10 th June 2016 Number 10 Journey together guided by God to do the best we can Celebrating the Christian Value of Friendship! Over the past half term, we have been exploring the Christian value of Friendship – which is one of the values voted for by whole the school community earlier this term. During our worship we have enjoyed listening to Bible stories exploring friendship. These have included reflection on difficult situations such as Peter’s denial of Jesus during our Easter RE Day and occasions where friendship is celebrated like the story of Mary and Martha, told to us by Revd James. Revd Ann also joined us for a special assembly where we all shook hands together to offer each other a sign of the Peace. The children have enjoyed exploring the concept of Friendship further in a variety of ways. During our class worship we have reflected on the Big Question, What makes a good friend? Some classes have developed their own friendship recipes, jigsaws and prayers and our reception children filled a bucket with friendship balls. Some of the answers from group discussions include: “doing the right thing,” “journeying together,” “showing respect” and being “supportive, loyal, funny, kind, encouraging, helpful and loving.” Some girls from our Year 5 class created a Friendship dance for us to enjoy and others have created Friendship symbols which we have looked at during our assemblies. Friendship has always been central to life within our school and it has been fantastic to share ideas through our worship and to celebrate why we chose it as one of our key Christian values. Friendship symbol by Tabitha Rahaman and Esme Simmons, Turtle Class Compassion This term we will be looking at another of our key Christian values – Compassion. Children will learn that to feel compassion is to be able to put yourself in ‘someone else’s shoes’ and to act in a way that is kind, caring and considerate. Do to others as you would have do to you. (Luke 6:31) As usual, we have created some Big Questions to accompany the theme, which you may like to discuss with your child at home. These are: “How can you show compassion?” and “When have you shown compassion?” Children’s responses will be gathered in our Big Question Book during follow up discussions in class. Executive Headteacher: Mr D Etherton Acting Headteacher: Mr A Lincoln Website: www.stnicolasmary.w-sussex.sch.uk Email: [email protected] Address: Eastern Avenue, Shoreham-by-Sea, W. Sussex BN43 6PE Tel: 01273 454470 Green Flag Award DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER Bishop’s Commendation 2008

Journey together guided by God to do the best we can together guided by God ... them compiled together in poster form, ... for the new academic year and are pleased that we will have

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10th June 2016 Number 10

Journey together guided by God to do the best we can

Celebrating the Christian Value of Friendship!

Over the past half term, we have been exploring the Christian value of Friendship – which is one of

the values voted for by whole the school community earlier this term. During our worship we

have enjoyed listening to Bible stories exploring friendship. These have included reflection on

difficult situations such as Peter’s denial of Jesus during our Easter RE Day and occasions where

friendship is celebrated like the story of Mary and Martha, told to us by Revd James. Revd Ann

also joined us for a special assembly where we all shook hands together to offer each other a sign

of the Peace.

The children have enjoyed exploring the concept of Friendship further in a variety of ways. During

our class worship we have reflected on the Big Question, What makes a good friend? Some classes

have developed their own friendship recipes, jigsaws and prayers and our reception children filled

a bucket with friendship balls. Some of the answers from group discussions include: “doing the

right thing,” “journeying together,” “showing respect” and being “supportive, loyal, funny, kind,

encouraging, helpful and loving.”

Some girls from our Year 5 class created a Friendship dance for us to enjoy and others have created

Friendship symbols which we have looked at during our assemblies. Friendship has always been

central to life within our school and it has been fantastic to share ideas through our worship and

to celebrate why we chose it as one of our key Christian values.

Friendship symbol by Tabitha

Rahaman and Esme Simmons, Turtle



This term we will be looking at

another of our key Christian values –

Compassion. Children will learn that

to feel compassion is to be able to put

yourself in ‘someone else’s shoes’ and

to act in a way that is kind, caring and


Do to others as you would have do

to you. (Luke 6:31)

As usual, we have created some Big Questions to accompany the theme, which you may like to

discuss with your child at home. These are: “How can you show compassion?” and “When have

you shown compassion?”

Children’s responses will be gathered in our Big Question Book during follow up discussions in class.

Executive Headteacher: Mr D Etherton Acting Headteacher: Mr A Lincoln Website: www.stnicolasmary.w-sussex.sch.uk Email: [email protected]

Address: Eastern Avenue, Shoreham-by-Sea, W. Sussex BN43 6PE Tel: 01273 454470

Green Flag Award






Christian Values Photos

In order to embed the Christian values chosen by our school community, we decided to create a series of photographs

which showed the meaning of each value and how they can be related to school life. This was an ambitious project and we

could not have put it into action without the invaluable support and expertise of one of our parents, photographer, Dawn

Jee. During a sunny afternoon Dawn came in to take some amazing photographs, with our wonderful pupils modelling each

value to perfection! These photographs are going to be created into canvases for display in our entrance hall and will also

be used to brighten up our website. Here you can see them compiled together in poster form, for display in each of our

class reflective areas. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Dawn for giving up her time to make our vision

possible. More of her professional work can be seen at http://www.dawnjee.com/

British Values Whole School Collage

Many thanks to all pupils,

staff, governors and

parents who helped to

create our giant Union

Flag Collage! This large

scale artwork was

started by pupils during

our British Values Week

and has taken shape over

recent weeks, with final

pieces added at the May

School Fayre.

The flag is made up of

hundreds of comments,

which include:

What we love about Britain in the red sections

What makes us unique in the blue sections and top white horizontal bands.

What makes our school special in the remaining white sections.

It makes really interesting reading and it is wonderful to see the enormous variety of positive comments about our school

and its fantastic staff team and caring ethos. The comments on Britain are also very wide ranging and include everything

from scenery and places to history, food and traditional drinks! One parent at the Fayre made an excellent observation

– that in the future, this collage will become an excellent historical record of how we feel about our school, Nation and

ourselves in 2016. It will soon be displayed permanently in our school hall, once building work is complete later this year.

In the meantime, we would like to say a big thank you to all of you who made this exciting venture possible.

Internet Legends

On 20th May, Tim Loughton, our local MP, Parent Zone and Google brought an

exciting presentation to our school to help our KS2 children learn more about

internet safety.

The interactive presentation included four simple guidelines for keeping safe online:

1) Think before you share.

2) Protect your stuff.

3) Check it’s for real.

4) Respect each other.

During the presentation children were able to answer different

questions using large foam hands to show whether they agreed or

disagreed. It was great fun taking part and the large screens and

sound effects ensured that everyone was highly engaged in this

important topic. Children were able to take home a challenge

sheet, which asked them to share something they had learnt with

family or friends. Hopefully this has meant that most of you have already heard about this exciting visit! More information

about the Internet Legends Tour and ways in which you can keep your family safe at home can be found on the following

link: https://www.google.co.uk/safetycenter/families/legends/

The School Council with Tim Loughton MP

After the assembly, the School Council had the opportunity to meet Mr Loughton and ask him some questions that they

prepared from asking the children in their KS1 and KS2 Classes.

Mr Lincoln spoke to Eva in Year 1 and asked her what she remembers from meeting with Mr Loughton:

“Mr Loughton is in the Conservative Party which is the same as the Prime Minister David Cameron”.

Eva loved finding out about whether Mr Loughton had met the Queen. “He said that the Queen is very short and at her

parties, she serves very nice drinks!”

It was a fascinating experience for the children and Mr Loughton spoke openly about why he wanted to become an MP,

when he had not been successful before moving to Shoreham, what he does in a typical week as an MP and very currently

– what was the Government doing to help refugees.

Refugee Week 20th – 24th June

In line with our current Christian value, Compassion, we would like to offer our prayers and support to all of those who

have recently fled their homes, seeking safety in other countries as part of National Refugee Week. During this week we

will be collecting items to ship to the refugee camps in Greece, working together with the local charity From Shoreham

to Greece.

This amazing charity, run by local families including one of our parents, Fiona Murdoch, has already shipped several pallets

of clothes and toiletries to those who need them most. To help with their next shipment, we will be collecting:

Sunscreen, moisturisers, shampoos, body wash, toothbrushes and sanitary towels

Head scarves, sun hats and sunglasses

Long women’s dresses in summer fabrics

Milk powder for infants over 1 year

Any donations in good as new condition will be greatly appreciated. To find out more about the charity and its work,

please visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1521377734842289/

We will also be collecting winter items such as children’s coats and warm clothing later on this year, so if you have any of

these please keep them safely until the appointed collection time!

Many thanks for your support.


From September hard copies of the newsletter will no longer be produced. The newsletter will be

available to view on the website. If any one does not have access to a PC, there is a screen in the foyer

which you may use.

All letters will also be available on the website. We will continue to send home hard copies of letters

requiring a written response or consent. However, if this is misplaced, you will need to print out a copy

via the website. For general information letters we will send you the link to the website.

Pupil News

Beavers Award

Last Month, Matilda Palmer received two awards from Beavers, one was the

bronze badge award for completing all badge work and the second was the

Pam Divers award which is only given to one Beaver a year for recognition

of her hard work and achievement in the Beavers section within the year.

Well done Matilda.

Road to Eastbourne Finals

The Y4 tennis team played in the Southern

area finals of the Road to Eastbourne

Tennis Tournament. We are very proud of

them all as they played with great

enthusiasm and team spirit. Overall they

came 5th out of 67 schools that had


Y4 tennis team: Charlie Crookes, Nathan

Edwards, Alana Cheal, Analeze Mallett,

Gwendolyn Hughes, Zack Henry, Leila Mongan,

Connor Trigwell.

Rounders Tournament

In the rounders tournament held at Shoreham

Academy this week, both teams played very well

and displayed great enthusiasm and

sportsmanship. Our year 5 team competed

against year 6 teams (our year 6 pupils are on

their residential) and showed great talent. Zack

Mongan and Connor Trigwell received special

praise for displaying excellent skills, but we must

also mention Stan Taylor who made 3 amazing

catches in one game. We are very proud of

them all, well done!

Y4 rounders team: Gaius Goodwin,

Jamie Johnson, Eden Bradford, Connor

Trigwell, Zack Henry, Lucy Fawbert, Alana

Cheal, Tobi Grimes, Leila Mongan, Charlie

Crookes, Rufus Bennett.

Y5 rounders team: Jonathan Redwood,

George Harvey, Jake Bolton, Ben

Harrison, Reuben Edmondson, Zack

Mongan, Stanley Taylor, Erin Cooke, Abi

South, Lily Farrington, Lily Cambell-Smith.


Our Y6 pupils sat some very difficult SATs papers before half-term and are now enjoying their residential week at

Dalesdown. One parent commented:

“It was a tough week, but Y6 were well prepared. The children also enjoyed the option of

meeting with their friends and having a free breakfast each morning. Well done St Nics :-)”

Staff News

We are sad to announce that Mrs Fairbairn will be leaving us at the end of the year. We will miss her and all that she has

done for the school over the last 10 years, however we are equally excited for her and her family as they start a new life

in Denmark.

We have been busy recruiting for the new academic year and are pleased that we will have a full complement of staff

when we return in the autumn term. Classes for September will be as follows:

Little Fishes Nursery Mrs B and Mrs Lazenby

Reception – Blue Whale Mrs Oakley

Reception – Gray Whale Mrs Wren

Year 1 – Dusky Dolphin Miss Wells

Year 1 – Spinner Dolphin Miss Sinden

Year 2 – Penguin Mrs Westcott

Year 2 – Puffin Mrs Crawford

Year 3 – Sea Lion Mr MacAllister

Year 3 – Seal Miss Kite

Year 4 – Seahorse Miss Dolan

Year 4 – T.B.C Mr Davies

Year 5 – Turtle Mrs Stenning (Mrs Bishop)

Year 6 – Oyster Miss Heath

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be finalising which class goes to which teacher. As soon as this is complete it will

be sent out in a separate letter. You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s new teacher later on this term.


Congratulations to Mrs Woodman and her husband who have a baby son, Jerry, born on 18th May.

Jerry weighed 7lb 9oz and all the family are doing very well!

Important Dates

Please check the dates list on the website with all the events for this term which is kept up-to-date

– there have been some amendments since the dates list was sent home at the beginning of term.

Additions/amendments to the dates list:

Wednesday 15th June, 9 – 11 am: YR Gray Whale visit to Tesco “Explore the Store”

Wednesday 22nd June, 9 – 11 am: YR Blue Whale visit to Tesco “Explore the Store”

Wednesday 13th July, 1 – 2.30 pm: Little Fishes end of year party

Pupil absence

Did you know there is an online absence form you can complete if your child is ill? It can be found on the website under

Parents & Carers and Pupil Absence Form. http://www.stnicolasmary.w-sussex.sch.uk/form/?pid=8&form=16

When completing the online form, please provide details of why your child is absent – the school is legally required to

record details of illness. Please note that this form can only be used when reporting illness or medical appointments. If

you are requiring holiday absence you must complete a separate form:



After almost 2 years of waiting we are

very excited to be taking part in the Pets

as Therapy scheme 'Read2Dogs'. Alfie

and his owner Jacky will be visiting the

school each week to hear children read

– they really enjoyed their first visit to

the school on Wednesday! Alfie is

almost 4 years old and is a

Schnauzer. He is very calm, rarely sheds

his fur and has lots of experience visiting

nursing homes. Please say hello to Jacky

and Alfie if you see them around school

and make them feel welcome. Do ask

Jacky first if you would like to stroke

Alfie. If you have any questions about

Read2Dogs please contact Mrs Westcott.

Cakes for sale!

Mrs Bishop's daughter Jasmine, who is a past pupil from St Nic's and currently attending Davison’s, is part of a group of

pupils who will be visiting Ghana to help build and teach in a school within a tribal village next summer. This is a project

which Davison girls began a few years ago years, and Mrs Masters' daughter Addy (another ex-pupil) also recently took

part. In order to participate, the girls have to raise all the funds required for the expedition themselves, as this is an

important part of the learning process. Jasmine will be holding a cake sale after school from 3pm on Tuesday 21st June to

raise money for her trip and we hope you will support her by buying some home-baked cakes and biscuits!

Accelerated Reader

Children are really enjoying the accelerated reader

programme. Did you know that your child can get

books out of the local library and then do the quiz

at school? To find out if a book is on the ARP, click

on the link from our website – go to the “Useful

links” section at the bottom of the home page and

click on the Accelerated Reader link.

Octopus & Starfish Clubs

Autumn term 2016

The booking forms for the autumn term will be available on the school website soon. The deadline for receipt of the first

half of the autumn term forms is Monday 4th July.

Price changes with effect from September 2016

Due to increased costs, the price of the sessions has had to be increased. From September 2016 the new prices per

session will be as follows:

Octopus – £3.50

Starfish – £6.00

Rainbow Club – £16.50

Health & Safety

Sun protection

As we have been enjoying some lovely sunny weather we would just like to remind you about keeping

children safe in the sun. It is expected that your child, during the school day, will be exposed to the

sun. There is concern that over exposure to the sun can be harmful. To protect the skin from these

harmful effects, it is recommended that pupils wear sun hats, and that an appropriate sunscreen is

applied before school. We recommend the use of sunscreens that provide up to 8 hours of

protection of SPF 15 or above. We hope you understand that it would not be appropriate for staff

to apply sunscreen to pupils. It is requested that your child does not bring sun protection products

to school.

Also, we recommend that your child brings a named bottle of water to school every day – this is even more important

to remember in warmer temperatures.

School patrol crossing

Mr Lilley will not be at the crossing at the top of Eastern Avenue (by Tesco Express) from Monday for a while so please

do be careful when crossing the road as it is a very busy junction.

A few reminders……

Social media: please do not post images/videos of our school children on social media.

Dogs: we want to be welcoming to dogs but we must ask you to tie them up at the rings on the fence, even if you

are just dropping off by the gate, please stand with your dog by the designated area. Some children are frightened of

dogs and for everyone’s safety we urge you to comply with our request. Please also remove any mess made by your


Pedestrian access: please ensure you use the footpath when walking to the school office – do not walk through the

staff car park as it is very busy and in constant use.

……thank you for helping keep our children safe.

Nursery admissions

We would like to let you know that the cost per session to attend the nursery will increase from

£13 to £14 with effect from September.

In addition, we will be introducing a non-refundable registration fee of £20 to help cover

administration costs. This will apply to all registrations from September 2016.

And Finally…

The beginning of June brings with it more sunshine, Year 6 enjoying their residential trip and the children’s wonderful art

work being exhibited at St Nicolas Church – please do find a time to go and visit. Since the last newsletter we have had

the record breaking Summer Fayre – a massive thank you to all the parents and children that gave up their time to make

it the success it was. A big well done as well to our Year 6 and Year 2 children who coped remarkably well with the new

end of Key Stage SATs, we are very proud of them. As a school, we are aware that the clear benefits of us growing as a

school has meant that the start of the day is becoming more and more congested. We have discussed a number of options

and will have a week’s trial before the end of term to enable us to make more permanent changes in the beginning of the

autumn term.

Andy Lincoln

Acting Headteacher

St Nicolas & St Mary School

Octopus Club

8.00 – 8.45am

Starfish Club

3.10 – 5.30pm

Rainbow Club

Holiday/INSET Club

Mobile 07849 643675

Book via the school office

Tel 01273 454470

Childcare Vouchers Accepted


If your child attends the nursery or octopus and starfish clubs you can either

pay by cash or cheque or we are also registered with a number of Childcare

Voucher services:

Edenred Account Number – P20505430 Computershare Voucher Account Number – 0014629387 Kiddivouchers – Post Code: BN43 6PE; Ofsted: 126049 Sodexo Account Number: 178336 Co-op Childcare Account Number: 85104536 Care4 Account Number: 79894376 RG Childcare Number: 58270793229 Fideliti Childcare Vouchers – Use school name and Post Code: BN43 6PE Salary Exchange.

Informal Family Care Services we are able to offer:

- Giving advice, support & information

- An assessment of your situation

- Groups specifically for Family Carers

- Signposting you to Countywide and

community services.

- Helping you in the referral process to

specialist services and support

- Monthly drop-ins across the county

Tel: 01243 642650 Email:

[email protected]

Activities on the school site

The school hires out the

hall to a number of

organisations. This

provides a valuable

service to the local

community and creates

an income for the

school. If you would like

any information about these groups,

please contact the following:

Regular Weekly Groups

Monday: 6.30pm White Dragon


Monday: 7pm Zumba

Monday: 7.55pm Insanity

Contact: Helen 07538 963642

Tuesday: 7.30pm STORM

Contact: Jon 07824 440017

Wednesday: 6.45pm STORM

Contact: Jon 07824 440017

Wednesday: 7.30 – 8.30pm Yogalates

Contact: Maria Doick 07578 661470

Thursday: 7.30pm STORM

Contact: Jon 07824 440017

Friday: 6.15pm Zumba

Contact: Helen 07538 963642

Saturday: 9am – 1.30pm Motion

School of Performing Arts

Contact: 07947 661428

Email: [email protected]

Monthly Groups Saturdays: 6.30-8.00pm YoUTH MiX

Christian Youth Club for Year 7+

Run by Shoreham Churches Together

Contact: [email protected]

Interested in hiring the hall

on a regular basis? Please contact Hayley Edmondson on 01273 454470 or email at [email protected]


Staying safe on social networks:













Safeguarding Children


This includes information about

Operation Kite – an initiative to improve

recognition and understanding of child

sexual exploitation.

Nutrition information




Free School

Dinners? Did you know … just registering your child for Free School Meals means that the school gets extra money?

For each child who is registered for free school meals, the school gets substantial extra funding or “Pupil Premium” worth

£1320 per year.

You can register your child for Free School Meals if you are entitled to any of these benefits: - Income Support - Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance - Income-related Employment and Support Allowance - Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 - The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit - Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190 - Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit - Universal Credit

If you think you qualify, please ask for an application form at the school office, visit our website or ring the Local Authority on 01243 752835

Neither the Governors nor West Sussex County

Council support or recommend the advice, products

or services offered nor the organisations offering

them. Individuals should satisfy themselves on the

suitability of any of the advice, products or services

and on the nature and standing of these

organisations (or any mentioned in this newsletter or

any other publication).