k *», *^^-i5^*tawi*w5^^(isK^«^sit;:- JL^JLX^ Jl\~JL I R . t i . - T O M U Krister and Proprivtw. » t i I 1 t T~" THE GBEATE6T GOOD OF THE GREATEST KVHBEB."~B C • t b • m TFUMS-TM* Irtvllar* a \rar FIFTY-\,\TH YEAR. SATURDAY MOUSING MARCH 6, 1869. NUMBER to. •>•» VT> V- KOTICE *:*••* -'sr, *,-<* f t , ^ *" r r ' " f ; T.^TWf »VT>TY *"»**» X »l^ -TtV « M r' J»rt. »* ' *• r » V.r **»"** **"* .« *h» V ch»-** * •. ! .V' n t »' P i »-., * ' *.t • »- *-. 1 * TV i «•> l,* - * i > f,»r w <,.**., tJ -'*• * " i-*^* «--" K*-* *•*•* , 1 # T ".* Tr«ii ,.' *n^a 1 '* « n - , , ' t * • « ' » **•» *•**:* *-' V. •> Vf"». . », •; ,. \ \ •; ,*.««, -,*.,-••_ .p*, J««t« * i*-***** n. f^-y*., ,.' ,«*, > Bi » u a . «*- «* » *...« -^ »*• A *:*•>.»> •*<-"•»..* h: »ri : {*•>;*-':«-' »*v; .•***»• M S ^ ' **.,V*« tnr**V#*T » i * h » •* HP- 1 •{•"-Ft'Nr ** •> -r-t-i-'tTn^'tt •*>**«» t»tit#» V.'wrrts* «** minr »»'»»> *r*t>*»r '* T"«t. ?" w 't "^*» #•-, it** un.^ v..,*--! «r, -tt.I--' r*»r! **f *,'-,%is\t r » n * ' p r\,< *••> J»«»T»< c! ttvtul * t. **.•, U - ,7 *,?v5 Iwpinr »ts ?H» **-*»rt <^* IV; M *»nw An««M. 1 tn n t.»**-r>T *»f T«V*«* tT***i.wi»r><. »<••"•»» fvf 1*M f#»rr»f^W »TTsin1»*'i « /#ph m^t*fc n»V »n * «•'.*.•••*. !*»!•£• th*- r- t'h }-*\! i- r Jtii N«>. T,.!*•'>* bi * f « T m^S***- * t '*n thr w*«t h» >..t rntnWr tPD. *M» Th*» •ontTi hv l ot n u m » # r tw»»iil_» t»n. o«1bp«*! <^» '.otBiiiBVittf'*f, (vnfiMHrif t*" bun^T««l nn*1 fifty «,•»*>« H». tK» «* m • m"r* r * •»«•. twJnf * piirt of 1 h* «j»m# *^W*n'"it'» r ^ n f y M ?of*«i*i* I*b«ii Arwoiti l»» K*mi« i»« *.»« , **^i m».>* >n t> .- pat ir,*r th» liiw of !h# fnt t.nMi~«tmn »' tlii. n»ti<-», i« t W urn <l tw.. Lnnrfrw »!).) t»mt» four doll»r« »nd thirti- "< " " ' • •• »>! " f r r ' mri P'' KIWI* *I«I "' w«»<i t-'4 Sfi.whwh i* tbf* wtM.!*> amotinl d«*- nn4 Hrp»W oil m«tiiot«i at law tn rfrrrn thf A-bt arcnred bjr nueh mortjapfrir any part thcrrof. K*>w. IherHor*. nr.tif# i* hrrahy ffir#n that bf Tirtn* of 1H^»a«i pr>wi*r of &al«* r«mta.in#Hl ID aaid mnrtjK*** » 'loir r»c«'rd»<l as »Inr»«airl. an<i in pnraaancr of th» "*tai* in «ocb <TH» msdpan<1 protid d, th^aaH mort- tr*x* will br tntrtlo—J hi a »al» of tb# pmlM irrmM awl w*v ••» <"»»d h n n w dat,. .«, HI 2<»th. 1HS4. ' lB ,h * ^BHC »f Mattabunrh, In th» cmintr »f ritoUm. ..,Ar*r-v*^< »n«».«*t>.. I«34. in tlw> n»rV« ofllr. f . <-i>'1^> 12th day «t Ma;. 18«9, at It o'clock at BOOS of •-•» foontT of Ctintro. in wlnm* V of <tr«i«. par*. «0 j ">»*«'»y ci ana «2 »»r»-ptiBi th*r»'^-.m Bflwn acr« hwtnlnt* , Tb* aaid prraii—a ar» dncridad in uid iw>rti»»» a~Wv.K S»«T*I»*CM...« of IV.. ntat and of wid i '"»"»» : " Alt th»t portoiopi»e» or p»r«l ot l»B.t rtt Xh-rfi p . « of ih» n«.'h h.'.f of l-t No 11 f »•*» "> , "» '"»» »t * « ' • aror»«a.td. tn-in? th» Mnitb- Ahm that wrt.in ofhrr PW» or parr.) of land «itnat» T**! fl'-f^rof lot nombor niof (») of tb« fbor hoo- th* aaid town of > n«bi». Winr part .1 lot n..rob»r ••« *"«»t* ww Kefagre lots, containing on* huo- dr*d and ftTfarrr^ mm** r lem." I>«t»d Frbnarj 13,1»6>. VTII.1 JAM H RAX, tB>;12 GFfiRGE W SAX, HEXRY « ?AX. »Wh»rrt» d^aolt p»'m*ol "I Ht» rron»T w rt>!W ).» a <»!-»»,,, n w t p a s * i'a«»d IW ?4ih .',«» of V.r,-» . I«M, ' w n i « f b> AlVo V Ane-ll tb»n o* to* •>.n„ . • Von»r. nirion iotm-r, V»w Y<r» to Jn'io« C H:i).h» - I of • ban. in «ani roon'jj, an-i which mortgage ^.,r'«V».i a pr^rr In l t > ».<-r«t'wff o r ),i« a««irli« to "!! to» rofw-i r »r«sl prwo.an opon 'l»<aold l>»ii>r rnad» <n ai<i o"Tjr J I ,i f >r; of h | <-h m'Tt^ar* 1 . »nH wan ^»fOTd»< , in r <*l.m r . . f , n ^ . . . „!B^» on !!,» SOtli Any of March. ! ft .M at U t oii« U ' V, .n 00.-V Y o^ mortimr*« °» P*«*s 1 m n t o *.t t ^ *^: ,~"."„"~ "r* vc» •• ^„^ .!,.„.».,»,. ,,.o .1,,'.,,. r. H.ih»-ildi,t .r T? 1 8 A U - I-o^f^r-e GREAT IXPIAN REBEPT. !••.«.-,*. rfn!t a««.cn it- <JIW iRortfuro t.. Wiiliani H I i» *»'r»i»t«l. ».id In broad an ! unphatir latnroac*. ^x i;« r:e \T <.*, , „ , ; Hoo rr C. S 3 , .if n.srr a <.rr W * r * D **''v "•'• ">*» t* r»ll»d opern tn makr a por- aid an ' t l „ «»mo .. now own»d hr thrn- and whnna ??,""" cu ™ " ' * " li "»»»»» of tb« Tb.oat. I^mia, Uw, 'krtn..inMf*,molt,.l.*,. .,„.,n ..„i m „n™™ >t ! *;«nn»T», r>i»«t.T» Oii»n». fcc. Af Wfll Scrofula. LOOK, READ, A IXAKH, THAT THE Great Shwhwipfs Rrnedj! or T^I raaaurn tmu OR. LEWIS jro>EPHr«. of tb» aMhuroUlml Tribe of 'boaboww, CjlnmWn Tarritory. ia now for ulf in too tnioo. *• an'onrit cU^m^ to he iluo upon "aul wn^fsf S. WBIGHT MOIJCOMB. Attorney. Aaaigneea. *• tl»* aaid town of >n«abl*. being part * t5»e m a t*»rt of Tw#'iTr thooaand aero* printed to Z>ph- anwt* Piatt. F*q . in two parr*l« of *ix !hon.«»nd af"« arn in tlar tbra tnamahip of Prro. ennntj and u'ale aforaaaid. and the part intended to be "conreTeii w t^Hiaded a« fotlowa. rit : Beginniog at the north we«t "•rtnweol led namber R*». af.>re<aid. rnnniae thence •»ntb aloaa thw weat Hne of aaid tot fortr-two chaiaa to a, ctnne w the north line of land formerly owned be fin i ^ Harkmeaa ; tfeewe eaat twentyft>nrchain* and' fifty 'i r t< to abattemat pnat onGilhert Taew'a we«t line and north east earner of I*>TM Rarknea*' laud ; thence north j Wood and Waller E Wood, Plainlilla, against Alrln Ara .ty *wo ebaina , tnenee weat twenty foor ebaina and •*ft« tin**- to the vtaee of berinaiajr. «aid to contain ewe hundred aereaoftand 1 be the aaaae noteor lean, except :mt from the aboee dearribed pretnlaea thirty aerea at NwJ de«rrlhed and boonded a» follows : Bejpinninw at •*he northeast corner of aaid Int of land formerly naraed 11 ftaTtd Harkneaa and by him wld and deeded tn tb* aa d Deaiar and Iaban Arnold, and rnnnin* thence norh to the middle of the road ot bHthway leadi (tfrcro Edward Halleck to tbe IJttle Aoaable Rrrer: Uieneeweat TEriW YORK STTntRME OOPRT—Connty of dlntoti. £t —YSetcr A _Wood. Orrille K Wood, Albert G H old. Defendant. To Alrin ArnoU. tte'endaat. Ynn are bereor anmmoned to anawer tb* complaint of Victor A Wo d, Orrllle K Wood. Albert G H Wood and Water E Wood, tbe aboee namedplaintin>, which was 8led in tbe «Bce ol the Clerk of Clinton txranty, at Platfl.nrgh.N.Y ,of tbe2»th day of Jannary, lgsg, and to aerra a copy of eoor answer on the aobacrtber, atfataoffice hi the Tillage of Plattabmeh. N. Y„ within twenty daya after the aerrice of thia Snmmoaa, excld- erd'r along aaid l.ighway to a point therein from sire of tlteday of aerrice, or the plaintiffs will take ah.rh aatraia+it trnedr<wn tothe north line of the ' jndement asainat Ton for tbe anm of fifty aix dollars and abo»e described piece of land parallel to tbe west line , n nwty casta, with intereat thereon from the tenth day •bereof. wfttmakera aft oo both sides of mid road tbns ot June, 1867, be*idea cost*of this action. aaea oat from the west s!de of the abore con reyed lot <uat thirty acres of land and to more, being tbe same prenriaeaaMiVayad on the 30th day of September. It3», •o aaid l«baa Arnold by Uaaxar Arnold and wife by dead I racorded 1*39, in datad taw «(tb day or September. 1R3», and < Uataw eoaatT Clerk'a »«ce rteeember 12tb Vol S of deed*, page* 1ST and 1SS Alea that certain other piece or rarcel of land »it oate, lyiagand betag tn the town of A usable, count* or Clin- toaaad State of New Yotk. and described aa follows: being a part of lot number fire in tbe general division of tbe tweire thooaand acre location, beginning at a •take m tb* west line of aaid lot running; thence north Twenty «»e chains en said tine to a stake ; tbenre eaat twenty caains to a stake : tbenca south twenty-free s-iains to a atake ; tbance went twenty ebaina to tbe place of beginning, containing nfly aerea. Abu aU that ether piece or parcel of land situate in the) tcwa. eoaaty and itateafbteaaid, romroeticing at'he waatb eaat coraerofthe aboeodeacribed piece, rwmlna; tawawwoaat eight rods ; tbenee north twenty rods ; "tbaanaweat eight reda. thence sooth to tbe place of be- ajianiaar, coolaioing owe acre of land : brine; the same preenisaa coon yed to aaid Iaban Arnold by Edward Saerthariehand wife and Paul Sonthwiek and Abigail Sootbwiek by deed dated April 15. IMS. and recorded in tbe) Cbatna eoontf CVrk's otace on the 21»t day of Sep- tember. ISM. in Tolume 14 of deeds, pages »i and So. Also that cwrtaia other piece or parcel of bind situate, lylag and batag ia the town of .daaable. count r of Clin- t. n aad Stat* of New York, deacribed as follows, being part of lot eumber Sea in the general diTunon of tbe twetretbousaad acre location beginning at tbe north want corner of tbe Sonthwick lot ; thence north to tbe kacattno tine ; thence went along the location line esmal j chaiaa • thence south tn the Sonthwick Inf. I eaat twenty chains to the place of beginaina;, rftfteenacres of tand be tbe same more or teas aa eqaal undivided tbtrd part of aaid lot. being The* aanae preroise* d^^ril*cd in a certain deed from'Eiea- aar Arnold to tbe said Lab n Arnold by deed dated April 3»tb, l*». Also that certain other piece of bind ntnate in the aaid tows of Aasakle as«" is part 'f 1st nnaabee six lata* Little locatiow, so called aad ia bnaaded aa fbOawa : awaws- -mn.' at a stake and atones thirteen and one third rods siontb of tbe north west corner of Juhn tlsborn's home farm : thence south about seventeen ruda tn the north s'aat corner of land 'ormerly owned by Taul and Edward Sonthwick : thence we-d about eighty rods tn the east line of t«bnn Arootd's home farm ; thence north abuut thirty rod* to the south lin» of I«wis Fish lot (so call- e d ) ; thence east about fourteen rods to the south, east corner of the l*wia Fish bit . thence s. nth thirteen and - «>ne third rodst.. a stake and atones ; thence east about siite-aix rods to tbe place ol beginning containing about Dated January 19. IMS. CEO. L. CLARK, Plaintiffs' Attorney. 33w7 Platt»bargb,N. Y. fbrB*H.J. S r P B B I E • OCRT—COTMrTY 0Y CIJSTfW.—Amena Ball, Pbuatill. against Julia O'Brian. John 0'Brian and Esther 0'Brian his wi'e. Jeremiah fl'Brian and Ma- ry O'Brian hia wife, tmma Comer. Jul a Davidson. Car- rie O'Bnan. Ellen Hacklej, Margaret Myers, I.ucy Jones. FJixabeth O'mare, Lydnt Ami O'Brian; AlidaWallackand James M. Burroughs, Defendants, Ti. tbe Defendants : Yen are bareby sntnmnoei to intwtr the complaint or Amelia Ball, the ab .re named plaintiff, which was Sled tn the efltee of tbe Clerk of CDaton county, at PiatLsborgh. N Y , on the serenth day of Jannary, Mow. and to serre a copy of yonr answer on the subscri- ber at his office in the Tillage of Pmttabnrgb. Clinton county. S. Y„ within twenty days after the eernce of this summons, exeloaiye of the day of service, or the Plaintiff witt apply to the Conrtfortbe relict demanded U tbe complaint. GEO. I. CLARK, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated Jannary 7th, 1869. 31 w7 N EW YORK i-l'PRKME COCRT—COCKTY <W CLDf- toe. Anthony Kelly. Plaintiff, against John B. Pbinney and Martha Pbinney bis wife, and John C. Big low,refendsnts. To the defendenta John H. Pbinney and Martha Phinney bis wife. Yon are hereby sum- moned and required to answer the complaint of the said plaintiff which was filed in Clinton county Clerk'a office in I'latUburgh, N. Y., on the 15th day of February. A D. 18B9. and to serve a copy af yonr answer on me at my office, in the village of Flattsburgh, Clinton county, N Y, within twenty days aftei the service tnreol on you, excluaiTe of the day of service : And yon are far- ther summoned and required to take notice, that if yon fail to answer the said complaint within the time afore- said, the riaintiff will apply to this CViart for tie relief demanded in the complaint. m. 36w7 WlawPw' eStw^eTwswty. llatuburgb,N. Y. TbETBICT Conrt of the Cnited States for the North MM rrn HUtrict of New York. In Bankruptcy. So. 2x96. tn the matter of Benj.min F. Farnsworth, a Bankrupt. Northern IHstrict of New Y'ork, sa. A warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Conrt agaim-t the estate of" Benjamin V Farnsworth, of are and a half acre* of land be the same more or less, \ the coon'.y of Clinton and State of New York, in said ' bevag the same premises conveyed tn said Laban Arnold j l»i*trict, adjudged a Bankrupt upon the petition of bis by Ashley ArnoU and wife by deed dated July 7th, | creditors, and the payment of any debts, and tbe delive- Igjd ry of any property to him or to his use. and the traas- Siubject. however, to the Power of Delia Ann Arnold, | fer of any property by him ore forbidden by » » . A widow of salt faban Arnold in the above described pre j meeting of tbe creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their raises, winch has been heretofore admeasured and set •. debts and choose one or more Assignees oi bis estate, apart to her from the abov e described premises, being , will be held at a cuort of Bankruptcy, to be holden at part or pare* thereof, and is described as followa : All ! Kee-ev.tle. in aaid District on tbe 23d day of March, A 'hose certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and : I> 1 V.W. at 10 o'clock A M. at tbe office of Samuel Ames. being To the t.-wn of Aus»M* aforesaid, bounded and de i one ..i the Registers in Bankruptcy of aaid Conit at •crib-d as follows: Beginning at the nortbnest corner of j Keeseyille aforesaid. EDWARD DOD1I, 'h«tjir«n A'noM farm •hence east on the Imeation Line Cnited States Marahal. ten ebaina and eighteen lin a to a stake and stones ; | Bv WARRtN DOW, Deputy aa Messenger. S8wJ t h e n » south parallel wi.b the west line of said farm to, . . . ____ the highway near a maple tree thence west along j terjBsbamMJfwUawUf, Ko. lDOt. the mid-lte of the bigbwar t.. t!.e «>uth we,t cuner of, •wk-y"ORTHEBv rdSTRKT OF NEW YORK, ea. At Pots s»i.t farm thence north to the pi ,ce «f l*s,nning coo ( ^ j ^ j unc , iuD , JJ. Y.. the 4th dee of February, A. tainrag about thirty three acres of lat-d be tbe same ( j , j g ^ The undersigned hereby gives notice of b s more or iess. " * * " ., ... . ... , appointment as assignee of Benjamin Fitch of Mooers jilt, that certain other piece of land beginning at the »;,;*., | n the county of Clinton and State of Sew York, ..... ..,.- v-i__ XK._ • » - ' " - - ' , ilh ^ H „,„„,,; , b „ t a , i M . l j e l p d , Bankrupt upon hi* own petition bv the District Court of aaid Dis- trict. CHAS. S. BIXBY, Potsdam Junction, N. Y Ui»3 Assignee, *c. -acrth west corner of the Nelson Thew farm ; tbenee e»otb to the northeast earner of the Harknesa farm ; thenev west four chains and »erenty-8te lialts ; thence Torth to the m:.l.iie <jf the Llgbwiy . t' en« ea«t seren- tTfive \ nks : thence tiorlh onethsiii to the nottii Wl-st c-rner ..f a plum yard ; ihewe ea-t pa*ssr.g through Tbe >,*use on ?he north <-*W of the two «outh rcK-ros on The lower fi-wr . thence f-utb to the highway , thence s-a-T to the p.ace of iie^mnio^. containing abuut three acre* *>f larol i-e the ?am* m»ie or less. A..- 'he north e*«: <-hain'«-r b..!ro.im. with the right IZ. I^tSTuitccy. no. ISTi 4. N ORTHERS MSTKliT OF NEW YORK. ss. AX Potsdam Junction on the 5th day of February, A I>, lb60. The under-.igned horefty gives not'ee o r his an poiutment as AsKijrnee of Albert Ladue of riattsbncgh.in to .c-ci.pt the RI rrhea»t . .rn-r of the front chamber i tbe cc only of Clinton and State of New York, w.lhiu with a bed. alsi.tbeeaf. :.'. rd part of t;.e cellar and tbe said District. w;;o h»» been adjudged a Bankrupt upon rest th'rd part <i the » --". -h.'d and jo eq al I his own iHrtitiun. bv the Distr et Oiurtol said District right to the hog pec M-1 the w-u w ".h the 3Sw3 W». HEED, Phutsburgh, X Y, Assbjnee, At;, nuht t.? pas* to ari'2 !r> : . the ab-.ie descr'bed flac^i wiu.«ut pre.entirig ..'Her occupanu Srom uaiog t i e re- ThTlfij>TlCaE^-Bv order ol D. S. McMasters. Snr- •na.-n.ng portions nf the b i»e.'- ^ r.^ate ul liiBho county. Notice is hereby g.ven ItateJ January :3d.. IHnS according to law to all oersnns having eUiroa against t» 1N-U»W C WATSfiX, Referee. France Joseph DATigoos, M. D., late or Black Brook. HhWirT & WAT-><»". Plaintiirs Attorne; s. 33w7 deceased, that tbey are required to exhibit the same with the Touchers thereof to the subscribers at the res- i it-ace of James C. Fitzgerald iu the tovn and village of Black Brook in said County, on or be'ort the 25th day of Jul'. 1869. J. C. FllZGEBALD. J. E. D'AVIGNON. Dated Jan. 8,1869. Administrators, M M O R T G A G E S A l X - * - » ' w - default i,s. u-.n «.s '• .n th^ [wiviiient of the moaer se- cured b> a e-sctvafe -iated the 1Mb .lay of Way. 1S6*. •xecut*-: ls« ^ arf. tie M <;.:- &ni .loiin W. "t.iies of t b e t-ewri *,i Ao.* l .:c . .... uiitv of ti.titou and Mate ot > » V- i« t"-em.'.ur N Am^* of-own aforesnid. and wbich mort/»<e easrecorle.: iu the i'lerk s ofKceof sai.l , IWI « . . » . - . s- .• • .. ^ - v "" c..ur.t. mLherl l" ,.| Mortgage-..n page *o» «c. „ n ! -I* n ' oto , n Connty. Notice is hereby given according the Vl.t .is. of T. i,«i. at 1'., c:..< L anl 3«i v., P. M. J" '»" l " »'• P"*<™> having claims against Anson Hngle And whereas the^ount cornel to be due up-n -aid ; Uteol Clinton deceased, that they are required to exhibit morn-age at the t tn. o: the Br,t pu;.;i.-s'..,n ,.f thi. no- i -*<™ * J«h the voucher, thereof to the subscriber at. the f-e. ,, the .um ..f . » 1 « S S ) one hun-ired and f-ur •!. I { hi>use of Reuben W. 5=o.-a> o o e o ( tbe executors of de- '..-»:.ift-« five cent., to wit : $100 of principal and i J**** 11 '" -'<= town of Clinton in said County, on or be- st .11..! ,-.:.r~t »nd wt.cb is the whole amouut'ir~ . .-•« the lSthdav^April 1STO, •*.-i moitga.-e. N OTICE.—By Order of D.S. etcMasters Surrogate of n; - - v.» he-eb re not„-f ,. hertbv ^veo that by virtue m' conlasCc* ,i. sa,.! mtirtgaje and du- ...• slat ( ..re-s.. ca«e made an in purfi»«5-e .*i4e.!, the fcairt mortgage ] . Mile o! the ptemi-e« therein d* J .. auc •!. ct ti.e .Sic ot He.itt k, ^ m ^ of Ausal.e eouni.t of t Iitton and, J*kYv01*ll(&_y* l>atedXoT.4a«S. RFTBE.X W. SMITH,'. GEO rt ADJM.S. } HANNAH HOOLE, J Executors- OKO. GAL.LAOHEB. the virions skin diseases. Hnmors. end all di««n-*« arhing (mm Imparity of tbe bhwd, excepting the third stage of Consumption. in Canada where tb is great Retnedr baa hern ia one for a abort time it baa indeed effected some of tbe most mar veloos cure< ever recorded in the annals of historical medicine 8orh being tbe case m addition to its former renown in Columbia lerritorv we defy humanity to dis- pute the fact that this, the Great Sboabnnees Remedy, is tbe Remedy of Remedies of tbe 19th Century, aad the greatest boon ever held at the altar of lonering hu- manity. ^* Price of the Basaedy In huge tints. SI 50 Manufactured by F»r Young k Bros., at Syracuse. » Y For sale by all dealers In medicine. K E N T O N , P O T T E R & C O . , Wholesale and general agents for Syracuse. N Y For Pale at Ptattaburgh. K Y. by J E Morrison, GO dy k Co., ti B Batch and John Percy, The great Shoshonees Remedy of Dr Joaephos' Colom- bia Territory wbic'i lias also been Manufactured In Can- ada, is now. for tbe first time in theCnion. being man- ufactured by Dr Young k Bro, of Syracuse. ST. WONDERFUL CUBE OF CONSTTMrTION BY THE GREAT SHOSHOXEES REMEDY. Messrs. Chamberlain at Co..-^>DtbwMn : t, Wilson aorme, make oath kno say. I feel anxious to let you know " - a t fJieGreatSbosutiiiees Remedy has effected forme. My wife was afflicted with consumption, and dies. I was also afflicted «lth the same disease and af- ter her death. I continued sinking just as she bad done. I had very severe night sweats ; coughed nearly all night every night, could not sleep unless a tittle toward morn- ing : I raised over a quart of matter every 24 hours, bad severe nam in tbe iefttwag, fcc, fix, and was great- ly debilitated ; in fact I was going as fait aal could, ] was taking medicine from a regular Physician, but.it did not even relieve my cough I went to tbe village one day, about a quarter of a mile, wtiieb took me toco aad come about two hours; while there I saw Sqaire welliag ton and happened to say to him. '• I wish yon could give me something to relieve my couth." Re aaid "there Is a great Indian remedy just introduced, Dr Baker baa it for sale, and I believe it will enre yon." I took his advice, and brought a bottle home with* me, took a teaspoonful at once, which I felt through my whole system At night I took a tablespoonfnl, and rest ed well all nbrht and continued to rest well evei v night Tbe cough, night sweata. raising of matter, pain in the lane;,fee,gradually left me, and I got hearty and strong. I took only three bottles, I am not taking it now. and I am as hearty and as weliasl ever was In my life. Mr sister-in-law was with me for awhile, who was atected with fiver complaint, she has Ukentbe remedy and is well. This certificate yen stay show to 1 he world if you please. Wiuow Proawg, Brighton, C. W. Sworn before tu at Brighton. C W, this2fith day of August, UOS J B Yoct-3. J P. Reeve. %1 I It WnusroTov, j p. rTtHE snbaeribeT cdesra ror sale a great variety of Nara- X ery stock compels og Agsawe Testes, in great variety, of ordinary and ex- tra ai». P e a r T r e e * . Standard and Dwarf, superior tress or the most choice and t ardy varieties. Trees, a good variety. t Yle»ee, a great vnriefy. all the best, bardi- . earnest, sotted to this climate, of one, two and three years—extra vines of bearing sise. rmrrante, , full stock of the best kinds. RajrsAerrtra, do do do do BtavrMerrlee. Wilson's early and Kettatlnny, Mis- anart Mammoth, the three best. B ' r s w h e r r t e a . ail tbe most valuable kinds. AsamvwaTeM, Giant, plants of one and two years. Baasrwau-Sl, Linnaeus and Victoria. XTedaVe) Jr*l»nt"—Bu ithnra and honey Lsenst E^enreeii T r e e s r - N o r w a y Spruoa, aad American Abor Yttso. ino-tsrwxHntv^lueatMa. a autre varlety- CUmbintr ^I«ntar-Hoaey 8ockle, Ivy, Ylr IFfDaft Ca"nwrf-*»r. |«, O w y t o a T I o c o » riitalMfii. Mow, BjfctH efcl- sMkf waW. A spHrodid asaortsseat at Ion fa$a> 6«>d for esUlngue. ^ortri}. JOHN W BAILEY. K a r l y R o s e , the beat of all early Potatoes, sent by mall. SI per pound. . bttahel i t i p e r b b l Cas*H, •"'* »nd very fine 75e par peek; , heatforlate crop 60e per peck; (at M S4 per bbl per bu PUttsburgh'rebruary 10, IMS <W SB^parbbI W * e,,,P to »L!!^L«J-?.P* JOBNW BAIIJlY tmy rTw>Clsa, aw* X w* have determined to sell our CLOTHS AT RETAIL, for the SAME PRICE we heretofore sold them by the piece. We have a very desirable aasartaMat of or Maa aad Boys Wear, which will h» sold at EstmrasMly Layw Mesa, 8. W. GKEGORT ft CO. Piattsburgh Nor. 21,1867. PgsrtEMIX MSVILAJfCC CO., BRCCKLTN, KEW TORE. Cash Capital. «SOO,000 0 0 Surpltu Match 1st, 1864, 222,216 20 Assets, $722.219,S6 sws> l a i u r a s e e aa^Isot* laaa Fira. : 1U- rls» lawt.Ca««l a«s) tatsMMT tPiaipiHilhai. 8TEPHRW CROWELL, President, EDGAR CROW ELL, Vice Pres't. PHILANDER SHAW, Secretary. M. K. PL ATT. Agent. 21ti Platteborgh, K. f. AND PROVISION STOEE The Subscriber desires to say to the people of Piatt*. burgh, that be hasrecently returned from market with a large and complete assortment ot firoosriss and Pro- vis loss consisting ot Pork, Floor, Dried Beef, Smoked Hsllibnt, Fish, Batter, Lard, Salt, Starch, Soap, Candle*, Tea, Sngar, 8piee«, Raisins, Salaratos, Coffee, liolaaes, Vinigar, Kcroaene Oil, caniie>) fruitt? of all kinds, „u-l a)! other articles in tbe line to be found in a G rocery Stcre. These goods have been purchased at the lowest market rates and will be sold as cheap as they can be bought at any Grocery Store in this section. The sub- scriber would reepecttulty solicit a share of the public patronage. Store at his market on Margeret St., in the atone row .—south end—opposite the Post Office, sstr December Sd. 18«8. L.F. WAIJLXRIt C0.'S lntheNewBrkkStawe.aaas-lyoamatHs tttmwHVm W*m -^axfa s t A B G A R E T 8TstJaTET. AT LIVING PRICES, CGN818T1NG OF . Fine Calf BooU al- wayg on Basxl aad MADE TO ORDER. . Mslwlitikl sma] silanM!. Poliak Boots, swasoral* aad Gaiters of the finest iMtsrial aad wuratataiashrp at W holesaU prices. HO ARTICLE MIgREPRSSEirTED ! A Larga AfMrttBwat of Kit* aad COW. BIDE BOOTS, Ladies' WINTiR BOOTS, OVER SHOES of artery deawriptioa tot Ladies aad Geatlessta. %Bj.Xsiea.«toMFiadtan,eT«. Pnaaptai. teatioajaicl to Cwstoat work aad raaairiag. JtW*-Work made to order by (ood aadaz- perieeWed workaten. jnsw" Remember tbe place, OPPOSITE vriTH8RlLL'8 NEW HOTEL. Platt8bttrfhSeptl2,18rJ7. Sat warwABjreD. Verses written by the late Hon. T. D. McGee. relating to bis own death : also. Yer«es, in Memortero, by his Mead, tbe laU General Balplne (Mylea OVislly.)* I. In tbe time of my boyhood I bad a strange feeling That I was to die in tbe noon of my day, Not quietly into the silent grave stealing, Bnt torn, like a blasted oak, sudden away. H. That ansa ia the hear when eojoynsest wnebesest. My lamp should quench suddenly, hissing in gloom. That eves when mine honors were freshest and greenest A burnt shoo Idrashover aad scatter their bloom. tn. R anient be a sjasy M srheWbetwegwiaal,. Of dark visions taking the semblance of troth. And it might be the shade of tbe sto:m that ia enmisg Cast them in it* morning through the sunshine of Youth. TV. But be it a dream or a mystic revealing. The bodeaaest has haunted me year after year. And wbsnever sty bosom with rapture was filling, I pa net for tbe footfall of late at mine ear. T. With this feeling opon me, all feverish and glowing, I msbed ap the ragged way, panting to fame ; I snatched at my laurels while yet they were bfooasing, Aad wen for my gaerdoB the half of a asms. YL My triampbaJ viewsd, frost tbe least to tbe brightest, As gay Sowers plucked from the fingers of death ; Aad whenever joy'a garments flowed rfcnsat saw bright- est, I laok'4 far the akalttoa larkjagbsasath. YTL Oh (Head of my heart, if that dona, should fall on me. ••And thou sbouldst Hve aa to remember my love, Come oft to tbe tomb, wbea tbe tarf Ilea apoa me, AndtttttotbeeTea-wlnd vm. Lie dows by that bank where the river is eracpiag All fearfully under the still autumn tree. When each leaf to the sunset is silently weeping, Aad sigh for departed say% thinking of me. W. By thsamileeyehave looked, by the words ye bare M B , H O R N W HO's a practical eigar manufaetorer, begs to aa, nonsn to the public of Flattsburgh and rictaity that he baa oa band at him manufactory on Opposite the Post Office, in the "atone row," a large and compete assortment of BUUTER AKD RUBBER PIPES OIOAR OASES, TOBAOQ BOX- ES, TOBBACO, and all articles to be found in a tobacco store. The public are invited to call examine his stock and prices. His goo-la are of the first quetity, aad if n^t found aa represented will be exchanged. SS* Hotel, Tavern. Saloon Keepers aad country deal- ers furnished at wholesale prices. tf DEALER IN Ft*mtt.urc ••• Unjlisbiery GOODS. Alaia*aaaortmeat of C H R O M O 8 kept eonstaot'y on hand. PICTURES AND FRAMES of all descriptions to suit the trade. Cottaa and Catskets of d ifferent st vleB in readiness at all times trimmed in the latest lash ion SStf If Ton Are I n W OF Crockery, Glaaa Wture, Lannterna, $c. f lVjat forget to eall.'si S A B H ' -OOOR. SX,IJVJD A3*D w Firft docr , „ , , „ , B ffttj,.,,.- ft g.,^ AUAia naA^iiie-aj-s^^tesw - . Walson, m the . . _ Ntats of Sew York, on the liiti i . y of Ai.r.l nei:.. at IV «,'i.Ui fck -.'. ihr ti-r«-riie.*i of *..*' -Isi- 5b« a».d pieu. »e. »n .-escnt-ci iu **»! mortgage as ftjlow, Ah that ierta.i. n-ce.-r p rceliy.' land sit_ •aate iviog ii>i hei ;r ,u th» t'-wo of An-able. county of . .-. nt..n»ni..'Ne« 1, rk n. t.'.e m.:d> :h.r!-.f lut» V . j . el I'm, ,nM»u'.. Vatent anldesci.ts-las full«w. , Be t ,- r. r-e .t the so-jth west corner NOTARY PUBUO, Nat. M Wall 8*1*-*. lfaw Totrit. f |.t No one of the 1 ..; «mtm.ddletiiiid surveyed by Edmona . - luoirngeastwardiv sis r»d. on tbe north "•' ao °' r a.' lead.ng ah.ng tb* Ausable Kivet to a .'(-,«•. Thence c- rihwe.twardly parallel ! . f aa«5 lot No on* a sufficient distance to 1 . 1 a half acre, of land . thence westward', 1 •r ' of the aforesaid road .!« rf«i« thence t"i. hne o: ».d b.t xo no« t., thej ; ;«« ot i C o n of Bi wer s treat sad the Park. J E BSE GAT. Attorney And Counselor st LAW, north of the Conrt House—lately ocenpted by Hon. L.Stetson, PleATTSBTJRGH. V. T- CHAIR MANUFACTORY. W E would inform tbe public that onr large ttteam Factory at tbe west end of the Bridge is now com- pleted and in'running order. We keep on hand a large qt»ntityofonrOWNMANTJFACTTJRE, and are prepared to make to order any style or sixe of linage, Wis we ir aseMia. aMIsteTs, -sac. Tanm- img, Palntlns, auael Glaalaug done on abort notice. Onr manufactures are of the VERT BEST e D U A L I T T , and our prices reasonable. Wt are prepared to manufacture and sell at wholesale or retail, and respectfully invite tbe public, far and near, to call and examine our work. Piattsburgh Nov 30 1867' FIRE MARINE AXB INLAND iNc&mpoBATEBmn. Asstetts 61.052,128.10 S. WRIGHT H0LC0MB Agent, r&AYVteBMrawnt, n. T. PARK HOUSE U1N1»« KOOM8, t-^ ,-• -.-a,o r.g-ne an" a halt aerea of land tta- t.ir••> •-• »nd ailiomingon tbe sonth the parce. .!«.:,.. .-.cnbe^l. beginlng »t the south »«*teor- i.e-, • s . t,eof,..t.!n i«-.n ot said middle third, •set e rui.L.ag !»•. ne'.s on the north side ot tbe road ; '.!..:.., :. ..it. [,sr»Uel w.lL the west l.ne of lot So. OO*, i«e£.t, * , an-i a i.a.f r'*i. t a -tone vili . thence eaat a-t :./ •» i •"-' **|' r '"*-'* :o *h** M *"* ^' ie of iot >'o. one ; Ibet. » Ki.tb aU.r.p saot : i w "t W-t S o one IWruty-eix and a '*»•' " * : . '.• '.' e ;..ac.e of begioiong. ilate^ thir V'.h -lei 1 f Unui" l fe ''' ".-tYM') r K N AMi>. Mortgager HF.WrTT k W^|TH('N. At'inneis •yale;rav Vrtpfa* pm~ Meals fttrttished at aay time of the day oa reaaonabla terms. „ „ „ _ _ . , _ . ' PETER LAFOTJBTAIH Plattsbnrgh Nor. 1,1864. TV WV ' SataamoavJ tor Moany. . .K ft •'Kt'tt ' "1 KT—• 'IX V1Y OK H ! \ J_w li.V _Ko«i»«..'. "' !..it. tt.ar^s <;. Craft .„•. leeo'jel- W • <. t' »:tnff<,aga.ost A. U. rierfott an! J*! 1 .*!' Pai'erson, I^!et.4so'. Tu ti.« I"'»:«i." Y'." are here'.-* "iinirr-- ii^i nn! "e.,.! re I to answer the eooplaiot of t ' e said p.*iu'i9' »k"l »i.l be filed in Ci.n'.«. tKunty 1 >t»"s (jfSce. and •. —rve a -.-p; u( *"ur 1 answer M avf'at «uv "ffb-e 10 t h e Tillage of flatt.buegh, j wwaywssxm^aiwrsa. «. H e l m o . w i ' r N Y , » ith.B twetily da) . after t^e ser- I AJBVrUKTjfiV v^erti-ieof oil yuo, eic.uasve o» t h e .!a« ..t serrue . and y.o a-« forttwr 'animoned and requ'ted !•• take notice. . «.'-.«•. ! you fail to answer the aaoi i-oin'lant within tbe tint aforesaid the ataintisT. will '.«ke; icgtuent against .-um of one bonure-i a".t seventeen acel 1 It* •'*,:-r. an-i intc-ct from January 11. I*b1», and Sbe costs of thi* as-lion Datesl f lattaburjii toe T7tb day of January. lfim>. Ii r fvmK. PlaintlSa* Attorney aSjsasssplaiat above meati-ioe-l was filed is Canton ssaalr Clert'i oMr. >v>. y 1 \-*fj ggWf D V t»»!»r.,rna«.UffV Attorney. DYER, P 1 A B «* VM.IX&, Manulacturers and WnolesalB Dealers ia •BatBTtr UWatS € * * . * « • . CWrs-A, aw BTo- 28 White Street, M*w York, njwensw. ima. Manjx.r. rott, m. aneoa »W-CenU' tinea Bosoms, Indies Collars and Cafe BM to oder. Manufoctory Guley's bnilding, Troy,». Y OF NEW YORE, SMITH M. WEED, Agsat. Plattaborgb, N.T. Dated OetobsrS.lfiSS J. at. irBTVw* sTKWKliBV BTXOIwK. Oae Door Eorth of C O O K ' S H A R D W A R E STORK. dealer ia 8tore. where yaa will find a good aewoHaktat jost reeeived, at Law ALSO, To fit the different kinds of Lamps, also jost reeeived, Oct 80.1868, tf nw OF LONDON. (Established A. D. 1808.) Cash aad Cash Aeeataalatioae over Viissw* alettes NEW YORK.. Wlsrre all losses are adjusted and paid. at. Is, wTlLIesVOW * C O . , Having been appointed Agents lor this old and wabstan- tUlCompany, are prepared to take insoraaea to tbe amount of aywafty TiswaaafaeT Osnlavra oa oas risk at rateaooeasueosuratewith the hazard ; sad en de- tached village residences and farm property they will take risk*forFive years at rates mneh lower than save Sella Uarlf €tw*w« T«MU ! AND AND Oil Store Opposite the Post OSes* ROT 12 ?*" By •. 9. Si •Aaaxotr*: -hfje, t , M o n t r e a l . I. aiLoug the j JSC aa.g«ai a L>oxn«Hstic OOrtOt*L8lOlsPH»'*H' SOOTCB AKD BOnKBtW WB3BJT»M tET sun No. 7, BtadacwBtrest, Atbaay. Jsn. v, 18CS. I W. R. 1 1 0 M L I T . BROMLEY k PARKS, Attorneys & Counselors st Lsw, Ne>. S«, WALX. BnUOBTi »•* as waB s i *S» pt noualy so p try it! >*tt ) Miias SraistM Baoaan NEW TORI. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. ^BT'Wsiehas.Cloeksaad Jewelry aeatly 'T^ttabirrxrh Inly 28 18*8. af s% HAHU Vow Havea, Baalord aad Balriavoro ASeetioa's own nnsje, that heal as they fan; By tbe balm ye have poured on a spirit bstf brokea. And ah t by the pain ye give, •waster than aU. X. Remember me, Myles, when 1 am departed. Lies over those momenta when they, too, are gone; Be still to year Minstrel the soft and kind hearted, And droop o'er the marble where he lies alone, XI. Bat oh! in that moment when over bjm sighing. Forgive, if hia failings ahoold Saab on thy brain ; Bessember the heart that beneath thee h) lying CaanevCTawaawtorrfhadtbeeagaia. Xlt Beaxeasher bow freely that heart that toothers Was dark as tbe tempest-dawn frowning above, Bnrst open to thine with the seal of a brother'e, And shewed all its hoes ia the light of thy love. • f MHeXeUAM. .. Term. sylweasraTifalptna (MylesOltlelly.) I. And my while ye pause o'er each aweat recollection. Let love like mine own on bis spirit attend, For to me his heart turned with a poet's affection— Jost has than a lover, and mors than a friend. fl. Wat he selfish r Not quite, bat hie bosom was glowing With tbrssging affections—unanswered—unknown. Bo looked round tbe worldfora heart oversowing, Bnt fouad not another to love has hia own. 1.1. Yet, how! Did the worthy avoid or forsake him 7 Ab, no I—for heaven blest bim with many a friend ; Bnt few were so treating that might not mistake him. Oh I aone wan a* dear that he could aot oflend. nr. Yet pases to his clay ia his dreary Dominion; I know that to me ha was good and sincere, And that virtue ne'er shadowed with tempering piuion An JstnssteT friendship than death covers there. •We are indebted to Mr. Bernard Tansey, of this city, Ma, to whom they were forwarded by Colonel McGee, of New Yo.k.—JfotUreo! Gazdic. wonder what diffrrenco that makes to me. j "N'atnrnlh-," sairl the bacbelfr. 4 Hnt »-c I will take it home in the rn< i _ " j licve me. 1 havp b.-wi the i.lea. I 1 ,u And Bell locked op the puckeiby.k and j thought ever since we mr». I will no! ask went down to her tea corjra fft ^)tiaiy I Joo to reply at onre. 1 »i!' I**ave yon for Bnt, MverUtcleaa, all > _•• i lof-j; sbe half an hour. Tin —tbf »<)vant«|rf* "I a dreamt of spending; one hundi*. i iollars, t larly's positior, aa my wife, will pn-sont and awoke in a torrille fright leet in some themselves more fnllv in that lime. mysterious way the dream might prove | Ho look his bal, ami IHIW-CII -a lifdf true. The pocket book was Fafe, however, trace of anxiety raMirr on his eye-brows and Bell, in ber old walking dress, set off at, than in hi« eyfe-. 11 <> ifrt-w the d<*>r softly an early hour to return it. after him, and left IMI al'ine with her temp- She fonnd Mr. Turvygood in his office—a tation. portly old bachelor, in a wig of araazing A home, huorions as a palace. Wraith corl. He made light of the loss, but wan j unlimited. A poMiion. No more anxiety,, politely grateful for the restoration. Bell; no more toil. A hnsbsml who wonld lie hoped he would say nothing of "reward," kind and courtly lo her. W h o arlmire«l and. aad he did not, bnt aa abe axon* to aro, be i in hia way loved ber. Tliie on one hnnrl : Spoke: I on the other, the governess life. With "I think I bare met yon sometime*. Yon health that hroko under overwuik. Karly As AdrentTire in Hew Ynrk \ f pat! v rlliri" thll.k pri.f.. En-at «f»rv - . ;• 1 r-lati-a o' « ! .. 1, 1 .- ! ••• \ r » ^ « " ', y a ; ifii it .ii . '!•• . ; • y 1 » i U' ! IH OW5 W if *- W i* 3HisrtllDDp0ns. 715. 717 Mat ALBANT.N Y TLLIJ IliiaSsTi.* awSat to the Mew jstk Cawtra flatBWfsNn^ JswCv'wsn^f aswsswJMaiS SeSfsW^ Aamwaw^am| jeSfjs^xrmwawawas^ .«mjmwaams ma for Skaala before deeerUtre of trains. rseetotbe Bo. f Qnios steaat. Troj, II. T. Ks« aad <^a Oysters Constantly** U J t t T E D S T A T E l * flOTCla, Crfosite tha N. Y^ aad Naw IUVM aad Watt- BELL UMWSM'B TEMPTATI0HS. BY MAsTT KYLK OAIAAw. Be'.l exclaimed, -I wish I were dead— almost," aa tbe door of tbe great boeae where sbe bad been giving mosio leeeoos the wish after a little pause. A flash of annligbt; the tiwtter of a eaged yellow bird, and a breath of air which, sweeping through tbe windows of a florist, eloee at band, brought to Bell, upon the sidewalk, a whiff of beliotropo and mnsk- itMC, gave birtb to i t ••After all, I'm wicked," thought Bell. "It might be a eery nice world if smote things were altered. It doesn't alwaya rain, and perhaps I shall get a new dress sometin^." So Bell took ber way homeward, in tbe light of the aetting saa; took three steps, at least, aad paaaad stooped suddenly, lift- e d wOnMwbiag from tbe w w t i t , and walk- ed on again. A street-boy, rnrnagirnr the gutter yelled •*alYefs," then seeing Bait* qoiet asem. con- cluded that she bad only dropped and pick- ed np^fgain ber own property. He waa mis- taken. Tbe heavy leathern pocket-book which Bell held io ber little gloved band bad been leet by some one or thrown by aome good fairy straight ia Bell's path. Bell walked home, and np into her own ball bedroom. The tea bell bad not mag yet; there waa plenty of time. She palled the pocketbook ofm, and peeped in. Ten feennieav a ear ticket, a visiting card or two, and— *My goodness T cried Bell: 'totwuly a one bnndred dollar bill! Wbf my good sng^eto were Itateiiittg to me. A—one—bnn- dred—dollar—Mi! -Tltf." thought Ban, "will bay the most bwsatifnl emit complete, trimming, making and all. It shall be blue. "Gtaciooa goodneee, it ina. mine, after aUT aaid Bell. "It mine loters. I can't gfieadaoeatolit:' Sao gave a little sigh, arMlkaxr face grew loss; bettwianiitthecriap now back into the ptMfotbeok and lo<sltt4 at the cards. ^toTiinrygaod. —yon teach music don't you ?" Bell bowed. "Have you more time for pupils?" Bell, wishing all the pupils at the bottom of the ocean, dared not say no. The con- sequence was that she left the bachelor's presence pledged to give lessons to hia two nieces. "The German master scolds them so, poor girls," said the bachelor." "They hate him. By the way, hia terms are Will they auit yon V 3ull caught her breath. She should never bare dared to ask half aa much. But she bowed again, and it waa settled. "I shall write a Siinctvy school book, en- titled Honesty the Beat Policy, and rnt my- self in aa heroine," she thought, aa she trip- ped away. "Two snch pupils are a little fortune." Bell began with them tbe next day. They were pleasant little creatures, obedient and mild, and with some talent—orphans, and tbeir uncle's wards, and living in bis hand- some booae. Often he waa present at tbeir seasons walking the floor with bis curly wig well dr eaged, hia bands under his coat tails, hia watch chain glittering, and his neck-tie at its neatest; at ether timet be sat in bis study just within the music room and dic- tated letters to an amanuensis—keeping all the while an eye on the young music teacher, who was quite unconscious of the fact, and who, being by no means vain, had no idea that she was making a very pretty picture as she stood behind tbe papils. Some one else watched Bell, too—furtive- ly, but admiringly. That same amanuensis! His soft hazel eyes took in ber beauty. His ears caught tbe tones af ber soft voice. And when people see each other, and bear each other speak frequently for a long while, ac- quittance eomes of it as a general thing, asstaaa tstey hmto «ncb otber. rattan* tbny were not Introduced; but when Bell, with- out an umbrella, met Charley Hope with one, in tbe rain, was it not natural that be should see ber home and that he shoald walk in, and (but from that time the two should be friends? We are all Siamese twins, with an invisi- ble ligature uniting us to each other, two- and-two, at the heart; or rather, nature meant this to be. One unloving being is a mere half, aot a whole and only the right halves kbit properly! "No one io love none to caress!" sarg poor BelJ sometimes, in that sweet soprano voiee of hers, meaning every word of it; and she could set herself a ciyicg with "Home, Sweet Home !" One year—two—since tbe pockctbuok was found and the new pupi.s came—and so macb in it, no more—and the miUsunjiner vacation was at band, and Bill was ia the bachelor's study waiting for her quarter's salary as quietly as thongh an event were not banging over her bead by a single bair. She looked out of the window playing with ber parasol. Sbe saw tbe sun fall aslant on tbe wall of tbe comer house. She saw tbe business men harrying homeward, or .dropping oat of cars at the crossings with a recklessness which always excites alarm in tbe female mind. Sbe saw the dog at No. 4 run out of tbe area and bark at the kitten on the window sill of tbe basement at No. 3. Sbe saw a man coming down tbe yootb fiitlinjr a»ny. Her influential friend changed to an enemy. Adown the future years, gray hairs, wrinkles and old maiden- hood. "Yes," and tbe first lot waa hers. "Ko," and the last. I?nt could sbe say : " j prvrroai-v ' » lim,*'>r I.is r. fl»-a'y, '.bat h a p»'ia..i »i at traciioiia are rjther al ov«- the average - Without Ivi-ing a hai«li«>riM' ma'i. b«> poatea- •<•« llic. In ••(•met.ta of ppot'etiewn ami jjooH nrfw in an eminent •lrgr<»«». Tin* aeema t<» be a nere^sary pr«'!ode to what follows : "I was ridins-t" l«« saya, " in »n omi.ir.vaa throngh an op-town atrmt, Tb«> tow- ns nsnjt', «a« (nil, an! th«i ocrnjui'** m;«r< ' I.moi.118 in aa;e, character anil rm ilifn'ti I had seen none of tln-m before, s»n<} never ry 1 pechrtl lo ajrain. aid simply saw them t••»•.•? i from a n itiahility to ?•'•• arvfhiti|r r'»<* V 1 lady nut nearly opposite me, of whnta I shoul.l have eai<*, if Aake<l at the moment of '"vea," when she did not love ? " •'Respect-friendeuip."-™ the tempter •>*"»*"*.• ,h * 1 « ,,p K""*™ 1 «**t °< "" »«*- whispered. 'And that love you long for | » nd n, »'" cr ^ P«"««"v.- » «n4 naked. T why cast away the sab- nevcr Bbonk, ''" ve ,ho "K bt o f , , P r -P**- thongh I now reanenrrter that sl.e 'o iki*<i at me somewhat peculiarly—not rn-le'y rnil wantonly, nor yet coyly and shyly, lint morn as acquaintances ami friends regard c<Ji other. When I had arr'ved at my destination. I Ktrtrvk the bell, the timer reined tip, atd I 8t«pped ont aiid minjrUrd with the «ur»;in^ crowd on the sidewalk. 1 had n<>t c""' more than twenty stepe, when I felt a litei-t touch upon my right arm. Turning, 1 re- cognized at once the lady I apppoaeii 1 Ivol left in tho omtiibua, bat who must Ln alighted immediately after mo. " Egcti-- tne," she said in a trenroloua voice ; instant ly oddiiiff, aa altenottcvd my mirprise, •*.*;,•/ trust me." I cotiM not treat IM»T ttidely, for somehow I felt that abe did not deserve it. I began to stammer something about impro- priety, &c, as delicately as I cotiM, to avoid a scene in the street, while we moved u!-.mg may never come stance for the shadow ?" The irometrts were gliding by faster than ever they went before, it seemed to Hell. The half hoar was gone. The doer opened. Mr. Turvygood came in. Ajrain he drew a chair to Bell's side. This time be took be hand. " My dear lady," he began, '• I may hope—" But then Bell shook tbe temptation off and remembered truth and womanhood. She would not sell herself. Ob. no! uo! She drew her hand away and arose. " It is impossible, Mr. Turvygood," sbe said " I cannot marry yon." He looked at her in surprise. *• Why not ?*' be asked. She gave tbe anewer sure as ber life. " I do not love you." " Girlish Romance," be said. "Consider, take time, you, * " I have considered," Paid Bell. " I re- io<reiher for a moment aa though the fe»t of spect you, Mr. Turvygood. I thank you for i Iriends. She qnkkly sail, «1 ktio.t. „i, -. my feeling so kindly to ine, but 1 must aay no." conduct seems strange to you. but t,-,-t >«•• And be saw sbe meant it. He arose and went to bis desk, drawing tbenee an ei.wl- ope. " The amount of your tuition fee. I think,'' be said, "and, by the way, I believe my nieces will not require your services any longer." He bowed; she bent ber head, and tbe door closed between them. Ue'l could not tietww tanght phtnsantly In that bouse any longer. Tct the manner of l.er dismissal had a spice of petty malice in it, and made her gladder that she had answered "no I am a stranger to you, but you aro not t:> me. 1 have seen volt before, and ahull m .i you again. De3tiny will have her own." And thus the embarrassing colloquy cot tinued. Whatever distrust I might hav« entertained was overcome by curiomtj ; and we. walked together (or over a square— one of jia, ut least, intensely perpleged in re gard to the situation, but fully determined to ctseckmate, in the end,any "Sew Yotk trick" which !iii{r!it be iu preparitiof.— Finally, n»y ciceroni-, f.jr atrcb alio had la- conic, s.iiil, "let us got away from tli-'-t Slxta went home with that nervous purtnr- ! crowded thorou-hfar.-, wr«-re we . m f., I batLn naturally following such a scene up- j murc a< eigc »"^ ,a,k m " rt * fr«e!j" a n ! » e on her. Her limbs trembiiiur, her heart ! twrnetf into a cross and very q'ii.;t rtrttf, beating too rapidly, when down tbe vista I uui,t °l» on o»<hcr side with f uu r< .1 s«n I of tbe street bhe fancied «he MW-as sbe j » ,one fronip, and which 1 knew to be one t had fancied so otten—the figure of Charlie j tlie Ili0h ' res|»ectabl« nei,;libor!i<><-!« ii, t 1 , Hope advancing. j entire city. We passed on nearly t- tl... And this time it was no fancy. It was re- ! joi.ction of another street, still vaguely t.,11. ally he. lie paused, with his hand out-1 io S< Lut » itl '°'' t g<-'ti"' c : any »a-it,faot..iy •..- stretched, and slw gave him hers. ' ' uii " u of l!,is '".Vntery, when t:io l.dy nid " His anything happened ?" he asked.— | Jt ' T,, >' "topped by the door of one of there "You are pale, you'tremble—why, Miss ' P alace "' aT,d Kii ' ! ' ' Thisia my ho-u- ; tl.-r , Lindeu you are weepins." | rtir " pointing to an elegant do->r p: ti.», stn 1 For bell had really tears in her eyea, and e ,ni!iu - B»eetly, _' there, air, in mycat.l." was cbookittg down the sobs thet'would rise [ congratuUted her u,.on the po.- byslerically in her bosom. " Take my arm," said Charles : "ivhatc.ui! I do! tellmr." But Bell could not apeak. The touch of his arm made her long to weep greater, lit, head bent lower. Her hair touch hi* cheek. Suddenly as fsiie still lean! upon hid .trm, hin other band alighted on bers and pressed it close and fast. "I cannot bear it, Bell," he said, ";o see you grieve atid have no right to comfort you. ! 8ir ' I love you so dearly, Cell—I have loved you for a long, long while. I meant to try to keep it to myself, darling, because I am a !. .! .ii; C„-0 ontli i.t such a home, but had made up my L.'II <] U.u*. I should ! ot etj'-.-r. 1 dil n-'t sat * >.; ,• .io I know tlutt any in ve i i.t B I;?;I- •: •••! . i IllUell to !l<r. I!lit e!:e Wl !. ' J. .1 .' wit-li lo ^o iii. .in i I iJi In.t » iiu I '. .'• _„,,,(-"—| ili.i'tgl.t -'.•• ,i Kii-i v. tilt a emphasis. Sb<- t!i'-i. iiol. a ii!:!- (.:, from her reticule, aiel ^n 1 ; to me t!i>- t i m e t t possible duplieaie o! the liamy upon tto door—"Mrs. ." "That i s m y i.atii--, take ii with joe. After the t-xp* riuiico of the last hour, 1 know you wii) l.u\e curi- osity enough to inquiie in r - g j ! ! t • m « — There IM !• t a man, woman i.or clu. 1 iu th a neigl.lioihoo 1 who iloes tiot ki.ow poor man, and it seems scarcely right to auk a woman to share povt-rfy, but 1 ara not! T1 " ,ts " w '* ,,l,ut lUo K ifts " f tU "1 tree shaded street and thought that he was ' master of myself, fan you like me, Hell,— . t,ie * li,s o! •l^*'^" al '' fc "*''"V- Charley Hope! He came nearer, and she will you let me win wealth with you, and j fonnd he was a stranger ! He passed ; aud j try to make you happy in all ways. 1 can sbe knew there waa no likeness. Then she; uot put my love into words, but it is the rati to wondering why lately so many people : truest love that ever man gave woman." looked, at a distance, like Charley to ber. j Bell did not try to check her tears now. He was not like everybody. He was pecu- j They fell fast under ber dtopped veil, but liar; and yet sbe saw him—a block off they were soft, sweet tears. The empty twenty times a week ! Tbia problem was vein in ber heart suddenly filleil, life's IK-UU i not know, but 1 know i/ J " ' - 1 - ' ' ed to meet you wl>t»i,i y>i 1 U > - '• the street.- 1 , for more than .» \ - s > ->••. knew,' tstie a-hle-l with a U-».t> t.a._- what an effort it c-->t in•* ' > m m . !•»• com.ii*; demeanor tth-n 1 •*•»'•* }••'• omnihii". you wn'il.l ii'it wotilcr .ilnu 'Ul. . a I /#»•.•,<<..,, t. 'h n.v ii i !•:». \n 1!ie. mer.'mrm « not solved when the door opened to let in j tiful poss.bihties all atuioetl , v ho could «» j t i l t s h.»pp< -n. -I Mr. Turvygood—who drew a chair cloaa tn I not «H> •"•» ihimr- but luo- t-ruiaent iut uiw- \iu M±"- ' -J'" ' bets, sat down and looked at ber—looked ; somehow wit.-out wor.lH, and in the .iuici h.oke atbsr in a bland Approving way, and smiled!; street Charlie Hope lifted her littlo hand to, •"'«•''' '" f -''J "" w Thaevent waa vary close at band now, but ibis lips, aud kissed it, aad so their troth ; nti- i. . iiielu.cn U n •hesmiled back unaware. was plighted. \ IU.ppeare.1 withti, t "Miss Linden," said the bachelor, "I have Jiell hao Leen happy ever siace, and oft.-n , l "** "' 1T ' : ! r in her sweet and quiet life she looks bu H abandoned u.y panic upon the past aud thinks of all a he might ] «"d ha-nly retirt..- have lost by yielding to either ol h.-r temp my sv! ; . — KM-.I altn ihr- nir»t^ tations, and though the first was the ineaner ' tme. Tuif-- J >y> U »^- < 'tips' d, a:. of the two, the lant would have l.ioujjht tin- ' iho lady was ri^hi most woeful punishment, for what could be more terrible than to he tnat woeful and confused by tbe question, and by Mr. Tur-! unloviu^ ibii.g, a woman who haa sold hei vygood'o eyes, which had never left her j self for gold, a wife who lm» utered laUe —ahem—a few words to tay to you. I trust you do not find anything to complain ol in yonr relations here. I Uust you bave been pleased. ,1 bave." Bell bowed. "I am. It has been— 1 have never bad sweeter pupils," sbe said, at last, t!i l!..- Ut-ijor! •!•- Jed up i..*3 nt'-i a e •!-. r .. i i upe. ,. r.h - .1' h l« 1,-IN.I .«, 1 tn luv hole; '.. i . i teWawjas; aricli m aotbing to trim, E . B t t # $ s ~ . " said Bell, tying ber aiaaBsBmWswita, "he most bava it- 1. face- "And I, dear Miss Bell," said Mr. Turvy good. "Yon do not find m» dictatorial, on- reasonable, unpleasant. ••Oh, dear no, sir." cried Bell. "Yon charm me," said Mr. Turvygood.— "Miss Linden, perhaps you are aware that I have a fine income. You have been famil- iar with my style of living. You confess no aversion to myself. To bs sure 1 have lived fifty years or more a bachelor, bat 1 am as young as ever. And—in fact Mies Linden, 1 isjtad you to remain this afternoon, that I might ask you to remain forever. I know of no lady whom 1 admire ao much who would ao well grace this mansion. In two words I desire to make you Mrs. Tur- vygood ." The event had traMpirt*j\ Bell daggered under it. "I had no id< tared. vow8 at ibe marriage aifi<r before her ji>!. IMPBOVK OrpoRTi'siTiKi.-. —Uur l»rds lite was a lite ot opporlun ties, b.-cnna« he wa- ready to take up the llnead ui hie where he tound ir. It rebukes the hie of many a dt» ciple of liif, whose door ia never darkened, u ' year alter year, with a soul craving (rotn JJ., him a knowledge A UM bread of life. 1': rebukes many uuolber, who so hedges him . ! u c : ' " self within himnelt, by a paaciun for siivu ,sein n larity, or by a cool indiflerence io the world s ; Miu-.e . needs, thai white the world mar »Uti<i •we of bim. or even bate bim. it washc* ' most of all to bury him out of si^ht. oin: I li Ul. a! . X«..w K..' -il~iit *,ri l b i i.i-h.il..t ,! v--ar» :i£L. ieaviiip; i,. r a ».ry ', u propet'v. ineluijing the i. i'iw- w «-iv aides, v..ih one ehi! 1. .. d i i^l.trr v- »t» * f uiv. .*"tie ii vir' . -'..^ <* io u;. i etli.ti.•!;.' i'lehned to I-lli. . J'O • .j. i, -A ..ii !. !. i« lu'ely ii«i- nto-.I '!•-'; i.t n. .o.'Ui- 1 du« t 1, l.i/tv .t , i'. ' > ! eh IW l ..- irat rnt .^'- .i .« i'. » , nearl a iii .fitu ai<> i ,t h.-.ud tr..iu my b'-w ilifn iill! tie pru.JIIR*"! t • appt . iho 4,«'.i«t"i' Vv heu bo dote. reader, Iwi' appris- >o». Yo, In one of oar large cities, a ahort time ago, w enter IT editor was met by a friend, who taking bim by the band exclaim edt 1 shall 1 am delighted to nee you. are yon gum,; to stay'" '•Why 1 i: ink." aatd the editor stay while my money lasts." , , . . "Uow dibappoiolc I I am," aaid hia friend. I a t h , » ,,,, *' r r '"' I did not think," sbe fal- i "I hoped yuu a as goio* to w*y a day or ' we have tt j two." 'popieUr d«i-» " fijrir'Aw f excUiiu-dan f let-y to a western ir»\.:i'-r i llow is^ig speaktti^-aw ' o! tbe a» ' pi:'f ate you the hentail .n \ ' eiwica -ileOUt!?" f a . i t h e A .-r e. tur « i ti ii.ri'ui i a .u America ai^J a »«» V- i 3

~JL I - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1869-03-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · esmal j chaiaa • thence south tn the Sonthwick Inf. I eaat twenty chains to

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JL^JLX^ Jl\~JL I • R . t i . - T O M U K r i s t e r a n d P r o p r i v t w .

» t i I 1 t T~" THE GBEATE6T GOOD OF THE GREATEST K V H B E B . " ~ B C • t b • m T F U M S - T M * Irtvllar* a \ r a r


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T,.!*•'>* bi *f« T m^S***- * t '*n thr w*«t h» >..t rntnWr tPD. *M» Th*» •ontTi hv lot num»#r tw»»iil_» t » n . o « 1 b p « * ! <»

' . o t B i i i B V i t t f ' * f , (vnfiMHrif t * " bun^T««l nn*1 fifty • «,•»*>« H». tK» «* m • m"r* r * •»«•. twJnf * piirt of 1 h* «j»m# *^W*n'"it'» r ^ n f y M ?of*«i*i* I*b«ii Arwoiti l»» K*mi«

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m«tiiot«i at law tn rfrrrn thf A-bt arcnred bjr nueh mortjapfrir any part thcrrof.

K*>w. IherHor*. nr.tif# i* hrrahy ffir#n that bf Tirtn* of 1H^»a«i pr>wi*r of &al«* r«mta.in#Hl ID aaid mnrtjK*** » 'loir r»c«'rd»<l as »Inr»«airl. an<i in pnraaancr of th» "*tai* in «ocb <TH» msdpan<1 protid d, th^aaH mort-tr*x* will br tntrtlo—J h i a »al» of tb# p m l M

irrmM awl w*v ••» <"»»d h n n w dat,. .«, HI 2<»th. 1HS4. ' lB ,h* ^BHC »f Mattabunrh, In th» cmintr »f ritoUm. ..,Ar*r-v*^< »n«».«*t>.. I«34. in tlw> n»rV« ofllr. „ f . <-i>'1 > 12th day «t Ma;. 18«9, at It o'clock at BOOS of •-•» foontT of Ctintro. in wlnm* V of <tr«i«. par*. «0 j ">»*«'»y ci ana «2 »»r»-ptiBi th*r»'^-.m Bflwn acr« hwtnlnt* , Tb* aaid prraii—a ar» dncridad in uid iw>rti»»» a« a~Wv.K S » « T * I » * C M . . . « of IV.. ntat and of wid i '"»"»» : " Alt th»t portoiopi»e» or p»r«l ot l»B.t rtt Xh-rfi p . « of ih» n«.'h h.'.f of l-t No 11 f »•*» "> ,"» '"»» »t * « ' • aror»«a.td. tn-in? th» Mnitb-

Ahm that wrt.in ofhrr P W » or parr.) of land «itnat» T**! fl'-f^rof lot nombor niof (») of tb« fbor hoo-th* aaid town of > n«bi». Winr part .1 lot n..rob»r ™ • • « *"«»t* w w Kefagre lots, containing on* huo-

• dr*d and ftTfarrr^ mm** r lem." I>«t»d Frbnarj 13,1»6>. VTII.1 JAM H RAX, tB>;12 GFfiRGE W SAX,


»Wh»rrt» d^aol t p»'m*ol "I Ht» rron»T w

rt>!W ).» a <»!-»»,,, n w t p a s * i'a«»d IW ?4ih .',«» of V.r,-» . I « M , ' w n i « f b> AlVo V Ane-ll tb»n o* to* •>.n„ . • Von»r. n i r i o n i o t m - r , V»w Y<r» to Jn'io« C H:i).h»-I of • ban . in «ani roon'jj, an-i which mortgage ^.,r'«V».i a pr^rr In l t > ».<-r«t'wff o r ),i« a««irli« to "!! to» rofw-i r »r«sl prwo.an opon 'l»<aold l>»ii>r rnad» <n ai<i o"TjrJ

I,if>r; of h | <-h m'Tt^ar*1. »nH wan »fOTd»<, in r <*l.m r . . f , n ^ . . . „!B^» on !!,» SOtli Any of March. !ft.M at U t oii« U ' V, .n 00.-V Y o mortimr*« °» P*«*s 1 m n t o *.t t ^ *^: ,~"."„"~ "r* vc» •• ^„^ . ! , . „ . » . , » , . , , .o .1,,'.,,. r. H.ih»-ildi,t . r T ? 1 8 A U - I - o ^ f ^ r - e GREAT IXPIAN REBEPT. !••.«.-,*. rfn!t a««.cn it- <JIW iRortfuro t.. Wiiliani H I i» *»'r»i»t«l. ».id In broad an ! unphatir latnroac*. ^ x i ;« r:e \T <.*, , „ , ; H o o r r C. S 3 , .if n . s r r a <.rr

W * r * D * * ' ' v " • ' • ">*» t * r»ll»d opern tn makr a por-• aid an ' t l „ «»mo . . now own»d hr thrn- and w h n n a ? ? , " " " c u ™ " ' * " l i"»»»»» of tb« Tb.oat . I^mia, U w , ' k r t n . . i n M f * , m o l t , . l . * , . .,„.,n . . „ i m „ n ™ ™ >t ! *;«nn»T», r>i»«t.T» Oi i»n». fcc. Af Wfll a« Scrofula.


Great Shwhwipfs Rrnedj! or T^I raaaurn t m u

O R . L E W I S j r o > E P H r « . of tb» aMhuroUlml Tribe of 'boaboww, CjlnmWn Tarritory. ia now for u l f in too tnioo.

*• an'onrit c U ^ m ^ to he iluo upon "aul wn^fsf

S. WBIGHT MOIJCOMB. Attorney. Aaaigneea.

*• tl»* aaid town of >n«abl*. being part * t5»e m a t*»rt of Tw#'iTr thooaand aero* printed to Z>ph-

anwt* Piatt. F*q . in two parr*l« of *ix !hon.«»nd af"« • arn in tlar tbra tnamahip of Prro. ennntj and u'ale aforaaaid. and the part intended to be "conreTeii w t^Hiaded a« fotlowa. rit : Beginniog at the north we«t

"•rtnweol led namber R*». af.>re<aid. rnnniae thence •»ntb aloaa thw weat Hne of aaid tot fortr-two chaiaa to a, ctnne w the north line of land formerly owned be fin i ^ Harkmeaa ; tfeewe eaat twenty ft>nr chain* and' fifty

'i r t< to abattemat pnat onGilhert Taew'a we«t line and north east earner of I*>TM Rarknea*' laud ; thence north j Wood and Waller E Wood, Plainlilla, against Alrln Ara .ty *wo ebaina , tnenee weat twenty foor ebaina and

•*ft« tin**- to the vtaee of berinaiajr. «aid to contain ewe hundred aereaoftand1 be the aaaae noteor lean, except :mt from the aboee dearribed pretnlaea thirty aerea at NwJ de«rrlhed and boonded a» follows : Bejpinninw at •*he northeast corner of aaid Int of land formerly naraed 11 ftaTtd Harkneaa and by him wld and deeded tn tb* aa d Deaiar and Iaban Arnold, and rnnnin* thence norh to the middle of the road ot bHthway leadi (tfrcro Edward Halleck to tbe IJttle Aoaable Rrrer: Uieneeweat

TEriW YORK STTntRME OOPRT—Connty of dlntoti. £t —YSetcr A _Wood. Orrille K Wood, Albert G H

old. Defendant. To Alrin ArnoU. tte'endaat. Ynn are bereor anmmoned to anawer tb* complaint

of Victor A Wo d, Orrllle K Wood. Albert G H Wood and Water E Wood, tbe aboee namedplaintin>, which was 8led in tbe «Bce ol the Clerk of Clinton txranty, at Platfl.nrgh.N.Y ,of tbe2»th day of Jannary, lgsg, and to aerra a copy of eoor answer on the aobacrtber, at fata office hi the Tillage of Plattabmeh. N. Y„ within twenty daya after the aerrice of thia Snmmoaa, excld-

erd'r along aaid l.ighway to a point therein from • sire of tlteday of aerrice, or the plaintiffs will take ah.rh aatraia+it trnedr<wn tothe north line of the ' jndement asainat Ton for tbe anm of fifty aix dollars and abo»e described piece of land parallel to tbe west line , n nwty casta, with intereat thereon from the tenth day •bereof. wfttmakera aft oo both sides of mid road tbns ot June, 1867, be*idea cost*of this action. • aaea oat from the west s!de of the abore con reyed lot <uat thirty acres of land and t o more, being tbe same prenriaeaaMiVayad on the 30th day of September. It3», •o aaid l«baa Arnold by Uaaxar Arnold and wife by dead

I racorded 1*39, in

datad taw «(tb day or September. 1R3», and < Uataw eoaatT Clerk'a »«ce rteeember 12tb Vol S of deed*, page* 1ST and 1SS

Alea that certain other piece or rarcel of land »it oate, lyiagand betag tn the town of A usable, count* or Clin-toaaad State of New Yotk. and described aa follows: being a part of lot number fire in tbe general division of tbe tweire thooaand acre location, beginning at a •take m tb* west line of aaid lot running; thence north Twenty «»e chains en said tine to a stake ; tbenre eaat twenty caains to a stake : tbenca south twenty-free

s-iains to a atake ; tbance went twenty ebaina to tbe place of beginning, containing nfly aerea.

Abu aU that ether piece or parcel of land situate in the) tcwa. eoaaty and itateafbteaaid, romroeticing at'he waatb eaat coraerofthe aboeodeacribed piece, rwmlna; tawawwoaat eight rods ; tbenee north twenty rods ; "tbaanaweat eight reda. thence sooth to tbe place of be-ajianiaar, coolaioing owe acre of land : brine; the same preenisaa coon yed to aaid Iaban Arnold by Edward Saerthariehand wife and Paul Sonthwiek and Abigail Sootbwiek by deed dated April 15. IMS. and recorded in tbe) Cbatna eoontf CVrk's otace on the 21»t day of Sep­tember. ISM. in Tolume 14 of deeds, pages »i and So.

Also that cwrtaia other piece or parcel of bind situate, lylag and batag ia the town of .daaable. count r of Clin-t. n aad Stat* of New York, deacribed as follows, being • part of lot eumber Sea in the general diTunon of tbe twetretbousaad acre location beginning at tbe north want corner of tbe Sonthwick lot ; thence north to tbe kacattno tine ; thence went along the location line esmal j chaiaa • thence south tn the Sonthwick Inf.

I eaat twenty chains to the place of beginaina;, r ftfteen acres of tand be tbe same more or teas

• aa eqaal undivided tbtrd part of aaid lot. being The* aanae preroise* d^^ril*cd in a certain deed from'Eiea-aar Arnold to tbe said Lab n Arnold by deed dated April 3»tb, l * » .

Also that certain other piece of bind ntnate in the aaid t o w s of Aasakle as«" is part ' f 1st nnaabee six l a t a * Little locatiow, so called aad ia bnaaded aa fbOawa : awaws--mn.' at a stake and atones thirteen and one third rods siontb of tbe north west corner of Juhn tlsborn's home farm : thence south about seventeen ruda tn the north s'aat corner of land 'ormerly owned by Taul and Edward Sonthwick : thence we-d about eighty rods tn the east line of t«bnn Arootd's home farm ; thence north abuut thirty rod* to the south lin» of I«wis Fish lot (so call­e d ) ; thence east about fourteen rods to the south, east

corner of the l*wia Fish bit . thence s. nth thirteen and - «>ne third rodst.. a stake and atones ; thence east about siite-aix rods to tbe place ol beginning containing about

Dated January 19. IMS. CEO. L. CLARK, Plaintiffs' Attorney.

33w7 Platt»bargb,N. Y.

f b r B * H . J .

SrPBBIE • OCRT—COTMrTY 0Y CIJSTfW.—Amena Ball, Pbuatill. against Julia O'Brian. John 0'Brian

and Esther 0'Brian his wi'e. Jeremiah fl'Brian and Ma­ry O'Brian hia wife, tmma Comer. Jul a Davidson. Car­rie O'Bnan. Ellen Hackle j , Margaret Myers, I.ucy Jones. FJixabeth O'mare, Lydnt Ami O'Brian; AlidaWallackand James M. Burroughs, Defendants,

Ti. tbe Defendants : Yen are bareby sntnmnoei to intwtr the complaint

or Amelia Ball, the ab .re named plaintiff, which was Sled tn the efltee of tbe Clerk of CDaton county, at PiatLsborgh. N Y , on the serenth day of Jannary, Mow. and to serre a copy of yonr answer on the subscri­ber at his office in the Tillage of Pmttabnrgb. Clinton county. S . Y„ within twenty days after the eernce of this summons, exeloaiye of the day of service, or the Plaintiff witt apply to the Conrt for tbe relict demanded U tbe complaint.

GEO. I . CLARK, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated Jannary 7th, 1869. 31 w7

NEW YORK i-l'PRKME COCRT—COCKTY <W CLDf-toe. Anthony Kelly. Plaintiff, against John B.

Pbinney and Martha Pbinney bis wife, and John C. Big low,refendsnts. To the defendenta John H. Pbinney and Martha Phinney bis wife. Yon are hereby sum­moned and required to answer the complaint of the said plaintiff which was filed in Clinton county Clerk'a office in I'latUburgh, N. Y., on the 15th day of February. A D. 18B9. and to serve a copy af yonr answer on me at my office, in the village of Flattsburgh, Clinton county, N Y, within twenty days aftei the service tnreol on you, excluaiTe of the day of service : And yon are far­ther summoned and required to take notice, that if yon fail to answer the said complaint within the time afore­said, the riaintiff will apply to this CViart for t i e relief demanded in the complaint.

m. 36w7

• WlawPw' eStw^eTwswty.

llatuburgb,N. Y.

TbETBICT Conrt of the Cnited States for the North MM rrn HUtrict of New York. In Bankruptcy. So. 2x96. tn the matter of Benj.min F. Farnsworth, a Bankrupt.

Northern IHstrict of New Y'ork, sa. A warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said

Conrt agaim-t the estate of" Benjamin V Farnsworth, of are and a half acre* of land be the same more or less, \ the coon'.y of Clinton and State of New York, in said

' bevag the same premises conveyed tn said Laban Arnold j l»i*trict, adjudged a Bankrupt upon the petition of bis by Ashley ArnoU and wife by deed dated July 7th, | creditors, and the payment of any debts, and tbe delive-Igjd ry of any property to him or to his use. and the traas-

Siubject. however, to the Power of Delia Ann Arnold, | fer of any property by him ore forbidden by » » . A widow of salt faban Arnold in the above described pre j meeting of tbe creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their raises, winch has been heretofore admeasured and set •. debts and choose one or more Assignees oi bis estate, apart to her from the abov e described premises, being , will be held at a cuort of Bankruptcy, to be holden at part or pare* thereof, and is described as followa : All ! Kee-ev.tle. in aaid District on tbe 23d day of March, A 'hose certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and : I> 1 V.W. at 10 o'clock A M. at tbe office of Samuel Ames. being To the t.-wn of Aus»M* aforesaid, bounded and de i one ..i the Registers in Bankruptcy of aaid Conit at •crib-d as follows: Beginning at the nortbnest corner of j Keeseyille aforesaid. EDWARD DOD1I, 'h«tjir«n A'noM farm •hence east on the Imeation Line Cnited States Marahal. ten ebaina and eighteen lin a to a stake and stones ; | Bv WARRtN DOW, Deputy aa Messenger. S8wJ t h e n » south parallel wi.b the west line of said farm to , . . . _ _ _ _ the highway near a maple tree thence west along j terjBsbamMJfwUawUf, K o . l D O t . the mid-lte of the bigbwar t.. t!.e «>uth we,t cuner of, •wk-y"ORTHEBv rdSTRKT OF NEW YORK, ea. At Pots s»i.t farm thence north to the pi ,ce «f l*s,nning coo ( ^ j ^ j u n c , i u D , JJ. Y.. the 4th dee of February, A. tainrag about thirty three acres of lat-d be tbe same ( j , j g ^ The undersigned hereby gives notice of b s more or iess. " * * " . , . . . . . . . , appointment as assignee of Benjamin Fitch of Mooers

j i l t , that certain other piece of land beginning at the »;,;*., | n the county of Clinton and State of Sew York, ..... . . , . - v - i__ X K . _ • » - ' " - - ' , i l h ^ „ H „ , „ „ , , ; , b „ t a , i M . l j e l p d , Bankrupt

upon hi* own petition bv the District Court of aaid Dis­trict. CHAS. S. BIXBY, Potsdam Junction, N. Y

Ui»3 Assignee, *c.

-acrth west corner of the Nelson Thew farm ; tbenee e»otb to the northeast earner of the Harknesa farm ; thenev west four chains and »erenty-8te lialts ; thence Torth to the m:.l.iie <jf the Llgbwiy . t' en« ea«t seren-tTfive \ nks : thence tiorlh onethsiii to the nottii Wl-st c-rner ..f a plum yard ; i h e w e ea- t pa*ssr.g through Tbe >,*use on ?he north <-*W of the two «outh rcK-ros on The lower fi-wr . thence f-utb to the highway , thence s-a-T to the p.ace of iie^mnio^. containing abuut three acre* *>f larol i-e the ?am* m»ie or less .

A..- 'he north e*«: <-hain'«-r b..!ro.im. with the right

IZ. I ^ t S T u i t c c y . no. ISTi 4.

NORTHERS MSTKliT OF NEW YORK. ss. AX Potsdam Junction on the 5th day of February, A

I>, lb60. The under-.igned horefty gives not'ee orhis an poiutment as AsKijrnee of Albert Ladue of riattsbncgh.in

to .c-ci.pt the RI rrhea»t . .rn-r of the front chamber i tbe cc only of Clinton and State of New York, w.lhiu with a bed. alsi.tbeeaf. :.'. rd part of t;.e cellar and tbe said District. w;;o h»» been adjudged a Bankrupt upon rest th'rd part <i the » --". -h.'d and jo eq al I his own iHrtitiun. bv the Distr et Oiurtol said District right to the hog pec M-1 the w-u w ".h the 3Sw3 W». HEED, Phutsburgh, X Y, Assbjnee, At;, n u h t t.? pas* to ari'2 !r> : . the ab-.ie descr'bed flac^i wiu.«ut pre.entirig ..'Her occupanu Srom uaiog t i e re- ThTlfij>TlCaE^-Bv order ol D. S. McMasters. Snr-•na.-n.ng portions nf the b i»e.'- ^ r.^ate ul l i iBho county. Notice is hereby g.ven

ItateJ January :3d.. IHnS according to law to all oersnns having eUiroa against t» 1N-U»W C WATSfiX, Referee. France Joseph DATigoos, M. D., late or Black Brook.

HhWirT & WAT-><»". Plaintiirs Attorne; s. 33w7 deceased, that tbey are required to exhibit the same with the Touchers thereof to the subscribers at the res-i it-ace of James C. Fitzgerald iu the tovn and village of Black Brook in said County, on or be'ort the 25th day of Jul'. 1869. J. C. FllZGEBALD.

J. E. D'AVIGNON. Dated Jan. 8,1869. Administrators,

MM O R T G A G E S A l X - * - » ' w - default i , s . u- .n « .s ' • .n th^ [wiviiient of the moaer se­

cured b> a e-sctvafe -iated the 1Mb .lay of Way. 1S6*. •xecut*-: ls« ^ arf. tie M <;.:- &ni .loiin W. "t.iies of t b e t-ewri *,i Ao.* l . : c . ....uiitv of t i . t i tou and Mate ot > » V- i« t " - e m . ' . u r N Am^* of -own aforesnid. and wbich mort/»<e easrecor le . : iu the i'lerk s ofKceof sai.l , IWI « . . » . - . s- .• • .. ^ - v "" c..ur.t. m L h e r l l" ,.| Mortgage-..n page *o» « c . „n

! - I * n ' o t o , n Connty. Notice is hereby given according the Vl.t . i s . of M»T. i , « i . at 1'., c:..< L anl 3«i v., P. M. J" '»" l" »'• P"*<™> having claims against Anson Hngle

And whereas t h e ^ o u n t cornel to be due up-n -aid ; Uteol Clinton deceased, that they are required to exhibit morn-age at the t tn. o: the Br,t pu;.;i.-s'..,n ,.f thi. no- i -*<™ * J«h the voucher, thereof to the subscriber at. the f -e . ,, the .um ..f .»1«SS) one hun-ired and f-ur •!. I { hi>use of Reuben W. 5=o.-a> o o e o ( tbe executors of de-' . . -» : . i f t -« five cent., to wit : $100 of principal and i J****11'" -'<= town of Clinton in said County, on or be­s t .11..! ,-.:.r~t »nd wt.cb is the whole amouut' ir~ . .-•« the lSthdav^April 1STO,

•*.-i moitga.-e.

NOTICE.—By Order of D.S. etcMasters Surrogate of n; - -

v.» he-eb re not„-f ,. hertbv ^veo that by virtue • m ' conlasCc* ,i. sa,.! mtirtgaje and du-

. . . • s lat ( ..re-s.. ca«e made an

in purfi»«5-e .*i4e.!, the fcairt mortgage ]

. i » Mile o! the ptemi-e« therein d* J .. auc •! . ct ti.e . S i c ot H e . i t t k , ^ m

of Ausa l . e eouni.t of t Iitton a n d , J * k Y v 0 1 * l l ( & _ y *



O K O . G A L . L A O H E B .

the virions skin diseases. Hnmors. end all di««n-*« arhing (mm Imparity of tbe bhwd, excepting the third stage of Consumption. in Canada where tb is great Retnedr baa hern ia one for a abort time it baa indeed effected some of tbe most mar veloos cure< ever recorded in the annals of historical medicine 8orh being tbe case m addition to its former renown in Columbia lerritorv we defy humanity to dis­pute the fact that this, the Great Sboabnnees Remedy, is tbe Remedy of Remedies of tbe 19th Century, aad the greatest boon ever held at the altar of lonering hu­manity. ^*

Price of the Basaedy In huge tints. SI 50 Manufactured by F»r Young k Bros., at Syracuse. » Y For sale by all dealers In medicine.

K E N T O N , P O T T E R & C O . , Wholesale and general agents for Syracuse. N Y

For Pale at Ptattaburgh. K Y. by J E Morrison, GO dy k Co., ti B Batch and John Percy,

The great Shoshonees Remedy of Dr Joaephos' Colom­bia Territory wbic'i lias also been Manufactured In Can­ada, is now. for tbe first time in theCnion. being man­ufactured by Dr Young k Bro, of Syracuse. S T .


Messrs. Chamberlain at Co..-^>DtbwMn : t, Wilson aorme, make oath kno say. I feel anxious to let you know "-a t fJieGreatSbosutiiiees Remedy has effected forme. My wife was afflicted with consumption, and dies. I was also afflicted «lth the same disease and af­ter her death. I continued sinking just as she bad done. I had very severe night sweats ; coughed nearly all night every night, could not sleep unless a tittle toward morn­ing : I raised over a quart of matter every 24 hours, bad severe nam in tbe iefttwag, fcc, fix, and was great­ly debilitated ; in fact I was going as fait aal could, ] was taking medicine from a regular Physician, but.it did not even relieve my cough I went to tbe village one day, about a quarter of a mile, wtiieb took me toco aad come about two hours; while there I saw Sqaire welliag ton and happened to say to him. '• I wish yon could give me something to relieve my couth." Re aaid "there Is a great Indian remedy just introduced, Dr Baker baa it for sale, and I believe it will enre yon."

I took his advice, and brought a bottle home with* me, took a teaspoonf ul at once, which I felt through my whole system At night I took a tablespoonfnl, and rest ed well all nbrht and continued to rest well evei v night Tbe cough, night sweata. raising of matter, pain in the lane;, fee, gradually left me, and I got hearty and strong. I took only three bottles, I am not taking it now. and I am as hearty and as wel ias l ever was In my life. Mr sister-in-law was with me for awhile, who was atected with fiver complaint, she has Ukentbe remedy and is well. This certificate yen stay show to 1 he world if you please. Wiuow Proawg, Brighton, C. W.

Sworn before tu at Brighton. C W, this2fith day of August, UOS J B Yoct-3. J P . Reeve.

% 1 I It WnusroTov, j p.

rTtHE snbaeribeT cdesra ror sale a great variety of Nara-X ery stock compels og

Agsawe Testes, in great variety, of ordinary and ex­tra ai».

P e a r Tree* . Standard and Dwarf, superior tress or the most choice and t ardy varieties.

T r e e s , a good variety. t Yle»ee, a great vnriefy. all the best, bardi-. earnest, sotted to this climate, of one, two

and three years—extra vines of bearing sise. r m r r a n t e , , full stock of the best kinds. RajrsAerrtra, do do do do BtavrMerr lee . Wilson's early and Kettatlnny, Mis-

anart Mammoth, the three best. B ' r s w h e r r t e a . ail tbe most valuable kinds. AsamvwaTeM, Giant, plants of one and two years. Baasrwau-Sl, Linnaeus and Victoria.

XTedaVe) Jr*l»nt"—Bu ithnra and honey Lsenst E ^ e n r e e i i T r e e s r - N o r w a y Spruoa, aad

American Abor Yttso. i n o - t s r w x H n t v ^ l u e a t M a . a autre varlety-C U m b i n t r ^I«ntar-Hoaey 8ockle, Ivy, Ylr

IFfDaft Ca"nwrf-*»r. | « ,

O w y t o a TIoco» riitalMfii. Mow, BjfctH efcl-sMkf waW.

A spHrodid asaortsseat at Ion fa$a> 6«>d for esUlngue.



K a r l y R o s e , the beat of all early Potatoes, sent by mall. SI per pound.

. bttahel i t i p e r b b l Cas*H, • " ' * »nd very fine 75e par peek;

, heat for late crop 60e per peck; (at M S4 per bbl per bu

PUttsburgh'rebruary 10, IMS

< W S B ^ p a r b b I W * e , , , P to»L!!^L«J-?.P* JOBNW BAIIJlY tmy

rTw>Clsa, aw* X w * have determined to sell our

C L O T H S A T R E T A I L , for the SAME PRICE we heretofore sold them by the piece.

We have a very desirable aasartaMat of

or Maa aad Boys Wear, which will h» sold at E s t m r a s M l y L a y w M e s a ,

8 . W. GKEGORT ft CO. Piattsburgh Nor. 21,1867.

P g s r t E M I X M S V I L A J f C C C O . ,


Cash Capital. «SOO,000 00 Surpltu Match 1st, 1864, 222,216 20

Assets, $722.219,S6 sws> la iurasee aa^Isot* laaa b« Fira. : 1U-

rls» lawt .Ca«« l a«s) tatsMMT tPiaipiHilhai . 8TEPHRW CROWELL, President,


M. K. PL ATT. Agent. 21ti Platteborgh, K. f .


PROVISION STOEE The Subscriber desires to say to the people of Piatt*.

burgh, that be hasrecently returned from market with a large and complete assortment ot firoosriss and Pro-vis loss consisting ot

Pork, Floor, Dried Beef, Smoked Hsllibnt,

Fish, Batter, Lard, Salt,

Starch, Soap, Candle*, Tea,

Sngar, 8piee«, Raisins, Salaratos,

Coffee, liolaaes, Vinigar, Kcroaene Oil,

caniie>) fruitt? of all kinds, „u-l a)! other articles in tbe line to be found in a G rocery Stcre. These goods have been purchased at the lowest market rates and will be sold as cheap as they can be bought at any Grocery Store in this section. The sub­scriber would reepecttulty solicit a share of the public patronage.

Store at his market on Margeret St., in the atone row .—south end—opposite the Post Office,

sstr December Sd. 18«8.



tttmwHVm W*m - axfa stABGARET 8TstJaTET.


. Fine Calf BooU al-wayg on Basxl aad MADE TO ORDER. . Mslwlitikl s m a ] s i lanM!. Poliak Boots, swasoral* aad Gaiters of the finest iMtsrial aad wuratataiashrp at W holesaU prices.


A Larga AfMrttBwat of Kit* aad COW. BIDE BOOTS, Ladies' WINTiR BOOTS, OVER SHOES of artery deawriptioa tot Ladies aad Geatlessta.

%Bj.Xsiea.«toMFiadtan,eT«. P n a a p t a i . teatioajaicl to Cwstoat work aad raaairiag.

JtW*-Work made to order by (ood a a d a z -perieeWed workaten.

jnsw" Remember tbe place, OPPOSITE vriTH8RlLL'8 NEW HOTEL.

Platt8bttrfhSeptl2,18rJ7. Sat

warwABjreD. Verses written by the late Hon. T. D. McGee. relating

to bis own death : also. Yer«es, in Memortero, by his Mead, tbe laU General Balplne (Mylea OVislly.)*

I. In tbe time of my boyhood I bad a strange feeling

That I was to die in tbe noon of my day, Not quietly into the silent grave stealing,

Bnt torn, like a blasted oak, sudden away.

H. That ansa ia the hear when eojoynsest wnebesest.

My lamp should quench suddenly, hissing in gloom. That eves when mine honors were freshest and greenest

A burnt shoo Id rash over aad scatter their bloom.

tn. R anient be a sjasy M srheWbetwegwiaal,.

Of dark visions taking the semblance of troth. And it might be the shade of tbe sto:m that ia enmisg

Cast them in it* morning through the sunshine of Youth.

TV. But be it a dream or a mystic revealing.

The bodeaaest has haunted me year after year. And wbsnever sty bosom with rapture was filling,

I pa net for tbe footfall of late at mine ear.

T . With this feeling opon me, all feverish and glowing,

I msbed ap the ragged way, panting to fame ; I snatched at my laurels while yet they were bfooasing,

Aad wen for my gaerdoB the half of a asms.

YL My triampbaJ viewsd, frost tbe least to tbe brightest,

As gay Sowers plucked from the fingers of death ; Aad whenever joy'a garments flowed rfcnsat saw bright­

est, I laok'4 far the akalttoa larkjagbsasath.

YTL Oh (Head of my heart, if that dona, should fall on me. ••And thou sbouldst Hve aa to remember my love, Come oft to tbe tomb, wbea tbe tarf Ilea apoa me,


vm. Lie dows by that bank where the river is eracpiag

All fearfully under the still autumn tree. When each leaf to the sunset is silently weeping,

Aad sigh for departed say % thinking of me. W.

By thsamileeyehave looked, by the words ye bare

M B , H O R N

WHO's a practical eigar manufaetorer, begs to aa, nonsn to the public of Flattsburgh and rictaity

that he baa oa band at him manufactory on

Opposite the Post Office, in the "atone row," a large and compete assortment of


O I O A R O A S E S , T O B A O Q B O X ­E S , T O B B A C O ,

and all articles to be found in a tobacco store. The public are invited to call examine his stock and

prices. His goo-la are of the first quetity, aad if n^t found aa represented will be exchanged.

SS* Hotel, Tavern. Saloon Keepers aad country deal­ers furnished at wholesale prices. tf


Ft*mtt.urc • • • Unjlisbiery

G O O D S . Alaia*aaaortmeat of

C H R O M O 8 kept eonstaot'y on hand.


of all descriptions to suit the trade.

Cottaa and Catskets of d ifferent st vleB in readiness at all times trimmed in the latest lash ion SStf

If T o n Are In W OF

C r o c k e r y , G l a a a W t u r e ,

Lannterna, $c.f lVjat forget to eall.'si

S A B H ' - O O O R . S X , I J V J D A3*D w F i r f t d o c r , „ , , „ , B f f t t j , . , , . - ft g . , ^ A U A i a n a A ^ i i i e - a j - s ^ ^ t e s w - . •

Walson , m the . . _ Ntats of Sew York, on the liiti i . y of Ai.r.l nei:.. at IV «,'i.Uifck -.'. ihr ti-r«-riie.*i of *..*' -Isi-

5b« a».d pieu. »e. »n .-escnt-ci iu **»! mortgage as ftjlow, • Ah that ierta.i. n-ce.-r p rceliy.' land sit_

•aate iviog i i> i hei ;r ,u th» t'-wo of An-able. county of . .-. n t . . n » n i . . ' N e « 1, rk n. t.'.e m . : d > :h . r ! - . f lut» V . j . e l I'm, ,nM»u'. . Vatent a n l d e s c i . t s - l a s full«w. , Be t ,- r. r-e . t the so-jth west corner

N O T A R Y P U B U O , Nat. M W a l l 8 * 1 * - * . lfaw Totrit.

f | . t No one of the 1 ..; « m t m . d d l e t i i i i d surveyed by Edmona . - luo irngeastwardiv s is r»d. on tbe north " • ' a o ° ' r a.' lead.ng ah.ng tb* Ausable Kivet to a .'(-,«•. Thence c- rihwe.twardly parallel ! • . f aa«5 lot No on* a sufficient distance to 1 . 1 a half acre , of land . thence westward' , 1 •r ' of the aforesaid road . !« rf«i« thence

t"i. hne o: ».d b.t xo no« t., thej;;«« ot i C o n „ o f B i wer s treat s a d the Park.

J E B S E G A T . Attorney And Counselor st LAW,

north of the Conrt House—lately ocenpted by Hon. L.Stetson,


C H A I R M A N U F A C T O R Y .

WE would inform tbe public that onr large ttteam Factory at tbe west end of the Bridge is now com­

pleted and in'running order. We keep on hand a large qt»nt i tyofonrOWNMANTJFACTTJRE, and are prepared to make to order any style or sixe of

l i n a g e , W i s we ir aseMia. aMIsteTs, -sac. Tanm-img, P a l n t l n s , auael Glaalaug

done on abort notice. Onr manufactures are of the V E R T B E S T

e D U A L I T T , and our prices reasonable. Wt are prepared to manufacture and sell at wholesale

or retail, and respectfully invite tbe public, far and near, to call and examine our work.

Piattsburgh Nov 30 1867'


iNc&mpoBATEBmn. Asstetts 61.052,128.10


r&AYVteBMrawnt, n. T .

PARK HOUSE U1N1»« KOOM8, t - ^ ,-• -.-a,o r . g - n e an" a halt aerea of land tta- t.ir••> •-• »nd ailiomingon tbe sonth the parce. . ! « . : , . . .-.cnbe^l. beginlng »t the south »«*teor-i.e-, • s . t,eof,..t.!n i«-.n ot said middle third, • s e t e rui.L.ag !»•. ne'.s on the north side ot t b e road ; ' . ! . . : . . , :. ..it. [,sr»Uel w.lL the west l.ne of lot S o . OO*, i«e£.t, * , an-i a i.a.f r'*i. t • a -tone v i l i . thence eaat a-t :./ •» i •"-' **|' r'"*-'*:o *h** M*"* ^'ie of iot >'o. one ; Ibet . » K i . t b aU.r.p saot : iw "t W-t S o one IWruty-eix and a '*»•' "*: . '.• '.' e ;..ac.e of begioiong.

i late^ thir V'.h -lei 1 f U n u i " l f e''' ".-tYM') r K N AMi>. Mortgager

HF.WrTT k W^|TH('N. At ' inne i s

•yale;rav Vrtpfa* pm~ Meals fttrttished a t aay time of the

day oa reaaonabla terms. „ „ „ _ _ . , _ . ' PETER LAFOTJBTAIH Plattsbnrgh Nor. 1 ,1864.

T V W V '

SataamoavJ tor M o a n y . . .K ft • 'Kt ' t t ' "1 KT—• 'IX V1Y OK H ! \

J_w l i . V _Ko«i»«..'. "' ! . . i t . t t . a r ^ s <;. Craft . „ • . leeo'jel- W • <. t' »:tn ff<, aga.ost A. U. rierfott an! J*!1.*!' Pai'erson, I^!e t .4so ' .

Tu ti.« I " ' » : « i . " Y'." are here'.-* "iinirr-- ii^i nn! "e.,.! re I to answer the

e o o p l a i o t of t ' e said p.*iu' i9' » k " l » i . l be filed in Ci.n'.«. tKunty 1 >t»"s (jfSce. and •. —rve a - . - p ; u( *"ur 1 answer M avf'at «uv "ffb-e 10 the Tillage of f la t t .buegh, j wwaywssxm^aiwrsa. «. H e l m o . w i ' r N Y , » ith.B twetily da) . after t^e ser- I A J B V r U K T j f i V v^erti-ieof oil yuo , eic.uasve o» the .!a« ..t serrue . and y . o a-« forttwr 'animoned and requ'ted !•• take notice . . «.'-.«•. ! you fail to answer the aaoi i -oin' lant within tbe tint aforesaid the ataintisT. will '.«ke; icgtuent against

.-um of one bonure-i a".t seventeen acel 1 It* •'*,:-r. an-i intc-ct from January 11. I*b1», and

Sbe costs of thi* as-lion Datesl f lattaburjii toe T7tb day of January. lfim>.

Ii r f v m K . PlaintlSa* Attorney aSjsasssplaiat above meati-ioe-l was filed is Canton

ssaalr Clert'i oMr. >v>. y 1 \-*fj ggWf D V t»»!»r.,rna«.UffV Attorney.

D Y E R , P 1 A B «* VM.IX&, Manulacturers and WnolesalB Dealers ia

•BatBTtr U W a t S € * * . * « • . CWrs-A, aw

BTo- 28 White Street, M*w York, njwensw. i m a . Manjx .r . rott, m. aneoa »W-CenU' tinea Bosoms, Indies Collars and Cafe BM to oder. Manufoctory Guley's bnilding, Troy,». Y


SMITH M. WEED, Agsat. Plattaborgb, N.T. Dated OetobsrS.lfiSS

J . at. irBTVw* s T K W K l i B V B T X O I w K .

Oae Door Eorth of

C O O K ' S H A R D W A R E S T O R K . dealer i a

8tore. where y a a will find a good aewoHaktat jost reeeived, at


To fit the different kinds of Lamps, also jost reeeived, Oct 80.1868, tf


OF LONDON. (Established A. D. 1808.)

Cash aad Cash Aeeataalatioae over

Viissw* alettes NEW YORK..

Wlsrre all losses are adjusted and paid.

a t . I s , wTlLIesVOW * C O . , Having been appointed Agents lor this old and wabstan-tUlCompany, are prepared to take insoraaea to tbe amount of aywafty TiswaaafaeT Osnlavra oa oas risk at rateaooeasueosuratewith the hazard ; sad en de­tached village residences and farm property they will take risk* for Five years at rates mneh lower than save

S e l l a U a r l f €tw*w« T « M U !




Store Opposite the Post OSes* ROT 12


B y • . 9 . S i •Aaaxotr*:

- h f j e , t , M o n t r e a l .

I. aiLoug the j JSC aa.g«ai a

L>oxn«Hstic O O r t O t * L 8 l O l s P H » ' * H '


tET s u n No. 7, BtadacwBtrest, Atbaay. Jsn. v, 18CS.

I W. R. 1 1 0 M L I T . BROMLEY k PARKS, Attorneys & Counselors st Lsw,

Ne>. S«, WALX. BnUOBTi »•* as waB s i *S» pt noualy so p try it! >*tt ) Miias SraistM Baoaan


HAIR JEWELRY made to order. ^BT'Wsiehas.Cloeksaad Jewelry aeatly

'T^ttabirrxrh Inly 28 18*8. af

s% H A H U Vow Havea, Baalord aad Balriavoro

ASeetioa's own nnsje, that heal as they fan; By tbe balm ye have poured on a spirit bstf brokea.

And ah t by the pain ye give, •waster than aU.

X. Remember me, Myles, when 1 am departed.

Lies over those momenta when they, too, are gone; Be still to year Minstrel the soft and kind hearted,

And droop o'er the marble where he lies alone,

XI. Bat o h ! in that moment when over bjm sighing.

Forgive, if hia failings ahoold Saab on thy brain ; Bessember the heart that beneath thee h) lying


X l t Beaxeasher bow freely that heart that toothers

Was dark as tbe tempest-dawn frowning above, Bnrst open to thine with the seal of a brother'e,

And shewed all its hoes ia the light of thy love.

• f MHeXeUAM. .. Term. sylweasraTifalptna (MylesOltlelly.)

I. And my while ye pause o'er each aweat recollection.

Let love like mine own on bis spirit attend, For to me his heart turned with a poet's affection—

Jost has than a lover, and mors than a friend.

fl. Wat he selfish r Not quite, bat hie bosom was glowing

With tbrssging affections—unanswered—unknown. Bo looked round tbe world for a heart oversowing,

Bnt fouad not another to love has hia own.

1.1. Yet, how! Did the worthy avoid or forsake him 7

Ab, no I—for heaven blest bim with many a friend ; Bnt few were so treating that might not mistake him.

Oh I aone wan a* dear that he could aot oflend.

nr. Yet pases to his clay ia his dreary Dominion;

I know that to me ha was good and sincere, And that virtue ne'er shadowed with tempering piuion

An JstnssteT friendship than death covers there.

•We are indebted to Mr. Bernard Tansey, of this city, Ma, to whom they were forwarded by Colonel

McGee, of New Yo.k.—JfotUreo! Gazdic.

wonder what diffrrenco that makes to me. j "N'atnrnlh-," sairl the bacbelfr. •4Hnt »-c I will take it home in the rn< i _ " j licve me. 1 havp b.-wi the i.lea. I 1 ,u •

And Bell locked op the puckeiby.k and j thought ever since we mr». I will no! ask went down to her tea corjrafft^)tiaiy I Joo to reply at onre. 1 »i! ' I**ave yon for

Bnt, MverUtcleaa, all > _•• i lof-j; sbe half an hour. Tin —tbf »<)vant«|rf* "I a dreamt of spending; one hundi*. i iollars, t larly's positior, aa my wife, will pn-sont and awoke in a torrille fright leet in some themselves more fnllv in that lime. mysterious way the dream might prove | Ho look his bal, ami IHIW-CII -a lifdf true. The pocket book was Fafe, however, trace of anxiety raMirr on his eye-brows and Bell, in ber old walking dress, set off a t , than in hi« eyfe-. 11 <> ifrt-w the d<*>r softly an early hour to return it. after him, and left IMI al'ine with her temp-

She fonnd Mr. Turvygood in his office—a tation. portly old bachelor, in a wig of araazing A home, huorions as a palace. Wraith corl. H e made light of the loss, but wan j unlimited. A poMiion. N o more anxiety,, politely grateful for the restoration. Bel l ; no more toil. A hnsbsml who wonld lie hoped he would say nothing of "reward," kind and courtly lo her. Who arlmire«l and. aad he did not , bnt aa abe axon* t o aro, be i in hia way loved ber. Tliie on one hnnrl : Spoke: I on the other, the governess life. With

"I think I bare met yon sometime*. Yon health that hroko under overwuik. Karly

A s AdrentTire in H e w Ynrk

\ f

pat ! v

r l l i r i "





- . ;• 1 r-lati-a o ' « ! .. 1, 1 .-

! ••• \ r » ^

« " ', y a ;

i f i i i t . i i . ' ! • •

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U' ! IH OW5 W

i f * -

W i *


715. 717 Mat A L B A N T . N Y

TLLIJ IliiaSsTi.* awSat to the Mew jstk Cawtra flatBWfsNn^ JswCv'wsn^f aswsswJMaiS SeSfsW^ Aamwaw^am| jeSfjs^xrmwawawas^ .«mjmwaams

ma for Skaala before deeerUtre of trains. r see totbe

Bo. f Qnios steaat. Troj, II. T. Ks« aad <^a Oysters Constant ly**

U J t t T E D S T A T E l * f l O T C l a ,

Crfosite tha N. Y^ aad Naw I U V M aad Watt-



Be'.l exclaimed, - I wish I were dead— almost," aa tbe door of tbe great boeae where sbe bad been giving mosio leeeoos the wish after a little pause.

A flash of annligbt; the tiwtter of a eaged yellow bird, and a breath of air which, sweeping through tbe windows of a florist, eloee at band, brought to Bell, upon the sidewalk, a whiff of beliotropo and mnsk-itMC, gave birtb to i t

••After all, I'm wicked," thought Bell. "It might be a eery nice world if smote things were altered. It doesn't alwaya rain, and perhaps I shall ge t a new dress sometin^."

So Bell took ber way homeward, in tbe light of the aetting s a a ; took three steps, at least, aad paaaad stooped suddenly, lift­ed wOnMwbiag from tbe w w t i t , and walk­ed on again.

A street-boy, rnrnagirnr the gutter yelled •*alYefs," then seeing Bait* qoiet asem. con­cluded that she bad only dropped and pick­ed np^fgain ber own property. H e waa mis­taken. Tbe heavy leathern pocket-book which Bell held io ber little gloved band bad been leet by some one or thrown by aome good fairy straight ia Bell's path.

Bell walked home, and np into her own ball bedroom. The tea bell bad not m a g ye t ; there waa plenty of time. She palled the pocketbook o f m , and peeped in. Ten feennieav a ear ticket, a visiting card or two, and—

*My goodness T cried B e l l : ' t o twuly a one bnndred dollar bill! Wbf my good sng^eto were Itateiiittg to me. A—one—bnn­dred—dollar—Mi!

-Tltf ." thought Ban, "will bay the most bwsatifnl emit complete, trimming, making and all. I t shall be blue.

"Gtaciooa goodneee, i t i n a . mine, after a U T aaid Bell. "It m i n e loters. I can't g f i e a d a o e a t o l i t : '

Sao gave a little sigh, arMlkaxr face grew l o s s ; bet twiani i t thecriap now back into the ptMfotbeok and lo<sltt4 at the cards.

^ t o T i i n r y g a o d .

—yon teach music don't you ?" Bell bowed. "Have you more time for pupils?" Bell, wishing all the pupils at the bottom

of the ocean, dared not say no . The con­sequence was that she left the bachelor's presence pledged to give lessons to hia two nieces.

"The German master scolds them so, poor girls," said the bachelor." "They hate him.

By the way, hia terms are Will they

auit yon V

3 u l l caught her breath. She should never bare dared to ask half aa much. But she bowed again, and it waa settled.

"I shall write a Siinctvy school book, en­titled Honesty the Beat Policy, and rnt my­self in aa heroine," she thought, aa she trip­ped away. "Two snch pupils are a little fortune."

Bell began with them tbe next day. They were pleasant little creatures, obedient and mild, and with some talent—orphans, and tbeir uncle's wards, and living in bis hand­some booae. Often he waa present at tbeir seasons walking the floor with bis curly wig well dr eaged, hia bands under his coat tails, hia watch chain glittering, and his neck-tie at its neatest; at ether timet be sat in bis study just within the music room and dic­tated letters to an amanuensis—keeping all the while an eye on the young music teacher, who was quite unconscious of the fact, and who, being by no means vain, had no idea that she was making a very pretty picture as she stood behind tbe papils.

Some one else watched Bell, too—furtive­ly, but admiringly. That same amanuensis! Hi s soft hazel eyes took in ber beauty. His ears caught tbe tones af ber soft voice. And when people see each other, and bear each other speak frequently for a long while, ac­quittance eomes of it as a general thing, asstaaa tstey hmto «ncb otber. r a t t a n * tbny were not Introduced; but when Bell, with­out an umbrella, met Charley Hope with one, in tbe rain, was it not natural that be should see ber home and that he shoald walk in, and (but from that time the two should be friends?

W e are all Siamese twins, with an invisi­ble ligature uniting us to each other, two-and-two, at the heart; or rather, nature meant this to be. One unloving being is a mere half, aot a whole and only the right halves kbit properly!

"No one io love none to caress!" sarg

poor BelJ sometimes, in that sweet soprano

voiee of hers, meaning every word of i t ;

and she could set herself a ciyicg with

"Home, Sweet Home !"

One year—two—since tbe pockctbuok

was found and the new pupi.s came—and so

macb in it, no more—and the miUsunjiner

vacation was at band, and Bi l l was ia the

bachelor's study waiting for her quarter's

salary as quietly as thongh an event were

not banging over her bead by a single bair.

She looked out of the window playing

with ber parasol. Sbe saw tbe sun fall

aslant on tbe wall of tbe comer house. She

saw tbe business men harrying homeward,

or .dropping oat of cars at the crossings with

a recklessness which always excites alarm

in tbe female mind. Sbe saw the dog at

N o . 4 run out of tbe area and bark at the

kitten on the window sill of tbe basement at

N o . 3 . Sbe saw a man coming down tbe

yootb fiitlinjr a»ny. Her influential friend changed to an enemy. Adown the future years, gray hairs, wrinkles and old maiden­hood.

"Yes," and tbe first lot waa hers. "Ko," and the last. I?nt could sbe say

: " j prvrroai-v ' » lim,*'>r I.is r. fl»-a'y, '.bat h a p»'ia..i »i at traciioiia are rjther al ov«- the average -Without Ivi-ing a hai«li«>riM' ma'i. b«> poatea-•<•« llic. In ••(•met.ta of ppot'etiewn ami jjooH nrfw in an eminent •lrgr<»«». Tin* aeema t<» be a nere^sary pr«'!ode to what follows :

"I was ridins-t" l«« saya, " in »n omi.ir.vaa throngh an op-town atrmt, Tb«> t o w ­ns nsnjt', «a« (nil, an! th«i ocrnjui'** m;«r< ' I.moi.118 in aa;e, character anil rm ilifn'ti I had seen none of tln-m before, s»n<} never ry

1 pechrtl lo ajrain. a id simply saw them t••»•.•? i from a n itiahility to ?•'•• arvfhiti|r r'»<* V 1 lady nut nearly opposite me, of whnta I shoul.l have eai<*, if Aake<l at the moment of '"vea," when she did not love ?

" • 'Respect- fr iendeuip."-™ the tempter •>*"»*"*.• ,h*1 « , , p K""*™1 « * * t °< " " » « * -whispered. 'And that love you long for | » n d n , » ' " c r ^ P«"««"v.- » «n4 naked. T

why cast away the sab- n e v c r B b o n k , ' '" v e , h o " K b t o f , , P r - P * * -thongh I now reanenrrter that sl.e 'o iki*<i at

me somewhat peculiarly—not rn-le'y rnil

wantonly, nor yet coyly and shyly, lint morn

as acquaintances ami friends regard c<Ji


When I had arr'ved at my destination. I

Ktrtrvk the bell, the t i m e r reined tip, atd I

8t«pped ont aiid minjrUrd with the «ur»;in^

crowd on the sidewalk. 1 had n<>t c""'

more than twenty stepe, when I felt a litei-t

touch upon my right arm. Turning, 1 re­

cognized at once the lady I apppoaeii 1 Ivol

left in tho omtiibua, bat who must L n

alighted immediately after mo. " Egcti--

tne," she said in a trenroloua voice ; instant

ly oddiiiff, aa altenottcvd my mirprise, •*.*;,•/

trust me." I cotiM not treat IM»T ttidely, for

somehow I felt that abe did not deserve it.

I began to stammer something about impro­

priety, &c , as delicately as I cotiM, to avoid

a scene in the street, while we moved u!-.mg

may never come

stance for the shadow ?" The irometrts were gliding by faster than

ever they went before, it seemed to Hell. The half hoar was gone. The doer

opened. Mr. Turvygood came in. Ajrain he drew a chair to Bell's side. This time be took be hand.

" My dear lady," he began, '• I may hope—"

But then Bell shook tbe temptation off and remembered truth and womanhood. She would not sell herself. Ob. n o ! u o ! She drew her hand away and arose.

" It is impossible, Mr. Turvygood," sbe said " I cannot marry yon."

H e looked at her in surprise. *• Why not ?*' be asked.

She gave tbe anewer sure as ber life.

" I do not love you." " Girlish Romance," be said. "Consider,

take time, you, * " I have considered," Paid Bell. " I re- io<reiher for a moment aa though the fe»t of

spect you, Mr. Turvygood. I thank you for i Iriends. She qnkkly s a i l , «1 ktio.t. „i, -. my

feeling so kindly to ine, but 1 must aay no." conduct seems strange to you. but t,-,-t >«••

A n d be saw sbe meant it. He arose and went to bis desk, drawing tbenee an e i .wl -ope.

" The amount of your tuition fee. I think,'' be said, "and, by the way, I believe my nieces will not require your services any longer."

He bowed; she bent ber head, and tbe door closed between them. Ue'l could not tietww tanght phtnsantly In that bouse any longer. Tct the manner of l.er dismissal had a spice of petty malice in it, and made her gladder that she had answered "no

I am a stranger to you, but you aro not t:> me. 1 have seen volt before, and ahull m .i you again. De3tiny will have her own."

And thus the embarrassing colloquy cot tinued. Whatever distrust I might hav« entertained was overcome by curiomtj ; and we. walked together (or over a square— one of jia, ut least, intensely perpleged in re gard to the situation, but fully determined to ctseckmate, in the end,any "Sew Yotk trick" which !iii{r!it be iu preparitiof.— Finally, n»y ciceroni-, f.jr atrcb alio had la­conic, s.iiil, " l e t us got away from tli-'-t

Slxta went home with that nervous purtnr- ! crowded thorou-hfar.-, wr«-re we . m f., I batLn naturally following such a scene up- j murc a< eigc »"^ , a , k m" r t* fr«e!j" a n ! » e on her. Her limbs trembiiiur, her heart ! twrnetf into a cross and very q'ii.;t rtrttf, beating too rapidly, when down tbe vista I u u i , t °l» o n o»<hcr side with f uu r< .1 s«n I of tbe street bhe fancied «he M W - a s sbe j » , o n e fronip, and which 1 knew to be one t had fancied so otten—the figure of Charlie j t l i e I l i 0 h ' res|»ectabl« nei,;libor!i<><-!« ii, t 1 , Hope advancing. j entire city. We passed on nearly t- tl...

And this time it was no fancy. It was re- ! joi.ction of another street, still vaguely t.,11. ally he. l i e paused, with his hand out-1 ioS< L u t » i t l ' ° ' ' t g<-'ti"'c: any »a-it,faot..iy •..-stretched, and slw gave him hers. ' 'uii"u o f l ! , i s '".Vntery, when t:io l .dy nid

" H i s anything happened ?" he asked.— | Jt'T,,>' "topped by the door of one of there "You are pale, you'tremble—why, Miss ' P a l a c e "' a T , d K i i ' ! ' ' Thisia my ho-u- ; tl.-r , Lindeu you are weepins." | rtir" pointing to an elegant do->r p: ti.», stn 1

For bell had really tears in her eyea, and e , n i ! i u - B»eetly, _ ' there, air, in mycat . l ."

was cbookittg down the sobs thet'would rise [ congratuUted her u,.on the po.-

byslerically in her bosom.

" Take my arm," said Charles : "ivhatc.ui! I d o ! te l lmr."

But Bell could not apeak. The touch of his arm made her long to weep greater, l i t , head bent lower. Her hair touch hi* cheek. Suddenly as fsiie still lean! upon hid .trm, hin other band alighted on bers and pressed it close and fast.

"I cannot bear it, Bell," he said, ";o see you grieve atid have no right to comfort you. ! 8 i r ' I love you so dearly, Cell—I have loved you for a long, long while. I meant to try to keep it to myself, darling, because I am a

!. .!

. i i ; •

C „ - 0

ontl i i.t

such a home, but had made up my L.'II <] U.u*.

I should ! ot etj'-.-r. 1 d i l n-'t sat * >.; ,• .io

I know tlutt any in ve i i.t BI;?;I-•:•••! . i

IllUell t o ! l<r. I ! l i t e!:e W l !. ' J . .1 .'

wit-li lo ^o iii. .in i I iJi In.t » iiu I • '. .'•

_„ , , , ( -"—| ili.i'tgl.t -'.•• ,i Kii-i v. tilt a

e m p h a s i s . Sb<- t!i'-i. i i o l . a i i ! : ! - ( . : ,

from h e r ret icule , a ie l ^ n 1 ; to m e t!i>- t imet t

poss ib le d u p l i e a i e o! the l iamy upon t t o

d o o r — " M r s . ." "That i s m y i.atii--,

t a k e ii wi th j o e . After the t-xp* riuiico

of the last hour , 1 know y o u wii) l . u \ e cur i ­

o s i t y e n o u g h to i n q u i i e in r - g j ! ! t • m« —

There IM !• t a m a n , w o m a n i.or c lu . 1 iu th a

n e i g l . l i o i h o o 1 w h o iloes tiot k i . ow p o o r m a n , and it s e e m s scarce ly r ight to auk

a woman to share povt-rfy, but 1 ara not! T1" , t s" w ' * , , l , u t lUo K i f t s " f t U "1 tree shaded street and thought that he was ' master of myself, f a n you like me, Hell,— . t , i e * l i , s o ! •l^*'^" a l ' ' fc"*' '"V-Charley H o p e ! H e came nearer, and she will you let me win wealth with you, and j fonnd he was a stranger ! He passed ; aud j try to make you happy in all ways. 1 can sbe knew there waa no likeness. Then she; uot put my love into words, but it is the rati to wondering why lately so many people : truest love that ever man gave woman." looked, at a distance, like Charley to ber. j Bell did not try to check her tears now. He was not like everybody. H e was pecu- j They fell fast under ber dtopped veil, but liar; and yet sbe saw him—a block off they were soft, sweet tears. The empty twenty times a week ! Tbia problem was vein in ber heart suddenly filleil, life's IK-UU


not k n o w , but 1 know i / J " ' - 1 - ' '

e d to meet y o u wl>t»i,i y>i 1 U > - '•

the street.-1, for more than .» \ -s> ->••.

k n e w , ' tstie a-hle-l w i th a U-».t> t.a._-

• what an effort it c-->t in•* ' > mm. !•»•

com.ii*; demeanor tth-n 1 •*•»'•* }•• '•

omnihii". y o u wn'il.l ii'it w o t i l c r . i l n u

' U l .

. a I

/#»•.•,<<.., , t. 'h n.v ii i !•:».

\n 1!ie. mer . 'mrm «

not solved when the door opened to let in j tiful poss.bihties all atuioetl ,vho could «» j t i l t s h.»pp< -n. -I Mr. Turvygood—who drew a chair cloaa tn I not «H> •"•» ihimr- but luo- t-ruiaent i u t uiw- \iu M±"- ' -J'" ' bets, sat down and looked at ber—looked ; somehow wit.-out wor.lH, and in the .iuici h.oke atbsr in a bland Approving way, and smiled!; street Charlie Hope lifted her littlo hand to , •"'«•''' '" f -''J "" w

Thaevent waa vary close at band n o w , but ibis lips, aud kissed it, aad so their troth ; nti- i. . iiielu.cn U n •hesmiled back unaware. was plighted. \ IU.ppeare.1 withti, t

"Miss Linden," said the bachelor, "I have Jiell hao Leen happy ever siace, and oft.-n , l "** "' 1 T ' : ! r

in her sweet and quiet life she looks bu H abandoned u.y panic upon the past aud thinks of all a he might ] «"d ha-nly retirt..-have lost by yielding to either ol h.-r temp my sv! ; . — KM-.I altn ihr- nir»t^ tations, and though the first was the ineaner ' tme. Tuif-- J >y> U »^- < 'tips' d, a:. of the two, the lant would have l.ioujjht tin- ' iho lady was ri^hi most woeful punishment, for what could be more terrible than to he tnat woeful and

confused by tbe question, and by Mr. Tur-! unloviu^ ibii.g, a woman who haa sold hei vygood'o eyes, which had never left her j self for gold, a wife who lm» utered laUe

—ahem—a few words to tay to you. I trust you do not find anything to complain ol in yonr relations here. I Uust you bave been pleased. ,1 bave."

Bell bowed. "I am. It has been— 1 have never bad sweeter pupils," sbe said, at last,

t!i l!..- Ut - i jor ! •!•-

J e d u p i..*3 nt'-i a

e •!-. r

.. i i upe. ,. r.h - •

.1' h l« 1,-IN.I .«,

1 t n l u v h o l e ; '.. i .


teWawjas; aricl i m aotbing to trim,

E. B t t # $ s ~ . " said Bell, tying ber aiaaBsBmWswita, "he most bava it- 1.

face-"And I, dear Miss Bell," said Mr. Turvy

good. "Yon do not find m» dictatorial, on-reasonable, unpleasant.

••Oh, dear no, sir." cried Bell. "Yon charm me," said Mr. Turvygood.—

"Miss Linden, perhaps you are aware that I have a fine income. You have been famil­iar with my style of living. You confess no aversion to myself. To b s sure 1 have lived fifty years or more a bachelor, bat 1 am as young as ever. And—in fact Mies Linden, 1 isjtad you to remain this afternoon, that I might ask you to remain forever. I know of no lady whom 1 admire ao much who would ao well grace this mansion. In two words I desire to make you Mrs. Tur­vygood ."

The event had traMpirt*j\ Bell daggered

under it .

"I had no id<


vow8 at ibe marriage aifi<r before her ji>!.

IMPBOVK OrpoRTi'siTiKi.-. —Uur l » r d s lite was a lite ot opporlun ties, b.-cnna« he wa-ready to take up the llnead ui hie where he tound ir. It rebukes the hie of many a dt» ciple of liif, whose door ia never darkened, u ' year alter year, with a soul craving (rotn JJ . , him a knowledge A UM bread of life. 1': rebukes many uuolber, who so hedges him . ! u c :' " self within himnelt, by a paaciun for siivu , s e in n larity, or by a cool indiflerence io the world s ; Miu-.e . needs, thai white the world mar »Uti<i • w e of bim. or even bate bim. it washc* ' most of all to bury him out of si^ht.

o i n : I li Ul. a ! .

X«..w K..' -il~iit *,ri l b i i . i-h.i l . . t ,!

v--ar» :i£L. ieaviiip; i,. r a » . r y ', u

propet'v. ineluijing the i. i'iw- w «-iv aides, v..ih one ehi! 1. .. d i i^l.trr v- »t» * f uiv. .*"tie ii vir' . -'.. <* • io

u;. i etl i . t i .•!; . ' i ' l e h n e d to I - l l i . . J'O •

. j . i, -A ..ii !. !. i« lu'ely ii«i- nto-.I ' ! • - ' ;

i.t n. .o.'Ui- 1 du« t 1, l.i/tv .t , i'. ' > !



l ..- irat rnt .^'- . i .« i'. » , nearl a iii .fitu ai<> i

,t h.-.ud tr..iu my b'-w ilifn

i i l l ! t ie pru.JIIR*"! t • a p p t

. i h o 4 , « ' . i « t " i ' Vv heu bo dote.

reader, I w i ' appris- >o». Yo,

In one of oar large cities, a ahort time ago, • w enter IT editor was met by a friend, who taking bim by the band exclaim edt

1 shall

1 am delighted to nee you. are yon gum,; to s t a y ' "

'•Why 1 i: ink." aatd the editor stay while my money lasts." , , . .

"Uow dibappoiolc I I am," aaid hia friend. I a t h , » , , , ,*'r r '"' I did not think," sbe fal- i "I hoped yuu a as goio* to w*y a day or ' we have tt

j two." 'popieUr d«i-» "

fijrir'Aw f excUi iu-dan f

let-y to a western ir»\.:i'-r i

l l ow is^ig speaktti^-aw ' o! tbe a» ' pi:'f

ate you the hentail .n \ ' eiwica - i l e O U t ! ? " f a . i t h e A .-r e .

tur « i ti i i . r i 'u i i


.u A m e r i c a ai^J a »«»

