JSA - A doubt has arisen

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  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    Client Copy

    Date: 10 December 2010lssued by:Number:Type:Job:District:Wage:Hours:Duration:Details:

    bcentre Plus Office


    tON DAY TO FRI DAY BAM-4:30PMPERMANENTDuties include, inputting data relatinq to contractsMur database and the Clients}E own web site (), to be fully aware of the specific requirementslient with regard to the information that isprovided, to ensure that all information is passed ontothe Client within the necessary time constraints, keepcontract files updated, generat

    Pension:Contact:Closi ng Date: cem 10What To Do Next:Please forward your CV/written application to:

    Address: Jo bcen t re P Ius O ffi c eHigh Street

    Additional Details: IPTION AVAI LABLE FROM _ JUtiLt::.N I Kt:. UN

    Wishing you success In your application. If you would like detai Is of other jobs please ringJobseeker Direct on 0845 6060 234. if you prefer to speak Welsh, the Jobseeker DirectWelsh language Service is 0845 6067 890. The number for deaf or hearing tmpaired peoplewho have access to a textphone is 0845 6055 255t or 0645 6044 022 for the Welsh Lang uagetextphone service. Calls to Jobseeker Drrect are charged at local rate

    www.jobcentrepl us.gov.u k ES12

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    Data Protection Act 1988Jobcentre Plus may put the information you give on thisform onto a computer system to help your apphcabon.Application for em ploymentAbout the vacancyVacancyaooueo to rEmployer'sname

    Return tlIisform to

    vacancyn umbe rClosing date / I_z ./ wI () :~]I

    ._. _ .. .._._ _ .. - -I1-Personal details J1 Trtle Mr ~ Mrs D Miss 0 Ms D

    _1---------'1urname2 Address

    3 Full daytimephonenurnbet

    4 E-mailaddress

    Ot t 1 a r D Please (Opac i f y ._I ~_~Jcnhern~es U I I I I I I I I I I I ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ iIf- U la e ve n In gphone number

    5 : ~ n glcences [ F uU- u '" f l A Y D t-lv1-lvit L . - ~ ( . f -_A !. t t __. . ._ _ ..... . ._...Inc i uo e any poi nts on yoLJrlicencea n d th e re a so n s to r t hem .6 Work history

    Start withyour mostr ec e n t jo band wmkback.Continue ona s e pa ra tesheet ifn e c e s s a r y .

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    7 Educationand wain lngStan with th emost recentand workback.Continue ona s e pa ra tesheet itnecessary.

    8 Do you hold No [2(a currentvalid passport Y e s Dr ID card'?For o ve r se a svacancies only.

    9 Any otherevidence tosupport yourapp llocationFor examo l e .experiencerelevant to thejob you areapplying t o r ,

    13 I confl rm that t to the be st of my knowledge I thejnformation I have given on this fotm is correct.


    10 It there 1$anage limit onthe vacan cy,tick th~sbo1(to contlr m thatyou meelthe ;lJgere qu i re ment

    11 Refe rences

    12 11you requ ireany partlcu lar8r rangementswhen attendi n9an inten-iew,please givedetails.

    10 . I r l . .'------::._,._ ..... - I 1-0/" . ]ate

    fSf i"JP_l 1201(J_C(I(l_OO I

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    j o b c e n t r s p i u sP

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    Do you wish to comment on the reasons why y o U : t : e f u s O O l f a i ! e t H o t ippl f fOr! f i3 j lGd:: td: acc.ep.ttheo pp or tu n ity?Yes D.. Go to question 2No r~ .. Please sign and date the form

    2 Pleasegive fulI detai~sof why Y 9 4 : tilfl$4 : : W : t$~~ i. (1 Y $ M t @ ) i1 t : t f : l ~ : : Q P . P 9 . f 1 i J . r i . f t Y ~ :

    Please sign and date below... - _., Date c_ _ 1 ~ ~ ; . ~Signed I.


    :. ': , -'. , . 1 .::- "

    -----_ ---_.

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...




    Ref :

    Dear MrA doubt has arisen on your claim for Jobseeker's Allowance because it appears that: \ 1 0 : u : : : ; ; .: , . ; ;; . r u s e d : t o : : : a c : ; ; " , : o p . '( : : 0 r : : : r : . o f t i S e d : t ; ; ; " : : : a p . p . : h l : f ; ; ;. . {: ; ; ; " { f a :" l l :Oct: : ' ;; ; : :a ' ;; :, ;. o p . : . t : : 0 r : : j a : . , I e d :t 0 : : a p p . : h ' :f ; ; ' { a . ' : : ~ b : :;f: :-.. - : ' : ' ? :~ - : . - : YY }1 ~ .~ ~ ~x.~.',.'~ : 0 ; . ( y ~ ~1:.y J~ ..: i j " : b : . o l- i i n " ' . . : :.pp ..~:~....~~y A decision will be made whether payment of Jobseekers Allowance will be affected You will be notified of th e decision as soon as It is made. We will let you know what effect the decision has on the payment of Jobseeker'sAllowance and/or th e award of National Insurance credits.As long as you are still looking for work. you should continue to provide signeddeclarations as instructed on your E540.Payment of Jobseeker1s Allowance will not be affected until the decision h8S beenmade.P le a s e s e e the e n c lo s e d le a f le t ESL48 . It is important that you read it.Yours sincerely


    www .dir ec t.p ov , u klb e n ef its

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    j o b . p lu sNotes for Guidance

    ;o; E 1 ~~eDtp~~meEl"l1'1,W~~~_ ' 1 ; " 1 d P

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    What happens if the decision is unfavourable?If d i~,decUed t t n1 you carmot he p~~idJob.seeker's. AHuwa n c6 under the oorrnal rules you wiH besent R icttcr giving you the reason for this nnd letting you know for ';...v~tperiod vou will not be paid,YG U may be ontitfcd to payment of JDbS0Gl l t~ :- s "r,r,q < : : : .(.... ~/I~ ~._:;,--:.:...;~ 1 t~ - :: : 1: : ~ ~ . .. . ~ nWhere can you get help with your appeal?You mDy b e ablp to g21 tree advice about YDur claim fer .Jobseeker's AHowen c8 from one of the

    '" Otj;::::Dn~;' Advice Bureaux Bonafrt Advice Ccntrc:s .. local Law Contree . Trades UnionsSUff I\s.SOCi8tiohS _.Solidtors (undN the ~egat adVce assistance scheme)

    Tt-v~j may 2]SO help and represent you if you make an appeal,What happens if you are in receipt of National Insurance contribution creditsonly?if you are not eh@ed to, o r have not claimed Jobseekw's AJowanC8, yo u must stH satisfy most otth0 .s;vnc COn(M~ons beforo N(1t iOh21 Insurance cmdits WL be awaroeo b y the Secretary of Sla18. t t ~tis decider) that Nationa; losurance contribution credfts cannot be awarded you wH ! be notiffed byl e t te r .What if you disagree with the credits decision?You Play 3sk for en explanation or apply for a reconsidoration of the deoision once it ha s been made .The iEAtw wW advise you how to do this. You can also appf lJHI to trw} ApQ{yi l ls Service.What if you are a member of a joint claim?1fY1 decis.i(n n o t if ic a U o n wd b e s e n t to beth o f yo u in a loint c l a im , 1 f yo u d is agre e 1JiHl the re a s o n fo r1 1 1 0 diSt] I IQI,-VY~( '0or sanction, either, or huh of you can ask for an explanation, or app1y for afeconsidwaticn o f the decision.Either or beth ot you CHn Sl30 appe@ to t(t8 ,i:.,ppea!s Ser.;icR t t this happens boH1 of you w;!l be sentH copy of the papers that w e; B.and to ttld j\ppeals SerAce and you will both be entitled 10 attend thetribut"wj hf'..aring. I f yo u wish to Bppe a i a s k fo r !eBf te- t GL2< ''I f y o u thtnk o u r (J O Ci:1io n is wrong".

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~-- -~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ .

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    Lla nelli LM DMA Sector OfficeLlanelli BDCSiemens WaySwanseaSABO BAD(0845) 6088554



    We would like further information to help decide your claim for Jobseeker's Allowance and/orNational Insurance cred its.In order that we are aware of aII the intormation surrounding your cia im r please reply in full toa tl of the questions overleaf. Please give any fu rther information you wish us to take intoaccount.Please answer the questions over the page even if you are already receivingJobseeker's Allowance. Send the completed form back as soon as you can and nolater than one week from the date shown above. A pre-paid envetope or label isenclosed for this purpose.Please note that it ls in your interest to respond to this letter as you may loseJobseeker's Al1owance/Nationallnsurance credits if you do not.If the questions asked overleaf relate to a former job, any comments you make may beshown to your former employer.

    Yours sincerely



  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    Questions-- ._--- ----- ._-----------

    ReplyYou have stat~ a~ thevacancy at __ -he Jobcentre has stated that you didnot apply for the vacancy and that no CVor application was received from you.Please contlrrn:

    a} What was the full postal addresswhere you sent your applicationform?

    b} What date did you post yourapplication form?

    c) D;d you use a 1st or 2nd classstamp?

    d) Where did you post yourapplicatlon form?

    e) Why didn't you hand in theapplication form at your signingintervention?

    g) If you keep copies, then pleaseprovide copies of other applicationforms you have copied forvacancies you have previouslyapplied for.

    Please sign and date this form:

    [ ES86B/2 ]

    f i J # ; . l {'1J. ~""Ac- ! f lPP(,uITfA/r:


    Signed:Date: , .. Cantin ue on another sheetif necessary

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    I to d ay : 3rJ February 201 1: rece ived a lc ttcr/fo rru fLSS6Bl from the L lancl Ii LMD MA S c c to r O ffi cc req uc sti n g furthc r in f o rrua ti o n about th c rc cc nt que IY abou t an__ o r e m p lo y rncn t w ith .lobCentre Ref.:

    As the le tte r requests th a t I rep ly in ful l to th e questio n s asked : I feel it is prcfcrabl c toansw er them in the fo rm o f a w ord -pro cessed d o cum en t.a) \Vh at was th r full postal address when'The full postal address was "FAO:

    ()ffiee,_ 11igh Street,0/ {headdress labet {hal f'>'a~alfired to (he envelope's

    llcati on form?.Iob Ccntrr Plus

    b) Wh at date did you pnst ynur appl lcatlun 6 1 ) rm?The date I p o st ed the a pp lica tio n w a s Friday l O t l l December 20 l O . 'UH''','''-J- l pm, Ialso had ~l ica t ion for a vacancy_ (Ref.: __ ) which I posted atthe same time.

    e) Did you use a l~t or 2nd class stamp?I used a l~t class s t amp . The clerk at the Post Off ice Counters Branc h at_arfixed a l ~t class s t amp to both enve lopes . Bruit envdrme.,. were taken

    d) Wh ere did you post yo ur appll cation fo rm?As stated in the p re vio us q ue st i on. both en ve lo pes w e re taken by the clerk at the_ Post Of f i ce Counters Branch .

    e) Why didn ~ you han d in the appll cation fo rm at you r slgnln g intervention?l) I was only made aware of both_ and _ during my 3

    month re vie w /i n te rv ie w , w h ic h took place on Friday. l O December 20 l 0 atappro x.l O am . The advisor w ho conducted this re vie w /i n te rv i ew was __ (at the_ Jo bt.e rit re O ffice ). I signed-on during this i n t e rv i ew .

    2) As it w as getting late in the morni ng , I devoted the entire at t ernoor i toapply ing for both vacanc ies . As the appl ica t i on to w as to be sentto the employers site. I composed a cover letter tor and the npri nted it. Ihe n prin te d 2 co pies of my CV (one copy to accompany myappl i cation mr_. the other copy to accompany my a pp l i ca ti on for-)-

    3) As the appl ica t i on for_ w as to be appl i ed to r via the_J obCentre of f ice , I used a J obCentre Appl ica t ion Form lES5J PJ and tilled itin manually with a black f ne-line pen . Ar ter tilling-i n. I scanned the form tokeep an e le ctro nic co py for my reference. before rutting it in the enve lopewith a copy of my CV _

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    4) As the closing date for_ was Tuesday. l4111December 20l 0 and itwas getti ng clos e to late a tternoon. I opted to send the appl ication (with CV)via l~1class post, in the hope that it would catch the eveni ng postal collectionand be delivered to the _ J obC entre office ahead of the clos ing date (i.e.the l4111December 20 l 0 _) Seeing I had co mpleted 2 applicati on forms. I o pte dto send both envelopes at the same time.

    f) ]] ow did you have a eopy of the applleati on form?I downl oaded a bas ic black-and-white vers ion of the [SSJP form orili ne ath T I I l . ~ e } Y J - ~ } y : _ q l Y n o g _ C l _ Y _ ~ l , _ l } ~ L q _ Q _ C : : ~ " ' ~ ~ " ' i ~ _ J 1 9 JI p ri nte d out thi s for m and manu a lly till edit inwith a black rine-Ii ne pen. A her completing this form. I s canned it (to keep anelectronic copy), and then pl aced the completed form to gether with a copy of my CVin its res~vel ore- Aher ~ddress labels for both the envelopes(one tor __ . the other for __ ) and affixing them. I then went to thePost Off ce Counters Branc h to post both appl ications.I would res pectrully draw your attentio n to the "Ge neral Guidance:'; otes ' on rage 2of the onl ine [SSJP form that is located at the above LR L "J( n'p a photoeop-v of,'ou r form as a us efu I reminder of what vnu wrote if vnu get an interview."

    g) ] f you keep euplcs, then please pro-vide copies of other applleati on forms that youha-ve copied for vacancies you h a -ve pn'" luusly applied filr.Pl eas e rind enclosed a copy of:-

    l) Appl ication form [SSJP for "Trainee IT Ass istant", Ref.: ~(dated l6 111:';ovember 20l 0). with "Client Cory sheet" (dated l2 :';ovember20 l 0 ) and rejection letter (dated 3 rd December 20 l 0 )_

    2) ~cation Cover Letter for "Office A dmi nistrator/Ma nager", Ref.:"_ with "C l ient Cory Sheet" (both dated l0 111December 20 l 0)_ This is theappli cation I posted at the same ti me (but in different envelopes) as myappli cation mr_ in the_ Post Office Counters Ilra nch.( P Iea ,~e , ~ ee enc to s ed a cop J' 0/ th e address tah et I a f f ix ed to th e e f1I '' e,op e)

    3) Application for "A ViC & IT Technician" atwhic h I a pp li ed for on [3111June 20 l 0 (before my Redunda ncy :.; oti ce periodhad elaps ed),

    4) Appl ication for "lCT Manager' at_. whic h I appl ied for onRedundancy:'; otice peri od had elaps ed),

    I trust that these answers arc to your satisfaction: but should any more infor rna t i on berequired: please do not hcsi tate to contact me.

    Yours Faithfully:

  • 7/23/2019 JSA - A doubt has arisen...


    General guidance notes+ F'radiGs writi nq Vox anS'Ne! S Or! a blank pie(>="01 paper befors \'OU t i l l in ~he

    ap r_ d(::a. l_"'n IO r rn so yo u don't m ake m is ta ke s. r v 1 ~s la .ke s o n the to r rn \ I . , I I H n e timpress all employer.

    AnS\"i0r all tile quest ions v~"Ith mtormat Ic)n t nat Is rei evant to t [;e J uO yc)u' ref .JPP~Yll lg tor. Av\-) !d us:ng I~Jo t app hcable' ~n/aj

    + : ~ + W : :H ~ ~ S ~ ? ? ? & iF y : ~ O ? r M~i>~+tM:r:~0!~ :? H H 0M~ j W W f H + : i ; :: y . 9~);1~ t : :?~)(tg(:Y~9\f