•AA<«WOTy , W»VYYy'OTyvvvvi _ n* r Neig hboring News | ' ' From tho Adv"""" Scribes '$ 1 !. i ___ ____ U __». '__. __ ___..-. J _ "? East Moriches fi /lRS. Mnybcw ' Towor entertained M tho Luncheon Bridge Club on Wednesday. Mrs. Willlnm -Fitzpatrlck and son , ilrrbcrt , will leave on Saturday for M/eriil days ' visit with relative nml j fis I" Flnmtagton, N. J. ¦ jj ljs Doris Miller will spend next week in Now York City. Mrs. Oliver Hammond and sister , «,!« Ella Terry, entertained the fol- lowing ladles at COO on Monday oven- ,, e . Mrs. Charles Chapiiian, Mrs. M. n To we r, Miss Bessie Shaddock , Mrs V' .H , Tuthill , Mrs. J' . ' .C. Raynor , Mrs. William Chapman , Mrs. 13. 0. Howell , Mw E. H. Kirby, Mrs, Theodore Halt lock. Mrs. Wiljiam Miller , Misses Hen- rfettc and Florence Terry, Mrs. C. D. Terry, Mrs, Lincoln Lewis , Mrs. Emil y Qulnn, MM. E. S. Brown , Mrs. Percy j ftynor and Mrs. George Journeay. A delicious lunch WOB served and prizes » : onby Mrs. 'Raynor , Mrs. Tower , Mrs. W Chapman , Mrs. Journeay anil Mrs. Kirby. Mrs. Martha S'icoil and the Jones brothers started for Henderson , N. C, on Momlny .night , where they will spend the winter; ¦ Mr g, Mary Neclcerman viaitcd at tlm hb ' me of her son anil family, Mr. and Mrs. James Neckermon , of Easthan ' ip- t ' dn the latter part of thd week. They wero former residents of this place aiid thnir .frieflds will be sorry to learn that Mr. Neckcrmnn was knocked down by an automobile , receiving; a broken leg and several facial cuts , nnd their three children are very ill with pneumonia * . . Sirs. William Fitzpatrlck , Mrs. Junes Mqddren ,; Mrs. L. N. Benjamin , j frs. James Mtttriatt , Miss Beatrice Afarriott , H^s. George Brooks nml jjrs. Franklin Daggett attended the Order of Eastern Star meeting on Monday night . " of the lodge room in Center Moriches. . . ' .The - firemen . ' - held their regular meetin g at the )*»ll on Monday eve- nine- They are, planning to have a community Christaias tree. James jjarriott isi chairman of arrangements. After business the >y enj oyed " eats " and cards. I - ¦^ railroad , telephone has been in- stalled in the depot. ' The telephone company are install- ing' a one-ring systeipi on their party lines. ¦ When -the operator and tele- phone owner become* 1 accustomed to tbe ¦ : . 'change, it -will ibte a great im- pt&v' eme.it oyer the \>W method. Lake Ronkonkoma ]\y|RS. Joseph Kirk and Mrs. Ren- **l wick Raynor spent a few days in New York last week shopping. Alfred Herrschaft has taken a po- . sition in Newton Bros, garage. Miss Clara Hamsnn of New Jersey spent the week-end with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamann. Work liafl been ntartod on a house for Chorion Wcntlsch In Oak Street, Tho Olrln ' Club met At the home of Mm, LeRoy Vollgrnir PrldnjK OVOI|IIIK. Mrs, Fred Shelles of Brooklyn spent several days .Inst week with her mother, Mrs. J. ohA Ciirtln . Tho American icgioir held tlmlr meeting at the fireball Tuesday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Fuhrlngor spent tho week-end In New York visit- ing friends. The Ronkonkoma bowling team de- feated tho Medford toaifl at Medford Friday night by over 80 points. Mis. Willlnm Ilahii of Medford visited . friends hero Saturday, Mr, und Mrs. Hoy QuItnV spent scv- oral days in Southampton visiting friends. Arthur Slnrnm und several friends from New York spent tho week-end at the Slnrnm cottage on Pine Street. Charles Fish of Patchogue spent Sunday here. Mrs. Fish returned home with him after spending some time hero. John Itosello of Stntcn Island spent several days this week at his home in Hawkins Avenue. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Baxter have moved Into their now bungalow on Ronkonkoma Avenue. Louis McNulty spent tho wcek-enil in New York visiting friends there. MM. Tom Brown 'gave a party at her homo Saturday evening in honor of Catherine Lowell's birthday. Many of Miss Lowell' s frlendd attended and a jolly time was had by all. Mastic Park TOHN STARK has gone to the city J where he has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz and little child came out from tow n and spent over Saturday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Casso nre spending a few-weeks in New York. John Meyer entertained his brother, Albert Meyer , over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Botsfonl and bab y enjoyed the week-end at their bunga- low, Charles Monti has forsaken the paint brash for the carpenter ' s saw for a brief space, anil is making an addition to his bungalow. ' Wills of Interest in Surrogate ' s Court •"THE will of Joseph P. Bennett of ¦*• Sag Harbor gives all of his esUte, valued at $1 , 300, to a friend , Mabel L. Patterson, of Somerville, Mass. ' The will of Frederick Kanning, St. James, value of estate listed as " un- known , " makes bequests as follows: Marie Knimlng, sister , $2,0(10 ; teuton K. Ayres, niece , $2 , 000j Sophie Kan- nlng, sister, ffiOO j Minnie Kimtilng, sister, $200; Dlcdrlck Knimlng, broth- er, : $100; Henry Khnnlng, brother , $100; Erlio.it Knimlng, brother , $. 500: John O. Ayres , gpld watch ; Samuel Ackermnn , old employee , Wi; resi- due to the widow/Sarah 1.. Knnnlng. Tho will of Mary J. barren of Bay Shore gives St. Patrick'n Ilomiin Catholic . Church tn that village $500. Tho estate is valued at over $8,000; to Amelia Robertson , mother-in-law, of Freeport, ia given $300; Mary Ken- nay, Brooklyn , cousin , $200 ; William Martin and Frances Otlloon , ouch $f>0; residue to Mario Mahon , cousin , Man- hattan. Tho will of Elizabeth -11. Lenorl of Smithtown , estate more tlmn $15 , 000 , gives tho entire estate to hor husband , William 11. Luonorl. Estate Nettle M. Smith ; $1,000, let- ters to Fred D. Smith , husband, Bay- port. Estate of Frodqrick S. Scliaefor , $l , O0fl , letters lo Onsppr Hidmofoi father , Rag Harlan*. JOHN WKER and John Hnmmnn J motored In to Brooklyn oi; Hntiir- <Jf- * ; , W, i R , Ed*fll1' ' M^TlolnPd a f*w friends In honor of the fifth o nMt>y ol. her diktightor Barbara, lliose proAvnt wero Mrs. llnrold Bal. « n ~ d ( ' ft "K' ,t -«l': th of Pa tchoRue, Mm. D. R. Morrill ami daughter .lean of East l' ntchoguc , Mrs. Elmer Bald- win and son Elmer ond Mrs. Charted A {torn nnd daughter Anne of Holts- villa. Mr. mid Mrs. Dodd Craft and Mr. Spencer of Fort Jefferson visited Mrs. Minnie Terry on Sunday. The ' Ladles ' Aid will hold Ha next meeting after New Year ' s Day. Miss Grace Terry was given n shower nt the home of Mrs. IL Dare In Selden on Thursday. A number of friends from Holtsville attended tho flffn l r. Miss Te rry received many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. William Cunncen , Sr., and sons spont several- days with rela- tives in Brooklyn. Lawrence Radford of New York spent several days with his family in Holtsville. The handsome new organ donated to the Fnrmingville Congregational Church by the Ladies ' Aid was detll- eated on Sunday. The Misses Warner of Patchogue gave severa l vocal se- lections , and Leroy Ackerly of Patch- ogue gave an organ recital. Edward Wagner , pastor of the church , brough t it choir from Smithtown to help with the singing. At a special meeting of the Holts- ville Community club Saturday eve- ning, with Vice President Graham presiding, it was announced that the main purpose of this meeting was to collect all arrears of dues by Decem- bpr 29 , the club's regular monthly meeting nigh t , and a committee of three , W. Cunneen , A. Sipos and John Wild , were appointed to do this. All members six months in arrears will be dropped- The box social will be held at the club tomorrow night , and judging from the way the girls are planning on filling jtheir lunch boxes , there will be a feast. The Ghosios Jazz Trio will furnish music for danc- ing. The club' s annual New Year ' s Eve dance will be held December 31 , for a great time is being planned. Holtsville The adoption of an employees pay roll deduction life Itummnci' plan thnt will be offered by llio Now York Telephone Compniiy to its employees wns announced today by Vli*e Presi- dent T. P. Sylvan , In charge of pm* - sonnel. More than 04 , 000 telephone workers tn the company ' s territory in Now York Stole and northern New Jersey will bo enabled to secure stand- ard life insurance with modern disa- bility beiicfltK on an easy paymcilt plan, The policies will be* Issued on a monthly payment busts , premiums be- ing paid by deduction from pay. This Insurance plan is the company ' s latest development of its program of co-op- eration with its employees for eiicour- nKemont of thrift and provision of u maximum security. TELEPHONE COMPANY OFFERS INSURANCE TO EMPLOYEES Silk Crep e Underwea r Now is the tijne to / j ' $ jMI k obtain a supply of beau- . / xjfr / / ' w/ & ¦ " tiful silk undergarments / / $] • $ W M at A very real paving. A W^Tv ff " Z ^~ _ beautiful assortment of ^ \ %}, J%Q K J& .f frk. ¦- heavy crepe de chine ^^J uSa^ l'^ jWy ^f ^ j two piece sets, chem- ^JmBSSh- i 't ^ ^ Z ^awk ises , dancing sets, /fimPr/ f' i .lw gowns, stepins , princess ? &$$ & %$ // M/JSB- v i i . ¦oBii -:if- . H li . - ' . -s * 7w i___RI sups and pajamas dam- HHN ^ - ' II I / *&Mm& tily trimmed with fine m ^rfv^B^S^^B^^ laces, shown in all pasr | | | i ul^HU M SF/^ tel shades, prices rang- Jf^^^^Bfiltl \ \ ing from $1.98 to $7^98 . vSi |\ ^^| | | 1 ¦to s u i t eVerypne ' s m. \%\ m. \l f OUIIEY £ §TeiSB %, / THE STORE FOR. WOMEN - ^ . 63-65 s. OCEAN . Av&- PATCHIOOUE . N.Y. ¦Ji 1 . 1 , " 1 !"! , 1 I1 ;1 ; .!;, 1 .i 1 ,,. M . . . I i , IIS I HMII IMI i ... '¦'¦¦' i ^...,.,iij. 'L,..a jga gBap Mr&hdMrx- ^ ri^ * ( p^T^ e^Ai o ^^ / nH^' N 'r w efiessA^v iB^ U/ASN V RSA LL Y i\60 A ^AY 3b£ , WE' LLV /S1CK.01'5TN£E0£M ^ W(5 - YOU OUT To J^^J ) REST mo FfeesH if ^ 90*^ AND YOULL ( \A\t BOT i YF ALL ™e SUN , J OA- S ' T AFFCp p /AR^ Ai R . AN P Resr j -; Vro GO AV^AY ?J YOO NEED . ADDING- { , ' ( ^ loJ ' ^W^ 50N PORCH 73 O^j m i iPB* . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . - . - Tho Chinese people pay their doctors to , keep them well. . Another wiso way of keeping well is to build a sun-porch for a; living-room. Tlio sun ' s rays, which have ii real curative value in many ' ailments , also act ns a preventive bf . disease; it cboory, brightening in- fluence on the whole household, - May wo quote you prices to show you at what reasonable cost you can add a ' sun porch to your home ' . , EB*HJ|¥^S0NSl5t niawn ma&4rtsvmf llx>Ki*k ^ ' ¦ - PATCHOCMJC. L.B. BMNCI«l-$AYVlllE, Ssyp /^ D BASmON, Ll^P»«)ra230 -< *-jj ^» ~~- j - J^^^^^ « ** ^J **— £ *~ J^^ •^¦"¦-•¦ " ¦' """ ' —-— ' -*. *• . •' "-•- " ¦ "— ¦ ¦ ¦'—--' -" ** * ¦ ¦ - . ¦- - ¦ ¦ ¦ , One of many reasons why advertising in. THE ADVANCE is so productive of profitable results is—that nearly all of THE ADVANCE'S circulation is concentrated in Patchogue ' s " trading territory" —the territory which local and national ad- vertisers in Patchogue are' most anxious to cultivate. j aafe ft fe j^ 1 YOUR PHOTOGRAPH FOR CHRISTMAS Jk& ' - ' /- sj ^fc .| i /&& KUTE KIDDIE . KLOTHES I M A Sitting Toilay Solves the Gift Problem of Tomorrow I f ; ' W^S '& ¦ffi^_$U K>^8P »K Tl Rialto Theatre Buildiii ff South Ocean Avenue, Patchogue J I *ake An Appointment Today ' ¦ fejl^MX ' lS ^C fS^ll^ii^ffl ^l The prettiest and daintiest apparel for the youngsters to be found m E^ L. JOHNSON ., ,. ¦ MBriai^P ^^/^^iKwJ/ «tt 7^^Hlisi2v - anywhere , and She prices—well , they cannot be matched anywhere. I I Photogr, P her . Patchogue Thealve Bu.ld.ng ^^^^ffi^B^B ' ^ ^ ^ ^ R That' s because we make them. ( j I V0, ^^^Sl ^S! a ¦ ^^^ ^g| | ^\ ^^^^ MAJOR J. P. D. SHIEBLE R & SON j I ' RADIO-PIANOS 11/ * 1 ! l is r i ' MrffP Vt TtT iliZf tW ' " ' 190-200 West Main Street , Patchogue Telephones 680 and 868 [ I' SONORA PHONOGRAPHS ¦ h"' j K^ " \' '^ ^jF tm ^^ rYX * ^ } ' GARAGE AND DRIVE-IN GAS STATION I 1 Headquarters fo r Musical Merchandise Convenient Terms \^^(li_K^ j3 ^ Ambulance and Wrecking Service NEVER CLOSED | 1 UCHENSTEIN BROS. ' Nsa^ t. %JS*^ WEST END FURNITURE CO ' ! S ' 164-166 . Sciutli Ocean Avenue. Patchooue s . ' 63 and 65 North Ocean Avenue , Patchogue ' i I CAN ^' CIGAR L^t T S^^^ Conducted by the- Skteen . Merchants Listed on This Page V^al '^a^ X^^ \ SB . n .. n _. ur ' -ii u.U A .„ T«V Ilnt;i Christmas -,„„ »^-- Most Convenient Terms ' ( I A Small Depos,t W.I) If»HI Anv Toy Unt.l Christmas a^f i*rf K)mm; "**¦ -«,,. . , .. . A Christmas Pre.ent of Furniture U a Precious Gift That Lasts fit SHOP EARLY m * m9* *\m* *Wm\ * V W* m. ^.T* __.¥ JL Through Many Years and a Constant Reminder of ;. ' - - " i I ' npPENHE iM' s . ¦ f ^laf % ts. ^a To ii^rrtm Night ^^Z -: ' .:, - "^ 1 I V SHOES THAT SATISFY fL^ lf JP5%«SSl af ft rtVIn^k OTTO SALZER M Foot-Quarters for ^BIkl * ***» *^mW y *f ^ *ntr %L*r: ttl !_ » . If ***»*4J*V1K 180 South Ocean Avenue, Patchogue J Oft KUTE KIDDIES KONTEST KOUPONS " The Very Best in Bread , Cake and Pastry "k ij S South Ocesn Avenue, Patchogue TRY OUR PUMPKIN AND MINCE PIES AND APPLE DUMPLINGS ! B' —— ' ' - •" i ' . " GIFTS WI LL BE AWARDED AS FOLLO WS : . Whipped Cream C»ke« Made of the Very Best Pure Whipped Cream I : Make ^^SS^TLfit $75 IN GOLD : v ~~ BRILUS DEPT . STORE 1 -SYNDICATE CLOTHING STORES For thi Most Popular Kiddie in Patchogue School District ^ "^" cSeS r 2* T' . . " | I ' 42 South Ocean Avenue, Patchogue, L. I. $50 IN GOLD MEN'S, WOMEN'S . BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS ' j ' . " ' ' ' r. i __ » i m_r «« v ar. a v r. a I i r*» Underwear and Shoes at Lowest Prices [ m f M«rt»__ r ' For the Second Most ropiuar Kiddie ui Patchogue School Distrjict i —; : ¦ —~~ 1 ' ,w I^S» m ,, S25 1N GOLD , ' ¦ > THE ADVICE PAPER SHOPPE j ¦* o+ w *4. *m *~ *»^-g^ ***- *> ' . . F ^ lh. TO.J Mo.lPo, ^ Kiddie b Patchogiie SAoci DUlricl ^^^ ^ r^c i^r^c^ \ 1 Prt ^^ ^. SS ^^^ ^«^^w ftia *^" . . . . . $50 IN GOLD ' "" M " Su,i._..„-E.„..l. g -F.n., Ho.U., WraH __w f.p.. j | " . GI F^ " ' Siiop ' ' : ' " ' - ~" ^ or *"* st P 0 P u ' ar Kiddie in Brookhaven Town Outside of Patchogue School . * - k ECONOMY MARKET ' : ~ ¦ 'r * - ' ' ' ¦ ' ' I I Is now sunnlied with many beautiful fin 'fte Gifts appropriate for either ' District A. Mendelton , Prop. \ M party prizes, weddings, birthdays or Christmas «9C IM f lfM Tl 93 West Main Street Telep hone 726 Patchogue ( M EI l ' I D ' Lighting Fixture* , ' Lamps-^Flashlight* IhZu IW I XxlLJLP The Place to Get the Finest Roam, Juciest Steaks, Hams, Bacon , Etc. , ' " 1 1 °C P,C * " " q HOWARD TTTO S For the Second Most Po pular Kiddi e in Brookhaven Town Outside of Patchogue ' ' . f n \u f ^l M«t Mode le Priee , _ _ gM i O. t V Jy i ra *\** aaawu » „» ___. «- . . . -,. , . Let Our Meat Help to Bring Home the Bacon tor Your Favorite s M Roe' s Hotel Building, East Mala Street , Patchogue SchOOl district ___^ Youngster ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ,. ' ' " '[ I , . m „«,, : , MB' ANT V DEPARTMENT - The contest is open to all kiddies up to and including seven years of age in A CHRISTMAS PRESENT 1 - «., b VISIT ^^ SiS wd Wool Coate, SUk Caps , Silk and BrookHavenTown. No chitd of any of the merchants g iving coupons or any of their Of a DIAMOND RING or a FINE WATCH « . CHEST OF SILVER I S Silk Dresses, Petticoats, bllg ana ^VV' p ""^' ^.. -*- Tnfenta' Satin t .n, 1> -LI r -i i.__ May Secure Enough Coupons to Wm a Fine Christmas Gift for Your | Wool Hose, Sweaters, Knitted Suits, Teddy Bear Suits, intants oann employees Will be eligible for eAtry. Favorite Youngster ' ! and Kid Shoes , at g^ffi ^ nne ' -zY) iwr ^^ ten cents spent with any of the merchants listed on this page will entitle l K. G. KALLER jj I NOVELTY DREaa ^j^„„„ S ' - - ' ¦ . ' ¦ ' . - the purchaser tO ten VOteS. Leading Jeweler ' 30 East Main Street , Patchogue I 12 .14 NORTH 0CEAN J AVENUE - * """ PATCHOGUE, L. 1. ^ coupon gtiod for five votes is publish ed in each edition of The Advance. —— —— ——— -j i -__ ~L^ ¦ ¦ __^_- - .L,^ ' , - mmLj . ,** * *^^

Ji¦ 1 .i,,. 1 M . I i , IIS I HMII IMI i '¦'¦¦' ^,.,iij.'L ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1926-12-17/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · enjoyed the week-end at their bunga-low, Charles

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Page 1: Ji¦ 1 .i,,. 1 M . I i , IIS I HMII IMI i '¦'¦¦' ^,.,iij.'L ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1926-12-17/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · enjoyed the week-end at their bunga-low, Charles


Neighboring News |'• ' From tho Adv"""" Scribes '$1 !. i _ _ _ ____ U __». '__. __ ___..-. J _ "?

East Morichesfi /lRS. Mnybcw ' Towor entertainedM tho Luncheon Bridge Club onWednesday.

Mrs. Willlnm -Fitzpatrlck and son ,ilrrbcrt , will leave on Saturday forM/eriil days' visit with relative nmlj fis I" Flnmtagton, N. J.

¦jj lj s Doris Miller will spend next

week in Now York City.Mrs. Oliver Hammond and sister,

«,!« Ella Terry, entertained the fol-lowing ladles at COO on Monday oven-,,e. Mrs. Charles Chapiiian, Mrs. M.n Tower, Miss Bessie Shaddock, MrsV'.H , Tuthill , Mrs. J'.'.C. Raynor , Mrs.William Chapman , Mrs. 13. 0. Howell ,Mw E. H. Kirby, Mrs, Theodore Haltlock. Mrs. Wiljiam Miller , Misses Hen-rfettc and Florence Terry, Mrs. C. D.Terry, Mrs, Lincoln Lewis, Mrs. Emil yQulnn, MM. E. S. Brown , Mrs. Percyj ftynor and Mrs. George Journeay. Adelicious lunch WOB served and prizes»:onby Mrs. 'Raynor , Mrs. Tower, Mrs.W Chapman, Mrs. Journeay anil Mrs.Kirby.

Mrs. Martha S'icoil and the Jonesbrothers started for Henderson, N. C,on Momlny .night, where they willspend the winter;¦

Mrg, Mary Neclcerman viaitcd at tlmhb'me of her son anil family, Mr. andMrs. James Neckermon , of Easthan'ip-t'dn the latter part of thd week. Theywero former residents of this placeaiid thnir .frieflds will be sorry to learnthat Mr. Neckcrmnn was knockeddown by an automobile, receiving; abroken leg and several facial cuts, nndtheir three children are very ill withpneumonia*.. Sirs. William Fitzpatrlck , Mrs.

Junes Mqddren ,;Mrs. L. N. Benjamin ,j frs. James Mtttriatt, Miss BeatriceAfarriott, H^s. George Brooks nmljjrs. Franklin Daggett attended theOrder of Eastern Star meeting onMonday night ."of the lodge room inCenter Moriches... '.The - firemen .'- held their regularmeeting at the )*»ll on Monday eve-nine- They are, planning to have acommunity Christaias tree. Jamesjjarriott isi chairman of arrangements.After business the>y enjoyed "eats"and cards. I -¦

railroad ,telephone has been in-stalled in the depot. '

The telephone company are install-ing' a one-ring systeipi on their partylines. ¦ When -the operator and tele-phone owner become*1 accustomed totbe ¦:. 'change, it -will ibte a great im-pt&v'eme.it oyer the \>W method.

Lake Ronkonkoma]\y|RS. Joseph Kirk and Mrs. Ren-**l wick Raynor spent a few days inNew York last week shopping.

Alfred Herrschaft has taken a po-.sition in Newton Bros, garage.

Miss Clara Hamsnn of New Jerseyspent the week-end with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamann.

Work liafl been ntartod on a housefor Chorion Wcntlsch In Oak Street,

Tho Olrln ' Club met At the home ofMm, LeRoy Vollgrnir PrldnjK OVOI|IIIK.

Mrs, Fred Shelles of Brooklyn spentseveral days .Inst week with hermother, Mrs. J.ohA Ciirtln.

Tho American icgioir held tlmlrmeeting at the fireball Tuesday eve-ning.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fuhrlngorspent tho week-end In New York visit-ing friends.

The Ronkonkoma bowling team de-feated tho Medford toaifl at MedfordFriday night by over 80 points.

Mis. Willlnm Ilahii of Medfordvisited . friends hero Saturday,

Mr, und Mrs. Hoy QuItnV spent scv-oral days in Southampton visitingfriends.

Arthur Slnrnm und several friendsfrom New York spent tho week-end atthe Slnrnm cottage on Pine Street.

Charles Fish of Patchogue spentSunday here. Mrs. Fish returnedhome with him after spending sometime hero.

John Itosello of Stntcn Island spentseveral days this week at his home inHawkins Avenue.

Mr, and Mrs. Charles Baxter havemoved Into their now bungalow onRonkonkoma Avenue.

Louis McNulty spent tho wcek-enilin New York visiting friends there.

MM. Tom Brown 'gave a party ather homo Saturday evening in honorof Catherine Lowell's birthday. Manyof Miss Lowell's frlendd attended anda jolly time was had by all.

Mastic ParkTOHN STARK has gone to the city

J where he has secured a position.Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz and little

child came out from town and spentover Saturday at their cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. Casso nre spendinga few-weeks in New York.

John Meyer entertained his brother,Albert Meyer, over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Botsfonl and babyenjoyed the week-end at their bunga-low,

Charles Monti has forsaken • thepaint brash for the carpenter's sawfor a brief space, anil is making anaddition to his bungalow. '

Wills of Interest inSurrogate's Court

•"THE will of Joseph P. Bennett of¦*• Sag Harbor gives all of his

esUte, valued at $1,300, to a friend,Mabel L. Patterson, of Somerville,Mass. '

The will of Frederick Kanning, St.James, value of estate listed as "un-known," makes bequests as follows:

Marie Knimlng, sister, $2,0(10; teutonK. Ayres, niece, $2,000j Sophie Kan-nlng, sister, ffiOO j Minnie Kimtilng,sister, $200; Dlcdrlck Knimlng, broth-er, : $100; Henry Khnnlng, brother,$100; Erlio.it Knimlng, brother, $.500:John O. Ayres, gpld watch ; SamuelAckermnn, old employee, Wi; resi-due to the widow/Sarah 1.. Knnnlng.

Tho will of Mary J. barren of BayShore gives St. Patrick'n IlomiinCatholic .Church tn that village $500.Tho estate is valued at over $8,000; toAmelia Robertson , mother-in-law, ofFreeport, ia given $300; Mary Ken-nay, Brooklyn , cousin , $200; WilliamMartin and Frances Otlloon , ouch $f>0;residue to Mario Mahon , cousin , Man-hattan.

Tho will of Elizabeth -11. Lenorl ofSmithtown, estate more tlmn $15,000,gives tho entire estate to hor husband ,William 11. Luonorl.

Estate Nettle M. Smith; $1,000, let-ters to Fred D. Smith , husband, Bay-port.

Estate of Frodqrick S. Scliaefor ,

$l ,O0fl , letters lo Onsppr Hidmofoifather , Rag Harlan*.

JOHN WKER and John HnmmnnJ motored In to Brook lyn oi; Hntiir-

<Jf- *; ,W,i R, Ed*fll1' 'M^TlolnPd af*w friends In honor of the fiftho nMt>y ol. her diktightor Barbara,lliose proAvnt wero Mrs. llnrold Bal.« n

~d ('ft "K' ,t-«l': R«th of PatchoRue,

Mm. D. R. Morrill ami daughter .leanof East l'ntchoguc , Mrs. Elmer Bald-win and son Elmer ond Mrs. ChartedA {torn nnd daughter Anne of Holts-villa.Mr. mid Mrs. Dodd Craft and Mr.Spencer of Fort Jefferson visited Mrs.Minnie Terry on Sunday.The ' Ladles' Aid will hold Ha nextmeeting after New Year 's Day.Miss Grace Terry was given nshower nt the home of Mrs. IL Dare InSelden on Thursday. A number offriends from Holtsville attended tho

flffn lr. Miss Terry received manybeautifu l presents.

Mr. and Mrs. William Cunncen , Sr.,and sons spont several- days with rela-tives in Brooklyn.

Lawrence Radford of New Yorkspent several days with his family inHoltsville.

The handsome new organ donatedto the Fnrmingville CongregationalChurch by the Ladies' Aid was detll-eated on Sunday. The Misses Warnerof Patchogue gave several vocal se-lections , and Leroy Ackerly of Patch-ogue gave an organ recital. EdwardWagner, pastor of the church , brough tit choir from Smithtown to help withthe singing.

At a special meeting of the Holts-ville Community club Saturday eve-ning, with Vice President Grahampresiding, it was announced that themain purpose of this meeting was tocollect all arrears of dues by Decem-bpr 29, the club's regular monthlymeeting nigh t , and a committee ofthree, W. Cunneen, A. Sipos and JohnWild , were appointed to do this. Allmembers six months in arrears willbe dropped- The box social will beheld at the club tomorrow night , andjudging from the way the girls areplanning on filling jtheir lunch boxes,there will be a feast. The GhosiosJazz Trio will furnish music for danc-ing. The club's annual New Year'sEve dance will be held December 31,for a great time is being planned.


The adoption of an employees payroll deduction life Itummnci' planthnt will be offered by llio Now YorkTelephone Compniiy to its employeeswns announced today by Vli*e Presi-dent T. P. Sylvan , In charge of pm*-sonnel. More than 04,000 telephoneworkers tn the company 's territory inNow York Stole and northern NewJersey will bo enabled to secure stand-ard life insurance with modern disa-bility beiicfltK on an easy paymciltplan, The policies will be * Issued on amonthly payment busts, premiums be-ing paid by deduction from pay. ThisInsurance plan is the company 's latestdevelopment of its program of co-op-eration with its employees for eiicour-nKemont of thrift and provision of umaximum security.


Silk Crep e Underwea r

Now is the tijne to /j ' $j M I kobtain a supply of beau- . / xjfr / /'w/ & ¦"tiful silk undergarments u§ // $] • $ W Mat A very real paving. A W^Tv

f f "Z ~ _beautiful assortment of \ %}, J%QKJ& .ffrk. ¦-heavy crepe de chine ^ JuSa^

l' jWy f jtwo piece sets, chem- ^J m B S S h - i 't ^Z ^awkises, dancing sets, /fimPr/f' i.lwgowns, stepins, princess ?&$$& %$ // M/JSB-v i i . ¦oBii -:if-. H li .-' .-s*7wi___RIsups and pajamas dam- HHN -'II I / *&Mm&tily trimmed with fine m rfv B S^ B^^laces, shown in all pasr ||| iul^HUM SF/^tel shades, prices rang- Jf^^ ^Bfiltl \ \ing from $1.98 to $7^98 . vSi • |\^ || | 1¦to s u i t eVerypne's m. \%\ m. \l f


THE STORE FOR. WOMEN - ^. 63-65 s. OCEAN. Av&-


¦Ji1 . 1 , "1 !"!, 1 I1 ;1 ; .!;,1 .i1, ,. M . . . I i , I I S I H M I I IMI i . . . '¦'¦¦' i ^...,.,iij . 'L,..ajgagBap

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U/ASNV RSALLY i\60 A AY 3b£ , WE'LLV/S1CK.01'5TN£E0£M^W(5- YOU OUT To

J^^J)REST mo FfeesH if ^ 90* AND YOULL (\A\t BOT i YF ALL ™e SUN, J

OA-S'T AFFCpp/AR^ Ai R.ANP Resr j - ;Vro GO AV^AY ?J YOO NEED. ADDING- { ,

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50N PORCH 73 O j

m iiPB* . ¦¦¦¦

. . - . -Tho Chinese people pay their doctors to , keep them well. .Another wiso way of keeping well is to build a sun-porch for a;

living-room. Tlio sun 's rays, which have ii real curative value in many 'ailments, also act ns a preventive bf .disease; it cboory, brightening in-fluence on the whole household, -

May wo quote you prices to show you at what reasonable cost youcan add a 'sun porch to your home'. • ,

EB*HJ|¥ S0NSl5tniawnma&4rtsvmf llx>Ki *k ^• ' ¦ - PATCHOCMJC. L.B.

BMNCI«l-$AYVlllE,Ssyp / D BASmON,Ll^P»«)ra230-< *-j j ^»~~-j -J^^^^^

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One of many reasons why advertising in.THE ADVANCEis so productive of profitable results is—that nearly all ofTHE ADVANCE'S circulation is concentrated in Patchogue's"trading territory"—the territory which local and national ad-vertisers in Patchogue are' most anxious to cultivate.


1 YOUR PHOTOGRAPH FOR CHRISTMAS Jk& ' - ' /-sj fc.| i /&& KUTE KIDDIE.KLOTHES • IM A Sitting Toilay Solves the Gift Problem of Tomorrow If ; ' W S '& ¦ffi _$U K> 8P »K T l Rialto Theatre Buildiii ff South Ocean Avenue, Patchogue J

I *ake An Appointment Today

'¦ fejl^MX'lS^CfS ll ii ffl l The prettiest and daintiest apparel for the youngsters to be found

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I Photogr,Pher . Patchogue Thealve Bu.ld.ng

^^^^ffi^B^B ' R That's because we make them. ( j

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RADIO-PIANOS 11/ * 1! l isr i ' MrffP Vt T t T iliZf tW '"

' 190-200 West Main Street, Patchogue Telephones 680 and 868 [I ' SONORA PHONOGRAPHS ¦ h"' j K ^ " \' ' ^j F tm^^r Y X *^ } ' GARAGE AND DRIVE-IN GAS STATION I1 Headquarters for Musical Merchandise Convenient Terms

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1 UCHENSTEINBROS. ' Nsa t. %JS* WEST END FURNITURE CO '• !S ' 164-166. Sciutli Ocean Avenue. Patchooue s . ' 63 and 65 North Ocean Avenue, Patchogue ' i

I CAN 'CIGARL tTS^ Conducted by the-

Skteen. Merchants Listed on This Page V al ' a X ^^ \SB . n .. n •_. ur'-ii u.U A .„T«V Ilnt;i Christmas -,„„ » -- Most Convenient Terms ' (I A Small Depos,t W.I) If»HI Anv Toy Unt.l Christmas a f i*rf K)mm; "**¦ -«,,. . ,.. . A Christmas Pre.ent of Furniture U a Precious Gift That Lasts

fit SHOP EARLY m*m9* *\m**Wm\ *VW* m. .T* __.¥ JL Through Many Years and I« a Constant Reminder of ; . ' - -" i

I —'—n p PENHE iM ' s . ¦ f ^l af %ts. a Toii rrtmNight ^ Z - : ' .:, - ¦ - "^1I V SHOES THAT SATISFY fL ^ lf JP5%«SSl af f t rtVIn^k OTTO SALZER

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ij S South Ocesn Avenue, Patchogue TRY OUR PUMPKIN AND MINCE PIES AND APPLE DUMPLINGS !B ' ——' ' -• " i '

. " GIFTS WILL BE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS : . Whipped Cream C»ke« Made of the Very Best Pure Whipped Cream

I : Make^^SS^TLfit $75 INGOLD

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I ' 42 South Ocean Avenue, Patchogue, L. I. $50 IN GOLD MEN'S, WOMEN'S. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS ' j

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1 ' ,wI^S»m , , S25 1N GOLD , ' ¦ > THE ADVICE PAPER SHOPPE j¦*o+w*4. *m *~*» -g^

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^lh. TO.J Mo.lPo, Kiddie b Patchogiie SAoci DUlricl

^^ r ci r c \1 Prt^ .SS ^ ^«^ wftia* ". . . . . $50 IN GOLD '""M" Su,i._..„-E.„..l. g-F.n., Ho.U., WraH__w f.p.. j| " . GIF "' Siiop'' : ' "'-

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or *"* °st P0Pu'

ar Kiddie in Brookhaven Town Outside of Patchogue School . *- k ECONOMY MARKET ' :

~ ¦ 'r*- ' •' ' ¦' ' II Is now sunnlied with many beautiful fin'fte Gifts appropriate for either ' District A. Mendelton, Prop. \M party prizes, weddings, birthdays or Christmas

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1 °C P,C* " " q HOWARD TTTOS For the Second Most Popular Kiddie in Brookhaven Town Outside of Patchogue ' ' . f n „ \u f ^l

M«t Mode le Priee, _ _gM i O. t V Jy ira*\** aaawu » „» — ___. «- . . . -,. , . Let Our Meat Help to Bring Home the Bacon tor Your Favorite sM Roe's Hotel Building, East Mala Street, Patchogue SchOOl district

___^ Youngster ' ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ , . ' ' " ' [

I , . m „«,,:,MB'ANTV DEPARTMENT - The contest is open to all kiddies up to and including seven years of age in A CHRISTMAS PRESENT

1 - «.,b „ VISIT^

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employees Will be eligible for eAtry. Favorite Youngster '! and Kid Shoes, at g ffi ^nne'-zY) iwr ^

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the merchants listed on this page will entitle l


j^„„„ S ' - - '¦ . '¦ ' . - the purchaser tO ten VOteS. Leading Jeweler ' 30 East Main Street, Patchogue

I 12.14 NORTH 0CEANJAVENUE - * """ PATCHOGUE, L. 1. coupon gtiod for five votesis published in each edition of The Advance. —— —— ——— - j

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