Joomla,Drupal and WordPress A Statistical Comparison of Open Source CMS 指指指指Ku-Yaw Chang 指指指 指指指 Authors Savan K Patel , V.R. Rathod , Satyen Parikh Source 2011 3rd International Conference on Trendz in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC)

Joomla , Drupal and WordPress – A Statistical Comparison of Open Source CMS

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Joomla , Drupal and WordPress – A Statistical Comparison of Open Source CMS. Authors : Savan K Patel , V.R . Rathod , Satyen Parikh. Source : 2011 3rd International Conference on Trendz in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC ). 指導教授: Ku-Yaw Chang 報告者: 孫粹璞. Outline. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Joomla , Drupal and WordPress – A Statistical Comparison of Open Source CMS

Joomla,Drupal and WordPress –A Statistical Comparison of Open Source CMS

指導教授: Ku-Yaw Chang報告者: 孫粹璞

Authors : Savan K Patel , V.R. Rathod , Satyen Parikh

Source : 2011 3rd International Conference on Trendz in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC)

Page 2: Joomla , Drupal and WordPress – A Statistical Comparison of Open Source CMS

2 Outline

Introduction What is CMS ?

Joomla Drupal WordPress Case Studies Conclusion References

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3 Introduction

Prove out of this which CMS is preferable for getting better performance.

Doing the created a page in all CMS to take statistics of different page criteria.

Taken statistics of a page with only textual information to check which CMS handle load better and give faster response.

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4 What is CMS ? CMS(Content Management System) ,內容管理系統。 現在流行的 CMS 系統: WordPress 、 Joomla 、 Drupal 、 Xoops 共通特色:

為數眾多的人員投稿及分享所儲存的資料。 以類似於人力資源職位管理的方式,賦予使用者不同的權限。 有助於快捷簡便地儲存資料及檢索到所需要的資料。 減少資料的重複輸入工作。 降低工作報告寫作的難度。 加強使用者間的交流。

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5 Outline

Introduction What is CMS ?

Joomla Drupal WordPress Case Studies Conclusion References

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6 Joomla - Core Features User Management Media Manager Banner Management Contact Management Polls Search

Web Link Management Content Management Syndication and Newsfeed

Management Template Management Integrated Help System Powerful Extensibility

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7 Joomla -特色 大部分用在一般的公司網站。因為其後端控制台美觀且容易學習,易於交接及教育訓練。 非常容易安裝,並有許多模組可供使用。 說明文件詳盡而簡潔。 管理者操作介面是直覺式的,且功能強大。 後端控制台非常合用,且用「所見即所得」方式編輯內容。 規模大小剛好且提供許多自訂選項。 龐大且活躍的社群。 但後台功能非常「專業化」

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8 Joomla -控制介面

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9 Joomla 樣式首頁-保時捷的巴西網站

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10 Outline

Introduction What is CMS ?

Joomla Drupal WordPress Case Studies Conclusion References

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11 Drupal - Core Features Administer Build Collaborate Connect Create Design & Display Extend Organize & Find

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12 Drupal -特色 高度客製化、模組化的內容管理系統。


安裝後,就只是個「原型」,許多功能得自己安裝。但要架設一個已經有明確目的網站的話,就可以善用 Drupal 的 Distributions 和 Installation Profile 。

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13 Drupal -控制介面

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14 Drupal 樣式首頁-哈佛大學

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15 Outline

Introduction What is CMS ?

Joomla Drupal WordPress Case Studies Conclusion References

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16 WordPress - Core Features Custom Taxonomies Custom Post Types WordPress Themes Cross-blog

communication tools Spam protection Full user registration

Password Protected Posts Easy Importing XML-RPC interface Workflow Intelligent text formatting Menu management

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17 WordPress -特色 適用於個人或組織的部落格,當中一些版型亦可作中小型企業、公司網站。 系統與外掛只需在後台處理即可,無須安裝。

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18 WordPress -控制介面

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19 WordPress 樣式首頁- Press75 精緻樣板站

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20 Outline

Introduction What is CMS ?

Joomla Drupal WordPress Case Studies Conclusion References

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21 Case Studies

Following are the parameters measured for page performance. Page Load Time : in Mile Second (M.S). Page Size : Total Size of the page in Kilo Byte (KB). Request : Number of request send to the server to load the page. cascading style sheet (CSS) files : Number of CSS files used by CMS to

make a page. java script (JS) files : Number of JS files used by CMS to make a page. PL T after caching : when page load first time some of its content store in

cache memory so when we load that page again only rest of the data which is not in cache will load from the server so it decrease load time.

PS after caching : As system cache used to decrease the PL T it also reduces PS as mention above.

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22 Case Studies - Server configuration

Operating System WindowsXP Hardware Configuration

Processor Core 2 DuoRAM 2 GB

Hard Disk 320 GB Hard DiskMotherboard Intel Motherboard

Server Apache Server 2.2.19Front End PHP 5.0Back End My SQL 5.0 Server

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23 Case Studies - PLT Comparison

Page Load Time is an important parameter for comparing page performance.

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24 Case Studies - PS Comparison

Page Size has a direct effect on Page Load Time.

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25 Case Studies - Request Comparison

To load a page number of request has been send to the server from client machine.

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26 Case Studies - Java Script Comparison

When any CMS creates a page it uses some JS files and some CSS files.

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27 Case Studies - CSS File Comparison

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28 Case Studies - PLT after Caching

Page gets loaded from server to client machine, the client machine stores some data on its site .

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29 Case Studies -Page Size after Caching

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30 Outline

Introduction What is CMS ?

Joomla Drupal WordPress Case Studies Conclusion References

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31 Conclusion

If anybody wants informative website, Drupal is the best choice. consumes very less PS as well as load time.

If wants intranet site with multiple objects and needs faster response in this case Joomla is the first choice. handles the load better.

According to the picture that WordPress has shown its performance and proved it best in most of all areas.

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32 Outline

Introduction What is CMS ?

Joomla Drupal WordPress Case Studies Conclusion References

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33 References

[1] http://blog.cmsart.net/compare-joomla-drupal-wordpress/web-design/

[2] http://blog.cmsart.net/features-of-joomla-drupal-xoops-and-wordpress/web-design/


[4] http://drupaltaiwan.org/is_drupal_right_for_you