Job Seeker Pack

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  • 8/9/2019 Job Seeker Pack


     Jobseeker Pack

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  • 8/9/2019 Job Seeker Pack


    Table of Contents

     The Jobseeking Process 3

    Identifying Yor Ideal Job !

    "ector #pportnities $

     Tailoring Yor "kill "et %

    esearching Training Providers '

    (inding Jobs )

    Crriclm *itae 11

    +inks to "ample C* Templates 13

    Covering +etter 1!

    Intervie, "kills 1-

    Common Intervie, .estions 1)

    Intervie, Debrief /%

    Intervie, Preparation *ideos /'

    "tarting Yor #,n 0siness /)

    dditional Tips for Jobseekers 31

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    The Jobseeking Process

    2hile the obseeking process is often vie,ed as di4clt 5in fact it is oftenstated that yo ,ork harder trying to 6nd a ob than ,hen yo are inemployment78 individals that implement e9ective strategies at each stageof the obseeking process ,ill ma:imise their opportnity to secre the obthey desire;

     The obseeking process typically involves<

    •  The identi6cation of the ob desired• esearching employment opportnities ,ithin the chosen sector• =atching e:isting skill set to ob and sector re>irements• Developing a Crriclm *itae and a Covering +etter• "ecring an Intervie,• Preparing for an Intervie,• Intervie, Debrie6ng

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    Identifying your Ideal Job

     The initial stage of the ob seeking process involves identifying the ob ,hichyo ,ish to secre; This is a crcial element of the ob seeking process as itdictates the strategy to be employed for the entire ob seeking process as itfocses yor market research ,ith regard to sector opportnities and it alsoaids the development of an e9ective Crriclm *itae;

    2hile some ob seekers may have determined a de6nitive career path 8others may have many employment opportnities to e:plore; In scenarios,hereby ob seekers are ndecided as to their ideal ob8 it is advisable thatthey ans,er the follo,ing >estions<

    • 2hat type of ,ork do I enoy doing?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    • +ist the skills that yo possess@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    • 2hat motivates me?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    • 2hat are my long@term career goals?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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    • 2hat type of organisation ,old I like to ,ork for?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    • 2hat kinds of people do I ,ork best ,ith?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    • In ,hat location5s7 ,old I prefer to ,ork?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    • 2hich organisations ,ill facilitate my professional development andcareer advancement?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


     The ans,ers to the above >estions shold provide the ob seeker ,ith ade6nitive idea of their professional competences and priorities; Theinformation derived from this analysis provides the obseeker ,ith a betternderstanding of the career type they desire;

    (rthermore8 it is advisable for obseekers to consider their previosemployment e:periences ,hen evalating their ftre career prospects i;e;identify the elements of previos obs that yo enoyed and the aspects of employment yo ,ish to avoid in ftre obs;

     The completion of personality and aptitde tests ,hich are ,idely availableon the Internet can prove to be a sefl resorce for the obseeker as thereslts shold focs the participantAs attention on their strengths8 especiallythose that may be of bene6t to prospective employers;

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    Sector Opportunities

    #nce the obseeker has identi6ed the type of ob5s7 ,hich they ,ish to 6nd8 itis imperative to condct e:tensive research into the employmentopportnities presented by relevant sectors;

    "ch research ,ill enable the obseeker to determine the volme ofemployment opportnities in their chosen sector in addition to ac>iringinformation abot standard >ali6cation and e:perience re>irements for obs in that sector;

    "orces of information ,hich may be sefl ,hen determining employmentopportnities in speci6c sectors inclde<

    @ Indstry pblicationsBmagainesBne,sletters

    @ elated sector ,ebsites@ Professional bodiesBorganisations@ e,spaper articles and recritment sections@ (E" employment services@ Job Coaches@ Fovernment annoncementsBpblications@ Fovernment grants and incentive schemes

    In these economically challenging times8 it is important that obseekers focstheir search on sectors that have been identi6ed as e:periencing gro,th andbeing sstainable in the long term;

    "tdies ,hich have been condcted by government and employmentagencies have reported that sstainable gro,th opportnities e:ist in thefollo,ing sectors<

    • ene,able GnergyBFreen GnergyBGnvironmentalB2ater Conservation

    • Healthcare

    • Pharmaceticals B Chemical

    • (inancial "ervices & I;T;

    •  Torism

    • G:ports

    • gri (ood

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    • 0roadband

    Tailoring your Skill Set to new Sectors

    Having identi6ed yor preferred ob and completed e:tensive market

    research into sector speci6c employment opportnities8 the obseeker sholdhave a thorogh nderstanding of the >ali6cation and e:periencere>irements for employment in speci6c sectors;

     The ne:t step in the process is to identify thecomponents of yor e:isting skill set and to matchthem against the re>irements for the ne, ob;

    In order to determine the crrent skills and kno,ledge,hich yo possess it is sefl to list these attribtes;

    "kills and no,ledge ac>ired from PreviosGmployment<

    • @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@•

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    "kills and no,ledge ac>ired from Hobbies and #ther Interests

    • @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

     This e:ercise ,ill provide a comprehensive list of the individalAscompetences ,hich shold encorage yo to emphasise these points onyor C*;

    (rthermore8 a Job Coach may condct a pro6ling assessment ,hichidenti6es a candidateAs strengths and ,eaknesses and sitability to speci6c

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    careers; The reslts of a pro6ling assessment ,ill enable the obseeker toemphasise their strengths to a prospective employer via a Crriclm *itae;

    Researching Training Providers

    s research of the sector opportnities shold provide the obseeker ,ith aclear nderstanding of the indstry >ali6cation and e:periencere>irements8 a obseeker may need to ndertake frther edcation andtraining corses in order to satisfy employer re>irements; Ho,ever8 it isimportant that obseekers ac>ire the follo,ing information abot relevanttraining programmes before participating on a particlar corse<

    • Corse im

    • Corse "yllabs

    • (le:ibile Delivery =ethod #ptions

    • Corse Dration & (re>ency

    • +ocation

    • ssessment "trctre

    • .ali6cationB Certi6cationB ccreditation

    • dditional Corse 0ene6ts

    • Pre@corse spport

    • Post@corse spport

    • Corse Designer & Corse =aterials

    •  Trainer .ali6cations and G:perience

    •  Training (acilities & esorces

    • "peed of G:am eslts & Certi6cation

    • Cost

    • Payment & (nding #ptions

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    • "earch for obs in Ireland on the internet; Foogle8 YahooK and =" are

    all good portals to 6nding obs; Try di9erent search terms8 st ,riting

    LobsA ,ill provide very broad reslts ,here as typing the title of the ob

    yo ,ant and ,here yo ,ant it ,ill retrn very speci6c reslts mch

    more sitable to ,hat yo are looking for;


    • Gmployers and recriters tend to se speci6c channels to advertise

    these days so it follo,s that yo ,ill 6nd e:ective obs in these types

    of pblications; (or e:ample8 the (inancial Times and the Irish

     Times are e:cellent places to 6nd 6nance obs; If yo are looking for a

    ,eb development ob then yo ,old be ,ise to go online to the

    indstry magaines ,ebsite @ this is a great portal for companies to

    6nd great talent;

    ecritment "ites

    •  Jobseekers can tilise recritment sites sch as =onster;ie8

    +oadaobs;ie8 Irishobs;ie and Pblicobs;ie to create a pro6le8 pload a

    Crriclm *itae8 receive noti6cations abot ne, obs listed on the

    ,ebsite and apply for obs displayed on these portals;

    • (rthermore8 (E" has developed a Crriclm *itae pload facility

    ,hich provides an additional opportnity for obseekers to make their

    C*s available to prospective employers

    "ocial net,orking

    • =ore and more recriters are sing online tools to 6nd talent; +inkedin

    and Moominfo are t,o e:amples of this; 0e sre to e:pand yor

    net,orks as mch as possible and get old employers to recommend

    yo; This is one of the best ,ays to 6nding yor ne:t ob since the

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    maority of obs are 6lled via net,orking or ,ord of moth; ItAs tre

    ,hat they say8 itAs not ,hat yo kno, bt ,ho yo kno,;

    2ord of moth

    •  Yes8 itAs often tre ,hat they say; That most obs are 6lled before the

    vacancy is advertised; "o ho, do yo make that yorself? 1; Call

    potential employers and sell yorself @ give it a go8 yo canAt lose

    anything; /; Tell yor friends yo are looking for ,ork @ people are often

    happy to help other people 3; Hand ot yor bsiness card @ this ,ill

    help people remember ,ho yo are;

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    Curriculum itae

    n e9ective C* shold be concise8 transparent8 persasive and instantlyengaging as it determines a prospective employerAs decision to o9er anintervie, to the candidate;

    Characteristics of an e9ective C*<

    •  Transparent N C* shold have a clear layot• Concise N The C* shold be no longer than t,o ! pages• Professional N C* shold be free from spelling8 grammar and

    pnctation errors;• Persasive N The C* shold demonstrate that the candidate can

    competently fl6l the dties of the position;

    (ormat of C*<

    •  The traditional format of a printed C* still remains the most poplarformat and a professional C* can still be very e9ective in secringan intervie,;

    • Ho,ever8 in an e9ort todemonstrate innovation andcreativity and to stand ot

    from other applicants8 somecandidates no, provide theemployer ,ith a C* in aD*D or CD formataccompanied by apersonalised coveringletter;

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    !inks to Sample C Templates


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    Covering !etter

    covering letter provides an overvie, of a candidateAs sitability in terms of skills8 strengths and e:perience re>irements for the ob advertised; Itprovides the candidate ,ith an opportnity to stand ot and an e9ectivecovering letter ,ill increase the candidateAs chance of secring an intervie,;

    Covering Letters for Advertised Positions

    • ddress the letter to a named individal in the company• efer to the position applied for and advise that yo enclose yor

    Crriclm *itae 5C*7• Qse a font that is easy to read 5e;g; Corier8 rial7• "ign the letter personally

    Covering Letters when sending a CV ‘on spec’ 

    • ddress the letter to the relevant department or section in thecompany;

    • efer to the position yo desire• (ocs the letter on the potential employerAs needs• "pecify yor availability for an intervie,• Qse a font that is easy to read• Check for spelling8 grammar and pnctation• "ign the letter personally

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    Interview Skills

    "ecring an Intervie,<

    If yo are ,ishing to secre an intervie, for a ob vacancy8 it is advisable to

    send an pdated Crriclm *itae and a personalised cover letter to anamed person ,ithin the company;

    If a candidate is able to demonstrate8 via a personalised letter8 that theyhave e:tensive kno,ledge of the companyAs operations and can articlatethat they have attained the necessary competences to occpy integral roles,ithin the organisation8 the candidate may increase their chance of secringan intervie,;

    #nce initial contact has been established ,ith the company8 it is important

    that the obseeker makes a phone call to the same named person as a follo,p to the letter; This phone call sho,s the employer that yo areenthsiastic abot ,orking for their company and it also gives yo anopportnity to sell yorself and demonstrate yor commnication skills

    Preparing for an Intervie,

    Researching the Company:

    • *isit the companyAs ,ebsite• Identify the prpose and obectives of the company• ead the latest company blog or obtain a copy of their latest

    ne,sletter to ensre that yo are informed abot the latest companyne,s;

    • Qse google to 6nd additional information abot the company i;e;ne,spaper articles8 a,ards8 indstry pblications etc;

    Candidates shold tilise this information to identify the needs of a companyand to demonstrate that their professional competences ,ill satisfy theseneeds;

    Researching the Interviewer:

    =any candidates limit their research to the company; Ho,ever8 it is probablethat all the other candidates ,ill have condcted similar research andtherefore it is important that yo can stand ot from the other candidates;

    t the intervie, stage of the process8 most candidates ,ill have the skills8kno,ledge and e:perience to competently fl6ll the vacant role; Therefore

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    many intervie,ers ,ill seek a candidate that is likeable and can demonstrategood interpersonal skills 5i;e; is able to sell themselves7

    It is for this reason that it is important to carry ot research abot theintervie,er as it ,ill enable the candidate to establish common grond ,iththe intervie,er8 e;g; that yo are gradates from the same niversity;

    In order to condct e9ective research on the intervie,er<

    • "earch for a pro6le on the company ,ebsite• Perform e:tensive google searches• esearch ne,spaper articles and indstry pblications• Qse library databases if available

    Mock Interviews:

    • It may be sefl to assemble some friends and family ,ho ,ill pt yothrogh a mock intervie,;

    •  This is a good opportnity to practice yor presentation skills• =ake sre that yor assembled LpanelA ,ill simlate a typical intervie,

    scenario8 complete ,ith togh >estionsKK• +isten to any feedback they might provide• If possible8 se a camera to record the intervie, and then yo can

    ,atch the intervie, and identify areas that can be improved before thereal intervie,;

    ther Considerations:

    • no, ho, to prononce the names of the people yo ,ill be meeting• If possible8 learn the names of the receptionist and other

    administration sta9 • If it is a second intervie,8 revie, notes of past meetings• ead throgh the dayAs bsiness ne,s so yo have to something to

    talk abot;• Create a list of >estions yo ,ill ask the intervie,er• 0ring copies of yor C* ,ith yo 5and a copy on CD or D*D if possible7• Identify the vene and calclate ho, long it ,ill take to reach the

    location;• 0e pnctal N al,ays arrive a fe, mintes before the intervie, is

    schedled to take place• "elect sitable attire and take care of yor personal appearance

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    • "G++ Y#Q"G+(KK N Identify a skills gap ,ithin the company andthrogh emphasising yor personal and professional attribtes anddemonstrate ho, yo satisfy this need;

    • =aintain eye contact ,ith the intervie,er throghot

    • Demonstrate positive body langage e;g; rela:ed smile8 good postre;Phone Interviews:2ith more and more companies sing telephone intervie,s as a methodof identifying and disconting nsitable candidates for face@to@faceintervie,s it is important that participants are e9ective dring this stageof the intervie,ing process;

    Conse>ently8 candidates shold implement the follo,ing techni>es,hen participating in a telephone intervie,<

    "stablish a professional telephone manner telephone intervie, is an e9ective ,ay for a prospective employerto assess a candidateAs telephone manner and professionalism;

    • Select a suitable environment"elect a room that is free from noise and all other distractions;Gnsre that televisions8 radios and other telephones are trned o9and ,indo,s and doors are closed;

    • Con#dencens,er the >estions con6dently; This ,ill re>ire to stdy everydetail on yor C* so that yo ,onAt be srprised by the intervie,er;

    • Take notesQse a pen and paper to take notes dring the intervie, as this ,illhelp yo prepare for a second intervie,;

    • $ind common ground=ake a connection ,ith the intervie,er8 se the research yocarried ot on the company and the intervie,er to establish thisconnection;

    • %void hesitationsGliminate nnecessary hesitations sch as Rmms and errrsS

    • SmileGven thogh the intervie,er ,ill be nable to see yo8 smilling canhelp yo to rela: and stay positive;

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    Common Interview &uestions and 'est Practice %nswers

    2ork History

    &( )hat were your e*pectations for your previous +ob and to what

    e*tent where they met,

     A: !he "est way to respond is to disc#ss

    what yo# e$pected when yo# took the

     %o" and give e$amp&es of how the

     position worked o#t for yo#' If the %o"

    wasn(t e$act&y what yo# e$pected) it(s

    *ne to mention that' +owever) yo#

    sho#&d foc#s on the %o" itse&f) not thecompany) yo#r "oss) or yo#r co,workers

    -if they were a pro"&em.' /o "e caref#& how yo# answer and don(t foc#s too

    m#ch on the negative' Instead) address the high&ights of the %o"'

    &( )hat were your responsibilities in your last +ob,

     A: !he "est way to respond is to descri"e yo#r responsi"i&ities in detai& and

    to connect them to the %o" yo# are interviewing for' !ry to tie yo#r responsi"i&ities in with those &isted in the %o" description for the new position'

    !hat way) the emp&oyer wi&& see that yo# have the 0#a&i*cations necessary to

    do the %o"' 1oc#s most on yo#r responsi"i&ities that are direct&y re&ated to the

    new %o"(s re0#irements'

    &( )hat ma+or challenges and problems did you face, -ow did you

    handle them,

    < Possi"&e answers are &isted "e&ow:

    /#ring a di2c#&t *nancia& period) I was a"&e to satisfactori&y negotiaterepayment sched#&es with m#&tip&e vendors'

    3hen the software deve&opment of o#r new prod#ct sta&&ed) I coordinatedthe team which managed to get the sched#&e "ack on track' 3e were a"&e

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    to  s#ccessf#&&y tro#"&eshoot the iss#es and so&ve the pro"&ems) within avery short period of time'

     A &ong,term c&ient was a"o#t to take their "#siness to a competitor' I met with the c#stomer and was a"&e to change how we hand&ed the acco#nt on

    a day,to,day "asis) in order to keep the "#siness' 

    &( )hy are you leaving your +ob,

     A: /on(t 4admo#th 5o#r 4oss

    Regard&ess of why yo# &eft) don(t speak "ad&y a"o#t yo#r previo#s emp&oyer'!he interviewer may wonder if yo# wi&& "e "ad,mo#thing his company ne$t 

    time yo#(re &ooking for work'

    Prepare answers to typica& %o" interview 0#estions) &ike this one) in advance'Practice yo#r responses so yo# so#nd positive) and c&ear) a"o#t yo#r circ#mstances and yo#r goa&s for the f#t#re' 

    Sample answers to the interview question "Why did you leave your job?

    • I fo#nd myse&f "ored with the work and &ooking for more cha&&enges' Iam an e$ce&&ent emp&oyee and I didn(t want my #nhappiness to have any impact on the %o" I was doing for my emp&oyer'

    • !here isn(t room for growth with my c#rrent emp&oyer and I(m ready tomove on to a new cha&&enge'

    • I(m &ooking for a "igger cha&&enge and to grow my career and I co#&dn(t  %o" h#nt part time whi&e working' It didn(t seem ethica& to #se my former emp&oyer(s time'

    • I was &aid,o6 from my &ast position when o#r department wase&iminated d#e to corporate restr#ct#ring'

    • I(m re&ocating to this area d#e to fami&y circ#mstances and &eft my  previo#s position in order to make the move'

    • I(ve decided that is not the direction I want to go in my career and my c#rrent emp&oyer has no opport#nities in the direction I(d &ike to head'

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    •  After severa& years in my &ast position) I(m &ooking for a company where I can contri"#te and grow in a team,oriented environment'

    • I am interested in a new cha&&enge and an opport#nity to #se my technica& ski&&s and e$perience in a di6erent capacity than I have in the


    • I recent&y received my degree and I want to #ti&ise my ed#cationa&"ackgro#nd in my ne$t position'

    • I am interested in a %o" with more responsi"i&ity) and I am very ready for a new cha&&enge'

    • I &eft my &ast position in order to spend more time with my fami&y'Circ#mstances have changed and I(m more than ready for f#&&,timeemp&oyment again'

    • I am seeking a position with a sta"&e company with room for growthand opport#nity for advancement'

    • I was comm#ting to the city and spending a signi*cant amo#nt of timeeach day on trave&' I wo#&d prefer to "e c&oser to home'

    • !o "e honest) I wasn(t considering a move) "#t) I saw this %o" postingand was intrig#ed "y the position and the company' It so#nds &ike ane$citing opport#nity and an idea& match with my 0#a&i*cations'

    • !his position seemed &ike an e$ce&&ent match for my ski&&s ande$perience and I am not a"&e to f#&&y #ti&ise them in my present %o"'

    • !he company was c#tting "ack and) #nfort#nate&y) my %o" was one of those e&iminated'

    &( )hat have you been doing since your last +ob,

    < !he "est way to answer this 0#estion is to "e honest) "#t do have ananswer prepared' 5o# wi&& want to &et the interviewer know that yo# were

    "#sy and active) regard&ess of whether yo# were o#t of work "y choice) or 

    otherwise' +ere are some s#ggestions on how to e$p&ain what yo# did whi&e

     yo# were o#t of the workforce'

    • I worked on severa& free&ance pro%ects) whi&e active&y %o" seeking'• I vonteered for a &iteracy program that assists disadvantaged


    • My aging parents needed a temporary caregiver and I spent time&ooking after them'

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    • I spent time "eing a stay,at,home mom and vonteering at my da#ghter(s schoo&'

    • I took some contin#ing ed#cation c&asses and seminars' 

    .estions abot yo

    &( )hat is your greatness weakness,

     A: 3hen yo#(re asked what yo#r greatest weakness is) try to t#rn a negative

    into a positive' 1or e$amp&e) a sense of #rgency to get pro%ects comp&eted or 

    wanting to trip&e,check every item in a spreadsheet can "e t#rned into a

    strength i'e' yo# are a candidate who wi&& make s#re that the pro%ect is done

    on time and yo#r work wi&& "e c&ose to perfect'

    7ote that the term 8weakness8 isn(t #sed in the samp&e answers , yo# a&wayswant to foc#s on the positive when interviewing' 

    Sample Answers 

    • 3hen I(m working on a pro%ect) I don(t want %#st to meet dead&ines'Rather) I prefer to comp&ete the pro%ect we&& ahead of sched#&e'

    • 4eing organised wasn(t my strongest point) "#t I imp&emented a time

    management system that rea&&y he&ped my organisation ski&&s'

    • I &ike to make s#re that my work is perfect) so I tend to perhaps spenda &itt&e too m#ch time checking it' +owever) I(ve come to a good "a&ance"y setting #p a system to ens#re everything is done correct&y the *rst time'

    • I #sed to wait #nti& the &ast min#te to set appointments for the comingweek) "#t I rea&ised that sched#&ing in advance makes m#ch more sense' 

    &( )hat is your greatest strength,

     A: !his is one of the easier interview 0#estions yo#(&& "e asked' 3hen yo# are

    asked 0#estions a"o#t yo#r strengths) it(s important to disc#ss attri"#tes

    that wi&& 0#a&ify yo# for the %o"' !he "est way to respond is to descri"e the

    ski&&s and e$perience that direct&y corre&ate with the %o" yo# are app&ying for'

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    Sample %nswers 

    • 2hen Im ,orking on a proect8 I dont ,ant st to meet deadlines;ather8 I prefer to complete the proect ,ell ahead of schedle;

    I have e:ceeded my sales goals every >arter and Ive earned a bonseach year since I started ,ith my crrent employer;

    • =y time management skills are e:cellent and Im organised8 e4cient8and take pride in e:celling at my ,ork;

    • I pride myself on my cstomer service skills and my ability to resolve,hat cold be di4clt sitations; 

    &( )hat motivates you,

     A: !here isn(t a right or wrong answer to interview 0#estions a"o#t what 

    motivates yo#' !he interviewer is trying to #nderstand the key to yo#r "eing

    s#ccessf#& in the %o" he is interviewing for) and wants to make s#re it(s a

    good *t' Consider) in advance of interviewing) what act#a&&y does motivate

     yo# and come #p with some speci*c e$amp&es to share d#ring the interview'

    • I was responsi"&e for severa& pro%ects where I directed deve&opment teams and imp&emented repeata"&e processes' !he teams achieved 9;

    on,time de&ivery of software prod#cts' I was motivated "oth "y thecha&&enge of *nishing the pro%ects ahead of sched#&e and "y managing theteams that achieved o#r goa&s'

    • I(ve a&ways "een motivated "y the desire to do a good %o" at whatever  position I(m in' I want to e$ce& and to "e s#ccessf#& in my %o") "oth for my own persona& satisfaction and for my emp&oyer'

    • I have a&ways wanted to ens#re that my company(s c&ients get the "est c#stomer service I can provide' I(ve a&ways fe&t that it(s important) "oth tome persona&&y) and for the company and the c&ients) to provide a positivec#stomer e$perience'

    • I have spent my career in sa&es) typica&&y in commission,"ased positions) and compensation has a&ways "een a strong factor in motivatingme to "e the top sa&esperson at my prior emp&oyers' 

    &( )hat are your salary e*pectations,

     A: 3hen interviewing for a new position) do yo#r "est not to "ring #pcompensation #nti& the emp&oyer makes yo# an o6er' If yo#(re asked what 

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     yo#r sa&ary re0#irements are) say that they are open "ased #pon the position and the overa&& compensation package' r te&& the emp&oyer yo#(d&ike to know more a"o#t the responsi"i&ities and the cha&&enges of the %o" prior to disc#ssing sa&ary' Another option is to give the emp&oyer a sa&ary range "ased #pon the sa&ary research yo#(ve done #p front' nce yo#(ve

    received the o6er yo# don(t need to accept -or re%ect. it right away' A simp&e8I need to think it over8 can get yo# an increase in the origina& o6er'

    &( Tell me about yourself,

     A: 4eca#se it(s s#ch a common interview 0#estion) it(s strange that more

    candidates don(t spend the time to prepare for e$act&y how to answer it'

    Perhaps "eca#se the 0#estion seems so disarming and informa&) we drop o#r 

    g#ard and shift into ram"&e mode' Resist a&& temptation to do so'

    5o#r interviewer is not &ooking for a 9,min#te dissertation here' Instead)o6er a ra

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    there were some assignments that re0#ired a great dea& of independent 

    work and research and others where the team e6ort was most e6ective' As I

    said) I(m comforta"&e with "oth'

    &( /ive some e*amples of teamwork 

     A: In my &ast position) I was part of a software imp&ementation team' 3e a&&worked together to p&an and manage the imp&ementation sched#&e) to provide c#stomer training) and ens#re a smooth transition for o#r c#stomers'#r team a&ways comp&eted o#r pro%ects ahead of sched#&e with very  positive reviews from o#r c&ients'

    e, Job and Company

    &( )hat interests you about this +ob,

     A: 3hen yo#(re asked what interests yo# a"o#t the position yo# are

    interviewing for) the "est way to respond is to descri"e the 0#a&i*cations

    &isted in the %o" posting) then connect them to yo#r ski&&s and e$perience'

    !hat way) the emp&oyer wi&& see that yo# know a"o#t the %o" yo#(re

    interviewing for -not everyone does. and that yo# have the 0#a&i*cations

    necessary to do the %o"'

    &( )hy do you want this +ob,

     A: Possi"&e answers &isted "e&ow

    •  !his is not on&y a *ne opport#nity) "#t this company is a p&ace wheremy 0#a&i*cations can make a di6erence' As a *nance e$ec#tive we&&versed in the new stock options &aw) I see this position as made to order' It contains the cha&&enge to keep me on my toes' !hat(s the kind of %o" I &iketo anticipate every morning'

    • I want this %o" "eca#se it seems tai&ored to my competencies) whichincde sa&es and marketing' As I said ear&ier) in a previo#s position Icreated an ann#a& growth rate of ?? percent in a at ind#stry' Additiona&&y)the team I wo#&d work with &ooks terri*c'

    • I we&& #nderstand that this is a company on the way #p' 5o#r 3e" sitesays the &a#nch of severa& new prod#cts is imminent' I want to "e a part of this "#siness as it grows'

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    •  As a dedicated technician) I &ike doing essentia& research' 4eing part of a "reakthro#gh team is an e$perience I(d &ove to repeat'

    • !his %o" is a good *t for what I(ve "een interested in thro#gho#t my career' It o6ers a nice mi$ of short, and &ong,term activities'

    • I want this retai& %o" "eca#se I(d "e good at it' I(m good at speaking to peop&e and hand&ing cash' I wo#&d &ike a %o" with reg#&ar ho#rs and I(ma&ways on time'

    • I(d *t right in as a co#nter c&erk in yo#r *ne dryc&eaners' I haveo"served that the co#nter c&erk position re0#ires competence at hand&ingsevera& activities in 0#ick order ,, c#stomer service) payments) "aggingand phones' I  &ike m#&titasking and) as a homemaker) I have a &ot of  practice in keeping a&& the "a&&s in the air'

    • !he work I *nd most stim#&ating a&&ows me to #se "oth my creative

    and research ski&&s' I know that this company rewards peop&e who de&iver sotions to s#"stantia& pro"&ems' 

    &( )hy should we hire you,

     A: !he "est way to respond is to give concrete e$amp&es of why yo#r ski&&s

    and accomp&ishments make yo# the "est candidate for the %o"' !ake a few

    moments to compare the %o" description with yo#r a"i&ities) as we&& as

    mentioning what yo# have accomp&ished in yo#r other positions' 4e positive

    and reiterate yo#r interest in the company and the position'

    &( )hat can you contribute to this company,

     A: !he "est way to answer 0#estions a"o#t yo#r contri"#tions to the

    company is to give e$amp&es of what yo# have accomp&ished in the past)

    and to re&ate them to what yo# can achieve in the f#t#re'

    /escri"e speci*c e$amp&es of how e6ective yo# have "een in yo#r other positions) changes yo# have imp&emented) and goa&s yo# have achieved'

    !a&k a"o#t the depth and "readth of re&ated e$perience that yo# have'

     A&so) re&ate yo#r a"i&ities to the emp&oyer(s goa&s' 5o# wi&& want to &et theinterviewer know that yo# have the ski&&s necessary to do the %o" they arehiring for) the a"i&ity to e6ective&y meet cha&&enges) and the e$i"i&ity anddip&omacy to work we&& with other emp&oyees and with management' 

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     The (tre

    &( )hat are you looking for in your ne*t +ob, )hat is important toyou,

     A: 5o# can "egin yo#r answer with this 0#estion: !e&& me) Mr'BMs' Interviewer)

    what is a typica& career path at PL for someone with my ski&&s and


    -4ased on the answer yo# can then respond to the origina& 0#estion #singthe phrases from the answer to frame yo#r response.'

    3hat is important to yo# !wo things are very important to me' ne is my  professiona&ism at workD the second is my fami&y &ife'

    &( )hat are your goals for the ne*t #ve years,

     A: 5o# want to connect yo#r answer to the %o" yo# are app&ying for'=$amp&es of good responses incde:

    • My &ong,term goa&s invo&ve growing with a company where I cancontin#e to &earn) take on additiona& responsi"i&ities) and contri"#te as

    m#ch of vae as I can'• I see myse&f as a top performing emp&oyee in a we&&,esta"&ished

    organisation) &ike this one' I p&an on enhancing my ski&&s and contin#ingmy invo&vement in -re&ated. professiona& associations'

    • nce I gain additiona& e$perience) I wo#&d &ike to move on from atechnica& position to management' 

    • In the E5F Corporation) what is a typica& career path for someone withmy ski&&s and e$periences

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    Interview .ebrief 

    fter the intervie,<

    •  Take ,ritten notes of the intervie,• Highlight any mistakes yo think yo made N e;g; names

    misprononced• Identify the positives yo can take from the intervie,• ote >estions that yo fond particlarly togh and try to improve

    this ans,er shold yo enconter this >estion

     This e:ercise is e:tremely important as it can help yo prepare for yor ne:tintervie, and shold be completed directly after the intervie, has 6nished;

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    Interview Preparation ideos

     The Internet can provide a sefl sorce of information for obseekers,ishing to prepare for an intervie,;

     The links belo, provide gidance and tips ,ith regard to performing ,ell inintervie, scenarios;


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    Starting 0our Own 'usiness

     The challenging economic climate ,hich crrently e:ists often creates anopportnity for individals to develop their entreprenerial ideas and starttheir o,n bsiness;

    Qsefl advice for people ,ishing to start their o,n bsiness is otlined belo,<

      12 Research

     The 6rst step ,hen establishing a ne, bsiness is to take the time tocondct research on yor market; This doesnAt have to involve sbstantialcosts8 yo can 6nd ot key information by taking the time and ndertaking ityorself; This ,ill allo, yo to establish yor Qni>e "elling Points8 assessyor competitorsA strengths8 ,eaknesses8 opportnities and threats ,ithin

    the marketplace; It ,ill also give a clear pictre ,ithot any frtherinvestment at this time as to the viability of yor proposition;

      32 'usiness plan

    It is vital ,hen yo are starting a ne, bsiness that yo take the time to pttogether a detailed bsiness plan based on yor research and set realisticbdgets8 forecasts and timelines; 2hen carrying ot strategic8 operationaland 6nancial planning being realistic is crcial and critical to yor long termsccess;

      42 Support

    "rronding yorself ,ith a good spport system is invalable ,hether itAs afriend8 colleage or e:pert ,ith bsiness e:perience that yo can brainstorm,ith8 ,ho ,ill listen to yor ideas and give yo obective feedback; Thebsiness landscape is changing at a frenetic pace and an e:perienced

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    opinion ,old be the ideal soltion; It is crcial that yo keep revie,ing yorstrategy on a continos basis to reUect the U: ,ithin the bsinessenvironment today;

      The Conty Gnterprise 0oards may also be a valable sorce of information

    and spport for those ,ishing to start a ne, bsiness; 

    52 6etworking

     This is the b ,ord of the last 1' months and it is an ideal ,ay of generating good bsiness contacts and ne, bsiness leads; The momentyor bsiness strategy has evolved8 start attending net,orking events;=any events are free to attend and donAt involve sign p fees8 another option

    is to oin yor local Chamber of Commerce ,hich is a great ,ay of meetinglike minded entrepreners;

    72 8now the !aw

    It is vital from the otset that yo have an nderstanding of the legislationand la,s involved in yor chosen indstry8 health & safety8 H8 accontingprocedres and payroll obligations; ot follo,ing the proper procedre fromthe start can incr costly 6nes and penalties that cold have been avoided at

    the start;

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    %dditional Tips for Jobseekers

    s 6nding a ob is a ob8 it is important that obseekers dedicate s4cienttime and resorces to secring employment;

     The follo,ing tips may be bene6cial to individals ,ho are actively seekingemployment<

    • Gstablish and maintain a daily rotine< This enables the obseeker toprepare themselves to reenter the ,orkforce and it also demonstratesthat yo have been proactive dring yor period of nemployment;

    • Gstablish a career net,ork< =ore people 6nd employment throgh theirpersonal contacts than any other sorce; Therefore it is essential that

    yo develop8 e:pand and tilise yor net,ork ,hen searching foremployment;

    • 2ork e:perience< If possible8 secre a ,ork placement ,ith anemployer in yor chosen indstry; This o9ers the obseeker anopportnity to demonstrate that they can be an indispensable resorcefor the company by rectifying any e:isting skill gaps; obseeker ,hocan achieve this dring the ,ork placement may optimise the chancesof secring employment ,ith the company after the ,ork placementhas been completed;

    ead< e,spapers8 indstry magaines and books keep yo p to date,ith indstry developments and it also keeps yor mind active;• Physical G:ercise< It is advisable for obseekers to incorporate physical

    e:ercise into their daily rotine as it promotes physical and mental ,ellbeing;

    • *olnteer ,ork ,ith charities< The most signi6cant problemencontered by all charitable organisations is the lack of fnds

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    available to them; Conse>ently8 there is a continos re>irement forvolnteers to ac>ire fnds throgh varios fndraising activities;

    In addition to o9ering a obseeker an opportnity to tilise their free timefor the bene6t of a ,orth,hile case8 the fndraising activitiesndertaken dring the volnteer ,ill enable the obseeker to<

    @ Develop presentation skills@ 0ecome a more e9ective commnicator@ Develop leadership skills@ Gnhance interpersonal skills@ Deal ,ith reection

     These attribtes can all be tilised dring the obseeking process and can aidyo in secring employment;