The Grapevine, April 2016 Joy and Inspiration A Message From Rev. Dr. Wilberforce Mundia Dear Friends: Alleluia. Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. I greet you with the Joy of Easter. As I mentioned last Sunday, Easter is very emotional for me. Every time it comes around it reminds me, in a powerful way, that the victory is won. Let us ride on the wings of Christ, as He soars into the abodes of God. Notice the paradox of Christianity: I hope things are going well with each and every one youand that you are feeling blessed. However, even if this particular time is filled with trials, temptations, and difficult situations, you are reminded that you are God’s own child. If you were fortunate enough to have wonderful parents, as I was, you know how much their deep love means to you. Such love often breeds a level of self-esteem that can hardly be taken away by anyone or any situation. Now, think about it: God’s love for you is a trillion trillion times infinity more than, compared to your parents’ love. Holy Week and Easter tell you so. And if, by happenstance, your relationship with one or both of your parents was not a fulfilling one, guess what? God says: “You are my child. I love youand I would suffer to the end of time for you. You are my child eternally. Remember that, my daughter, remember that, my son.” Holy Week and Easter tell you so. Alleluia. For this, and many other reasons, I rejoice in the Lord that our worship services on Easter Sunday were glorious. The Lord is worthy of all our worship. It was a particularly joyful Sunday on account of the large number of guests we had. We pray that the Lord blessed them abundantly in worshiping with us. We praise the Lord for enabling them to worship with us at St. Bartholomew’s. We live in a world of many challenges and with each passing day it seems the challenges become more numerous. People are searching for “someone” to lead them out of despair and difficulties within their own lives. Yet in reality, this is exactly the way it was in the time Jesus walked the dusty roads of Israel prior to His crucifixion. The people of that day thought His primary purpose was more political in nature than spiritual, but they were mistaken profoundly as Jesus declared that His Kingdom was not of this world. One cannot watch the news of the day without realizing that so many people are struggling on so many levels to understand their purpose in life. And so, God calls me, and every Christian, to urge one another to appreciate what Christ did on the Cross, as well as the Resurrection three days later. It is vital to remember that A monthly newsletter of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 204 W. Salisbury St., Pittsboro NC 27312 Phone: 919-542-5679 E-mail: [email protected] Church Office Hours Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Wilberforce O. Mundia, Rector [email protected] Office Hours: Wed., Fri. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m., Sat 1:00 4:00 p.m. Ms. Karen Ladd Lay Pastoral Leader 919-542-4341 [email protected] Office Hours: Tues. 9 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Sarah June Card Deacon Dora Owens Parish Administrator Skip London Senior Warden Andy Bailey, Kevin Noel, & Mary Scholle Jr. Wardens Laura Williams Bookkeeper Dora Owens Grapevine Editor [email protected]

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The Grapevine, April 2016

Joy and Inspiration A Message From Rev. Dr. Wilberforce Mundia

Dear Friends:

Alleluia. Christ is risen!

The Lord is risen indeed.

I greet you with the Joy of Easter. As I mentioned last Sunday, Easter is very emotional for me. Every time it comes around it reminds me, in a powerful way, that the victory is won. Let us ride on the wings of Christ, as He soars into the abodes of God. Notice the paradox of Christianity: I hope things are going well with each and every one you—and that you are feeling blessed. However, even if this particular time is filled with trials, temptations, and difficult situations, you are reminded that you are God’s own child.

If you were fortunate enough to have wonderful parents, as I was, you know how much their deep love means to you. Such love often breeds a level of self-esteem that can hardly be taken away by anyone or any situation. Now, think about it: God’s love for you is a trillion trillion times infinity more than, compared to your parents’ love. Holy Week and Easter tell you so. And if, by happenstance, your relationship with one or both of your parents was not a fulfilling one, guess what? God says: “You are my child. I love you—and I would suffer to the end of time for you. You are my child eternally. Remember that, my daughter, remember that, my son.” Holy Week and Easter tell you so. Alleluia.

For this, and many other reasons, I rejoice in the Lord that our worship services on Easter Sunday were glorious. The Lord is worthy of all our worship. It was a particularly joyful Sunday on account of the large number of guests we had. We pray that the Lord blessed them abundantly in worshiping with us. We praise the Lord for enabling them to worship with us at St. Bartholomew’s.

We live in a world of many challenges and with each passing day it seems the challenges become more numerous. People are searching for “someone” to lead them out of despair and difficulties within their own lives. Yet in reality, this is exactly the way it was in the time Jesus walked the dusty roads of Israel prior to His crucifixion.

The people of that day thought His primary purpose was more political in nature than spiritual, but they were mistaken profoundly as Jesus declared that His Kingdom was not of this world.

One cannot watch the news of the day without realizing that so many people are struggling on so many levels to understand their purpose in life.

And so, God calls me, and every Christian, to urge one another to appreciate what Christ did on the Cross, as well as the Resurrection three days later. It is vital to remember that

A monthly newsletter of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church

204 W. Salisbury St., Pittsboro NC 27312

Phone: 919-542-5679 E-mail:

[email protected]

Church Office Hours Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The Rev. Dr. Wilberforce O. Mundia, Rector

[email protected] Office Hours:

Wed., Fri. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m., Sat 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Ms. Karen Ladd

Lay Pastoral Leader 919-542-4341

[email protected] Office Hours:

Tues. 9 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Sarah June Card Deacon

Dora Owens

Parish Administrator

Skip London Senior Warden

Andy Bailey, Kevin Noel, &

Mary Scholle Jr. Wardens

Laura Williams


Dora Owens Grapevine Editor

[email protected]

He arose from the grave so that we could experience new life every day!

He didn’t come to this earth so we could recognize the gift of His life only two days a year and then move on, but He came so that we can have victory in our own lives and families on a daily basis! This doesn’t mean we won’t have struggles and difficulties. No. We will have some wonderful, glorious, joyful days and occasions. We will also have some days of struggle and difficulty. However, through all the good and bad days, we can rest assured Christ will walk through them with us. An amazing caution has been mentioned by various Christian thinkers through the ages: More people have been drawn away from God (and ruined) by their good times than by their bad times. Hang onto Jesus’ Alb sleeve through the good times and the difficult times—and all to the glory of God.

Jesus came to give us life after Easter!

I trust that Jesus will energize you with His love throughout this season of Easter and the rest of the year. Let Christ be Alive in your Life!

Your servant in Christ,

Wilberforce O. Mundia+

Postcard From the Pews A Message from Karen Ladd, Lay Pastoral Leader

Dear St. Bartholomew:

The rain on Easter Day stopped just long enough for several dedicated hunters to stalk the wild Easter eggs hidden by two expert Easter Bunnies. One intrepid hunter came all the way from Richmond, Virginia, possibly lured by the quality of vestry packed jelly beans.

It was a perfect day, beginning with two wonderful services preached by Father Wilber, who exuded joy and calm despite being in pain from gallstones. We hope that by the time this letter is published, the gallstones are history!

The Altar Guild and Flower Guild really made the church look beautiful. Under the direction of Cheryl Harris, flowers were artfully placed in the church and on the church doors.

The services leading up to Easter were very moving. Many thanks are due to Sue Mannshardt, who created a lovely Taizé service for Good Friday. It was so moving, to hear the Taizé chants. I felt as if I were surrounded by angels, and left the service in a deep meditative state of mind.

The Mass of Holy Thursday was held at St. Bartholomew’s for the first time in several years. It was quite moving and humbling to wash the hands and feet of so many beloved parishioners who make St. Bartholomew’s the place where all the community is welcomed. Thank you for your open hearts. After the Maundy Thursday service, a few came back through the night to sit in vigil with the Lord in the lovely Gethsemane Garden that Lyn and Charlie Sims so graciously created at the chancel steps.

The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Have you seen Him in the garden? Have you seen him at the beach? Have you seen him along the road, with a friend? In your room, when you were scared or grieving? Have you heard His voice in the silence of the night, when everyone else is asleep? Look! Listen to the beating of your heart and to the sound of your breath! He has not left us alone!

I am thrilled to be preparing for the third Community Lunch fundraising dinner on April 9 here in the parish hall. If you do not already know, these fundraisers are what the Community Lunch lives on financially. We do not receive funding from the church, although we are blessed to receive support in the use of the facilities and the emotional support of our family in Christ. Even though we get lots of donations of produce from local farms, and donations of baked goods from local bakers, we need to pay for our supplies (paper napkins, cups, plates, paper towels, tin foil, meat, canned goods, dairy items, etc., all have to be paid for!) and a stipend for our cook.

Please consider supporting the Community Lunch, which Bishop Anne told the vestry is known throughout the Diocese, with a ticket or two to our Fiddler on the Roof Dinner. Chef Geoff Seelen will prepare a dinner of Eastern European and NY Deli delights, and we

will be entertained by Phil Blank and his Klezmer band. Klezmer is from the Ashkenazi Jewish tradition. You can purchase a ticket by calling Dora at the office. Tickets are $50.

The Nick Meyer memorial bench has been installed next to the St. Francis Courtyard. Come sit, and remember our friend Nick, who loved our congregation and community of Pittsboro. Some of you remember that time Nick laughed so hard he fell off his chair! And the time he fixed the sink in the kitchen during a lunch! Every time I stand at the sink, I think of that and chuckle! Many thanks to Nick’s family in Milwaukee, who could not attend the memorial party, but who generously sent a check for $250 to the Community Lunch in his memory.

Life is so good. I get exhausted when I hear continuous coverage of terrorist attacks throughout the world. And then I remember that this is exactly what terror does. Its intention is to exhaust by fear, to control our life and our world, our actions and our thoughts. After a while, it is important for me to turn off the radio (I don’t watch TV) and look around. This is the day that the Lord has made! We are here, now, in this moment. Listen to the beat of your heart! God has not left us as orphans. He is risen! As our friend Carl used to quote W.H. Auden, “Stagger on rejoicing!”



CORA Food Pantry Collection on April 27 CORA Food Pantry collection will occur at both services on Sunday, April 27. Monetary contributions are welcome and needed. $1 is the equivalent of one pound of food. CORA is able to purchase non-perishable food items in bulk at very nominal prices. Please give generously to this worthy cause. Thank you!

Family Violence and Rape Crisis Supply Drive The Family Violence and Rape Crisis Center is seeking donations of some household items for the shelter (the Garden Place). Below is a list of desired items. The Family Violence and Rape Crisis Center is seeking donations of some household items for the shelter (The Garden Place). Below is a list of desired items. Donations can be brought to FVRC offices-the blue house on East Street Monday - Friday 9-5. You may email [email protected]. Needed Household items:

1. Light bulbs (standard size 2. Paper towels 3. Paper plates + plastic forks/spoons 4. Laundry detergent 5. Bleach, floor cleaner, window cleaner, toilet cleaner, surface cleaner 6. Dish soap, hand soap, detergent for dish washing machine 7. Soap-infused Steel Wool cleaning pads 8. Foil/plastic wrap 9. Toiletries (shampoo, dental hygiene, razors, etc.)

St. Bart’s Spring Panda Pack Drive Our annual panda pack drive for needy children will begin the first Sunday in April (the third) and will continue each Sunday through April. To refresh your memory, Panda Packs are given to eligible children to be sure they have nutritious, easy to prepare foods over the weekends. More information will be in the April Grapevine. Thanks for your help! For more information, contact: Joan Williamson, Molly Roberts and Sarah Wood

"Bishop Search" Website Now Online The Communications folks at the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina have created a dedicated website for the search effort to find Bishop Michael Curry's replacement. Visit http://bishopsearch.dionc.org/ to keep up with the search committee's progress.

Building Discussions Final decisions are nearing on the parish’s new building, and your input is vital to the success of this project. The Building Committee will meet in the parish hall at 7:00 p.m. on April 12 with a focus on the building options. Following that meeting, a parish-wide discussion will be held between the services on Sunday, May 1.

All are welcome to both events. Please join the discussion!

Grapevine Deadline: April 24 The deadline for submissions to the May edition of the Grapevine is Thursday, April 24. Send your submissions to Dora Owens at [email protected].

News From Our Committees Daughters of the King

The Mary and Martha of Bethany Chapter at St. Bartholomew’s met March 17, 2016 in the Parlor. DOK has been busy since the February meeting hosting the birthday celebrations of Sarah June Card and Moleta Waddell and the March 16 Lenten Dinner. The group also organized and was in charge of the Bishop’s Luncheon, one the most significant yearly events at St. Bartholomew’s. The Daughters discussed plans for the retreat to Montreat, NC for the weekend of April 22-24. Patricia McCarthy will lead her enjoyable art activity once again which was one of the highlights of last year’s retreat.

The chapter will have an opportunity for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer led by Chaplain Sarah June. There will be time for hiking and exploring the area and plans are to enjoy the local cuisine. The sisters will attend an Episcopal Church in the area before returning to Chatham County. The purpose of the Daughters of the King is evangelism, prayer, and service. The next meeting will be May19 in the parish hall at 7:00 p.m. All ladies of the church are welcome to attend. Those interested in becoming a Daughter participate in a three month discernment period, which may take place any time the candidate is ready to begin the process. Cheryl Harris [email protected] Episcopal Church Women During the March business meeting, the following decisions were made:

x Approved the disbursement of funds to support the weekly dance outing for disabled adults held in Siler City.

x Heard a report from Molly Roberts about Panda Pack food program for Pittsboro students to be conducted in April.

x Agreed to continue crafting of prayer beads. x Agreed that the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was a successful community event.

The Episcopal Church Women of St. Bartholomew’s will attend the spring meeting of the Durham Convocation on Saturday, April 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Oxford, NC, at St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church. The Durham Convocation includes the counties of Chatham, Orange, Durham, Granville, Henderson, and Person. The program will include news of parish ECW programs in missions both locally and abroad. Mary Scholle will discuss the ongoing work of the Millennium Development Goals grant award for Nest Rescue in Kenya. Currently the well is done and the pump is working. Next will be the pit toilets, desks, and a tailor to sew uniforms. Other programs include a presentation by the Oxford area non-profit on its work to reach victims of human trafficking. At its convention in November of 2014, the ECW of the Diocese of NC voted to make human trafficking a ministry focus for the 2015-2018 triennium. Carolyn “CR” Townsend [email protected] Health & Environment Committee

The Health & Environment Committee is excited to be hosting a “tree-lover's churchyard tour” together with Grand Trees of Chatham. The tour will be in celebration of National Arbor Day, and will be a fabulous and fun way for our members to learn more about the majestic trees that decorate our grounds and those of other historic downtown churches (including Pittsboro Presbyterian and Pittsboro United Methodist Churches.) The tour will begin at Pittsboro Toys (15 Hillsboro St. in Pittsboro) at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday April 30 and finish around 12 a.m.

Both adults and children are enthusiastically welcomed. Please bring your questions. We are lucky to have some stunning trees on our grounds; this is a unique opportunity to learn more about them. We hope you can join us.

Samantha Birchard [email protected]

Featured Events

Panda Packs Food Drive Sunday, Apr. 3 & 10

Join the spring food drive to benefit The Panda Packs & Backpack Friends, a program that feeds hungry school-age children in Pittsboro and Siler City. The first two Sundays in April, we will be collecting both food and monetary donations. Please give whatever you can. There is great need in our area. Goal = 500 pounds. $1 = 1 pound. Make checks payable to: West Chatham Food Bank with “Fuel Up” written on the memo line.

Sample food items needed: granola bars or fruit bars, spaghetti sauce with box of noodles, instant oatmeal or grits, canned chicken or tuna with box of chicken or tuna helper, individual cereal boxes, beef stew and box of instant rice, toaster pastries, canned vegetables, instant potatoes, cans of soup, fruit cups or canned

fruit, macaroni & cheese, applesauce cups, peanut butter & crackers or individual bags of cheese crackers, ramen noodles, individual bags of trail mix, individual boxes of raisins or other dried fruit, pudding cups or gelatin cups, individual bags/boxes of animal crackers.

"Fiddler on the Roof" Dinner Saturday, Apr. 9 at 6:00 p.m. St. Bartholomew’s Parish Hall Event Tickets: $50

The Community Lunch at St. Bartholomew's presents a "Fiddler on the Roof" Fundraising Dinner. Enjoy a meal that mixes the tradition of Eastern European cuisine with NY Deli, prepared by Community Lunch chef Geoff Seelen, formerly of the NYC Blue Hill restaurants and farmer/co-owner of Piedmont Biofarm.

Groove to the music of Phil Blank and tunes made popular by "Fiddler on the Roof."

Tickets may be purchased online at www.ATasteOfFiddler.eventbrite.com or by phone through the church office at 919-542-5679. Supply is limited – Order Now!

This is a fundraiser in support of The Community Lunch. This outreach program serves a free hot meal to walk-in guests every Thursday 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 204 West Salisbury St, Pittsboro, NC.

Photo credit: Meredith Leight

"Money Monday" at Bella Donna Monday, Apr. 11

On the second Monday of each month, Bella Donna Italian Restaurant in Pittsboro will donate 10 percent of the day’s total sales to The Community Lunch. Come out to enjoy tasty Italian cuisine and also support a worthy cause!

Bella Donna is open for lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. The restaurant sponsors “Money Mondays” throughout the month to benefit various charitable organizations.

DivorceCare Seminar Sundays at 6:00 p.m., through May 15

Pittsboro United Methodist Church and Chatham Community Church are jointly offering DivorceCare in Pittsboro. If you are separated or divorced and would like to be a part of a seminar/support group to help you heal from the hurt of separation and divorce, we welcome you to join us! The group offers a warm, caring environment led by people who understand what you are going through. You’ll learn practical information that will help you deal with the challenges of divorce. Best of all, you will gain hope for the future! Divorce Care is a 13 week non-denominational Christian-based program that covers multiple topics. Please contact Pam at [email protected] or 919-444-9374 for more information or to register. Cost is $20. Childcare and scholarships are available. The sessions meet at Pittsboro United Methodist Church, Room 107. The group will meet each Sunday night for 13 weeks. For more information on Divorce Care, visit the website at http://www.divorcecare.org

Chatham Empty Bowls Fundraiser Sunday, April 24 -- 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Hanks Chapel Church Fellowship Hall in Pittsboro

CORA Empty Bowls features: Beautiful local pottery Light hors d’oeuvres Delicious soups from local restaurants Fresh baked breads Homemade desserts Selection of beverages Live entertainment

9 A 50/50 Raffle - Tickets for the raffle are $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets. 9 Grand prize: a cash prize of 50% of raffle proceeds 9 Other prizes: works of art and pottery and gift certificates from local shops and restaurants 9 Event and Raffle tickets can be purchased in advance online. 9 Raffle winners do not need to be present to win.

All proceeds go to CORA Food Pantry, which provides a week’s worth of food for individuals and families in crisis in Chatham County. CORA now serves 500 families a month and expects to distribute enough food this year to feed 20,000 individuals for a week. For more information on CORA (Chatham Outreach Alliance, Inc.) please friend us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and visit our website at www.corafoodpantry.org. Discounted advance tickets for “The Works” are available only until Friday (4/8) at 11:30 pm. All online ticket sales close on Thursday (4/21) at 8 pm. Tickets may be purchased at the door the day of the event. Go here for ticket sales: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/7th-annual-chatham-empty-bowls-fundraiser-benefiting-the-cora-food-pantry-tickets-22304326842?ref=ebtnebtckt The Staff and Board of CORA Food Pantry look forward to sharing this wonderful community event with you!

Events to Remember Saturday, Apr. 2 Apostles Build Workday 8:30 a.m. at 56 Roberts Street Sunday, Apr. 3 Pittsboro First Sunday with Evangelism Team 12:00 p.m. on Hillsborough St. Tuesday, Apr. 5 Episcopal Church Women meeting 12:00 p.m. in the parlor Wednesday, Apr. 6, 13, 20, 27 Contemplative Prayer Service 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary Thursday, Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28 The Community Lunch 12:00 p.m. in parish hall Saturday, Apr. 9 Fiddler on the Roof Dinner 6:00 p.m. in parish hall Sundays, Apr. 10 Cambridge Hills Worship Ministry 1:00 p.m. at 140 Brookstone Lane

Tuesday, Apr. 12 Building Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. in parish hall Wednesday, Apr. 13 Vestry Meeting 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall **All are welcome** Sunday, Apr. 17 Evangelism Team meeting 12:00 p.m.in the parlor Wednesday, Apr. 20 Food Distribution Ministry 10:00 a.m. in the parish hall Thursday, Apr. 21 Daughters of the King meeting 7:00 p.m. in parlor Friday, Apr. 22 Seeker’s Circle 6:45 p.m. Sunday, Apr. 24 Communications Committee meeting 12:30 p.m. in parish hall

***Events are taken from St. Bart’s Google calendar. To have your event included on the calendar, email or call the church office: [email protected] , (919) 542-5679 ***

This Month We Hold In Prayer

Our Members i Debbie Badalamenti i Earl Barber i Mathew Boone i AL Capehart i

Anna Deese i Aleacia Fisher i Andrea Gloveri Abraham Harman & Katie Mallard i Nancy & Harvey Harman i Carol Lauria i Ronnie Lynton i Kevin Noel i Judy Perretti i

Jackie Sanders i Valerie Scotton i Nancy Simons i Lyn Sims i James Smith i Sonia Smith i Debra Taylor i CR Townsend i

Alyssa Ugurlu i Dorothy Ugurlu i Bonnie Vargo i Paul Volk i Libby Walls i Sarah Weil & Family i Irene Wells i

Our Family and Friends

i Laura Allen i Andrew i Deacon Tally Bandy i Kelly Bayringer i Gregory Blaine i Johnny Blair i Beth, Lena, & Sarah Brown i

Gene Brooks iTerri Buchanan i the family of Ruby Merle Buckholts i Mario Burgess i Anthony Bynum iJack Card i Suzanne Carothers i

Byron Clayton i Dee Cole i Bob Coyne i Darien i Vickie Deem & family i Francesco Dionella i Rusty Eichles i Elaine Elliott i Chris Farley i Mary Fennell i Thomas Field i

Michael Fitzgerald i Clifford Foltz i Susanne Gomolski i Andy Gorill i Doug Gregorie i Irene Gregorie i Ben & Hannah Harman i

Annie & Evermore Harman i Eli Harman i Harvey, Sr. & Joan Harman i Kim Hawks i Martha Henderson i Carl Henley i Micky Hester i

Anna Holder i David Holder i Sam Holt i Pat Jones i Rob Koontz i Chris Langley i Zach Lee i Ashley Lochner i Jon Lochner i

Joe Lockavitch i Pat Lord i Oueideng Kaye Mady i Magdalena i Richard Martin i Rose Martin i Andy McKeon i Eva Metzgar i Michael i Sabina Miller i Megan Nelson i Candice Nickerson i

Kenyon Noel i Bud & Mary Palmer i Gaby Raines i Samantha Rattz i St. Thomas Episcopal Church (Sanford) i Billie Venable Sessoms i

Laura Beth Singletary i Lauren Sloan i Jennifer Smith i Claudia Soholt i Lars Soholt i Brice Spinarski i Emily Stephenson i Suzanne i

Trish Swayze i Chuck Thomas i Scott T. i Joy Townsend i Joretta Tysor i James van Leeuwen i Agnes Venable i Debbie Vick i Vicki i

Walls Family i Adam Walters i Tess Ward i Rick Whitt i Cheri Wichman i the Wiggs family i Lucille Wilkinson i Bernie Williams

i Rachel Williams i Matt Wimsatt i Jim & Kollen Youker i

Military and All in Harm’s Way i Lee Huddleston i Daniel Tysor i Gabrielle Fitzgerald i Keith Soria i

Spencer Rocho

April Birthdays 04/01 Bob Willis 04/02 Shaqwan Epps 04/03 Ann Broadway 04/05 Claire McClintock 04/07 Eddie Sanders 04/08 Tyshun Tinnen 04/09 Dan Clower 04/13 Rolf Lynton 04/16 Christine Clark 04/17 Jack Card 04/18 Selbe Bartlett 04/18 Betty Gatrell 04/18 Eleanor Hawkins 04/20 Sukru Ugurlu 04/20 Cameron Ryan 04/23 Lachlan Haddix 04/24 Diane Keasler 04/25 Ruth Gregorie 04/26 Coleman Cassedy 04/26 Eli Harman 04/28 Suz Seitz 04/28 Sam Hudson