Pittsburgh Sentinel nitl lie iBlnn t given the utmost poBslblc South, which by it gains 12 m 8usiH.cha drivlntc a tlic engine. The online | on. ^o rjii'H vviiro bunted, wltli tb <onttnl , oxifpting » portion o( tlic (m^a^i Postal clerks Joseph KudtaKor ami I>. li. St. holt of iClmlra, (leor^o W. InRmlmm of Blue Iiomton ami 11. B. Fox of Now York, and o press iQcsflonjjor Henry K. JJrewcr of Mmir rocogni ned, but as they hail eBcapo uninjured witli tli( exception of soi slight BeiMclies Nu lujm liuptxtud to t other da toEithe 01 nlu pliitf couches or tbi occupants 11Kbodies ol tlio \UIIEUK wt taken to New 'ioilt Ui^'ago muster I'm I'crr escaped with tun lull nun dmlotftU Tho postal uu burned like Runpowder In effort was made to rebcuo Browor, llio expri man Aliok wa« made In tLe side door ol t car fo that lie cot his biud out, but Ma It were fastened I a pikd up miing of < xpr< matter iho liain men tritd to ] ull him iv A Big Church Fund, llilliou Oollnrs tt'autod. ( liuicb Building of the Piou-Um foi it« orject the vested F( tin t u ami tin iu< JIIU chuichLS rtieu f. of $1 (X 000, to i rmancnt building fund, . u,td in buikliDK L. new departuro hi the history of the Episcopal Church, and is one of the new evidences of the new vitality shown ID its working. Tho orgL... /uion of the commission consists of twenty lnercibers at lai^e, nutned by the presldli BiAhop (Smith) amt one clerg man and one la of fifteen, of which Bishop Doano is the President. Oue million dolls,in is a large sum to raise, but the Episcopal Chh bl t " it Besides, other churche pic in tli Is DI utte Besdes, n tli Is DI hh churches h for cburc p poor churches, tho Contrrc^utioualisis m Ll country have laised «"M3 000 tin Hapti* 8225.0W, the Presbyterian* $l,0#SO0O, U Mttbodl ta$l,03< 008 Forgers anil Robbers. fcJInco the arrest of American foi^trs FlorencCp Xurin und Mil&n, itnporUml pEipf have been found in their lugKojfo, showing th their operationsextended throughout ihe li ted States, Canada, England, France, Dulglu and Italy, and revealing the names of tonfe erates, fiome of whom have been anesttd various parts of iiiurope, AmoDff their operations were forgeries ec eral years ago in the hoard of education pa9sii bogus checks in Cheyenne, Salt Lake Cily ai San Francisco ; Robberies on board of Pacific Mail steamers ; Forgeries in Cincinnati, Bait more, New York and Boston ; forged drafts o Alexander Brown & Sons, Baltimore; o Planter's Bank, St. Louis ; Bank of Californli and on banks in Boston and Buffalo ; forcevii in Erie Central Pacific, and Chicago & South- western bonds; salts in Europe of counte 850 bills on banks in New York ; theft French and Russian bonds, and on Calais Dover steamers, and forgeries of French 3 pei cents and Italian 5 per cents. Part of the pi ceeds of the Trenton bank robbery have be found upon them. The Schools of the State. According to the 1 report of Mr. Gil- ur, Superintendent of Public Instruction, th< number of school districts in the State is 11.268 of school houses 11,899, and the value of th< latter ©30,747.509; number of teachers 3 of whom 23,738 were women. The whole ber of children between 5 and 21 years ( l,<m,173-an Increase of 12,446 since 1879. Thi number of pupils attending: the public The le part of the school year was 31,593 f pupils instructed during th( year was ae follows : In the common schools, 1,031,593; normal schools, 5,753; academic, 30,900 ; colleges, 3,041; private schools, 10 5b7 law schools, 653 ; medica 1,183,695. The total exp ance was 4,10,296,&77 20. is $203,744,947S17. EXCITEMENT IN IRELAND. Eud of the Land League Tiial . end on. Tuesda 1 ticipated i t of 1 (1 did till sent for. The forcinau declared ihut i impossible to agree, and the.v were Uisehu Great rejoicing- followed. Immen e ci cheered outside the court rooai, and a I light procession with bauds e eorted Paru. for twenty miles avoui-.d Duu,,ia\ui United Slates Senator*). Elections have bceu made I tin 1 uM of the following 8i.au b California—Gen. Miller l»u Connecticut-J, K. H-iwley. lUj Ue!aware-Ba ard D a i lndlana-Gui'iieu'. Harrison, Hei j.ai; Massachusetts—H. L. Uaivcs, Ki] Maine-tui,eiie IUlt Kq >ewJersej Lt < v s * I K j \ ,i NeNida-J BBai D m L,wn New York-Thorn ' ' ' ca-Geu 11 i Ohio-John Sherman, Ke|> ,am Rhode Island-V i, I in ^,d K | Texi.—Hou SutnuilB Max D i Uiiconsin—i'hifeuib Sd«>er West Virtfiuiu-nou. J. N. Camden Ueu: bauy, M. E. DunhanJ, o elected president. Twe elected and also tUo fol dolegates to the eo one l u r Drs Cla hmin Iliiliurr, of New Y )i THE LATEST NEWS. .In National Kill \ ull< dispal the death ..f K. \ Milton, N. II , » i itlmlid 1 Itnli , ulli ml ii. lutlltii. Blot i in*-1 ami i m ril was on 1 >atd tlu (tain WUBIH il ii| til t \>vhM in I with fnM troduced n bill (in Wedneedaj if the pcicentanc ol RIUCOSI or grape klnul In tbomixtuie n $10 nor more tha ias lnlioduccd in th \ Henry ikT(;H, Vicimbl uin eul a hill whii tli in this Stall Itati wlioFhulI I i tfllur, hhi ,uu '!0 dm 8 nor ltd n< t lies IL -Mr Uiutui; than 3 r i whieh shall be tuidily I )n the bare back of said olle'tid( r In ,vbip oi lash of such i ropoi not tud * will Insure the carrying out of the -,pu er of tho statute. The ptini hmeiit it v ttely inflicted by a sheriff or duput ml jail in the ; iklan ( No fi r fiaud tl tted for whuh H is desigmcl and EI dit^rau t and has Rivtu to the poopk of tbe Stale m K :i for uuiilj $US,000,000 Ibis white ele[ bin Ac here iu the Sanute chamber the membei blinded by tho intense glare of tliowindowt sure. Fowler and Sessions sustained the stale •M made by Mr. Halbert. The Grand Telegraph Scheme, gigantic seheuie is Jay Gould's latest, th »fficlal particulars of which have just bee S publi of f lidation of all the An u companies owning or controlling cable ctious with other countries, under the the American Telegraph and Cable Company le new company proposes, with the co-opei >n of the consolidated Western Union Co my, "not only to increase the existing cal extend southward the cables which now cc ith Cuba and the Wi ff Indies, s ' h U s to se d 3 dies, so as to see the United 3ta e for tho great coffee trade i a direct telegraphic con .jsil. bu^ also to lay cabli .. . ._ .._ sil, but also to lay cabl tnder the Pacific from San Francisco to Hon Honolulu cable v inder the North Pacing ie> «ai;i»u, wuuctLmj ibere with the cable from Hoki to Shanghai, u China, and another under the South Pacific, t way of EDice's Islands and the Friendly Isle - New Caledonia, and thence to Brisbane, : stralla, where it will connect with the A 1 stralian and New Zealand cable system ' ibaidy, "& connection may be made from Van- )uver's leltind b w a of \laika with Petro paulowski ajd tbtnee with tbe north of Japat * w ltfci Ociitriil Amu left &Dd witll Sou til be rushed forward with 'rt I idlt naugrura tration, March 4, Ihe New \ rk Kepublican Aesiuation of tl [flmiLt^L of utic from LULII con^rcsbiouul di ational Capltafuot o°nly uiAgieoat le'on' but s ineTpensneto vou as possible It ll iudwi l nderiui aid in < curing acoinmol ti 1« the t\e''of recall"nt ^ ^^ <^ r of cltted on tho Cuvei ;enm IH act Heet legislation adopl ttiat measure will take $400 000 000 out of united States Trta my If the inoiie wtn tti* thusands of disabled soldiers and borea widows and orphans who need it and .11 bpent but it is of c of fraudulent elmm: by appearance. Again and again hcartlct-^ I B'.to have beeu exposed The delict emplo preside nt a dale. the I Bentlcy continues, hayc Icon as lngcnu prftfty, shrewd lawyers could contrUe 1 ill lft( ((( ( 1 i il nt \Mic<l( >tif(d ftora thili luUiiml tli n v, |iilii i nut f >i a time —Iholiial if him OMxa >f Sal. n \v tsh igl.t) loutin ehamed with mtirilerlng hi will probably be- tried at the Ma icrhi -William T. Dalrymplo of the famous gran •in in Dakota Bay« thai, the cloati profit fo 1,000 biihlu id me i ti, l<d h rial n lh< li IH tinderit ui If -The United Slates Supreme Cou •I bam iclJ. Tlldcn will probubl) uov ' v ith lem we inir^t i nt u uucil of Charlcbton, d. C in ided the negro (Ire companies, and tl und dm iti (Dem (runonslrais I eeaut ,n 1 d t ur hhi i rul Ibc c ih e <>1 the 8 hu tm j I.on uid ISKLI V\o,k giig^.d ,t \ i , » « dcuiitd mspleiouH, and he was rre^Ud -lheBaih, Maine. Time» buys ol tho sounded like balls in the famoun game of nine- witnessed by Kip Van Winkle r,st melancholy. iu L'idlow Street Jail, New York, c -Taking advantage of the damaged tion of the tflegraph wires in New Toik, tin ipers of that cily iire Euggesiing the pr > a very fit time for the companies to lay- wires under ground. It is agreed that thi pas arrested at Richmond, Va., on Monday charged by his father-iu-law with marryiu jo acknowledges be married Sarah Syi - in Bostou, but claims to haveteendi rind to Belle Flags £'« alleges tbe pi lalicious. .s a couple of New York police I foi tlpkbt) drun! lht> linwfiom krpu 'h)eh ^ue bowed tl e SJIX left uu\iu t The paior v, s 1 HID 1 l< eOLt ID a. h thiin that hht had fou d it It »u LU -Uhtimle fli,uie < i i fu m Mil Siu, l lie nt,f.O J ui| Ld fro •,1 v, Lm ha f I .other 1 ill utHn L and fr ill hi 1 itiu euui t 1 i ie be iie» lu —iheCourtof V[>peal habaflluiitd Ihe jud aenl of the General Term iu the ta^e of th /[trchants National Bank it Whitehall i rah E Hill of that Milage t V, Hall ,u v and of Mrs Hall waatlected duo tot $ >0 000 «urUi of otoek of tho Lrowu Point Ii Ijmpaiij When Hall left the buuk be v heauij indebted to that iu tituti n lit su quentlj I roiij,hl *uit in tbo name of h« nif reeoier tlic Ciown foiia stoek Leld b bank Ihe bank refu ed to surrondei and ; subtained in tho Circuit Court and at General Term who e udgmont ta now appro b tbe Com t of Appeals. ifferlng Ill 11)1 Jul it t ol 1 w m ion J> inn Hi n that there in danger of the FKI m iking UEO of the agitation in Ireland. iue miles south of Lima. The Peruvians wore ;fi-ated and driven from their positions with iail 1 >»s The Chillians hold Chorillos —Portions of Europe wore visited b a In England lav a flerc , ned thet ntint \c e , and it is feared tlftj pei New York In Ici \ rk yarera nlh of the remaikable eit I rid i morning, rda It of I Tele- giaph poles and wires were broken, and city was, during most of the day, isolated from namder of the world as far us telegraph) lnieatton w is toaccraid Tbo W t u of tho kin j occurred on Jan. 5, 1873, Lt the isolation then was not as complete as th^ Friday. The private lines and public route iheiwi-e mteifeired wall tl/ telcgraphi K the i meieis, and the i opera could ! Hi \X\\j LtJU^IttJJU UHU it^ltpiiUiJt. UOUipUUlU"*, IU till u jtliiti),' of th( indlre< t loi ov, log to their lna to do the work the) would otherwise doue Ihe lack of the customai teli erapbic facilities at the Produce and C'otto J ^,heso [jlaces after about 10A M, an ber of transactions at the Stoek E: vae made surprisingly low for similt T --"••• from tbo dir from dlflere atid io ^utirdVti sr a^ain the method formerly ii. .„„ ed flreruen patrol the street and ride po6t haste to ihe engine houses with notices offlres.Th eueed by carriers in delivering and gatberiD, tbeir letters. Accidents caused by falltnj telegraph poles, by the broken e-ude of wire swirling loosely Irom their usual fastuuings, The annoyauct'fl to wayfarers were almost._ virncriiblc, thy storm iDLcrforinij vtirv scriouBlT :itbwalliinK. The wind had been gradually rising sim The raiu turned to sleet, which was falling '. torrents, and the inner edge of tbe storm art fairly encircled the city and its suburbs. I tho sleet descended It froze, aed the street sidewalks, aDd stoops soou became cover* with an icy sheet The side6 of buildings were fairly glazed with the frozen mass. The tele- graph wires increased in slue until they we rthan clothes lines. Icicles formed , and, instead of hanging downward, onveniioual icicle does, stood out at Twigs were magnified to double' and° trebii the sid« streets, where tbe wind came and went lu puffs, the ice-burdt boughs were set in vigorous motion and undei their top heavy lo d ir uks *wtived " tb.idg. ar the stone ( IL her andfonnec \ 'iij'i th'tni 011 P! n Fulton fcrr bo J.N .1 - H i fiebtdfn Hi in the Scuate bill -PifhuUrkl Lai foret aud bus b t- A Terrible Battle. Koutli Amvnciui War —«rei NOS AYRES, Jan. 3L—The Chlllann i d and completely defeated the Pcnnl it Mlraflore*. General Plerola, preside uand comniamler-ln-chltf of tlu am Hm Chilians occupied Lima without lUl f' tk lnUl t»ken Fum m e p >nern Tbo Peruvian los» In the battle at C HOT 7 (100 killed, and 2000 prison ,y (ho it ou"and P m m inn wcro engaiftd Intlli (tl Mlrnfloics The Chilian loss In ,1111, i WUB hoavy. Tho diplomatic bod 11 urgid an armistice and asketlthat the i of Plorola be respected. HOARD OF SUPERVISOR!. Annual Meeting of the Hoard of Su- pcrvluorK of Clinton county for 1S"SO. TOWN ACCOUNTS. D."H."Kenogg',M D asd toeowki Purely & a ViKs, " P Mcic'eefo," re Joseph Dorgin 18 I aaeEei«s, 6r ' I Bernard TierRey, 10 25 00 LV^pauldlng is d to Fir t - 1 Bk u> ,B N Pike, i dto Ul) L Wheeler, ^8 8 D. Chappell, 24 \ )laI a Mason, d l °17 H W Cidy i Co 1 4 r L D LirKin IK Je? Brad?Jrd, 4 )o'c\ r ° Oeoijje Case, 4 00 A TV L A Paimenter, 4 0 ,C G Wm J, Carlisle, 4(W|Purd A, Vilas, Albert Vau'han, 4 00 J a m e s I Hart, Paul Girar.1, Nat. Hank! 5 18 0( enjamln Kjleu- eUvarei K m o , Wm.Beed. 16 M. A.Smith,45 10 29 Jonaa Maurice, 'd t A M Z. C.Platt, 12 00 Village of Plat'°- burgh, i.S.Mel ..rant&Bixby, 10 00 John Wilson, 3 °" Paul Gtrard, 14 60 Hartwell&Myi T ni nnfctTEsr «;IIASVCK EVER TO SELECT A Sewing Machine! D. S. ROBINSON, BJ W R.C.&G.N. Me »ET STREET. JOHN B. GILM0RE, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND MILLINERY. SPECIAL NOTICE. liowing Departments, lu MILLISERY, Dlil'OHT OF THtt aiKECTOHS Peru Butter ahTcneese Co., LOCATED AT PERU, N. Y. «ar (1 and Fifty Dolla D. E. OLAEKr mW9 u -"4 ^Z-^} Mil, , Doll, ilk* kSogl s i|Sf slej-ss^aj^g^-zs ""-I**! IH? ii-r IS H 1.8 ill? r JGESIS WANTED I V V K T'o.'. DOL WORSHIP SEWORLD J F 8 Dobbirjft, late of Yokohama, Japan. with all the Btrauge bellefe, legends, ouBtoms, >cte<J tberev'lth la i l l u s t r a t e d and bound* 1 ° 7 Jit— J UUU f t !B S !? I Hartwell & Myers. warda, 60 40 M. P. Myers &Co.,4 001 I StiSl 84 lieyworth V White 7 ft Ibdll UUYLEB I ALL it t R ii Bui 1 00|8anboiu nal Mrs Puti E C In the Ilom« 3t ULCld nts Com.rt Eleetoral Count resolutions, but the attemp ended iu a diahearteDlng failure. is Savage" ' 60 69 H.VjBull," " 2 00 ?2T 60 as'd to I do faersby certify that the foregoing proceedings )f the Board of Supervisors, and the Xal lea accom- panying tbe »am», »ontaia a oorrect itatcment of •11 pervlso" o" OlintoS County, at y the e Aunual Meeting lu the year 1880, together with their proceedings up- on the equalisation of tke A»se«Biaent RollB, the di»- hat each aecount audited and allowed by Bald Bo va» propsrly verified. WM. L. GERMAN, anr.a^wl«rtra» Dlftrt THIRTY ENGLISH SHEEP, FBED E. PORDY, FEW COUU9 Good Hard Wood Wanted IS EXCHANGE fOH A SE1VINQ MACHINE, n 8*11 county, deceased, that they hjbil the mmo with Hie vouchora t e requir reof to t I WILL PAY CASH SECOND HAND GOODS At Auction or Private Sale. ON E V E R T SAXCJK1 i. 8IM0NDS, Auctloaoer, ^1 I, tbe un lemiRnod as lltfare* duly appointee 11 Bfll »t publi vend\ie at the front door of Ih tram.* to bLoddtn s Hall, in the village of Moom nald o-ranty, at 10 o oloci In tbe forenoon of tli >n&fifty-two of the Refugee Ti (32) two acrei of land CHEAP A Cli elightful. Illustrated Oata- IRiATESTTwBOOK llilnfr and will bo m sly a short time. Fi BBABD BEO., Philadelphia, Pa. sell fmaienBcly. For sample dross HUBBiKD BROS 72 ple pages, terms, etc., ., 723 Cbcatnnt St., P ALMOST GONE, lint the Minister's La«t Call Po poncd-Remarkable Recovery of a Lady wlio vai I»ro- nqnncad Beyontf Hope well Irnown bueinefls man of New Hartford n , wrltoa aB follow* to Dr. ]>avid Kennedy, mr8 haveBomeof jour "Favorita Eemedy' ifflcacy for her disease. For weeii previous Bbi could not eat anything -without experiencing gr afforded no belp, and often aeezned to incre Istreis It was thought she had Cancer of Stomach, and at the time of which I write file: ent for her pastor to make what it was belie- all druggists. $1 per bi [S6w4] PLATS ! PLAYS! PLAYS! PLAYS Tor Reading Clubs, for Amateur Theatrioals, Ten perance Plays, DrawiBg-Botaa Plays, Fairy Play Ethiopian PJays, Guide Book!, Bptakers, Pantomima Tableaux Lights, llbgnesiura Lights, Colored Fir Burnt Cork, Theatrical Face Prepuations, Jarlej Wax Works, Wigs, Beards and Moustaches at rsducec prices Costumes, Scenery, Charades. Hejr catalog ueB seut free containing full description arid, prices 8AMD2L FE2NCH & SON, 38 E. 14tl» St., Ne» XOl -i»M#tt# A TEAB and expenses to agents. Ont K777 Frw - Address V. O. VIOXKBY, Augv « u. Maine. 36ml (0.. 10 Spruce St., New YorkT clu i«ra thjexai of «ny proposed Hne of ADVERTISING In Ami Newspapers. tVlOO-page Pamphlet ELY'S CREAM BALM Is receivlngthe endorsement of theeu tfigt, aud phyeloian. Never b&a an ar -writ been pro '—* — "- pp ders, liquids, an uff, r W> c ELY'S OEEAM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y. For *&le by Broml lttbh d P y Bromley & , and P. M. ill it> x uiton ot., new jtorj Smith and H. W. Cady, opkins' Sons and Moul 2to THE SHOBTEST, QUICKEST, —AND-i Most Direct Route West, Is via the Ogdensburg & Lak< Ohamplain and Rome & Watertown Railroads. ice of the Lake Shore, Hie [email protected] Railroads. lor Coupon Tickets and otber luioi E. T. DELANEY, AGENT, No. 52 Bridge Street, p K O V H V S I K K « S C O L L E U E is the bee CREAKY & SHIELD LYOH MOUNTAIN HOUSE. T. P. FIFfELD... PROPRIETOR. Plattoburgh, Jan. 11, » DOMEST.CM, DRESS SOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, SILKS, r AND ALPACAS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY & CLOVES, CENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS. TWEEDS and CASSIMERES, ;s. Oil Clotns, JC, SC, and 10c, fioo goods aLd free from Special inrlurtim-nlR in T a b l e l . l n c m , N a p k i n * , I t l i t n k c t v •' nd suitable for any household purpose,' at 10c. a yard. ' i GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, money. This is a special bargain. i KID GI.OVES, we offer the last of our 2Ec. all sizes, in two qn»l- n two qnnl- >Id or refund ER BR«S." CORSETS, the beet ia the market. TRY THEM. ie above alao a special i&ie of HAUBlIKIiH EMBROIDERIES, the c. per yard. Fine Qooijs np to $1.50 per yard. bargains in CARPETS and OIL, CLOTHS, at exceedingly 3. OILMORS, 9O MAKGAEET STREET, New store, Opposite Cumberland House, PLATTSBTTRGH, N. 7. OUR FOURTH ANNUAL GRAND EXHIBITION AND SALE — OF — Hamburg 1 Embroideries [EDGING AND INSERTING,] Direct from the Looms in Switzerland, To which. Attention is Invited. A. MCHATTIE, 76, 78 AND 80 MARGARET STREET, PLA.TTSBUKGH, N. Y. HARTWBLL & MYEBS, New Grocery Store, CALL A.T STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! ADRIAN SENEGAL'S NO. 7 BIVER STBEET, FOR CHOICE Groceries and Provisions: PARLOR, DI\L\(, ROOM, BED ROOM. KITCHEN and ! TEAS, i COFFEES, | SUGARS, VABIETY OF BEAUTIFUL Self-Feeding, Base-Burning PARLOR STOVES, Sold Lower than any other House in (his State Sell the same Quality of Goods. "Old King Stewart" s acknowledged by ALL, (be King of Steves. ill Kinds aiid Styles and Sizes. SPICES, RAISINS* NUTS* DRIED BEEF, DRIED FRUITS, J3CTTEK, , EGGS. Crockery. Glassware, AND LAMPS, OF EVKBTf VAB1ETY. I bave a snperlor qniillty of Fine Pastry Flour and everything usually furnlsned Inflrflt-classgro- cery store*, AT THE LOWEST PRICES Also a full assortment of FRESH BISCUITS, %m the celebrated Larrabee Manufactory, of Alb*- Gooda delivered to any part of the village free off charge. A. SENEGAL, Wood and Coal Ranges, WOOD AND COAL COOK STOVES, ! ROB 7 T MEYERf Watch Maker ^nd Jeweler, Hartweil & Myers, BRIDGE ST., PLA1XSBIIUUU. Sash, Door anil Blind MANUFACTORY, -AX THE- Old Shop, sa Pfattsbnrgh, On the East Side of (be River, . B. Dandrow, Agt. lOlLER AND ENGINE FOR SALE. Phi underslffned offers for »le a eeoond-band En- & sight horle power, aad & 28 horse power boiler, & Sf two-uid5neJ>itf-tacli tab", nearly new. The boiler bu not been used three monthg. ir« in°p«rf«5t running order. \J I WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL attention to my new and complete stock for tho Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Clocks, JEWBLBY&FANCY&OODS. My line of Silver Plated Ware now consists of Rogers &. Drolhers> Flat Table Ware, Movers & Brothers' Hollow Ware, Heed &Barton's Hollow Ware, aud otiior urst-class M&iiuf&cturexs, I UATB on hand the most complete line of American Watches, ~. 6«. ,r*—B Jeld Movements in Gold and Silver Cases. Also Ladds' patent stiffened Gold Case*. Nickel Stem Winders, from $3 to $10. iy large variety of 3R.lxxgs 2 Rings! insisting of Diamond, Pearl, Diamond and Tur- toiae, Cameo aud Diamond, Cameo and Pearl, Gar- t, Turquioee. Topas, Amethyat and Intaglio Rings. A.1BO pl^iu 18 K. and 14 K, and fancy Carved BIBBS * in fact, the fiueat line of Rings over before shown in " tC CLOCKS ajdo complete, comprising the cneapeBt American , well a8 fine French Black Marble Clocks witH Ca". I have also added to my line of Fancy Goods compariso orsoDul and prou^pt attention, &nd I would again jruiud tlie public that all Watch Bepalrtag dona by Ee8peotf"ully, EOB'T MEYEB. Platlsbargh, Nov. 13, 1880. White Ash and Basswood LOGS, for wbicli cash will be paid, at our Factory in PlatU argb H L ISHAM S SONS Pw. 31

JOHN B. GILM0RE, T DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND MILLINERY.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026976/1881-01... · THE LATEST NEWS..In National Kill \ ull < dispal the death ..f K. \

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Page 1: JOHN B. GILM0RE, T DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND MILLINERY.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026976/1881-01... · THE LATEST NEWS..In National Kill \ ull < dispal the death ..f K. \

Pittsburgh Sentinel

n i t l lie iBlnn t

given the utmost poBslblcSouth, which by it gains 12 m

8usiH.chadrivlntc a tlic engine. The online | on.

^o rjii'H vviiro bunted, wltli tb<onttnl , oxifpting » portion o( tlic (m^a^ iPostal clerks Joseph KudtaKor ami I>. li. St.holt of iClmlra, (leor^o W. InRmlmm of BlueIiomton ami 11. B. Fox of Now York, and opress iQcsflonjjor Henry K. JJrewcr of Mmir

rocognined, but as they hail

eBcapo uninjured witli tli( exception of soislight BeiMclies Nu lujm liuptxtud to tother da toEithe 01 nlu pliitf couches or tbioccupants 11K bodies ol tlio \UIIEUK wttaken to New 'ioilt Ui^ 'ago muster I'mI'crr escaped with tun lull nun dmlotftUTho postal uu burned like Runpowder I neffort was made to rebcuo Browor, llio expriman A liok wa« made In tLe side door ol tcar fo that lie cot his biud out, but Ma Itwere fastened I a pikd up miing of < xpr<matter iho liain men tritd to ] ull him iv

A Big Church Fund,llilliou Oollnrs tt'autod.

( liuicb Building

of the Piou-Umfoi it« orject thevested F( tin t uami tin iu< JIIU

chuichLS r t i e u

f. of $1 (X 000, toi rmancnt building fund,. u , td in buikliDK

L. new departuro hi the history of the EpiscopalChurch, and is one of the new evidences of thenew vitality shown ID its working. Tho orgL.../ u ion of the commission consists of twentylnercibers at lai^e, nutned by the presldliBiAhop (Smith) amt one clerg man and one la

of fifteen, of which Bishop Doano is thePresident. Oue million dolls,in is a large sumto raise, but the Episcopal C h h bl t "it Besides, other churchepic in tli Is DI utte

Besdes,n tli Is DIhh

churches hfor cburcp

poor churches, tho Contrrc^utioualisis m Llcountry have laised «"M3 000 tin Hapti*8225.0W, the Presbyterian* $l,0#SO0O, UMttbodl ta$l,03< 008

Forgers anil Robbers .fcJInco the arrest of American foi^trs

FlorencCp Xurin und Mil&n, itnporUml pEipfhave been found in their lugKojfo, showing ththeir operationsextended throughout ihe l ited States, Canada, England, France, Dulgluand Italy, and revealing the names of tonfeerates, fiome of whom have been anesttdvarious parts of iiiurope,

AmoDff their operations were forgeries eceral years ago in the hoard of education pa9siibogus checks in Cheyenne, Salt Lake Cily aiSan Francisco ; Robberies on board of PacificMail steamers ; Forgeries in Cincinnati, Baitmore, New York and Boston ; forged drafts oAlexander Brown & Sons, Baltimore; oPlanter's Bank, St. Louis ; Bank of Californliand on banks in Boston and Buffalo ; forceviiin Erie Central Pacific, and Chicago & South-western bonds; salts in Europe of counte850 bills on banks in New York ; theftFrench and Russian bonds, and on CalaisDover steamers, and forgeries of French 3 peicents and Italian 5 per cents. Part of the piceeds of the Trenton bank robbery have befound upon them.

The Schools of the State.According to the 1 report of Mr. Gil-

ur, Superintendent of Public Instruction, th<number of school districts in the State is 11.268of school houses 11,899, and the value of th<latter ©30,747.509; number of teachers 3of whom 23,738 were women. The wholeber of children between 5 and 21 years (l,<m,173-an Increase of 12,446 since 1879. Thinumber of pupils attending: the public

Thele part of the school year was 31,593

f pupils instructed during th(year was ae follows : In the common schools,1,031,593; normal schools, 5,753; academic,30,900 ; colleges, 3,041; private schools, 10 5b7law schools, 653 ; medica1,183,695. The total expance was 4,10,296,&77 20.is $203,744,947S17.


Eud of the Land League Tiial .

end on. Tuesda1

ticipated i t of 1(1 did

till sent for. The forcinau declared ihut iimpossible to agree, and the.v were Uisehu

Great rejoicing- followed. Immen e cicheered outside the court rooai, and a Ilight procession with bauds e eorted Paru.

for twenty miles avoui-.d Duu,, ia\ui

United Slates Senator*).Elections have bceu made I tin 1 uM

of the following 8i.au bCalifornia—Gen. Miller l»uConnecticut-J, K. H-iwley. lUjUe!aware-Ba ard D a ilndlana-Gui'iieu'. Harrison, Hei j.ai;Massachusetts—H. L. Uaivcs, Ki]Maine-tui,eiie IUlt Kq

>ewJersej Lt < v s * I K j \ ,iNeNida-J B Bai D m L,wnNew York-Thorn ' ' '

ca-Geu 11 iOhio-John Sherman, Ke|> , a mRhode Is land-V i, I in ^,d K |Texi.—Hou SutnuilB Max D i

Uiiconsin—i'hifeuib Sd«>erWest Virtfiuiu-nou. J. N. Camden Ueu:

bauy, M. E. DunhanJ, oelected president. Tweelected and also tUo fol

dolegates to the eoone l u r Drs Cla

h m i n I l i i l i u r r , of N e w Y )i


.In Nat ional Kill

\ ull< dispal

the death ..f K. \

Milton, N. II , » i

i t l m l i d 1 I t n l i

, u l l i ml ii. lutlltii. Blot i in*-1 ami i m

r i l was on 1 >atd tlu (tain WUBIH il ii| til

t \>vhM in

I with fnM

troduced n bill (in Wedneedaj

if the pcicentanc ol RIUCOSI or grapeklnul In tbomixtuie

n $10 nor more thaias lnlioduccd in th\ Henry ikT(;H,

— Vicimbl uineul a hill whiitli in this Stall

Itati wlioFhulI

I i t f l lur , hhi

,uu '!0 dm 8 norltd n< t lies IL- M r Uiu tu i ;

than 3ri whieh shall be tuidily I)n the bare back of said olle'tid( r In,vbip oi lash of such i ropoi not tud *will Insure the carrying out of the -,puer of tho statute. The ptini hmeiit itv ttely inflicted by a sheriff or duputml jail in the ;iklan ( No fi

r fiaud tltted for

whuh H is desigmcl and EI di t^rau t

and has Rivtu to the poopk of tbe Stale m K:i for uuii l j $US,000,000 Ibis white ele[ bin

Ac here iu the Sanute chamber the membeiblinded by tho intense glare of tliowindowt

sure. Fowler and Sessions sustained the stale•M made by Mr. Halbert.

The Grand Telegraph Scheme,gigantic seheuie is Jay Gould's latest, th

»fficlal particulars of which have just beeS publi

of flidation of all the An

u companies owning or controlling cablectious with other countries, under thethe American Telegraph and Cable Company

le new company proposes, with the co-opei>n of the consolidated Western Union Comy, "not only to increase the existing cal

extend southward the cables which now ccith Cuba and the Wi

ffIndies, s' h U

s to sed 3

dies, so as to seethe United 3ta

e for tho great coffee tradei a direct telegraphic con.jsil. bu^ also to lay cabli. . . ._ .._ sil, but also to lay cabl

tnder the Pacific from San Francisco to HonHonolulu cable v

inder the North Pacing ie> «ai;i»u, wuuctLmjibere with the cable from Hoki to Shanghai, uChina, and another under the South Pacific, tway of EDice's Islands and the Friendly Isle

- New Caledonia, and thence to Brisbane, :stralla, where it will connect with the A1

stralian and New Zealand cable system '

ibaidy, "& connection may be made from Van-)uver's leltind b w a of \laika with Petro

paulowski ajd tbtnee with tbe north of Japat

* w ltfci Ociitriil Amu left &Dd witll Soutil be rushed forward with 'rt

I idlt

naugruratration, March 4,

Ihe New \ rk Kepublican Aesiuation of tl

[flmiLt̂ L of utic from LULII con^rcsbiouul di

ational Capltafuot o°nly uiAgieoat le'on'but s ineTpensneto vou as possible It lliudwi l nder iu i aid in < curing aco inmol

ti 1« the t \ e ' ' o f reca l l "n t ^ ^ ^ <^

r ofcltted on tho Cuvei;enm IH act Heet

legislation adoplttiat measure will take $400 000 000 out ofunited States Trta my If the inoiie wtntti* thusands of disabled soldiers and boreawidows and orphans who need it and

.11 bpent but it isof c

of fraudulent elmm:

by appearance. Again and again hcartlct-^ I

B'.to have beeu exposed The delict emplo

preside nt adale.

the I Bentlcy continues, hayc Icon as lngcnu

prftfty, shrewd lawyers could contrUe

1 i l l l f t ( ( ( (

( 1 i i l nt \Mic<l(

>tif(d ftora thili luUiiml tli n v, |iilii inut f >i a time—Iholi ial if h i m OMxa >f Sal. n \v tsh

igl.t) loutin ehamed with mtirilerlng hi

will probably be- tried at the Ma icrhi-William T. Dalrymplo of the famous gran•in in Dakota Bay« thai, the cloati profit fo

1,000 biihluid me i

ti, l<d h rial n lh<

li IH tinderit u i If

- T h e United Slates Supreme Cou

•I bam ic lJ . Tlldcn will probubl) uov 'v ith lem we in i r^ t

i n t u uucil of Charlcbton, d. C inided the negro (Ire companies, and tlund dm iti (Dem ( runons l r a i s I eeaut

,n 1 d t u r h h i i rul Ibc c ih e <>1 the 8hu tm j I.on uid ISKLI V\o,k giig^.d

,t \ i , » « dcuiitd mspleiouH, and he wasrre^Ud

- l h e B a i h , Maine. Time» buys ol tho

sounded like balls in the famoun game of nine-witnessed by Kip Van Winkle

r,st melancholy.

iu L'idlow Street Jail, New York, c

-Tak ing advantage of the damagedtion of the tflegraph wires in New Toik, tinipers of that cily iire Euggesiing the pr> a very fit time for the companies to lay-

wires under ground. It is agreed that thi

pas arrested at Richmond, Va., on Mondaycharged by his father-iu-law with marryiu

jo acknowledges be married Sarah Syi- in Bostou, but claims to have teen di

rind to Belle Flags £'« alleges tbe pilalicious..s a couple of New York police

I foitlpkbt) drun! lht> linwfiom k r p u

'h)eh ^ue bowed tl e SJIX left uu\ iu tThe paior v, s 1 HID 1 l< eOLt ID a. h

thiin that hht had fou d it It »u LU-Uhtimle fli,uie < i i fu mMil Siu, l lie nt,f.O J ui| Ld fro

•,1 v, Lm ha f I .other 1 ill utHn L andfr ill hi 1 i t iu euui t 1 i ie be iie» lu

—iheCourtof V[>peal habaflluiitd Ihe judaenl of the General Term iu the ta^e of th/[trchants National Bank it Whitehalli rah E Hill of that Milage t V, Hall,u v and of Mrs Hall waatlected duo tot

$ >0 000 «urUi of otoek of tho Lrowu Point IiIjmpaiij When Hall left the buuk be vheauij indebted to that iu tituti n l i t suquentlj I roiij,hl *uit in tbo name of h« nifreeoier tlic Ciown foiia stoek Leld bbank Ihe bank refu ed to surrondei and ;subtained in tho Circuit Court and atGeneral Term who e udgmont ta now approb tbe Com t of Appeals.


Ill 11)1 Julit t ol 1 w

m ion J> i»

inn Hi n that there in danger of the FKI miking UEO of the agitation in Ireland.

iue miles south of Lima. The Peruvians wore;fi-ated and driven from their positions withi a i l 1 >»s The Chillians hold Chorillos—Portions of Europe wore visited b a

In Englandlav a flerc

,ned thet

n t i n t \ c e, and it is feared tlftj pei

New York In Ici\ rk yarera

nlh of the remaikableeit I rid i morning,

rda •

I t of I

Tele-giaph poles and wires were broken, andcity was, during most of the day, isolated from

namder of the world as far us telegraph)lnieatton w is toaccraid Tbo W t uof tho kin j occurred on Jan. 5, 1873, Lt

the isolation then was not as complete as th^Friday. The private lines and public route

iheiwi-e mteifeired wall t l / telcgraphiK the i

meieis, and thei operacould !

Hi\X\\j LtJU^IttJJU UHU it^ltpiiUiJt. UOUipUUlU"*, IU tillu jtliiti),' of th( indlre< t loi ov, log to their lna

to do the work the) would otherwisedoue Ihe lack of the customai teli

erapbic facilities at the Produce and C'otto

J ^,heso [jlaces after about 1 0 A M , anber of transactions at the Stoek E:vae made surprisingly low for similt

T --"••• from tbo d i rfrom dlflere

atid io ̂ utirdVtisr a^ainthe method formerly ii. .„„ „ed flreruen patrol the street and ride po6t hasteto ihe engine houses with notices of flres. Th

eueed by carriers in delivering and gatberiD,tbeir letters. Accidents caused by falltnjtelegraph poles, by the broken e-ude of wireswirling loosely Irom their usual fastuuings,

The annoyauct'fl to wayfarers were almost._virncriiblc, thy storm iDLcrforinij vtirv scriouBlT:itbwalliinK.The wind had been gradually rising sim

The raiu turned to sleet, which was falling '.torrents, and the inner edge of tbe storm artfairly encircled the city and its suburbs. Itho sleet descended It froze, aed the streetsidewalks, aDd stoops soou became cover*with an icy sheet The side6 of buildings werefairly glazed with the frozen mass. The tele-graph wires increased in slue until they we

r than clothes lines. Icicles formed, and, instead of hanging downward,onveniioual icicle does, stood out at

Twigs were magnified to double' and° trebii

the sid« streets, where tbe windcame and went lu puffs, the ice-burdtboughs were set in vigorous motion and undeitheir top heavy lo d ir uks *wtived "


ar the stone ( ILher andfonnec

\ 'iij'i th'tni011 P!

n Fulton fcrr bo

J.N .1 - H if iebtdfn Hi inthe Scuate bill


Lai foret aud bus b t-

A Terrible Battle.Koutli A m v n c i u i W a r —«re i

NOS AYRES, Jan. 3L—The Chlllann id and completely defeated the Pcnnli t Mlraflore*. General Plerola, presideuand comniamler-ln-chltf of tlu amHm Chilians occupied Lima without

l U l f' tklnUl t»kenF u m m e t» p>nern Tbo Peruvian los» In the battle at C

HOT 7 (100 killed, and 2000 prison,y (ho it ou"and P m m inn wcro engaiftdIntlli (tl Mlrnfloics The Chilian loss In,1111, i WUB hoavy. Tho diplomatic bod11 urgid an armistice and asketlthat thei of Plorola be respected.

HOARD OF SUPERVISOR!.A n n u a l Mee t ing of t h e Hoard of Su-pcrvluorK of C l in ton c o u n t y for 1S"SO.


D."H."Kenogg',M D asd toeowki

Purely &aViKs, "

P Mcic'eefo," reJoseph Dorgin 18

I aaeEei«s,6r ' IBernard TierRey, 10

25 00

LV^pauldlngis d to Fir t- 1 B k

u> ,B N Pike, i d toUl) L Wheeler, ̂ 8

8 D. Chappell, 24

\ )laIaMason,d l°17H W Cidy i Co 1

4 r L D LirKin IK

Je? Brad?Jrd, 4 )o'c\ r°Oeoijje Case, 4 00 A TVL A Paimente r , 4 0 ,C G

Wm J, Carlisle, 4(W|Purd A, Vilas,Albert V a u ' h a n , 4 00 J a m e s I Hart,

Paul Girar.1,

Nat. Hank!5 18 0(enjamln Kjleu-eUvarei Kmo,

Wm.Beed. 16M. A.Smith,45 10 29Jonaa Maurice,

'd t A M

Z. C.Pla t t , 12 00Village of Plat '°-


. . r an t&Bixby , 10 00John Wilson, 3 °"

Paul Gtrard, 14

60 Hartwell&Myi

T ni nnfctTEsr «;IIASVCK E V E R


Sewing Machine!


BJ W R.C.&G.N. Me

» E T S T R E E T .


SPECIAL NOTICE.liowing Departments, lu



Peru Butter ahTcneese Co.,LOCATED AT PERU, N. Y.

«ar (1 and Fifty Dolla


mW9 u-"4

^Z-^} Mill,, Doll,

ilk* kSogl s i|Sf

s l e j - s s ^ a j ^ g ^ - z s







DOL WORSHIP SEWORLDJ F 8 Dobbirjft, late of Yokohama, Japan.

with all the Btrauge bellefe, legends, ouBtoms,

>cte<J tberev'lth la i l l u s t r a t e d and bound*


° 7

Jit—J U U U






Hartwell & Myers. warda, 60 40M. P. Myers &Co.,4 001

I StiSl 84

lieyworth VWhite

7 ft I b d l l


it t R ii Bui1 00|8anboiu

nal Mrs PutiE C

In the Ilom«

3t ULCld nts Com.rt

Eleetoral Count resolutions, but the attempended iu a diahearteDlng failure.

is Savage" ' 60 69 H . V j B u l l , "" 2 00 ?2T 60 as'd to

I do faersby certify that the foregoing proceedings)f the Board of Supervisors, and the Xal lea accom-panying tbe »am», »ontaia a oorrect itatcment of •11

pervlso" o" OlintoS County, atytheeAunual Meetinglu the year 1880, together with their proceedings up-on the equalisation of tke A»se«Biaent RollB, the di»-

hat each aecount audited and allowed by Bald Bova» propsrly verified. WM. L. GERMAN,

anr.a^wl«rtra» Dlftrt




n 8*11 county, deceased, that theyhjbil the mmo with Hie vouchora t

e requirreof to t



At Auction or Private Sale.


i. 8IM0NDS, Auctloaoer,

1̂ I, tbe un lemiRnod as lltfare* duly appointee11 Bfll »t publi vend\ie at the front door of Ihtram.* to bLoddtn s Hall, in the village of Moomnald o-ranty, at 10 o oloci In tbe forenoon of tli

>n& fifty-two of the Refugee Ti

(32) two acrei of land

CHEAPA Cli elightful. Illustrated Oata-


l l i lnfr and will bo m sly a short time. FiBBABD BEO.,

Philadelphia, Pa.

sell fmaienBcly. For sampledross HUBBiKD BROS 72

ple pages, terms, etc.,., 723 Cbcatnnt St., P

ALMOST GONE,lint the Minister's La«t Call Po

poncd-Remarkable Recoveryof a Lady wlio v a i I»ro-

nqnncad Beyontf Hope

well Irnown bueinefls man of New Hartfordn , wrltoa aB follow* to Dr. ]>avid Kennedy,

mr8 haveBomeof jour "Favorita Eemedy'

ifflcacy for her disease. For weeii previous Bbicould not eat anything -without experiencing gr

afforded no belp, and often aeezned to increIstreis It was thought she had Cancer of

Stomach, and at the time of which I write file:ent for her pastor to make what it was belie-

all druggists. $1 per bi[S6w4]

PLATS ! PLAYS! PLAYS! PLAYSTor Reading Clubs, for Amateur Theatrioals, Ten

perance Plays, DrawiBg-Botaa Plays, Fairy PlayEthiopian PJays, Guide Book!, Bptakers, PantomimaTableaux Lights, llbgnesiura Lights, Colored FirBurnt Cork, Theatrical Face Prepuations, JarlejWax Works, Wigs, Beards and Moustaches at rsducecprices Costumes, Scenery, Charades. Hejr catalogueB seut free containing full description arid, prices8AMD2L FE2NCH & SON, 3 8 E. 14tl» St., Ne» XOl-i»M#tt# A TEAB and expenses to agents. Ont

K 7 7 7 F r w - Address V. O. VIOXKBY, AugvV « « • u . Maine. 36ml

(0.. 10 Spruce St., New YorkT clu i« ra thjexaiof «ny proposed Hne of ADVERTISING In AmiNewspapers. t V l O O - p a g e P a m p h l e t

ELY'S CREAM BALMIs receivlngthe endorsement of theeutfigt, aud phyeloian. Never b&a an ar-writ been pro '—* — "-


ders, liquids, an uff, r W> c


For *&le by Bromll t t b h d P

y Bromley &, and P. M.


it> x uiton ot., new jtorjSmith and H. W. Cady,opkins' Sons and Moul



Most Direct Route West,

Is via the Ogdensburg & Lak<Ohamplain and Rome &

Watertown Railroads.ice of the Lake Shore, Hie

[email protected] Railroads.

lor Coupon Tickets and otber luioi

E. T. DELANEY, AGENT,No. 52 Bridge Street,

p K O V H V S I K K « S C O L L E U E is the bee



Plattoburgh, Jan. 11, »





;s. Oil Clotns,

JC, SC, and 10c, fioo goods aLd free from

Special inrlurtim-nlR in T a b l e l . l n c m , N a p k i n * , I t l i t n k c t v

•' nd suitable for any household purpose,' at 10c. a yard. '


money. This is a special bargain.

i K I D GI.OVES, we offer the last of our 2Ec.

all sizes, in two qn»l-n two qnnl->Id or refund

E R B R « S . " CORSETS, the beet ia the market. TRY THEM.

ie above alao a special i&ie of H A U B l I K I i H E M B R O I D E R I E S , the

c. per yard. Fine Qooijs np to $1.50 per yard.

bargains in CARPETS a n d OIL, CLOTHS, at exceedingly


New store, Opposite Cumberland House,PLATTSBTTRGH, N. 7.



Hamburg1 Embroideries[EDGING AND INSERTING,]

Direct from the Looms in Switzerland,To which. Attention is Invited.



HARTWBLL & MYEBS, New Grocery Store,CALL A.T




Groceries and Provisions:PARLOR,





Self-Feeding, Base-Burning


Sold Lower than any other Housein (his State Sell the same

Quality of Goods.

"Old King Stewart"s acknowledged by ALL, (be King

of Steves.

i l l Kinds aiid Styles and Sizes.





Crockery. Glassware,


I bave a snperlor qniillty of

Fine Pastry Flourand everything usually furnlsned In flrflt-class gro-cery store*,

AT THE LOWEST PRICESAlso a full assortment of

FRESH BISCUITS,%m the celebrated Larrabee Manufactory, of Alb*-

Gooda delivered to any part of the village free offcharge. A . S E N E G A L ,

Wood and Coal Ranges,



Watch Maker ^nd Jeweler,

Hartweil & Myers,BRIDGE ST., PLA1XSBIIUUU.

Sash, Door anil BlindMANUFACTORY,

-AX T H E -

Old Shop, sa Pfattsbnrgh,

On the East Side of (be River,

. B. Dandrow, Agt.


Phi underslffned offers for »le a eeoond-band En-& sight horle power, aad & 28 horse power boiler,

& Sf two-uid5neJ>itf-tacli tab" , nearly new.The boiler bu not been used three monthg.

ir« in°p«rf«5t running order. \J

I WOULD R E S P E C T F U L L Y CALLattention to my new and complete stock for tho

Silver Plated Ware,Watches, Clocks,JEWBLBY&FANCY&OODS.

My line of Silver Plated Ware now consists of

Rogers &. Drolhers> F la t Table W a r e ,Movers & Brothers ' Ho l low W a r e ,

Heed & Bar ton ' s Hol low Ware ,aud otiior urst-class M&iiuf&cturexs, I UATB on handthe most complete line of

American Watches,~.6«. „ ,r*—B Jeld Movements in Gold and SilverCases. Also Ladds' patent stiffened Gold Case*.

Nickel Stem Winders, from $3 to $10.iy large variety of

3R.lxxgs 2 R i n g s !insisting of Diamond, Pearl, Diamond and Tur-toiae, Cameo aud Diamond, Cameo and Pearl, Gar-

— t, Turquioee. Topas, Amethyat and Intaglio Rings.A.1BO pl^iu 18 K. and 14 K, and fancy Carved BIBBS *in fact, the fiueat line of Rings over before shown in

" tC CLOCKSajdo complete, comprising the cneapeBt American

, well a 8 fine French Black Marble Clocks witH Ca".

I have also added to my line of

Fancy Goodscompariso

orsoDul and prou^pt attention, &nd I would againjruiud tlie public that all Watch Bepalrtag dona by

Ee8peotf"ully, EOB'T MEYEB.Platlsbargh, Nov. 13, 1880.

White Ash and BasswoodLOGS,

for wbicli cash will be paid, at our Factory in PlatUargb H L ISHAM S SONS

Pw. 31