place on Saturdayevening.


The Royal Hawaiian Ilond willplay this evening at Hawaiian Hotelcommencing at 7:30 o'clock. Fol-

lowing Is .the progrommc:l'Aitr i.

March The Order of Hattlc.I.cliffhaidtOvintuie Queen of Spades MippeFantasia New Year Hymn KllngSeleellon I'lluec Mliuunoto (new)...

I'llletteFoil I'liiiiehaiiii. Like no a Like. Main

i ke Ao.


Selection llcllsiirhi Dnni.HllFantasia Forgo in the Foicst .

MlchaelisWalt. The Sviens WaldteufelPolka A Cood Kiss Waldteufel

Hawaii 1'onoi.


Calhcdral Services, !ld Sunday af-

ter Kpiphany :

Celebration of Holy Communion,0 ,.".0 a. in.

Morning 1'iaycr (plain) !):!J0,

a. in.Celebration of Holy Communion

(Choral), 10 a. in.l'reacher Hev. II. II. Gowen.Hawaiian Evensong, !J:30 p. m.Evening grayer ami Scrmoti,

C p. m.Preacher Hoy. W. II. llainpa.fllinday School, llilS a. m.Saturday, .Tan. a.'itli, Feast of

Conversion of St. PaulHoly Communion, 0:!10 a. in.Morning Prayer with address,

0 n. m.ICvt'iiing Prayer, ! p. in.

wmmymvawmffl HfyiflH! i!flt "'" wHElWWfjlS'"T","wr "'JVf' " -- gW" Tupr"wlj!w TF fwrs

n.MliY mU.I.IUTIN: IIOMOLUJ,,!', II. I.,


rVlarrlac of Miss AnnieK. Dowsetl: to Mr.Robert B. Rrenhnm.

Tho Ceremony at St. An-

drew's Cnthedrnl.

Itccciilliiii at I lie lii'lile'n I'm-ciita- l

iti llltmil r.iciit.

The marriage of Mi"s Annie la-hawa- lu

Dowselt to Mr. llohert P..

Hreiiham was soleninized in St. An-

drew's Cathedral yesleiday evening,with very brilliant and beautiful ac-

cessories to give lothe event. Elaborate and splendidlloral decorations a festal ap-

pearance lo the Intel lor of the grandedifice. Great bouquets were placedeffectively on the ccclesiiis,tical fur-nitui- o,

festoons of delicate vineshung between I lie pillars, lieie werebanks of green and there beds ofchoicest roses. Mailings were cladwith vines spangled with llowcr.UotiqticU 011 pil'ai's and cliaudelieiswere fastened with silken ribbons,the long ends of which llullcredgracefully down. An aich ol palmleaves and roses was reaicd over theapproach to the altar, .being sur-mounted wilh a gmgcoiis marriagebell of Dink and white roses, andover this a while dove held sticaiu-er- s

of white satin ribbon, on whichappealed the surnames of bride andbridegroom. Il is ptoper to slate,in passing, tliulthe decorations weredesigned by Mis. .lauiM W. Kobeit-sou- ,

Mrs. Geo. 10. Moat'dinau, uiulMis. Paymaster Corwin.

llcfoie Hie appointed hour ofseven the cathedral was crowdedWilli invited guests and others,Messrs. II. M. Whitney, jr., .1. ILWodehouse, jr., S. A. Monsarrat,and K. V. llishop being the ushers.The front pews on either side of thecentre aisle were imbedded in roses,and were occupied by Mis. .1. I.Dowsed, Mrs. M. C. Monsarrat,Mr. J. I. Dowselt, jr., Mr. M. I).Monsarrat, and lion. M. P. Deadyof San Francisco. Mr. "W ray Tay-lor punctually started a weddingair on tho instrument, the bride-groom the next moment entered fromthe side and stood at the front ofthe chancel. There was no delaybefore the bridal party marched upthe aisle to Lohengrin's weddingmarch on tho organ the bride lean-

ing on the arm of her father, lion,.lames l..l)oivsett, followed by MissMary Dowsctt, maid of honor, andMr. J. M. Monsarrat, best man,then bridesmaids and groomsmen,namely, Miss Jameson and Mr. Kd.Dowsctt. Miss Lizzie Conev andMr. W. T. Monsarrat, Miss F.mmaDavidson and Mr. AlikaC. Dowselt.

Hev. Alex. Mackintosh with mark-ed imprcssiveuebs joined the happypair in wedlock, a fulLchoral servicebeing rendered by the choir, begin-ning with the hymn, "How welcomewas the call." The ceremony wascompleted beneath the lloral bell infront of the altar, followed by thefaigning of the register in the vestry.As the parly lefl the edifice the or-

ganist played Mendelssohn's wedding maich with his accustomedskill. '

The bride looked lovely, hercharms of face and figure being notthe least causes of admiration. Shewore a dress of white moire sill; withtrain, the front panels of gold bro-

caded silk, a splendid veil and dia-

monds completing her adornments.Miss Maiy Dowsett was dressed ina corn-coiorc- d costume, Miss Jame-son in one of peach blow, Miss Co-

ney nile green, and Miss Davidsonshrimp pink.

Tho wedding reception was holdat "llanhaukoe," residence of thebride's parents, Palatini. A largelamii had been built for the occa-

sion, having a solid dancing floorand roof of iron. Coloied lanternswere hung profusely amongst thetrees and shrubbery and all overthe sides of the houses. Flags ofall nations new and bright canopiedand draped the interior of the lanai,which was further bcaittilled withone of the richest displays of foliageand bloom ever seen hero under aloof. One ol the prettiest lloral de-

signs was that of a harp at the headof the hall. Three bowerlike alcoveswere constructed on tho east side ofthe lanai tho central one for thebridal icccplion, that on the rightfor refreshments, and the one to theleft for the orchestra. The couplereceived congratulations from thoguests standing on a carpet beneatha beautiful lloral marriage bell.Their Majesties tho King and Queenwere among the earliest in the longprocession that went forward to fe-

licitate the joyful couple. Theywere attended by Mr. .las. W. Hob-crtso-

Vice Chamberlain, and Mrs.Uobertson, lady in waiting to HerMajebty. Over a thousand invita-tions had been issued for the wed-

ding, and a large proportion of thoseinvited responded. The throng wasso i'reat as to make it almost impossible to procure a full list, hut thenames qf tlioso atteiuting, so fa.r asnoted down, will ho found below In

alphabetical order:Mons G H d'Anglade, French

Commissioner; lion and Mts XV FAllen, Dr Anderson, Mrs A T At-

kinson, Miss Atkinson, Mr AtkJn-so- n,

jr, Mr mid Mrs W G Ashley,llio Misses Along.


mMMM m mm!! iioriiy IHcx'lc. Nil. J'l slci'i'l.


Fmiili, Biellih ami Aniricii D17 ami Fancy (ianls,


Kill (ilo'es, DiBioii Dye Blacl Hose in Rililial & Plain.

This Space is Reservedvow Tin-- :


Hon C II I'.ishop, Mr and Mr.s GK l'.oai'tlman, ?tlr.l llailram, HollandMrs Frank Hrown, Hon Cecil Itiown,Mr Godfrev I'.iown, Mrs (' F Hush.Mr ami Alts Malcolm llmwu, Mrand Mis J K Hrown, Mis Hiiek-woo- d,

Col and .Mrs J II P.oyd, MisHarlo, .Mrs Hicnig. Miss II Hrown.

Senhor A de S Canavarro, Portu-guese Commissioner; Mjs .1 O Cur-

ler, Miss Carter, Mr and Mrs JJiticeCailwrighl. Mr A W Carter, Mrs.las Campbell, Miss Mav Cummins,Mr. and Mis II N Castle, Miss Car-n- o

Casile, Mr and Mis K S Cuiiha.Hon A S (.'leghorn, Mr A J Camp-bell, Cap! Coghlan, l' Ss Mohican;.Moils Cognct, Hawaiian Consul atTahiti; Mi T Cummins, Mr .John FColburn, Lieut Crocker, V S S Mo-

hican, .Mis ('rocker, Mr aud Mrs CL Carter, Miss Corney.

His Excellency S M Damon, Min-

ister ol Finance; .Mrs J M Damon,Mrs S 11 Dowsett, Miss Dora Dow-

sett, Miss Duduil.Mr F. Damon, MrsRobert Davis.

Mr and Mrs H F Fillers, Mr .1 .1

F.gau, Mis-- , F.goilon.Capt and Mrs Fuller, Mr and Mrs

G DFreeth.MrandMrs.I II Fisher,Justice and Mrs Win Foster, LieutFillctte, l' S S Xipsic, Hon and MrsW K Foster.

Mr 11 F Glade, German Consul;Mrs Glade, the Misses Glade, Mi-

ami Mrs II Giinn, Dr M F Gross-man, .Mr K It Gilfard, Mr W Greig.

Mr J F Huckfeld, Helgian Consul,Mrs Hackfeld, Mr and Mis F MHatch, Mr and Mrs Walter Hill, Mi-

ami Mrs II F Ilcbbard, Miss Hunt,the Misses Ilowlands, Miss Henry,Mr K Hart, Mr C Hall, Mrs Hard-wic- k,

Mrs Ilaalelea.Hon and Mrs W G Irwin.Mr II V Lame, Mexican Consul,

Mrs Laine, Mr and Mrs T F Lansing, the .liis,es Low, air and airsDaniel Logan, Mr and Mrs K WLangley, Mr W Lauz, Capt, Lyon,lT S S Nipsic, Mrs J S Lqinon, Drand Mrs Lung, Mr .Ino Low, MrWin Lowers, Mr Sand LouUson.

Hev and Mis Alex Mackintosh,Miss McGrcw, Mr Tarn McGrcw,.Air K L Melncrny, Mr WMcInerny,Air and Airs C Alett, Mr UK Blelu-tyr- e,

the Alisses Afclnlyrc, AirFrank Alclntyrc, Air K L Alarshall,Aliss Alusgrave, Aliss AlcCombe, .MrAlex McKibbin, Aliss Alist, Air andAirs F W Alacfarlaue, .Mrs II WAlacfarlane, James Melncrny.

Major and Airs Sam Nowieiu, AlissXowlein, Air and Airs Norrie.

Air II F Poor, Air W C Parke, .MrGeo C Potter, Air. John II Paly,Consul for the Netherlands, AirsPaly, Aliss Pecazzo, Alias Parniiiitcr.

Hon AI P Robinson, Air and AirsC II Reynolds, Aliss Grace Rose, AirA AV Richardson, I'niled StatesVice-Cons- General, Aliss Roy.

His Excellency J L Stevens,I'niled States Minister Resident ;

the Alisses Stevens, Air II W Sever-ance, Tniled States Consul General ;

Airs J II Sopor, Prof and Airs Al AI

Scott, Air Geo W Smith, Mr Geo K

.Smithies, Prof and Airs G Sativlet,Air Sauvlet, Capt. St Clair, II II AI SChampion, Air K Slile, Airs Spald-ing, Aliss Spalding, Air F. I Spald-ing, O Stillmau.

Airs C Trower, Capt and .Mrs A XTripp, Air AVray Taylor.

Aliss Voss, Air and Airs D R

Vida, F Vida.Alajor J II AVodehouso, British

Commissioner ; Airs Wodehouse,Alisses F.thcl and Amy Wodehouse,Air J II Wodehouse, jr; lion II AWidemann, Alia AVidemann, Air.T R Walker, British Vice-Consu- l;

Aliss Bella Weight, Air (JK Wilder, Air W Woltors, MrCall Widemann, Captain and AirsWalker, Air II II Williams, ChiefEngineer II Webster, l S S Xipsic;Air and Airs J N S Williams, AirsWiddiliold, Air and Airs J W Win-

ter.Throughout the evening a mag-

nificent collation was available, amiuniversally availed of by the com-

pany at their pleasure, in the dininghall. There were viands to temptevery variety of appetite aud palate,and enough remaining ut the dis-

persing of the company to rppoitttho banquet. Besides thero wererefreshments on service the wholelime both up and down blairs. Inshort, the festive hospitality was ona princely scale. Dancing wasmaintained by a largo number till"Hawaii Ponoi" signalised tle closeof the programme- al two o'clockthis morning. Alusio of tlnu qualitywas furnished by the Royal Hawai-ian Orchestra.

The bridal presents were dispose

"I, rtn.


effectively in two adjoining rooms,and formed one ol the gicalesl at-

tractions to the guests. T'.ey wetcin much variety and for the mostpart were costly and exquisite arti-

cles of household uliliU, plate, jew-eli- y,

and woiks of art.Itcloic the night was spent Hie

newly married couple left for Pun-loa- ,

wlieie they spend their lionc-moo- n.

Mr. Ilivnliam is travelingagent for the AlauhatUin Life Insur-ance Company, a member of the Ca-

lifornia bar, and sou of a loriucrMajor of San I'riinci-c- o. The brideis the third daughter ot lion, andAirs. James I. Dowsctt. She isiinheisally esteemed in the commu-nity, her bright natural paits andlocal education heinti enhanced byseminary tuition in, also considerabletravel through the Tinted States..Mr. and Airs. Hreiihain will leave fortheir future home in New Yoik bthe steamer Zcalaudia lo San Fran-cisco on February S. They will beattended by the good wishes of alltheir acquaintances. The Bn.i.rrixtender its congratulations.

athoiic Fair!A Fni' will be given by the Catholic

Ueiicvolcnl Ho ieiy on

Thursday, January 30, 1890,

1." Tin- :-

ARION HALL.AI)MlsHI()N, : U." C'lllllh

Fi7 til

California : Lands

npjlB iindei signed wi-h- es lo Infoiin1. lim public that l'C h:i opened a

llraneh California Land Oltiee. al No.'i Merchant , Honolulu.To pen-o- n- wishing to Invest in

Choice Timber, Agriculture. Krilit orO raying Lauds in the line .State of Cali-fornia, or in Desirable. I!iilldiu; Lots inthe beautiful City and Submits of Oak-lau- d,

with lis 'urn haled elimatc andoppoi'luultle-- . I am piepaied to oli'eicwiy inducement in the way of bar-gain-.

The Lauds which I here offer have allbeen most can-full- by athoroughly reliable surveyor, eniplojedspecially for that piirno'-e-, and I "amtherefoie enabled lo ivc sati-faeto- rv

guarantee that every piece offeiedwiilMildly correspond with thuShen by inc.

'thi' Titles to those Lands are perfect,hclim in thu main state -- oliool hinds.

The pievioiis per-on- al

thereof at great c.eu-o- , olfeis abso-lute security lo pin chasers and N anInducement offered by no other dealeiIn state -- cliool lauds in California.

Tlio price ranges fioin SU,r) per acieiqiwaid according to quality and loca-tion, aud there Is no by Inkinginto account tin; rapid growth ami

of that State, that these landsofiered at these low figures must withina lew years command a much higherprice ami so secure lo ecry Investor aprolit not easily equaled In an otherline of speculation.

This oppoitmiity will he open fo,-- alimited time only,' and I thciefoiu ex-tend an invitation to all who wi-- li toserine good and cheap liiiiueslutli.itmagiiillcent Male ami ( 'oimtiy. and alsoto those who do.-ii- e to invel a littlemoney to so great advantage and prolit,to call upon me -- non and obtain lullpaiticulai's.

Information will bo cheerfully given.I- - Olllce loom with .1. A. Mngoou,

attornev, No. 1 Me.ieh:uil street.Hi" tf A. MOKOF'.


ITWFTY HHAH id Kut1? Steels Applv lo

KAHUKl' RANCH,nil tf K mi, Hawaii.


ADIVIDKN'Dof Tluec (SI) Dollarslie paid to the

shareholders of the Inter-Islan- d .steamNavigation Co, on TIIFHSDAY, HieLUid inn., at their olliru on IJueeiistreet. .1. KN'A,

Secrittarj 1. I. .S. X. Co.Honolulu, .Ian. ;:;, isut). i.v.i :u


WHY use salmon when NewMullet, iroiioiiiieed' by

coiinolisi'iirH lo hu vastly uupulnr, Isolilaiimlile" Whiiliisulu nueiils inn

.1. K. HKOW.N &CO.,I."7 tw Mercluint tticct.


A COOI) IVturo nl Walklki, for aliiultcl number of hoiso.i, nt ic.i.

fcontlilo iu.tf4. Apply tolOIlm W. II.ALDItlUII.

Views of the

The Kuiiilublo show fuiuici eoualsheets of some vcrv rospcctablc-slzei- lLondon.


The Fquilublc Life Assurance Society is a colossal institution. It isunique in its position and mai vclous in its iccnrd. It occupies the highestplace among kindred institutions. The Irish Insurance Hanking andFinancial Journal.


lli-- i no use digitising the fact that the F.qiiilable holds a remarkable-positio- n

among the Insurance olliccs of the Woild. It does a larger busi-

ness, holds a larger surplus and give a belter contract than any othercompany. f I.eainington Spa Courier. .....


With the pitiful system of stale insurance in (iurmauy compare what,

is done by some of the gieat private Assuianco Companies, by the greatestof them all, for instance, the Kquitablc Life Assurance Society of the FnltedStates. Dublin Lyceum.

The largonl of Aineriein Life Olllces and therefoie tho latgest in Urn

World is the Kquitablo Life Assurance Society of the V. S. fl'airplay ofLoudon.

The olllce that has done the most in promoting safe and libo.ral LifeInsurance i" the Kipiilablo Life Assurance Soeioy of the V. S. LoiuloirSociety.


New business in ISM) .

Income tor LSKil

Sin plus

ALEX. J.("Jencral Agcnl for the Hawaiian Islands, Fquiiahlo Life Assurance Society

of the I'. S. Jan-MM- )

Pacific Hardware Co., Id,Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods,

A NI-:- INVOK'K t)F--

Classware & Cutlery, Just at Hand;(iiil'.iuicd Fence Who, l'.l.ick Steel Fence Wiic, Galvaiwi-- Staple!,

Hhiel: Staples, Special (Quality Fence Staples.



British Press:


lo those the national balanceState?. ri'lio Insurance Woild "

17."i,fli)0,(Vll) 0(1

:;o,(ioo,fiii() ki

.. .Vlt),f)O0 IMI






1"-- !.'1PI.'''

In all lines by Lite arriv.il-i- . Agents for

ItiiiiluM (inrdon Hosts AVirc JJoiind IIohc, SI cam Hose,,or vr.nv sri'iaiiott )ri.m.

I'ACIFIC HAKDWAItK CO., (LV),15. F. Dn.i.iNoiiAM, .1. (i. .SiMiNcr.u, F. L. Wisria;,

) I'rcsidcnt. Manager A Sceictary. Tic.isiiiei.Rt.itv 'ifprf.ii,mii n'u't sca'ii





Shipping & Commission Merchants,


Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,'


ChnpcntiM.s', IHaolcHinilliH', .Machinists' A I'limibei'ii' Tool, '' iti- - '


Kitchen Fti nmls, l'.iintr , Oil- -, Varnislic-- , Lamp (Joodi. and

General HXcroluiiuliMo.

BLiko's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & (JIIj'js, & Remington Sowing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines,.inn-:- ! .m

K. K. Hn.sDIIV, 1'iesldeiit V Maiui,'ir. John L.na,(ioni'KKr Itiiow.N, .Secretin v i: Treiisurcr Ucoii. lluow.v. Auditor.


Oppo. Sitreckcls' ItiinL, : Fort HtrceJ, Honolulu.IMl'OUTFHS and DKALKKS IN

Hardware, -:- - Crockery,Cbandelicic, Klectolierc, Lamps & Lamp Fixtrui,Faints, )iln & VaiuishcH, Lard Oil, Cylinder Oil,I'owdor, Shot A-- dps, Maebine-loadc- d C'aitridge.s.tJbanibcrl.iin'.s Patent ;

HOUSE -:- - FURNISHING-- :- GOODS,Silvci I'l.Ued Ware, Table A Pocket Cutlery,Plows, Plautctn' Steel Hue.-- , and other Agricultural lniplemcnlx,



Hait'H Patent "Duplex" Die Stock for Pipe ,r Holt Cutlinjf,? ' l--

.Manila A. .Sis.,d IJope, Kublier Hose,Wiic Hound Rubber Hose, Spincter-e,iip- ; . jSpriuklein A- Spi inkier Stands,

A.G ENTM 1TO K ' I ' 3 T A J'

Union Metallic Caitiidye Co.,llailman'.s; Hlccl Wire Funco .t Steel Wiio Miifn,-"Nc-

Pmccn." Hope,Win. fl. Fishei'.s Wniiilit Steel Hanges, NOaPo Oarriage raints, T- -

(iatc Citv Slnue FilleiH, ... ..,! .

"New Pioccis" Twist DiUIk,.l H.uI'h Patent "Duplex" Die Htockn, '


Page 4: Jsiailii V ff - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · WENNER & GO. Jlanurnrtnrlne Jewellers. 3VO. OU JbXllrX'' STUIiliT. Constantly on hand s large asortmen of oTery description


riprKtrr-- -- , ""jlt- -

JpFr"?!pgppr ii-yw- p i "np.ipm .?'3f'- '--npqjyi"-- ' efp-v-;

k- -

tan HUWilW'n iW f ii$riiiMl...vfia3mTrni,

Ghas. Hustace. King Street,o

HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"Kiln Alaska Sen Twill, Kits Mttekoiol, Kits Salmon ltellicss, Kit Tonguesaud Bound, Cases Vienna Sausage, lliim Sntistgo, Salmon in I anil 2 Hi.tinsrHninn, R.ieon, Codfish, Tins Soused Muekeicl, Boiled Muekeicl in To-

mato Sauce, Top O'Ciin Hiand llntter, Honed Clihkcn and Tinker, TwinBrother' Yeast Cake,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Ceraliuo Flakes, Ueiinea, Breakfast Gem, While Oats, Highland Hulled O.itf,Dried Apticots, Diied Peaches. Pi lines Tahle Fruits Dale-- , Fins Bide'Food, Gelatine, Saldino, Wheat, O.its Bran, Potatoes Onion, and n

Geneiiil AsMiitnicnt of Gioeeueul Populiii t ict'.l.eae ynnr onleis or ring up No.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER yORT AND K1NU STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Slates anil Europe,Kresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.bud Goods delivered lo any part of the city free of charge. Island orders ?oli-du-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Poat Office Box Telephone No. 9'J fiiov-- S5

Telephone 240.- -

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. I.,


vsr-- OIV


By each steamer of the O. S. 8. Co. from California

Frtsli Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala, Fruits,

VInIi, dune, VcftjetnUUsN, 101c, !".A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & i. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of

(Herman Fates &. Potted 3Ient & ltottleil Preserved Fruil,I.ewln & Oo.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flake,Sicily Lcinous & Cala. Riverside Orauucs,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-1- 0 !ia fcinfaction l. 87



California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cnko Meal, Linseed Steal,

liavley, Rolled Barley,Middling Ground Baiioy,

"Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR 19-All- n, Golden Gate & Salinas- - FLOUR


Telephones, No. 175.

CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS,JOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor.



Ginger Alo, Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda.- oiiiVnA.cs.'j': ciivisk.


zi t tvxnoMutual Telephone 3 30 --tea o

"Island orders piomptly attended to.


-- P. O. Box 207,No

ICE ---


Cor. & Queen Sis.

-PURE jgtr i

sr Bell 298

under the of MISS

ttC .Si or Ifingr Hlroot.


." . "u.i'J

-:- -

-- 01-

Bl.iek Span mIi L.ice Flouncing, from $1 y.ud upwaid.Black C'hiintilly Lace Flouncing, fiom $2 yard upwaid.Eciu, Cie.im k. While Oriental fiom fiOelh yaul upwaid.K.xtisi Heavy (new otylc) Oiiental Flouncing, fiom .1 yaul upw.ud.

Dress Nets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & Black.Full as'oitment of all "hades of Cii'diincic, Moiioo, Satin it Oiof

Ginin Ribbon. Velvet Ruga in all -- izc jttbt leeeived.Best vaiiely in C.nmluie, Swis it Nainsook Kmliioideiies at

13. 3B te OO.Dressmaking Department


JOHN"TOImoml HlocJi," Noh.












Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,




W, G, FISCHERSFamous (Jnuitl Artlve & Golden



Cooking-:-Rang- es

-- with-

Broiler and Uot Water Attachments

.. ttAlU.bll.

Co mining one-thir- LES3 FUEL Ihnnany oilier stoic in existenfe,

either wood or coal.

Brick Work About II!

Jusl a Clean Cut Slove!

Whose Baking qualities me unsur-passed.

Reversible Grates !

This (Irate Is of a triangular form,having three surfaces which are reversi-ble, co lint a separate top sin face can heused on alternate days; or if the one sur-fac- e

In eoiuse of use shows any wemthen Ihe other can he tinned up, and so

the other, making it equal in diuabilily to three distinct Oiales

roil SM.t: my Tin;

Hawaiian iaMwara Go,,

Fort Street, Honolulu,410 tf Opposite Sprcrkels' Bank

Union, Fire & Marine

Insurance Co., L'd,Oi .V(mv Kcnliiuil.

Capital - - - $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellings Stores,Storehouses and Contents. A.l.o, Sugarand Rice Mills, Machinery, Etc , Etc.

3Ini'iiio Tiikii raneeOn IIulN, Cargoes and Fieights. Losspaid hete.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands,



The Lessees of Lotssirr.vn: in tiii:

Kapiolani ParkAle hciehy notified that the Association

is prepared to

Grant a Renewal .of their Loaso tot30 Years from date,

Upon prefeitation of proper title deedsand the payment ol a nomi-

nal rental.

Applications to be made to W. 51

OlFFAHD, Secretary.

A. S. CLEGIIORX,I'lcsidcnt Kapiolani 1'tnk Aso'n.

Honolulu, Dee. i7, 188 4'J!) lm


74 King st. Sd. 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMovid with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr-1- 0 8S


JOTlCE Is lieiebv given lo nil per-.-

soup that on tlio :t0tli day Decem-ber, ISrti), a nieeting of the Moekhohl'M.-n- f

the Hawaiian Taellle Cable Co washeld at the ollleo of E. (). Hall it Son,Limited, Honolulu, and at .said meetingIt sas voted by said .stoekholdei-- loaccept a ehaiter of ineorpoiatloii i;niiit-e- d

to them under the corporate nameand stvle of ''Hawaiian l'acllle Cableto." November 15, lS.s'.i, and that Ihecorporation under wild ehaiter theie-upo- n

oiganled thPin-elv- c- and electedthe following olllceis:.l.'.Sheinian Jlaitholomewof Honolulu

rreshlenllion. Eilgar Ciow llaker, 51. I'., ol

Victoria, H. C nt

E. (). While of Honolulu SeeietnijI'limk A. Dudley of Xhigaia Falls, X.

V Tie, i oilierWin. W. Hall of Honolulu Auditor

Notice is fin Ihor given that pursuantto Ihe terms of said charter, "No stockjiojiler shall Individually hu liable forthe d'M of flic Coi potation beyond the(iniouut wldeji fh")' ?" 1 "P0" Ihethe Rhine or fhaici hejij or owned bylilniMilf." E, 0. WIHTK.ID I m Seciclnry.

...jCv-' wrfiiKiMik . ei-ito- j



JPyVJ.rJ,nV !

General Election of 1890 !

l'OI! Noni.ES Iki.axi) or ouir.H. A. WI DEM A NX,.101IX A. CUMMINS,E. C. MACVARLAXE,E. Ml'LLER,ii. 0. craijim:.p. .1. McCarthy,,1. S. WALK Kit,.mux lMiiLLii'sI). W. IT A.

FOI! ItKI'liKNEXTATIVKKor Ko.nm, Oaiic.

Wuii) 1 .1. E. RUHII.Waj)2 W. II. PUMM1NOS.WMtDll A. M MtQHKS.W.Mii) I T. I!. LUCAS.Waki. '. It. W. WILCOX.

IkIiukI ol" TYTniii.




Waiumu- - .101 IN W. KALl'A.L. W. KANEALII.


411 tf

Nobles for Hawaii.


K. A. UURC1IARDT, )'' vea,",'

J. ."rARSDEN, ) .,W. II. l'URVIS. I vcar3- -



AUNT ABBEY'Sflnnlrn Tlollnrl Onluuuyu nuiiBU uiiis:


II on It hint :i:mi)iii1mi l :

D.'llclotiM !

IW Sample fiee at all Leading Orn.ccrles.

31 ITCIIELTi & PETERSON,449) S. I Agcnla. 1 121


A nxr. Coll (male).' liiquiiv nt

--?il5 i;:i lL't

NOTICE.Tl RS. OSI50RXE is now pieparcd toLVA ive iiiHtructionrt in Fancy Workat "The Ailinglon," Itooni 0. ClassLessons: Monilays, Wednesdays andFridaya. Private lessons by specialanangement. Stamping nn'd orderspromptly attended to. 450 tl

NOTICE to SHIPPERS.the more satisfactory nccommo.

dfttion of oui patious we heg tosuggest to them that in cases wheredrays are lequired for shipping goodsto steamers and coasters, orin any case where uqulrcd, at 1 o'clockshaip of the day, they will find that bylinging up Mutual Telephone No. 2IW,between 12:15 and 12:4(1 In the noonhour that Mr. Hewett will he thereinpoison to iccelve all ordets, and ourIiIciuIh will thereby gie.uly facilitatebiislnesi to the better satisfaction ol nilconcerned.

IIUSTACK & R011ERTSON.4,ri7 8m



Just the Tiling for the Holidays

-- AT TIIK- -

Pacific Hardware Co.431 If

niWHwmmjmumiiimvitmnpmiimi'to&;n&irV'Tr -rirti'vtiviMmiliir Tit -mi'-

OiiIhi Railway k Liinil Co.'s

TIlIi: TAItM.:

Itr.UI't.Alt TltAIXK:Leave Honolulu Xo. 1 ! a. m.;

Moaiiiilun (2.;ii miles) )):12; i'uiiloa(li.'lt miles) !):2.; llnlawa (S. 14 miles)iHltO; Alea (II.U7 miles) l)::iii; Knhiuuo(10.02 mile-.- ) !l::iti; Wuhiti (KI.IKI miles)l):l,l; arrive nt Mauiiini (ll.Tii miles)!i:4.

Leave Honolulu No. 112 p. in.;Moaniilua 2:12: l'uuloa 2:2:': llnlawa2:!'.0; Aiea2::iil; Kalaiiao ::',!i; Wiilaii2:i:i: at ihe :il Mauaua 2: Is.

I.i'.iw 5liiiiiiua -- No. 211 n. in.;Walait (n.s:i miles) 1 1 :o. ; Kalauao(1.74 mile-- ) ll:l)!i; Alea (2..T) miles)11:12; Hiihiwa (:i.t',2) 11:18; 1 loa(.V.1I) 11:2.'.; Moaniilua (tl miles) u :',(,:

niilie at Honolulu 11 :!.Leave Mauaua -- No. 4 I p. in : Walau

4:IV; K'lhumo t:0': Alea 1:12; unlaw.)I:1S; 1'iuiIoi4:2.'i: Moaiialuii Di'.lliar-ih- e

nl Honolulu I: Is.

MIMIAV TltAIN:Leave Honohilu !i::!0 a , 12:(1 and

,'i p in,; .Mo.iualiia II: 12 u. m., 12:12and !t:12 p. in ; I'uulo.i 0:,':t a. m.,12:on :indy:2,". p. in.; Haluwn 10 n. in..1 and :i::tO p. in.; Alea I0:0i a. in., 1 :0iand:i::iii p. in.; Kalauao lu:d!l a. in ,1 :ii!) and :!::i'.i p. in.; Walau 10:1:; n. in.,1 :i: and ;t:i:i p. m.; arilve at Mannn.i10: l,s a. m , lilSniiil.'iilSp. m.

Leave, 5lauana 1 1 a. m , I :i:t mid 4 :05p. in.; Wflluu 11:0.-

-. a. in., 1:IS and 4:10p. m.; Kalauao 11:0!) a. in., 1 :fi2 and1:11p.m.; Alea 11:12 a. in., 1 :i.i and1:17 p. in : llnlawa 11:18 a. in, 2:0:1and 1:2.1 p. m.; Puuloail :2.n. m., 2:08and Isllllp. in.; 5loaualua ll::in a.m.,2:10 and 1:11 p.m.; airive at Honolulu11:48 a. in.. 2::i1 itml 1 :.':! p. m.

A. II. Trains stop at linlllil eltlierway only on Mgual or to leave pas-eii-

-- .

HATF.H of FAItK:- i ii ii.

Honolulu lo '. s f. S nsr ?t fi rt & iCf. tl (! Hi

Moanalua , .2.". .10 i? .I0 .U0

l'uuloa Ill ,2."i .7: .'0(5Iacfai lane's)

Ilalawa Me ,:i:, l.oo ,r,:Alea .00 .10 l.lf. t70

(.MeGiew'MKalauao .f!3i .45 1.25 .75

(Mis. Kapu's)Walau ' .05 .45 1.2". .75

(AkINMIll; "i

Maiiana .75) .50 1.25 1 Oil


X. B. Passengers not pui chasing tic-

kets before boarding the train at sta-tions where tickets me sold, will beehaiged 10 cents additional to thelegular faie for train lates.

tQr'Jheabove time tables and ratesof fares to take etfeet on Thursday,Januiiiy 2, 1S00.

W. C. ASHLEY,112 tf Superintendent.

castle" & cooke",IlirOKTKUM,

Hardware, ShippingAND

Commission Merchants.DKALKIIS IX

General Merchandise !

Plantation Agents,life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents..Inn!) HONOLULU, H. I. 1890


Life, Fire & Marine '

Insurance Agents !

Aoknts i on:

New England Mutual Life Ins, Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hailford.


Insurance Company,I'lro & Marlnr.

OK RVX rilANCIBCO, rAMFflltMA..Ian 3 L'O


Roturncd on the Australia and has re-

sumed prnctlcu at his former oillce, 03Hotel street. 400 t f


Has removed from Foil stieft to Ito- -

Lello Lane, i'alama.OFKirr. Houiis: 9 a. m. to IS u. and f!

v. m. to 0 1'. M.

Mutual G08"aTELEPH0NESaerBoll 47541ft tf

A Cure for Influenza !

yR. LOZIER'S HAWAIIAN CHERRY COR.JLj DIAL, one ol the best remediesever prepared for coughs, asthma, lungand chest trouble, and a great reliefto whooplne cough and throat n flection.Ask lm Dr. Lozler'j Hawaiian Cherry Cor-dial sold at


4 ilia


HAVING bought out Mr. W. II.In the "Honolulu Carriage

.Manufactory," at 128 Koit street, loinprcpaied to continue Ihe. above buslnesflunder the old mime of Honolulu Car-riage Manufactory, and being an. oldexpei lenced carriage builder I eolicltthe putronago of my old tricnils and thenubile in geiieial, anil with my thoroughknowledge of the business and with

workmen and using only thebest material I guarantee geueial satis,fuctlon. I'lease call and see ine heloregoing elsewhere.

(Bicncd),: OIHKON WEST.HnuoIlllir.jOct. C8, 188!), t)(ll tf

..:.... 'fiSb&ti M&kLik

Oceanic Sieiiiusiiip comD'y.


from San Francisco.

Leave Due atS. F. Honolulu

AlauiPilii .I.in II . .Inn IKMuiipoMi . Feb s Feb

enl.iudia.. . . Mar 8 ..MarAl.iinedu , Apr 5 . . .AprAim iposa 5Iav :i . .MayXealaudia . May :il .lunuAlameda . . .Tutu: 28. ...InlyMaii))o.a .Inly 2(1. Aug

calandiii. . Aug 2,'l AugAlamedii. Sept 2(1 ...Sept5Iaiiposn ..Oct 18 OctZeal.india . . . Nov 1.1. ...NovAhimeda .. . . Dec El. . . . Dee

For San Francisco.Leave. Duo nt

'Sydhcy HonoluluZealandia . . .Inn 22.. ..Feb 8Alanie.lii . . Feb 1!) . .Mar 8MaripOKi . .Mar III.. ..Apr fZealandia Apr 10 . May Ii

Alamedii 5Iny II May 111

5IuiipOHt. . ...Tune II .Tune 28Zealandia . . .Inly !... July 20Alameda Aug 0 . .Aug 211

Maiipo.sa Sept II. Sept 20Zeal.indiii .. .Oct 1.. Oct 18Alameda Oct 2H Nov '15Maiipo.sa ...Nov 20 Dee litZealandia Die 21 Ian 1(1

Intermediate S. S. Australia.

'Leave S. F. Leave Honolulu.Fiiday .Ian .'!1 Fiidav Feb 14Fiiday . Feb 28 Friday.. ..Mar IIFiiday. 51 a r 28 Fndav Apr 11

Friday . Apr 25 Fiiday ..5Iay !)

Friday. .Mav 2.'i Fiidav ..Tune 0Fiiday. .lime 20 Fiidav. July 4Fiiday July 18 Fiiday. . Aug 1

Fiiday .Aug 15 Fiiday. Aug 2!Friday Sept 12 Fiidav Sept 20Friday. ..Oct 10 Friday. Oct 24Fiidav. . Nov 7 Fiidav. Nov 21

Fiidav .Dec 5 Friday ..Dee 18


Tho new and fine Al steel steamship44 Zealandia,"

Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, willbe due at Honolulu trom Wydncy

and Auckland on or about

February 8, 1 890.And will leave for tho above port withmalls ami passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

toWM. Q. IEWIN ft C0H Agent.

For Sydney and Auckland

Tho ncv and flno Al steel stenwhlp

"Alameda,''Of the Oceanic 8tenmship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu from SunFrancisco on or about

January 18, 1890.And will have prompt dispatch withmalls and passengers for the above ports

For freight or passage, having 813PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, appl)toW WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Agent.

LOVEJOY & CO.,1.5 Xunauu Nt., Honolulu.

Offer for sale at unusually low prices, afull assortment and best In amis of

Ales, Wines, Beers, SpiritsAc.

f"IIavlng been appointed by Jlessrs.J achinan & Jacob! of San Finnclhcotheir Agents for Hawaiian Islands,we me en tided to offer their justlyCelebrated Wines to our fi lends and thepublic at vety low rates. 131 lm

The Tlioroiiglikl Stallion

"MARIN"Will stand at scivice al

Hrcoud 2;22t(C, Hnerameuto, Sept, 15,1887.

I'ltninjiicu: Marin was shed byQiilnn's l'atchen, he by Oeo. M. Pat-che-

Jr.; Marin's duui by Emigrant, heby Hilly McCrackenj Hilly McCrackenby McCracken's Ulaek Huwk, 787, (thesire of Ijidy Dooley, and of the dam ofOverman, UilOtO. McCracken's BlackHawk, 707, by Vermont Dluclc Hawk, 0;2nd (linn by Marshall's Dlack Havyk, heby Easton's llluck Hawk. The dam ofQuhin's Putchen, by .Htoekhridge Chief,ho by Vermont Black' Hawk, 5.

R. T. Can oil of Sau Francisco, thefonner owner of Marin, vouches, thatout of thlrty.six mares served by thishoiso during his tost season in Cali-fornia, thlity.llve proved with foal.


iXLif '.



Per "Eskdale"123 days front Liverpool.

DRYGOODSILarge, Varied & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,DrcFslng Caecs,

Mirrors,Wiel.et Wnie, Ulc.

GROCERIES,A full line

MIMTin(ii u ;

A large asHortinciit.



Ourrlatf' I.ampM

Sugar &


-- ANn-

Othor VarietiGB.


Latest Novelties.



American andi'ortiigncBo




Rock,Livorpool and

iliggin'a Dairy.

Oile ! Oils !

Roiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc


Coniigated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !Annealed,

Galvanized Barbed,'Patent Steel Barbed




California Groceries

Of all varieties, always In stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour



