Job Interviewer b.inggris

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  • 8/10/2019 Job Interviewer b.inggris



    F : Excuse me, Sir. May I come in?

    A : Yes. Please, come in and have a seat

    F : Thank you, Sir

    A : So, your name is Farid, right

    F : Yes, that is right, Sir

    A : okey, my name is Andre septiawan. I am directur of this Bodrex Army Company

    F : Nice to meet you, Sir.

    A : How are you this morning

    F : Im perfectly fine, Sir. Thank you, and how about you?

    A : Im fine too, So, do you know what we are going to do, Farid?

    F : Yes, Sir. I was emailed and called by phone in order to have a job interview session

    from this company three days ago. So, now here Im going to be having an interview job

    session with you

    A : Very well. Can you tell me about your self, farid?

    F : My name farid ardi , I am 23 years ago , from of Bukittinggi, I Graduated From Best

    Private university in the Padang City at Bung Hatta University ,major Civil Engineering ,

    with GPA 3.5, with yudisium Cumploud

    A : what you was follow organization in campus and what your activity to do it

    F : I was followed the Scouting organization in college as chairman , my activity in scout

    is give a knowledge abaout scout to elementary and junior high school. I was organized a

    mountain climbing and socialization abaout scout. other than that I followed the

  • 8/10/2019 Job Interviewer b.inggris


    Organization in the field of health , the PMI , as chairman , we give health education

    activities and blood donor

    A : very good, you was to be a chairman in organization and many make positif activity

    with human, you have high social life, its nice, and can be guidance for young man

    F : Thank you sir.

    A : okey, next, what you know about this company, why you interesting to applied work in

    this company

    F : The Bodrex Army Company is accompany enganged in the field of the best contractors

    in Indonesia, that company was founded in 1982 in the Padang City, it have good

    integrity and can be guidance for other contractors. Im very interesting can work in this

    company because Im believe I have ability and skill very good can be contribution to

    the company and I can also see a bright future of my career by joining this company.

    A : so nice you know that it very good and you have spirit. Okey, You applied to be project

    inspector. Do you have any experience of this job?

    F : I was apprentice in the Adhi karya company, in there I supervise and monitor the work

    in the field, and I was help my theacher to highway road construction project

    A :so you dont have experience work in other company, but you was apprentice n help

    your theacher.

    F : yes sir, I am a fresh graduate. This is my first time to apply a full time job

    A : okey, what skills you have that can help us in this work

    F : I can design and make design drawings roads , houses , bridges . I can use autocad well ,

    I can analyze the design drawings , with my ability to contribute to the company

    A : Interesting, a lot of the skills you have , what is your strength and weakness, so you

    deserve to work in this company

  • 8/10/2019 Job Interviewer b.inggris


    F : Im the responsible, independent, hard work, discipline, on time, but weakness my self,

    I do not control my emotions, if many thoughts but I try to be patient and calm.

    A : Okay with youR ability and Skillcan be contribute to the company , how much salary

    you need from us

    F : about the salary I give to the company , because I 'm sure the company has a standard

    salary for employees in accordance with the position , duties and responsibilities

    A : Well then , we are very pleased to be able to talk with you , with the ability and skills

    that you have we will consider and discuss , for the interview we 'll tell you later if you

    are accepted to work here . thank you for coming to this company

    F : yes sir, thanks you,

    A :your welcome