Joshua Scott Albert Interview

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Joshua Scott Albert Interview

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  • Joshua Scott Albert PhillyDeclaraction Interview



    Joshua Scott Albert

    hey what's up man, i'm doing a story for the declaration about that point breeze situation, was hoping to talk to you about it


    Christopher Sawyer



    Joshua Scott Albert


    Christopher Sawyer

    What do you want to know


    Joshua Scott Albert

  • couple questions: What are your thoughts on PBOC, and why? Also, what makes think that her selling her house discredits her anti gentrification efforts? It does look a little shady that she just bought the house and then sold it. Also, any other comments about the situation


    Christopher Sawyer

    Are you looking for quotes?


    Christopher Sawyer

    This is one issue and I'll be frank; I have no faith that each byte I send you could be edited in a way that it leaves the realm of documented factual information and opinion, and enters the realm of defamation. That's why my little blog has 2 local and 1 outside high-powered top-bill rate attorneys defending it, which sucks up a good chunk of my paycheck. If I give you anything quotable, you'd need to clearly separate your own opinions from whatever opinions I give you. Is that clear?


    Christopher Sawyer

    PBOC folks have been throwing around the "libel" word and in the past they've done legal shopping hoping someone will be their pro bono plaintiff's attorney. So what I post about them on my site sits within two realms: blovation/opinion, and documented fact. Both are immune to libel claims.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    oh absolutely, i think you can see that my editors are smart, and my work is as unbiased as possible


  • Christopher Sawyer

    If you check PACER you'll see I'm already a defendant in a large Federal lawsuit, sitting in the defendant's box with 12 neighbors, the City and the Police


    Joshua Scott Albert

    I see, interesting.

    but yes, i would be looking for quotes.

    the whole situation is very nuanced


    Christopher Sawyer

    Ok... so what I think of PBOC: They're opportunists constantly in search of a cause, as you can see from their FB page they're jumping from one hashtag activism meme to the next. A lot of folks since Occupy have been in search of a torch to pick up. This particular bunch took up the cause CCPB (Concerned Citizens of Point Breeze) had with Ori Feibush and made it their own. Anything that touches, smells or tastes like OCF is the enemy. They're also quite erratic, they've put distributed some very interesting libelous flyers to residents, and they're very disrespectful if not combative with their own neighbors who don't espouse to their politik, thereby alienating them.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    how so? what types of materials?

    Also, what makes you think it's occupy people? i'm just curious.


    Christopher Sawyer

    Door leafletting

  • 12:58pm

    Joshua Scott Albert


    And this lady selling your house?


    Christopher Sawyer

    No one is selling my house


    Joshua Scott Albert

    sorry sorry, i meant the lady who sold HER house


    Christopher Sawyer

    I don't know who she hooked up with to broker her property (didn't care).

    Her listing was up on MLS for everyone to see, interior shots and all. Just like any other listing that eventually hits the public MLS browsers like Trulia, Zillow, etc.

    The crazy flyers PBOC dispersed occurred during various zoning disputes in the past

    I've posted images of some of them on PDQ


    Joshua Scott Albert

  • but what makes you think it was hypocritical, other than her selling her turning a profit? I mean, people buy houses and people sell them


    Christopher Sawyer

    Things like scaring the residents about new people coming to the neighborhood... with pit bulls!


    Joshua Scott Albert

    her selling her house*


    Christopher Sawyer

    What PBOC doesn't understand is that house prices reflect the desires of everyone in the housing market, it's not centralized by some secret machine controlled by real estate agents. It's made by individual actors engaging in transactions. The public recordings establish what the trades are. Dina's house sale is actually material to all the two story houses near her in similar condition; she just signaled the market what the clearing price is for that kind of house. Eventually when the block is reassessed, they will discover this and it could impact residents in their taxes. This isn't a joke, it really happens. That's how assessments and house valuations work all across the country.


    Christopher Sawyer

    It's rather hypocritical to scream about it at the same time profit handsomely from it. It's like an anti-abortion activist protesting, but seeing a market opportunity and running a for-profit abortion clinic at the same time. It's clearly hypocrisy.


  • Christopher Sawyer

    For me to make the same kind of percentage return Ms. Yarmus just made on her property, the average Kensington house price for a new 3-story home would need to climb up to a half-million dollars, to put things in perspective.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    wow, okay, fascinating. How is your site funded? Is that your sole project?


    Christopher Sawyer

    I pay for it by working at my day job.

    and swiping credit cards

    The server that hosts it runs in my basement.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    Ha, i know what that's like.


    Christopher Sawyer

    WHOIS the hostname to verify.

    PBOC loves to accuse me of being an agent of OCF. It's comical.

    Ori can't pay me an engineer's salary.

  • 1:16pm

    Christopher Sawyer

    And I've never taken compensation from him. I do support him wholehartedly, because before Ori... the City, and most folk outside of Point Breeze thought that neighborhood was a dump and would be locked in recalcitrant hopelessness forever. Decades of public spend into that neighborhood caused precisely ZERO uplift. Enter Ori, then later competitors, and suddenly it's the hottest neighborhood. In the middle of the Great Recession, no less while suburbs all across the USA were collapsing into foreclosure dust.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    Several months ago you tweeted about how sex workers should be outted, just curious to know why? PBOC seems to think you're a racist and sexist


    Christopher Sawyer

    Hah, nice question from Dustin

    I'm not going to spend hours on that.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    ? dustin didn't ask me to ask that


    Christopher Sawyer

    Short answer: Trying to remove the sex worker activity on an area of Kensington Avenue that popped up after SEPTA cracked down on Somerset and Kensington Ave.

  • 1:18pm

    Joshua Scott Albert

    i used to live around there, i know it's bad. But how would outing them help that?


    Christopher Sawyer

    Drug dealers recamped with them, because sex workers in this particular area are heavy drug users and also the most reliable customers who have cash. The shifting crime pattern after SEPTA started its takeover of McPhereseon square directly increased the amount of violent crime in the northern end of 19125


    Christopher Sawyer

    i was directly tweeting them to the SEPTA Chief of Police to grab his attention. The 26th District hardly ever visits

    After my little stunt the regular cops got wind of it and patrols have increased.

    Dustin saw it and went bananas... I'm "doxing" women and I blocked him on Twitter when he tried to flame up a social justice war. Shame, since I followed Dustin since Occupy.

    Back to the dealers, there's 4 particular blocks that are intense with activity since the prosties relocated to Huntingdon station, and we've had one drug related homicide so far--trying to keep that from increasing.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    but nestle deleted his retweets and apologized for that.

    Why not take pictures of the Johns?


    Christopher Sawyer

  • I actually took an entire video of the whole transaction including the john and the girl, and the john was stopped and his car boxed in by cops by the time I left Thang Long


    Joshua Scott Albert

    oh wow


    Christopher Sawyer

    How to take HD video of shit that goes on the hood, up close, without attracting attention to yourself:


    Christopher Sawyer

    You want to dox cops, go buy a pair of these.


    Joshua Scott Albert

    that's what you use? that's awesome


    Christopher Sawyer

    That's how I got the vid in the first place. Getting a second pair to lend to complaining residents who want to d0x dealing and other nefarious bullshit. To get a drug house closed takes the corrupt narco team

  • forever to d0x the property. Residents living in fear can do it themselves, if they didn't have the fear component. The burden is on the silent resident, so that's why everything is shit.


    Christopher Sawyer

    I've pushed over a half dozen drug houses through standard sheriff's sale (back muni taxes) in the last 3 years and eliminated 2 others that had squatters, and the rest were vacants. Most of them have been redeveloped.

    Because what else is there to fix these problems in a City where everything is fucked? Just bitch about it?


    Joshua Scott Albert


    I don't think i have anymore questions, i'm going to try and have a story out by like friday, talking to everyone involved. Do you have anything else to add?


    Christopher Sawyer

    Not much else but I'd like a chance to read and add follow up which I assume you'll extend to everyone


    Joshua Scott Albert

    For sure.