Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church 195 South Kankakee Street Coal City, IL 60416 www.stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish 110 South School Street Braidwood, IL 60408 www.icparishbraidwood.org Jesus found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep and doves, as well as money changers seated there. He made a whip of cords and drove them all out. John 2: 1415

Jesus found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep ...stmaryassumptionparish.org/bulletin/2018/030418.pdf · Sunday during the pew solicitation. Also, review ... During this

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page

Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018

Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church

195 South Kankakee Street

Coal City, IL 60416


Immaculate Conception


110 South School Street Braidwood, IL 60408


Jesus found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep

and doves, as well as money changers seated there.

He made a whip of cords and drove them all out. John 2: 14‐15

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 2

Notes From Our Pastor

Dear parishioners, Today we begin the Third Week of Lent. I’m hoping that this is turning out to be a beautiful time of spiritual renewal — a time to repent and turn back to God, a time to grow in holiness. I would encourage all to increase in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Use this beautiful season to prepare your heart for a good Confession.

What sins do you keep confessing? Which sins do you never confess? How does addiction play a part in your life? Addiction is not just about substances, it is about relationships and behaviors as well. Nothing would please the Lord more than turning to Him in this wonderful Sacrament, confessing your sins, and deepening your relationship with Him. Especially if you’ve been away from the Sacrament, I would encourage you to make this Lent the time to return to the Lord with a repentant heart.

The Lord is waiting for you with great love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness. The goal of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is not just to remove our sins and relieve our guilty consciences but to restore us to grace and conform us to Christ who is our pattern of holiness. The fruitful celebration of this sacrament conforms us to Christ. We become who we are called to be, the Body of Christ. So renew your appreciation and practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Ample times are being provided for you to make a good confession... don’t disappoint Him.

Give Jesus your heart, and He will give you Heaven! Have a good and holy Lent, Father Noesen

Why do you go to confession to a priest? Why is confession to a priest necessary? Why not simply go to God, since he's the one who must forgive you?

What’s first and foremost in the reception of the Sacrament of Penance is the forgiveness of God: Jesus has given us His sure way of receiving that forgiveness. He gave us the Sacrament of Penance. He expects us to use it. Christ never gave us any optional commands. Instead, He was very direct. He didn’t say, "Go preach the Gospel to all the world, if you feel so inclined." Nor did He institute the Sacrament of Baptism with the remark, "Here's a nice thing you might do." Did He tell us to eat His body and drink His blood, "if that sort of thing appeals to you"? Of course not. His commands are absolute. Now consider the Sacrament of Penance. Read again Matthew 16:19 and 18:18, and John 20:22-23. Jesus bestowed the power of this sacrament on His Church because He intends His people to use it. Furthermore, Jesus foresaw the need to assure us that we are forgiven, and so He empowered His priests to give that assurance. But we also need forgiveness from the people harmed by our sin. We never know how many persons are affected by our sins, nor do we know who all of them are. Imagine standing beside a quiet pond and throwing a rock far out into the water. Think of the concentric circles which go out and out from the point of impact. You finally lose sight of all of them. Sin is like that. In the Sacrament of Penance, Jesus Christ empowers His priests to offer not only God's forgiveness. Speaking in the name of the community affected by our sins, the priest also offers us their forgiveness. This is the only way we can be fully freed of the guilt of our sin. What’s more, the priest, acting in the person of Christ can help people better understand their actions, their sins. He can also help to make the very important distinction between remorse (which is purely self-centered) and true remorse (which is pure true contrition and repentance, which are life-restoring. The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly teaches us that individual, auricular confession to a priest is necessary in the reception of the Sacrament of Penance. Ample times are provided for all to make a confession of their sins during this holy season. Come to encounter the forgiving Christ in this wonderful Sacrament of forgiveness.

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 3

SAINT PEREGRINE Patron Saint of all those who suffer from

Cancer or any incurable Disease or Condition This Tuesday, March 6th, is the First Tuesday of the Month. We will hold the usual devotions in honor of Saint Peregrine following the 6:30 PM Mass in Church. The blessing of the sick with the relic of Saint Peregrine will be given, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will also be a part of the evening service. If you, or someone you know, suffers from cancer or is struggling with an incurable disease or condition, join us the First Tuesday of each month for prayer and ask for healing, an increase in faith, acceptance of God’s will, and strength to bear whatever God asks of you.

Diocese of Joliet 2018 Annual Appeal

Two weeks ago, we together along with every parish in the Diocese of Joliet officially began the 2018 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal. It is my hope that the Annual Appeal will deepen a sense of the call we have all received from the Lord to extend His love and mercy to the entire Diocese. The Annual Appeal invites you to join with Catholics in the seven counties that comprise our diocese in supporting the good we are called to do because of our faith in Jesus Christ.

The target goal for Assumption Parish this year is $33,900. The goal for Immaculate Conception Parish this year is $12,900. I realize that parishioners at Assumption Parish are being asked to give much this year with the church renovation and building campaign as well as our regular Sunday giving and now the annual appeal. So I ask each of you to pray on your response. Simply do what you can, and allow the Lord to direct you in your generosity. It is true no one person can do everything, but we can all do SOMETHING.

The Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal is YOUR opportunity to do something, to make a difference in the lives of people hungry for the Lord Jesus. It’s important that we all give... equal sacrifice, not equal gifts. That’s what the Lord asks and invites us to consider. Perhaps this year more parishioners will join the Bishop’s Deo Gratias Society with a gift of $1,000 or more.

If you have not done so already, take the time to look at the envelope you either received in the mail or last Sunday during the pew solicitation. Also, review information the Diocesean website -


Let’s work together and meet this diocesan obligation in a timely manner. Hopefully, by the end of Lent! If everyone does something, we’ll have no trouble meeting and even exceeding our parish target goal, just as we did these past 9 years. Make your pledge today! Fill out the envelope or make a contribution on-line. If you make an on-line donation make sure you mark down your parish so that the parish gets credit for your contribution. Thank you in advance for your contribution,

Father Noesen

Catholic Lenten Practices

Lent is the principle season of penance in the Christian year. All of the faithful are strongly urged to develop and follow a program of voluntary self denial, (in addition to following the Lenten regulations), serious prayer, and performance of works of charity and mercy.

* Everyone 14 years of age or over is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent.

* Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 years of age is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On these two days of fast and abstinence, only one full meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted on these two days, but liquids including milk and fruit juices are allowed. When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige.

* Church law considers disregard of these practices of our Faith tradition as seriously sinful because it separates one from the community’s spiritual practices and from the person of Christ in His Body — the community of our Parish and the Universal Church.

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 4

Know Jesus Intimate in His Suffering Stations of the Cross

Celebrated on Tuesdays and Fridays during Lent

“The pious exercise of the Way of the Cross represents the sorrowful journey that Jesus Christ made with the cross on his shoulders, to die on Calvary for the love of us. We should, therefore practice this devotion with the greatest possible fervor, placing ourselves in spirit beside our Savior as He walked this sorrowful way, uniting our tears with His, and offering to Him both our compassion and our gratitude.”

~Saint Alphonsus Liguori During this Lenten Season, Stations of the Cross are held on Tuesdays at 7:00p.m. at Immaculate Conception Parish. Stations of the Cross and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament are held at 6:30p.m. at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. Please join us for these traditional Lenten Devotions.

Do You Have Concerns About Falling? Many older adults experience concerns about

falling and restrict their activities.

A MATTER OF BALANCE is an award-winning program designed to manage

falls and increase activity levels.

This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls.

YOU WILL LEARN TO: view falls as controllable set goals for increasing activity make changes to reduce fall risks at home exercise to increase strength and balance

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? anyone concerned about falls anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength anyone who has fallen in the past anyone who has restricted activities because of

falling concerns

Classes are held on Thursday mornings 10:00 am to 12:00pm

April 12, 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2018

Classes held at: Assumption Catholic Church

(Madonna Room) 195 S Kankakee St. Coal City, IL 60416

Program is FREE If you are age 60 or older For more information and to register, please call Amanda at 815-523-9918


We are a faith based organiza on  providing service to people in need  

and calling others of good will to do the same.   

Annual Night at the Races: April 28, 2018 This annual event is an important fundraiser for our parish. Please plan to attend and join your family and friends in a night of horse races, silent and live auctions, and raffles. The committee is in need of parishioner volunteers to be part of the planning committee to ensure a successful event.

Please contact Cindi Grove (815) 735-1432 or Teri Boylan (815) 326-0254

If you can help.

All our prayers and congratulations to

Suzanne and Robert Hamilton on their 50th

Wedding Anniversary

If you would like to receive a special blessing and renewal of your Marriage vows, please call the parish office.

Page 5: Jesus found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep ...stmaryassumptionparish.org/bulletin/2018/030418.pdf · Sunday during the pew solicitation. Also, review ... During this

March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 5

In Your Charity, Pray for the Sick

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Immaculate Conception Parishes

Gino Altiery, Shannon Baer, Gloria Barre, Thomas Baumann, Braeden Belcher, Bridget Black,

Arie Brown, Megan Bugg, Pat Byrne, Nadia Cannon, Baby Johnny Carver, Joseph Chalupa, Fa-

ther Ernie Norbeck, Marjorie Flynn, Michael Gallagher, Ryliegh Girot, Joanne Goyette,

Les Heberer, Gloria Kelleher, Kim Kryzak, Beverly Luck, Greg Maruszak, John McClennan, Bob McConnell,

Jadon & Anias McDonald, Christopher Miller, Brian Pierbolte, Valynda Planeta, Lynn Red, Megan Riley,

Lorraine Rink, Bobby Roeback, Michael Stoffel, Will Thompson,David Verona, Ernie Viano,

Marie Winkler, Joey Zelko, Holly Zykwa

For our complete Sick List policy please contact your parish office

Family Faith Formation This Sunday and Wednesday, March 4th and 7th, respectively, are our monthly Family Faith Formation gatherings in Berst Hall. These sessions are required for both students and parents. This month’s program and the children’s chapters focus on Christ’s gift of the Sacraments offered to us through His Church. How appropriate it is that we focus on the Sacraments during this Season of Lent! It is through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus that these Sacraments take shape and have meaning in our lives.

During the Season of Lent, we focus especially on the three Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. There have been five adult members of our local communities that have been meeting every week since last September, learning about Jesus and the teachings of the Catholic Church. They are anxiously looking forward to entering our Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass on March 31st and receiving each of these Sacraments! Our second graders are anxiously awaiting the celebration of their First Reconciliation and First Communion in the weeks and months ahead, while our eight graders look forward to the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Without Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection none of this would happen, we would be a people without hope – there would be no Church and no Sacrament. The Good News is we are a people of Hope, because Christ did suffer, die and rise for you and for me, that we might have life eternal, the chance of eternal joy with God in Heaven.

As we get to the half-way point in Lent, I ask every family to think about what Christ has done for us, the saving action of Jesus, by attending the Stations of the Cross at either of our parishes, Immaculate Conception on Tuesday evening or Assumption Parish on Friday evening. This traditional practice of following Jesus’ footsteps to Calvary is a great way for all of us to remember just how much Jesus loves us. If you attend as a family, you can use this time as an “Explore Four” activity. More importantly, use the Stations as an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of the Catholic Church and the Sacraments! In Christ, Deacon Bill Dunn



Assumption Parish † Flames of Faith †

† For Deceased members of the Halliday Family.

† For the unemployed to find employment.

† For Bob and Suzanne Hamilton's 50th Wedding Anniversary.

† That more adorers will come to Eucharistic Adoration in our chapels and churches.

† For the greater glory and praise of God.

† For increased prayer, fasting and almsgiving during these Lenten days.

Six candles burn perpetually around the Blessed Sacrament in the Mother of the Eucharist Adoration Chapel. Intentions listed below are remembered for ONE WEEK [Sunday to Sunday]. The burning candles serve as a constant prayer before the Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament. Envelopes for you to have your intentions remembered and prayed for are available in the Adoration Chapel or in the Church.

The candles will burn this week for the following intentions:

IN ONE WEEK…It’s time to renew Prayer List for our beloved Sick ~ Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish will set aside a special section of our Sunday bulletin for prayers for the ill and infirm. The parish assumes that by making a prayer request, the individual or family gives permission to publicize the parishioner’s name. A family member or the sick person themselves must request the intention. Not every sick person that you know of does not necessarily want their name or situation known, so our parish will respect their privacy. All names must be renewed by calling the parish secretary within the next two weeks. A new list will be published then.

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 6

Sunday Reflection Jesus drives out the moneychangers from the Temple and says that he will destroy the temple and raise it up again.

In today’s Gospel we read about how Jesus overturned the tables of the merchants and the moneychangers in the Temple at Jerusalem. In order to understand the relevance of Jesus’ action, we must learn more about the activities that were going on in the temple area. Worship at the Temple in Jerusalem included animal sacrifice, and merchants sold animals to worshipers. Moneychangers exchanged Roman coins, which bore the image of the Roman emperor, for the temple coins that were needed to pay the temple tax. Jesus’ action at the Temple in Jerusalem is recorded in all four Gospels and is often understood to be among the events that led to Jesus’ arrest and Crucifixion. The Gospel of John, however, places this event much earlier in Jesus’ public ministry than do the Synoptic Gospels. In John’s Gospel this event occurs at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, after his first miracle at the wedding feast at Cana.

We must read the Gospel of John carefully, especially in its presentation of Jesus’ relationship to Judaism. The Gospel of John tends to reflect greater tension and animosity between Jesus and the Jewish authorities than the Synoptic Gospels. The Gospel of John was the last of the four Gospels to be written, and its narrative reflects the growing divide between the Jewish community and the early Christian community. Thus, greater emphasis on the distinction between Christianity and Judaism is found in John’s Gospel.

Reflecting upon the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem (A.D. 70), John recalls Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple and uses that story to interpret this later event. John explains to his audience, an early Christian community, that temple worship would no longer be necessary because it was surpassed in the passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus. With greater frequency than the other Evangelists, John intersperses post-Resurrection reflections of this Christian community in his narrative.

After clearing the Temple of the merchants and the moneychangers, John’s Gospel tells us that the people asked for a sign of Jesus’ authority to do such an audacious act. In response, Jesus predicted his death and Resurrection. Throughout John’s Gospel, the language of signs is distinctive. Jesus’ miracles are called signs, and the people look to these signs for proof of his authority. Here we learn that the sign par excellence will be Jesus’ passion, death, and Resurrection.

During Lent we reflect upon the meaning of this sign for us and for our world. We might take this opportunity to consider the quality of our prayer and worship. In our prayers we seek to deepen our relationship with the person of Christ. In our worship with the community, we gather to experience anew the passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus and its significance in our lives. Christ promises to be present with us when we gather for prayer.

Loyola Press

Next Meeting March 13th

Assumption Parish Madonna Room

9:15 AM

Choir rehearsals will begin soon for Holy Week.

If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact Rita Wise (815) 634-4171

In your charity, prayers and Mass offerings, please remember those who have died.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. May they and all the souls of the

Josephine Hibler Mother of Elaine Smith

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 7

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 8

ASSUMPTION PARISH MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY March 4 3rd Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM Mass Parishioners

11:15 AM Mass The Deceased Members of the Faletti Family Mary Bono (Family) ● Ann & Robert M Watson (B-day) (Family)

Grandpa Robert W. Watson (Family) ● James Seely, Sr (Wife) Margaret & Michael Donahue (Family)

Charles & Angela Thayer (Daughter)

MONDAY March 5 8:00 AM Rosary ● 8:30 AM Communion Service

TUESDAY March 6 6:30 PM Mass Followed by Saint Peregrine Novena and Benediction

David Pierard (Ed & Lorraine Pierard)

WEDNESDAY March 7 8:00 AM Rosary ● 8:30 AM Mass Phyllis Phillips (Family)

FRIDAY March 9 8:00 AM Rosary ● 8:30 AM Mass 6:30 PM - Stations of the Cross and Benediction - Assumption Church

SATURDAY March 10 10:00 AM - Family Faith Formation Confessions - Assumption 4:00 PM Vigil Mass Parishioners

SUNDAY March 11 4th Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM Mass Marcus & Ann Marketti (Marketti Family)

Josephine Hibler (Ron & Dianne Marketti)

11:15 AM Mass Carroll A. Keigher (Patrick Keigher) Michael Sasso (Deacon William Bevan) ● Evelyn Suydam (Helen Dryer) Clint Katavich (Cheryl Pilarczyk) ● Dolores Vasickanin (Tabler Family)

Francis Sinchak (Ray & Ruth Dillon)

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY March 4 3rd Sunday of Lent 9:30 AM Mass Forgotten Souls in Purgatory

TUESDAY March 6 8:00 AM Rosary ● 8:30 AM Communion Service 7:00 PM - Stations of the Cross - Immaculate Conception

THURSDAY March 8 8:00 AM Rosary ● 8:30 AM Mass Bishop Joseph Imesch

SATURDAY March 10 5:45 PM Vigil Mass For all Souls of those buried at our cemetery

SUNDAY March 11 3rd Sunday of Lent 9:30 AM Mass Parishioners

ASSUMPTION PARISH Weekend Ministries Schedule

Visit our webpage for the most current schedule Saturday, March 10 - 4:00 PM SERVERS Bridget Feeney, Colleen Feeney, Jim Feeney E.M. Teri Jo Boylan, John Boylan, Paul Hulbert, Deacon LECTOR Janice Unger

Sunday, March 11 - 7:30 AM SERVERS Jay Kubina, Ron Marketti

E.M. Gloria Natyshok, Dave Burch, Therese Bouvier, Deacon LECTOR James Jacobek

Sunday, March 11 - 11:15 AM SERVERS Ava Solis, Marissa Solis

E.M. Pat Hudetz, Joe Hudetz, Cindi Grove, Deacon LECTOR Pam Carlton

Monday, March 12

COUNTERS Dianne, Larry, Linda & Lorraine

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Weekend Ministries Schedule

Visit our webpage for the most current schedule

Saturday, March 10- 5:45 PM SERVERS Laura Tatroe E.M. Greg Cummins (Rita Werner) LECTOR Mary Tatroe ORG / CAN GREETERS Mike Molloy, Wayne Saltzman, Dr. James, Dan Wilson

Sunday, March 11 - 9:30 AM SERVERS Kylee Scheer, Tori Loomis

E.M. Tammy Favero, Kay Heberer, Anita Scheer (Gale Roberts) LECTOR Bill Scheer


GREETERS A Kelleher, Andrew Scheer, Fred Hejna, Cecelia Pauley

Monday, March 12

COUNTERS Pam, Kay, Sandy

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 9

ASSUMPTION PARISH Weekly Offering + E-giving

2017-18 Annual Budget Projection $335,000

Fiscal YTD Budget Projection (As of 01/31/18) 195,417 Fiscal YTD Actual Collection (As of 01/31/18) 205,321 2017 Prior Year Sunday Collection (02/26/17) 5,702 2018 Current Year Sunday Collection (02/25/18) 5,523 Sunday Weekly Goal 6,442


2017-18 Annual Budget Projection $130,000 Fiscal YTD Budget Projection (As of 1/31/18) 75,833 Fiscal YTD Actual Collection (As of 1/31/18) 65,243 2017 Prior Year Sunday Collection (02/26/17) 3,481 2018 Current Year Sunday Collection (02/25/18) 1,860

Sunday Weekly Goal 2,500


SUNDAY March 4 Our Lady of Mercy Collection for God's Poor - Assumption 9:00 AM - Family Faith Formation (RE Building) - Assumption 6:00 PM - YM - Living Stations practice - Immaculate Conception

MONDAY March 5 8:30 AM - Assumption Food Pantry Open till Noon

100 S Baima Street - Coal City 4:30 PM - L of M Meeting - Immaculate Conception 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM - Saint Vincent Meal - Baptist Church - C.C.

TUESDAY March 6 8:00 AM - Braidwood Food Pantry Open till Noon

Community Care Center ● 112 S Center Street - Braidwood 8:30 AM - Assumption Food Pantry Open till Noon

100 S Baima Street - Coal City 6:00 PM - Narcotics Anonymous meets every Tuesday

Immaculate Conception Parish Hall More information: 815-516-9789

6:30 PM - Bible Study Year 4 (Madonna Room) - Assumption 7:00 pm - Stations of the Cross - Immaculate Conception 8:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Tuesday

Immaculate Conception Parish Hall More information: 815-458-3068

WEDNESDAY March 7 8:30 AM - Assumption Food Pantry Open till Noon

100 S Baima Street - Coal City 6:15 PM - Family Faith Formation (RE Building) 6:30 PM - Adult Faith Formation DVD -

A Vast Company of Witnesses by Bishop Barron at I.C. 7:00 PM - RCIA - Assumption - Berst Hall 7:00 PM - Holy Week Choir Rehearsal - Assumption

THURSDAY March 8 8:30 AM - Assumption Food Pantry Open till Noon

100 S Baima Street - Coal City 6:00 PM - Journey through Scripture (Madonna Room)

FRIDAY March 9 8:30 AM - Assumption Food Pantry Open till Noon

100 S Baima Street - Coal City 8:45 AM - M.O.P.S. - Assumption (Madonna Room) 6:30 PM - Stations of the Cross and Benediction - Assumption

SATURDAY March 10 10:00 AM - Family Faith Formation Confessions - Assumption 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM - St. Patrick Corn beef and Cabbage dinner at White

Hall at Immaculate Conception Parish.

SUNDAY March 11 Girl Scout Sunday 6:00 PM - YM - Living Stations practice - Immaculate Conception

Food Pantries and Saint Vincent’s Table Assumption Food Pantry

Open Monday - Friday - 8:30 AM to Noon 100 S Baima Street - Coal City - 815 518-2000 for more information

Braidwood Food Pantry Open Tuesday - 8 AM to Noon

Community Care Center ● 112 S Center Street - Braidwood 630 738-8863 for more information

Saint Vincent’s Table

Saint Vincent’s Table serves free hot and nutritional dinners to people in need or who are hungry

Every Monday from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm First Baptist Church - Route 113 - Coal City, IL.

Braidwood’s Immaculate Conception Church is partnering with Ignite Christian Church and Coal City’s First Baptist Church, New Hope

Presbyterian Church and Assumption Church for this weekly event.

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March 4, 2018 Assumption Parish Website: stmaryassumptionparish.org Immaculate Conception Parish Webpage: icparishbraidwood.org Page 10

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish www.stmaryassumptionparish.org

195 South Kankakee Street ● Coal City, IL 60416 Voice (815) 634-4171 After Hours (815) 518-5771

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pastor Rev. Robert Noesen (815) 518-5774 Deacon Deacon William Bevan (815) 634-4171 Deacon Deacon William Dunn (815) 518-5775 Business Manager Sonia Hertogs (815) 518-5776

Parish Secretary Tricia DiChristofano Teri Brummerstedt

(815) 634-4171 (815) 518-5284

Music Coordinator Rita Wise (815) 634-4171 Youth Ministry Dave & Sara Wollgast (815) 287-2036

Parish Counselor Annette Spezio (708) 743-9729 Director of Catechesis Deacon William Dunn (815) 518-5775 Food Pantry and St. Vincent Table SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated the Second and Fourth Sundays of the month following the 11:15 AM Mass. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting prior to the Baptism. Please contact the Parish Secretary to register. FUNERALS It is the responsibility of the parish to bury their dead. Funeral liturgies are ordinarily celebrated at 10:00 AM. The funeral director will contact Father Noesen regarding arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Marriage Preparation Classes are required to be completed before the Sacrament of Marriage can be celebrated. Please contact the parish office before making wedding arrangements. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Celebrated First Saturday during the 8:00 AM Mass at Assumption Parish or by appointment. Devotions in Honor of St. Peregrine, the patron Saint of those who suffer with cancer or any incurable disease or condition, are held on the first Tuesday of each month following the 6:30 PM Mass at Assumption Parish. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION

Wednesday before the 8:30 AM Mass First Fridays before the 8:30 AM Mass Saturday evening from 3:20 - 3:45 PM

Gordon and Kathy Milne (815) 518-2000

Immaculate Conception Parish www.icparishbraidwood.org

110 South School Street ● Braidwood, IL 60416 Voice 815.458.2125 FAX 815.458.2836 Email: [email protected]

Office Hours Office hours vary.

Please call Parish Office to schedule an appointment

Pastor Rev. Robert Noesen (815) 518-5774 Deacon Deacon William Bevan (815) 634-4171 Deacon Deacon William Dunn (815) 518-5775 Parish Office Teri Brummerstedt (815) 458-2125 Youth Ministry Dave & Sara Wollgast (815) 287-2036 Parish Counselor Annette Spezio (708) 743-9729 Director of Catechesis Deacon William Dunn (815) 518-5775 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated on the First and Third Sunday of the month after the 9:30 AM Mass. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting prior to the Baptism. Please contact the Parish Secretary to register. FUNERALS It is the responsibility of the parish to bury their dead. Funeral liturgies are ordinarily celebrated at 10:00 AM. The funeral director will contact Father Noesen regarding arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Marriage Preparation Classes are required to be completed before the Sacrament of Marriage can be celebrated. Please contact the parish office before making wedding arrangements. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Celebrated First Saturday during the 8:00 AM Mass at Assumption Parish or by appointment. Devotions in Honor of St. Peregrine, the patron Saint of those who suffer with cancer or any incurable disease or condition, are held on the first Tuesday of each month following the 6:30 PM Mass at Assumption Parish. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION

Saturdays following the 5:45 PM Mass

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL The Adoration Chapel in Fr. White Hall is open 24/7, and unlocked daily from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. A code is available for those visiting the chapel before or after hours. Please call Bill Scheer at (815) 458-6800 for the code or to make an Adoration commitment.

Page 11: Jesus found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep ...stmaryassumptionparish.org/bulletin/2018/030418.pdf · Sunday during the pew solicitation. Also, review ... During this


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