Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda

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  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    Teacher's pack

    lesson plan and student worksheets

    written !" Es#eralda $an Turnhout

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Harr! Potter and the Philosopher%s Stone"


    level: Lower-Intermediate (VMBO g/t 2)

    lesson stages: pre reading activities

    while reading activities: tas !-"

    post reading activities

    st#dent worsheets

    $#ration: %/- & wees


    -The students will be able to discuss in a different language than their mother tongue.

    -The students will be able to work together to form a complete picture of the book.-The students will learn to support their character analysis with specific information from the


    -The students will be able to write a formal letter in English

    -The students will be able to use different resources to find the translation of words needed.

    -The students will be able to categorize words.

    -The students will be able to use their own creativity

    -The students will be able to read, write and talk about a book and film in depth

    for +- ! weeks.

    Materials needed:

    "mart board blackboardwhiteboard

    #"$ stick

    % &lassroom where you can form small group-settings using the tables

    'orksheetsworkbook for each student

    (andout on character traits and when to use )uotation marks


    *aper powerpointcollageposter

    lue, markers, scissors etc.

    %rticles on paper or online

    itchen and ingredients for the recipe of a nickerbocker glory

    elly beans

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Pre- reading activities:

    Introd#ction: *hat do we now ao#t +arr, otter and the hilosopher.s tone0

    t is said that the *hilosopher/s "tone is capable of turning base metals, especially lead, into

    gold01see explanation on 'ikipedia2.

    'e/ll make a word-web together on the smartblack- board.

    3ust to find out what the students know about this bookfilm.

    %fterwards1 f possible2 we/ll show a film trailerof the first (arry *otter film

    www.youtube.harrypotteron the smartboard .

    1you could use this as a )uick reminder for the students

    and to add a few more words to your word web2

    *hat i133 ,o# were a wi4ard and ever,thing ,o# to#ched wo#ld t#rn into gold0

    4ou5ll hand out the worksheets for the students.

    6n the first page the students will write a short story to answer the )uestion asked above

    for about 78-9: minutes.

    Then the students will take turns to tell their own story in groups of !.

    ;iscuss what you5ve come up with in this group

    4ou/ll get 7: minutes to listen to each other.

    /ll pick one of your co-students to summarize what you have come up with

    to tell the rest of the class. 1so we/ll all hear about 8< stories2

    This will only take about 1another2 8-7: minutes.

    While- reading activities:

    'e/ll read page

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Task ,& #se the additional handout on character traits and )uotations

    'e/re still working in 1 the same2 groups of ! students.

    Everyone1whatever the teacher prefers2 will analyse one of the main characters out of the

    book according to this worksheet format. 'hile they are reading this book they add to theircharacter. 1f they aren/t able to decide which character to choose from, you as their teacher

    will assign one to them2.

    *oints to discuss after completing the worksheets>

    ;o you think they have picked the right character to play thisthe part in the film?

    (ow would you like to have seenher portrayed or to actplay her part?

    'hat would you have done differently had you been given the chance to do so?


    "tudents will complete an analysis of one character from +arr, otterand thehilosophers5 stone3

    "tudents will learn to support their character analysis with specific information from

    the text.

    "tudents will practise using )uotation marks correctly


    #nlined paper


    =uotation @arks reference article &opies of the &haracter Traits handout

    "everal copies of+arr, otter and the philosophers5 stoneand or the rest of the

    (arry *otter books.

    *oster board

    @arkers or crayons


    7. %llow students to select their favourite character 1 or randomly assign characters to students2 ensuring that the class chooses a variety of characters from the book1s2.

    9. ;istribute one sheet of unlined paper to each student and ask them to fold it into )uarters,

    creasing the folds tightly.

    A. Tell students to unfold the paper and draw lines in the folds. The paper should now be

    divided into four e)ual s)uares.

    !. nstruct students to write their character5s name in the centre of the paper

    8. ;istribute the &haracter Traits handout and ask students to think about which traits apply totheir characters.

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    B. %t the top of each s)uare have students write a different personality trait for their character.

    Cor instance, Ha(rid is i#pulsi$e+ lo!al+ si#ple/#inded and stron(&

    D. Encourage students to think carefully and select specific traits that can be supported by

    examples from the book.

    . ;istribute the =uotation @arks handout.

    F. o over it with the students and explain that they will be gathering evidence about their

    characters from the book1s2.

    7:. Tel students they must find one stron()uotation to support each characteristics they have

    selected. t must be a )uotation that showsthe character displaying the personality trait.

    77. 6nce students have found examples, tell them to record the exact )uotations in the

    appropriate boxes on their paper along with the title of the book and the page number whereeach )uote was found.

    79. Explain that students may not use the same scene to demonstrate more than one trait.

    7A. 6nce students have found and recorded the exact )uotations, break them up into partners.

    %sk each set of partners to make sure that the personality traits are truly reflected in the

    examples selected.

    7!. f a )uote is not specific enough, ask the student to select a more descriptive passage or

    piece of dialogue.

    78. Explain that each student must now use these )uotations in paragraphs.

    7B. "tudents must write one paragraph for each personality trait. Each paragraph must explain

    and describe the personality trait and include a 1 proper punctuated * )uotation from the


    7D. ;istribute the poster board and ask students to write the name and draw a picture of their

    character in the middle of the poster board.

    7.n each of the four corners, students should write the personality trait as a title andunderneath it copy the paragraph they ust wrote.

    7F. ;isplay the posters around the classroom and allow students to spend time viewing tem as

    if they are in an art gallery.

    9:. As a cul#inatin( acti$it!+ conduct a class discussion usin( the 0ollowin( 1uestions"

    : ;id you learn anything new about any of the characters from the (arry *otter book1s2?

    : 'hich examples do you remember from the posters?

    : 'hy were those the most memorable?

    reference> www.teachervision.com

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Task 2&

    www3talen6#est harr, potter and the d#tch wi4ards3nl

    www3wewestie/engels/harr,potter and the d#tch wi4ards3nl

    Ai#s and o-ecti$es>The students will be able to write a formal letter in English

    The students will be able to use dictionaries online

    %nd they will be taught new skills in a different setting.

    This web )uest will explain, as well as show examples of, how to write formal letters in


    The students are applying for a part in the ne7t(arry *otter film, finding out about (arry

    *otter words and will give them lots of ideas.


    They might even like to fill in a )uestionnaire and to be sorted in a team like (arry *otterusing the activity with the sorting hat online.

    Task 3


    /The students are able to describe different tastes and textures.

    -The students are able to categorize 1 (arry *otter2 words.


    3elly beans > The students name each one before eating it- or after, depending on the taste.


    The words on this list may be new to you. 'ork in groups of ! to place as many of these

    words as you can into five 1 8 2 different categories of your own choosing. 4ou will be asked

    to present your work to the class. This activity is a one-day-only activity and must be done by

    the end of today5s class. &hart paper and makers will be provided.


    beefy giver cinema stalactite prefect riffraff cauldron nettles petrified

    fungi tailcoat tawny knickerbockers apothecary ravine alchemy lurched


    flitted hygienic burly gruff tantrum amber swarthy minuscule sidled


    asphodel tainting confiscated berserk holidaying rummaging gargoyle hurtled

    emporium tripe treacle bezoars luminous abysmal parchment scruff specimen

    ruefully gruff stalagmite yew tinge subtle aconite biased warlock twang

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    Task 8&


    %s we promote HIo tolerance for violence/ at all times in class, this newspaper clipping might

    be a great introduction

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    bit of that Knickerbocker lory! (erved in a tall glass it usually it took some time to eat, yet he never rushed and

    he never left any of it2 Today, some 3 years later, he still loves the dessert and sees it as a special treat 4 a

    glorious tribute to magic of ice cream2''

    The $%&s saw a significant rise in the popularity of ice cream and development of flavours - see also Ice 5ream

    5omedywhere I have a special article on 6aurel and 7ardy in a $%&$ sketch featuring ice cream!

    ;iscuss this article and explain some of the vocabulary in class.

    'hat5s the relevance of this article recipe to (arry *otter?

    %s a teacher you are able to adapt this article to your own needs. 1i.e. make a gabbed text of it


    Ket the students look for a different variety of a knickerbocker glory recipe on line.

    They have to write this recipe down.

    The students will have to use a dictionary to look for words they don5t know yet.

    'hen finished they will get the opportunity to make these delicious recipes themselves.

    Task :

    Acti$ities o0 choice>

    &reate a new book cover poster collage power point 1any oneof these will be fine2 for a

    (arry *otter bookfilm et.#se your own creativity but include special features of

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    Harr! Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ! ;& The students will discuss these 1uestions in (roups o0

    0our 8 * and will write the answers down on the worksheets&

    7. 'hat was (arry5s home life like before finding out about his secret past?

    9. 'hy do you think the magic community allowed him to live with @uggles for so

    long? 'hy not take him in themselves?

    A. 'hat are your impressions of ;udley?

    !. 'hy do you think 3.. Nowling depicts the ;ursley5s as being so terrible?

    8. 'hat are the advantages to (arry not having known how special he is before he starts


    B. 'hat are your first impressions of (ogwarts "chool? 'hat about it makes it seem

    special and different?

    D. f you could have on magic companion, what would it be and why? Nat, cat, owl,

    dragon, unicorn

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    'atch the film together.

    Note!!!!!! Activity plans :

    Every English lesson, for about three four weeks, will partially take up some time forG the pre reading activity

    G the while reading activities ,9 A!8B

    G the post reading activity

    This to create some variety during your lessons while reading the book>

    (arry *otter and the philosopher5s stone.

    $efore you start a new lesson you let the students add to their character poster from task 7

    every time. This to check they have understood the book as well as they are actually reading

    the book. f you have decided to read a part in class you5ll have to use some of your time to

    add to this poster afterwards.

    4ou might even prefer to let the students work independently in their 5workbook5 for some ofthe tasks.

    f you need some extra ideas, here are a few suggestions so you can even differentiate>


    -%s (arry *otter shows culture as well as fiction

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    Harry &tter Less&n ans

    % ;ay in the Kife of (arry *otter- % web )uest with a mock interview.

    &reate a (ogwarts Cloor *lan- "tudents will learn about the concept of scale and othermapping skills as they create a floor plan of (ogwarts "chool.

    &reating @ental @odels for (arry *otter- #sing a laserdisc 1with specific scenes

    already chosen2, the students will write adectives that describe the pictures that they

    see and how they may or may not relate to (arry *otter if The "orcerers "tonecould happen in real life.

    &reative 'riting- % #nit based on the (arry *otter "eries.

    (arry *otter and the "orcercer5s "tone Kesson *lan- To encourage students to find the

    voice in the novel and to allow them to find their own individual ways into the

    experience through various proects.

    (arry *otter> =uidditch- O(ow to play =uidditch 1from the (arry *otter series2 without

    the brooms.O

    (arry *otter Thematic #nit- $est of the web, internet activities, lesson plans, book

    resources and more for (arry *otter.

    nternational &over %rt for (arry *otter-O"tudents will enhance their reading

    comprehension by comparing and contrasting book covers with the text of (arry *otter

    and the "orcerer5s "tone.O

    @ake a (arry *otter $oard ame- O"tudents will improve their reading comprehensionthrough creating and playing a board game.O

    'hat5s %ll the Cuss %bout (arry *otter?- O"tudents discuss what makes the (arry *otter

    books popular andor controversial, create a )uestionnaire to learn why (arry *otter fans

    find the books fascinating, practice online writing skills by sending e-mail messages to

    friends who are (arry *otter fans, and write a screenplay based on a selected chapter of a

    (arry *otter book.O

    'rite a (arry *otter "cript- O"tudents will practice their reading comprehension skills by

    learning how to summarize.O

    Harry Potter

    Ban Harry Potter? NO! - Don't miss this site.

    Build a Medieval Castle- Free softare to donload.

    Fun with Harry Potter- "tivities

    Harry Potter- "tivities for your "lass hen readin# $he %or"erer's

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    Harry Potter "tivities- &uies( )oo*mar*s( study #uides( and more.

    Harry Board +ame &ui- Online #ame,ui...Cli"* Harry's i"ture to )e#inthe #ame.

    Harry Potter Crossord Pule- Online ule

    Harry Potter- From %"holasti"

    Harry Potter and the Cham)er of %e"rets- /iterature #uide

    Harry Potter and the Prisioner of *a)an- /iterature #uide

    Harry Potter and the %or"erer's %tone- /iterature #uide

    Harry and the %or"erer's %tone 0evie- By Carol Hurst

    Harry Potter and the %or"erer's %tone- 1arner Brothers' 1e) a#es on

    the ne Harry Potter movie.

    Harry Potter- From lfy's Portal.

    Harry Potter Fans

    Harry Potter +uide- $he unoffi"ial #uide to HP trivia( fun( and fa"ts.

    Harry Potter- /esson Plans

    Harry Potter Pa#e- From Fa"t Monster.

    Harry Potter Post Cards- %end an ele"troni" HP "ard here.

    Harry Potter's 0ealm of 1iardry - 2n"ludes humor and 3ust a #ood time

    ith lots of info!

    Harry Potter 0evealed- $hin*&uest

    Harry Potter %"reen %aver- Donload for your "omuter.

    Harry Potter4 $he Censorshi Battles- %"roll to the )ottom of the a#e

    for related arti"les.

    Harry Potter- $hemati" resour"es from Mid#e Frael's #reat site!

    Harry Potter4 $he 5ltimate +uide- 1o( so many resour"es!!!

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Ho#arts Online- $hin*&uest

    6.7. 0olin# $ea"her 0esour"es- For you to use in your "lassroom.

    7ids0ead."om Presents Harry Potter- Boo*er $. 1orm has the 1ho's 1hoand 1hat's 1hat lus author information( a trivia #ame( and Harry Potter

    )oo* 3a"*ets!

    Ma#i"al 1orld of Harry Potter- $hin*&uest

    Ma#i"al 1orld of Harry Potter

    Ma*in# Ma#i" ith Harry Potter- $hemati" unit.

    Mrs. 7at's Class Presents Harry Potter- 8th #rade ro3e"t

    %"holasti"'s Harry Potter 1e) %ite

    $ea"hin# ith Harry Potter- From to9 $ea"her %tuff.

    $he Ma#i"al 1orld of Harry Potter- $hin*&uest

    $he $o :; Harry Potter 1e) %ites- Hotlist

    $he 1orld of Harry Potter- $his is a #oldmine of sites!

    1hat's ll the Fuss )out Harry Potter?- /esson lannin# arti"le from

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda





  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Pre- reading activities:

    'rite a short story about*hat i133,o# were a wi4ard and ever,thing ,o# to#ched wo#ld t#rn into gold8

    ;on5t forget to write down - a title

    - a beginning

    - a middle

    - an ending.


  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    While reading activities:

    Task ,& #se the additional worksheet on character traits and )uotations.

    4ou/re still working in 1 the same2 groups of ! students.

    Each of you will analyse one of the main characters out of the book according to this

    worksheet format. 'hile you are reading this book you add to your character 1using the

    character traits from the additional worksheet to guide you2 including )uotations from the

    book to complete your analysis.

    1f you won/t be able to decide which character to choose from, your teacher will assign one

    to you2.

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    6haracter Traits







    &onceited @ischievous









































  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda






    ;isagreeable "imple


































    '(EI T6 #"E

    ?uotation .arks

    ,& Doule 1uotation #arks enclose direct 1uotations"

    2& Doule 1uotation #arks enclose words or phrases to clari0! their #eanin( or use or to

    indicate that the! are ein( used in a special wa!"

    : This was the border of what we often call 55 The 'est55 or 55the Cree 'orld55

    : 55The 'indy &ity55 is a name for &hicago.

    3& Doule 1uotation #arks set o00 the translation o0 a 0orei(n word or phrase"

    : die renze, 55 the border.55

    8& Doule 1uotation #arks set o00 the titles o0 series o0 ooks+ o0 articles or chapter inpulications+ o0 essa!s+ o0 short stories and poe#s+ o0 ini$idual radio and tele$ision

    pro(ra#s+ and o0 son(s and short #usical pieces"

    : a series of books> 55 The (orizon &oncise (istory55

    : an article> 55 6n Neflexive Merbs in English55

    : a chapter in a book> &hapter Iine, 55 The *rince and the *easant55

    : a short story> *ushkin5s 55 The =ueen of "pades55

    : a poem> Tennyson5s 55 6de on the ;eath of the ;uke of 'ellington55

    : a television show> 55 The $ob (ope "pecial55

    : a short musical piece> "chubert5s 55;eath and the @aiden.55

    9& Sin(le 1uotation #arks enclose 1uotations within 1uotations"

    : The blurb for the piece proclaimed, 55 Two years ago at eneva, "outh Mietnam was virtually

    sold down the river to the &ommunists. Today the spunky little

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    G*oints to discuss after completing the worksheets>

    ;o you think they have picked the right character to play thisthe part in the








    'hat would you have done differently had you been given the chance to do



    @@;id you learn anything new about any of the characters from the (arry *otter






    'hich example do you remember from the




    'hy were those the most






    Task 2

    Collow the instructions of the web)uest

    www3talen6#est harr, potter and the d#tch wi4ards3nl

    www3wewestie/engels/harr,potter and the d#tch wi4ards3nl

    and complete all tasks from this web)uest online.

    'rite the formal letter you have written in the web)uest down on this worksheet.

    Nemember to use the lay-out you5ve been taught.

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Task 3


    The words on this list may be new to you. 'ork in groups of ! to place as many of these

    words as you can into five 1 8 2 different categories of your own choosing. 4ou will be asked

    to present your work to the class. This activity is a one-day-only activity and must be done by

    the end of today5s class.

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    beefy giver cinema stalactite prefect riffraff cauldron nettles petrified

    fungi tailcoat tawny knickerbockers apothecary ravine alchemy lurched


    flitted hygienic burly gruff tantrum amber swarthy minuscule sidled


    asphodel tainting confiscated berserk holidaying rummaging gargoyle hurtled

    emporium tripe treacle bezoars luminous abysmal parchment scruff specimen

    ruefully gruff stalagmite yew tinge subtle aconite biased warlock twang


    Task 8

    o to www.potterfun.nlnieuwskranten.htm

    4ou5ve ust read the article O*otter bevordert brildragenO in class.

    Iow choose an article 1on this site2 yourself.

    &reate your own mind map based on this article you5ve chosen.


  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    Mind ap:

    "ummarize this article using the mind map you5ve ust made to help you in groups of four


    Each of you will have to talk about your own article, in English of course.%fter 8-7: minutes we5ll swap groups and you will to tell the other students what your group

    members have discussed earlier.

    Task 9

    'rite your own recipe of a 5kickerbocker glory5 down here.

    4ou5ll be able to prepare this later.

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda



    Acti$ities o0 !our choice>

    &reate a new book cover poster collage power point 1any oneof these will be fine2

    #se your own creativity but include special features of

  • 8/9/2019 Jk Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone - Teaching Package Esmeralda


    %fter +- two weeks you will present your work towards each other and you will be graded

    accordingly. 1%rt gallery2

    %ll of you, as well as the teacher, will mark each others work on the following>

    7 6riginality9 "pecial features used of a i.e. $ook cover film poster etc.

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    A. 'hat are your impressions of ;udley?

    !. 'hy do you think 3.. Nowling depicts the ;ursley5s as being so terrible?

    8. 'hat are the advantages to (arry not having known how special he is before he starts


    B. 'hat are your first impressions of (ogwarts "chool? 'hat about it makes it seem

    special and different?

    D. f you could have on magic companion, what would it be and why? Nat, cat, owl,

    dragon, unicorn