W^Vfe**"" '"«•" •K-'^-S"S.W«.*liH**'W-* , -.*' , *W>w* «-s»4s» »&**« -jf^ ,.^-^«,<*«M»e*«'?«««^^ S '*t<'i 1 ' M"*!?* ^V s ^ i! f" !,, ' ** V Hif i«^VJM*W 1 * ^ 1 * * • Ovid Parish Centenary Hit* Cw Regs Frre THE CATHOLIC V—^ OFFICIR REWSrAPSt 0f\5Fr»§ HKHilllt tttCESt •2nd Ywet ROCHBSTER, N, V „ FRIDAY,! i!**^* Bucharest Trial' Cloaks Terror Paper Charges Vatican Uty—i.\C» The far cical "trial" of a Bishop, several prtesu and some laymen in Bucharest is another example ol "cloaking terrortsro with the pre* tense of legality" now so fre- quent tn all Iron Curtain coiuv trie*. Qsservatore Romano, Vatl can CSty daily, stated here Through the Bucharest trial, the paper declared, the Ruman- ian, Reds are trying to break by "legal terrorism a fidelity which no Insidious violence has so far succeeded In shaking " AMON'G THE TEN persons hauled before the Red court, ac- cording to reports from Bucha reat Is Bishop Augustine Pacha of Tlmisoara. SO-year-old prelate who was "deposed" bv I he Reds in the tall of 194B and has long been under arrest Reports earlier this year stated thai he had been pressed Into a forced labor camp working on a canal between the Danube river and Black Sea. Also named tn the Indictment was Archbishop Gerald P OTtara. Blahop of Savannah-At lanta, who was expelled from Rumania last year alter another "espionage" trtal involving his chauffeur. Archbishop CHara was named as leader of the "plot" for which ten defendants are now being "tried." (At BanaBak, <ls, Area- Btanov OTHarm was quo*** toranata*- UM charges at the eurrens "trial" aa a -tlaerae. at lies," ana aa aadlar "To say Uut the Holy Sas « Ita repre- sentettvas IN Ewiiaiila were aagaced la aarj farm af ea> fktiage er te w k M mi t»e» sssoits activity la rttfcsJoaa.") John Fisher College Opens iSfvS * ^ Nasser ' * -~a, Ilia BxceUency Blatsop Keuaey was iracnf the flfst to greet the Ant freshman etaae wkleh thhi week entered tile ntirtjr opened 81 John FlsJacr College. The Bishop, who la rfeSMKeUor «f the college, srtstted UM rnastltutlon on Wetoeasaw wKfch was the Or* ea»iTen»ry af hto ardlnaiton.' (Coarser Staff fin**) Vatican Censures Foes Of Bishop In Rumania Bom* iRNS)-*» decree formal excommunication was la- sued b\ Vatican authorities • gainst til persons Involved tn • the arrest and Imprisonment of Bishop Augustine Pacha of Tim Isosra and five priests tn Tom munlst Romania Announcement of the Vatican decree came after a mllltarv court In Bucharest had sen fenced Btthop f^eiia to 18 y«srs solitary confinement on chafes of engaging tn Vatican-directed espionage operations against the •itjte He » a s one of ten de- fendants inund guilty Bishop Pacha. » h o is «'. ».»o was Bned 1-200100 lei or a ho it S8000, for allegedly engaging in illegal currency transfer* The Bishop's co-defendants, of whom five were priests, received terms ranging from life Im prlsonment tn solitary confine merit or at hard labor, to 12 \ears a' hard labor •fhe pr.Mtdefendants and tt-r <er-n« -e< e \e«1 > ere ' < , • *.r & ' - «>;i'ar'. rathe- ">f T,mi«>ara, 4-t ^•t Fathe~ F*^e of Bur ha \ . Fa'ler i Bishop Greets 'Pioneer Class' At John Fisher Bishop Kearney marked his 43rd anmveraau-y of or- dination Wednesday with i visit t o Rf John Flatter Cortege, whose opening this week gives rea..'y •> une of r-.j fondest drea-n» the establishment of a i athoiu college taxt men tn 1 the Dtocrse of Rochester. Greeting approximately 100 freshmen stud^ftts w^so rompoM ' the srhool 1 (-urrrent errrorimemt, of the Rlahop hailed trtem aa the Vj'-e- H- . h a • <•»• -Vda.he" I ,i(p a' ' tm F.rnM' 11 • ia": rc«t l.S veit«' ""• in<!pf Wi!"ic" !>q of TlmlRoara •/, i P a ' 5 a" k j r I 'jh<ir and IJ'V- :• !i/ ^fe •*'• n( T.mis- nxrh 1.' '.<a s « T *ia.-ri u>hor. "Pioneer ("laius." arwl exhorted them '.I ».-n i t j(oal* of scholar- ship a ^<l gpntiemanlv attitudes wnt" - - "' S' Inhn Fisher col leg*? patror- B> W ».» 1.' faii*~i.gf he es pressed the hope that some mptrtber of tbe> "Pioneer CVavss" would «rite St Jol^n Flsrwr's biography The Bishop addresssed the stu- dents and far-ultv In the un- finished college chapel Noting that "great things Ivave humble beginnings he 'old ?hat recent ly he visited a 'ng c a b i n In \ » h t c n Tiore 'har- 1O0 yeast ago 'ho present Notre Dame 1 nlvensitv had its beginning "Over a hundred \ears ago nnhodv could envlsur>n that the ll"le log rar»in wergild becrwne the tigmnia-' institution that Notre I'amr 'odav ' 'he BSsh r»n cia vet Re\eAliPg ' - a ' ' js,a« 'he 4S\x<\ a-nne'^jr. ,,f • >i r,r lina'Kin *n •He pf#^'-«rti "-r Bis v '.p *-R,4 ^c A. A « «-• ^.i;[ "nTark the ocia>-*-'-i u.'h his Rrit uslt to ihe '-*"<? . nti**ge }if c n g r a i 1 la'ed IP AI ult\ a r.i slud^nls an l i i e n «jn-e^«ful ^aunrhincr of Thp neu rot'W'^p r m i's fSrst srholastic year TTTE \"EBT Re- T .:.r F MUT [>\ 1'? K P'- f > prpwaent of 'he college ,r a r address 10 ( ( ontinued on i^age 11 Rosary Sticker 30,000 Mati ' Um mm mm "fsaar m 'Baawcy Sor VWBT mmvWi nmm Gtmfafermm Vtm eoiuifauesfe tn Redheiier- DisfcrlbsiUea ssf Ute stts*t*»- '«x44»{h gurnmea plciur** of a ; bliift«!Olor«d woria arouBd whjflt a rauiy Is woven-*** untkr- taltert by the committee cariy tuia year. They may be pasted o a a r w houie window*. Use of the printed Roaary tor ; Peace symbol cm their maillnsj ; envejoptM is tietM rotefe ty ih* I Monroo County Otanfer of the 1 Catholic War Veterans, the com- mittee, announced. Amneements for such uat oX the aymbol by orjfanjlitlofls jaay be made by conUctlng the com« mlttee at 1013 Dewey Ave.. Roch- ester 13. Electrotypes are av«U> able for the printing. CHJCrJtATION of the ilick> era, which have received appro val of ills Excellency Bishop Keanwy (or the Rochester Dlf> ce*e % iiined tmpctta through ibe tntenit of the Rev. Joseph V. Curtixi, putor of Si John the £vangeiisit's, C&iSe, who donated 91.OOO to the committee for the fMirpoie of bringing the sticker to the attention of pasters in all Engiiih-sHieaWn* natronaw >ttm far the committee hM circular- faed hundreds of pastors in the United states. Qrillaator of the «ymbol waav • group of BucSahtenerJi af Hejfjf Roaary pari»h, RockaattTi »«*• ^tqwntly tha campaign sseaXyM the «tor««neBt of the diocesan laymeri'i Retneat League and the Dloceian Holy Name Union. -o .... •»».». Youag Scottifh Jew Convert At Fatima Ua8ae>-(NC)—A th?WMti gteotilaai lew «raa aa Ims^eatai fry • vMt to l^MMft <*«« to r*s|H«ttel awi lal«r raealveC 1T» jrtttng Jkm was hafUwi art thaT CenasHau MtaaiMiarjr Seirtnaury at ratlma, feJJewfag; safes af iaatrteiiswa. AssMrioaa convert from iaOh- lam t* CatlsoUctaa, Paul its Kmrent. aetest as gotffaUME. Str. te Koreaji Is to ettier fha Cossoassta Mlasioaarjr natiUite '4* «tf& f*HV JJSJS A 'f^^lkwwlkllv tt^adsV- •Mill #0PI9pWl ,HvP)l;_3Rnl8''-Xp y . 'isB«]]k^Bs^ss% tlaltUAlsBts^iisSB^sfi ^Hk^m^"^iMaKataV 1 ^Tmrfi tii TflmM"lilir Wnthifli- - * ta liiprttWiitaihlai »if Jst iasMasat ^•^ •ss-^in* 1 'Mrti^fSlav p n 9 - w ^ ^ a ^ t aaajg ^ was^yBB^B^ss^awf ' a ^sk l ttA|kBaak^l4a^Bsli^s^l^^ski'^atfJBs4s<Bl 4 i i L ^s^ssik -JlsiitsBJs. ~ L ttsial&i^issat^£ajsi^aVlsk% -KMkw^^a^k^BAk' ^Wf^ ^WcP»n Sr^^^S^^pl^rW^^ '^^W^P'T'^^ At^'-tAaiesaaiihsV ^tltajtf ' ^^«aMi-4j^ «.&, ' a>» Jktf -jfWilialtA- aAiaMSta* issa, saB.'JrSaliF ^a^hUki ^fcjhfcsa^tajatf' jaatXa^BBSSjsMBi ^Latt «. ''A^aaar &t^^.)|IU^i^M ^^a^s^Ubsbs^. j&^^-^fwft^f^at >^^^*i 1 K^^^^W^*^W, ^JX^T*^^^^ nSe^^^w^^^fr Title" ti IMN> silililtsaiaaiaai < rd "'~ T paWsaJsiB^ jg^^M^kJhk^A ^fe^c j|_^^^^££ kg a&k 4aa»)feaSsslsA a*Baal^ahJHta^Aa& U^a^k|j^tasW 4^» tfbsat Jt^ftad^a- '^akSK fc^^^JAtg)^ as^s^sT WkWaar ^^aagsaWHata^BV r s^pa^^^hj^r^^sa^s^a^Bssj^fsj? ^^^^9^ ^^"^Pe ^air^^psl^^'^'ai, •-a^i'^ajA^^At .Jg^^,^^d|- •=-- . , t- . ft''.'.' ^ tfyu^awsaMssS' alai "aait asiai."' "aSHiil 1 "iRJSPBJKS?!?''"* '- '-.cjaw^aaas#''"'htSK Mssaassssai ; h^fe-;^Bssstf* Siass'wMlJMtaS ^^^^^JLS^^ g^^^A^^^, T -J^^ ^K^j|^^^' j^LsL^fc. sSssafllB' ^a^pa^^a^*^fW>^TSw'"t^ B ^aaBf ^e^^ ^P]^P*flSWP ^^fcls^^ l^^^Qr _ liS - -. . .,* ja^ ^^jjfa,^ ^ ••t t ' f(t.')^iw^ii>iwiftW«.- ;*•'»- • ^MBlP^|k^W' ^»^^s^P w^f^^^|r^^W,-'5 «S?w<^^a^aa? ^^asB^ssiBK- sasasassB^a 1 x ag' B ^HPP B flVv ^*"a^"^"iF. Calls For Rosary iS" Key. Jotin P. Oncsra, PhD, dean of St. John Ftaher (otlege esplslc-s daaa sehedalea to new frealtmesi (left to right), Leo J Kesatehing. holder of schntnrshlja fros: ?»>w York Htate and St. John Fisher Collesre, and Rtritarsl Knox, Knights of C«£sst- bui Rchtolarahtp rtudent. (Courier Staff Photo I The 8c«iiWi1i Jfevr eswne t# Fatlmas far OH> JT% li cere* monies martdHg tm ***htT' aary esf the •teste*' Virgin'* apparition. Re* came Is the company of hia brcrlher ana yoong CathoUc messes! it»- •eni from Oiasgow. lies everywhere to ifitcnilfv- the truditional OcUba* , devoOonis. He p»rttcularjy r»cofmn»od« ttmily ^tirtiati OC the Roaary. beggfltg tmm^r^T^^r^T^^^iS: V| r g!n to g^rtfLJW ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f f ^ . tns ajasssss jssnp^r, #asa jsav-sajja^ erteeSSrSi^sjjaBja^ ^Binss S^'W^aJ^Be^PWea^Wr^ ^T-*F^T- •<W"^P pwptVa mpoi»r> ^t'''»«|J#il: tnat, narirBta|ip^'tiprii i '9ra!''PPf Ucking 'IhtaaMHl #fC IrWtew** sorrow Wh{f4l fme0! «*S •*kV din <h» liagewa liwrf? 1 -: Among atriuai wrtitlk** *a«- ItiJl «fSf 'XaQCWM jpffyfiP(i IIMR wR* viduali, forftfniiic*,for peopiet, for natfotta and for tf»« .CU«N ft throiighoflt'the world. T h e appead Is made in a a.00f>word &t- cyclical EjiUtle addressed to the « i i h o p s throughvUt the world;' Urging them to le*d their p«#plo in a emssde nrsyiiig the • Roaary tjtil fear wlih "aach greato featv voe of the heart asttdemanded by the increased urgency of the need-" I'he docaxneht ftitf* the title "Iflgraettffurji Sft!oruifa'' (The Advancing 111*) wbkh are the two words with which it begins. SalMvMt Secret Fraternities Banned In Catholic High Schaols •VO-Stu part of siuds'nN 0 1 Ihp high -.-il.c >iijh schools In srhool le\-el t-.h»h are self-per- K.« k I >iocese have ien :o hold member Uttie Bock. \rk. dente of the I..' been f >' ship ir. <c. -f 1 -:rh «-hr>o) fra ipna. r gi'.za':T;s A IJirTTKK ' : o ~ 'he dirxe*an n-re< tor "' ^ -oois Msff" John I H>a'\ \. Bis'-op Ij-le R a' a.! - " -^ F-ater- ^ -;A~-UJ-;'"-* »'l^' ed •* err den^-t as *c^-re' so» ne'ies. ciubs fraternities or sor- orities, composed \ ^r exp'.a:ned 'he ban I. rvtrhc: of cad Catholic School In West Virginia Admits Negro Boys Charte-ston. W Va.—(BNS) —Two >>' egro horys «re students a! Bl'hop F.nghvnd high school. < stholtr dlnee«an iRstitotion here T"tir> are- the first at t h e i r ravr-e lo be *-n rolled In t h e tcehool. Allhossgli the West Virginia- conatltatiiin forbids the teach- ing of »gro aurid y r h l t e gto- dents t n the saur > school, no legal dt*Rrulties are expeeted. W. W. Trent, state wapertn- tendent af free schools, said that (acholic «-hooln are re- atardrd m* privade Imstitutlona »nd may admit anyone they r pieasf. Some montlm ago. another Charleston Catt*ollr institntton — St. »*f aneis Hospital — at- tracted n s 11 a nil attention when it Insisted on retaining Negro csxirses n a Its staff after as g r o u p of whElie norwe* had resigned in protest o - Religious Refuses Avery Dulles, Diplomat's Son, Charges Paul Blanshard Rehashes Old Bigotry r r** et'pt wholly or tn Express your sympathy with Flovrerv (all BV MM- Blaficfe- srd FTorHt of W take Avenue. uhere you real!} get best value. — ss* • «. j - - *|—-a«. aUUWI i ' V 1 Daily delrrertes to all aectloas. tachidtng ho.pitals.-Adv. ".gard for petuating in trvat adcSitional mem- bers are taken in sraieiy on the decision of present members. MAIN CBlT1aS^f of socis or ganuattons was outlined as fol- lows 1 Sum tirganiiatsnra are se- p ^ Q U l © I % OGQUGSt rret. without proper and conunu- Uytukm -<\Cv .-Brother Mi .ng -nature ^jpervtsun. c#up| p^,^^ Qss ^ Q{ Prtnfe 2 They are self perpetualmg uash AbSaey, Olosscestershire. has with additional members being' refused to accept 13500 pouwis added solely on the dedsioas of 8 ^ ^ <$37^0CHi wffled to h i m their immatusT mernbers. . .. . u „„„, .fey his ssottier csa condition Ssat 1 They beg^t dlrjrsses aa^l tend L , .^. „_ wfc . . „, to a caste ^ m 1 ^ g l ^ up h & religion fife. i Thev -ta^j .„ breed dis ^ ^ M,ChaH ' Wfto fa 21 - recard for properi> mr,«it^ted S** inf * "'**' Benedaettees at Prtfife- authofity thro-ugh a" haught> dis- rsaaf. '»o years- ago a^asiast Ma m. Lewis, Mo.- (NO -The present-day crttlrtam of the ("athoiic Churrhs roie in a free society is merely a rehaahing of the nativist and Know Noth- ing attacks of 100 years ago, Avery R. Dulles. Jesuit semin- arian, contends In an article fn the Octooer issue of Social Order magazine, published by the Institute of .Social Order here. A CONVKST and the sson of John Foster Dulles, advisor to the State Department. Mr. Dulles la a philosophy profe* sor at Fordham t'n)versit> He points out that Orestes Brown- son, famous convert and Amerl- C>n philosopher a century ago met the same sort of attaela j that Paul Blanshard and others I of hla type are making against 1 the Churrh today. I Mr. Dulles recalled irmi the ! nativist* argued that trt» Americanism ooold not be rec- 1 ondled with the CathoBc he- liei, bat that Erownson. tn bis famous *jHarteriy magazine and in hooka, answered that Ameri- canism -would not have ftxfeted had tt not been for the Cath- olic sort which nourished lt- EBOWNSON FCRITHKS can- teajed that Ame*fcaai»m can be cs*5paiiMe otsiy with Cath- oliciam, Mr, Dulles aaicL The sernlnartari recalled that BrtSwh" son wtpcrte: "SJfher Pro*gstaat> isan rsntst get the upper-fcaUd and eliminates* the Aswrfean •yslssi, or th# Amerittas sy$>- .'•^^^^sW^J^T^rl'^TJr' --^Wmfgp- & **"«'S^ S^ r/clical rpistJa J lata th* tthheaW niDi«r#i *r fmierhal Mm £* mm-is0y,mWafii, #«fata'#l r^t- iegij$4^ ^1M aMtoMMav t ^ . agslnet the Ch«t<*, artn ejstwidiRf i* mttyt&mf vm< fUft ert tb* iahhha to mm' p!*c««torf}aatr)«r«iUtefih«4t fslhara end to hmk unity with tto Ajwtrtk See, n«farfe>«» c*nv piigrta ef wltk4<i jpm&Kf -MUnK- *tWf' skjilWjw(ls*iBi rP*"iWa w* 1 •^MWWJrl^w^r *%he «m#Wut« tit* hep*rf«* llfton »nd socWty." WHJLi: BMUOt'l! In X0W-, th* document ti not pesaimUtk* tetlt quickly turns tp hope «nd«?m1« dene* in prayer, wpedaliy through the Rossry is fh«4&t%> er of God, whera "Chrialian peo- ple have always sought reiuge tn m ham m CWHprfewareao*«h% htm teen «onatit«tcd this tmm of (MilvaUoftto?the whokt hunsiih face* iM. trepmath" ft* *&*. fie remitiila the VUtwjm m 49 be depressed by the coutttppii- Don of the evitf roejf^nm. t|«. io pUm contmm in tfhri»i*i h«wJa 0 *ifcaf^ttarjanh«gfV«ari to yaut m\k and you *ha» fMtj| Knock and it shall he olpenetf ,Smi.- lA*»-mi».> "' -&•'•; " caaatng the Mmm m *H ' (Cotittea** en *»fa l> Dinner To HM Catholic .School aJWtssf*-* <H©) * » H i:j1,rrf'.a^("mt^aaaa7'* j^wflt v^WiW 1 -; ... ..... HassF'Ma? &a^s|a«|^^tta# AA^^ , ^••••••ffSS^BjBBB^Ba- aajsasasaf ^ppSBasap. ^asasssav ;•<ssaaiBatBj^B^^ ^tsai^Bsi juj^iuudA ^kbje«Mv^a^. HSJEJSLMB? ^sasa^assisfcSSL 4au^|^ga^^aasiBataB^ TS^^^aasajr ^PffPVVaasjaB^ f|BaBSsa^H I^B^BBB>^ ta^a^B^^asaaBByjasBfe Irtarotd Ht» 1sHtt 4i|MillMM' Mi «^5"WaS|F ^^Snp^iW*'*^ w^saaaaajp^av aj^aast- s^^p^ B *as^B •J»a^ajtt^ ^Mg^Sas>**<»B*sl S^^l ASUUBIB^BM!. af^saK rnsMB?r lallatiSsTBlaMittst ^^Wl' **rW*a^aa^S> ^sa^B^^aasaBBVBaass^ affaBBBaaBBB^ aassjaai^c ^ aaSatat" "JslasatiB -^^&&&^^£: ^tUhJfa^b 'UmJJUX *SBK^TF ^eT^I^' -*je^^"Wi^*T^aTlP^|l •flr^P^a^aji^p TS^^^PflPse aiia^B^aaWuuifchiig Jbat< ^taaasssr* ^^a^ak. * ^AtaVb •^•SefaswsaasB^ aaa} tasssBPajb ^SBBsr^a^Bj| BJBBSSBF Aaaai^^Kaa, j^fe-lf ^•taisjl -ghA^L^aA-^ jfW^^gjw^^^^ *^?T"^Pe iMr^f W^^P ja^BaBBBBBBjBJI ^^W B ^ l r B <w B ^^% ^*^j*--i^^J^fc S^^tjJa ^l^^arj^^^^u^ Ma^^auawaa^s^aj^. Jpff*l™ff™3"?B^ B r ^*rP*™itl ^*^"sspa^a^^aasBja> -^Baaaa^anB^assfas, i^ia-^^-jtLft! ua^Jf- ^^^^^ttu- 4|^ ;^^MKr-afljfeihtel - —- 4jttM Jtag^liatijl jjjb -aj^j^^riMtaljJf -jgfr t^j*^X ^^^^^^^^S^^. 1 ^^^^ •ssaasjr^sa^aaaasaa^B«t ar-SA v^^e^P B ff n ^ BB ^^a^a^ n sg E ^^*«E ^ay^ai||^asr^ ^*^p* *<»Mwel.stWjWliMiaii<in i? itjr^niiasiii iiijanaaia fL -—*^ Lidr Of AttBii jf-tsaiiaii 'flffB II'JB. JdttB^Mala£ *8fc^^i^^^aaa^^avat ^^^uuu -^sgM^^jt^^JKaaj|^^^ itlsai'-iae stbt ¥*mnw-«a« gsatMiii. aajsassjap m^iai -SBRsaav ^ f t ^ s ^ r a s p r . WW«WST W '"Iff sssaisj * ^m^^^^^Jt a»3JdKat^ MstsaastsMaiafit.^1 ^ j ^ ^ ^ a ^ y ^ fl|P™*flFnPs^Vg'rSF's^P^Sjaa^" 1 W-asWWsaaaaaaj.^.^Bfj ^^aaaas^af^T' aVaBaalt^i Hear ssraSeav t pwassflaws^a^^SjBi .^ ^IWI^JII: atsfw^nqasi^^?: - 1r Ts 1 aTiaardi isiaaaw Vat' •#1^5!, -ff*?" iaBBasrsaaaja^aB^p - •Msa^snraswasa^sr ^ ^9fr^ .•iBf^agUaBsissBV JK^B^IBMBC *i^i^aft j^^^y^su£a^ •^i^^^WR s^»W^* PP ^^^^W^ W|^F^*i^?*^*^^ i lF •fa waarf: tA Sataaastat Wlfli. ssat SWH ^fy^WWlF f*T^ l B r*aw|S^^s^sar^BBF ItapaBssjBji. ^ataasr^ wlili Mak atittrfiaat .saw iasat.< -»sJt#Sfff- ^aaaaasssa ^jtaiasaaa^ajiavgBsaa^^jjasiayaja^^ ^^^saass.^^ C S S TssBiim a r f ' ' M a i m i * ^P^afl^sBaasaaa sP^asa^ - ""^ ^saaaiL ^Bsaaaaaa^BsM^RK^isa^&# In tfiit irt*-: srtsa' laiaiiMi'l' 'aaaai J ltB<aaai' ^•HMWs •^^^•"MVe^^' ^^^^^^rf WSiasBaa^aassBV *»-ti^^^ai AU|M^ye_^e- "* ^ | | M ^ | 1 J^^*1^™»MHK ! *^WfTfl^WB . ^^* I * , a s>l i ]"s"j^p- =Wt*^j^ B J^fi?1f»^yal^|^i^^jy^^|ajj£f ftu^, *g*agU^, -a^aai | ^ J [ ^BB^BI ^S^U^^flfe jaMBa» **1^F ^^^^"s. •^••^^^s^^' ^saa: * ( 'Hi* ncrnewii AVfty R, littiUes, (right fn photn), ctmvett author aemiaiarfsti, *1« shown chaftftig with til slfilngahh^* fafrter, Jfohta f#atef ItaUea, Amerkaan atateswaai and at*Wtec|:-.«f : -;«h» _ rtee»*'>ea* «B8afy wBH Jaflsl, '" " *>'- pi^ mm?. law.' mother's wishes. i asd elfMnlte Protestarfliam^ Hi the srtkle, titled "Ctth- eiidsno And DemoeTacy,*' the Harvaa-d-eduCAtwl scminariais eeoifaa that im temmsm'* <*a day, jProtaetnt&m began to*- tesft* im mm &mi*m&: de|fa«i*f iftf Jnta^ tern nxtist get t b * «TP*r hand iaJJiraj without faith JwdroaiKm. ^Mfe'gSB^'JW'SSKv^S^^*^ m _«Am that if )Uiriij|fl»|riLtiiii —— ^IM^teasBaS- SB^sa^aadk ' TI i i^h''ai" k 'saii>Baa' 4 F*ti^^^Sa^^ ^r^^ jS^ -apiU -*fl ^ o ni ~<6^wfc^W^«*rt# »« i ^^^* SS «N^^

John Fisher College Openslib.catholiccourier.com/1951-august-1952-january... · W^Vfe**"" '"«•" •K-'^-S"S.W«.*liH**'W-*,-.*',*W>w* «-s»4s» »&**« -jf^ ,.^-^«,

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Page 1: John Fisher College Openslib.catholiccourier.com/1951-august-1952-january... · W^Vfe**"" '"«•" •K-'^-S"S.W«.*liH**'W-*,-.*',*W>w* «-s»4s» »&**« -jf^ ,.^-^«,

W^Vfe**"" '"«•" •K-'^-S"S.W«.*liH**'W-*,-.*',*W>w* «-s»4s» »&**« - j f ^

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„ 1 * ^ 1

* * • Ovid Parish

Centenary Hit* Cw Regs Frre

• • •


V — ^ OFFICIR REWSrAPSt 0f\5Fr»§ HKHilllt tttCESt •2nd Ywet ROCHBSTER, N, V„ FRIDAY,!

i ! * * ^ *

Bucharest Trial' Cloaks Terror Paper Charges

Vatican Uty—i. \C» The far cical "trial" of a Bishop, several prtesu and some laymen in Bucharest is another example ol "cloaking terrortsro with the pre* tense of legality" now so fre­quent tn all Iron Curtain coiuv trie*. Qsservatore Romano, Vatl can CSty daily, stated here

Through the Bucharest trial, the paper declared, the Ruman­ian, Reds are trying to break by "legal terrorism a fidelity which no Insidious violence has so far succeeded In shaking "

AMON'G THE TEN persons hauled before the Red court, ac­cording to reports from Bucha reat Is Bishop Augustine Pacha of Tlmisoara. SO-year-old prelate who was "deposed" bv I he Reds in the tall of 194B and has long been under arrest Reports earlier this year stated thai he had been pressed Into a forced labor camp working on a canal between the Danube river and Black Sea.

Also named tn the Indictment was Archbishop G e r a l d P OTtara. Blahop of Savannah-At lanta, who was expelled from Rumania last year alter another "espionage" trtal involving his chauffeur. Archbishop CHara was named as leader of the "plot" for which ten defendants are now being "tried."

(At BanaBak, <ls, Area-Btanov OTHarm was quo*** toranata*- UM charges at the eurrens "trial" aa a -tlaerae. at lies," ana aa a a d l a r "To say Uut t h e Holy Sas « Ita repre-sentettvas IN Ewiiaiila were aagaced la aarj farm af ea> fkt iage er te w k M mi t»e» sssoits activity la rttfcsJoaa.")

John Fisher College Opens

iSfvS * ^ N a s s e r ' * -~a,

Ilia BxceUency Blatsop K e u a e y w a s i racnf the flfst t o greet the A n t freshman etaae wkleh thhi week entered t i l e ntirtjr opened 81 John FlsJacr College. The Bishop, w h o la rfeSMKeUor «f the college, srtstted UM rnastltutlon on Wetoeasaw wKfch was the O r * ea»iTen»ry af hto

ardlnaiton.' (Coarser Staff f i n * * )

Vatican Censures Foes Of Bishop In Rumania

B o m * i R N S ) - * » decree formal e x c o m m u n i c a t i o n w a s la-sued b \ V a t i c a n author i t i e s • gainst til p e r s o n s Involved tn • the arres t and Imprisonment of Bishop Augus t ine Pacha of Tim Isosra and five priests tn Tom munlst Romania

Announcement of the Vatican decree came after a ml l l tarv court In Buchares t had sen fenced Btthop f ^ e i i a to 18 y « s r s sol i tary conf inement on c h a f e s of e n g a g i n g tn Vatican-directed e s p i o n a g e o p e r a t i o n s against the •itjte He » a s o n e of ten de­fendants inund guilty

Bishop Pacha. » h o is «'. ».»o was B n e d 1-200100 lei or a ho it S8000, for a l legedly e n g a g i n g in illegal currency t r a n s f e r *

The Bishop's co-defendants , of whom five w e r e priests , rece ived terms ranging from life Im prlsonment tn sol i tary conf ine merit or at hard labor, to 12 \ears a' hard labor

•fhe pr .Mtde fendant s and tt-r <er-n« -e< e \e«1 > ere

' < , • * . r & '

- «>;i'ar'. r a t h e -

">f T,mi«>ara, 4-t

^ • t Fathe~ F* e

of Bur ha

\ . F a ' l e r

i Bishop Greets 'Pioneer Class' At John Fisher

Bishop Kearney marked his 43rd anmveraau-y of or­dination Wednesday with i visit t o Rf J o h n Flatter Cortege, whose o p e n i n g this week g i v e s rea..'y •> u n e of r- . j fon d es t drea-n» the es tabl i shment of a i a t h o i u co l l ege taxt m e n tn 1 the D t o c r s e of Rochester.

G r e e t i n g a p p r o x i m a t e l y 100 f r e s h m e n stud^ftts w^so r o m p o M

' the s r h o o l 1 (-urrrent errrorimemt, o f the Rlahop hai led tr tem aa the

V j ' - e -

H- . h a • <•»•

-Vda.he" I

, i ( p a ' '

tm F.rnM'11 • i a " :

rc«t l.S v e i t « ' ""•

in<!pf W i ! " i c " !>q of TlmlRoara

•/, i P a ' 5 a" k j r I 'jh<ir and

I J ' V - :• ! i / ^ f e •*'• n ( T.mis-

nxrh 1.' '.<a s « T *ia.-ri u>hor.

"Pioneer ("laius." arwl e x h o r t e d them '.I ».-n i t j(oal* of scholar­ship a <l g p n t i e m a n l v a t t i tudes w n t " - - "' S' Inhn Fisher co l leg*? patror-

B> W ».» 1.' faii*~i.gf he e s pressed the hope that s o m e mptrtber of tbe> "Pioneer CVavss" would « r i t e S t Jol^n Flsrwr's biography

The Bishop addresssed the s tu­dents and far-ultv In the un­finished c o l l e g e c h a p e l N o t i n g that "grea t t h i n g s Ivave h u m b l e b e g i n n i n g s he 'old ?hat r e c e n t ly he v is i ted a 'ng c a b i n In \»htcn Tiore 'har- 1O0 y e a s t ago 'ho present Notre Dame 1 nlvensitv had i t s beg inn ing

"Over a hundred \ears a g o nnhodv could envlsur>n that the ll"le log rar»in wergild becrwne the t i g m n i a - ' institution that Notre I 'amr .« 'odav ' 'he B S s h r»n cia vet

R e \ e A l i P g ' - a ' ' js,a« 'he 4S\x<\ a - n n e ' ^ j r . , ,f • >i r,r lina'Kin *n •He p f # ^ ' - « r t i "-r Bisv' .p *-R,4 ^c A. A « «-• ^ . i ; [ " n T a r k the ocia>-*-'-i u . 'h his R r i t u s l t to ihe '-*"<? . nti**ge }if c n g r a i 1 la'ed IP AI ul t \ a r.i s l u d ^ n l s an l i i e n «jn-e^«ful ^aunrhincr of Thp n e u rot'W'^p r m i's fSrst s rho las t i c y e a r

TTTE \"EBT Re- T .:.r F M U T [>\ 1 '? K P'- f > prpwaent of ' h e col lege ,r a r address 10

( ( o n t i n u e d on i^age 11

Rosary Sticker

30,000 Mati ' Um mm mm "fsaar m 'Baawcy Sor VWBT mmvWi

nmm Gtmfa fer mm Vtm eoiuifauesfe tn Redheiier-

DisfcrlbsiUea ssf Ute stts*t*»-'«x44»{h gurnmea plciur** of a ; bliift«!Olor«d woria arouBd whjflt a rauiy Is woven-*** untkr-taltert by the committee cariy tuia year. They may be pasted o a a r w houie window*.

Use of the printed Roaary tor ; Peace symbol cm their maillnsj ; envejoptM is tietM rotefe ty ih* I Monroo County Otanfer of the 1 Catholic War Veterans, the com­mittee, announced.

Amneements for such uat oX the aymbol by orjfanjlitlofls jaay be made by conUctlng the com« mlttee at 1013 Dewey Ave.. Roch­ester 13. Electrotypes are av«U> able for the printing.

CHJCrJtATION of the ilick> era, which have received appro val of ills Excellency Bishop Keanwy (or the Rochester Dlf> ce*e% iiined tmpctta through ibe tntenit of the Rev. Joseph V. Curtixi, putor of Si John the £vangeiisit's, C&iSe, who donated 91.OOO to the committee for the fMirpoie of bringing the sticker to the attention of pasters in all Engiiih-sHieaWn* natronaw >ttm far the committee hM circular-faed hundreds of pastors in the United states.

Qrillaator of the «ymbol waav • group of BucSahtenerJi af Hejfjf Roaary pari»h, RockaattTi »«*• ^tqwntly tha campaign sseaXyM the «tor««neBt of the diocesan laymeri'i Retneat League and the Dloceian Holy Name Union.

- o . . . . •»».».

Youag Scottifh Jew Convert At Fatima

Ua8ae>-(NC)—A th?WMti gteotilaai lew «raa aa Ims^eatai fry • vMt to l MMft <*«« to r*s|H«ttel awi lal«r raealveC

1T» jrtttng Jkm was hafUwi art thaT CenasHau MtaaiMiarjr Seirtnaury at ratlma, feJJewfag; • safes af iaatrteiiswa. A« AssMrioaa convert from iaOh-lam t* CatlsoUctaa, Paul its Kmrent. aetest as gotffaUME. Str. te Koreaji Is to ettier fha Cossoassta Mlasioaarjr natiUite




A 'f^^lkwwlkllv tt^adsV-

•Mill #0PI9pWl ,HvP)l;_3Rnl8''-Xp y.

'isB«]]k^Bs^ss% t l a l t U A l s B t s ^ i i s S B ^ s f i ^Hk^m^"^iMaKataV

1 ^Tmrfi tii TflmM"lilir Wnthifli- - * ta liiprttWiitaihlai »if Jst iasMasat • ^ • ^ •ss-^in* 1 'M rti^f Slav pn9 - w ^ ^ a ^ t • aaajg ^ was yBB B ss awf

' a ^ s k l t t A | k B a a k ^ l 4 a ^ B s l i ^ s ^ l ^ ^ s k i ' ^ a t f J B s 4 s < B l 4 i i L

^s^ssik -JlsiitsBJs. ~Lttsial&i^issat^£ajsi^aVlsk% -KMkw^^a^k^BAk'

^ W f ^ ^WcP»n Sr^^^S^^pl^rW^^ ' ^ ^ W ^ P ' T ' ^ ^ A t ^ ' - t A a i e s a a i i h s V ^ t l t a j t f ' ^ ^ « a M i - 4 j ^ « . & ,

' a>» Jktf -jfWilialtA- aAiaMSta* issa, saB.'JrSaliF ^ a ^ h U k i ^fcjhfcsa^tajatf' jaatXa^BBSSjsMBi ^Latt «.

''A^aaar & t ^ ^ . ) | I U ^ i ^ M ^^a^s^Ubsbs^. j&^^-^fwft^f^at >^^^* i 1 K ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ * ^ W , ^ J X ^ T * ^ ^ ^ ^ nSe^^^w^^^f r

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kg a&k 4aa»)feaSsslsA a*Baal^ahJHta^Aa&

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• - a ^ i ' ^ a j A ^ ^ A t . J g ^ ^ , ^ ^ d | - •=-- . , t - . ft''.'.'

^ tfyu^awsaMssS' alai "aait asiai."'

"aSHiil1 "iRJSPBJKS?!?''"* '-

'-.cjaw^aaas#''"'htSK Mssaassssai ;h fe-; Bssstf*


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J L S ^ ^ g^^^A^^^,T - J ^ ^ ^ K ^ j | ^ ^ ^ ' j LsL fc. sSssafllB'

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«S?w< a aa? ^ asB ssiBK- sasasassB a1 xag'B^HPPBflVv ^*"a^"^"iF.

Calls For Rosary iS"

Key. Jotin P. O n c s r a , P h D , dean o f St. John Ftaher (ot lege esplslc-s daaa sehedalea to new frealtmesi (left to right), Leo J Kesatehing. holder of schntnrshlja fros : ?»>w York Htate and St. John Fisher Collesre, and Rtritarsl Knox, Knights of C«£sst-

bui Rchtolarahtp rtudent. (Courier Staff Photo I

The 8c«iiWi1i Jfevr eswne t# Fatlmas far OH> JT% l i cere* monies martdHg tm ***htT' aary esf the •teste*' Virgin'* apparition. Re* came Is the company of hia brcrlher ana • yoong CathoUc messes! it»-•eni from Oiasgow.

lies everywhere to ifitcnilfv- the truditional OcUba* , devoOonis. He p»rttcularjy r»cofmn»od« ttmily ^tirtiati OC the Roaary. beggfltg tmm^r^T^^r^T^^^iS: V|rg!n to g^rtfLJW ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f f ^ .

tns ajasssss jssnp^r, #asa jsav-sajja erteeSSrSi^sjjaBja^ ^Binss S^'W^aJ^Be^PWea^Wr^ ^ T - * F ^ T - •<W"^P

pwptVa mpoi»r> ^t'''»«|J#il: tnat, narirBta|ip^'tipriii'9ra!''PPf Ucking 'IhtaaMHl #fC IrWtew** sorrow Wh{f4l f me0! «*S •*kV din <h» liagewa liwrf?1 - :

Among atriuai wrtitlk** *a«-ItiJl «fSf 'XaQCWM jpffyfiP(i IIMR wR*

viduali, for ftfniiic*, for peopiet, for natfotta and for tf»«

. C U « N ft throiighoflt'the world.

The appead Is made in a a.00f>word &t-cyclical EjiUtle addressed t o the « i i h o p s throughvUt the world;' Urging them to le*d

their p«#plo in a emssde nrsyiiig the • Roaary tjtil fear wlih "aach greato featv voe of the heart as tt demanded by the increased urgency of the need-" I'he docaxneht ftitf* the title "Iflgraettffurji Sft!oruifa'' (The Advancing 111*) wbkh are the two words with which it begins.


Secret Fraternities Banned In Catholic High Schaols

• V O - S t u part o f siuds'nN 0 1 Ihp h i g h -.-il.c >iijh schools In srhool le\-el t- .h»h are self-per-K.« k I >iocese have ien :o hold m e m b e r

U t t i e Bock. \ r k .

dente of the I . . ' been f >' ship ir. <c. -f 1-:rh «-hr>o) fra i p n a . r g i ' . z a ' : T ; s

A IJirTTKK ' : o ~ 'he dirxe*an n-re< tor "' ^ - o o i s Msff" John I H>a' \ \. Bis'-op Ij-le R a' a.! - " - ^

F-ater- ^ -;A~-UJ-;'"-* »'l^'

ed •* err den^- t as *c^-re' s o » n e ' i e s . ciubs fraternities or sor­orities, composed

\ ^r

exp'.a:ned 'he ban I. rvtrhc: of


Catholic School In West Virginia Admits Negro Boys

Charte-ston. W V a . — ( B N S ) — T w o >>' egro horys «re s t u d e n t s a ! B l ' h o p F.nghvnd high s c h o o l . < stholtr dlnee«an iRs t i to t ion here T"tir> are- the first at the ir ravr-e lo be *-n rolled In t h e tcehool.

Allhossgli the West Virginia-conatl tat i i in f o r b i d s t h e teach­i n g of » g r o aurid yrhlte g to-dents t n the s a u r > s c h o o l , n o lega l dt*Rrulties are e x p e e t e d . W . W. Trent, state wapertn-tendent af f r e e schools , s a i d that ( a c h o l i c «-hooln are re-atardrd m* pr ivade Imstitutlona » n d m a y a d m i t a n y o n e t h e y r


Some montlm ago. a n o t h e r C h a r l e s t o n Catt*ollr i n s t i t n t t o n — St. »*f aneis Hospita l — a t ­tracted n s 11 a n i l a t t e n t i o n when i t Insisted on r e t a i n i n g N e g r o csxirses n a Its s t a f f a f t e r as g r o u p of whElie norwe* h a d r e s i g n e d in p r o t e s t

— o -

Religious Refuses

Avery Dulles, Diplomat's Son, Charges Paul Blanshard Rehashes Old Bigotry

r r** e t ' p t

wholly or tn

Express your sympathy with Flovrerv (all BV MM- Blaficfe-srd FTorHt of W take Avenue. uhere you real!} get best value. — ss* • «. j - - * | — - a « . a U U W I i ' V 1

Daily delrrertes to all aectloas. tachidtng ho.pitals.-Adv. ".gard for

petuating in trvat adcSitional mem­bers are taken in sraieiy on the decision of present members.

MAIN CBlT1aS^f of socis or ganuattons w a s outlined a s fol­lows

1 S u m tirganiiatsnra are se- p ^ Q U l © I % O G Q U G S t rret. without proper and conunu- Uytukm -<\Cv . -Brother Mi .ng -nature ^jpervtsun. c # u p | p^,^^ Q s s ^ Q{ P r t n f e

2 They are self perpetualmg u a s h AbSaey, Olosscestershire. has with additional members being' refused t o accept 13500 pouwis added solely o n the dedsioas of 8 ^ ^ <$37^0CHi wffled to h im their immatusT mernbers. . . . .u „„„,

.fey his ssottier csa condition Ssat 1 They beg^t dlrjrsses aa l tend L , .^. „_ wfc. „ . „ ,

to a caste m 1 ^ g l ^ up h& re l ig ion fife. i Thev - t a ^ j . „ breed dis ^ ^ M , C h a H ' W f t o fa 21-

recard for properi> mr,«it^ted S**inf* "'**' Benedaettees a t Prtfife-authofity thro-ugh a" haught> dis- rsaaf. ' » o years- ago a^asiast Ma

m. Lewis, Mo.- ( N O - T h e present-day crttlrtam of the ("athoiic Churrhs roie in a free society is merely a rehaahing of the nativist and Know Noth­ing attacks of 100 years ago, Avery R. Dulles. Jesuit semin­arian, contends In an article fn

• the Octooer i s s u e of Social Order magazine, published by the Institute of .Social Order here.

A CONVKST and the sson of John Foster Dulles, advisor to the State Department. Mr. Dulles la a philosophy profe* sor at Fordham t'n)versit> He points out that Orestes Brown-son, famous convert and Amerl-C>n philosopher a century ago m e t the same sort of attaela

j that Paul Blanshard and others I of hla type are making against 1 the Churrh today. I Mr. Dulles recalled irmi the ! nativist* argued that trt»

Americanism ooold not be rec-1 ondled with the CathoBc he-

liei, bat that Erownson. tn bis famous *jHarteriy magazine and in hooka, answered that Ameri­canism -would not have ftxfeted had tt not been for the Cath-olic sort which nourished lt-

EBOWNSON FCRITHKS can-teajed that Ame*fcaai»m can be cs*5paiiMe otsiy with Cath-oliciam, Mr, Dulles aaicL The sernlnartari recalled that BrtSwh" son wtpcrte: "SJfher Pro*gstaat> isan rsntst get the upper-fcaUd and eliminates* the Aswrfean •yslssi, or th# Amerittas sy$>-

.'•^^^^sW^J^T^rl'^TJr' --^Wmfgp- & **"«'S^ S^

r/clical rpistJa J lata th* tthheaW niDi«r#i *r fmierhal Mm £ * mm-is0y,mWafii, #«fata'#l r^t- iegij$4^ ^1M aMtoMMav t ^ . agslnet the Ch«t<*, artn ejstwidiRf i* mttyt&mf vm< fUft ert tb* iahhha to mm' p!*c««torf}aatr)«r«iUtefih«4t fslhara end to hmk unity with tto Ajwtrtk See, n«farfe>«» c*nv piigrta ef wltk4<i jpm&Kf -MUnK-*tWf' skjilWjw(ls*iBi rP*" iWa w* 1 •^MWWJrl^w^r

*%he «m#Wut« tit* hep* rf «* llf ton »nd socWty."

WHJLi: BMUOt'l! In X0W-, th* document ti not pesaimUtk* tetlt quickly turns tp hope «nd«?m1« dene* in p r a y e r , wpedaliy through the Rossry is fh«4&t%> er of God, whera "Chrialian peo­ple have always sought reiuge tn m ham m CWHpr fewareao *«h% htm teen «onatit«tcd this tmm of (MilvaUoft to? the whokt hunsiih face* iM. trepmath" ft* *&*. fie remitiila the VUtwjm m 49 be depressed by the coutttppii-Don of the evitf roejf^nm. t |«. io pUm contmm in tfhri»i*i h«wJa0*ifcaf^ttarjanh«gfV«ari to yaut m\k and you *ha» fMtj| Knock and it shall he olpenetf l»

,Smi.- lA*»-mi».> "' -&•'•;

" caaatng the Mmm m *H ' (Cotittea** en *»f a l>

Dinner To HM Catholic .School

aJWtssf*-* <H©) * » H

i : j1,rrf'.a^("mt^aaaa7'*

j ^ w f l t v ^ W i W 1 -; ... . . . . . H a s s F ' M a ? & a ^ s | a « | ^ ^ t t a # A A ^ ^ ,

••••••ffSS BjBBB^Ba- aajsasasaf ppSBasap. ^asasssav ;•<ssaaiBatBj^B^^ tsai Bsi j u j ^ i u u d A ^kbje«Mv^a^. HSJEJSLMB? sasa assisfcSSL 4au^|^ga^^aasiBataB^ TS^^^aasajr ^PffPVVaasjaB^ f|BaBSsa^H I^B^BBB>^ ta^a^B^^asaaBByjasBfe

Irtarotd Ht» 1sHtt 4i|MillMM' Mi «^5"WaS|F ^^Snp^iW*'*^ w^saaaaajp^av aj^aast- s^^p^B*as^B

•J»a^ajtt^ ^Mg^Sas>**<»B*sl S ^ ^ l A S U U B I B ^ B M ! . af^saK

r n s M B ? r l a l l a t i S s T B l a M i t t s t ^^Wl' **rW*a^aa^S> ^sa^B^^aasaBBVBaass^ affaBBBaaBBB^ aassjaai^c ^ aaSatat" "JslasatiB -^^&&&^^£: ^tUhJfa^b 'UmJJUX *SBK^TF ^eT^I^' -*je "Wi *T aTlP |l •flr P a aji p TS ^ PflPse

a i i a ^ B ^ a a W u u i f c h i i g Jbat< taaasssr* ^ ^ a ^ a k . * ^AtaVb •^•SefaswsaasB^ aaa} tasssBPajb SBBsr a Bj| BJBBSSBF

Aaaai^^Kaa, j ^ f e - l f ^•taisjl -ghA^L^aA-^ j f W ^ ^ g j w ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ? T " ^ P e i M r ^ f W ^ ^ P ja BaBBBBBBjBJI ^^WB^lrB<wB^^%

^*^j*--i^^J^fc S^^tjJa ^ l ^ ^ a r j ^ ^ ^ ^ u ^ Ma^^auawaa^s^aj^. Jpff*l™ff™3"?B^Br ^*rP*™itl ^*^"sspa^a^^aasBja> -^Baaaa^anB^assfas, i ^ i a - ^ ^ - j t L f t ! u a ^ J f - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t t u - 4 | ^ ;^^MKr-afljfeihtel

- —- 4 j t t M J t a g ^ l i a t i j l j j j b - a j ^ j ^ ^ r i M t a l j J f - j g f r

t^ j *^X ^^^^^^^^S^^.1^^^^ •ssaasjr^sa^aaaasaa^B«t ar-SA

v^^e^PBffn^BB^^a^a^nsgE ^ ^ * « E ^ay^ai||^asr^ ^*^p*

*<»Mwel.stWjWa»liMiaii<in i? itjr^niiasiii iiijanaaia f L - — * ^

Lidr Of AttBii jf-tsaiiaii 'flffB II'JB. JdttB^Mala£

*8fc^^ i^^^aaa^^avat ^ ^ ^ u u u - ^ s g M ^ ^ j t ^ ^ J K a a j | ^ ^ ^

itlsai'-iae stbt ¥*mnw-«a« gsatMiii. aajsassjap m^iai -SBRsaav ^ft^s^raspr. WW«WST W '"Iff sssaisj * ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J t a»3JdKat^ MstsaastsMaiafit.^1 ^ j ^ ^ ^ a ^ y ^ fl|P™* flFnPs^Vg'rSF' s^P^Sjaa^"1 W-asWWsaaaaaaj. . Bfj ^^aaaas^af^T'

aVaBaalt i Hear ssraSeav t pwassflaws^a^^SjBi . ^ ^IWI^JII: atsfw^nqasi ^?: -

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AVfty R, littiUes, (right fn photn), ctmvett author aemiaiarfsti, *1« shown chaftftig with t i l slfilngahh^* fafrter, Jfohta f#atef ItaUea, Amerkaan atateswaai and at*Wtec|:-.«f:-;«h» _ rtee»*'>ea* «B8afy wBH Jaflsl, '"" *>'-

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law.' mother's wishes. i

asd elfMnlte Protestarfliam^ • Hi the srtkle, titled "Ctth-

eiidsno And DemoeTacy,*' the Harvaa-d-eduCAtwl scminariais eeoifaa that im temmsm'* <*a day, jProtaetnt&m began to*-tesft* im mm &mi*m&: de|fa«i*f iftf Jnta tern nxtist get tb* «TP*r hand iaJJiraj without faith JwdroaiKm.


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