is it ii if m ii a i x i jflfl villi i J'Lyu, Established July 2, 1856. XIV. NO. 2903. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. m in I : i - has been attacked by powerful vice- - IflE DAILY Ntw Ibnerttscmcnts. Baiu auu again, out it nas , Ciiieitial Advertiser timidit.v nnrl nnmintinn 41 Ii. A. THUESTON. W. F. FBEAB. Honolulu and SanFrancisco MailSemce . j wwx.Upi.iuU ui iuo and local officials. Washing- - 0 fCBUSBED O. A. STEVEN, General Agent, .joriiin? Except Sundays, THURSTON & FREAK, A1 torneys - at - Law, HONOLULU, H. I. -- Office over Bishop's Bank. April 2. 1891. 13G9-y2S04- -q Cor. Fort and Merclxant Streets M. PHILLIPS fe CO. 00 ALFRED S. HARTWELL, 00 60 00 40 Merchant St. year ?6 six months 3 per month Gazstte, one year ..... 6 - nis .. foreign (In- - 'V-S- ! o e" yTar in 'advance...".' 10 Money Order. ji FotTAt TIME TABLE OF THE Oceanic Steamship Co. (subject to changs.) The Australia will Leave San Francisco at 2 o'clock 1. M. Leave Honolulu at IS 91. Tuesdays. The Througb. Steamers Leave San Fran- cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. Counsellor - at - Law 00 00 Office in . Cartwright Building, opposite irost umce, Honolulu, i. i. 28G6 1379-t- f 8t ,TfJU,iitAiUei-tleuieiit- mu Fort, Cor. Queen St. Are now located at their NEW SPA- CIOUS STORE, and have the best facilities to offer to the trade. A Full Line of Desirable Goods! J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Connsellor-at-La- w. OflBce Kaahumanu Street, For Sale. - Two Lots on South Slope Punchbowl. Taro Land at Kamoilitli. Choice Lot on Kinau St., 100x100. Lot 50ft. x60ft.. near Chinese Theatre. $950. LoSft.xllOft., Palama. $550. Lot 84't.xl70, Beretauia St. $1800. Lot and 2 Houses on Queen St. $2250. Lot 81ft.xl20ft., Piikoi St. $850. Large Corner Lot. Piikoi St. $3000. 70 Acres at Honokalani, Kawela, Maui, now leased to liana Plantation. 116 Acres, Molokai. Several Lots near Chinese Theatre. LEAVE AEBIVE 8TEAHEB. 8AN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU. Australia Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct; 22 .&' W,liAN UAZETTK CO., ;( !. WnirsE. Mauager. C, Merchant St., ilouolulu. H.I ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILL (In office formerly occupied by Mr. O zusi-i- y Kogers). LEAVE ARRIVE STEAMER. HONOLULU. SAN FRANCISCO. PETER HIGH, Proprietor. . . Oct. 29 Nov. 17 .. Nov. 26 Alameda Oct. 22 . Australia Nov. 10 . Mariposa...... Nov. 19 . 2843 1388-3- m OFFICE AND MIL I., : CONSISTING OF- - J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, . : Honolulu, 11. I. 2C51-- y lBF KOLAO HUI. ;)Jt.r Thiit in Making the trouble in China. r:a.i Hni. tho secret society On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H, I. Australian Mail Service Prints, Cambrics, Batistes, C bailies, Brown and White Cottons and Sheet For Rent. House on Hotel Street. House of 7 rooms and bathroom; all conveniences ; large lot; stabling, out- houses; choice flowers; situate on Luna-liloS- t. Rnt$45. House of 6 rooms; hot and cold water. Kinau St. Rent $40 to a desirable tenant. ings, Mnnreiit anti-foreig- n ont- - .. , n ii. WILLIAM C. PARKE, MOULj3ING-S- , ;U to vaiiey, says tuo ' r;., :uv attributed, is at Plain and Striped Denims, White, Colored and Fancy Flannels, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW FOR SAN FKANC1SCU. .,,. iii.tt powerful of these AND Agent to take Acknowledgments. Doors, I Screens Efe in Frames Tbe new aud fine Al Btei staanisblr ' c ...m urbanizations in Chiua. inu.l'-- l in the turbulent and f Jluuau, where J.i,. niuiJ'ers of men are J ItlliUUl Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, llono- - WANTED. Property for Bale. 2872-- y lulu, 11. 1. 99 SATINS, VELVETS and RIBBONS Embroideries, Mosquito Net, Lawns, Tweeds, Casftimeres, Linings, And a Full Stock of all I: tla' Chinese army. Uu- - MAEIPOSA TURNED AND SAWED WORK. CHARLES F. PETERSON, av Chinese secret societies, Of the Oceanic Hteamanlp Company, will be due at Hontlulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Money. $500 for two years on good security; cur- rent rates. 2881 1395--q Typewriter and Notary Public. & Having iust received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest im !ivh;:ii"is, and is largely It Ikh existed for about sr?,anl attained great power II mau men on the im-i-i- n the Taiping rebellion, t lb" uhjfet seems to have M'uteetioii asrainst the provements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to do good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having lately engaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty of Office with L. A. Thurston. 2858-- q Nov 19, 1891, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., iru! txt' itiou practiced by TA1L0KS' GOODS, White Percale and Fancy Overshirts, Cient's Furnishing Goods, Men's, Boys' anil Cliildrens' Clothing Steam lngines, Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc. jEjTTrompt attention to all orders. :o: And wlllleave for the abve port with malls and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, haying HUPKttlOB ACi.'OMMODATIOiNS, apply io Wm. (i. Irwin & Co., Wf 1863 ffl ; IloilorM, SiiKHr Mills, Coolers, Brass ami I.eail CasliuK AQENTH. A ad machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships' black siuithlng. Job work executed on the shortest HATS AND CAPS, TELEPHONES: 55. - - - BELL 498. nfice. tii i.tls in dealing with - aii i iij iihtenauco of tho dtuis object is still pro-tJie.-- rs as well as private aud the authorities who t j have ill-treat- the & punished by assassina-- r ktniction of their houses i ny, and by sudden and "en ts in their districts. -- rel that the ceremony of legists in killing a cock the blood, either alone ink wine. This has always practice with all For Sydney and Auckland. 2S04-- q MISS D. LAMB, Misses', Ladie3 and Childrens' Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, The new and fine Al steel steamship CASTLE & COOKE, I IMPORTERS , Stationery and Perfumery, Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. P, HORN Practical Coniectloner, Pastry Cook and Baker. . No. 71 Hotel St. - - . Telephone 74. 2804 1382 LOVE'S BAKERY Ko. 73 Nnnsnn (Street. 99 ALAMEDA -- wret societies. J" I 1 i m j- -v inn r run iiA-i-i-n- Shipping and Commission Merchants, llai is also believed to He laysteriuus and super--2t- o their proceedings by "''the planchette, a pencil &peikleil over a board with sand in such a way 3 iu.ived tho point loaves :tce sand. Tho movenifint HSS.BOBT.LOVX, rrorvtetr tot PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. 1 U UillXUS, IJlg ill 15 b and the Choicest Brands of M ERIC AN and HAVANA CIGARS, 3FAnd many other articles too Oi the Ooeanlo Hteamshlp Company, will toe due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Nov. 19, 1891. And will have prompt dlapatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPKRIOK AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. GK Irwin & Co., DEALERS IK 1 to occult intluence and oi the society present in-wgu- s, which then take BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, numerous to mention. Stenographer and Type-write- r, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, near the Postoffice. 283U DR. EMERSON, OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- ker's office). Office Hours 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3 p. m. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 A. m. Bell Telephone No. 51. Ilesidence 5 School street. 2859-3m- q LEWERS & COOKE. (Successors to Lewers b Dioksou) Iiniiorlertt nutl lealers lu Lumber And all Kinds of Building Materials. No. s'i fc'OKT ST&EET. Honolulu. 260 JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer and Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 25-3- 1 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2804 H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents Oor. Fort & Queen Sts., Uonolulu. 2804 ntue minds of the mom- - commands. Tim AGJCNTS. 2804 1382--q PLANTATION 8 TJ I? IJ Hi I ID S M. PHILLIPS & CO. ' Every Description of rial n and Faby Bread and Crackers, g BIB U i Soda Crackers Saloon Bread Always on JUaatl. MILK BBEAD A BFECIlLTy.- - Island Orders Promptly Attended to. S804-- q -- Has played an important FURNISHED ON ESTIMATES Jos. Tinker for any eize Regan Vapor Engine. See cotalogue and testimonials before purchasing an engine elsewhere. Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, Chinese associations, m course of time ad-!- J s moiiiborship persons FORT, COR. QUEEN ST. 2SSMm HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Jfu.a'-- o enlarged its tether th 1,!,, i..,i.4. FOR SALE. ;WiIlger to their Ofmnfrv in jjceof Kuropeans, or in the h11 of Christisinifv in Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. Whether it was merely a Impolicy for humbling ,;.uf 'vul OiUClUlS, 1 IS C. BREWER & COMPANY, 1 (Limited).! GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AGENTS. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals iuo society has long !miouary. The per-i;- w tho French nriestsnnd Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 2804 1382-- q CASTLE & COOKE. Shipping and Commission Merchants IKFOSTKBS A.HD DXALXB8 IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, . Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents 1382 HONOLULU, H. I. 2804-- q WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, (Limited.; Wm. G. Ibwih, - President and Manager Claus Spbzcxxia, - - Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. Giffabb, - - - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Thio. C. Pobtkb, - - - Auditor Rations in Yunnan nnrl The Celebrated Thoroughbred Stallions JOE DANIELS yyears past have been 5ni Vho machinations of W. E. ROWELL, Erigi xxuei and Surveyor : Koom 5, Spreckels' Block. 2804-- y WILLIAM O. AOHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, ,i ue members revenge yate wrongs, aM i Vr that rinrnna nniw AND KINO WILLIAM TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS Go. LIST OX OlrnOKBS J. O. Carter President Geo. II. Robertson Treasurer. E. F. Bishop.... Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen .Auditor ' UIBJCOTOBHt . T.n-.vi,- ntirno,! Uxr llr. John Brodie. and to be seen at tne mames oi me wuumwu MANUFACTURERS OF iSPfe of linen or calico '4J cbaf?cttwo of Ohiua. The iQirn??' if discovered, Uton nf n. i. , ... Dairv & Stock Co., Punahou. vw.Thn toim want til nurchase a frooci: Notary Public and Ileal Estate Itroker. Stallion should make early application. j Son II aUrVS Ron. (i. K. Xnl.rp. 5804 2S04 Offick 3G Merchant Street. is nana ot tne Lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda, S ARS AP A RILL A, GING ER ALE Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. AGENTS OI THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. febW members V mS m V r a.nother t0 an mnocent- - & turnsot to be fenwback lest the an- - Ulans spreckels Wn.Q. irwla. OLA0S SPRECKELS & CO., BA.3STK1ERS. HONOLtJLTJ HAWAIIAN INLANIW ATLAS Assurance Company FOUNDED 1808. . . LONDON. Capital. : 5 6.000,000 Assets, $ 9,000.000 IHK-- . Pntrnnnnn mi. are not gen- - EASPBEEEYABE ; BEAVER SALOON, For Street, Opposite Wilder & Co.'s, H. J. NOLTK, PBOPEIETOB. Flrst-cl&B- B Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, ; Soda Water, dinger Ale or Milk. t Open From 3 a. ni. till 10 p. hi. jarsmot er8 Bequisltes a Specialty. 2801 3 Wr THE ROYAL SALOON, Car. Nuuaun and Mercliant Streets Under the Management of E.H.F."Wolter, Keep always In stock a variety of the best Wines, Liquors, Beers, and ice cold beers on draught at 10 cents per glass. ; ari all and Se tlag 2804 Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) has assumed the assets and liabilities of the late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and will continue the general business formerly carried on by that house. 2863-139- 0 q CHAS. BREWER & CO8 Boston Line of Packets. . Draw Ezcbante en the principal parts o tnf world. VICHY, APPOLLINARIS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Having been appointed Agents jtig above Company , we are now ready effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. h w. scnsnDT & sons. '" 13S7 2S3C-- q WU1 receive deposits on open aeconat, .mafcs collections and conduct a general banking and exchange boalness. - in ? are enlisted, $ s2 fanner just de-- SnPti0 usually Provide arms JF desperate enter- - t T M (oSjty, which ' fea3areiSna wbich had liSiK!8 andgetar-- W tfen ar0ly bea Of Kese emi' secret Rn, IMPORTERS WILL PLEASE take notice that the fine BARK EDWARD MAY PAINTER! Absolutely Pure ! Refreshing ! Delicious ! .Deposits bearing Interest received Id t'jelrSav lags Department subject to published rslea and regulations. SS04-- Q ;; PAPER HANGING! LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocefs, 111 FORT STREET. TF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOB 1 of Painting of any description done, call on the practical Painter, J. MEYER only. 130 Fort St. U BoxS87. Mnf TpI. fi62. 2823-l- V Capt. Mahahy. Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leave for this port on Oct. 1, 1891, if suffl cient inducement offers. S7For further particulars apply to -- 28041S32-q C. BREWER & CO. TELEPHONES: J. L.MEYER,THE PAINTER GIVE and have your paper hanging done promptly and neatly. 130 Fort St. ierr and ,i::r.."2 P. O. Box 7 ' - - v. Telephone SAO 1 P. O. Box 387. Mut. Tel. 662. 2823-l- y : 2823-- q DaOy Advertiser SOcTrpr month. CCTMutual 360. E801J

J'Lyu, - University of Hawaii · No. 71 Hotel St. - -. Telephone 74. 2804 1382 LOVE'S BAKERY Ko. 73 Nnnsnn (Street. ALAMEDA 99--wret societies. J" I 1 i j--v inn r m run iiA-i-i-n-Shipping

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Page 1: J'Lyu, - University of Hawaii · No. 71 Hotel St. - -. Telephone 74. 2804 1382 LOVE'S BAKERY Ko. 73 Nnnsnn (Street. ALAMEDA 99--wret societies. J" I 1 i j--v inn r m run iiA-i-i-n-Shipping

is it ii if m ii a i x i

jflfl villi iJ'Lyu,Established July 2, 1856.


I : i -has been attacked by powerful vice--IflE DAILY Ntw Ibnerttscmcnts.Baiu auu again, out it nas, Ciiieitial Advertiser timidit.v nnrl nnmintinn 41 Ii. A. THUESTON. W. F. FBEAB. Honolulu and SanFrancisco MailSemce

. j wwx.Upi.iuU ui iuoand local officials. Washing- -


General Agent,.joriiin? Except Sundays,


A1 torneys - at - Law,HONOLULU, H. I.

--Office over Bishop's Bank.April 2. 1891. 13G9-y2S04- -q

Cor. Fort and Merclxant StreetsM. PHILLIPS fe CO.00 ALFRED S. HARTWELL,006000

40 Merchant St.

year ?6six months 3per month

Gazstte, one year ..... 6- nis .. foreign (In- -

'V-S- ! o e" yTar in 'advance...".' 10

Money Order.ji FotTAt


Oceanic Steamship Co.(subject to changs.)

The Australia willLeave San Francisco at 2 o'clock 1. M.

Leave Honolulu at IS 91. Tuesdays.The Througb. Steamers Leave San Fran-

cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.

Counsellor - at - Law0000

Office in . Cartwright Building, oppositeirost umce, Honolulu, i. i.

28G6 1379-t- f

8t,TfJU,iitAiUei-tleuieiit- mu

Fort, Cor. Queen St.

Are now located at their NEW SPA-CIOUS STORE, and have the best

facilities to offer to the trade.

A Full Line of

Desirable Goods!


Attorney and Connsellor-at-La- w.

OflBce Kaahumanu Street,

For Sale. -

Two Lots on South Slope Punchbowl.Taro Land at Kamoilitli.Choice Lot on Kinau St., 100x100.Lot 50ft. x60ft.. near Chinese Theatre.

$950.LoSft.xllOft., Palama. $550.Lot 84't.xl70, Beretauia St. $1800.Lot and 2 Houses on Queen St. $2250.Lot 81ft.xl20ft., Piikoi St. $850.Large Corner Lot. Piikoi St. $3000.70 Acres at Honokalani, Kawela, Maui,

now leased to liana Plantation.116 Acres, Molokai.Several Lots near Chinese Theatre.


Australia Oct. 31 Nov. 7Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct; 22


;( !. WnirsE. Mauager.C, Merchant St.,

ilouolulu. H.I

ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILL(In office formerly occupied by Mr. Ozusi-i- y Kogers). LEAVE ARRIVE


Nov. 17.. Nov. 26

Alameda Oct. 22 .

Australia Nov. 10 .

Mariposa...... Nov. 19 .2843 1388-3- mOFFICE AND MIL I., :CONSISTING OF--


Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, . : Honolulu, 11. I.2C51-- y


;)Jt.r Thiit in Making thetrouble in China.

r:a.i Hni. tho secret society

On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H, I. Australian Mail ServicePrints, Cambrics, Batistes, C bailies,Brown and White Cottons and Sheet

For Rent.

House on Hotel Street.House of 7 rooms and bathroom; all

conveniences ; large lot; stabling, out-houses; choice flowers; situate on Luna-liloS- t.

Rnt$45.House of 6 rooms; hot and cold water.

Kinau St. Rent $40 to a desirable tenant.

ings,Mnnreiit anti-foreig- n ont- -.. , n ii. WILLIAM C. PARKE, MOULj3ING-S-,;U to vaiiey, says tuo

'r;., :uv attributed, is at

Plain and Striped Denims,White, Colored and Fancy Flannels, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW FOR SAN FKANC1SCU..,,. iii.tt powerful of these


Agent to take Acknowledgments. Doors, I Screens Efein Frames Tbe new aud fine Al Btei staanisblr 'c...m urbanizations in Chiua.inu.l'-- l in the turbulent and

f Jluuau, whereJ.i,. niuiJ'ers of men are

J ItlliUUlOffice No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, llono- - WANTED.

Property for Bale.2872-- y lulu, 11. 1.



Embroideries, Mosquito Net, Lawns,Tweeds, Casftimeres, Linings,

And a Full Stock of all

I: tla' Chinese army. Uu- - MAEIPOSATURNED AND SAWED WORK.CHARLES F. PETERSON,av Chinese secret societies,

Of the Oceanic Hteamanlp Company, will be dueat Hontlulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about


$500 for two years on good security; cur-rent rates.

2881 1395--q

Typewriter and Notary Public. & Having iust received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest im

!ivh;:ii"is, and is largelyIt Ikh existed for about

sr?,anl attained great powerII mau men on the im-i-i- n

the Taiping rebellion,t lb" uhjfet seems to have

M'uteetioii asrainst the

provements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to dogood work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having latelyengaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty ofOffice with L. A. Thurston. 2858-- q Nov 19, 1891,

HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,iru! txt' itiou practiced by


White Percale and Fancy Overshirts,Cient's Furnishing Goods,

Men's, Boys' anil Cliildrens' Clothing

Steam lngines, Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc.

jEjTTrompt attention to all orders.


And wlllleave for the abve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, haying HUPKttlOBACi.'OMMODATIOiNS, apply io

Wm. (i. Irwin & Co.,Wf 1863 ffl ;

IloilorM, SiiKHr Mills, Coolers, Brassami I.eail CasliuK

AQENTH.A ad machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid to ships' blacksiuithlng. Job work executed on the shortestHATS AND CAPS, TELEPHONES:

55. - - - BELL 498.nfice.

tii i.tls in dealing with-

aii i iij iihtenauco of thodtuis object is still pro-tJie.-- rs

as well as privateaud the authorities who

t j have ill-treat- the& punished by assassina-- r

ktniction of their housesi ny, and by sudden and"en ts in their districts.-- rel that the ceremony oflegists in killing a cock

the blood, either aloneink wine. This has always

practice with all

For Sydney and Auckland.2S04-- qMISS D. LAMB,Misses', Ladie3 and Childrens' Bootsand Shoes,

Hosiery, Fancy Goods,The new and fine Al steel steamshipCASTLE & COOKE,

I IMPORTERS ,Stationery and Perfumery,


P, HORN Practical Coniectloner,Pastry Cook and Baker. .

No. 71 Hotel St. - - . Telephone 74.

2804 1382

LOVE'S BAKERYKo. 73 Nnnsnn (Street.

99ALAMEDA-- wret societies.J" I 1 i mj- -v inn r run iiA-i-i-n-

Shipping and Commission Merchants,llai is also believed to

He laysteriuus and super--2t- o

their proceedings by"''the planchette, a pencil&peikleil over a board

with sand in such a way3 iu.ived tho point loaves:tce sand. Tho movenifint


1 U UillXUS, IJlg ill 15 b

and the Choicest Brands of


3FAnd many other articles too

Oi the Ooeanlo Hteamshlp Company, will toedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Nov. 19, 1891.And will have prompt dlapatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPKRIOK AC-


Wm. GK Irwin & Co.,

DEALERS IK1 to occult intluence and

oi the society present in-wgu- s,


Stenographer and Type-write- r,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postoffice. 283U


OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc-ker's office).

Office Hours 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3p. m. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 A. m.

Bell Telephone No. 51. Ilesidence 5School street. 2859-3m- q


(Successors to Lewers b Dioksou)

Iiniiorlertt nutl lealers lu LumberAnd all Kinds of Building Materials.

No. s'i fc'OKT ST&EET. Honolulu. 260


Importer and Dealer In

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.No. 25-3- 1 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2804


General Commission Agents

Oor. Fort & Queen Sts., Uonolulu. 2804

ntue minds of the mom- -

commands. Tim AGJCNTS.2804 1382--q


' Every Description of rial n and Faby

Bread and Crackers,g BIB U i

Soda Crackers

Saloon BreadAlways on JUaatl.


Island Orders Promptly Attended to.S804-- q

--Has played an important FURNISHED ONESTIMATES Jos. Tinker for any eizeRegan Vapor Engine. See cotalogueand testimonials before purchasing anengine elsewhere.

Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,Chinese associations,m course of time ad-!- J

s moiiiborship persons FORT, COR. QUEEN ST.2SSMm

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSJfu.a'-- o enlarged itstether th 1,!,, i..,i.4. FOR SALE.;WiIlger to their Ofmnfrv in

jjceof Kuropeans, or in theh11 of Christisinifv in

Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise.Whether it was merely aImpolicy for humbling,;.uf 'vul OiUClUlS, 1 IS





Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugalsiuo society has long

!miouary. The per-i;- w

tho French nriestsnndWilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.2804 1382--q


Shipping and Commission Merchants



Plantation Agents, .

Life, Fire and MarineInsurance Agents

1382 HONOLULU, H. I. 2804-- q



Wm. G. Ibwih, - President and ManagerClaus Spbzcxxia, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. Giffabb, - - -- - - Secretary and Treasurer

Thio. C. Pobtkb, - - - Auditor

Rations in Yunnan nnrlThe Celebrated Thoroughbred Stallions

JOE DANIELSyyears past have been5ni Vho machinations of


Erigi xxuei and Surveyor: Koom 5, Spreckels' Block.

2804-- y

WILLIAM O. AOHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

,i ue members revengeyate wrongs, aM

i Vr that rinrnna nniw



J. O. Carter PresidentGeo. II. Robertson Treasurer.E. F. Bishop.... SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen .Auditor



T.n-.vi,- ntirno,! Uxr llr. John Brodie. andto be seen at tne mames oi me wuumwu


iSPfe of linen or calico'4J cbaf?cttwoof Ohiua. The

iQirn??' if discovered,Uton nf n. i. , ...

Dairv & Stock Co., Punahou.vw.Thn toim want til nurchase a frooci: Notary Public and Ileal Estate

Itroker.Stallion should make early application. j Son II aUrVSRon. (i. K. Xnl.rp.

58042S04Offick 3G Merchant Street.is nana ot tne Lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda,


Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.


OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,Of San Francisco, Cal.

febW members

V mSm V r a.nother t0an mnocent- -

& turnsot to be

fenwback lest the an- -

Ulans spreckels Wn.Q. irwla.



ATLASAssurance Company

FOUNDED 1808. . .


Capital. : 5 6.000,000

Assets, $ 9,000.000

IHK-- . Pntrnnnnn mi.are not gen- - EASPBEEEYABE


For Street, Opposite Wilder & Co.'s,H. J. NOLTK, PBOPEIETOB.

Flrst-cl&B- B Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,; Soda Water, dinger Ale or Milk.

t Open From 3 a. ni. till 10 p. hi.jarsmot er8 Bequisltes a Specialty. 2801 3


Car. Nuuaun and Mercliant StreetsUnder the Management of

E.H.F."Wolter,Keep always In stock a variety of the best Wines,Liquors, Beers, and ice cold beers on draught at10 cents per glass. ;

ari all and Se tlag 2804

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) hasassumed the assets and liabilities of thelate firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and willcontinue the general business formerlycarried on by that house. 2863-139- 0 q


Boston Line of Packets.

. Draw Ezcbante en the principal parts o tnfworld.

VICHY, APPOLLINARIS, ETC., ETC., ETC.Having been appointed Agents jtig

above Company , we are now readyeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.

h w. scnsnDT & sons.'"13S7 2S3C-- q

WU1 receive deposits on open aeconat, .mafcscollections and conduct a general banking andexchange boalness. -

in ? are enlisted,$ s2 fanner just de--

SnPti0 usuallyProvide armsJF desperate enter- -

t T M

(oSjty, which

' fea3areiSna wbich hadliSiK!8 andgetar-- W

tfen ar0ly bea Of

Kese emi'secret Rn,

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine

BARK EDWARD MAYPAINTER! Absolutely Pure ! Refreshing ! Delicious !.Deposits bearing Interest received Id t'jelrSav

lags Department subject to published rslea andregulations. SS04-- Q



Wholesale and Retail Grocefs,


TF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOB1 of Painting of any description done,call on the practical Painter, J.MEYER only. 130 Fort St. U

BoxS87. Mnf TpI. fi62. 2823-l- V

Capt. Mahahy.

Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavefor this port on Oct. 1, 1891, if sufflcient inducement offers.

S7For further particulars apply to --

28041S32-q C. BREWER & CO.

TELEPHONES: J. L.MEYER,THE PAINTERGIVE and have your paper hangingdone promptly and neatly. 130 Fort St.ierr and ,i::r.."2 P. O. Box 7'- -v.

Telephone SAO1 P. O. Box 387. Mut. Tel. 662. 2823-l- y :2823-- qDaOy Advertiser SOcTrpr month. CCTMutual 360.E801J

Page 2: J'Lyu, - University of Hawaii · No. 71 Hotel St. - -. Telephone 74. 2804 1382 LOVE'S BAKERY Ko. 73 Nnnsnn (Street. ALAMEDA 99--wret societies. J" I 1 i j--v inn r m run iiA-i-i-n-Shipping


Nero ftWrrtiscmcnts.cru Stfmcrtisfinmte.OUR SAN FRANCISCO LETTER.5j) 3utl)oiitn by sugar commission merchants andstreet vendors, railroads and hackmen,the man who writes this article and the

::z: s1

compositor who sets it up, lawyers anddoctors, school teachers and government

Fer U, S. S. Monowal, San Francisco,October 17, 1891. CA.M P HYLEi

Rome, having a cargo of 575 live cattle,was lost with her crew off the Newfound-land coast on October 14.

Spanish papers announce the comingmarriage of Mdme. Barrios, of this city,to Martinez Roba, member of the Span-

ish Parliament from Grenada.M. de Giere, the Russian ambassador

to Italy, is reported to have had an inter-view with King Humbert, in which thelatter Tintifioil that it would not be

clerks, we all in one degree or another

Hawaiian Hardware Co,, Ud,

Monday, Oct. 26, i8gi.

This is the last week in

October and Autumn is fairlywith us as fairlv as it can

(From Our O.wn Correspondent.) ANTI-MOT- H.are affected by the condition of the onegreat productive industry of the country.Suear Dave for all our imports, the

The Monowai sails two days late be to the interest of Italy to remain in theTriple Alliance. The king Is said tohav Anrfarl tha interview abrubtlv by

clothes we wear, the luxuries we indulgein, the food we eat. If the industry re

i f


cause of the late arrival of the S. S. Urnbria at New York with the last of themails. The Umbria Was delayed bywesterly storms on the Atlantic.


The Justices of the Supreme Court havethis day appointed W. H. Daniels to be

using some strong language to the dip-- . paradise of the Pa--lomat. Another account says that the getmeeting was very friendly and that De Clfic. With this season comesGiers stated that the Czar "shuddered at frusjness Thousands of dol--the thought of war." . . T , , .i,, K'tncr- -

AgaiiThe Most Effective Preventive

Moth and Cockroaches.

ceives a set back the demand for laborand commodities will fall, merchantswill fail, and mechanics will be com-

pelled to leave the country. It is to behoped that hay will prove a good cropfor there will be plenty of grass growing

Another riot occurred at lcnang, iars will uc apcuw mThe local market is quiet and steady.

The Western Refinerv Company has dom between now and the ist

the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the 2dJudicial Circuit, in place of Goodale Arm-stron- g,

resigned. Said appointment totake effect from and after November 1,1891.

Aliiolani Hale, Oct. 24, 1891.2903-3- t 1393-l- t

China, in which the Catholic ana rro-testa- nt

missinna wpre burned and allin the streets . marked down white sugars K cent, gran--1 foreign property in the city destroyed. of January.

We propose that a few ofrrompt measures nave oeen lasen kjulated being quoted at 5 cents net.The Eastern market is firmer and

higher. Cuban centrifugal, 9G degrees, CHEAPER AND BETTEH TIIN rsuppress the rioters.

Princess Bismarck is seriously ill.

American News.- -

these thousands shall passthrough this store the appeal AMPHOI;


About twenty lives were lost m the is tO VOUr seil-inierc- bt, as

We have neither the desire nor theintention to indulge in gloomy predic-

tions. On the contrary, we take anoptimistic view of the future and feelgreat confidence in the unbounded re-

cuperative power of "the country. Butsugar is, and must in any case for anumber of years remain, our prin-

ciple staple, and we cannot contem-plate the oossible spectacle of a great

Tax ofPayers of the District


is quoted at 3.41 cents in New York to-

day, and granulated at y2 cents.The shortage in the Louisiana crop

promises to be even greater than wasbefore reported. Dealers in New Orleansand the planters estimate the total yieldat about 150,000 tons. It was 198,000tons last year.

According to reports from Watsonville,Chino and Alvarado, every tiling at thosesufiraries is Droerressinc well. The best



great storm on the Atlantic Coast on that Will compel theOctober 14. The loss of property was powervery great. The U. S. S. Atlanta was expected result.disabled by an explosion, and the

WU1 Eastern and Pacificsteamer Bostonian went ashore onGeorge's island. Coast Agents have been m--

The French warship Triomphant has structe(j fcy managementbeen wrecked on, the rocks oil vladi- - ,ijvostOck. The convict from the Govern- - tO buy largely as they COU1CI

ment station there have escaped. hlV wisely, and therefore inThe British steamer Devonshire has .

hn oiinminnD,! of bo-- i finr iTiw of n;irino- - fnrvour business we

gOFOR HALE BYindustry ruined, without Ferious appre-

hension. This apprehension we believe


Kona, Oahu.The Books of the Tax Assessor for the

District of Kona, Island of Oahu, will beopen for inspection by persons liable totaxation from October 20th to November1st, 1891, (Sundays excepted), in the Ka-puai- wa

Building, between the hours of 9o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in theafternoon ; Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy Tax Assessor, District of Kona,

Island of Oahu.Approved: C. A. Bkown,

Assessor and Collector of Taxea 1st Divi-

sion. . 289S-2- w

will prove groundless, if energy and fore- - sugar plant at Lehi, Utah , is also makingsight are brought to bear upon the a big run.problem. But it may prove to be only San Francisco News.too well founded if the voters of the c M RODinson, 7 feet 2 inches tall,countrv who shape its policy by their and Nellie Wilson who measures 8 feet

thirty-si- x men and officers were Bayed. :n'.tf vnn tn rrenerous SUODliesGrover Cleveland's babv will be called J AA

of Hardware, Fancy Goodsand weighs 420 pounds areUrn ahsnrd delusion that 1 inches

a v rrt A. 109 Fort Street, Honolulu ljjRuth, after Mrs..C.'s grandmother.

Albertson, the secretarv who robbedthe Tacoma Trust Bank of $S00,(X0 insecurities, is recovering from his wound.He has disgorged $12,500.

none but a few "sugar barons" have any-- on tne Aionowai. mey are going toAustralia to show with Sells circus.

Sells Bros', show, animals and all ison board the Monowai, bound for the

thing to lose by a disaster to sugar. 2801-- q

CORRESPONDENCE.l&fau) 2U)"crtiscments.

and Novelties of all sorts.Mr. Hendry's recent visit

to all the principle markets inthe United States will be ofgreat value to you because inmaking his selections you werein his mind; he bought just asif you had told him what youwanted. You'll think his taste

EGAN & GUNColonies . They had a lively time load-ing the animals aboard.

Frederick Boyd head of the Star andHerald of Panama is in San Francisco.He thinks that money will soon beforthcoming with which to dig the bigditch.

We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents. HawaiianSupreme Court of the


PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER100 Fort St., Brewer BlockInformation Wanted.

Ellen Marie Iligby, a widow 51 yearsHAVE JUST RECEIVED EX AUSTRALIA,Mr. Editor : Can you or any of your Gf ap;e ami wealthy, has married Charles OV THE ESTATEIN THE MATTE 11

Honolulu, Oahu,J-- of TONG H1NG, of good because he securediswhat vou will like. NEW RUGS, CURTAINS, POBTlERf

readers give mo any information regard-ing a new electric railway around Oahu

who its projectors are and when it isto be constructed ? ' Kamaaina.

it youlie Just and fear nut;Let all the ends thou alin'st at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

involuntary bankrupt.Creditors of the said bankrupt are

hereby notified to come in and prove theirdebts before such Justice of the SupremeCourt as shall be sitting at Chambers at

andinhave a moment cometake a peep.

G. Callan in Oakland, lie is an ex-conv- ict

and is many years her junior.George W. Burnett, son of G. G. Bur-

nett, on Montgomery street, pharmacist,has married Mrs. Lena Geantel againsthis father's will. The father who isworth between $800,000 and $1,000,000has cut him off without a cent.

At 10:28 r. m. on the night of the 11th


Parasols, Gloves Laces Handkerchiefs, Hibbons,MONDAY, OCT. 2C, 1891.

Is the old Refrigerator a lit-

tle whimsical? Never a bettertime to bounce it out than now JLAD1ES It 11$ BED VESTS

the city was shaken for over ten secondsby the severest earthquake experiencedsince 18G8. No damajre was done how



Aliiolani Hale, Honolulu, on WEDNES-DAY, the 4th day of Nov. , 1891, between thehours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and noonof the said day, and elect one or more as-signees of the said bankrupt's estate.

By the Court.HENRY SMITH, Clerk.

Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1891. 2902-8- t

In the Supreme Court of the Ha-waiia- u


What Is a Knot ?

Mr. Editor: The recent trips of thegrit ocean steamers have raised a ques"tion as to what a "knot" is. Is it equiva-lent to a mile on the earth's surface?

Yours truly,Landsman.

The "knot" exceeds the mile in lengthby 802 feet, being G082 feet, while themile is 5280. Twenty-fiv- e knots equal28.78 miles. Ed.

A SPECIALTY 15 Cents and Upwards.234S 1389-- qand get a perfect one in its

place. We have the idealRefrigerator. Easy to clean,easy to tend, economical of Union Assurance Socie

ever. A slight shock followed on the13th.

A mass meeting of merchants is beingheld this afternoon to form a TrafficAssociation of Shippers to compel theTrans-continent- al Association (of rail-roads) to lower rates on Californian pro-duce. There is some talk of starting acompeting railroad.

Mrs. Theresa Fair's estate has beenappraised at $6,000,000.

On the morning of the 12th inst. athalfpast 3 o'clock the west bound fastoverland train jumped the track near

TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATEJL of WING LEE CHAN & CO.. of Hono-lulu, Oahu, involuntary bankrupts.on Ha- -A. S. CleghornHon.

ice the embodiment of allthat has been proved best inrefrigerators.

Has your mind been a bit

Creditors of the said bankrupts are here-by notified to come in and prove theirdebts before such Justice of the Supreme

waii's Future.A dispatch from New York, dated Oc-

tober 13th, says: "The father of the heirapparent to the throne of the SandwichIslands is at the Windsor Hotel. His FIRE A JSTD LIFE.name is Archibald Scott Cleghorn, and Colfax, and one Pullman sleeper and allhe is a Minister of the present Govern- - in it were rolled down a steep embankment and Collector of General Customs ment a distance of over sixty feet.

uourt as shall be sitting at Unambers atAliiolani Hale, Honolulu, on THURS-DAY, the 29th day of Oct., 1891, betweenthe hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoonand noon of the said day, and elect one ormore Assignees of the said Bankrupt'sestate.

By the Court.HENRY SMITH, Clerk.

Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1891. 2901-- 5 1


JUany passensers were injured but no

foggy on the Toilet Set orCrockery question ? No needto have been if you knowmuch of such goods. Butperhaps you don't know. Nowis your time. Even the eyes.

one was killed. The whole train narof the Islands. His daughter, VictoriaKaiulani, will bo 1G years old the dayafter w, and she will also beQueen of the Sandwich Islands on thedeath of her aunt, the present QueenLiliuokalani. Her father arrived fromEngland on the Umbria yesterday. He


rowly escaped tho same fate. It wasfound on examination that some das-tard had removed the spikes from theties and pried the track apart intendingto wreck the whole train. Robberv was

An impression prevails among a cer-tain class in this country that only avery few persons are interested in sugar,and that the prosperity of the greatmajority would not be seriously affectedeven if that industry were ruined. Howfundamentally erroneous this idea ismay easily be shown, and in the firstplace the notion so current that thenumber of sugar owners is very small isan error. The incorporation of the lead-ing plantations has resulted in a consid-erable distribution of small quantities ofBtock in the hands of a large number ofpersons. While it is true that the bulkof the stock is the property of a fewhundred persons, it is no less true thathundreds more are owners of a fewshares each, and that many have in-vested the whole of their hard-earne- d

savings in stock. Vie know personallyof many cases of the kind.

It is a common error to suppose thatHawaiians have no interest in sugar. Asa matter of fact, etatistics show thatnearly a fourth of the laboring Hawaiianpopulation is employed on the planta-tions. If we add those who own stocksand those who lease land to the planta-tions, it will appear that not far from athird of the Hawaiian population aredirectly interested in the success of sugarand draw their support from it. TheBame thing is true of the foreign popula

motive. No one washad been on a visit to the future Queen, undoubtedly the a

ot carelessness cannot tail tosee how marvelously cheap-h-ow

near to half the round-tow- n

prices in fact, are theHe bears letters to Secretary of State apprehended.

ANNOUNCKIVtENT.F. S. Chadbourne & Co., one of tholargest furniture manufacturing firms onthe coast, announce that they will goout of business January 1st. Dictationon the part of trade unions is the cause.

HEAD OFFICE: 81, CORNHILL, LONDONmiiE eighteenth issue of this dinerent grades we show.reliable Handbook 13 in preparation fornuki:.n:. .1 : t n

rections therefor and articles in prcnara- - We told VOU SOmethinPf theM. B. Curtis, the actor, who shotPoliceman Grant has been committedfor trial for murder without bail. toare desired to be handed in by Novem- - Qther day about a Jjttle af

The Annual for 1892 win have specially rang;ement for keeping butterprepared illustrated articles, with new V Fstatistical tables and other features of per-- lresh. JN Ot much JUSt enough

Blaine and other high Governmentofficials, and will go to Washington to-

morrow afternoon." He asked to bo informed concerning

the recent statements made in thiscountry about the Queen's illness andabout the alleged schemes of England toget control of the islands. Then he said :

" ' Those stories are all entirely with-out foundation. In the first place, theQueen is in much better health now thanshe lias been. As proof of that I willread you some letters.'

" Minister Cleghorn then read severalletters from the Queen's Chamberlainand others, dated September 24th, 25thand 20th, telling of the Queen's move-ments, her daily horseback rides, her

engraved cover of tvtiical ilpsi.rn iw u n tO make VOU Want tO know- M O J I

P. E.Gillette of Berkeley has inventeda flying machine. No one knowswhether it will fly yet, though.

The Supreme Court has declared theSan Francisco Grand Jury legal, andthe investigation into municipal cor-ruption and legislative scandals will becontinued.

Foreign Neivs.

Capital Fully Subscribed,Capital Paid Up,Total Invested Funds Exceed,Total Annual Income,



2, 1 50,000.

4Io,ooo.tion. More than 3000 Portuguese are improving health and her change of re

liarniield, so that patrons may feel assuredthat no effort is spared to have each num-ber an improvement on its predecessor.

Advertising patrons will please reportthe changes desired by the loth prox., soas to allow time for arrangement and in-dexing.

All orders for mailing abroad or to theother islands will have prompt attentionon issue.

ST Price 75 cents each, or 85 centseach by mail. THOS. G. THRUM,

Compiler and Publisher.2S99-1- 1393-2- t.

more, it s made ol tin, cylin-drical in shape, just the size ofa roll of butter. Inside is around stand filled with chemi-cals which are entirely con-cealed from view and just howthey have any influence on thebutter you'll have to guess;we can't, but they do. Besides

employed on the plantations ; more thanOn October 14th, the British Islands

were swept by a great storm which didan immense amount of damage on seaand shore. Many coasters were lost,watering places along the Eastern Coast

sidence from tho Palace, which is lonelysince the death of the King, to Wash-ington Terrace, her former home.

" ' As to the stories about annexation,'he continued, ' I can say, first, that it isthe desire of the people, except a verysmall number indeed who favor annexa--

were almost demolished and passengertrains were stopped by having tho firesin their engines put out. The steamship

iSOThe undersigned, having been appointed Agent of thetion to the United States, that we shall Anchoria and a French brig were strand- -

remain a free and independent country, ed and the latter was lost. The storm,I will say further, however, that should which resulted in the.loss of many lives,

being useful in keeping thebutter fresh you'll find themconvenient to send to yourgrocer to pack the butter in

Society for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to issue Policies against

on the usual terms. (fiigned)it ever become necessary to change our was the worst for many years.flag which God forbid we would rather Advices from London, under date ofsee in its placo the flag of the United October 14th, explain the recent peculiar

F. Hustaca. J. F. Morgan. W. H. Hoogs


DEAYMEN!tor your use. No need ofStates than that of any other country.' conduct ol tho Chinese uovernment in" Mr. Cleghorn's daughter will remain refusing to grant the demands of foreign

in England till 1893." powers for the protection of foreign resi J. T. WATERHOUSE, JK.;dents, it appears that tho empire is inartful Kpritiil such a roiien condition mat rebellion is

HONOLULU, H. 14To-morro- w (Tuesday) evening, at 7 :45 ernment fears to punish the rioters lest 2881 1395-l-m

they bring about a revolution that mayo'clock, occurs tho organ recital at Kandethronfl thft "Emnprnr. Tn nnlAr tn Vmlris 25makapili Church. The admission

having dusty or melted butterif you use one of these.They're cheap too!

The Banquet Lamp is morefashionable than ever amongswell people in the States andresidents here are not goingto be behind the times. Mer-chants in the East disolav

cents, and tickets can be had at T. G. China out of its predicament the great Al1 nler.f for Cartage promptly attendedpowers have assured the Viceroy that in to' 1 ajt,cular attention paid to thoFollowing isThrum's store, Fort street,

the programme : HAKDWABE CO, V

Street, Honolulu.PACIFIC

FortShipping and Storing of Goods

in transit to the other Islands.


Black and White Sand

beauties to tickle the fancy ofBEFBIGEBATOl

the event of rebellion arising from sucha cause, they will assist the Governmentin putting it down and bringing theoffenders to justice. It is certain that aserious crisis is at hand, but as tho pres-ent dynasty has such solid backing, itsstability is pretty well assured, althoughthe crash may result in wholesale blood-shed.

.Three of the men-of-warsm- en of theUnited States Cruiser Baltimore werekilled and several others seriouslywounded in a desperate street fight inValparaiso on October 16th. A numberof Chilian sailors were injured. Thetrouble grew out of insults to Americans.

It is confidently predicted that theConservative party of England will meetwith defeat at the next election and that


Grand March Triomphale GrisonAndante Pastorale J. H. Lewis

Mr. Wray Taylor.Violin Solo Traumerei Schumann

Dr. A. Marcuse.Song The Red Scarf

Dr. A. E. Nichols.Overture in F Morandi

Mr. Wray Taylor.Song Diva Waltz Vissenti

Miss Emily Halstead.Organ Fantasia, operatic (by request).

Mr. Wray Taylor.Song Queen of My Heart Cellier

11. R. II. Prince Kawananakoa.Violin Solo Ave Maria Bach

Dr. A. Marcuse, with piano andorgan accompaniment.

Hawaii l'onoi.

in quantities to suit at Lowest Prices! itICE CHESTS

500 other foreigners are employed asoverseers, managers, carpenters, team-sters, book and time-keeper-s, etc., etc.

It thus appears that the class of thosedirectly interested in sugar includes alarge proportion of all the races andclasses of our greatly-mixe- d popu-lation. Upon all those described, ablow to our leading product would fallwith crushing weight. But to thosewho are only indirectly concerned ineugar such a blow would be hardly lessdisastrous, and these latter comprise noless than the entire residue of the non-Asiat- ic

population, saving a few excep-tions too unimportant to be noticed here.

Vitally, though indirectly, interestedin sugar are 1, all those engaged in thetransportation and distribution of theproduct; 2. all those engaged in fur-nishing plantation supplies, and 3. allthose who perform services for andfurnish goods, wares and merchandiseto all those who work directly or indi-rectly for the plantations, and to thosewho draw the dividends and expend theprofits of the plantations. These classesinclude all the wholesale commissionhouses with their large staff of clerks,all the retail merchants, great and smail,all those in the shipping business mana-gers, clerks and sailors, all the mechan-ics in the Union and Honolulu Iron-works, and all thoso mechanics andcontractors who build houses and per-form services of any kind for any onedirectly or indirectly interested in sugar.Our whole industrial society is composedof an elaborate system of wheels withinwheels, and the power which drives thewhole vast machine is sugir. Whatwould you sailors of the sugar lleet dowithout sugar? The expansion of thatindustry brought the whole fleet into ex-istence. We all remember when theentire steam marine consisted of one oldvessel, the old Kilauea. No great de-

mand for labor on her! AVhat wouldyou do, gentlemen of the UnionIronworks, without the Ewa Planta-tion? The demand for machineryis the demand for your labor andyour wages could and would never bepaid, without that demand. The inter-vention of a middleman, the Iron WorksCo., cannot obscure so plain a fact.

To cut a long story short we all Hvq

After an imvctWttOffice Next to Morgan's Auction Room.

y"Mutual Telephone 19: Bell 414.2901-- q

years, and conBiaerjuj - ,, v

buying theJbly a Cbre-ljne- d

which weon account of ttdAany of tbe quiremeD ((J

oansuury a weaK auminisirauon ia tj T. nlargely the cause of the defection from JjlllHmlP XIULOIUI KfllPthe party ranks. Gladstone favors theearly evacuation of Egypt

frigerator, we rpDtiZcIhe Russian police have unearthp.l

tne very tastidious. We renot going to take secondplace in our display. We aimfor the top, to hit the bull'seye of excellence as it were,and have we ever been knownto fail ?

Ever alert for chances bornof conditions, we have cap-tured from a large manufac-turer a lot of these Lamps thatshall go to you at prices younever heard of before. Silver,Brass, Nickel, Wrought Ironand some not so good. May-be you need to be told whichis the most costly. The sortsat the least price toss back atyou the impressions you mayhave of what is really goodworkmanship in lamps. Areyou a bit fastidious? Youshould be when buying lampsto live with.

cipIeB, which win TO (ond

and jour low T

"POR SALE 4 CHOICE LOTSted between Thurston and Spencer

Avenues ; 380 feet frontage by 200 ft. deep.SF"For terms apply to

L. J. LEVEY,2S91-2- w Corner Fort and Queen St.


Supreme Court.Saturday, Oct. 24.

OCTOBER TERM BEFORE JUDD, C. J.Guardianship of Lydia Ahola. The

guardians' sale is ordered confirmedand execution and delivery of deedauthorized.

The Queen vs. Charles Andrews; se-duction. Jury finds defendant guiltynino to three.


Colburn vs. White. Mandamus denied.BEFORE BICKERTON, J.

The Queen vs. Young Quai. Motionfor new trial argued by counsel and mo-tion denied.

than anyimng j- - -t-

his market.

The Ourney,

, diagramA CHOICE LOT SITUATE ONPunchbowl Hill, commanding agrand view of the harbor iiiwi Dia

..rv TPS VeCt, B. .T. tot k


another society the object of which is toemploy the present famine to arouse thepeople to revolt. Numerous arrests havebeen made. It is said that the numberof people in distress is 32,000,000, andthe government requires 320,000,000roubles to supply them with food.

Sibil Sanderson, the San Franciscoprima donna, has made another greatliit in Paris.

On the 11th, rioters in Montevideo,Uraguay, attempted to start a revolutionunder the leadership of one Dr. Perey.He was captured and, with fifty of hisfollowers, was riddled with bullets. Therioters numbered COO and it was theirintention to assassinate President Obers,twenty Sicilians having been lured to dothe deed. The government supportersdeclare that the Catholic clergy are res-ponsible for the trouble. The colonel ofartillery was offered $300,000 to turn thetown over to the rebels, but refused.The city is now under martial law.

A tramp steamer named the City of

CI8 Mn iW.y. .,(,mond Head. Apply to

J. ALFRED MAGOON.2823-t- f Merchaut street.

TO LET!l TiTiTitF . . 1 r t st ti )i!rli we carry

.me j&uu 1 jtemgerators ana ice neais, daratle. . M. rtways given satisfaction. They are plain, well madeThe WHITE MOUNTAIN ICJS CREAM FF'Z3eiMsold hundreds, are generally known and appreciated, bege tc j

hand from a large invoice iust received from tbe factory.

Annual Meetings To-da- y.

Planters' Labor & Supply Co., at theChamber of Commerce rooms, at 10 a.m.

Paia Plantation, at the office of Castle& Cooke, at 10 a. m.

Olowalu Sugar Co., at the office ofWm. G. Irwin & Co., L'd., at 10:30 a. m.

Haiku Sugar Co., at the office of Castle& Cooke, at 11 a. m.

pauerns.reliable goods and sell at reasoniHOUSE, CORNER OF BERE-tani- a

and Keaumokn streets,containing 10 rooms, diningroom,kitchen and out houses. ApdIv

fyWe keep

The Weekly Gazette and Daily P-- fS !

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO , L'D.(Opp. Spreckels' Block),

FORT STREET.to David Dayton. 91 King street, upstaira.



Page 3: J'Lyu, - University of Hawaii · No. 71 Hotel St. - -. Telephone 74. 2804 1382 LOVE'S BAKERY Ko. 73 Nnnsnn (Street. ALAMEDA 99--wret societies. J" I 1 i j--v inn r m run iiA-i-i-n-Shipping


C. J. Fishel and S. Roth were pas-sengers on the Monowai.table.

1891.i r, MAY It WORKSRTSDON IRONSells Brothers' Circus carries aboutone hundred and sixty-fiv- e people. "AugustMower" S.N FRANCISCO,

Matheson Patent Lock Joint.

uopuzeu iour morepersons on Sunday morning at Wai- -

A heavy downpour of rain wna va.MACHINERYGARproBUS I

P.M.a v. P.M. ported from Diamond Head Station OF ANY STYLE OR CAPACITY.6:1B. 8:45 1:45 4:30t evening.

0:49 2:49 5:30T


The Hon. J. W. Fennimore is theSheriff of Kent Co., Del., and livesat Dover, the County Seat and Cap-ital of the State. The sheriff is agentleman fifty-nin- e years of age,and this is what he says : "I have" used your August Flower for sev--"

eral yeiirs in my family and for my"own use, and found it does me

Hon. H. P. Baldwin arrived fromtne Coast on the Monowai.There was no base ball game on

Saturday on account of the rain.op? Monowai took aboard overIXio tons of coal during her stay iuport here.

The concert at the Hotel Saturdayevening was warmly appreciated bythe circus people.


The midgets and the giants wereinterested spectators at the concertSaturday evening.

Telephonic (Bell) Oct. 25th, 9Pl m. From Koolau to Waianae, norain; Waimanalo, very little.

Manager Johnson, of the Hotel,furnished a supper for the band boysSaturday night at the conclusion ofthe concert.

The following are registered at theHotel: C. L. E. Pokrautz and wife,Hamburg; E. Lindemann, Waialua,and Charles J. Fishel.

nr S iP lilder and andli88viHeien Fllder 8rrived on the.Likelike Sunday.Oa Saturday, about noon, Fort

g:35 4


The 1 a-'- o t Manufactuters over 250 Miles Made, varyingfrom 6 inch to 6 feet in diameter.


street m ine vicinity of Merchant!5:30!C:07I108" rosemuiea a small river.

The barkentine S. N. CaU-- r.tr..s' ' more good than any other remedy.

' I have been troubled with what I ock Joint Pine!5atenlaar- - icsonrived in San Francisco October ICth, II viguiuou UB)B ITOIU IIjIH port.

Consult O. A. Steven's advertisevr: .

" call Sick Headache. A pain comes" in the back part of my head first," and then soon a general headache' until I become sick and vomit." At times, too, 1 have a fullness" after eating, a pressure after eating"at the pit of the stomach, and

mum uu ujoim page if you want!

in ,i kill ill tun .,

t j



auyining in the real estate line.A native woman was seized with

tits at the Post Office Saturday, audher friends had her taken home.


THE MAl'llESON !INT is made by enlarging or belling one end of

the wrot iron tube (a Hhown in Ihe cut), thereby requiring one uaif the lkadof any other joint and one half the chanco of leakage.

THE PIPE is made of any thickness necessary for the desired pressureor head and



sourness, when food seemed to riseup in my throat arid mouth. When

SATt K1AY, Oft. 24.

.,j Hon- -


from Kauai,trom Molokai.B . M .l : r..iri ir.

Mr. George W. Stewart, editor ofthe Visalia Delta, and at one timeconnected with the Saturday Press,of this city, was married recently inSan Francisco.


The Monowai was two day3 lateleaviDg San Francisco owing to thenou arrival of the English mails.

I'.r V., 11. .Ul""gCSDAY, Oct. 20.

t .en. irom iuaui.. ,.- - A 111111111

Fittings,;;'Oa.pl''llfl"l, Kauai.'Ji'ai from Kooiau.

lvo)lau.iM.,., fr..mElbows, Tees, Grates, and all


The Hotel had 110 guests at din-ner Saturday. Steward Lucas hand-led the large number with his usualease.

I feel this coming on if I take a"little August Flower it relieves" me, and is the best remedy I have" ever taken for it. For this reason"I take it and recommend it to" others as a great lemedy for Dys-"pepsi- a,

&c."G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer)

Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.

Meeting Notice.


The infant daughter of NormanE. Gedge died yesterday from con-vulsions at Ahuimanu. The funeraltakes place at 3 o'clock this afterDEPAKTUKES.

Dr. Hammond at Emma Hall to noon from Mr. liedEre's residenceSaturday. Oct. 24.

Carey, for the Col- - wnight. Extra chairs provided. Seats Punahou.free. Subject: MTI... i:ui.

30"For inrther particulars, apply to

JOl 1 1ST DYER,28T8 Room it, Spreckels Block.inheritance." O. Bernhardt and

B Bell end Pipe.C C Body Pipe.DD Lead Space.sbowing point Lock Joint.E Lead SpaceMiss Florence M. Giles will h mar--LBAVINO TO-DA- Y.

The Monowai Bailed about 10:15 p. ried at St. Andrew's Cathedral nextNeilson, for Koo- -., i Cummins. r ll l mi

ASK FOR7 jiwanalo at U a m.,jW Makt"e Macaulay,

fllHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEA Olowalu Sugar Company will be heldat the office of Win. G. Irwin & Co., L'd,on MONDAY, October 2Gth, at 10:30 a. m.

for4i. iur lue oionies. xnere was alarge number of poople present tosee the vessel off.

Thursday evening, at G:45 o'clock, bythe Rev. Alex. Mackintosh. A reception will follow at the residenceof the bride's parents, Nuuanuavenue.

Paauhau andforU Hilbu

for MolokaiWUohu M cursor.

C. BOSSE,2902-2- t Secretary.

Annual Meeting.

Two concerts Saturday, one atEmma square in the afternoon, theother at the Hotel in the evening,both were well attended.

a:t5 p in- -

Ti:,eVH Dimond, Drew, for ban

'fjJJui f.r Kohala and llamakua.

Gr. L. MEYER & CO.,

Architects and BuildersHaving had much experience in superintending buildings and carpenter work ingeneral, in the United States, and having associated myself with a practicalArchitect and Builder, we are now ready to famish plans and specifications, andto give figures on any kind of building or carpenter work wanted.

In a letter from Now York, dated rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK- -holders of the Paia Plantation will be

held at the office of Messrs. Castle &I'ASHKMJ ICiiS.


October 10th, it is learned that thecondition of His Excellency H. A. P.Carter remains unchanged.

Cooke, Agents, on MONDAY, October 20,is;n,at 10 o'clock a.m.

A Big Scare.Saturday evening about 9 o'clock there

was a big scare on board the Monowai.It was found necessary to move a cagecontaining a large tiger. In hoisting theanimal the tackle parted and the cagewith its contents went to the deck with aloud crash. Everybody thought the cagehad smashed and the animal would re-gain its freedom. There was a wildscamper in all directions; everybodyseemed to have business up town . The

TTERBTJJas. F. Morgan will sell at 12We make a specialty of fitting up stores and putting in store ironis 01

ilunaiyer stmr Mikabala, Oct 25ii.S 'A'iltox, (" E Fairchild, Airs 11

j Kaif and wife, Mrs S Nowlein,Jjj, Mrs. I kakinn, 3 ('Linese and;(i-s-t liters.jill.,lukai,per stinr Mokolii.Oct 25

Per order. T. W. I10BRON,2S8C-t- d Secretary.

Annual Meeting.o'clock to-da-y, under foreclosure of

All kinds of repairing done promptly ami neatly atnew and novel designsreasonable rates.

New Pack Just Received !

Quality Unsurpassed!


mortgage, several parcels of land onMaui,also 3G0 head of cattle on sameplace.jHjnlz.

G L. MEYER, 180 Fort Street2im Friiiciscf., iifrbS Monowai,keeper of the animal approached the cage


of the Haiku Sugar Companywill be held at the office of Messrs. Castle

VMr ami Mrs (J i'okenby, Mr and2894 3mand discovered that a few bars were bent,

& Cooke, Agents, on MONDAY, October:fr.:itr, Mrsh Wilber, Misses Wii-'i- d

Angling, lion 11 I Baldwin, Erinn, a lioth, D Dennison, J S

Many of the cages containing ani-mals belonging to the Sells Bros.'show on the Monowai were lashed tothe upper deck, there being no room

but not enough to allow the animal toescape. The deck hands were induced 20, 1891, at 11 o'clock a. m.

OREGON KIDNEYto return to their work after being as-sured that there was no danger.

Public Band Concert.

Per order. J. B. ATHERTON,2886-t- d Secretary.

Annual Meeting.

MACKERELShould be on every Hawaiian table. Heady

for delivery October 1st.

S. FOSTER & CO., Sole Agents,26 and 23 California St., San Francisco.

2686 1360-- y



W. H. Daniels, of Wailuku, Maui,TEA!Discovery ot

tit, J launders, C J fishel , C H..ml Hm 21 class and 27G in bothsior the Colonies.sMaui, per stinr likelike. Oct 25:s,ith. W H Cuiiiuiings, Oapt T K( ani child, Ci P Kauimakaoie,:t. JirKinii, L 1 spencer, 1 Mc-J- F

Mackenzie, Ah ring, Midi llosej.CH Toole. Mrs II U Tread way

has been appointed Clerk ofThe Royal Hawaiian Military Band Is the Most Wonderful Medical

will give a public concert (weather per- - ANNUAL MEETING OF THE- Stockholders ot E. O. Hall & Son, L'd,

will be held at their office on THURS Modern Times.mining; at imma square tins eveni;J,A Haiiel.erL', W F Mossman. Y ing, commencing at 7 :30 o'clock. Fol-

lowing is the programme :DAY, November 5th, at 2 p. m.Hi tL Ahton, Mr Okkots.U Laws, BAClKACHEi,i.j' V uder and wife, Miss II

i 11 Inroad, and 58 deck. 1. March Crown Prince Krai--A IN" D- -1

E. O. WHITE,2900-2- W Secretary.

Annual Meeting.

the Second Judicial Circuit Court.His duties commence on the 1st ofNovember.

Don't forget the organ recital atKaumakapili church to-morro- w even-ing. Tickets (25 cents each) can beobtained at Mr. T. G. Thrum's store,Fort street; also at the church door.

On Saturday at the Police Court,Judge Hopkins fined three Mongo-lians $50 each for unlawful posses-sion of opium. A number of caseswere continued until to-da- y.

KIDNEY TBOTJBLE.2. Overture The Armourer Lortzing3. Gavotte Circus Renz Fliege4. Selection Patience SullivanBy request Hone Ae Nei. Wai Mapuna.

Ahea Oe!6. Medley The Rambler Brooks ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK-holder- s

of the Kohala Sugar CompanyO. lantasia nightingale and Frogs...


laiuer Mikabala brought on Sun-Kau- ai

L'C bead cattle, 40 bagsami 2.554 bags sugar.

&i:i!-- Mokolii arrived from Molo--iUriii- nn

Saturday night, bringingthe latter place. Reports

x w all over Molokai during the

It is strictly a vegetable production and will notinjure the MnalleBt childnor the most delicate woman but will cure pain in the back and kidneys, non--will be held at the office of Messrs. Castle Hotel St., opp. Dr.J. S. McGrew'sEilenberg

7. Waltz Blue Danube Strauss8. Hit and Miss Herve

& Cooke, Agents, on TUESDAY, October27, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m.

r. tention of urine, diabetes, inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, brick dustdeposit in urine, leucorrhoea, painful or suppressed menstruation, nervousness,and all complaints arising from a diseased or debilitated state of the kidneys or

GAS ADMINISTERED.2804 1313-- y

Hawaii Ponoi.

A Fish Story.J. J. Williams, the photographer,Per order. J. B. ATHERTON,288fi-t- d Secretary.

Annual Meeting.urinary organs of either sex. s

Many mistake the pains arising from defective action of the kidneys for4:'uiitine W. H. Dimond, Captain'm, sails to-da- y for San Francisco.

On Friday, at Ocean View, Waikiki, rheumatism, and in attempting to cure the latter by outward applications, failentirely to reach the seat of the disease. We do not offer the OREGON KID-

NEY TEA as a specific for rheumatism, but are satisfied that many cases of so- - EAGLE MOUSE.there was a scene of much commotion. HIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE1 Princeville Plantation Co. of Hanalei. called rheumatism would yield to its remedial virtues. I

The leaf is nut m in air tight tin caddies which preserve intact its medical IA large Bhark was cavorting near theshore looking for something to eat. The Kauai, will be held at the office of C. Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, H. I.

mer l.ikflike brought on Bun- -arks susjar, 230 sacks potatoes,

tsro. l!l pes. water pipes, 47 headai I'f. pkgs. sundries.i1 5.VS FKAXCISCO 45HIPPINO NEWS.

"--0ct. Hth brig W. U. Irwin, 19

'ai Honolulu; Oct. "Jth bark Altert,iiiJbktiie. ti. N. Castle froiu Ilo- -

Brewer & Co. in Honolulu, on TUESDAY,October 27, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m.laborers employed on the sea wall com- -

menceu 10 inrow rooks, wmcti were

leaves for the Volcano to morrow.He will take a number of views toassist Walter Burridge, the artistthat is engaged to paint the lake forthe Columbian Exposition.

At a meeting of the teachers of theKaumakapili Sunday School, heldon Saturday evening, Mrs. B. F. Dil-lingham was unanimously elected tothe positions of treasurer and Sun-day School superintendent.

The British steam yacht St.(jeorsre will arrive here shortly. The

W. F. ALLEN,President Princeville Plantation Co.

2883-t- d

swallowed by the man-eate- r until he was

properties and the decoction is made by the person using it, thus securing its ab-

solute purity.There are thousands afflicted with diseases of the kidneys or ur.nary organs

who suffer in silence rather than make known their troubles. Others seek reliefby the use of various patent medicines, which, if they do not aggravate tbe dis-

ease, at leart do not lessen it. Even those who secure the advice of physiciansoften fail to get relief, owing to the very complicated and delicate nature of the

satisfied. In the way of dessert the men PLACE THAT HAS RETAINEDL the same management, the sameworking tor the Water Company threw

Notice to Stockholders. guests, and the same employees continu-ously, from its inception, is generally con-sidered trustworthy and reliable.

some ends of cast-iro- n pipe (that cost theGovernment a dollor an ounce!) to theshark. He swallowed the iron with an

-r'-ir-Oct. 7th brig Lurline forbrig V. (i. Irwin for llono- -

r-- Departures Oct. 3lst stmr.W Honolulu: Nov. 12th stmr.

organs affected.

evident relish. Some eye-witness- es We need say no more; but a3 always.HasIt no Eqiaal !yhwuululu, etc: Dec. 8th sstin r. ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK-holde- rs

of the Paukaa Sugar Co. willclaim that the fish was eight feet long. respectfully solicit the patronage of tourjwrllonolulu andChiua, bark Al- - ists and others at the liberal rates ofbe held at the office of C. Brewer & Co., fi)"For Sale byL'd., in this city, on October 27, 1891, at 10Honolulu, schr. Anna for Kahu-'t.- S.

N. Castle for Honolulu.1 KUKkl.Y Oct. VAlU nrrivd hnrk SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. o'clock a.m. JONA. AUSTIN,

rJlfuIU HAimlnln

owner E. J. Wythes and friends aremaking a tour around the world. Sheis the finest English yacht afloat, andcarries forty six officers and crew alltold.

It is just two months until Christ

BENSON, SMITH & CO., 113 k 115 Fort SiredPer day $ 2 00Per week 12 00

With special monthly rates.

THOS. E. KROUSE, Prop.P.O. Box 390; Bell Telephone 353.


sSEi.E-O- ct. 'llth arrived bkt. Per S. S. Monowai.2879--1 m President.

Annual Meeting:.itiroiu lloii'ilulu. Fob the CALIFORNIA FRUIT 2804 1382-- q

MARKET. Pears, Plums, Apples, Celery,Mxn-U- ct. 9ih stmr.Mariposa from

-- ct. (;th cleared bark Edward"Jr Honolulu.

mas, but a glance at the advertise- - Cauliflower, etc., etc. Hawaiian Opera House.jtit of the Hawaiian Hardware Uo. &" On hand: Olives, in bulk: for Furnished Rooins and Boardin another column will satisfy youANNUAL MEETING OF THE

Reciprocity Sugar Company will beheld at the office of W. O. Smith, Presi-dent, at 3 o'clock P. m., on TUESDAY,

sale by pint, quart or gallon. .Mutual Telephone 378. 2901-- 3tI1KD.

Oct. 27. 1891. W. R. CASTLE,At Ahuimanu, Oahu, Oct. 25,!?aiiTr'PP, daughter of Nor--

that this firm anticipates a brisktrade and that they are prepared tomeet it.

On Saturday Mrs. W. O. Lackland

CHILDRENS CHAMBRYHats for 50 cents at N. 8.

COOL, AIRY ROOMS AND FAMILYto be had at Ka Palama, King

street, within 15 minutes' walk of town.Address " R." Advertiser office. 2843-t- f

2897-8- t Secretary.

Annual Meeting. NOTICEfUlieral will iL--n nlnno fii . Sachs', 104 Fort street.

2900.,,fler.n1,H, at 3 o'clock from the NOTICE.gave an afternoon tea at her resi-

dence, Beretania street, in honor ofher sister, Miss Emily Halstead. Anumber of young people were pres-ent and the occasion was a most en

JELLY DOUGHNUTS Ifpectfully invited to attend. ANNUAL MEETING OP THETHE of the Hawaiian SuearSomethiner verv fine: at "The

To Whom It May Concern.

I beg leave to state that Ihave done the veterinary workfor the Woodlawn Dairy andStock Co. since January, 1883.During that time the moststringent efforts have beenmade to keep the Dairy stock inperfect health.

When a diseased animal isdiscovered segregation or de-

struction is immediately re-

sorted to.A. It. ROW AT, V. S.

Honolulu, Oct. 5, 1891.289l-2- w

of the Mouowai.HAVE APPOINTED MR LEWISWE LEVEY Agent for the Hawaiian

Opera House, and parties wishing to rentsame for the purpose of entertainments or

Company will be held at the office of O.W. Macfarlane & Co., on TUESDAY, Oct.27th, at 2 p. m. W. L. HOPPER,

Elite."2900-l- w.joyable one.'0I steamship Co.'s S.S. Mono- -

I rnntY111i.1r. n ....I ..swl in shows win please apply to mmWM. G. IRWIN &NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKEMr. Lincoln D. Spencer, Inspector

General of Immigrants, and Mr. K. CO., L'd.2888 4 t 8.20-6-- 7 secretary.

FOE RENT.success I and "The Elite" Ice--Haturdav. Opt. 54. CM 2002--1 mOkkots. Japanese inspector, returned""Jean Franfiswr icff 4V, Cream is the Best.

2900.1W.tone icid iiic & .m on the nth inst., at 3:30 p.m., from Hana, Maui, Sunday morning,

"0 (lava i ...... I i -- il ll..UJ 1..vnn antMAema NOTICE.' w lit uu inir vv iintn - ii-- n mm i r ri w i u m vc i i i.i met . . i ri m ill)v villi r LA 3 IIP I. IT 111. Ilfll VW IIIMini l- V urwa- - wwwvv

f HAVE GIVEN WILLIAM F. ALLENmy full power of Attorney, to act for

me during my absence from the Kingdom.Mr. H. A. Bacon will have charge cf theEnterprise Mill, and all building and con-tracts. PETER HIGH.

Oct. 1C, 1891. 2896-2-


Veterinary Surgeon.CSTm Office at Club Stables, Fort street.

Both Telephones 477. 2895-- tt

Rice Straw For Sale.

I r n 1 r .I la. I CEN--EIGHT-BUTTO- N LENGTH ,MOOL, FURNISHED ROOM,weather trip fronble with the Japanese laborersTim " rrr"".it;s"r trally located on Nuuanu Avenue, with- - "juuUI 111 UUUlllUIl Mousquetaire Kid Gloves inon that plantation.y$J e,ral carg brought Sells or without Board. Also, Table Boarders

desired. Address P. O. Box 337. 2891Tans and Browns, for $1 Sachs'ami iiir . : r i William Sheldon was oxaminmg--icu.igene ior oyuney Store, 104 Fort street. 2900.bllOW ever afloat on the cages on the Monowai, Saturday,

leplunls, 2 hippopo- - lookinsr for nninm. He discovered a TO LET!VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

L. Akc of Kamaole, Maui, has thisday sold the whole of the store known bythe name of Kwong Sun Chong, at theabove mentioned place to the undersigned.L. Ake will pay his own debts and collecthis own accounts. TONG HOP,

Kamaole, Maui.October 1, 1S01. 233fi-3- w

urges m- . . I v m THE MOST POPULARStyles in Sailor Hats can beverv susDicious-lookine- r package inmany animals of all

l male and female FOE KENT!the lion's cage, and thought of enter--1 frvmrt at N. S. Sachs' 101 Fort A NEWLY FINSHED COTTAGEat Palama, near King street, andclose to the tramcars. Apply to C.

Qniri ,1'' n,ake "l one of theH a mP of tlo kind in the 2900.street.ing the den, but vf as restrained uy

Port Surveyor Crabbe. ,!'n. Yn in" carK r this port F. Peterson, over Bishop & Co.'s Bank.2884-t- f

I'trvov,;"TT,aVi Voai'BU u. a ttot, nf tlm San Fran TO LET. A LOAD, DELIVERED.AH CHU.$4.00THE STORE NOW OCCUPIEDMTni l J ' ,ur lI,e JOlOnieS Oil I oui. a. i


Commission by the Pacific Hardware CompanyFashionable Dressmaking.: 22 Nuuanu Street.2875-l- mAgent.siii ""- - u passeugerB i cibuu x jyo auu wv; tr ',

rie fU c.abin a"d 3 steer-- called at this office on Saturday, en in tne Aicinerny uiock. irosses- -this rt; rnnt to Australia, lie nas long Hawaiian Islanus.Honolulu.


present occupied by the Uniono Cnmnaiiv. on the Esplanade. PALMER I RICHARDSONAlsoFirst-clas- s Cutting and Fitting.

si nf Buildine. 40x80 feet in the by the day or week. Prices moderate.28G7-- qSTATES WATER FILTER. ilAar TTn and down stairs connected by

been in business in Han l ranciscoand is now making a visit to thecolonies both for pleasure and busi-

ness. ; t I'

Tlift boxinsr exhibition at the Com- -elevator. For particulars enquire on the

Patentee of !-- Chemical Com-

pound" for Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept vii baud.

T'He will attend fo ai; imsincss en-

trusted to him.


ja 0; "pessary to direct the

IW. 16 lWic to the fart thAt FOE SALE.nl Rfiloon Saturday afternoon

sion given about November 1st. This isthe very best business site iu the city.

Also, the Cellar under the corner store.Rents moderate.

M. McINERNY.Sept. 30, 1891. 2882-l- m

SUN NAM SING,No. 109 Nuuanu Street,

P. O. Box 175,Begs to call the attention of the public to

, their large and well selected

Stock of Japanese Goods !

Suitable foT this market, which willbe sold at Lowest Prices.


NOTICE.;rYin!,ne of Uie Principal agents ARCHITECTS.'.

1 ana suring per-- did not draw many people: .Theaudience present were treated tosome very lively set-to'- s by the fol-hoxfl- rs:

McCarthy and Mc--Id,... The germ I Ml 15?.

'.!.s 7 m

Telephones Mutual 128;P. O. Box 33mil;,.. W. H.'HOOGS HAS PURCHASEDMR. intprpst of H. R. Hitchcock in thenant diseases can liew imtui. , Hustace. Moreian & Hitchcock,

SMALL FLOCK OF GOLDEN SEA-brig- htA Bantams. Inquire of Mrs.Riemenschneider, Tunchbowl street.. 290 1- -1 w

FOR EEisra".-- ruiu waier.11 Ti- .- Ouilliffan, Geo. Porter and Jim Bar-

bs' Vl,;in niil TTrAnk, . irr . i dating from July 1, 1-

-. & co.ite.i "urns easily, For Lease orlikeno ii. . "utllllk i. 2901-- 3t

Styles of Architecture : '

Eastlake, Queen Anne. --

Renaissance, Gothic, Italian, : 1

Classic and Norman,"

In Stone, Brick, Iron or Wood

Best Modern Designs in Residences.- Cheap Artistic Cottages a Specialty.

ringioij, uiujuiic iiJennings. Honolulu, Oct. 22. l9l.3 colon

,mre8t waer into aesa and absolutely pure Her Majesty the Queen received

.Major Kay and wife, the midgets, FOR SALE.attached to tbe or THE VERY DESIRABLE RE31-denc- e

located on Kinau street nearthe corner of Pensacola street, pre

Comfortably Furnished Rooms !


RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by Mr.J. A. Kennedy, containing doubleparlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing and

OTdp tVr.??d .filters ratiMiv. if Li.nta SaIIs Brothers' circus, onComplete plans and specifications.THE LEASE OF. ABOUT 15

Acres of Rice and Taro Land, withwater right, well adapted for pine

sently occupied by P. F. August Ehlers.House contains, parlors, dining room,iin rotates '""u8u aatnraay. J-e- y V- - bath rooms, dining room, pantry and g VCX1 f a!3v BU'Vi All VVliUVKVV. WA. VUUOM

kitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laid No. 8 Union Street, (next to Bell Tower).kitchen, three chambers, bathroom, pan1P ; mine above at the Majesty for hail an nour. xucellency Samuel Parker was present.The Queen was attended by HerMajesty's Chamberlain, J.W. Robert- -

Mutual Telephone 391. P. O. Box 475.

- ?tion.

Room 3, -'

Spreckels Block,2867-- q

.. ..'fWARE CO., Lt'd..

apples or other fruit. Taro ana oananasare now growing on part of this land.

For particulars addressDR. F. L. ALVAREZ,

2s9i-lmt- f Waialua, Oahu.

try, veranda rooms and ample closet space, out servants' rooms, stable and chickenPossession given December 1st. Inquire at house in rear of main building. Vacant

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., on August 14th. R. 1. LILLIE,2897-t- f Fort St., opp. Spreckels. 2822-t- f with Theo. H. Davies & Co. 2869-3-m T. A. SIMPSON, Prop.

son, and wife.

Page 4: J'Lyu, - University of Hawaii · No. 71 Hotel St. - -. Telephone 74. 2804 1382 LOVE'S BAKERY Ko. 73 Nnnsnn (Street. ALAMEDA 99--wret societies. J" I 1 i j--v inn r m run iiA-i-i-n-Shipping

;. 'iis


Enteral Twritscmcnts. SCIENTIFIC AND USEFUL. Mvtrtlstmenls. .. i.

olives!dvvin Locom JOHN NOT T,IMPORTER.AND DEALER in"i



An entirely new race of. Indiarshas been discovered at Labrador.

Cork is being used as a coveringfor steam pipes, with good results.

Recent calculations upon the paceof tho sun placa it at about fortymiles per second.

A new mode of furnishing powerto motor engines by mixing steamwith hot gases is creating a greatdeal of interest in English circles.

Phosphorus is now being madeby electricity. The principal manu-factory is in England, where it isanticipated fully 1000 tons will bomade annually.

The Liverpool Journal of Commerco is informed that the en-gineering world will shortly bo

T.v-r- -.a t- --

?. ; 'iniFor the Announcement ol"CAN I

The undersigued having been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works, of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

li?GOOD S Coast of California

"K i nr

VV ro"a"?South Pacific Ocean 1

Western Pacific Ocean 1

Coast of Oregon and v S

and. ancouver'g

Western Rnn t . i . i

lfcTSSi- -fi i sanrrr' -- ,. spi ;

Hnnw 104 Port SiThe Popular HiDPstartled by tho appearance of a newengine which will revolutionizemotive power.

M. Jai-cy- , by arranging his ownapparatus, has succeeded in photo-graphing the flirrht of insects, the

V'nna- -Wee Coast of Americaan Bias. panama".lior.u .C lt i

nuuui; 5

Maui and Kans? ,Iawa.IOahUS Charts of Harbor nf I

Pearl River IIonollu JSteel and Iron .Ranges, Stoves and Fixtures, rtofoo"1iAC

2804 1382-- q

Norie's and Thorn's Nit,; tWrinkles in lVact cal Navf !'j0' ' 1

The Baldwin Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style oftive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in urnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.


A German biologist says that thetwo sides of the face are neveralike. In two out of five the eyesare out

..of line; one eye is stronger

J.K -- il l


AGATE WARE IN GEEAT VARIETY," "'iiuou.lx); Books.

American Nantil Almanacs.

White, Gray and Silver-plate- d. rn , T, m.eu PC1.S0118 out

1tt l-- J l .. 1. ., I i.

LAMPS AND FIXTURESI S rrT ,.,invented a mot hod nf lcillin- - flins. EWAlso, all an idea i

CHANDLERY LINKS,,RUBBER HOSE, mosquitoes and other insects by THEelectricitv. Inside of n. eao of

LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS. WATER CLOSETS, METALS, wire gauze a lighted candle is IILplaced, and the gauze is connected P. O. 2?o 4o.: For Sale by: Mutual Tel. No. go :

Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes. Wlth tho Poles of an electric bat- -

iwjf. mo lUBCCLs, ;inr;iuti-- uy1 . 1 l i i ... i E. . HALL ft so!me ngnt ioucn the ana aregauzeriiimbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, instantly kmed.It is claimed that tho stoamer

"O I fn .ctl ir$ 1 . . - i-- rS . - : I

Miip Cliandlevs.


Bole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.2804 1382-- q -

Wm. G. Irwin 6 Company,




Compounds and Hoofing

DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET.2S04-1382- -q

West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets,o

--All kinds of NEW and SECOND-HAN-D FURNITURE sold cheapfor cash at the I X L.

Sflie I X L pays the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for all kinds ofSecond-han- d Lurniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc.j7P YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture m its en-tiret- y,

call at the I X L Auction & Commission House, cor. Nuuanu and King Sts.LPrompt returns made on goods Sold on Commission.

S. W. LEDERER, . - Proprietor.gjgySTORE Open Saturday Evenings Till 9 O'clock. 2S23-- y

coal burner of any of the Atlantic" high-fliers- ." She burns 220 tonsof coal a day, shows 19,500 horse-power and makes an average of v 1A

n B OIL!J.1 JJXlVlJJUilJ1 rp WJ f njriAT AT over knots, or 23 miles per hourU JL v. I Y . AJJLL jJJJl . throughout tho Atlantic passage.

BUILDER and COISTTHOTOH Which ? When? What?Which is tho lightest city in the

Of high te t constantly on handf r eale for

Is prepared to furnish rians and Specifications for, and Construct allkinds of Buildings, either Aafc 'S T largest horn in theBrick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactorymanner world? Cape Horn. For Bargains of Superior Goods


Felt Staam Pipe Covering, all sizes.

7Being a Practical Architect myself, I am prepared to make all Plana Which is the most peaceful cityand Specifications, and Personally Superintend the same. in America? Concord.

Thankful to all who have entrusted their work to me heretofore, I hope to Which is the most famous marchmerit a continuance of their patronage, hy giving the same my personal supervis- - ever made? MiddlemirchSio emplying comtentassis- t- thereby enabling me to guarantee satis-- Whaac

3CTALL KINDS OF JOBBING and REPAIRING promptly attended to. body who is ablc to indulge in it?Offices and Stores Fitted up with neatness and dispatch. Abundance.

. .vtri. i 1 1 i

B. IT. EMers & Co.99 FORT STREET.

And under, by

All our Goods Greatly Reduced in order to make room for New E. (X HALL & SOrt-- W T.TXrrrT XT .yuu ui uuii-pmyc- rs uuewater-jugs- ? When they are pitch

Importations to Arrive.misu iJLJruuai no. lbU-l-q- j 75 AND 77 KlNO STREET. ers. Youth's Companion.


Wool Dust,Bono JVleal,

ITisli Guano.ALSO


High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.

3,ljtltsnt.n3.Cor. FORT & KING STREETS.

2836 3387-- q

low jgISland rderS wiU receive ProPt attention and will be filled at the sameThe Honolulu Soap Works c loice Millinery !"Dressmaking Department under the management of Miss K. Clark

2304--q THE mSDOjSJnst lieceivedPer Bark CHARLOTTE," a number of

The undersigned have just completed

UNION IRON WORKS OO.KIBBONS Iron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Heal and Howard BtreeU.IPianos ! iftf Pianos !J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, :Asrr San Francisco VttttmManager.


ineir jnw STEAM-- . SOAT WOKKS,and are prepared to supply the trade a

Pure Laundry Soap!

Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.,

r( A Q nni. KR Ttnfa nnnVi


Cocksfoot, Eye Grass and Clovers.


From the Celebrated Pactorv of W. U.TAYLOR PretliltB. B. MOORE tinpurlDtendi

- a


BuilderEngineers and Iron Founders,

Olce and Works, - . Esplanade, Honolnlu,

s oflairbaiik Canning Co.'s Corned ETC., ETC., ETC., .CNow ready for inspection, for saleby In all Its branches.ISOer, 1 and 2 lb. tins. and much better than the imnorted.Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engisu k Soil

MA.IvrLrF,ACXXJ-CE.ER-S OFlL HAH & CO.,Just Arrived per Australia lilgb Pressure or uompovna.

BTEAM VESSELS of all klndi bnlit eomple

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

p7"Each box is stamped " Honolu-lu Soap Co.," and is

For Sale by all Retailers.


NOTICE.Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines. with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

OUDINABY ENGINES compounded when. yisable. .1-- AT-

i j --p ... . i i.i

- 2840-- q

R- - W. M'CnESNEY, J. M. F. W. M'CHESNEY.124 Clay St., S. . 40 Qncen St, liono.

"W.T XTT Tl ,T . nil iintrtivr a

o.eam toners, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks, Sugar Cars,Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,Wrought and Cast Iron Work for HouseBuilders,

Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, 'Etc.HONOLULU SOAP WORKS CO.,siructea witn rererence totne inaemwui

: they are to be employed. Breed, tonatgt idraft of water guaranteed. f

SDGAli MILLS and Sugar Making UubliejsU 1 r A XT TV TTi'n-r- i JUL. VV. jUXCVJd-CiOiNii-X 5 S3UX.S,

niTi nr n Annthis date we will not be 1 W hVMresponsible for any ill. H lUlLlIJu &MM

uiauo Biier lue worn appruveu ytmum.


Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer. chants and Importers.

40 Queen St., Honolnlu. 2840-l- y

An lnnl aJ Tl 1 1lauuw. x ariies io wnom ireignt is I 1 ,) lrR.iYronsitrno. 1 mnct K n f 1 j: i I AGENTS. together, or Sheets rolled, punched nd pwM

for shipment, ready to be rUeted ei iMclntyre Block, Fort Street.

2864-3m- q7, lauutut; m receivetheir freight

HtfT T rM-r--


Pel ton "Water Wheel.ground. n

nvnnATTT.in rtvptiwo. Boiler WorkndW4 iVV 1 1 j 1 J K. I . iS n Ih A mKh IP Hi 1 I . .

T I ! 1 ..i..k1liilirviintHonolulu. 86DL 5. M90. 283&S S M lUKTHlllhydraulic riveting machinery, tbt qulitjE. B. TPIOMAS,

Contractor and Builder.CASTLE & COOKE,

Life, Fire and Marine

I work being far superior to nana won. iJ3KEPAIRS of all kinds nf MAnHTMPDV i A tt-- . . I SHIP WOBK. Ship and Steam OapiUni. BtJJAMES NOTT, JR., -,-, uuuo -- .A5UJNAJ,,i!; Air and Circulating Fnmpi,"RATES and at bUURT KTATTnr." Winches,

I fooi iono after the most arnroved Plans.82 King Street,PRACTICAL --I- X w-- lj tanr .A , . fn,f hi PMl

OVJU AKBUH IUU. . - . .I1- -uoastor tne xieme aieiy xuor.

n. . ..... . . .,lffi(l0BESTIMATES GIVEN ONall kinds of Brick, Iron,Stone and Wondpn Timi,..

BDEALER IB COAL PIANOS ! city works' purposes, built with "eoeUbrt"

Davy Valve Motion, superior to any

f pump.'s inSS. Ail kinds of JobbingCorner of Kin and Alakea Sta., AGENTS FOR :niUJ?1.1?- - KfPs fsale: Brick, Lime, JOHN DY1K HosoUKj

Honolulu, H. I.TELEPHONE Workshop, MutuaF 261

residence, Mutual, 236.Has on Hand For Sale New England Mutual Life Ins. Co ?,nd n


sstone l'ipei Mintonfci'iics,

Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes nn.i ,1

Jast Arrived per WoosuDg, 135 day,, from Bremen, three of those Fine

WESTERM AYER'S PIANOS,Room No. S,upBtalr,8prMkelsl,,

OP EOSTON, 2804 13S2q

Mna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford..t.iiniates lurmshed on all classesj.wns'ndTinamithinRwork. First Dcnarture1 Bay Coal,

mstPrinl iron.

California and Monterey Sand, GraniteCurbing and Blocks, Etc., Etc..?ft5wanYardCor- - King and Smith

Hours--8 to 12 a.m., 1 to 4 p.m.Telephones-B-ell 351; Mutual 417. Resi-dence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117.

2832-- 0

:elebra.ed for their sweet tone and durability ii this climate. Also on hand,TTITX Iivr CaliiorniaUNIONteed in all the above branches of my bu3i-nes- sat reasonable rates. 2804q Insurance Oomnrv Parlor OrNanaimo Coal, ;ans! FEED CO,

Biff O 13 aclnowledscd

X t7



Cornish & Co., Washington,. N. J., Makers. For Sale atrCuresTOSDAY! The Edison Mpeograph !onorrbcea Gleet.rne only Baie remedy for

Lencorrhcea orNVhites. Newcastle Coal,prescribe it and feel

If TA anlt ca fa S n mn . aE. HOEFSCHLAEGER & CO.'S,INVENTED BY THOMAS A. EDISON.jHEEvwsCHtiiirMCo to all euffererR. F. II. RED WARD, 2804 1382-- qonciKn,o.s 2 A. J. STONER, M. D-- in;quantities.to suit.V ! fl I IVfi (vim T Corner of King and Bethel Streets.

KING & WRIGHT, Props- -

Have on Hand and For Sal

from the CoFresh every month

the very best q--


tus invented for manifnld; nor oii(a.1a . -- - . . . I ' .-..- -.ux. iUt tulrJJ, uu.u- -- - 1

1 1All f i--o --f. rl , 1 .1 . grphic and. typewriting. H. S. TREGrLOAN & SONvui0ij.i u& vjv. vyuoiesaie Agents.Bkksoh, tjmith A Co., Wholesale Arentaisqi OQnr


i 'vu.i;xtiiAii cililL JJUUllt5r I


Practiceii whatever. . is required toI T 111 T I 1 fr . 1 r.,ftt-ix-

jiii--.fiepnones is, zsi-j-oni-


Crick, Stone aud Wooden Bonding The writing can be done with theSamft IrilfTr On.l r.r.- - 1 1. T--Tay and Gf-rai- n

. - i '.7 uuvi ciiat: iia liiiiii'ii lifmmi-i- w-T t m CSUia&ieB UlTfin. I nr non r-- --,,.. !

-- D- iyr u ll, i.sa -- Hi-W f-4- -f )( 1 MU A nv,'ut u" win-Do- n paper andJ .fcSsss I -- - - T 8 v-- Vy k Jobbing- - Irwmitllv Alto in wie same llowm? or flmir.Kl.. riff cfvl

Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.,

MEECHANT TAILORS!Deal firs in Cani'a "?;.. Tn..-- i


Of all kinds, at the.KT. ... "r 1 --..... I I Af l0,onAA.c; .r . 4tu uo-uiwuc- iii., I 1 -- :' "":i: . .ivj aiuKKT. uucnniuig ai, me rate of (KX) an hour. of the city.rl u.i oI W i i :

rfAGNEDC'1;. Hand-TUlini-Ad PnTCfllftin T..nnflT Sat B"TeipboP no. y n bot a ings, maps, and in fact anvthino- tl.nf ,.o XJllU XMirillSlllllg U00(lS. GIVE US A TEIAUSWUQ r can be done with a lead pencil earVZ

nua Knn innnk.n.,.i I I Produced bv tllf rrnfntS"i-- -ffls.'.'8j saiYM, C. B. RIPLEY. cs. '7.r.nlleWoriii.r - 1 Its range or scone of work is nnni;.

TeWarehouse, -M-atua.

121; BeU Telephone lajBe,! Tele- -This Ci!fihmfrlBtA auwy mames. a lly unlimited. Oopving in colors

As.s,?.r colors and patterns of Creje aL2?CLlXeC U Mne to ierfection in addition t n.f. . ,

Badlcallr Cured lliou! ouKonawis . Elegant Tete-at- e Cups I variety of work mentioned WP phone 3--8;

MntnalTeanuoaucers. A nne lot of umce i.oom ypreckel's Block. rrTTnli 4i. I. "V- - .5VV 5f 2e or KPnre! This is tn(.blectrie Trass (the only successful oi.y&yrn iDT2td): has no Iron Hoops or SteelTX (Mutual Tel. 203). operation. mA few of those handy Mosqni to Urns.


woories, --Provisions and Feed,EAHT "

"yr " - - .u, uu ucii'griasuc, --au worn! miI . iMI-- ,t . T . . I Alq.t an aoa-- . in.mt rF -- - i 1 rrTii w.,4ur,,CT1"M" usaper I vi .uiiit, v.i ucw aiyica 01IrcE CAKll iaahM V i. New Designs Modken Ern.msfis T. Wl JfOPIJOV. ..,. TflOiTAS

LlNPSy'rm:: r,Aoi."'L'3 i .. . v. , .. , . A -

PFfFrjRMTD rera 9u.uuiuv.4cwi I v . i Complete Plans and Specifications for.lilnf.i'n - M E.lwatf. Z . I .. I 1 7 i m 1 1.

For the Hawaiian Islands,QfM . f?a Tr i. ot Tf t . Jewerer

Iselection of JAPANESE escripuon 01 umioingrtM, J w xurt o.., xionouuu. Mannfaclorvuudiatu v i c& w jlj. auu taiciui n inpr n

WTNfJ WH PTTATM JPr ia tendence of construction given when re-- " r'Jttr .no m(l STAB STS. St.. -- - , , vj. Ajj.um vv .'. I quirea.T A- - - I


2S23 1336Block.New uo&dft received hyevftrv --..NO BOILER, NO FIRE, NO STEAMAu - tm mi rinii u 4-- i a m f . i i j : . i

12651--q : "t. , w vauauucMiuiiicpiaus. and positively no danger in usingattentionn i xvegan v apor iingine. Tlepho.e w .9id'SS Particular

"r m T1 T

J8C4 a I kinds ot nepa"- -