John F. Kennedy 1961-1963

John F. Kennedy 1961-1963. The Election of 1960 The election of 1960 was the closest since 1884. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon by fewer than 119,000

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John F. Kennedy 1961-1963

The Election of The Election of 19601960• The election of The election of 19601960 was was the closest since 1884 .the closest since 1884 .

• KennedyKennedy defeated defeated Richard Richard NixonNixon by fewer by fewer than 119,000 votes.than 119,000 votes.

Kennedy FactsKennedy Facts• He was a decorated He was a decorated naval officer in World naval officer in World War II.War II.• He received the • He received the PulitzerPulitzer PrizePrize for his for his book, "Profiles in book, "Profiles in Courage."Courage."• He served exactly • He served exactly 1,0001,000 days in office. days in office.• He was the first • He was the first president born in the president born in the 20th century and the 20th century and the youngestyoungest president ever president ever elected.elected.• He is the only He is the only RomanRoman CatholicCatholic president. president.• He could read 1600 He could read 1600 words a minute.words a minute.

KennedyKennedy’’s Inaugural Addresss Inaugural AddressKennedy was the youngest person ever to be elected Kennedy was the youngest person ever to be elected president. Hispresident. Hisyouth helped provide the theme to his inaugural youth helped provide the theme to his inaugural address:address:

““Let the word go Let the word go forth…forth…That the torch has That the torch has beenbeenpassed to a new passed to a new generation of generation of Americans…Americans…The energy, the faith, The energy, the faith, the the devotion which we devotion which we bringbringto this endeavor will to this endeavor will lightlightour country and all our country and all who who serve it…And so, my serve it…And so, my fellowfellowAmericans-ask not Americans-ask not whatwhatyour country can do your country can do for for you-ask what you can you-ask what you can dodofor your country.for your country.””

The Camelot YearsThe Camelot Years

With JFKWith JFK’’ssyouthful glamour, youthful glamour, beautiful family,beautiful family,and talentedand talentedadvisors, the advisors, the Kennedy Kennedy WhiteWhiteHouseHouse reminded remindedmany of a modern-many of a modern-day day CamelotCamelot, the, themythical court ofmythical court ofKing Arthur.King Arthur.

Crisis Over CubaCrisis Over Cuba•The first test of The first test of Kennedy’sKennedy’sforeign policy came in foreign policy came in CubaCuba,,just just 9090 miles off the miles off the coast ofcoast ofFloridaFlorida. . •Revolutionary leader, Revolutionary leader, FidelFidel CastroCastro, openly , openly declared himself a declared himself a communistcommunist and and welcomed aid from the welcomed aid from the SovietSoviet UnionUnion.

The Bay of PigsThe Bay of Pigs• On the nights of April On the nights of April 17,1961,17,1961,some 1500 some 1500 CubanCuban exilesexiles supported by the supported by the U.S.U.S. militarymilitarylanded on the islandlanded on the island’’s s southern coast at the southern coast at the BayBay of of PigsPigs. . • The The CIACIA and the exiles and the exiles hoped ithoped itwould trigger a mass would trigger a mass uprisinguprisingthat would that would overthrowoverthrow Castro.Castro.• It didnIt didn’’t! Cuban forces, t! Cuban forces, backedbackedby Soviet tanks and jet by Soviet tanks and jet aircraft,aircraft,easily easily repelledrepelled the exile the exile invasioninvasion..• Some of the exiles were Some of the exiles were killedkilled,,others others imprisonedimprisoned..• The The U.S. paid $U.S. paid $5353 million in food and million in food and medicine for their medicine for their release.release.

Cuban Missile CrisisCuban Missile CrisisIn October, 1962, In October, 1962, photographsphotographs taken takenby American planesby American planesrevealed revealed SovietSoviet missilemissile basesbases in in CubaCuba – some with – some withmissiles ready to launchmissiles ready to launchand reach and reach U.SU.S. cities . cities in in minutesminutes..

• On October 22,Kennedy ordereda naval blockadeof Cuba to preventfurther deliveriesof Soviet weapons.

• He also demandedthat the Sovietsremove the missiles.

• Khrushchev promised tochallenge the blockade,calling it “outright banditry.”

Naval Naval BlockadeBlockade

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.This much we pledge and survival and the success of liberty.This much we pledge and more.more.”” -- JFK Inaugural Address -- JFK Inaugural Address

For a few days, nuclear war and massive destruction was a

distinct possibility for every American. In schools, children

practiced air raid drills, a common occurrence during the Cold

War. People who had built bomb shelters began stocking

them with food and other provisions. Even the president called

his family to the White House where they could be protected in

the presidential nuclear shelter.

• Suddenly, on October 24, many of the Suddenly, on October 24, many of the SovietSoviet shipsships stopped shortstopped shortof the blockade line, turned, and of the blockade line, turned, and sailedsailed homehome. . • ““WeWe’’re eyeball to eyeball,re eyeball to eyeball,”” said Secretary of State said Secretary of State DeanDean RuskRusk, , ““and I think the other fellow just blinked.and I think the other fellow just blinked.”” • On October 28 Khrushchev agreed to On October 28 Khrushchev agreed to dismantledismantle the the missilemissile basesbases in response to Kennedy in response to Kennedy’’s promise s promise notnot to to invadeinvade Cuba & to remove U.S. missiles in Turkey Cuba & to remove U.S. missiles in Turkey.

The New Frontier

President Kennedy’slegislative program toprovide medical carefor the elderly….

To rebuild blightedurban areas….

To aid education….

To bolster the nationaldefense….

To increase international aid….

To expand the space program.

And to promote

civil rights.

To provide volunteer assistance to developingnations in Asia, Africa,

and Latin America through the Peace Corp.

Tragedy in Dallas

• In the fall of 1963, In the fall of 1963, public opinion polls public opinion polls showed that showed that Kennedy was losing Kennedy was losing popularity because popularity because of his of his supportsupport of of civilcivil rightsrights. . • On On NovemberNovember 2222, , 1963, President and 1963, President and Mrs. Kennedy went Mrs. Kennedy went to to DallasDallas, Texas to , Texas to mendmendpolitical fences with political fences with members of the members of the statestate’’s Democratics DemocraticParty.Party.

Crowds lined Crowds lined thethestreets of streets of DallasDallasto greet the to greet the President. In President. In frontfrontof him sat of him sat TexasTexasGovernor Governor JohnJohnConnally and Connally and hishiswife Nellie.wife Nellie.

The MotorcadeThe Motorcade

As the car approached a state building known as the Texas State BookDepository, rifle shots rang out.

• Kennedy Kennedy was shot in was shot in the throat, the throat, then the then the head.head.• His car His car raced to a raced to a nearby nearby hospital, hospital, where where doctors doctors frantically frantically triedtriedto revive him.to revive him.• It was too It was too late – late – President President Kennedy was Kennedy was dead.dead.

November 22, November 22, 19631963

In 1963, the In 1963, the WarrenWarrenCommissionCommission investigated investigatedand concluded thatand concluded thatLeeLee HarveyHarvey OswaldOswaldhad shot the presidenthad shot the presidentwhile acting on his ownwhile acting on his own.

The Assassin?The Assassin?

On Sunday, Nov. On Sunday, Nov. 24,24,as millions watched as millions watched livelive televisiontelevision coverage of Oswald coverage of Oswald being transferredbeing transferredbetween jails, a between jails, a nightclub owner nightclub owner named named JackJack RubyRubybroke through the broke through the crowd and shot and crowd and shot and killedkilled OswaldOswald.

More Shock!!

JFK – Eternal FlameJFK – Eternal Flame

Kennedy Beyond Conspiracy
