Joining the Conversation Niraj

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  • 7/30/2019 Joining the Conversation Niraj


    Niraj Patel

    English 1103


    Study Abroad Impact

    When I was in 7th

    grade, I had a teacher named Mr. Martin who was a pretty energetic

    math teacher. In his class, he would always tell some stories of when he was a student in

    Australia. He even devoted a day of class to go outside and throw boomerangs. This concept of

    studying in a whole new country sparked my interest so I asked him about it. He explained to

    me how he participated in a study abroad program where students could travel to different

    countries and study there as a part of college. I noticed that study abroad had a major impact in

    his life and opened his life to new experiences. Upon research it became clear that study abroad

    programs have a profound impact on the students who engaged in the experience.

    Students that enroll in study abroad are very aware that they will first experience culture

    shock. In fact, that might be a fear many students may have traveling to a new country. Some

    might consider that study abroad is just a way to travel to a new country however much evidence

    shows that study abroad is not just a fun trip but an experience that gives students new life skills.

    Studies have shown that study abroad enhances students cross-cultural skills (Kitsantas). The

    study abroad educators involved in the programs state that a main goal in study abroad is to

    train future global leaders to be more respectful of other cultures and political and economic

    systems (Dwyer). Not only do students gain insight on a certain countrys culture, students also

    learned a bit more about their own culture. In an International Education of Students (IES) study

    they surveyed more than 3400 former study abroad alumni to assess how study abroad affected

    the alumni years after the programs. In the study, 98 percent of the respondents acknowledged

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    that study abroad helped them to better understand their own cultural values and biases (Dwyer).

    This is because the programs challenged their own preconceptions of new cultures and gain an

    understanding in the differences between cultures. Living in a different country students became

    aware that the contrast in cultures was an eye-opening experience that showed them that their

    own culture values are treated much differently in other countries. In the same study 82 percent

    claimed study abroad helped them developed a more sophisticated way of looking at the world

    and 94 percent reported that they continue to influence interactions with people from different

    cultures (Dwyer). These statistics can be backed up by study abroad student from Michigan

    State University that said, I realized how little it takes to be truly happy. Americans can learn so

    much from this European, slower paced view of life. (Ingraham 95). There is an outstanding

    majority who feel that study abroad had a big effect on their intercultural development.

    Students, while being part of the program, adapt to that countrys culture and experience a new

    perspective of a different culture. Its also interesting that former alumni still use the life lessons

    learned on these programs in real world scenarios. The alumni in these programs learned many

    interpersonal skills from communicating to the native people and can easily relate to people from

    different backgrounds and culture differences (Kitsantas). The benefits of cultural awareness is

    very much appreciated to people with different cultures because it shows a sense of respect.

    Study abroad does not only benefit students culturally but also intellectually. The

    students learn more and are involved more in their academic work while studying abroad

    (Kitsantas). Students come back home with a bigger drive for education wanting to pursue

    higher degrees (Dwyer). One student commented:

    Having ten lectures in four days seemed overwhelming at first, but it went by

    real fast and hit all the important topics. The boring nightlife was a

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    disappointment, since this is supposed to be a college town. The academic

    experience more than made up for it though. Nice to stimulate your brain with

    thoughts and ideas rather than killing it by downing pilsner. (Ingraham 93)

    The education that students receive overseas is more valuable than expected. Study abroad is

    usually associated with foreign languages and through many studies has been found to contribute

    to students foreign language development. Study abroad has influenced many students to expand

    or change their majors. When questioned, 87 percent of the study abroad alumni said that study

    abroad influenced subsequent educational experiences. The whole program is based around

    education and learning is a main part of the experience.

    Another reason study abroad can be beneficial is the professional skills many students

    learn, and the future career attainment. Gary Abramson was part of a Madrid study abroad

    which led him to a graduate fellowship in Spain which is how he became a foreign correspondent

    based in Spain (Dwyer). Gary is one of the many students whose life was changed from study

    abroad. Study abroad also looks good in interviews because employers look for students who

    challenge themselves and learn from experiences (Nault). Study abroad alumni have the

    opportunity to incorporate their cross-cultural awareness and interpersonal skills that they

    received into their resume. Employers are also interested in the managerial abilities that shows

    an understanding of good teamwork and the interpersonal skills that can be gained through study

    abroad programs (Nault). Studying overseas, students learn to be more independent and are

    exposed to new diverse people that they must be able to communicate to. The duration of the

    programs have a relationship between their interpersonal skills as well (Dwyer). Students who

    studied for a long duration improved on communicating with other people especially people with

    diverse backgrounds. Many of the study abroad programs are focused on languages and fluency

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    in a different language is useful in many fields and is very much sought after by employers

    (Ingraham 90). Having to speak another language in different country is extremely beneficial to

    becoming fluent in that language. The length of the program also relates to foreign language

    acquisition, as it should, for the language they are learning is usually the native language of that

    country. Many of the students enrolled in programs took a foreign language and out of the

    students that haven't planned on taking a foreign language after completion. Study abroad is a

    great program to beef up a resume because not only is it academic related but it is also

    experience related.

    Alumni of study abroad after all the experience they gained and skills they learned, also

    show signs of personal growth. Through the IES study it found that 97 percent said studying

    abroad served as a catalyst for increased maturity, and 96 percent reported increased confidence

    (Dwyer). Students become more self-reliant through the programs. Living in an unfamiliar

    environment with the unexpected, interestingly is the reason why students develop a personal

    change. Being an outsider in a new world almost all by yourself is the main contributing factor

    that people become more confident and independent. A quote from a student from a Latin

    American program said:

    It is odd because I studied abroad to learn; to learn facts, statistics, and to gain

    knowledge. But instead I came away realizing more about myself than anything

    else. I realize more my intellectual interests, more my ability to communicate, and,

    once more, my place in the world. I realize how much I can depend on myself and

    how much I need to depend on others. If I had the chance, I would do the trip all

    over again. It broadened in every sense my idea of the world. (Ingraham)

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    This student describes how their life changed with a realization of their own life. They spend

    such a long time, hundreds maybe thousands of miles away in a new world with new people

    there is no wonder that they would become a different type of person. It seems clear that

    students gain much more than just an educational opportunity but an entire life-changing

    experience in a new world.

    Study abroad programs have some great advantages to students for their culture

    awareness, interpersonal skills, education, career attainment, and even personal growth.

    Personally I would be pleased to embark on study abroad programs and venture into a new

    country learning new things not just academically but about the people, culture, and even the

    food. Later in my collegiate career I could see myself enrolling in a study abroad for the

    experience. Through my research I have learned that there are many benefits to study abroad.

    Many people in academia have wrote articles and performed studies about the impact of study

    abroad. I learned that study abroad is a privilege that many student do not take, but with the

    plethora of benefits can help you become a mature, independent adult. It allows students to view

    how vastly different the world can be and makes them question how we know so little about

    many other cultures. Study abroad has shown that its not just about education but the overall

    accomplishment and achievements of the study abroad experience which will help guide students

    through many challenges in life.

    Works Cited

    Dwyer, Mary M. "More Is Better: The Impact of Study Abroad Program Duration."Frontiers:

    The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad10 (2004): 151-163.

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    Dwyer, Mary M., and Courtney K. Peters. "The benefits of study abroad." Transitions

    Abroad37.5 (2004): 56-58.

    Ingraham, Edward C., and Debra L. Peterson. "Assessing the Impact of Study Abroad on Student

    Learning at Michigan State University."Frontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of study

    abroad10 (2004): 83-100.

    Kitsantas, Anastasia. "Studying Abroad: The Role Of College Students' Goalson The

    Development Of Cross-Cultural Skills And Global understanding." College Student

    Journal38.3 (2004): 441-452. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.

    Nault, Nate. " Why Should I Study Abroad - articles - SA - Find a Study Abroad Program with ."Study Abroad - SA - Find a Study Abroad Program with N.p.n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.