Job Interview Tips Job interviews can be a stressful and hard situation for most people. Not everyone faces an interview the same way. There’s people that need none or just some little preparation before atten- ding an interview, while others need to rehearse several times in order to feel confident in front of the interviewer. Whether you belong to that first group or the second, here you will find a list of tips that will make your next job interview much easier.

Job Interview Tips

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A selection of tips that will make your next interview much more easier

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Page 1: Job Interview Tips

Job Interview Tips Job interviews can be a stressful and hard situation for most people. Not everyone faces an interview the same way. There’s people that need none or just some little preparation before atten- ding an interview, while others need to rehearse several times in order to feel confident in front of the interviewer. Whether you belong to that first group or the second, here you will find a list of tips that will make your next job interview much easier.

Page 2: Job Interview Tips

1. Do your research

Find out about the most usual questions asked during job interviews. Do some research on the company you’re applying for, check its website and look for news related to the company and its industry sector. Find out what customers and clients think about the company, its marketing techniques (if they use relationship marketing or any other kind of strategy) and be ready for any type of question related to its background or origins.

2. Dress for success

Choose the most appropriate outfit for your interview depending on the type of industry you’re going to apply for. Go on a shopping spree and buy some nice smart clothes but make sure you keep your style at the same time. The worst thing you can do is attending a job interview and not being comfortable with what you’re wearing. If you need some inspiration check the mood board on the right.

Page 3: Job Interview Tips

3. Practice, practice, practice!

Make sure you practice the answers to the most typical questions. Prepare them well and also consider variations to those questions depending on the type of job you’re applying for. Videotape yourself replying to these questions and check your body language, voice tone and consider how you can improve your performance in front of the camera.

4. Prepare everything in advance

The day before the interview make sure everything is ready and packed. Bring a copy of your CV, a notebook in case you need to take some notes and your portfolio if you’re applying for a creative position. Check the company location and find out how to get there. Leave quite early and try to arrive to the company around 10 or 15 minutes before the time set for the interview.

Page 4: Job Interview Tips

5. Try to stay calm

We know it is not as easy as it sounds but keeping calm before and during the interview is essential. Have a nice rest the previous night to the interview and if you’re feeling nervous or stressed try some relaxation exercises before facing the interviewer. The first minutes of the interview can be tense but after that you’ll start feeling more relaxed. Keep eye contact with the interviewer, and pay attention and listen to the whole questions before giving your answers.

6. After the interview

Make sure you ask some questions at the end of the interview. You will probably be asked by the interviewer if you have any questions about the vacancy. It is your time to show that you’re interested in the position and in the company. Ask about your roles and responsibilities but avoid any question related to the salary you’re expecting. Give the interviewers a firm handshake and let them know that you’re looking forward to hearing from them.

All images source: Wikimedia