1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227 [email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com Pastor Father James Bahash Associate Pastor Father Kibaki Robert, AJ, Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00am Rosary Daily, after morning Mass Novena Tuesday, after morning Mass Perpetual Adoration 24 hours Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm Vocation Holy Hour 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass Marriage Please call Parish Office Baptism Information on www.saintjohnencinitas.org 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 18, 2019 Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on FIRE And how I wish it were already blazing!” Luke 12:49

Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227

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Page 1: Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227

1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828

Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118

Saint John School : 760 944-8227 [email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com

Pastor Father James Bahash Associate Pastor Father Kibaki Robert, AJ, Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh

Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm

Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00am Rosary Daily, after morning Mass

Novena Tuesday, after morning Mass

Perpetual Adoration 24 hours Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm

Vocation Holy Hour 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass

Marriage Please call Parish Office Baptism Information on www.saintjohnencinitas.org

20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 18, 2019

Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on

FIRE And how I wish it were already

blazing!” Luke 12:49

Page 2: Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227

Page 2 Saint John the Evangelist — From Father Jim August 18, 2019 In those days, the princes said to the king: "Jeremiah ought to be put to death; he is demoralizing the soldiers who are left in this city, and all the people, by speaking such things to them; he is not interested in the welfare of our people, but in their ruin." Jeremiah 38:4

In today’s first reading we see the prophet Jeremiah being roughly handled for prophesying to the Israelites in Jerusalem. The Chaldean army of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar was laying siege to the city and rather than put their trust in The Lord who told the Israelites not to fight, the Israelites put their trust in the Egyptians and made a treaty with them. What they did was the exact opposite of what God asked them to do. Don’t make deals with the Egyptians! What we see next is that as the Egyptian forces closed in on the Babylonians, the siege was lifted for a time whilst the armies of Babylon went out to meet their Egyptian adversaries. This all took place sometime around 597 B.C. For his part, Jeremiah continues speaking the word of The Lord to the inhabitants of the city while the Babylonians are off fighting. He says in verses three and four, “Thus says the LORD: Those who remain in this city shall die by means of the sword, starvation, and disease; but those who go out to the Chaldeans shall live. Their lives shall be spared them as spoils of war that they may live. Thus says the LORD: This city shall certainly be handed over to the army of the king of Babylon; he shall capture it.” Needless to say, the princes of the people didn’t like this particular prophecy and so they took Jeremiah and threw him into a muddy cistern. Thankfully, the king had him pulled out of the muddy cistern but eventually the Babylonian army re-turned, the city was taken, king Zedekiah captured, forced to watch as his sons were murdered before his eyes, then he was blinded led away in chains to exile in Babylon. I don’t want to say that God told you so, but yes, God told you so. A stark reminder to all of us. Listen to God or it will end badly for us! You see, The Lord wills only what’s best for us. As a loving Father he directs us all to follow the moral law revealed both in nature and through revelation. Every time we devi-ate from the moral life (sin) we become damaged sometimes physically and always spiritually. We can damage ourselves so much through sin that we revert to our default position of being unworthy of God and his kingdom. Thankfully, he has been so gracious to us by giving us the Sacrament of Reconciliation to restore us to friendship with him whenever we have fallen from grace through our own willfulness. There is the battle we face today in our own society. As the ranks of unbelievers grow and Catholics and Christian be-come more lukewarm or even leave the Faith we see a terrible increase of sin, disease, dysfunction, hostility, violence, hatred, racism, and callousness in regard to the sanctity of life. Without God and without living a morally upright life there comes nothing but intellectual and spiritual blindness and selfishness. What’s the answer to moral rot that fills our society? Conversion. True conversion means turning our back on worldly things, selfish things, and refocusing on the things that endure, the objects of our Faith. A true believer, a real disciple lives by a different worldview than those without Faith. We are guided by love of God and Neighbor, not the Will to Power. Let’s all reapply ourselves to worthy worship and reception of Holy Eucharist, frequent prayer, especially the Rosary, as well as regular Confession, penance and works of mercy. In closing, I’d like to share some prophetic words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI:

We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires. Christianity is not a new philosophy or new morality. We are Christians only if we encounter Christ... Only in this personal relationship with Christ, only in this encounter with the Risen One do we really become Christians... Therefore, let us pray to the Lord to enlighten us, so that, in our world, he will grant us the encounter with his pres-ence, and thus give us a lively faith, an open heart, and great charity for all, capable of renewing the world. The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.

Page 3: Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227

Page 3 Saint John the Evangelist August 18, 2019


Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30

Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Parish Finance Report

Aug 5—Aug 11 Total Registered Families: 3,219

Total weekly cost (based on Fiscal Yr 2018-2019) of salaries and benefits, liturgies, utilities, sacraments, repairs and on-

going maintenance: $25,451

Amount Received Total Identified

Contributing Households

Plate/Loose Collections

$3,934 -0-

Envelope/Identified Collections

$10,196 301

Online Giving Collections

$5,341 147

Total Collections & % of Registered

Families $22,740


Variance - / + $<2,711>

Mail In/Office Drop $3,269 26


Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. John Eudes Tuesday: St. Bernard Wednesday: St. Pius X Thursday: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Friday: St. Rose of Lima Saturday: St. Bartholomew

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday Aug 17 8:00am Martha McRoskey † 5:00pm Rosie Camarda † Sunday Aug 18 7:30am Adessa & Montgomery Families † 9:00am Parishioners 10:30am Geraldine Burke † 12:00pm Gabriel Ignatius Del Val † 5:00pm Mary and Maria Day † Monday

Aug 19 8:00am John Greco †

Tuesday Aug 20 8:00am Gary Bokoch † Wednesday Aug 21 8:00am Lucille & Paul Harmon † Thursday Aug 22 8:00am Elvira Nicolia † Friday Aug 23 8:00am Mary Day † Saturday Aug 24 8:00am Linda Caltagirone (SI) 5:00pm Dorothy P. Way † Sunday Aug 25 7:30am Mitch L’Heureux † 9:00am Denny Brooks † 10:30am Helen Balas † 12:00pm Peregrino & Anita Otero † 5:00pm Fannie O’Hara †

Walk with us in our annual family event, to raise awareness and funds for the needy. Saturday, September 21st, 11:00am

at Saint John


Page 4: Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227

Please Keep in Your Prayers

Dorrie Adessa, Mary Allegretti, Steve Allen, Dave Alpert, Erica Amador, Martha Amador, Art Argullara, Joni Argul-lara, Betsy Azarro, Scott B., Sandra Bates, Bob Behler, Charlotte Behler, Ted Bennett, Diana Bielawski, Tom Bussjaeger, William Carey, Michael Vrla Carney, Ron Crawford, Philada Daniels, Margaret Darling, John Den-hart, Sarah Dyson & Baby, Greg Fix, Juanita Graciano, Rosemary Hollis, Maria Johnson, Marilyn Kasperick, Eva King, Meghan Lenehan, Shelly LeVielle, Sabrina Rogers Logan, Brian McKinney, Shannon Menard, Blanca Susana Mondragon Mendoza, Michael Moore, Larry Morgan, San-dra Naidenoff, Toni Naidenoff, Mary Ann Nowak, Bob O’Donnell, Ann O’Neill, Margaret Palmer, Jerome Pavnic, Senga Peters, Beverly Petraglia, John Polich, John Porzio, Toni Rechsteiner, Angelina Repetti, Horacio Rendon, Tom & Chloe Rossi, Maria Schrieber, Margot Silberman, Bar-bara Steer, Allen Tucker, Michal Tuzinkiewicz, Gloria Villa, Donna Williams

Mark Your Calendars Sunday

Aug 18 After all Masses

Donuts and Coffee


9:00am Mass

Faithful Families Play-date at the school playground


Aug 24 8:00am-11:30am

Palliative Care Presentation


Aug 25 After all Masses

Donuts and Coffee

Page 4 Saint John the Evangelist August 18, 2019

We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.

Perpetual Adoration

We are looking for more night time substitutes and need regular volun-teers for the following hours:

Thu: 10am & Fri: 11pm & Sat: 11am

We also need a new Day Captain to assist with arranging for subs when the regular person needs one. Please contact Ken Poggenburg if you can help with this.

Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night, seven days a week.

Citizenship and ESL Classes

Silviano Carrillo Centers will continue to offer Citizenship and ESL classes during the 2019 - 2020 school year, here at St. John the Evangelist Parish. We bring attorneys and legally certified people who can help with the citizenship process. Classes begin the first week of September. For more information, please call (619)721-0600 or email us at: [email protected]. The classes and legal counsel at the church are free. Tell others about this opportunity! Thanks!


Volunteers are needed to make this year’s fiesta another rousing success! Sign up sheets are in the back of the church. Once complete please drop in the box at back of the church or drop off at the Parish office. ~Thank you~

Youth Ministry Registration for 2019-2020 Confirmation classes for high school students will be 8/22-25 & 8/27. See monthly calendar for times Classes begin in October. For more info, contact Isaac at 760 753-3679 or email to: [email protected]

Palliative Care Presentation Saturday, August 24th Continental Breakfast 8:00am-8:45am

Presentation 9:00am-11:30am See the flyer for more details.

Reservations required—please contact the Parish Office at 760-753-6254

Page 5: Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227

Página 5 Saint John the Evangelist — DEL PARROCO Agosto 18, 2019 En aquellos días, los príncipes le dijeron al rey: "Jeremías debería ser ejecutado; está desmoralizando a los solda-dos que quedan en esta ciudad, y a toda la gente, diciéndoles esas cosas; no está interesado en el bienestar de nuestro pueblo, pero en su ruina ". Jeremías 38: 4

En la primera lectura de hoy vemos al profeta Jeremías siendo manejado bruscamente por profetizar a los israelitas en Jerusalén. El ejército caldeo del rey de Babilonia Nabucodonosor estaba asediando la ciudad y, en lugar de confiar en El Señor, quien les dijo a los israelitas que no pelearan, los israelitas confiaron en los egipcios e hicieron un tratado con ellos. Lo que hicieron fue exactamen-te lo contrario de lo que Dios les pidió que hicieran. ¡No hagas tratos con los egipcios! Lo que vemos a continuación es que cuan-do las fuerzas egipcias se acercaron a los babilonios, el asedio se levantó por un tiempo mientras los ejércitos de Babilonia salieron a enfrentarse a sus adversarios egipcios. Todo esto ocurrió en algún momento alrededor de 597 a.C. Por su parte, Jeremías continúa hablando la palabra del Señor a los habitantes de la ciudad mientras los babilonios están lu-chando. Él dice en los versículos tres y cuatro: “Así dice el SEÑOR: Los que permanezcan en esta ciudad morirán por medio de la espada, el hambre y la enfermedad; pero los que salen a los caldeos vivirán. Se les salvará la vida como botín de guerra para que puedan vivir. Así dice el SEÑOR: Esta ciudad ciertamente será entregada al ejército del rey de Babilonia; él lo capturará ".

No hace falta decir que a los príncipes del pueblo no les gustó esta profecía en particular, por lo que tomaron a Jeremías y lo arrojaron a una cisterna fangosa. Afortunadamente, el rey lo sacó de la cisterna fangosa, pero finalmente el ejército babilónico regresó, la ciudad fue tomada, el rey Sedequías fue capturado, obligado a mirar que sus hijos fueran asesinados ante sus ojos, luego fue cegado y encadenado al exilio en Babilonia. No quiero decir que Dios te lo dijo, pero sí, Dios te lo dijo. Un duro recordatorio para todos nosotros. ¡Escucha a Dios o terminará mal para nosotros! Verá, el Señor solo quiere lo me-jor para nosotros. Como Padre amoroso, nos dirige a todos a seguir la ley moral revelada tanto en la naturaleza como a través de la revelación. Cada vez que nos desviamos de la vida moral (pecado) nos dañamos a veces físicamente y siem-pre espiritualmente. Podemos dañarnos tanto por el pecado que volvemos a nuestra posición predeterminada de no ser dignos de Dios y su reino. Afortunadamente, él ha sido tan amable con nosotros al darnos el Sacramento de la Reconci-liación para restaurar nuestra amistad con él cada vez que hemos caído en desgracia por nuestra propia voluntad. Existe la batalla que enfrentamos hoy en nuestra propia sociedad. A medida que crecen las filas de los incrédulos y los católicos y cristianos se vuelven más tibios o incluso abandonan la fe, vemos un aumento terrible de pecado, enferme-dad, disfunción, hostilidad, violencia, odio, racismo e insensibilidad con respecto a la santidad de la vida. Sin Dios y sin vivir una vida moralmente recta, no hay nada más que ceguera y egoísmo intelectual y espiritual. ¿Cuál es la respuesta a la podredumbre moral que llena nuestra sociedad? Conversión. La verdadera conversión significa darle la espalda a las cosas mundanas, egoístas y reenfocarse en las cosas que perduran, los objetos de nuestra Fe. Un verdadero creyente, un verdadero discípulo vive con una cosmovisión diferente a la de aquellos sin Fe. Nos guiamos por el amor a Dios y al prójimo, no por la voluntad de poder. Volvamos a aplicarnos al culto digno y la recepción de la Sagrada Eucaristía, la oración frecuente, especialmente el Rosario, así como la confesión regular, la penitencia y las obras de miseri-cordia.

Para terminar, me gustaría compartir algunas palabras proféticas del papa emérito Benedicto XVI: Estamos avanzando hacia una dictadura del relativismo que no reconoce nada como seguro y que tiene como objetivo más alto el propio ego y los propios deseos. El cristianismo no es una nueva filosofía o nueva moralidad. Somos cristianos solo si nos encontramos con Cristo ... Solo en esta relación personal con Cristo, solo en este encuentro con el Resucitado, realmente nos convertimos en cristianos ... Por lo tanto, roguemos al Señor que nos ilumine, para que, en nuestro mundo, nos conceda el encuentro con su presencia y, por lo tanto, nos de una fe viva, un corazón abierto y una gran caridad para todos, capaz de renovar el mundo. El mundo te promete comodidad, pero no fuiste hecho para la comodidad. Fuiste hecho para la grandeza.

Page 6: Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227



Para más información llamen a Mary Morán Coordinadora del

Ministerio Hispano al 760-436-4366.

Bautismo, Eucaristía (Primera Comunión) o Confirmación.

Si a usted le faltan estos o alguno de estos Sacramentos, aquí en la iglesia le podemos ayudar para que los reciba.

Página 6 Saint John the Evangelist Agosto 18, 2019

Religious Education Saint John School Dan Schuh 760 944-8227 Religious Education Ann McGinnis 760 753-6254 ‘Faithways’ Junior-High Abel and Gloria Castellanos 760 753-6254 Youth Ministry-High School Isaac Deken 760 753-6254 Hispanic Ministry Mary Moran 760 753-6254 Music Ministry Diane Bailey 760 753-6254

Adult Faith R.C.I.A Allen Stone/Al Schmid 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration Ken Poggenburg 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration (Sp) Lupe Cardona 760 753-6254

Organizations Altar Society Karen Sawchenko 760 753-6254 Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts Blane Adessa 760 753-6254 Catholic Men’s Fellowship David Pavnic / Freddy Picciano 760 753-6254 Culture of Life Keith & Natalie Garcia 760 753-6254 Guadalupanos Olivia Reynaga 760 753-6254 Holy Name Rick Decker 760 753-6254 Knights of Columbus Pat Connors III 760 753-6254 Marriage Encounter Mike and Nancy Reisinger 760 753-6254 Saint Vincent de Paul Tracy Ferchaw 760 753-3056 Seniors Nettie March 760 753-6254


Domingo, Agosto 18

7:30 am Adessa & Montgomery Familias † 9:00 am Parroquianos 10:30 am Geraldine Burke † 12:00 pm Gabriel Ignatius Del Val † 5:00 pm Mary and María Day †





1. Ministerio de Educación Religiosa Familiar e Individual a. Preparación de adultos para los Sacramentos de

Iniciación. b. Preparación de niños para los Sacramentos de

Reconciliación y Eucaristía. c. Preparación de jóvenes para la celebración de

quinceañeras. d. Preparación Pre-Bautismal

2. Ministerio Litúrgico a. Ministros Extraordinarios de Comunión b. Ministros Proclamadores de la Palabra c. Ministros de Hospitalidad/Ujieres d. Servidores del Altar e. Ministros de Música y Canto

3. Ministerio de Evangelización a. Adoración Nocturna b. Grupo de Oración, Llama de Amor c. Formación de Adultos en la Fe d. Congregación Guadalupana e. Matrimonios y Vida Familiar f. Grupo de Oración, Carismático

4. Grupo de Alcohólicos Anónimos 5. Grupo de Al anón

Page 7: Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth ... · 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227

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